theory Primports Main "~~/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Primes" "~~/src/HOL/Real"beginlemma fixes a b::nat shows "(a + b) ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2"apply(simp add: power2_sum)donelemma fixes a b c::"real" assumes eq: "a * c \<le> b * c" and ineq: "b < a" shows "c \<le> 0"proof - { assume "0 < c" then have "b * c < a * c" using ineq by(auto) then have "False" using eq by auto } then show "c \<le> 0" by (auto simp add: not_le[symmetric]) qedlemma "n > 1 \<Longrightarrow> \<not>(prime (2 * n))"by (metis One_nat_def Suc_leI less_Suc0 not_le numeral_eq_one_iff prime_product semiring_norm(85))lemma fixes n::"nat" assumes a: "n > 1" and b: "\<not>(prime n)" shows "\<not>(prime ((2 ^ n) - 1))" using a bapply(induct n)apply(simp)apply(simp)end