theory Paper
declare [[show_question_marks = false]]
notation (latex output)
If ("(\<^latex>\<open>\\textrm{\<close>if\<^latex>\<open>}\<close> (_)/ \<^latex>\<open>\\textrm{\<close>then\<^latex>\<open>}\<close> (_)/ \<^latex>\<open>\\textrm{\<close>else\<^latex>\<open>}\<close> (_))" 10) and
Cons ("_\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$\\,$}\<close>::\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$\\,$}\<close>_" [75,73] 73)
"der_syn r c \<equiv> der c r"
notation (latex output)
der_syn ("_\\_" [79, 1000] 76) and
ZERO ("\<^bold>0" 81) and
ONE ("\<^bold>1" 81) and
CH ("_" [1000] 80) and
ALT ("_ + _" [77,77] 78) and
SEQ ("_ \<cdot> _" [77,77] 78) and
STAR ("_\<^sup>\<star>" [79] 78) and
val.Void ("Empty" 78) and
val.Char ("Char _" [1000] 78) and
val.Left ("Left _" [79] 78) and
val.Right ("Right _" [1000] 78) and
val.Seq ("Seq _ _" [79,79] 78) and
val.Stars ("Stars _" [79] 78) and
Posix ("'(_, _') \<rightarrow> _" [63,75,75] 75) and
flat ("|_|" [75] 74) and
flats ("|_|" [72] 74) and
injval ("inj _ _ _" [79,77,79] 76) and
mkeps ("mkeps _" [79] 76) and
length ("len _" [73] 73) and
set ("_" [73] 73) and
AZERO ("ZERO" 81) and
AONE ("ONE _" [79] 78) and
ACHAR ("CHAR _ _" [79, 79] 80) and
AALTs ("ALTs _ _" [77,77] 78) and
ASEQ ("SEQ _ _ _" [79, 79,79] 78) and
ASTAR ("STAR _ _" [79, 79] 78) and
code ("code _" [79] 74) and
intern ("_\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$^\\uparrow$}\<close>" [900] 80) and
erase ("_\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$^\\downarrow$}\<close>" [1000] 74) and
bnullable ("nullable\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$_b$}\<close> _" [1000] 80) and
bmkeps ("mkeps\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$_b$}\<close> _" [1000] 80) and
srewrite ("_\<^latex>\<open>\\mbox{$\\,\\stackrel{s}{\\leadsto}$}\<close> _" [71, 71] 80)
lemma better_retrieve:
shows "rs \<noteq> Nil ==> retrieve (AALTs bs (r#rs)) (Left v) = bs @ retrieve r v"
and "rs \<noteq> Nil ==> retrieve (AALTs bs (r#rs)) (Right v) = bs @ retrieve (AALTs [] rs) v"
apply (metis list.exhaust retrieve.simps(4))
by (metis list.exhaust retrieve.simps(5))
section {* Introduction *}
text {*
In the last fifteen or so years, Brzozowski's derivatives of regular
expressions have sparked quite a bit of interest in the functional
programming and theorem prover communities. The beauty of
Brzozowski's derivatives \cite{Brzozowski1964} is that they are neatly
expressible in any functional language, and easily definable and
reasoned about in theorem provers---the definitions just consist of
inductive datatypes and simple recursive functions. A mechanised
correctness proof of Brzozowski's matcher in for example HOL4 has been
mentioned by Owens and Slind~\cite{Owens2008}. Another one in
Isabelle/HOL is part of the work by Krauss and Nipkow
\cite{Krauss2011}. And another one in Coq is given by Coquand and
Siles \cite{Coquand2012}.
The notion of derivatives
\cite{Brzozowski1964}, written @{term "der c r"}, of a regular
expression give a simple solution to the problem of matching a string
@{term s} with a regular expression @{term r}: if the derivative of
@{term r} w.r.t.\ (in succession) all the characters of the string
matches the empty string, then @{term r} matches @{term s} (and {\em
vice versa}). The derivative has the property (which may almost be
regarded as its specification) that, for every string @{term s} and
regular expression @{term r} and character @{term c}, one has @{term
"cs \<in> L(r)"} if and only if \mbox{@{term "s \<in> L(der c r)"}}.
If a regular expression matches a string, then in general there is more
than one way of how the string is matched. There are two commonly used
disambiguation strategies to generate a unique answer: one is called
GREEDY matching \cite{Frisch2004} and the other is POSIX
For example consider the string @{term xy} and the regular expression
\mbox{@{term "STAR (ALT (ALT x y) xy)"}}. Either the string can be
matched in two `iterations' by the single letter-regular expressions
@{term x} and @{term y}, or directly in one iteration by @{term xy}. The
first case corresponds to GREEDY matching, which first matches with the
left-most symbol and only matches the next symbol in case of a mismatch
(this is greedy in the sense of preferring instant gratification to
delayed repletion). The second case is POSIX matching, which prefers the
longest match.
\begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(3)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(3)}\\
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(4)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(4)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(5)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{text "if"} @{term "nullable(r\<^sub>1)"}\\
& & @{text "then"} @{term "ALT (SEQ (der c r\<^sub>1) r\<^sub>2) (der c r\<^sub>2)"}\\
& & @{text "else"} @{term "SEQ (der c r\<^sub>1) r\<^sub>2"}\\
% & & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(5)[of c "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) der.simps(6)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) der.simps(6)}
\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l}
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(3)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(3)}\\
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(4)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(4)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(5)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(5)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) nullable.simps(6)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) nullable.simps(6)}\medskip\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1.3cm,
every node/.style={minimum size=6mm}]
\node (r1) {@{term "r\<^sub>1"}};
\node (r2) [right=of r1]{@{term "r\<^sub>2"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r1)--(r2) node[above,midway] {@{term "der a DUMMY"}};
\node (r3) [right=of r2]{@{term "r\<^sub>3"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r2)--(r3) node[above,midway] {@{term "der b DUMMY"}};
\node (r4) [right=of r3]{@{term "r\<^sub>4"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r3)--(r4) node[above,midway] {@{term "der c DUMMY"}};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{@{term nullable}}};
\node (v4) [below=of r4]{@{term "v\<^sub>4"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r4) -- (v4);
\node (v3) [left=of v4] {@{term "v\<^sub>3"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v4)--(v3) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>3 c\<close>};
\node (v2) [left=of v3]{@{term "v\<^sub>2"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v3)--(v2) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>2 b\<close>};
\node (v1) [left=of v2] {@{term "v\<^sub>1"}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v2)--(v1) node[below,midway] {\<open>inj r\<^sub>1 a\<close>};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{@{term "mkeps"}}};
\caption{The two phases of the algorithm by Sulzmann \& Lu \cite{Sulzmann2014},
matching the string @{term "[a,b,c]"}. The first phase (the arrows from
left to right) is \Brz's matcher building successive derivatives. If the
last regular expression is @{term nullable}, then the functions of the
second phase are called (the top-down and right-to-left arrows): first
@{term mkeps} calculates a value @{term "v\<^sub>4"} witnessing
how the empty string has been recognised by @{term "r\<^sub>4"}. After
that the function @{term inj} ``injects back'' the characters of the string into
the values.
section {* Background *}
text {*
Sulzmann-Lu algorithm with inj. State that POSIX rules.
metion slg is correct.
@{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(1)}\<open>P\<close>@{term "ONE"} \qquad
@{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(2)}\<open>P\<close>@{term "c"}\medskip\\
@{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(3)[of "s" "r\<^sub>1" "v" "r\<^sub>2"]}\<open>P+L\<close>\qquad
@{thm[mode=Rule] Posix.intros(4)[of "s" "r\<^sub>2" "v" "r\<^sub>1"]}\<open>P+R\<close>\medskip\\
{@{thm (prem 1) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]} \qquad
@{thm (prem 2) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]} \\\\
@{thm (prem 3) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]}}
{@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(5)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>1" "s\<^sub>2" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>2"]}}$\<open>PS\<close>\\
@{thm[mode=Axiom] Posix.intros(7)}\<open>P[]\<close>\medskip\\
{@{thm (prem 1) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \qquad
@{thm (prem 2) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \qquad
@{thm (prem 3) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]} \\\\
@{thm (prem 4) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]}}
{@{thm (concl) Posix.intros(6)[of "s\<^sub>1" "r" "v" "s\<^sub>2" "vs"]}}$\<open>P\<star>\<close>
\caption{Our inductive definition of POSIX values.}\label{POSIXrules}
@{thm (lhs) mkeps.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) mkeps.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) mkeps.simps(2)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) mkeps.simps(2)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) mkeps.simps(3)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) mkeps.simps(3)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) mkeps.simps(4)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) mkeps.simps(4)}\\
\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{5mm}}lcl}
\textit{(1)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) injval.simps(1)}\\
\textit{(2)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(2)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1"]} & $\dn$ &
@{thm (rhs) injval.simps(2)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1"]}\\
\textit{(3)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(3)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ &
@{thm (rhs) injval.simps(3)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
\textit{(4)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(4)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$
& @{thm (rhs) injval.simps(4)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
\textit{(5)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(5)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$
& @{thm (rhs) injval.simps(5)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
\textit{(6)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(6)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$
& @{thm (rhs) injval.simps(6)[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "c" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
\textit{(7)} & @{thm (lhs) injval.simps(7)[of "r" "c" "v" "vs"]} & $\dn$
& @{thm (rhs) injval.simps(7)[of "r" "c" "v" "vs"]}\\
section {* Bitcoded Regular Expressions and Derivatives *}
text {*
Sulzmann and Lu describe another algorithm that generates POSIX
values but dispences with the second phase where characters are
injected ``back'' into values. For this they annotate bitcodes to
regular expressions, which we define in Isabelle/HOL as the datatype
@{term breg} & $::=$ & @{term "AZERO"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "AONE bs"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ACHAR bs c"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "AALTs bs rs"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ASEQ bs r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ASTAR bs r"}
\noindent where @{text bs} stands for a bitsequences; @{text r},
@{text "r\<^sub>1"} and @{text "r\<^sub>2"} for annotated regular
expressions; and @{text rs} for a list of annotated regular
expressions. In contrast to Sulzmann and Lu we generalise the
alternative regular expressions to lists, instead of just having
binary regular expressions. The idea with annotated regular
expressions is to incrementally generate the value information by
recording bitsequences. Sulzmann and Lu then
define a coding function for how values can be coded into bitsequences.
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(3)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(3)}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(4)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(4)}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(5)[of "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(5)[of "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(6)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(6)}\\
@{thm (lhs) code.simps(7)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) code.simps(7)}
There is also a corresponding decoding function that takes a bitsequence
and generates back a value. However, since the bitsequences are a ``lossy''
coding (@{term Seq}s are not coded) the decoding function depends also
on a regular expression in order to decode values.
%@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(3)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(3)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(4)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(4)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(5)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(5)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(6)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(6)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(7)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(7)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(8)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(8)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(9)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(9)}\\
@{thm (lhs) decode'.simps(10)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) decode'.simps(10)} & fix
The idea of the bitcodes is to annotate them to regular expressions and generate values
incrementally. The bitcodes can be read off from the @{text breg} and then decoded into a value.
@{term breg} & $::=$ & @{term "AZERO"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "AONE bs"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ACHAR bs c"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "AALTs bs rs"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ASEQ bs r\<^sub>1 r\<^sub>2"}\\
& $\mid$ & @{term "ASTAR bs r"}
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(3)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(3)}\\
@{thm (lhs) better_retrieve(1)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) better_retrieve(1)}\\
@{thm (lhs) better_retrieve(2)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) better_retrieve(2)}\\
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(6)[of _ "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]}
& $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(6)[of _ "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "v\<^sub>1" "v\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(7)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(7)}\\
@{thm (lhs) retrieve.simps(8)} & $\dn$ & @{thm (rhs) retrieve.simps(8)}
@{thm blexer_correctness}
bitcoded regexes / decoding / bmkeps
gets rid of the second phase (only single phase)
section {* Simplification *}
text {*
Sulzmann \& Lu apply simplification via a fixpoint operation; also does not use erase to filter out duplicates.
not direct correspondence with PDERs, because of example
problem with retrieve
@{thm[mode=Axiom] bs1[of _ "r\<^sub>2"]}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Axiom] bs2[of _ "r\<^sub>1"]}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Axiom] bs3[of "bs\<^sub>1" "bs\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm[mode=Rule] bs4[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" _ "r\<^sub>3"]}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Rule] bs5[of "r\<^sub>3" "r\<^sub>4" _ "r\<^sub>1"]}\\
@{thm[mode=Axiom] bs6}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Axiom] bs7}\\
@{thm[mode=Rule] bs8[of "rs\<^sub>1" "rs\<^sub>2"]}\\
%@ { t hm[mode=Axiom] ss1}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Rule] ss2[of "rs\<^sub>1" "rs\<^sub>2"]}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Rule] ss3[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm[mode=Axiom] ss4}\qquad
@{thm[mode=Axiom] ss5[of "bs" "rs\<^sub>1" "rs\<^sub>2"]}\\
@{thm[mode=Rule] ss6[of "r\<^sub>1" "r\<^sub>2" "rs\<^sub>1" "rs\<^sub>2" "rs\<^sub>3"]}\\
section {* Bound - NO *}
section {* Bounded Regex / Not *}
section {* Conclusion *}
text {*