authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Mon, 29 Jul 2019 09:37:20 +0100 (2019-07-29)
changeset 330 89e6605c4ca4
parent 329 a730a5a0bab9
child 331 c470f792022b
--- a/TODO	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/TODO	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
 Regular Path Queries & regular expressions
+Russ Cox
+   https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html
 about extended regular expressions
--- a/exps/both.scala	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/exps/both.scala	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -54,6 +54,27 @@
 case class ASEQ(bs: Bits, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp) extends ARexp 
 case class ASTAR(bs: Bits, r: ARexp) extends ARexp 
+// "faster" equality
+def equ(a1: ARexp, a2: ARexp) : Boolean = (a1, a2) match {
+  case (AZERO, AZERO) => true
+  case (AONE(_), AONE(_)) => true
+  case (APRED(_, _, s1), APRED(_, _, s2)) => s1 == s2
+  case (AALTS(_, Nil), AALTS(_, Nil)) => true
+  case (AALTS(_, r1::rs1), AALTS(_, r2::rs2)) => 
+    equ(r1, r2) && equ(AALTS(Nil, rs1), AALTS(Nil, rs2)) 
+  case (ASEQ(_, r1, r2), ASEQ(_, r3, r4)) => equ(r1, r3) && equ(r2, r4)
+  case (ASTAR(_, r1), ASTAR(_, r2)) => equ(r1, r2)
+  case _ => false
+def distinctEq(xs: List[ARexp], acc: List[ARexp] = Nil): List[ARexp] = xs match {
+  case Nil => Nil
+  case (x::xs) => {
+    if (acc.exists(equ(_, x))) distinctEq(xs, acc)  
+    else x::distinctEq(xs, x::acc)
+  }
 // abbreviations
 def AALT(bs: Bits, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp) = AALTS(bs, List(r1, r2))
@@ -449,7 +470,7 @@
       case (AONE(bs2), r2s) => fuse(bs1 ++ bs2, r2s)
       case (r1s, r2s) => ASEQ(bs1, r1s, r2s)
-  case AALTS(bs1, rs) => distinctBy(flats(rs.map(bsimp)), erase) match {
+  case AALTS(bs1, rs) => distinctEq(flats(rs.map(bsimp))) match {
     case Nil => AZERO
     case r :: Nil => fuse(bs1, r)
     case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs)  
@@ -479,7 +500,7 @@
 // Quick example
-val r : Rexp = ZERO | "a" 
+val r : Rexp = (ZERO | "a") | ZERO 
 lexing(r, "a")
@@ -775,11 +796,12 @@
 println(btokenise_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog))
 println("equal? " + (tokenise_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog) == btokenise_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog)))
-for (i <- 1 to 20) {
+for (i <- 1 to 40) {
   print("Old: " + time(tokenise_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog * i)))
   print(" Bit: " + time(btokenise_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog * i)))
-  println(" Bit full simp: " + time(btokenise_simp_full(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog * i)))
+  //println(" Bit full simp: " + time(btokenise_simp_full(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog * i)))
   //println(" Bit2: " + time(btokenise2_simp(WHILE_REGS, fib_prog * i)))
+  println("")
--- a/thys/BitCoded.thy	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/thys/BitCoded.thy	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 theory BitCoded
   imports "Lexer" 
-section {* Bit-Encodings *}
+section \<open>Bit-Encodings\<close>
 datatype bit = Z | S
@@ -118,6 +118,13 @@
 | "erase (ASEQ _ r1 r2) = SEQ (erase r1) (erase r2)"
 | "erase (ASTAR _ r) = STAR (erase r)"
+lemma decode_code_erase:
+  assumes "\<Turnstile> v : (erase  a)"
+  shows "decode (code v) (erase a) = Some v"
+  using assms
+  by (simp add: decode_code) 
 fun nonalt :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> bool"
   "nonalt (AALTs bs2 rs) = False"
@@ -560,6 +567,13 @@
 | "flts ((AALTs bs  rs1) # rs) = (map (fuse bs) rs1) @ flts rs"
 | "flts (r1 # rs) = r1 # flts rs"
+fun li :: "bit list \<Rightarrow> arexp list \<Rightarrow> arexp"
+  where
+  "li _ [] = AZERO"
+| "li bs [a] = fuse bs a"
+| "li bs as = AALTs bs as"
 fun bsimp_ASEQ :: "bit list \<Rightarrow> arexp \<Rightarrow> arexp \<Rightarrow> arexp"
   "bsimp_ASEQ _ AZERO _ = AZERO"
@@ -582,6 +596,8 @@
 | "bsimp r = r"
   bders_simp :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> arexp"
@@ -1285,26 +1301,34 @@
   shows "good (bsimp a) \<or> bsimp a = AZERO"
   apply(induct a taking: asize rule: measure_induct)
   apply(case_tac x)
-       apply(simp)
-      apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)
   prefer 3
    prefer 2
+  (*  AALTs case  *)
   apply(simp only:)
    apply(case_tac "x52")
-   apply(simp only: good0a)
+  thm good0a
+   (*  AALTs list at least one - case *)
+   apply(simp only: )
   apply(frule_tac x="a" in spec)
    apply(drule mp)
-  apply(simp)
+    apply(simp)
+   (* either first element is good, or AZERO *)
     apply(erule disjE)
      prefer 2
-     apply(simp)
+    apply(simp)
+   (* in  the AZERO case, the size  is smaller *)
    apply(drule_tac x="AALTs x51 list" in spec)
    apply(drule mp)
-  apply(simp add: asize0)
-    apply(auto)[1]
+     apply(simp add: asize0)
+    apply(subst (asm) bsimp.simps)
+  apply(subst (asm) bsimp.simps)
+    apply(assumption)
+   (* in the good case *)
   apply(frule_tac x="AALTs x51 list" in spec)
    apply(drule mp)
     apply(simp add: asize0)
@@ -1324,6 +1348,7 @@
      apply auto[1]
     apply (metis ex_map_conv nn1b nn1c)
+  (* in  the AZERO case *)
    apply(frule_tac x="a" in spec)
    apply(drule mp)
@@ -1866,6 +1891,728 @@
+lemma LA:
+  assumes "\<Turnstile> v : ders s (erase r)"
+  shows "retrieve (bders r s) v = retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s v)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r v rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp add: bders_append ders_append)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(drule Prf_injval)
+  by (simp add: flex_append)
+lemma LB:
+  assumes "s \<in> (erase r) \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "retrieve r v = retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase r))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r v rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply(subgoal_tac "v = mkeps (erase r)")
+    prefer 2
+  apply (simp add: Posix1(1) Posix_determ Posix_mkeps nullable_correctness)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp add: flex_append ders_append)
+  by (metis Posix_determ Posix_flex Posix_injval Posix_mkeps ders_snoc lexer_correctness(2) lexer_flex)
+lemma LB_sym:
+  assumes "s \<in> (erase r) \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "retrieve r v = retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s (mkeps (erase (bders r s))))"
+  using assms
+  by (simp add: LB)
+lemma LC:
+  assumes "s \<in> (erase r) \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "retrieve r v = retrieve (bders r s) (mkeps (erase (bders r s)))"
+  apply(simp)
+  by (metis LA LB Posix1(1) assms lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+lemma L0:
+  assumes "bnullable a"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (mkeps (erase (bsimp a))) = retrieve a (mkeps (erase a))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis b3 bmkeps_retrieve bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness)
+thm bmkeps_retrieve
+lemma L0a:
+  assumes "s \<in> L(erase a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp (bders a s)) (mkeps (erase (bsimp (bders a s)))) = 
+         retrieve (bders a s) (mkeps (erase (bders a s)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis L0 bnullable_correctness erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+lemma L0aa:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "[] \<in> erase (bsimp (bders a s)) \<rightarrow> mkeps (erase (bsimp (bders a s)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis Posix_mkeps b3 bnullable_correctness erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+lemma L0aaa:
+  assumes "[c] \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "[c] \<in> (erase a) \<rightarrow> flex (erase a) id [c] (mkeps (erase (bder c a)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis bders.simps(1) bders.simps(2) erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_correct_Some lexer_flex option.inject)
+lemma L0aaaa:
+  assumes "[c] \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "[c] \<in> (erase a) \<rightarrow> flex (erase a) id [c] (mkeps (erase (bders a [c])))"
+  using assms
+  using L0aaa by auto
+lemma L02:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (flex (erase (bsimp a)) id [c] (mkeps (erase (bder c (bsimp a))))) = 
+         retrieve (bder c (bsimp a)) (mkeps (erase (bder c (bsimp a))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(simp)
+  using bder_retrieve L0 bmkeps_simp bmkeps_retrieve L0  LA LB
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(simp)
+  done
+lemma L02_bders:
+  assumes "bnullable (bders a s)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (flex (erase (bsimp a)) id s (mkeps (erase (bders (bsimp a) s)))) = 
+         retrieve (bders (bsimp a) s) (mkeps (erase (bders (bsimp a) s)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis LA L_bsimp_erase bnullable_correctness ders_correctness erase_bders mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+lemma L03:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bder c (bsimp a)) (mkeps (erase (bder c (bsimp a)))) =
+         bmkeps (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis L0 L_bsimp_erase bmkeps_retrieve bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder nullable_correctness)
+lemma L04:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bder c (bsimp a)) (mkeps (erase (bder c (bsimp a)))) =
+         retrieve (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a))) (mkeps (erase (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)))))"     
+  using assms
+  by (metis L0 L_bsimp_erase bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder nullable_correctness)
+lemma L05:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bder c (bsimp a)) (mkeps (erase (bder c (bsimp a)))) =
+         retrieve (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a))) (mkeps (erase (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)))))" 
+  using assms
+  using L04 by auto 
+lemma L06:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bder c (bsimp a)) = bmkeps (bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis L03 L_bsimp_erase bmkeps_retrieve bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder nullable_correctness) 
+lemma L07:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase r)"
+  shows "retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase r)))) 
+            = retrieve (bders r s) (mkeps (erase (bders r s)))"
+  using assms
+  using LB LC lexer_correct_Some by auto
+lemma LXXX:
+  assumes "s \<in> (erase r) \<rightarrow> v" "s \<in> (erase (bsimp r)) \<rightarrow> v'"
+  shows "retrieve r v = retrieve (bsimp r) v'"
+  using  assms
+  apply -
+  thm LC
+  apply(subst LC)
+   apply(assumption)
+  apply(subst  L0[symmetric])
+  using bnullable_correctness lexer_correctness(2) lexer_flex apply fastforce
+  apply(subst (2) LC)
+   apply(assumption)
+  apply(subst (2)  L0[symmetric])
+  using bnullable_correctness lexer_correctness(2) lexer_flex apply fastforce
+  oops  
+lemma L07a:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase r)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp r) (flex (erase (bsimp r)) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase (bsimp r))))) 
+         = retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase r))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L0a apply force
+  apply(drule_tac x="(bder a r)" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst (asm) bder_retrieve)
+   apply (metis Posix_Prf Posix_flex Posix_mkeps ders.simps(2) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(simp only: flex_fun_apply)
+  apply(simp)
+  using L0[no_vars] bder_retrieve[no_vars] LA[no_vars] LC[no_vars] L07[no_vars]
+lemma L08:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase r)"
+  shows "retrieve (bders (bsimp r) s) (mkeps (erase (bders (bsimp r) s)))
+         = retrieve (bders r s) (mkeps (erase (bders r s)))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L0 bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness apply blast
+  apply(simp add: bders_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="(bder a (bsimp r))" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst LA)
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) ders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bder erase_bders mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst LA)
+  using lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable apply force
+  using L0[no_vars] bder_retrieve[no_vars] LA[no_vars] LC[no_vars] L07[no_vars]
+thm L0[no_vars] bder_retrieve[no_vars] LA[no_vars] LC[no_vars] L07[no_vars]
+  oops
+lemma test:
+  assumes "s = [c]"
+  shows "retrieve (bders r s) v = XXX" and "YYY = retrieve r (flex (erase r) id s v)"
+  using assms
+   apply(simp only: bders.simps)
+   defer
+  using assms
+   apply(simp only: flex.simps id_simps)
+  using  L0[no_vars] bder_retrieve[no_vars] LA[no_vars] LC[no_vars] 
+  find_theorems "retrieve (bders _ _) _"
+  find_theorems "retrieve _ (mkeps _)"
+  oops
+lemma L06X:
+  assumes "bnullable (bder c a)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bder c (bsimp a)) = bmkeps (bder c a)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct a arbitrary: c)
+       apply(simp)
+      apply(simp)
+     apply(simp)
+    prefer 3
+    apply(simp)
+   prefer 2
+   apply(simp)
+  defer
+  apply(simp only: bnullable.simps)
+  oops
+lemma L06_2:
+  assumes "bnullable (bders a [c,d])"
+  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp a) [c,d]) = bmkeps (bsimp (bders (bsimp a) [c,d]))"
+  using assms
+  apply(simp)
+  by (metis L_bsimp_erase bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder nullable_correctness)
+lemma L06_bders:
+  assumes "bnullable (bders a s)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp a) s) = bmkeps (bsimp (bders (bsimp a) s))"
+  using assms
+  by (metis L_bsimp_erase bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness ders_correctness erase_bders nullable_correctness)
+lemma LLLL:
+  shows "L (erase a) =  L (erase (bsimp a))"
+  and "L (erase a) = {flat v | v. \<Turnstile> v: (erase a)}"
+  and "L (erase a) = {flat v | v. \<Turnstile> v: (erase (bsimp a))}"
+  using L_bsimp_erase apply(blast)
+  apply (simp add: L_flat_Prf)
+  using L_bsimp_erase L_flat_Prf apply(auto)[1]
+  done  
+lemma LXX_bders:
+  assumes ""
+  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp a) s) = bmkeps (bders a s)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp add: bmkeps_simp)
+  apply(simp add: bders_append) 
+lemma L07:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "s \<in> erase a \<rightarrow> flex (erase a) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase a)))"
+  using assms
+  by (meson lexer_correct_None lexer_correctness(1) lexer_flex)
+lemma LX0:
+  assumes "s \<in> L r"
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders (intern r) s)) r = Some(flex r id s (mkeps (ders s r)))"
+  by (metis assms blexer_correctness blexer_def lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+lemma L02_bders2:
+  assumes "bnullable (bders a s)" "s = [c]"
+  shows "retrieve (bders (bsimp a) s) (mkeps (erase (bders (bsimp a) s)))  =
+         retrieve (bders a s) (mkeps (erase (bders a s)))"
+  using assms
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L0 apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp)
+thm bmkeps_retrieve bmkeps_simp Posix_mkeps
+lemma WQ1:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (der c r)"
+  shows "s \<in> der c r \<rightarrow> mkeps (ders s (der c r))"
+  using assms
+  sorry
+lemma L02_bsimp:
+  assumes "bnullable (bders a s)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (flex (erase (bsimp a)) id s (mkeps (erase (bders (bsimp a) s)))) =
+         retrieve a (flex (erase a) id s (mkeps (erase (bders a s))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply (simp add: L0)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bder a aa" in meta_spec)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst (asm) bder_retrieve)
+  using Posix_Prf Posix_flex Posix_mkeps bnullable_correctness apply fastforce
+  apply(simp add: flex_fun_apply)
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst flex_injval)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase Posix_Prf Posix_flex Posix_mkeps bders.simps(2) bnullable_correctness ders.simps(2) erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex option.distinct(1))
+  apply(simp only: erase_bder[symmetric] erase_bders[symmetric])  
+  apply(subst LB_sym[symmetric])
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(rule WQ1)
+  apply(simp only: erase_bder[symmetric])
+   apply(rule L07)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase bnullable_correctness der_correctness erase_bder erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex option.simps(3))
+  apply(simp)
+  (*sledgehammer [timeout = 6000]*)
+  using bder_retrieve
+lemma LX0MAIN:
+  assumes "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v"
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders_simp (intern r) s)) r = Some(flex r id s v)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r v)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply (metis LX0 Posix1(1) bders.simps(1) lexer_correctness(1) lexer_flex option.simps(3))
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append ders_append flex_append)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (met is L_bders_simp Posix1(1) bnullable_correctness der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+  (*apply(subgoal_tac "v = flex r id xs (injval (ders xs r) x (mkeps (ders (xs @ [x]) r)))")
+  prefer 2
+  apply (metis Posix1(1) flex.simps(1) flex.simps(2) flex_append lexer_correct_None lexer_correctness(1) lexer_flex option.inject)
+*)  apply(drule_tac x="r" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="(mkeps (ders xs r))" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  defer
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  using bder_retrieve MAIN_decode
+  oops
+lemma LXaa:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bsimp (bders (bsimp a) s))) (erase a) = decode (bmkeps (bders a s)) (erase a)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  using bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness bsimp_idem nullable_correctness apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (bder a (bsimp aa))" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(subst (asm) bsimp_idem)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(2) bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst (asm)  bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bnullable_correctness ders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bder erase_bders nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+   apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(2) nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst LA)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase ders.simps(2) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+lemma LXaa:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bsimp (bders (bsimp a) s)) = bmkeps (bders a s)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  using bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness bsimp_idem nullable_correctness apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (bder a (bsimp aa))" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(subst (asm) bsimp_idem)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(2) bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst (asm)  bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bnullable_correctness ders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bder erase_bders nullable_correctness)
+lemma LXaa:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp a) s) = bmkeps (bders a s)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  using bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bder a aa" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  (* transformation  to retrieve *)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bders nullable_correctness)  
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+   apply (metis b4 bders_simp.simps(2) bnullable_correctness erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(subst (2) LC[symmetric])
+  prefer 2
+  apply(subst L0)
+  apply(subst  LA)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply (m etis L_bsimp_erase bders.simps(2) erase_bder erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+     apply(subst  LA)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply (m etis L0aa b3 b4 bders_simp.simps(2) bnullable_correctness erase_bders lexer.simps(1) lexer_correctness(2) mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(subst (2) LB_sym[symmetric])
+   prefer 2
+  apply(subst L0)
+   apply(simp)
+  using lexer_correct_None lexer_flex apply fastforce
+  apply(subst (asm) bmkeps_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase bders.simps(2) erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(subst (asm) bmkeps_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L0aa L_bsimp_erase b3 b4 bders_simp.simps(2) bnullable_correctness lexer.simps(1) lexer_correctness(2))
+  apply(subst LA)
+  apply (met is L0aa L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) ders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bder erase_bders mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst LA)
+  using lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable apply force
+  using L0aaaa LB[OF L0aaaa]
+  apply(subst LB[OF L0aaaa])
+  using L0aaaa
+  apply(rule L0aaaa)
+lemma L00:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (flex (erase (bsimp a)) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase (bsimp a))))) = 
+         retrieve a (flex (erase a) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase  a))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s  arbitrary: a taking: length rule: measure_induct)
+  apply(case_tac x)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L0 b3 bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness apply blast
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac  x="[]" in  spec)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac  x="bders (bsimp a) (aa#list)" in  spec)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase ders.simps(2) erase_bder erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+  using bder_retrieve bmkeps_simp bmkeps_retrieve L0  LA LB LC L02 L03 L04 L05
+  oops
+lemma L00:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase (bsimp a))"
+  shows "retrieve (bsimp a) (flex (erase (bsimp a)) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase (bsimp a))))) = 
+         retrieve a (flex (erase a) id s (mkeps (ders s (erase  a))))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L0 b3 bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness apply blast
+  apply(simp add: flex_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bder a aa" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(simp)
+  (*using bmkeps_retrieve bder_retrieve*)
+  apply(subst (asm) bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase Posix_Prf Posix_flex Posix_mkeps ders.simps(2) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(simp add: flex_fun_apply)
+  apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp) 
+  using bmkeps_retrieve bder_retrieve
+  oops
+lemma L0a:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bders_simp a s) (mkeps (erase (bders_simp a s))) = 
+         retrieve (bders a s) (mkeps (erase (bders a s)))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (bder a aa)" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  using L_bsimp_erase lexer_correct_None apply fastforce 
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst LA)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase ders.simps(2) ders_correctness erase_bder lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst LA)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply (metis ders.simps(2) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(simp)
+  (* MAIN *)
+  apply(subst L00)
+  apply (met is L_bsimp_erase erase_bder lexer.simps(2) lexer_correct_None option.case(1))
+  apply(simp)
+  done
+lemma L0a:
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "retrieve (bders_simp a s) (mkeps (erase (bders_simp a s))) = 
+         retrieve (bders a s) (mkeps (erase (bders a s)))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append)
+  apply(subst L0)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp bnullable_correctness der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(simp add: bders_append)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+   apply (metis ders_snoc erase_bders lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(simp  add: ders_append)
+  using bder_retrieve
+  find_theorems "retrieve _ (injval _ _ _)"
+find_theorems "mkeps (erase _)"
+lemma L1:
+  assumes "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders (intern r) s)) r = Some v"
+  using assms
+  by (metis blexer_correctness blexer_def lexer_correctness(1) option.distinct(1))
+lemma L2:
+  assumes "s \<in> (der c r) \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders (intern r) (c # s))) r = Some (injval r c v)"
+  using assms
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+  using Posix1(1) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex apply fastforce
+  using MAIN_decode
+  apply(subst MAIN_decode[symmetric])
+   apply(simp)
+   apply (meson Posix1(1) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subgoal_tac "v = flex (der c r) id s (mkeps (ders s (der c r)))")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (metis Posix_determ lexer_correctness(1) lexer_flex option.distinct(1))
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subgoal_tac "injval r c (flex (der c r) id s (mkeps (ders s (der c r)))) =
+    (flex (der c r) ((\<lambda>v. injval r c v) o id) s (mkeps (ders s (der c r))))")
+   apply(simp)
+  using flex_fun_apply by blast
+lemma L3:
+  assumes "s2 \<in> (ders s1 r) \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders (intern r) (s1 @ s2))) r = Some (flex r id s1 v)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s1 arbitrary: r s2 v rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp)
+  using L1 apply blast
+  apply(simp add: ders_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="r" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="x # s2" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="injval (ders xs r) x v" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+   defer
+   apply(simp)
+   apply(simp add:  flex_append)
+  by (simp add: Posix_injval)
+lemma L4:
+  assumes "[c] \<in> r \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "bmkeps (bder c (bsimp (intern r))) = code (flex r id [c] v)"
+  using assms
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(1) bders.simps(2) erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bsimp_erase Posix1(1) bders.simps(1) bders.simps(2) erase_bder erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(simp)
+  assumes "s \<in>  L r" 
+  shows "bmkeps (bders_simp (intern r) s) = bmkeps (bders (intern r) s)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s  arbitrary: r rule: rev_induct)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append bders_append)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis b4 bders.simps(1) bders.simps(2) bders_simp_append blexer_correctness blexer_def lexer_correct_None)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+     apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply (metis ders_snoc lexer_correct_None lexer_flex)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable)
+  using bmkeps_retrieve
+  find_theorems "retrieve (bders _ _) = _"
+  find_theorems "retrieve _ _ = _"
+  oops
+  assumes "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v" 
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders_simp (intern r) s)) = Some v"
+  using  assms
+  apply(induct s  arbitrary: r v taking: length rule: measure_induct)
+  apply(subgoal_tac "x = [] \<or> (\<exists>a xs. x = xs @ [a])")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (meson rev_exhaust)
+  apply(erule disjE)
+   apply(simp add: blexer_simp_def)
+  apply (metis Posix1(1) Posix_Prf Posix_determ Posix_mkeps bmkeps_retrieve erase_intern lexer.simps(1) lexer_correct_None retrieve_code)
+  apply(clarify)
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (metis b3 b4 bders_simp.simps(1) bders_simp.simps(2) bders_simp_append blexer_correctness blexer_def lexer_correctness(1) option.distinct(1))
+  apply(subst bmkeps_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp Posix1(1) der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bder erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(subst bder_retrieve)
+  apply (metis L_bders_simp Posix1(1) der_correctness ders_snoc erase_bders erase_intern lexer_correct_None lexer_flex mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness)
+  find_theorems "bmkeps _ = _"
+  apply(subgoal_tac "lexer r (xs @ [a]) = Some v")
+   prefer 2
+  using lexer_correctness(1) apply blast
+  apply(simp (no_asm_simp) add: bders_simp_append)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  apply (m etis b4 bders.simps(1) bders.simps(2) bders_simp_append bnullable_correctness erase_bders erase_intern lexer_flex option.distinct(1))
+  apply(subgoal_tac "nullable (ders (xs @ [a]) r)")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (metis lexer_flex option.distinct(1)) 
+  apply(simp add: lexer_flex)
+  apply(simp add: flex_append ders_append)
+  apply(drule_tac sym)
+  apply(simp)
+  using Posix_flex flex.simps Posix_flex2
+  apply(drule_tac Posix_flex2)
+  apply (simp add: Prf_injval mkeps_nullable)
+  apply(drule_tac x="[a]" in spec)
+  apply(drule mp)
+   defer
+   apply(drule_tac x="ders xs r" in spec)
+   apply(drule_tac x="injval (ders xs r) a (mkeps (der a (ders xs r)))" in spec)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply(subst (asm) bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+  using bnullable_correctness apply fastforce
+  find_theorems "good (bsimp _)"
+  oops
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase a)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp a) s) = bmkeps (bders a s)"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: a taking : length rule: measure_induct)
+  apply(case_tac x)
+  apply(simp)
+  using bmkeps_simp bnullable_correctness nullable_correctness apply auto[1]
+  using bsimp_idem apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp add: bders_append bders_simp_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bder a (bsimp aa)" in meta_spec)    
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+   defer
+  apply(simp)
+  oops
+  assumes "s \<in> L (erase r)"
+  shows "bmkeps (bders_simp r s) = bmkeps (bders r s)"
+  using assms
+    apply(induct s arbitrary: r)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append bders_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (bder a r)" in meta_spec)    
+  apply(drule meta_mp)
+   defer
+  apply(simp)
+  find_theorems "good (bsimp _)"
+  oops
+  assumes "s \<in> L r"
+  shows "decode (bmkeps (bders_simp (intern r) s)) r = Some (flex r id s (mkeps (ders s r)))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s arbitrary: r)
+   apply(simp)
+  using bmkeps_retrieve decode_code mkeps_nullable nullable_correctness retrieve_code apply auto[1]
+  apply(simp add: bders_simp_append)
+  apply(subst bmkeps_simp[symmetric])
+   apply(subgoal_tac "[] \<in> L (ders (xs @ [x]) r)")
+    prefer 2
+    apply (meson Posix1(1) lexer_correct_None lexer_flex nullable_correctness)
+  apply(simp add: ders_append)
+  using L_bders_simp bnullable_correctness der_correctness nullable_correctness apply f orce
+  apply(simp add: flex_append ders_append)
+  apply(drule_tac x="der x r" in meta_spec)    
+  apply(simp add: ders_append)
+  find_theorems "intern _"
+  find_theorems "bmkeps (bsimp _)"
+  find_theorems "(_ # _) \<in> _ \<rightarrow> _"
+  oops
 lemma ZZZ:
   assumes "\<forall>y. asize y < Suc (sum_list (map asize x52)) \<longrightarrow> bsimp (bder c (bsimp y)) = bsimp (bder c y)"
@@ -1899,39 +2646,6 @@
   apply(simp add: bders_append)
-  assumes "bnullable (bders a s)" "good a"
-  shows "bmkeps (bders_simp a s) = bmkeps (bders a s)"
-  using assms
-  apply(induct s arbitrary: a)
-   apply(simp)
-  apply(simp add: bders_append bders_simp_append)
-  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (bsimp (bder a aa))" in meta_spec)
-  apply(drule meta_mp)
-  apply (metis b4 bders.simps(2) bders_simp.simps(2) bsimp_idem)
-  apply(subgoal_tac "good (bsimp (bder a aa)) \<or> bsimp (bder a aa) = AZERO")
-   apply(auto simp add: bders_AZERO)
-    prefer 2
-    apply (metis b4 bders.simps(2) bders_AZERO(2) bders_simp.simps(2) bnullable.simps(1))
-   prefer 2
-  using good1 apply auto[1]
-  apply(drule meta_mp)
-   apply (simp add: bsimp_idem)
-  apply (subst (asm) (1) bsimp_idem)
-  apply(simp)
-  apply(subst (asm) (2) bmkeps_simp)
-   apply (metis b4 bders.simps(2) bders_simp.simps(2) bsimp_idem)
-  apply (subst (asm) (1) bsimp_idem)
-  oops
-  shows "bmkeps (bders (bders_simp a s2) s1) = bmkeps (bders_simp a (s2 @ s1))"
-  apply(induct s2 arbitrary: a s1)
-   apply(simp)
-  defer
-  apply(simp add: bders_append bders_simp_append)
-  oops
 lemma QQ1:
   shows "bsimp (bders (bsimp a) []) = bders_simp (bsimp a) []"
@@ -2039,19 +2753,6 @@
    apply (metis n0 nn1b test2)
   by (metis flts_fuse flts_nothing)
-lemma "good (bsimp a) \<or> bsimp a = AZERO"
-  by (simp add: good1)
-  assumes "bnullable (bders r s)" "good r"
-  shows "bmkeps (bders (bsimp r) s) = bmkeps (bders r s)"
-  using assms
-  apply(induct s arbitrary: r)
-   apply(simp)
-  using bmkeps_simp apply auto[1]
-  apply(simp)
-  by (simp add: test2)
 lemma PP:
   assumes "bnullable (bders r s)" 
@@ -2101,7 +2802,7 @@
   using assms
   apply(induct x52 arbitrary: x51)
+  oops
@@ -2160,15 +2861,7 @@
    apply (metis bsimp_AALTs.simps(3) neq_Nil_conv)
    apply (metis add.commute bsimp_size leD le_neq_implies_less less_add_Suc1 less_add_eq_less rt)
-  apply(drule_tac x="AALTs x51 list" in spec)
-  apply(drule mp)
-   apply(auto simp add: asize0)[1]
-(* HERE*)
+  oops
@@ -2211,94 +2904,133 @@
    prefer 2
   apply (metis bbbbs1 bsimp.simps(2) bsimp_AALTs.simps(1) bsimp_idem flts.simps(1) good.simps(5) good1 length_0_conv length_Suc_conv less_one list.simps(8) nat_neq_iff not_less_eq)
-  sledgehammer [timeout=6000]  
-  defer
-  apply(case_tac  list)
-    apply(simp)
-    prefer 2
-    apply(simp)
-   apply (simp add: bsimp_fuse bsimp_idem)
-  apply(case_tac a)
-       apply(simp_all)
+  oops
+  assumes "rs = [AALTs bsa [AONE bsb, AONE bsb]]"
+  shows "bsimp (bsimp_AALTs bs rs) = bsimp_AALTs bs (flts (map bsimp rs))"
+  using assms
+  apply(simp)
+  oops
+  assumes "rs = [AALTs bs0 [AALTs bsa [AONE bsb, AONE bsb]]]"
+  shows "flts [bsimp_AALTs bs (flts rs)] = flts (map (fuse bs) rs)"
+  using assms
+  apply(simp only:)
+  apply(simp only: flts.simps append_Nil2 List.list.map fuse.simps)
+  apply(simp only: bsimp_AALTs.simps)
+  apply(simp only: fuse.simps)
+  apply(simp only: flts.simps append_Nil2)
+  find_theorems "nonnested (bsimp_AALTs _ _)"
+  find_theorems "map _ (_ # _) = _"
+  apply(induct rs arbitrary: bs rule: flts.induct)
+        apply(auto)
+  apply(case_tac rs)
+       apply(simp)
-  apply(subst k0b)
-      apply(simp)
-    apply(subst (asm) k0)
-  apply(subst (asm) (2) k0)
-  find_theorems "asize _ < asize _"
-  using bsimp_AALTs_size3
-  apply -
-  apply(drule_tac x="a # list" in meta_spec)
-  apply(drule_tac x="bs" in meta_spec)
-  apply(drule meta_mp)
+  oops  
+  find_theorems "asize (bsimp _)"
+lemma CT1:
+  shows "bsimp (AALTs bs as) = bsimp(AALTs bs (map  bsimp as))"
+  apply(induct as arbitrary: bs)
-  apply(drule_tac x="(bsimp a) # list" in spec)
-  apply(drule mp)
+  by (simp add: bsimp_idem comp_def)
+lemma CT1a:
+  shows "bsimp (AALT bs a1 a2) = bsimp(AALT bs (bsimp a1) (bsimp a2))"
+  by (metis CT1 list.simps(8) list.simps(9))
+(* CT *)
+lemma CTU:
+  shows "bsimp_AALTs bs as = li bs as"
+  apply(induct bs as rule: li.induct)
+    apply(auto)
+  done
+thm flts.simps
+lemma CTa:
+  assumes "\<forall>r \<in> set as. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO"
+  shows  "flts as = as"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct as)
-  apply(case_tac  list)
-    apply(simp)
-    prefer 2
-    apply(simp)
-    apply(subst (asm) k0)
-  apply(subst (asm) (2) k0)
-  thm k0
-  apply(subst (asm) k0b)
-      apply(simp)
-     apply(simp)
-   defer
+  apply(case_tac as)
-   apply(case_tac  list)
-    apply(simp)
-    defer
+  apply (simp add: k0b)
+  using flts_nothing by auto
+lemma CT0:
+  assumes "\<forall>r \<in> set as1. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO" 
+  shows "flts [bsimp_AALTs bs1 as1] =  flts (map (fuse bs1) as1)"
+  using assms CTa
+  apply(induct as1 arbitrary: bs1)
-  find_theorems "asize _ < asize _"
-  find_theorems "asize _ < asize _"
-apply(subst k0b)
-      apply(simp)
-     apply(simp)
-      apply(rule nn11a)
-      apply(simp)
-     apply (metis good.simps(1) good1 good_fuse)
-    apply(simp)
-  using fuse_append apply blast
-   apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists>bs rs. bsimp x43 = AALTs bs rs")
-    prefer 2
-  using nonalt.elims(3) apply blast
-   apply(clarify)
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(case_tac as1)
-   apply(case_tac rs)
-    apply(simp)
-    apply (metis arexp.distinct(7) good.simps(4) good1)
-   apply(simp)
-  apply(case_tac list)
-    apply(simp)
-    apply (metis arexp.distinct(7) good.simps(5) good1)
+proof -
+fix a :: arexp and as1a :: "arexp list" and bs1a :: "bit list" and aa :: arexp and list :: "arexp list"
+  assume a1: "nonalt a \<and> a \<noteq> AZERO \<and> nonalt aa \<and> aa \<noteq> AZERO \<and> (\<forall>r\<in>set list. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO)"
+  assume a2: "\<And>as. \<forall>r\<in>set as. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO \<Longrightarrow> flts as = as"
+  assume a3: "as1a = aa # list"
+  have "flts [a] = [a]"
+using a1 k0b by blast
+then show "fuse bs1a a # fuse bs1a aa # map (fuse bs1a) list = flts (fuse bs1a a # fuse bs1a aa # map (fuse bs1a) list)"
+  using a3 a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) append.left_neutral append_Cons flts_fuse k00 k0b list.simps(9))
+lemma CT01:
+  assumes "\<forall>r \<in> set as1. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO" "\<forall>r \<in> set as2. nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO" 
+  shows "flts [bsimp_AALTs bs1 as1, bsimp_AALTs bs2 as2] =  flts ((map (fuse bs1) as1) @ (map (fuse bs2) as2))"
+  using assms CT0
+  by (metis k0 k00)
-  find_theorems "flts [_] = [_]"
-   apply(case_tac x52)
+lemma CTT:
+  assumes "\<forall>r\<in>set (flts (map (bsimp \<circ> bder c) as1)). nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO"
+          "\<forall>r\<in>set (flts (map (bsimp \<circ> bder c) as2)). nonalt r \<and> r \<noteq> AZERO"
+  shows "bsimp (AALT bs (AALTs bs1 (map (bder c) as1)) (AALTs bs2 (map (bder c) as2)))
+          = XXX"
+  apply(subst bsimp_idem[symmetric])
-   apply(simp)
-  apply(case_tac list)
-    apply(simp)
-    apply(case_tac a)
-  apply(simp_all)
+  apply(subst CT01)
+    apply(rule assms)
+   apply(rule assms)
+  (* CT *)
+  shows "bsimp (AALT bs (AALTs bs1 (map (bder c) as1)) (AALTs bs2 (map (bder c) as2)))
+          = bsimp (AALTs bs ((map (fuse bs1) (map (bder c) as1)) @
+                             (map (fuse bs2) (map (bder c) as2))))"
+  apply(subst  bsimp_idem[symmetric])
+  apply(simp)
+  oops
+lemma CT_exp:
+  assumes "\<forall>a \<in> set as. bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)) = bsimp (bder c a)"
+  shows "map bsimp (map (bder c) as) = map bsimp (map (bder c) (map bsimp as))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct as)
+   apply(auto)
+  done
+lemma asize_set:
+  assumes "a \<in> set as"
+  shows "asize a < Suc (sum_list (map asize as))"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct as arbitrary: a)
+   apply(auto)
+  using le_add2 le_less_trans not_less_eq by blast
 lemma XXX2a_long_without_good:
@@ -2311,15 +3043,191 @@
   prefer 3
   (* AALT case *)
+   prefer 2
+   apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+   apply(subst (2) CT1)
+   apply(subst CT_exp)
+    apply(auto)[1]
+  using asize_set apply blast
+   apply(subst CT1[symmetric])
+  apply(simp)
+  oops
+lemma big:
+  shows "bsimp (AALT x51 (AALTs bs1 as1) (AALTs bs2 as2)) =
+         bsimp (AALTs x51 ((map (fuse bs1) as1) @ (map (fuse bs2) as2)))"
+  apply(simp add: comp_def bder_fuse)
+  apply(simp add: flts_append)
+  sorry    
+lemma XXX2a_long_without_good:
+  shows "bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)) = bsimp (bder c a)"
+  apply(induct a arbitrary: c taking: "\<lambda>a. asize a" rule: measure_induct)
+  apply(case_tac x)
+       apply(simp)
+      apply(simp)
+     apply(simp)
+  prefer 3
+    apply(simp)
+  (* AALT case *)
   prefer 2
+   apply(case_tac "\<exists>a1 a2. x52 = [a1, a2]")
+    apply(clarify)
+  apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+  apply(subst (2) CT1) 
+    apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+  apply(rule_tac t="bsimp (bder c a1)" and  s="bsimp (bder c (bsimp a1))" in subst)
+  apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+  apply(rule_tac t="bsimp (bder c a2)" and  s="bsimp (bder c (bsimp a2))" in subst)
+     apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+    apply(subst  CT1a[symmetric])
+    apply(subst bsimp.simps)
+    apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+  apply(case_tac "\<exists>bs1 as1. bsimp a1 = AALTs bs1 as1")
+  apply(case_tac "\<exists>bs2 as2. bsimp a2 = AALTs bs2 as2")
+      apply(clarify)
+  apply(simp only:)
+      apply(simp del: bsimp.simps bder.simps)
+      apply(subst bsimp_AALTs_qq)
+       prefer 2
+       apply(simp del: bsimp.simps)
+       apply(subst big)
+       prefer 2
+  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Nil_is_append_conv Nil_is_map_conv One_nat_def Suc_lessI arexp.distinct(7) bsimp.simps(2) bsimp_AALTs.simps(1) bsimp_idem flts.simps(1) length_0_conv length_append length_greater_0_conv less_Suc0 less_add_same_cancel1)
+      apply(simp add: comp_def bder_fuse)
+  thm bder_fuse
+  find_theorems "1 < length _"
+(* CT *)
+  under assumption that bsimp a1 = AALT; bsimp a = AALT
+  bsimp (AALT x51 (AALTs bs1 (map (bder c) as1)) (AALTs bs2 (map (bder c) as2))) =
+  bsimp (AALTs x51 (map (fuse bs1) (map (bder c) as1)) @ ( map (fuse bs2) (map (bder c) as2)))
+  bsimp_AALTs x51 (flts (map bsimp [a1, a2])))
+  = bsimp_AALTs x51 (flts [bsimp a1, bsimp a2])
+    apply(case_tac "bsimp a1")
+         prefer 5
+         apply(simp only:)
+         apply(case_tac "bsimp a2")
+              apply(simp)
+         prefer 5
+              apply(simp only:)
+  apply(simp only: bder.simps)
+  apply(simp)
+    prefer 2
+  using nn1b apply blast
    apply(simp only:)
-   apply(simp)
+   apply(case_tac x52)
+    apply(simp)
+   apply(simp only:)
+   apply(case_tac "\<exists>bsa rsa. a = AALTs  bsa rsa")
+    apply(clarify)  
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(frule_tac x="AALTs x51 ((map (fuse bsa)  rsa) @ list)" in spec)
+    apply(drule mp)
+     apply(simp)
+     apply (simp add: qq)
+    apply(drule_tac x="c" in spec)
+    apply(simp only: bder.simps)
+    apply(simp)
+    apply(subst   k0)
+    apply(subst (2)  k0)
+   apply(subst (asm) (2) flts_append)
+    apply(rotate_tac 2)
+lemma XXX2a_long_without_good:
+  shows "bsimp (bder c (bsimp a)) = bsimp (bder c a)"
+  apply(induct a arbitrary: c taking: "\<lambda>a. asize a" rule: measure_induct)
+  apply(case_tac x)
+       apply(simp)
+      apply(simp)
+     apply(simp)
+  prefer 3
+    apply(simp)
+  (* AALT case *)
+   prefer 2
+   apply(subgoal_tac "nonnested (bsimp x)")
+    prefer 2
+  using nn1b apply blast
+   apply(simp only:)
+  apply(drule_tac x="AALTs x51 (flts x52)" in spec)
+   apply(drule mp)
+    defer
+    apply(drule_tac x="c" in spec)
+    apply(simp)
+    apply(rotate_tac 2)
+    apply(drule sym)
+  apply(simp)
+   apply(simp only: bder.simps)
+   apply(simp only: bsimp.simps)
    apply(subst bder_bsimp_AALTs)
    apply(case_tac x52)
+  apply(case_tac list)
+    apply(simp)
+    apply(case_tac a)
+         apply(simp)
+        apply(simp)
+       apply(simp)
+      defer
+      apply(simp)
+   (* case AALTs list is not empty *)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply(subst k0)
+   apply(subst (2) k0)
+   apply(simp)
+   apply(case_tac "bsimp a = AZERO")
+    apply(subgoal_tac "bsimp (bder c a) = AZERO")
+     prefer 2
+  using less_iff_Suc_add apply auto[1]
+    apply(simp)
+  apply(drule_tac x="AALTs x51 list" in  spec)
+   apply(drule mp)
+    apply(simp add: asize0)
+   apply(drule_tac x="c" in spec)
+    apply(simp add: bder_bsimp_AALTs)
+   apply(case_tac  "nonalt (bsimp a)")
+    prefer 2
+  apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (AALTs x51 (a#list))" in  spec)
+    apply(drule mp)
+     apply(rule order_class.order.strict_trans2)
+      apply(rule bsimp_AALTs_size3)
+      apply(auto)[1]
+     apply(simp)
+    apply(subst (asm) bsimp_idem)
+  apply(drule_tac x="c" in spec)
+  apply(simp)  
+  find_theorems "_ < _ \<Longrightarrow> _ \<le> _ \<Longrightarrow>_ < _"
+  apply(rule le_trans)
+  apply(subgoal_tac "flts [bsimp a] = [bsimp a]")
+     prefer 2
+  using k0b apply blast
+    apply(simp)
+  find_theorems "asize _ < asize _"
+  using bder_bsimp_AALTs
    apply(case_tac list)
-  apply(simp)
+    apply(simp)
+   sledgeha mmer [timeout=6000]  
    apply(case_tac "\<exists>r \<in> set (map bsimp x52). \<not>nonalt r")
     apply(drule_tac x="bsimp (AALTs x51 x52)" in spec)
@@ -2581,6 +3489,19 @@
    apply(simp only: bders.simps)
    apply(subst bders_simp.simps)
+  oops   
+  fixes n :: nat
+  shows "(\<Sum>i \<in> {0..n}. i) = n * (n + 1) div 2"
+  apply(induct n)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)
+  done
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/thys/Journal/Paper.thy	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/thys/Journal/Paper.thy	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@
-section {* Introduction *}
+section \<open>Introduction\<close>
-text {*
+text \<open>
 Brzozowski \cite{Brzozowski1964} introduced the notion of the {\em
-derivative} @{term "der c r"} of a regular expression @{text r} w.r.t.\
-a character~@{text c}, and showed that it gave a simple solution to the
+derivative} @{term "der c r"} of a regular expression \<open>r\<close> w.r.t.\
+a character~\<open>c\<close>, and showed that it gave a simple solution to the
 problem of matching a string @{term s} with a regular expression @{term
 r}: if the derivative of @{term r} w.r.t.\ (in succession) all the
 characters of the string matches the empty string, then @{term r}
@@ -175,8 +175,7 @@
 into a sequence of tokens, POSIX is the more natural disambiguation
 strategy for what programmers consider basic syntactic building blocks
 in their programs.  These building blocks are often specified by some
-regular expressions, say @{text "r\<^bsub>key\<^esub>"} and @{text
-"r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>"} for recognising keywords and identifiers,
+regular expressions, say \<open>r\<^bsub>key\<^esub>\<close> and \<open>r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>\<close> for recognising keywords and identifiers,
 respectively. There are a few underlying (informal) rules behind
 tokenising a string in a POSIX \cite{POSIX} fashion:
@@ -196,23 +195,22 @@
 be longer than no match at all.
-\noindent Consider for example a regular expression @{text
-"r\<^bsub>key\<^esub>"} for recognising keywords such as @{text "if"},
-@{text "then"} and so on; and @{text "r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>"}
+\noindent Consider for example a regular expression \<open>r\<^bsub>key\<^esub>\<close> for recognising keywords such as \<open>if\<close>,
+\<open>then\<close> and so on; and \<open>r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>\<close>
 recognising identifiers (say, a single character followed by
 characters or numbers).  Then we can form the regular expression
-@{text "(r\<^bsub>key\<^esub> + r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>)\<^sup>\<star>"}
-and use POSIX matching to tokenise strings, say @{text "iffoo"} and
-@{text "if"}.  For @{text "iffoo"} we obtain by the Longest Match Rule
+\<open>(r\<^bsub>key\<^esub> + r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>)\<^sup>\<star>\<close>
+and use POSIX matching to tokenise strings, say \<open>iffoo\<close> and
+\<open>if\<close>.  For \<open>iffoo\<close> we obtain by the Longest Match Rule
 a single identifier token, not a keyword followed by an
-identifier. For @{text "if"} we obtain by the Priority Rule a keyword
-token, not an identifier token---even if @{text "r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>"}
-matches also. By the Star Rule we know @{text "(r\<^bsub>key\<^esub> +
-r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>)\<^sup>\<star>"} matches @{text "iffoo"},
-respectively @{text "if"}, in exactly one `iteration' of the star. The
+identifier. For \<open>if\<close> we obtain by the Priority Rule a keyword
+token, not an identifier token---even if \<open>r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>\<close>
+matches also. By the Star Rule we know \<open>(r\<^bsub>key\<^esub> +
+r\<^bsub>id\<^esub>)\<^sup>\<star>\<close> matches \<open>iffoo\<close>,
+respectively \<open>if\<close>, in exactly one `iteration' of the star. The
 Empty String Rule is for cases where, for example, the regular expression 
-@{text "(a\<^sup>\<star>)\<^sup>\<star>"} matches against the
-string @{text "bc"}. Then the longest initial matched substring is the
+\<open>(a\<^sup>\<star>)\<^sup>\<star>\<close> matches against the
+string \<open>bc\<close>. Then the longest initial matched substring is the
 empty string, which is matched by both the whole regular expression
 and the parenthesised subexpression.
@@ -225,25 +223,24 @@
 expression matches a string, values encode the information of
 \emph{how} the string is matched by the regular expression---that is,
 which part of the string is matched by which part of the regular
-expression. For this consider again the string @{text "xy"} and
-the regular expression \mbox{@{text "(x + (y + xy))\<^sup>\<star>"}}
+expression. For this consider again the string \<open>xy\<close> and
+the regular expression \mbox{\<open>(x + (y + xy))\<^sup>\<star>\<close>}
 (this time fully parenthesised). We can view this regular expression
-as tree and if the string @{text xy} is matched by two Star
-`iterations', then the @{text x} is matched by the left-most
-alternative in this tree and the @{text y} by the right-left alternative. This
+as tree and if the string \<open>xy\<close> is matched by two Star
+`iterations', then the \<open>x\<close> is matched by the left-most
+alternative in this tree and the \<open>y\<close> by the right-left alternative. This
 suggests to record this matching as
 @{term "Stars [Left(Char x), Right(Left(Char y))]"}
-\noindent where @{const Stars}, @{text Left}, @{text Right} and @{text
-Char} are constructors for values. @{text Stars} records how many
-iterations were used; @{text Left}, respectively @{text Right}, which
+\noindent where @{const Stars}, \<open>Left\<close>, \<open>Right\<close> and \<open>Char\<close> are constructors for values. \<open>Stars\<close> records how many
+iterations were used; \<open>Left\<close>, respectively \<open>Right\<close>, which
 alternative is used. This `tree view' leads naturally to the idea that
 regular expressions act as types and values as inhabiting those types
 (see, for example, \cite{HosoyaVouillonPierce2005}).  The value for
-matching @{text "xy"} in a single `iteration', i.e.~the POSIX value,
+matching \<open>xy\<close> in a single `iteration', i.e.~the POSIX value,
 would look as follows
@@ -316,11 +313,11 @@
 We extend our results to ??? Bitcoded version??
-section {* Preliminaries *}
+section \<open>Preliminaries\<close>
-text {* \noindent Strings in Isabelle/HOL are lists of characters with
+text \<open>\noindent Strings in Isabelle/HOL are lists of characters with
 the empty string being represented by the empty list, written @{term
 "[]"}, and list-cons being written as @{term "DUMMY # DUMMY"}. Often
 we use the usual bracket notation for lists also for strings; for
@@ -333,7 +330,7 @@
 inductive datatype:
-  @{text "r :="}
+  \<open>r :=\<close>
   @{const "ZERO"} $\mid$
   @{const "ONE"} $\mid$
   @{term "CHAR c"} $\mid$
@@ -365,8 +362,8 @@
   DUMMY"} for the concatenation of two languages (it is also list-append for
   strings). We use the star-notation for regular expressions and for
   languages (in the last clause above). The star for languages is defined
-  inductively by two clauses: @{text "(i)"} the empty string being in
-  the star of a language and @{text "(ii)"} if @{term "s\<^sub>1"} is in a
+  inductively by two clauses: \<open>(i)\<close> the empty string being in
+  the star of a language and \<open>(ii)\<close> if @{term "s\<^sub>1"} is in a
   language and @{term "s\<^sub>2"} in the star of this language, then also @{term
   "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2"} is in the star of this language. It will also be convenient
   to use the following notion of a \emph{semantic derivative} (or \emph{left
@@ -459,11 +456,11 @@
   \cite{Sulzmann2014} is to append another phase to this algorithm in order
   to calculate a [lexical] value. We will explain the details next.
-section {* POSIX Regular Expression Matching\label{posixsec} *}
+section \<open>POSIX Regular Expression Matching\label{posixsec}\<close>
-text {* 
+text \<open>
   There have been many previous works that use values for encoding 
   \emph{how} a regular expression matches a string.
@@ -473,7 +470,7 @@
   are defined as the inductive datatype
-  @{text "v :="}
+  \<open>v :=\<close>
   @{const "Void"} $\mid$
   @{term "val.Char c"} $\mid$
   @{term "Left v"} $\mid$
@@ -532,8 +529,8 @@
   \noindent where in the clause for @{const "Stars"} we use the
-  notation @{term "v \<in> set vs"} for indicating that @{text v} is a
-  member in the list @{text vs}.  We require in this rule that every
+  notation @{term "v \<in> set vs"} for indicating that \<open>v\<close> is a
+  member in the list \<open>vs\<close>.  We require in this rule that every
   value in @{term vs} flattens to a non-empty string. The idea is that
   @{term "Stars"}-values satisfy the informal Star Rule (see Introduction)
   where the $^\star$ does not match the empty string unless this is
@@ -549,9 +546,9 @@
-  Given a regular expression @{text r} and a string @{text s}, we define the 
-  set of all \emph{Lexical Values} inhabited by @{text r} with the underlying string 
-  being @{text s}:\footnote{Okui and Suzuki refer to our lexical values 
+  Given a regular expression \<open>r\<close> and a string \<open>s\<close>, we define the 
+  set of all \emph{Lexical Values} inhabited by \<open>r\<close> with the underlying string 
+  being \<open>s\<close>:\footnote{Okui and Suzuki refer to our lexical values 
   as \emph{canonical values} in \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010}. The notion of \emph{non-problematic
   values} by Cardelli and Frisch \cite{Frisch2004} is related, but not identical
   to our lexical values.}
@@ -573,7 +570,7 @@
   infinitely many values, but according to our more restricted
   definition only a single value, namely @{thm LV_STAR_ONE_empty}.
-  If a regular expression @{text r} matches a string @{text s}, then
+  If a regular expression \<open>r\<close> matches a string \<open>s\<close>, then
   generally the set @{term "LV r s"} is not just a singleton set.  In
   case of POSIX matching the problem is to calculate the unique lexical value
   that satisfies the (informal) POSIX rules from the Introduction.
@@ -582,9 +579,9 @@
   path from the left to the right involving @{term
   derivatives}/@{const nullable} is the first phase of the algorithm
   (calculating successive \Brz's derivatives) and @{const
-  mkeps}/@{text inj}, the path from right to left, the second
+  mkeps}/\<open>inj\<close>, the path from right to left, the second
   phase. This picture shows the steps required when a regular
-  expression, say @{text "r\<^sub>1"}, matches the string @{term
+  expression, say \<open>r\<^sub>1\<close>, matches the string @{term
   "[a,b,c]"}. We first build the three derivatives (according to
   @{term a}, @{term b} and @{term c}). We then use @{const nullable}
   to find out whether the resulting derivative regular expression
@@ -609,11 +606,11 @@
 \node (v4) [below=of r4]{@{term "v\<^sub>4"}};
 \draw[->,line width=1mm](r4) -- (v4);
 \node (v3) [left=of v4] {@{term "v\<^sub>3"}};
-\draw[->,line width=1mm](v4)--(v3) node[below,midway] {@{text "inj r\<^sub>3 c"}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm](v4)--(v3) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>3 c\<close>};
 \node (v2) [left=of v3]{@{term "v\<^sub>2"}};
-\draw[->,line width=1mm](v3)--(v2) node[below,midway] {@{text "inj r\<^sub>2 b"}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm](v3)--(v2) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>2 b\<close>};
 \node (v1) [left=of v2] {@{term "v\<^sub>1"}};
-\draw[->,line width=1mm](v2)--(v1) node[below,midway] {@{text "inj r\<^sub>1 a"}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm](v2)--(v1) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>1 a\<close>};
 \draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{@{term "mkeps"}}};
@@ -647,8 +644,7 @@
   makes some subtle choices leading to a POSIX value: for example if an
   alternative regular expression, say @{term "ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"}, can
   match the empty string and furthermore @{term "r\<^sub>1"} can match the
-  empty string, then we return a @{text Left}-value. The @{text
-  Right}-value will only be returned if @{term "r\<^sub>1"} cannot match the empty
+  empty string, then we return a \<open>Left\<close>-value. The \<open>Right\<close>-value will only be returned if @{term "r\<^sub>1"} cannot match the empty
   The most interesting idea from Sulzmann and Lu \cite{Sulzmann2014} is
@@ -690,25 +686,25 @@
   might be instructive to look first at the three sequence cases (clauses
   \textit{(4)} -- \textit{(6)}). In each case we need to construct an ``injected value'' for
   @{term "SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"}. This must be a value of the form @{term
-  "Seq DUMMY DUMMY"}\,. Recall the clause of the @{text derivative}-function
+  "Seq DUMMY DUMMY"}\,. Recall the clause of the \<open>derivative\<close>-function
   for sequence regular expressions:
   @{thm (lhs) der.simps(5)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} $\dn$ @{thm (rhs) der.simps(5)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}
-  \noindent Consider first the @{text "else"}-branch where the derivative is @{term
+  \noindent Consider first the \<open>else\<close>-branch where the derivative is @{term
   "SEQ (der c r\<^sub>1) r\<^sub>2"}. The corresponding value must therefore
   be of the form @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"}, which matches the left-hand
-  side in clause~\textit{(4)} of @{term inj}. In the @{text "if"}-branch the derivative is an
+  side in clause~\textit{(4)} of @{term inj}. In the \<open>if\<close>-branch the derivative is an
   alternative, namely @{term "ALT (SEQ (der c r\<^sub>1) r\<^sub>2) (der c
-  r\<^sub>2)"}. This means we either have to consider a @{text Left}- or
-  @{text Right}-value. In case of the @{text Left}-value we know further it
+  r\<^sub>2)"}. This means we either have to consider a \<open>Left\<close>- or
+  \<open>Right\<close>-value. In case of the \<open>Left\<close>-value we know further it
   must be a value for a sequence regular expression. Therefore the pattern
   we match in the clause \textit{(5)} is @{term "Left (Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2)"},
   while in \textit{(6)} it is just @{term "Right v\<^sub>2"}. One more interesting
   point is in the right-hand side of clause \textit{(6)}: since in this case the
-  regular expression @{text "r\<^sub>1"} does not ``contribute'' to
+  regular expression \<open>r\<^sub>1\<close> does not ``contribute'' to
   matching the string, that means it only matches the empty string, we need to
   call @{const mkeps} in order to construct a value for how @{term "r\<^sub>1"}
   can match this empty string. A similar argument applies for why we can
@@ -728,7 +724,7 @@
   value has a prepended character @{term c}; the second part shows that
   the underlying string of an @{const mkeps}-value is always the empty
   string (given the regular expression is nullable since otherwise
-  @{text mkeps} might not be defined).
+  \<open>mkeps\<close> might not be defined).
@@ -743,16 +739,16 @@
   an induction on @{term r}. There are no interesting cases.\qed
-  Having defined the @{const mkeps} and @{text inj} function we can extend
+  Having defined the @{const mkeps} and \<open>inj\<close> function we can extend
   \Brz's matcher so that a value is constructed (assuming the
   regular expression matches the string). The clauses of the Sulzmann and Lu lexer are
   @{thm (lhs) lexer.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) lexer.simps(1)}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) lexer.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{text "case"} @{term "lexer (der c r) s"} @{text of}\\
-                     & & \phantom{$|$} @{term "None"}  @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{term None}\\
-                     & & $|$ @{term "Some v"} @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{term "Some (injval r c v)"}                          
+  @{thm (lhs) lexer.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & \<open>case\<close> @{term "lexer (der c r) s"} \<open>of\<close>\\
+                     & & \phantom{$|$} @{term "None"}  \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> @{term None}\\
+                     & & $|$ @{term "Some v"} \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> @{term "Some (injval r c v)"}                          
@@ -784,24 +780,24 @@
-  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(1)}@{text "P"}@{term "ONE"} \qquad
-  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(2)}@{text "P"}@{term "c"}\medskip\\
-  @{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(3)[of "s" "r\<^sub>1" "v" "r\<^sub>2"]}@{text "P+L"}\qquad
-  @{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(4)[of "s" "r\<^sub>2" "v" "r\<^sub>1"]}@{text "P+R"}\medskip\\
+  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(1)}\<open>P\<close>@{term "ONE"} \qquad
+  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(2)}\<open>P\<close>@{term "c"}\medskip\\
+  @{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(3)[of "s" "r\<^sub>1" "v" "r\<^sub>2"]}\<open>P+L\<close>\qquad
+  @{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(4)[of "s" "r\<^sub>2" "v" "r\<^sub>1"]}\<open>P+R\<close>\medskip\\
    {@{thm (prem 1) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]} \qquad
     @{thm (prem 2) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]} \\\\
     @{thm (prem 3) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]}}
-   {@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]}}$@{text "PS"}\\
-  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(7)}@{text "P[]"}\medskip\\
+   {@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]}}$\<open>PS\<close>\\
+  @{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(7)}\<open>P[]\<close>\medskip\\
    {@{thm (prem 1) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \qquad
     @{thm (prem 2) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \qquad
     @{thm (prem 3) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \\\\
     @{thm (prem 4) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]}}
-   {@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]}}$@{text "P\<star>"}
+   {@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]}}$\<open>P\<star>\<close>
   \caption{Our inductive definition of POSIX values.}\label{POSIXrules}
@@ -825,13 +821,12 @@
   We claim that our @{term "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v"} relation captures the idea behind the four
   informal POSIX rules shown in the Introduction: Consider for example the
-  rules @{text "P+L"} and @{text "P+R"} where the POSIX value for a string
+  rules \<open>P+L\<close> and \<open>P+R\<close> where the POSIX value for a string
   and an alternative regular expression, that is @{term "(s, ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)"},
-  is specified---it is always a @{text "Left"}-value, \emph{except} when the
+  is specified---it is always a \<open>Left\<close>-value, \emph{except} when the
   string to be matched is not in the language of @{term "r\<^sub>1"}; only then it
-  is a @{text Right}-value (see the side-condition in @{text "P+R"}).
-  Interesting is also the rule for sequence regular expressions (@{text
-  "PS"}). The first two premises state that @{term "v\<^sub>1"} and @{term "v\<^sub>2"}
+  is a \<open>Right\<close>-value (see the side-condition in \<open>P+R\<close>).
+  Interesting is also the rule for sequence regular expressions (\<open>PS\<close>). The first two premises state that @{term "v\<^sub>1"} and @{term "v\<^sub>2"}
   are the POSIX values for @{term "(s\<^sub>1, r\<^sub>1)"} and @{term "(s\<^sub>2, r\<^sub>2)"}
   respectively. Consider now the third premise and note that the POSIX value
   of this rule should match the string \mbox{@{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2"}}. According to the
@@ -841,21 +836,20 @@
   \emph{exist} an @{term "s\<^sub>3"} and @{term "s\<^sub>4"} such that @{term "s\<^sub>2"}
   can be split up into a non-empty string @{term "s\<^sub>3"} and a possibly empty
   string @{term "s\<^sub>4"}. Moreover the longer string @{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>3"} can be
-  matched by @{text "r\<^sub>1"} and the shorter @{term "s\<^sub>4"} can still be
+  matched by \<open>r\<^sub>1\<close> and the shorter @{term "s\<^sub>4"} can still be
   matched by @{term "r\<^sub>2"}. In this case @{term "s\<^sub>1"} would \emph{not} be the
   longest initial split of \mbox{@{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2"}} and therefore @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1
   v\<^sub>2"} cannot be a POSIX value for @{term "(s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2, SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)"}. 
   The main point is that our side-condition ensures the Longest 
   Match Rule is satisfied.
-  A similar condition is imposed on the POSIX value in the @{text
-  "P\<star>"}-rule. Also there we want that @{term "s\<^sub>1"} is the longest initial
+  A similar condition is imposed on the POSIX value in the \<open>P\<star>\<close>-rule. Also there we want that @{term "s\<^sub>1"} is the longest initial
   split of @{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2"} and furthermore the corresponding value
   @{term v} cannot be flattened to the empty string. In effect, we require
   that in each ``iteration'' of the star, some non-empty substring needs to
   be ``chipped'' away; only in case of the empty string we accept @{term
   "Stars []"} as the POSIX value. Indeed we can show that our POSIX values
-  are lexical values which exclude those @{text Stars} that contain subvalues 
+  are lexical values which exclude those \<open>Stars\<close> that contain subvalues 
   that flatten to the empty string.
@@ -879,7 +873,7 @@
-  The central lemma for our POSIX relation is that the @{text inj}-function
+  The central lemma for our POSIX relation is that the \<open>inj\<close>-function
   preserves POSIX values.
@@ -887,17 +881,17 @@
-  By induction on @{text r}. We explain two cases.
+  By induction on \<open>r\<close>. We explain two cases.
   \item[$\bullet$] Case @{term "r = ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"}. There are
-  two subcases, namely @{text "(a)"} \mbox{@{term "v = Left v'"}} and @{term
-  "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> v'"}; and @{text "(b)"} @{term "v = Right v'"}, @{term
-  "s \<notin> L (der c r\<^sub>1)"} and @{term "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> v'"}. In @{text "(a)"} we
+  two subcases, namely \<open>(a)\<close> \mbox{@{term "v = Left v'"}} and @{term
+  "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> v'"}; and \<open>(b)\<close> @{term "v = Right v'"}, @{term
+  "s \<notin> L (der c r\<^sub>1)"} and @{term "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> v'"}. In \<open>(a)\<close> we
   know @{term "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> v'"}, from which we can infer @{term "(c # s)
   \<in> r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> injval r\<^sub>1 c v'"} by induction hypothesis and hence @{term "(c #
   s) \<in> ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> injval (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2) c (Left v')"} as needed. Similarly
-  in subcase @{text "(b)"} where, however, in addition we have to use
+  in subcase \<open>(b)\<close> where, however, in addition we have to use
   Proposition~\ref{derprop}(2) in order to infer @{term "c # s \<notin> L r\<^sub>1"} from @{term
   "s \<notin> L (der c r\<^sub>1)"}.\smallskip
@@ -905,13 +899,13 @@
-  \item[@{text "(a)"}] @{term "v = Left (Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2)"} and @{term "nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
-  \item[@{text "(b)"}] @{term "v = Right v\<^sub>1"} and @{term "nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
-  \item[@{text "(c)"}] @{term "v = Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} and @{term "\<not> nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
+  \item[\<open>(a)\<close>] @{term "v = Left (Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2)"} and @{term "nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
+  \item[\<open>(b)\<close>] @{term "v = Right v\<^sub>1"} and @{term "nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
+  \item[\<open>(c)\<close>] @{term "v = Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} and @{term "\<not> nullable r\<^sub>1"} 
-  \noindent For @{text "(a)"} we know @{term "s\<^sub>1 \<in> der c r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>1"} and
+  \noindent For \<open>(a)\<close> we know @{term "s\<^sub>1 \<in> der c r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>1"} and
   @{term "s\<^sub>2 \<in> r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>2"} as well as
   \[@{term "\<not> (\<exists>s\<^sub>3 s\<^sub>4. s\<^sub>3 \<noteq> [] \<and> s\<^sub>3 @ s\<^sub>4 = s\<^sub>2 \<and> s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>3 \<in> L (der c r\<^sub>1) \<and> s\<^sub>4 \<in> L r\<^sub>2)"}\]
@@ -920,12 +914,12 @@
   \[@{term "\<not> (\<exists>s\<^sub>3 s\<^sub>4. s\<^sub>3 \<noteq> [] \<and> s\<^sub>3 @ s\<^sub>4 = s\<^sub>2 \<and> (c # s\<^sub>1) @ s\<^sub>3 \<in> L r\<^sub>1 \<and> s\<^sub>4 \<in> L r\<^sub>2)"}\]
-  \noindent We can use the induction hypothesis for @{text "r\<^sub>1"} to obtain
+  \noindent We can use the induction hypothesis for \<open>r\<^sub>1\<close> to obtain
   @{term "(c # s\<^sub>1) \<in> r\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> injval r\<^sub>1 c v\<^sub>1"}. Putting this all together allows us to infer
-  @{term "((c # s\<^sub>1) @ s\<^sub>2) \<in> SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> Seq (injval r\<^sub>1 c v\<^sub>1) v\<^sub>2"}. The case @{text "(c)"}
+  @{term "((c # s\<^sub>1) @ s\<^sub>2) \<in> SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> Seq (injval r\<^sub>1 c v\<^sub>1) v\<^sub>2"}. The case \<open>(c)\<close>
   is similar.
-  For @{text "(b)"} we know @{term "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>1"} and 
+  For \<open>(b)\<close> we know @{term "s \<in> der c r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>1"} and 
   @{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2 \<notin> L (SEQ (der c r\<^sub>1) r\<^sub>2)"}. From the former
   we have @{term "(c # s) \<in> r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> (injval r\<^sub>2 c v\<^sub>1)"} by induction hypothesis
   for @{term "r\<^sub>2"}. From the latter we can infer
@@ -979,11 +973,11 @@
   In the next section we show that our specification coincides with
   another one given by Okui and Suzuki using a different technique.
-section {* Ordering of Values according to Okui and Suzuki*}
+section \<open>Ordering of Values according to Okui and Suzuki\<close>
-text {*
+text \<open>
   While in the previous section we have defined POSIX values directly
   in terms of a ternary relation (see inference rules in Figure~\ref{POSIXrules}),
@@ -1014,54 +1008,51 @@
-  At position @{text "[0,1]"} of this value is the
-  subvalue @{text "Char y"} and at position @{text "[1]"} the
+  At position \<open>[0,1]\<close> of this value is the
+  subvalue \<open>Char y\<close> and at position \<open>[1]\<close> the
   subvalue @{term "Char z"}.  At the `root' position, or empty list
-  @{term "[]"}, is the whole value @{term v}. Positions such as @{text
-  "[0,1,0]"} or @{text "[2]"} are outside of @{text
-  v}. If it exists, the subvalue of @{term v} at a position @{text
-  p}, written @{term "at v p"}, can be recursively defined by
+  @{term "[]"}, is the whole value @{term v}. Positions such as \<open>[0,1,0]\<close> or \<open>[2]\<close> are outside of \<open>v\<close>. If it exists, the subvalue of @{term v} at a position \<open>p\<close>, written @{term "at v p"}, can be recursively defined by
   \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{0mm}}lcl}
-  @{term v} &  @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>[]\<^esub>"} & @{text "\<equiv>"}& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(1)}\\
-  @{term "Left v"} & @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>0::ps\<^esub>"} & @{text "\<equiv>"}& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(2)}\\
-  @{term "Right v"} & @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>1::ps\<^esub>"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & 
+  @{term v} &  \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>[]\<^esub>\<close> & \<open>\<equiv>\<close>& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(1)}\\
+  @{term "Left v"} & \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>0::ps\<^esub>\<close> & \<open>\<equiv>\<close>& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(2)}\\
+  @{term "Right v"} & \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>1::ps\<^esub>\<close> & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & 
   @{thm (rhs) at.simps(3)[simplified Suc_0_fold]}\\
-  @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} & @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>0::ps\<^esub>"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & 
+  @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} & \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>0::ps\<^esub>\<close> & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & 
   @{thm (rhs) at.simps(4)[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2"]} \\
-  @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} & @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>1::ps\<^esub>"}
-  & @{text "\<equiv>"} & 
+  @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} & \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>1::ps\<^esub>\<close>
+  & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & 
   @{thm (rhs) at.simps(5)[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2", simplified Suc_0_fold]} \\
-  @{term "Stars vs"} & @{text "\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>n::ps\<^esub>"} & @{text "\<equiv>"}& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(6)}\\
+  @{term "Stars vs"} & \<open>\<downharpoonleft>\<^bsub>n::ps\<^esub>\<close> & \<open>\<equiv>\<close>& @{thm (rhs) at.simps(6)}\\
   \noindent In the last clause we use Isabelle's notation @{term "vs ! n"} for the
-  @{text n}th element in a list.  The set of positions inside a value @{text v},
+  \<open>n\<close>th element in a list.  The set of positions inside a value \<open>v\<close>,
   written @{term "Pos v"}, is given by 
-  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(1)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(1)}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(2)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(2)}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(3)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(3)}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(4)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(4)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(1)} & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(1)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(2)} & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(2)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(3)} & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(3)}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(4)} & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(4)}\\
   @{thm (lhs) Pos.simps(5)[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2"]}
-  & @{text "\<equiv>"} 
+  & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> 
   & @{thm (rhs) Pos.simps(5)[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2"]}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) Pos_stars} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) Pos_stars}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) Pos_stars} & \<open>\<equiv>\<close> & @{thm (rhs) Pos_stars}\\
-  whereby @{text len} in the last clause stands for the length of a list. Clearly
+  whereby \<open>len\<close> in the last clause stands for the length of a list. Clearly
   for every position inside a value there exists a subvalue at that position.
   To help understanding the ordering of Okui and Suzuki, consider again 
   the earlier value
-  @{text v} and compare it with the following @{text w}:
+  \<open>v\<close> and compare it with the following \<open>w\<close>:
@@ -1070,16 +1061,16 @@
-  \noindent Both values match the string @{text "xyz"}, that means if
+  \noindent Both values match the string \<open>xyz\<close>, that means if
   we flatten these values at their respective root position, we obtain
-  @{text "xyz"}. However, at position @{text "[0]"}, @{text v} matches
-  @{text xy} whereas @{text w} matches only the shorter @{text x}. So
-  according to the Longest Match Rule, we should prefer @{text v},
-  rather than @{text w} as POSIX value for string @{text xyz} (and
+  \<open>xyz\<close>. However, at position \<open>[0]\<close>, \<open>v\<close> matches
+  \<open>xy\<close> whereas \<open>w\<close> matches only the shorter \<open>x\<close>. So
+  according to the Longest Match Rule, we should prefer \<open>v\<close>,
+  rather than \<open>w\<close> as POSIX value for string \<open>xyz\<close> (and
   corresponding regular expression). In order to
   formalise this idea, Okui and Suzuki introduce a measure for
-  subvalues at position @{text p}, called the \emph{norm} of @{text v}
-  at position @{text p}. We can define this measure in Isabelle as an
+  subvalues at position \<open>p\<close>, called the \emph{norm} of \<open>v\<close>
+  at position \<open>p\<close>. We can define this measure in Isabelle as an
   integer as follows
@@ -1087,10 +1078,10 @@
   \noindent where we take the length of the flattened value at
-  position @{text p}, provided the position is inside @{text v}; if
-  not, then the norm is @{text "-1"}. The default for outside
+  position \<open>p\<close>, provided the position is inside \<open>v\<close>; if
+  not, then the norm is \<open>-1\<close>. The default for outside
   positions is crucial for the POSIX requirement of preferring a
-  @{text Left}-value over a @{text Right}-value (if they can match the
+  \<open>Left\<close>-value over a \<open>Right\<close>-value (if they can match the
   same string---see the Priority Rule from the Introduction). For this
@@ -1098,17 +1089,17 @@
   @{term "v == Left (Char x)"} \qquad and \qquad @{term "w == Right (Char x)"}
-  \noindent Both values match @{text x}. At position @{text "[0]"}
-  the norm of @{term v} is @{text 1} (the subvalue matches @{text x}),
-  but the norm of @{text w} is @{text "-1"} (the position is outside
-  @{text w} according to how we defined the `inside' positions of
-  @{text Left}- and @{text Right}-values).  Of course at position
-  @{text "[1]"}, the norms @{term "pflat_len v [1]"} and @{term
+  \noindent Both values match \<open>x\<close>. At position \<open>[0]\<close>
+  the norm of @{term v} is \<open>1\<close> (the subvalue matches \<open>x\<close>),
+  but the norm of \<open>w\<close> is \<open>-1\<close> (the position is outside
+  \<open>w\<close> according to how we defined the `inside' positions of
+  \<open>Left\<close>- and \<open>Right\<close>-values).  Of course at position
+  \<open>[1]\<close>, the norms @{term "pflat_len v [1]"} and @{term
   "pflat_len w [1]"} are reversed, but the point is that subvalues
   will be analysed according to lexicographically ordered
-  positions. According to this ordering, the position @{text "[0]"}
-  takes precedence over @{text "[1]"} and thus also @{text v} will be 
-  preferred over @{text w}.  The lexicographic ordering of positions, written
+  positions. According to this ordering, the position \<open>[0]\<close>
+  takes precedence over \<open>[1]\<close> and thus also \<open>v\<close> will be 
+  preferred over \<open>w\<close>.  The lexicographic ordering of positions, written
   @{term "DUMMY \<sqsubset>lex DUMMY"}, can be conveniently formalised
   by three inference rules
@@ -1123,18 +1114,18 @@
   With the norm and lexicographic order in place,
   we can state the key definition of Okui and Suzuki
-  \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010}: a value @{term "v\<^sub>1"} is \emph{smaller at position @{text p}} than
+  \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010}: a value @{term "v\<^sub>1"} is \emph{smaller at position \<open>p\<close>} than
   @{term "v\<^sub>2"}, written @{term "v\<^sub>1 \<sqsubset>val p v\<^sub>2"}, 
-  if and only if  $(i)$ the norm at position @{text p} is
+  if and only if  $(i)$ the norm at position \<open>p\<close> is
   greater in @{term "v\<^sub>1"} (that is the string @{term "flat (at v\<^sub>1 p)"} is longer 
   than @{term "flat (at v\<^sub>2 p)"}) and $(ii)$ all subvalues at 
   positions that are inside @{term "v\<^sub>1"} or @{term "v\<^sub>2"} and that are
-  lexicographically smaller than @{text p}, we have the same norm, namely
+  lexicographically smaller than \<open>p\<close>, we have the same norm, namely
  @{thm (lhs) PosOrd_def[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2"]} 
- @{text "\<equiv>"} 
+ \<open>\<equiv>\<close> 
  (i) & @{term "pflat_len v\<^sub>1 p > pflat_len v\<^sub>2 p"}   \quad\text{and}\smallskip \\
  (ii) & @{term "(\<forall>q \<in> Pos v\<^sub>1 \<union> Pos v\<^sub>2. q \<sqsubset>lex p --> pflat_len v\<^sub>1 q = pflat_len v\<^sub>2 q)"}
@@ -1142,11 +1133,9 @@
- \noindent The position @{text p} in this definition acts as the
-  \emph{first distinct position} of @{text "v\<^sub>1"} and @{text
-  "v\<^sub>2"}, where both values match strings of different length
-  \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010}.  Since at @{text p} the values @{text
-  "v\<^sub>1"} and @{text "v\<^sub>2"} match different strings, the
+ \noindent The position \<open>p\<close> in this definition acts as the
+  \emph{first distinct position} of \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close> and \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close>, where both values match strings of different length
+  \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010}.  Since at \<open>p\<close> the values \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close> and \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close> match different strings, the
   ordering is irreflexive. Derived from the definition above
   are the following two orderings:
@@ -1168,11 +1157,8 @@
  @{thm [mode=IfThen] PosOrd_trans[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1" and ?v2.0="v\<^sub>2" and ?v3.0="v\<^sub>3"]} 
- \begin{proof} From the assumption we obtain two positions @{text p}
- and @{text q}, where the values @{text "v\<^sub>1"} and @{text
- "v\<^sub>2"} (respectively @{text "v\<^sub>2"} and @{text
- "v\<^sub>3"}) are `distinct'.  Since @{text
- "\<prec>\<^bsub>lex\<^esub>"} is trichotomous, we need to consider
+ \begin{proof} From the assumption we obtain two positions \<open>p\<close>
+ and \<open>q\<close>, where the values \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close> and \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close> (respectively \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close> and \<open>v\<^sub>3\<close>) are `distinct'.  Since \<open>\<prec>\<^bsub>lex\<^esub>\<close> is trichotomous, we need to consider
  three cases, namely @{term "p = q"}, @{term "p \<sqsubset>lex q"} and
  @{term "q \<sqsubset>lex p"}. Let us look at the first case.  Clearly
  @{term "pflat_len v\<^sub>2 p < pflat_len v\<^sub>1 p"} and @{term
@@ -1184,7 +1170,7 @@
  v\<^sub>1"}, then we can infer from the first assumption that @{term
  "pflat_len v\<^sub>1 p' = pflat_len v\<^sub>2 p'"}.  But this means
  that @{term "p'"} must be in @{term "Pos v\<^sub>2"} too (the norm
- cannot be @{text "-1"} given @{term "p' \<in> Pos v\<^sub>1"}).  
+ cannot be \<open>-1\<close> given @{term "p' \<in> Pos v\<^sub>1"}).  
  Hence we can use the second assumption and
  infer @{term "pflat_len v\<^sub>2 p' = pflat_len v\<^sub>3 p'"},
  which concludes this case with @{term "v\<^sub>1 :\<sqsubset>val
@@ -1193,15 +1179,15 @@
  The proof for $\preccurlyeq$ is similar and omitted.
- It is also straightforward to show that @{text "\<prec>"} and
+ It is also straightforward to show that \<open>\<prec>\<close> and
  $\preccurlyeq$ are partial orders.  Okui and Suzuki furthermore show that they
  are linear orderings for lexical values \cite{OkuiSuzuki2010} of a given
  regular expression and given string, but we have not formalised this in Isabelle. It is
  not essential for our results. What we are going to show below is
- that for a given @{text r} and @{text s}, the orderings have a unique
+ that for a given \<open>r\<close> and \<open>s\<close>, the orderings have a unique
  minimal element on the set @{term "LV r s"}, which is the POSIX value
  we defined in the previous section. We start with two properties that
- show how the length of a flattened value relates to the @{text "\<prec>"}-ordering.
+ show how the length of a flattened value relates to the \<open>\<prec>\<close>-ordering.
  \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll}
@@ -1259,8 +1245,7 @@
   \noindent One might prefer that statements \textit{(4)} and \textit{(5)} 
   (respectively \textit{(6)} and \textit{(7)})
-  are combined into a single \textit{iff}-statement (like the ones for @{text
-  Left} and @{text Right}). Unfortunately this cannot be done easily: such
+  are combined into a single \textit{iff}-statement (like the ones for \<open>Left\<close> and \<open>Right\<close>). Unfortunately this cannot be done easily: such
   a single statement would require an additional assumption about the
   two values @{term "Seq v\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>2"} and @{term "Seq w\<^sub>1 w\<^sub>2"}
   being inhabited by the same regular expression. The
@@ -1271,10 +1256,8 @@
   Next we establish how Okui and Suzuki's orderings relate to our
-  definition of POSIX values.  Given a @{text POSIX} value @{text "v\<^sub>1"}
-  for @{text r} and @{text s}, then any other lexical value @{text
-  "v\<^sub>2"} in @{term "LV r s"} is greater or equal than @{text
-  "v\<^sub>1"}, namely:
+  definition of POSIX values.  Given a \<open>POSIX\<close> value \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close>
+  for \<open>r\<close> and \<open>s\<close>, then any other lexical value \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close> in @{term "LV r s"} is greater or equal than \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close>, namely:
@@ -1283,53 +1266,53 @@
   \begin{proof} By induction on our POSIX rules. By
   Theorem~\ref{posixdeterm} and the definition of @{const LV}, it is clear
-  that @{text "v\<^sub>1"} and @{text "v\<^sub>2"} have the same
+  that \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close> and \<open>v\<^sub>2\<close> have the same
   underlying string @{term s}.  The three base cases are
   straightforward: for example for @{term "v\<^sub>1 = Void"}, we have
   that @{term "v\<^sub>2 \<in> LV ONE []"} must also be of the form
   \mbox{@{term "v\<^sub>2 = Void"}}. Therefore we have @{term
   "v\<^sub>1 :\<sqsubseteq>val v\<^sub>2"}.  The inductive cases for
-  @{text r} being of the form @{term "ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"} and
+  \<open>r\<close> being of the form @{term "ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"} and
   @{term "SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"} are as follows:
-  \item[$\bullet$] Case @{text "P+L"} with @{term "s \<in> (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)
+  \item[$\bullet$] Case \<open>P+L\<close> with @{term "s \<in> (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)
   \<rightarrow> (Left w\<^sub>1)"}: In this case the value 
   @{term "v\<^sub>2"} is either of the
   form @{term "Left w\<^sub>2"} or @{term "Right w\<^sub>2"}. In the
   latter case we can immediately conclude with \mbox{@{term "v\<^sub>1
-  :\<sqsubseteq>val v\<^sub>2"}} since a @{text Left}-value with the
-  same underlying string @{text s} is always smaller than a
-  @{text Right}-value by Proposition~\ref{ordintros}\textit{(1)}.  
+  :\<sqsubseteq>val v\<^sub>2"}} since a \<open>Left\<close>-value with the
+  same underlying string \<open>s\<close> is always smaller than a
+  \<open>Right\<close>-value by Proposition~\ref{ordintros}\textit{(1)}.  
   In the former case we have @{term "w\<^sub>2
   \<in> LV r\<^sub>1 s"} and can use the induction hypothesis to infer
   @{term "w\<^sub>1 :\<sqsubseteq>val w\<^sub>2"}. Because @{term
   "w\<^sub>1"} and @{term "w\<^sub>2"} have the same underlying string
-  @{text s}, we can conclude with @{term "Left w\<^sub>1
+  \<open>s\<close>, we can conclude with @{term "Left w\<^sub>1
   :\<sqsubseteq>val Left w\<^sub>2"} using
-  \item[$\bullet$] Case @{text "P+R"} with @{term "s \<in> (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)
+  \item[$\bullet$] Case \<open>P+R\<close> with @{term "s \<in> (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)
   \<rightarrow> (Right w\<^sub>1)"}: This case similar to the previous
   case, except that we additionally know @{term "s \<notin> L
   r\<^sub>1"}. This is needed when @{term "v\<^sub>2"} is of the form
   \mbox{@{term "Left w\<^sub>2"}}. Since \mbox{@{term "flat v\<^sub>2 = flat
-  w\<^sub>2"} @{text "= s"}} and @{term "\<Turnstile> w\<^sub>2 :
+  w\<^sub>2"} \<open>= s\<close>} and @{term "\<Turnstile> w\<^sub>2 :
   r\<^sub>1"}, we can derive a contradiction for \mbox{@{term "s \<notin> L
   r\<^sub>1"}} using
   Proposition~\ref{inhabs}. So also in this case \mbox{@{term "v\<^sub>1
   :\<sqsubseteq>val v\<^sub>2"}}.\smallskip
-  \item[$\bullet$] Case @{text "PS"} with @{term "(s\<^sub>1 @
+  \item[$\bullet$] Case \<open>PS\<close> with @{term "(s\<^sub>1 @
   s\<^sub>2) \<in> (SEQ r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2) \<rightarrow> (Seq
   w\<^sub>1 w\<^sub>2)"}: We can assume @{term "v\<^sub>2 = Seq
   (u\<^sub>1) (u\<^sub>2)"} with @{term "\<Turnstile> u\<^sub>1 :
   r\<^sub>1"} and \mbox{@{term "\<Turnstile> u\<^sub>2 :
   r\<^sub>2"}}. We have @{term "s\<^sub>1 @ s\<^sub>2 = (flat
   u\<^sub>1) @ (flat u\<^sub>2)"}.  By the side-condition of the
-  @{text PS}-rule we know that either @{term "s\<^sub>1 = flat
+  \<open>PS\<close>-rule we know that either @{term "s\<^sub>1 = flat
   u\<^sub>1"} or that @{term "flat u\<^sub>1"} is a strict prefix of
   @{term "s\<^sub>1"}. In the latter case we can infer @{term
   "w\<^sub>1 :\<sqsubset>val u\<^sub>1"} by
@@ -1348,19 +1331,18 @@
-  \noindent The case for @{text "P\<star>"} is similar to the @{text PS}-case and omitted.\qed
+  \noindent The case for \<open>P\<star>\<close> is similar to the \<open>PS\<close>-case and omitted.\qed
-  \noindent This theorem shows that our @{text POSIX} value for a
-  regular expression @{text r} and string @{term s} is in fact a
-  minimal element of the values in @{text "LV r s"}. By
+  \noindent This theorem shows that our \<open>POSIX\<close> value for a
+  regular expression \<open>r\<close> and string @{term s} is in fact a
+  minimal element of the values in \<open>LV r s\<close>. By
   Proposition~\ref{ordlen}\textit{(2)} we also know that any value in
-  @{text "LV r s'"}, with @{term "s'"} being a strict prefix, cannot be
-  smaller than @{text "v\<^sub>1"}. The next theorem shows the
+  \<open>LV r s'\<close>, with @{term "s'"} being a strict prefix, cannot be
+  smaller than \<open>v\<^sub>1\<close>. The next theorem shows the
   opposite---namely any minimal element in @{term "LV r s"} must be a
-  @{text POSIX} value. This can be established by induction on @{text
-  r}, but the proof can be drastically simplified by using the fact
-  from the previous section about the existence of a @{text POSIX} value
+  \<open>POSIX\<close> value. This can be established by induction on \<open>r\<close>, but the proof can be drastically simplified by using the fact
+  from the previous section about the existence of a \<open>POSIX\<close> value
   whenever a string @{term "s \<in> L r"}.
@@ -1372,7 +1354,7 @@
   If @{thm (prem 1) PosOrd_Posix[where ?v1.0="v\<^sub>1"]} then 
   @{term "s \<in> L r"} by Proposition~\ref{inhabs}. Hence by Theorem~\ref{lexercorrect}(2) 
   there exists a
-  @{text POSIX} value @{term "v\<^sub>P"} with @{term "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>P"}
+  \<open>POSIX\<close> value @{term "v\<^sub>P"} with @{term "s \<in> r \<rightarrow> v\<^sub>P"}
   and by Lemma~\ref{LVposix} we also have \mbox{@{term "v\<^sub>P \<in> LV r s"}}.
   By Theorem~\ref{orderone} we therefore have 
   @{term "v\<^sub>P :\<sqsubseteq>val v\<^sub>1"}. If @{term "v\<^sub>P = v\<^sub>1"} then
@@ -1393,17 +1375,17 @@
   \noindent To sum up, we have shown that the (unique) minimal elements 
-  of the ordering by Okui and Suzuki are exactly the @{text POSIX}
+  of the ordering by Okui and Suzuki are exactly the \<open>POSIX\<close>
   values we defined inductively in Section~\ref{posixsec}. This provides
-  an independent confirmation that our ternary relation formalise the
+  an independent confirmation that our ternary relation formalises the
   informal POSIX rules. 
-section {* Bitcoded Lexing *}
+section \<open>Bitcoded Lexing\<close>
-text {*
+text \<open>
 Incremental calculation of the value. To simplify the proof we first define the function
 @{const flex} which calculates the ``iterated'' injection function. With this we can 
@@ -1502,7 +1484,7 @@
 @{thm [mode=IfThen] bder_retrieve}
-By induction on @{text r}
+By induction on \<open>r\<close>
 \begin{theorem}[Main Lemma]\mbox{}\\
 @{thm [mode=IfThen] MAIN_decode}
@@ -1518,11 +1500,11 @@
 @{thm blexer_correctness}
-section {* Optimisations *}
+section \<open>Optimisations\<close>
-text {*
+text \<open>
   Derivatives as calculated by \Brz's method are usually more complex
   regular expressions than the initial one; the result is that the
@@ -1538,10 +1520,10 @@
-  @{term "ALT ZERO r"} & @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
-  @{term "ALT r ZERO"} & @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
-  @{term "SEQ ONE r"}  & @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
-  @{term "SEQ r ONE"}  & @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} & @{term r}
+  @{term "ALT ZERO r"} & \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
+  @{term "ALT r ZERO"} & \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
+  @{term "SEQ ONE r"}  & \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> & @{term r} \hspace{8mm}%\\
+  @{term "SEQ r ONE"}  & \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> & @{term r}
@@ -1558,15 +1540,15 @@
-  @{thm (lhs) F_RIGHT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Right (f v)"}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_LEFT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Left (f v)"}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_RIGHT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Right (f v)\<close>\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_LEFT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Left (f v)\<close>\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_ALT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Right (f\<^sub>2 v)"}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_ALT.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Left (f\<^sub>1 v)"}\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_ALT.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Right (f\<^sub>2 v)\<close>\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_ALT.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Left (f\<^sub>1 v)\<close>\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ1.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Seq (f\<^sub>1 ()) (f\<^sub>2 v)"}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ2.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Seq (f\<^sub>1 v) (f\<^sub>2 ())"}\\
-  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{text "Seq (f\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>1) (f\<^sub>2 v\<^sub>2)"}\medskip\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ1.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Seq (f\<^sub>1 ()) (f\<^sub>2 v)\<close>\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ2.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Seq (f\<^sub>1 v) (f\<^sub>2 ())\<close>\\
+  @{thm (lhs) F_SEQ.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & \<open>Seq (f\<^sub>1 v\<^sub>1) (f\<^sub>2 v\<^sub>2)\<close>\medskip\\
@@ -1580,7 +1562,7 @@
-  The functions @{text "simp\<^bsub>Alt\<^esub>"} and @{text "simp\<^bsub>Seq\<^esub>"} encode the simplification rules
+  The functions \<open>simp\<^bsub>Alt\<^esub>\<close> and \<open>simp\<^bsub>Seq\<^esub>\<close> encode the simplification rules
   in \eqref{Simpl} and compose the rectification functions (simplifications can occur
   deep inside the regular expression). The main simplification function is then 
@@ -1602,17 +1584,17 @@
   @{thm (lhs) slexer.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) slexer.simps(1)}\\
   @{thm (lhs) slexer.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & 
-                         @{text "let (r\<^sub>s, f\<^sub>r) = simp (r "}$\backslash$@{text " c) in"}\\
-                     & & @{text "case"} @{term "slexer r\<^sub>s s"} @{text of}\\
-                     & & \phantom{$|$} @{term "None"}  @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{term None}\\
-                     & & $|$ @{term "Some v"} @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{text "Some (inj r c (f\<^sub>r v))"}                          
+                         \<open>let (r\<^sub>s, f\<^sub>r) = simp (r \<close>$\backslash$\<open> c) in\<close>\\
+                     & & \<open>case\<close> @{term "slexer r\<^sub>s s"} \<open>of\<close>\\
+                     & & \phantom{$|$} @{term "None"}  \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> @{term None}\\
+                     & & $|$ @{term "Some v"} \<open>\<Rightarrow>\<close> \<open>Some (inj r c (f\<^sub>r v))\<close>                          
   In the second clause we first calculate the derivative @{term "der c r"}
   and then simplify the result. This gives us a simplified derivative
-  @{text "r\<^sub>s"} and a rectification function @{text "f\<^sub>r"}. The lexer
+  \<open>r\<^sub>s\<close> and a rectification function \<open>f\<^sub>r\<close>. The lexer
   is then recursively called with the simplified derivative, but before
   we inject the character @{term c} into the value @{term v}, we need to rectify
   @{term v} (that is construct @{term "f\<^sub>r v"}). Before we can establish the correctness
@@ -1627,7 +1609,7 @@
-  \begin{proof} Both are by induction on @{text r}. There is no
+  \begin{proof} Both are by induction on \<open>r\<close>. There is no
   interesting case for the first statement. For the second statement,
   of interest are the @{term "r = ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"} and @{term "r = SEQ r\<^sub>1
   r\<^sub>2"} cases. In each case we have to analyse four subcases whether
@@ -1639,7 +1621,7 @@
   and by IH also (*) @{term "s \<in> r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> (snd (simp r\<^sub>2) v)"}. Given @{term "fst (simp r\<^sub>1) = ZERO"}
   we know @{term "L (fst (simp r\<^sub>1)) = {}"}. By the first statement
   @{term "L r\<^sub>1"} is the empty set, meaning (**) @{term "s \<notin> L r\<^sub>1"}.
-  Taking (*) and (**) together gives by the \mbox{@{text "P+R"}}-rule 
+  Taking (*) and (**) together gives by the \mbox{\<open>P+R\<close>}-rule 
   @{term "s \<in> ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> Right (snd (simp r\<^sub>2) v)"}. In turn this
   gives @{term "s \<in> ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> snd (simp (ALT r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2)) v"} as we need to show.
   The other cases are similar.\qed
@@ -1683,12 +1665,12 @@
-section {* HERE *}
+section \<open>HERE\<close>
-text {*
+text \<open>
   1) & @{thm (lhs) erase.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) erase.simps(1)}\\
@@ -1751,7 +1733,7 @@
   We can move out the @{term "fuse  [Z]"} and then use the IH to show that left-hand side
   and right-hand side are equal. This completes the proof. 
--- a/thys/Lexer.thy	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/thys/Lexer.thy	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -299,6 +299,105 @@
   apply(simp_all add: flex_fun_apply)
+lemma Posix_flex:
+  assumes "s2 \<in> (ders s1 r) \<rightarrow> v"
+  shows "(s1 @ s2) \<in> r \<rightarrow> flex r id s1 v"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s1 arbitrary: r v s2)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)  
+  apply(drule_tac x="der a r" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="v" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="s2" in meta_spec)
+  apply(simp)
+  using  Posix_injval
+  apply(drule_tac Posix_injval)
+  apply(subst (asm) (5) flex_fun_apply)
+  apply(simp)
+  done
+lemma injval_inj:
+  assumes "\<Turnstile> a : (der c r)" "\<Turnstile> v : (der c r)" "injval r c a = injval r c v" 
+  shows "a = v"
+  using  assms
+  apply(induct r arbitrary: a c v)
+       apply(auto)
+  using Prf_elims(1) apply blast
+  using Prf_elims(1) apply blast
+     apply(case_tac "c = x")
+      apply(auto)
+  using Prf_elims(4) apply auto[1]
+  using Prf_elims(1) apply blast
+    prefer 2
+  apply (smt Prf_elims(3) injval.simps(2) injval.simps(3) val.distinct(25) val.inject(3) val.inject(4))
+  apply(case_tac "nullable r1")
+    apply(auto)
+    apply(erule Prf_elims)
+     apply(erule Prf_elims)
+     apply(erule Prf_elims)
+      apply(erule Prf_elims)
+      apply(auto)
+     apply (metis Prf_injval_flat list.distinct(1) mkeps_flat)
+  apply(erule Prf_elims)
+     apply(erule Prf_elims)
+  apply(auto)
+  using Prf_injval_flat mkeps_flat apply fastforce
+  apply(erule Prf_elims)
+     apply(erule Prf_elims)
+   apply(auto)
+  apply(erule Prf_elims)
+     apply(erule Prf_elims)
+  apply(auto)
+   apply (smt Prf_elims(6) injval.simps(7) list.inject val.inject(5))
+  by (smt Prf_elims(6) injval.simps(7) list.inject val.inject(5))
+lemma uu:
+  assumes "(c # s) \<in> r \<rightarrow> injval r c v" "\<Turnstile> v : (der c r)"
+  shows "s \<in> der c r \<rightarrow> v"
+  using assms
+  apply -
+  apply(subgoal_tac "lexer r (c # s) = Some (injval r c v)")
+  prefer 2
+  using lexer_correctness(1) apply blast
+  apply(simp add: )
+  apply(case_tac  "lexer (der c r) s")
+   apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(case_tac "s \<in> der c r \<rightarrow> a")
+   prefer 2
+   apply (simp add: lexer_correctness(1))
+  apply(subgoal_tac "\<Turnstile> a : (der c r)")
+   prefer 2
+  using Posix_Prf apply blast
+  using injval_inj by blast
+lemma Posix_flex2:
+  assumes "(s1 @ s2) \<in> r \<rightarrow> flex r id s1 v" "\<Turnstile> v : ders s1 r"
+  shows "s2 \<in> (ders s1 r) \<rightarrow> v"
+  using assms
+  apply(induct s1 arbitrary: r v s2 rule: rev_induct)
+  apply(simp)
+  apply(simp)  
+  apply(drule_tac x="r" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="injval (ders xs r) x v" in meta_spec)
+  apply(drule_tac x="x#s2" in meta_spec)
+  apply(simp add: flex_append ders_append)
+  using Prf_injval uu by blast
+lemma Posix_flex3:
+  assumes "s1 \<in> r \<rightarrow> flex r id s1 v" "\<Turnstile> v : ders s1 r"
+  shows "[] \<in> (ders s1 r) \<rightarrow> v"
+  using assms
+  by (simp add: Posix_flex2)
+lemma flex_injval:
+  shows "flex (der a r) (injval r a) s v = injval r a (flex (der a r) id s v)"
+  by (simp add: flex_fun_apply)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/thys/Positions.thy	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/thys/Positions.thy	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
   imports "Spec" "Lexer"
-chapter {* An alternative definition for POSIX values *}
+chapter \<open>An alternative definition for POSIX values\<close>
-section {* Positions in Values *}
+section \<open>Positions in Values\<close>
   at :: "val \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> val"
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-section {* Orderings *}
+section \<open>Orderings\<close>
 definition prefix_list:: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<sqsubseteq>pre _" [60,59] 60)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-section {* POSIX Ordering of Values According to Okui \& Suzuki *}
+section \<open>POSIX Ordering of Values According to Okui \& Suzuki\<close>
 definition PosOrd:: "val \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> val \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<sqsubset>val _ _" [60, 60, 59] 60)
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
-section {* The Posix Value is smaller than any other Value *}
+section \<open>The Posix Value is smaller than any other Value\<close>
 lemma Posix_PosOrd:
--- a/thys/ROOT	Tue Jul 23 21:21:49 2019 +0100
+++ b/thys/ROOT	Mon Jul 29 09:37:20 2019 +0100
@@ -20,10 +20,18 @@
-session Journal in "Journal" = Lex +
+session Journal in "Journal" = HOL +
   options [document = pdf, document_output = "..", document_variants="journal"]
-  theories 
-    "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar"
+  theories [document = false]
+     "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar"
+     "~~/src/HOL/Library/Sublist"
+     "../Spec"
+     "../RegLangs"
+     "../Lexer"
+     "../Simplifying"
+     "../Sulzmann" 
+     "../Positions"
+  theories [document = true] 
Binary file thys/journal.pdf has changed