20 months ago Chengsong finished 4.3.2 section explaining why lemma 11 is too strong
20 months ago Chengsong Fixed some annotated/unannotated a/r notation inconsistencies.
20 months ago Chengsong reordered sections to make chapter 4 more coherent
20 months ago Chengsong updated 4.2 diagram
20 months ago Chengsong more
20 months ago Chengsong more updates in section 4.2 and incorporating Christian comments
20 months ago Chengsong more
20 months ago Chengsong more
20 months ago Chengsong more
20 months ago Chengsong more
21 months ago Chengsong new amend
21 months ago Chengsong changes from Christian
21 months ago Chengsong intro
24 months ago Christian Urban added Asperti paper
2023-02-23 Christian Urban updated
2023-02-20 Christian Urban updated
2023-02-16 Christian Urban updated
2023-02-15 Christian Urban updated
2022-12-30 Chengsong more proofreading done, last version before submission
2022-12-30 Chengsong until chap 7
2022-12-30 Chengsong comments till chap4
2022-12-24 Chengsong more
2022-12-23 Chengsong chap 1 all incorporated
2022-12-20 Chengsong more
2022-12-18 Chengsong more
2022-12-18 Chengsong more, including link
2022-12-17 Chengsong more
2022-12-08 Chengsong more
2022-12-05 Chengsong with Christian
2022-12-01 Chengsong abstract comments incorporated
2022-11-26 Chengsong ready to submit~~
2022-11-22 Chengsong finished!
2022-11-21 Chengsong finished!
2022-11-17 Chengsong section reorganising, related work
2022-11-12 Chengsong all comments incorporated!!+related work
2022-11-12 Chengsong finished injchap2
2022-11-11 Chengsong incorporated more comments, bib
2022-11-08 Chengsong chap6
2022-11-07 Chengsong chap6 almost done
2022-11-06 Chengsong chap 5 finished
2022-11-06 Chengsong chapter 5 finished!!
2022-10-13 Christian Urban small polish
2022-10-12 Christian Urban updated paper
2022-10-12 Christian Urban updated paper for FoSSaCS
2022-10-12 Chengsong reorder
2022-10-12 Chengsong chap5
2022-10-11 Chengsong chap6
2022-10-03 Chengsong more
2022-10-03 Chengsong data files
2022-10-03 Chengsong chap1 totally done
2022-10-01 Chengsong added related work chap
2022-09-30 Chengsong chap1 almost done
2022-09-29 Chengsong new
2022-09-28 Chengsong more
2022-09-25 Chengsong more
2022-09-23 Chengsong more restructuring chap1
2022-09-22 Chengsong chap1
2022-09-21 Chengsong more
2022-09-12 Chengsong chap4 comments done
2022-09-10 Christian Urban updated paper
2022-09-10 Christian Urban simplified the n-times case in decode_aux
2022-09-05 Chengsong more bsimpidem
2022-09-02 Chengsong more chap 56
2022-09-02 Chengsong more
2022-09-02 Chengsong more
2022-09-02 Chengsong more chap5
2022-09-01 Chengsong more
2022-09-01 Chengsong more polishing integrated comments chap2
2022-08-31 Chengsong more chap5 and chap6 bsimp_idem
2022-08-31 Chengsong chap4 finished
2022-08-30 Chengsong data
2022-08-29 Chengsong bsimp idempotency
2022-08-29 Chengsong more chap4
2022-08-26 Chengsong chap4 more
2022-08-23 Chengsong chap4 nub
2022-08-23 Chengsong chap4
2022-08-22 Chengsong chap3 done
2022-08-20 Chengsong chap3 almost done
2022-08-17 Chengsong halfway chap3
2022-08-17 Chengsong more chap3
2022-08-15 Christian Urban updated paper and literature
2022-08-14 Chengsong thesis chap2
2022-08-11 Chengsong thesis chap5
2022-08-02 Chengsong more
2022-07-21 Chengsong merge chritian changes
2022-07-21 Chengsong chapter2 finished polishing
2022-07-17 Christian Urban removed junk in BlexerSimp
2022-07-17 Christian Urban added paper about counting automata
2022-07-17 Christian Urban added paper
2022-07-17 Christian Urban updated paper and corresponding theories
2022-07-16 Chengsong more chapter2 modifications
2022-07-14 Chengsong more updaates
2022-07-13 Chengsong got Christian changes
2022-07-13 Chengsong removed files that changed their names
2022-07-13 Chengsong more
2022-07-09 Christian Urban updated paper and theories to include n-times
2022-07-04 Chengsong more
2022-07-04 Chengsong more done
2022-07-04 Chengsong more data
2022-07-04 Chengsong data
2022-07-04 Chengsong haha
2022-07-01 Chengsong more changes
2022-06-29 Chengsong hello
2022-06-28 Chengsong more
2022-06-26 Chengsong more
2022-06-24 Chengsong more changes
2022-06-24 Chengsong start of day
2022-06-23 Chengsong modified some proofs of s~>*
2022-06-23 Chengsong more deletion of bsimp related
2022-06-23 Chengsong bsimp def removed
2022-06-23 Chengsong before removing distinctWith
2022-06-23 Chengsong before alternating rewriting relation
2022-06-23 Chengsong beforeBig changes
2022-06-23 Chengsong more changes to blexersimp.thy
2022-06-23 Chengsong hello
2022-06-23 Chengsong thesis_thys
2022-06-14 Chengsong chapter3 finished
2022-06-12 Chengsong some comments implemented
2022-06-09 Chengsong more data
2022-06-09 Chengsong more
2022-06-09 Chengsong intro and chap2
2022-06-06 Chengsong more
2022-06-06 Chengsong comments addressed all
2022-06-06 Chengsong fixed plotting error 6.1
2022-06-06 Chengsong more
2022-06-06 Chengsong more
2022-06-03 Chengsong restructured
2022-05-31 Chengsong more
2022-05-30 Chengsong all comments addressed
2022-05-30 Chengsong more
2022-05-30 Chengsong revised according to comments
2022-05-28 Chengsong all chapters put in
2022-05-28 Chengsong updated
2022-05-28 Christian Urban fixed latex problems
2022-05-27 Chengsong more data
2022-05-27 Chengsong all the data
2022-05-27 Chengsong datas
2022-05-27 Chengsong data
2022-05-27 Chengsong apters
2022-05-27 Chengsong more
2022-05-26 Chengsong more to thesis
2022-05-20 Chengsong for plotting
2022-05-20 Chengsong blexer2: modified for plotting
2022-05-17 Chengsong a bit
2022-05-16 Chengsong chapter2
2022-05-09 Chengsong more isarfy
2022-05-09 Chengsong rewrite rules modified slightly
2022-05-09 Chengsong isarfied
2022-05-08 Christian Urban updated
2022-05-08 Christian Urban updated bder ASEQs case
2022-05-08 Chengsong blexer2
2022-05-08 Chengsong thesis section2.2
2022-05-08 Chengsong thesis chapter 2 section 2.4 2.5
2022-05-07 Chengsong thesis chapter2 section 2.4
2022-05-08 Christian Urban added ASEQs version of Blexer
2022-05-06 Chengsong new writing
2022-05-03 Christian Urban fixed a small typo in the Papaer.thy
2022-05-01 Chengsong hahah
2022-05-01 Chengsong sad
2022-05-01 Christian Urban updated the paper
2022-05-01 Christian Urban fixed tiny typo in the paper
2022-04-29 Christian Urban cleaned up
2022-04-29 Christian Urban updated to include the paper
2022-04-28 Christian Urban a fresh directory with cleaned up code
2022-04-25 Chengsong blexer2
2022-04-21 Chengsong done
2022-04-19 Chengsong problem with erase
2022-04-16 Chengsong all done!!!!
2022-04-15 Chengsong almost there
2022-04-15 Chengsong 1sorry left
2022-04-13 Chengsong more sorrys fileld
2022-04-13 Chengsong again starClosedForms
2022-04-13 Chengsong starclosed
2022-04-12 Chengsong central lemma for seqclosedforms
2022-04-09 Chengsong changeto sflat def
2022-04-09 Chengsong some
2022-04-08 Chengsong closedformseq
2022-04-07 Chengsong christian's
2022-04-07 Chengsong a few more
2022-04-04 Chengsong hello
2022-04-03 Chengsong fun
2022-04-01 Chengsong out
2022-04-01 Chengsong hello
2022-03-30 Chengsong identities
2022-03-30 Christian Urban made paper changes after ITP comments
2022-03-29 Chengsong recent
2022-03-28 Chengsong hi
2022-03-27 Chengsong thesis
2022-03-26 Chengsong nowworks?
2022-03-26 Chengsong all electron pics removed
2022-03-25 Chengsong all texrelated
2022-03-24 Chengsong forget
2022-03-24 Chengsong forget
2022-03-24 Chengsong ha
2022-03-23 Christian Urban updated
2022-03-23 Christian Urban updated
2022-03-22 Christian Urban updated
2022-03-22 Christian Urban updated paper
2022-03-22 Christian Urban updated paper
2022-03-22 Christian Urban updated
2022-03-21 Christian Urban updated paper
2022-03-20 Chengsong head
2022-03-20 Chengsong realPhdThesis
2022-03-19 Christian Urban merged
2022-03-19 Christian Urban isar proofs
2022-03-19 Chengsong all
2022-03-19 Christian Urban isarfied one proof
2022-03-15 Chengsong finiteness
2022-03-12 Chengsong haha
2022-03-12 Chengsong more
2022-03-11 Chengsong hi
2022-03-11 Chengsong closedformbounds
2022-03-10 Chengsong before repair
2022-03-10 Chengsong closedforms
2022-03-09 Chengsong restructured sizebound proof
2022-03-08 Chengsong writeupforclosedforms
2022-03-07 Chengsong some changes
2022-03-05 Chengsong 6ct
2022-03-02 Chengsong bonestruct
2022-03-02 Chengsong merged
2022-03-02 Chengsong templateforPhd
2022-03-02 Christian Urban merged (possibly destroyed things?)
2022-03-02 Christian Urban updated
2022-03-01 Chengsong hi
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