diff -r 31abe0e496bc -r 599239394c51 PhdThesisRealOne/LaTeXTemplates_masters-doctoral-thesis_v2/main.tex --- a/PhdThesisRealOne/LaTeXTemplates_masters-doctoral-thesis_v2/main.tex Thu Mar 24 20:59:43 2022 +0000 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,357 +0,0 @@ -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -% Masters/Doctoral Thesis -% LaTeX Template -% Version 2.5 (27/8/17) -% -% This template was downloaded from: -% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com -% -% Version 2.x major modifications by: -% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) -% -% This template is based on a template by: -% Steve Gunn (http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/srg/softwaretools/document/templates/) -% Sunil Patel (http://www.sunilpatel.co.uk/thesis-template/) -% -% Template license: -% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) -% -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\documentclass[ -11pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt -%oneside, % Two side (alternating margins) for binding by default, uncomment to switch to one side -english, % ngerman for German -singlespacing, % Single line spacing, alternatives: onehalfspacing or doublespacing -%draft, % Uncomment to enable draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated) -%nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single -%liststotoc, % Uncomment to add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents -%toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents -%parskip, % Uncomment to add space between paragraphs -%nohyperref, % Uncomment to not load the hyperref package -headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header -%chapterinoneline, % Uncomment to place the chapter title next to the number on one line -%consistentlayout, % Uncomment to change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout -]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure - 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-\subject{Computer Science} % Your subject area, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \subjectname -\keywords{} % Keywords for your thesis, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \keywordnames -\university{\href{https://www.kcl.ac.uk}{King's College London}} % Your university's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \univname -\department{\href{https://www.kcl.ac.uk/informatics}{Department or Informatics}} % Your department's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \deptname -\group{\href{https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/ssy}{Software Systems}} % Your research group's name and URL, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \groupname -\faculty{\href{http://faculty.university.com}{Chengsong Tan}} % Your faculty's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \facname - -\AtBeginDocument{ -\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle} % Set the PDF's title to your title -\hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authorname} % Set the PDF's author to your name -\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames} % Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords -} - -\begin{document} - -\frontmatter % Use roman page numbering style (i, ii, iii, iv...) for the pre-content pages - -\pagestyle{plain} % Default to the plain heading style until the thesis style is called for the body content - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% TITLE PAGE -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{titlepage} -\begin{center} - -\vspace*{.06\textheight} -{\scshape\LARGE \univname\par}\vspace{1.5cm} % University name -\textsc{\Large Doctoral Thesis}\\[0.5cm] % Thesis type - -\HRule \\[0.4cm] % Horizontal line -{\huge \bfseries \ttitle\par}\vspace{0.4cm} % Thesis title -\HRule \\[1.5cm] % Horizontal line - -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} -\begin{flushleft} \large -\emph{Author:}\\ -\href{https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/chengsong-tan(a63b381b-04bc-4cd7-beea-beb3e96cb153).html}{\authorname} % Author name - remove the \href bracket to remove the link -\end{flushleft} -\end{minipage} - - -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} -\begin{flushright} \large -\emph{Supervisor:} \\ -\href{https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/christian-urban}{\supname} % Supervisor name - remove the \href bracket to remove the link -\end{flushright} -\end{minipage}\\[3cm] - -\vfill - -\large \textit{A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements\\ for the degree of \degreename}\\[0.3cm] % University requirement text -\textit{in the}\\[0.4cm] -\groupname\\\deptname\\[2cm] % Research group name and department name - -\vfill - -{\large \today}\\[4cm] % Date -%\includegraphics{Logo} % University/department logo - uncomment to place it - -\vfill -\end{center} -\end{titlepage} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% DECLARATION PAGE -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{declaration} -\addchaptertocentry{\authorshipname} % Add the declaration to the table of contents -\noindent I, \authorname, declare that this thesis titled, \enquote{\ttitle} and the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that: - -\begin{itemize} -\item This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research degree at this University. -\item Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly stated. -\item Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly attributed. -\item Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work. -\item I have acknowledged all main sources of help. -\item Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.\\ -\end{itemize} - -\noindent Signed:\\ -\rule[0.5em]{25em}{0.5pt} % This prints a line for the signature - -\noindent Date:\\ -\rule[0.5em]{25em}{0.5pt} % This prints a line to write the date -\end{declaration} - -\cleardoublepage - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% QUOTATION PAGE -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\vspace*{0.2\textheight} - -\noindent\enquote{\itshape Thanks to my solid academic training, today I can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information, which is how I got a good job in journalism.}\bigbreak - -\hfill Dave Barry - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% ABSTRACT PAGE -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{abstract} -\addchaptertocentry{\abstractname} % Add the abstract to the table of contents -This work is a combination of functional algorithms -and formal methods. -Regular expression matching and lexing has been - widely-used and well-implemented -in software industry. - -Theoretical results say that regular expression matching -should be linear with respect to the input. -Under a certain class of regular expressions and inputs though, -practical implementations suffer from non-linear or even -exponential running time, -allowing a ReDoS (regular expression denial-of-service ) attack. - - -The reason behind is that regex libraries in popular language engines - often want to support richer constructs -than the most basic regular expressions, and lexing rather than matching -is needed for sub-match extraction. - -This work aims to address the above vulnerability by the combination -of Brzozowski's derivatives and interactive theorem proving. We give an -improved version of Sulzmann and Lu's bit-coded algorithm using -derivatives, which come with a formal guarantee in terms of correctness and -running time as an Isabelle/HOL proof. -Then we improve the algorithm with an even stronger version of -simplification, and prove a time bound linear to input and -cubic to regular expression size using a technique by -Antimirov. - - - - -\end{abstract} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{acknowledgements} -\addchaptertocentry{\acknowledgementname} % Add the acknowledgements to the table of contents -The acknowledgments and the people to thank go here, don't forget to include your project advisor\ldots -\end{acknowledgements} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% LIST OF CONTENTS/FIGURES/TABLES PAGES -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\tableofcontents % Prints the main table of contents - -\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures - -\listoftables % Prints the list of tables - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% ABBREVIATIONS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{abbreviations}{ll} % Include a list of abbreviations (a table of two columns) - -\textbf{LAH} & \textbf{L}ist \textbf{A}bbreviations \textbf{H}ere\\ -\textbf{WSF} & \textbf{W}hat (it) \textbf{S}tands \textbf{F}or\\ - -\newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}% -\newcommand{\ZERO}{\mbox{\bf 0}} -\newcommand{\ONE}{\mbox{\bf 1}} -\def\lexer{\mathit{lexer}} -\def\mkeps{\mathit{mkeps}} - -\def\DFA{\textit{DFA}} -\def\bmkeps{\textit{bmkeps}} -\def\retrieve{\textit{retrieve}} -\def\blexer{\textit{blexer}} -\def\flex{\textit{flex}} -\def\inj{\mathit{inj}} -\def\Empty{\mathit{Empty}} -\def\Left{\mathit{Left}} -\def\Right{\mathit{Right}} -\def\Stars{\mathit{Stars}} -\def\Char{\mathit{Char}} -\def\Seq{\mathit{Seq}} -\def\Der{\mathit{Der}} -\def\nullable{\mathit{nullable}} -\def\Z{\mathit{Z}} -\def\S{\mathit{S}} -\def\rup{r^\uparrow} - -\end{abbreviations} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% PHYSICAL CONSTANTS/OTHER DEFINITIONS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{constants}{lr@{${}={}$}l} % The list of physical constants is a three column table - -% The \SI{}{} command is provided by the siunitx package, see its documentation for instructions on how to use it - -Speed of Light & $c_{0}$ & \SI{2.99792458e8}{\meter\per\second} (exact)\\ -%Constant Name & $Symbol$ & $Constant Value$ with units\\ - -\end{constants} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% SYMBOLS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\begin{symbols}{lll} % Include a list of Symbols (a three column table) - -$a$ & distance & \si{\meter} \\ -$P$ & power & \si{\watt} (\si{\joule\per\second}) \\ -%Symbol & Name & Unit \\ - -\addlinespace % Gap to separate the Roman symbols from the Greek - -$\omega$ & angular frequency & \si{\radian} \\ - -\end{symbols} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% DEDICATION -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\dedicatory{For/Dedicated to/To my\ldots} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% THESIS CONTENT - CHAPTERS -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\mainmatter % Begin numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering - -\pagestyle{thesis} % Return the page headers back to the "thesis" style - -% Include the chapters of the thesis as separate files from the Chapters folder -% Uncomment the lines as you write the chapters - -\include{Chapters/Chapter1} -\include{Chapters/Chapter2} -\include{Chapters/Chapter3} -%\include{Chapters/Chapter4} -%\include{Chapters/Chapter5} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% THESIS CONTENT - APPENDICES -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following "chapters" are Appendices - -% Include the appendices of the thesis as separate files from the Appendices folder -% Uncomment the lines as you write the Appendices - -\include{Appendices/AppendixA} -%\include{Appendices/AppendixB} -%\include{Appendices/AppendixC} - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% BIBLIOGRAPHY -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -\end{document}