Mon, 06 Jun 2022 03:05:31 +0100 (2022-06-06)
changeset 533 6acbc939af6a
parent 532 cc54ce075db5
child 534 d4359c94bead
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Cubic.tex	Fri Jun 03 16:45:30 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Cubic.tex	Mon Jun 06 03:05:31 2022 +0100
@@ -11,52 +11,278 @@
 \section{A Stronger Version of Simplification}
 %TODO: search for isabelle proofs of algorithms that check equivalence 
-Two alternative (distinct) sub-matches for the (sub-)string and (sub-)regex pair
+In our bit-coded lexing algorithm, with or without simplification, 
+two alternative (distinct) sub-matches for the (sub-)string and (sub-)regex pair
 are always expressed in the "derivative regular expression" as two
 disjoint alternative terms at the current (sub-)regex level. The fact that they
 are parallel tells us when we retrieve the information from this (sub-)regex 
 there will always be a choice of which alternative term to take.
+As an example, the regular expression $aa \cdot a^*+ a \cdot a^*$ (omitting bit-codes)
+expresses two possibilities it will match future input.
+It will either match 2 $a$'s, then 0 or more $a$'s, in other words, at least 2 more $a$'s
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=3]
+        {Consumed Input
+        \nodepart{two} Expects $aa$
+         \nodepart{three} Then expects $a^*$};
+Or it will match at least 1 more $a$:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=3]
+        {Consumed
+        \nodepart{two} Expects $a$
+         \nodepart{three} Then expects $a^*$};
+If these two possibilities are identical, we can eliminate
+the second one as we know the second one corresponds to 
+a match that is not $\POSIX$.
+If two identical regexes 
+happen to be grouped into different sequences, one cannot use
+the $a + a \rightsquigarrow a$ rule to eliminate them, even if they 
+are "parallel" to each other:
+(a+b) \cdot r_1 + (a+c) \cdot r_2 \rightsquigarrow (a+b) \cdot r_1 + (c) \cdot r_2
+and that's because they are followed by possibly 
+different "suffixes" $r_1$ and $r_2$, and if 
+they do turn out to be different then doing 
+(a+b) \cdot r_1 + (a+c) \cdot r_2 \rightsquigarrow (a+b) \cdot r_1 + (c) \cdot r_2
+might cause a possible match where the string is in $L(a \cdot r_2)$ to be lost.
 Here is an example for this.
 Assume we have the derivative regex 
-\[(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^* + 
-(a^* + a\cdot(aa)^* + (aa)\cdot (aaa)^*)\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^*
+\[( r_1  +  r_2  +  r_3)\cdot r+ 
+( r_1  +  r_5  +  r_6)\cdot( r_1  +  r_2  +  r_3)^*
-occurring in an intermediate step in successive
-derivatives of an input string $\underbrace{aa\ldots a}_{\text{n \; a's}}$.
+occurring in an intermediate step in our bit-coded lexing algorithm.
 In this expression, there will be 6 "parallel" terms if we break up regexes 
 of shape $(a+b)\cdot c$ using the distributivity law (into $ac + bc$).
 (\nonumber \\
-a^* + &    \label{term:1} \\
-(aa)^* + &  \label{term:2} \\
-(aaa)^* &  \label{term:3} \\
-&	)\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^* \; + \; (\nonumber \\
-a^* + & \label{term:4} \\
-a \cdot (aa)^* + & \label{term:5} \\
-aa \cdot (aaa)^* \label{term:6}\\
-&      )\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^*\nonumber
+ r_1  + &    \label{term:1} \\
+ r_2  + &  \label{term:2} \\
+ r_3 &  \label{term:3} \\
+&	)\cdot r\; + \; (\nonumber \\
+ r_1  + & \label{term:4} \\
+ r_5  + & \label{term:5} \\
+ r_6 \label{term:6}\\
+&      )\cdot r\nonumber
 They have been labelled, and each label denotes  
 one term, for example, \ref{term:1} denotes
-a^*\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^* 
+ r_1 \cdot r
 and \ref{term:3} denotes
-(aaa)^*\cdot(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*)^*.
+ r_3\cdot r.
-These terms can be interpreted in terms of 
-their current input position's most recent 
-partial match.
-Term \ref{term:1}, \ref{term:2}, and \ref{term:3}
-denote the partial-match ending at the current position:
+From a lexer's point of view, \ref{term:4} will never 
+be picked up in later phases of matching because there
+is a term \ref{term:1} giving identical matching information.
+The first term \ref{term:1} will match a string in $L(r_1 \cdot  r)$, 
+and so on for term \ref{term:2}, \ref{term:3}, etc.
 \mybox{previous input $\ldots$}\mybox{$aaa$ }\mybox{rest of input $\ldots$}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2]
+        {$r_{x1}$
+         \nodepart{two} $r_1\cdot r$ };
+%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+For term 1 \ref{term:1}, whatever was before the current
+input position was fully matched and the regex corresponding
+to it reduced to $\ONE$, 
+and in the next input token, it will start on $r_1\cdot r$.
+The resulting value will be something of a similar configuration:
+%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2]
+        {$v_{x1}$
+         \nodepart{two} $v_{r_1\cdot r}$ };
+For term 2 \ref{term:2} we have a similar value partition:
+%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2]
+        {$v_{x2}$
+         \nodepart{two} $v_{r_2\cdot r}$ };
+and so on.
+We note that for term 4 \ref{term:4} its result value 
+after any position beyond  the current one will always
+be the same:
+%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2]
+        {$v_{x4}$
+         \nodepart{two} $v_{r_1\cdot r}$ };
+And $\POSIX$ rules says that we can eliminate at least one of them.
+Our algorithm always puts the regex with the longest initial sub-match at the left of the 
+alternatives, so we safely throw away \ref{term:4}.
+The fact that term 1 and 4 are not immediately in the same alternative
+expression does not prevent them from being two duplicate matches at
+the current point of view.
+To implement this idea into an algorithm, we define a "pruning function"
+$\textit{prune}$, that takes away parts of all terms in $r$ that belongs to
+$\textit{acc}$, which acts as an element
+is a stronger version of $\textit{distinctBy}$.
+Here is a concise version of it (in the style of Scala):
+def distinctByPlus(rs: List[ARexp], acc: Set[Rexp] = Set()) : 
+List[ARexp] =  rs match {
+  case Nil => Nil
+  case r :: rs =>
+    if(acc.contains(erase(r)))
+      distinctByPlus(rs, acc)
+    else 
+      prune(r, acc) :: distinctByPlus(rs, prune(r, acc) +: acc)
+But for the function $\textit{prune}$ there is a difficulty:
+how could one define the $L$ function in a "computable" way,
+so that they generate a (lazy infinite) set of strings in $L(r)$.
+We also need a function that tests whether $L(r_1) \subseteq L(r_2)$
+is true.
+For the moment we cut corners and do not define these two functions
+as they are not used by Antimirov (and will probably not contribute
+to a bound better than Antimirov's cubic bound).
+Rather, we do not try to eliminate in every instance of regular expressions
+that have "language duplicates", but only eliminate the "exact duplicates".
+For this we need to break up terms $(a+b)\cdot c$ into two
+terms $a\cdot c$ and $b\cdot c$ before we add them to the accumulator:
+def distinctWith(rs: List[ARexp], 
+                pruneFunction: (ARexp, Set[Rexp]) => ARexp, 
+                acc: Set[Rexp] = Set()) : List[ARexp] = 
+  rs match{
+    case Nil => Nil
+    case r :: rs => 
+      if(acc(erase(r)))
+        distinctWith(rs, pruneFunction, acc)
+      else {
+        val pruned_r = pruneFunction(r, acc)
+        pruned_r :: 
+        distinctWith(rs, 
+          pruneFunction, 
+          turnIntoTerms(erase(pruned_r)) ++: acc
+        )
+      }
+  }
+This process is done by the function $\textit{turnIntoTerms}$:
+def turnIntoTerms(r: Rexp): List[Rexp] = r match {
+  case SEQ(r1, r2)  => if(isOne(r1)) 
+                          turnIntoTerms(r2) 
+                       else 
+                          turnIntoTerms(r1).map(r11 => SEQ(r11, r2))
+  case ALTS(r1, r2) => turnIntoTerms(r1) ::: turnIntoTerms(r2)
+  case ZERO => Nil
+  case _ => r :: Nil
+The pruning function can be defined recursively:
+def prune7(r: ARexp, acc: Set[Rexp]) : ARexp = r match{
+  case AALTS(bs, rs) => => prune7(r, acc)).filter(_ != ZERO) match
+  {
+    case Nil => AZERO
+    case r::Nil => fuse(bs, r)
+    case rs1 => AALTS(bs, rs1)
+  }
+  case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => prune7(r1, => removeSeqTail(r, erase(r2)))) match {
+    case AZERO => AZERO
+    case r1p if(isOne(erase(r1p))) => fuse(bs ++ mkepsBC(r1p), r2)
+    case r1p => ASEQ(bs, r1p, r2)
+  }
+  case r => if(acc(erase(r))) AZERO else r
+    xlabel={$n$},
+    x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
+    ylabel={size},
+    enlargelimits=false,
+    xtick={0,5,...,30},
+    xmax=30,
+    ymax=800,
+    ytick={0,200,...,800},
+    scaled ticks=false,
+    axis lines=left,
+    width=5cm,
+    height=4cm, 
+    legend entries={$bsimpStrong$ size growth},  
+    legend pos=north west,
+    legend cell align=left]
+\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {};
+  &
+    xlabel={$n$},
+    x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
+    ylabel={size},
+    enlargelimits=false,
+    xtick={0,5,...,30},
+    xmax=30,
+    ymax=42000,
+    ytick={0,10000,...,40000},
+    scaled ticks=true,
+    axis lines=left,
+    width=5cm,
+    height=4cm, 
+    legend entries={$bsimp$ size growth},  
+    legend pos=north west,
+    legend cell align=left]
+\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {};
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{Graphs: Runtime for matching $((a^* + (aa)^* + \ldots + (aaaaa)^* )^*)^*$ with strings 
+           of the form $\underbrace{aa..a}_{n}$.}
+\caption{aaaaaStarStar} \label{fig:aaaaaStarStar}
@@ -113,11 +339,11 @@
  Another option would be to either store the string $s$ that resulted in 
  a mis-match for $r$ or a dummy value as a placeholder:
- \vdash \textit{Not}(abcd) : ~(a^*)
+ \vdash \textit{Not}(abcd) : ~( r_1 )
- \vdash \textit{Not}(\textit{Dummy}) : ~(a^*)
+ \vdash \textit{Not}(\textit{Dummy}) : ~( r_1 )
  We choose to implement this as it is most straightforward:
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/tape.tex	Fri Jun 03 16:45:30 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/tape.tex	Mon Jun 06 03:05:31 2022 +0100
@@ -1,55 +1,16 @@
-\usetikzlibrary{calc, decorations.pathmorphing}
-\tikzstyle{tape}=[thick, draw, minimum height=5mm, minimum width=7mm, fill=green!35,outer sep=0pt]
-\tikzstyle{head}=[very thick, draw, minimum height=6mm, minimum width=7mm, fill=none,outer sep=0pt]
+\documentclass[tikz, border=10pt]{standalone}
-\begin{scope}[start chain=1 going right,node distance=-0.15mm]
-    % start tape
-    \node [on chain=1,tape,draw=none, tape, fill=none, draw=none] at (0,-\i*1) (node\i0){\ldots\ };
-    \draw [thick,fill=green!35] (node\i0.north east) -- ++(-.07,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.10cm, amplitude=.015cm}] 
-    {-- ($(node\i0.south east)+(-.15,0)$)} -- (node\i0.south east) -- cycle;
-    % draw tape 
-      \foreach [count=\j] \element in \adlist {     
-	  \ifthenelse{\j = \head}{ % read-write heads current position
-		    \node [on chain=1,tape, fill=red!35] (node\i\j){\element};
-	      }
-	      {
-		    \node [on chain=1,tape] (node\i\j) {\element};
-	      }
-      }    
-    % close tape
-    \draw [thick,fill=green!35] (node\i\j.north east) -- ++(.15,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.10cm, amplitude=.015cm}] 
-    {-- ($(node\i\j.south east)+(.07,0)$)} -- (node\i\j.south east) -- cycle;
-    \node [on chain=1,tape, fill=none, draw=none] (end\i) {\ \ldots};
-    \node [right = of end\i]{\tiny tape~\i};
-    % draw read-write head
-    \prevnode=\head
-    \advance\prevnode by -1
-    \node [head,right = of node\i\the\prevnode] (head\i){};
-    \node [above = of head\i]{\tiny head \i};
-% Define the turing machine as a list of pairs, where each pair consists of the read-writes head position the delimiter "/" and  the list of symbols on the tape.
-\newcommand{\tapes}{ 3/{, , ,1,1, }, 1/{, 1, 0, 1 , 0,}, 2/{ , 1 , 1, 0, 1,}}
-% Draw program node
-\draw (-1.5,-2) node [draw, thick, rectangle, minimum height= 2.5cm, minimum width=2cm, fill=white, rounded corners] (program){program};
-% Draw tapes and heads
-\foreach [count=\i] \head/\adlist in \tapes {
-    % Draw tape and head
-    \DrawTape{\i,\head,\adlist}
-    % Draw link to program
-    \draw[thick, rounded corners=3pt] (program) {-- ($(node\i0.south west) + (0,-0.15)$)} 
-	{-- ($(head\i.south) + (0,-0.1)$)}-- (head\i.south);
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
+    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=3]
+        {Services
+         \nodepart{two} Event Driven Framework
+         \nodepart{three} OS Adapter Layer};
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/	Fri Jun 03 16:45:30 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/	Mon Jun 06 03:05:31 2022 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %% LaTeX2e file `'
 %% generated by the `filecontents' environment
-%% from source `main' on 2022/03/16.
+%% from source `main' on 2022/06/05.
 1 1.5633E-5
 2 1.299E-5
--- a/thys2/	Fri Jun 03 16:45:30 2022 +0100
+++ b/thys2/	Mon Jun 06 03:05:31 2022 +0100
@@ -542,19 +542,33 @@
 def distinctWith(rs: List[ARexp], 
-                f: (ARexp, Set[Rexp]) => ARexp, 
+                pruneFunction: (ARexp, Set[Rexp]) => ARexp, 
                 acc: Set[Rexp] = Set()) : List[ARexp] = 
   rs match{
     case Nil => Nil
     case r :: rs => 
-        distinctWith(rs, f, acc)
+        distinctWith(rs, pruneFunction, acc)
       else {
-        val pruned_r = f(r, acc)
-        pruned_r :: distinctWith(rs, f, strongBreakIntoTerms(erase(pruned_r)) ++: acc)
+        val pruned_r = pruneFunction(r, acc)
+        pruned_r :: 
+        distinctWith(rs, 
+          pruneFunction, 
+          turnIntoTerms(erase(pruned_r)) ++: acc
+        )
+// def distinctByPlus(rs: List[ARexp], acc: Set[Rexp] = Set()) : 
+// List[ARexp] =  rs match {
+//   case Nil => Nil
+//   case r :: rs =>
+//     if(acc.contains(erase(r)))
+//       distinctByPlus(rs, acc)
+//     else 
+//       prune(r, acc) :: distinctByPlus(rs, prune(r, acc) +: acc)
+// }
 //r = r' ~ tail => returns r'
 def removeSeqTail(r: Rexp, tail: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
   case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
@@ -805,19 +819,18 @@
-def strongBreakIntoTerms(r: Rexp): List[Rexp] = r match {
+def turnIntoTerms(r: Rexp): List[Rexp] = r match {
   case SEQ(r1, r2)  => if(isOne(r1)) 
-                          //strongBreakIntoTerms(r1).map(r11 => SEQ(r11, r2)) ::: 
-                          strongBreakIntoTerms(r2) 
+                          turnIntoTerms(r2) 
-                          strongBreakIntoTerms(r1).map(r11 => SEQ(r11, r2))
-  case ALTS(r1, r2) => strongBreakIntoTerms(r1) ::: strongBreakIntoTerms(r2)
+                          turnIntoTerms(r1).map(r11 => SEQ(r11, r2))
+  case ALTS(r1, r2) => turnIntoTerms(r1) ::: turnIntoTerms(r2)
   case ZERO => Nil
   case _ => r :: Nil
 def attachCtx(r: ARexp, ctx: List[Rexp]) : Set[Rexp] = {
-  val res = strongBreakIntoTerms((L(erase(r), ctx))).map(oneSimp)
+  val res = turnIntoTerms((L(erase(r), ctx))).map(oneSimp)
@@ -868,7 +881,7 @@
       val pruned = prune6(acc, x, Nil)
-      val newTerms = strongBreakIntoTerms(erase(pruned))
+      val newTerms = turnIntoTerms(erase(pruned))
       pruned match {
         case AZERO => 
           distinctBy6(xs, acc)
@@ -1201,11 +1214,11 @@
 def n_astar_alts(d: Int) : Rexp = d match {
   case 0 => n_astar_list(0)
   case d => STAR(n_astar_list(d))
-  // case r1 :: r2 :: Nil => ALTS(r1, r2)
-  // case r1 :: Nil => r1
-  // case r :: rs => ALTS(r, n_astar_alts(rs))
-  // case Nil => throw new Error("should give at least 1 elem")
+  }
+def n_astar_alts2(d: Int) : Rexp = d match {
+  case 0 => n_astar_list(0)
+  case d => STAR(STAR(n_astar_list(d)))
+  }
 def n_astar_aux(d: Int) = {
   if(d == 0) n_astar_alts(0)
   else ALTS(n_astar_alts(d), n_astar_alts(d - 1))
@@ -1233,9 +1246,9 @@
   //val refSize =
   for(n <- 5 to 5){
-    val STARREG = n_astar(n)
+    val STARREG = n_astar_alts2(n)
     val iMax = (lcm((1 to n).toList))
-    for(i <- 1 to iMax + 2){// 100, 400, 800, 840, 841, 900 
+    for(i <- 0 to iMax ){// 100, 400, 800, 840, 841, 900 
       val prog0 = "a" * i
       //println(s"test: $prog0")
@@ -1243,10 +1256,11 @@
       // print(i)
       // print(" ")
       println(asize(bders_simp(prog0.toList, internalise(STARREG))))
+      // println(asize(bdersStrong7(prog0.toList, internalise(STARREG))))
 def generator_test() {
   test(rexp(4), 1000000) { (r: Rexp) => 
@@ -1255,9 +1269,9 @@
     val boolList = ss.filter(s => s != "").map(s => {
       //val bdStrong = bdersStrong(s.toList, internalise(r))
       val bdStrong6 = bdersStrong7(s.toList, internalise(r))
-      val bdStrong6Set = strongBreakIntoTerms(erase(bdStrong6))
-      val pdersSet = pderUNIV(r)//.flatMap(r => strongBreakIntoTerms(r))
-      val pdersSetBroken = pdersSet.flatMap(r => strongBreakIntoTerms(r))
+      val bdStrong6Set = turnIntoTerms(erase(bdStrong6))
+      val pdersSet = pderUNIV(r)//.flatMap(r => turnIntoTerms(r))
+      val pdersSetBroken = pdersSet.flatMap(r => turnIntoTerms(r))
       bdStrong6Set.size <= pdersSet.size || bdStrong6Set.size <= pdersSetBroken.size
@@ -1280,7 +1294,7 @@
   val s = "b"
   val bdStrong5 = bdersStrong7(s.toList, internalise(r))
   val bdStrong5Set = breakIntoTerms(erase(bdStrong5))
-  val pdersSet = pderUNIV(r)//.map(r => erase(bsimp(internalise(r))))//.flatMap(r => strongBreakIntoTerms(r))//.map(oneSimp).flatMap(r => breakIntoTerms(r))
+  val pdersSet = pderUNIV(r)//.map(r => erase(bsimp(internalise(r))))//.flatMap(r => turnIntoTerms(r))//.map(oneSimp).flatMap(r => breakIntoTerms(r))
   println("original regex ")
   println("after strong bsimp")
@@ -1291,7 +1305,7 @@
+// counterexample_check()
 def linform_test() {
   val r = STAR(SEQ(STAR(CHAR('c')),ONE))//SEQ(STAR(CHAR('c')),STAR(SEQ(STAR(CHAR('c')),ONE))) //