\newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}
\newcommand{\Zero}{{\bf 0}}
\newcommand{\One}{{\bf 1}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north)]%
\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream,ultra thick,draw=red,rounded corners=2mm]%
\path[use as bounding box]
(0,0) rectangle (1em,1em);
\draw[red!50, fill=red!20]
(0,0) rectangle (1em,1em);
\node[inner sep=1pt,anchor=base west]
(char) at (0em,\gridraiseamount) {#1};
\mbox{\kern.06em\vrule height.3ex}%
\vbox{\hrule width#1}%
\hbox{\vrule height.3ex}}
\title[POSIX Lexing with Derivatives of Regexes]
{\bf POSIX Lexing with\\
\bf Derivatives of Regular Expressions\\
\bf (Proof Pearl)}
\author{Fahad Ausaf, Roy Dyckhoff and Christian Urban}
\date{King's College London, University of St Andrews}
\frametitle{Brzozowski's Derivatives of Regular Expressions}
Idea: If \smath{r} matches the string \smath{c\!::\!s},
what is a regular expression that matches just \smath{s}? \\
&\smath{\Zero \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} & \smath{\Zero}\\
&\smath{\One \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} & \smath{\Zero}\\
&\smath{d \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} &
\smath{\textit{if}\;d = c\;\textit{then}\;\One\;\textit{else}\;\Zero}\\
&\smath{r_1 + r_2 \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} &
\smath{r_1 \backslash c \,+\, r_2 \backslash c}\\
&\smath{r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} &
&& & \smath{\textit{then}\;r_1\backslash c \cdot r_2 \,+\, r_2\backslash c
\;\textit{else}\;r_1\backslash c \cdot r_2}\\
&\smath{r^* \backslash c} & \smath{\dn} &
\smath{r\backslash c \,\cdot\, r^*}\bigskip\\
&\smath{r\backslash []} & \smath{\dn} & \smath{r}\\
&\smath{r\backslash c\!::\!s} & \smath{\dn} &
\smath{(r\backslash c)\backslash s}\\
\frametitle{Brzozowski's Matcher}
Does \smath{r_1} match string \smath{abc}?
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1.3cm,every node/.style={minimum size=8mm}]
\node (r1) {\smath{r_1}};
\node (r2) [right=of r1] {\smath{r_2}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r1) -- (r2) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash a}};
\node (r3) [right=of r2] {\smath{r_3}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r2) -- (r3) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash b}};
\node (r4) [right=of r3] {\smath{r_4}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r3) -- (r4) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash c}};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{\smath{\;\;\textit{nullable}?}}};
It leads to an elegant functional program:
\smath{\textit{matches}\,(r, s) \dn \textit{nullable}\,(r\backslash s)}
It is an easy exercise to formally prove (e.g.~Coq, HOL, Isabelle):
\smath{\textit{matches}\,(r, s)} if and only if
\smath{s \in L(r)}
{\bf But Brzozowski's matcher gives only a yes/no-answer.}
\frametitle{Sulzmann and Lu's Matcher}
Sulzmann and Lu added a second phase in order to answer
\alert{\textbf{how}} the regular expression matched the string.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,node distance=0.8cm,every node/.style={minimum size=7mm}]
\node (r1) {\smath{r_1}};
\node (r2) [right=of r1] {\smath{r_2}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r1) -- (r2) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash a}};
\node (r3) [right=of r2] {\smath{r_3}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r2) -- (r3) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash b}};
\node (r4) [right=of r3] {\smath{r_4}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r3) -- (r4) node[above,midway] {\smath{\_\backslash c}};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{\smath{\;\;nullable?}}};
\node (v4) [below=of r4] {\smath{v_4}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r4) -- (v4);
\node (v3) [left=of v4] {\smath{v_3}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v4) -- (v3) node[below,midway] {\smath{inj\,c}};
\node (v2) [left=of v3] {\smath{v_2}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v3) -- (v2) node[below,midway] {\smath{inj\,b}};
\node (v1) [left=of v2] {\smath{v_1}};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v2) -- (v1) node[below,midway] {\smath{inj\,a}};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{\smath{mkeps}}};
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,raise=8mm},
line width=1.5mm]
(r1) -- (r4) node [black,midway,above, yshift=12mm]
{\large\bf first phase};
\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,raise=8mm},
line width=1.5mm]
(v4) -- (v1) node [black,midway,below, yshift=-12mm]
{\large\bf second phase};
%% first phase
\draw[line width=14mm, rounded corners, opacity=0.1,
(r1.center) -- (r4.center);
%% second phase
\draw[line width=14.1mm, rounded corners, opacity=0.2,
cap=round,join=round,draw=black, fill=white]
(r4) -- (v4.center) -- (v1.center);
\draw[line width=14mm, rounded corners, opacity=0.2,
(r4) -- (v4.center) -- (v1.center);
There are several possible answers for
\alert{\textbf{how}}: POSIX, GREEDY, \ldots
\begin{frame}{Regular Expressions and Values}
Regular expressions and their corresponding values (for how a
regular expression matched a string):\bigskip
\begin{columns}[c] % the "c" option specifies center vertical alignment
\column{.4\textwidth} % column designated by a command
\begin{tabular}{ l l l }
\smath{r} & ::= & \smath{\Zero} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{\One} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{c} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{r_1 \cdot r_2} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{r_1 + r_2} \\ \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{r^*} \\
\begin{tabular}{ l l l }
\smath{v} & ::= & \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{Empty} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{Char(c)} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{Seq(v_1\cdot v_2)} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{Left(v)} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{Right(v)} \\
& $\mid$ & \smath{[v_1,...,v_n]}
\frametitle{POSIX Matching (needed for Lexing)}
{\bf Longest Match Rule:} The longest
initial substring matched by any regular expression is taken
as the next token.
{\bf Rule Priority:} For a particular longest initial substring,
the first regular expression that can match determines the
For example: \smath{r_{keywords} + r_{identifiers}}:\bigskip
\item \smath{\texttt{\Grid{iffoo\VS bla}}}
\item \smath{\texttt{\Grid{if\VS bla}}}
\frametitle{Problems with POSIX}
Grathwohl, Henglein and Rasmussen wrote:
\it ``The POSIX strategy is more complicated than the greedy because
of the dependence on information
about the length of matched strings in the various subexpressions.''
Also Kuklewicz maintains a unit-test repository for POSIX
matching, which indicates that most POSIX mathcers are buggy.
\frametitle{``Correctness'' by Sulzmann and Lu}
\item Sulzmann \& Lu's idea is to order all possible
answer such that they can prove the correct answer is
the maximum
\item The idea is taken from a GREEDY algorithm (and it
works there)\bigskip\pause
\item {\bf But} we made no progress in formalising
Sulzmann \& Lu's idea, because
\item transitivity, existence of maxima etc all fail to
turn into real proofs
\item the reason: the ordering works only if ....
\item though we did find mistakes:
``How could I miss this? Well, I was rather careless when
stating this Lemma :)\smallskip
Great example how formal machine checked proofs (and
proof assistants) can help to spot flawed reasoning steps.''
``Well, I don't think there's any flaw. The issue is how to
come up with a mechanical proof. In my world mathematical
proof $=$ mechanical proof doesn't necessarily hold.''
\frametitle{Sulzmann and Lu Matcher}
We want to match the string $abc$ using $r_1$\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1.3cm,every node/.style={minimum size=8mm}]
\node (r1) {$r_1$};
\node (r2) [right=of r1] {$r_2$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r1) -- (r2) node[above,midway] {$der\,a$};\pause
\node (r3) [right=of r2] {$r_3$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r2) -- (r3) node[above,midway] {$der\,b$};\pause
\node (r4) [right=of r3] {$r_4$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r3) -- (r4) node[above,midway] {$der\,c$};\pause
\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{$\;\;nullable?$}};\pause
\node (v4) [below=of r4] {$v_4$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r4) -- (v4);\pause
\node (v3) [left=of v4] {$v_3$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v4) -- (v3) node[below,midway] {$inj\,c$};\pause
\node (v2) [left=of v3] {$v_2$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v3) -- (v2) node[below,midway] {$inj\,b$};\pause
\node (v1) [left=of v2] {$v_1$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v2) -- (v1) node[below,midway] {$inj\,a$};\pause
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r3) -- (v3);
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r2) -- (v2);
\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r1) -- (v1);
\draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{$mkeps$}};
\item Sulzmann: \ldots Let's assume $v$ is not a $POSIX$ value,
then there must be another one \ldots contradiction.\pause
\item Exists ?
$L(r) \not= \varnothing \;\Rightarrow\; \exists v.\;POSIX(v, r)$
\item In the sequence case
$Seq(v_1,v_2)\succ_{r_1\cdot r_2} Seq(v_1', v_2')$,
the induction hypotheses require
$|v_1| = |v_1'|$ and $|v_2| = |v_2'|$, but you only know
$|v_1| @ |v_2| = |v_1'| @ |v_2'|$
\item Although one begins with the assumption that the two
values have the same flattening, this cannot be maintained
as one descends into the induction (alternative, sequence)
\frametitle{Our Solution}
\item A direct definition of what a POSIX value is, using the
relation \smath{s \in r \to v} (our specification)\bigskip
\smath{\infer{[] \in \epsilon \to Empty}{}}\hspace{15mm}
\smath{\infer{[c] \in c \to Char(c)}{}}\bigskip\medskip
\smath{\infer{s \in r_1 + r_2 \to Left(v)}
{s \in r_1 \to v}}\hspace{10mm}
\smath{\infer{s \in r_1 + r_2 \to Right(v)}
{s \in r_2 \to v & s \not\in L(r_1)}}\bigskip\medskip
\smath{\infer{s_1 @ s_2 \in r_1 \cdot r_2 \to Seq(v_1, v_2)}
s_1 \in r_1 \to v_1 \\
s_2 \in r_2 \to v_2 \\
\neg(\exists s_3\,s_4.\; s_3 \not= []
\wedge s_3 @ s_4 = s_2 \wedge
s_1 @ s_3 \in L(r_1) \wedge
s_4 \in L(r_2))
It is almost trival to prove:
\item Uniqueness
If $s \in r \to v_1$ and $s \in r \to v_2$ then
$v_1 = v_2$
\item Correctness
$lexer(r, s) = v$ if and only if $s \in r \to v$
You can now start to implement optimisations and derive
correctness proofs for them. But we still do not know whether
$s \in r \to v$
is a POSIX value according to Sulzmann \& Lu's definition
(biggest value for $s$ and $r$)