--- a/Fahad/Scala/Chapter6.sc Wed Jan 21 12:32:17 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-package greeter
-object Chapter6 {
- println("Classes and Objects") //> Classes and Objects
- class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) {
- private def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
- if (x == 0) y
- else if (x < 0) gcd(-x, y)
- else if (y < 0) -gcd(x, -y)
- else gcd(y % x, x)
- }
- private val g = gcd(n, d)
- val numer: Int = n / g
- val denom: Int = d / g
- def +(that: Rational) = new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom)
- def -(that: Rational) = new Rational(numer * that.denom - that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom)
- def *(that: Rational) = new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom)
- def /(that: Rational) = new Rational(numer * that.denom, denom * that.numer)
- //Inheritance and Overriding
- override def toString = "" + numer + "/" + denom
- //Parameterless Methods
- def square = new Rational(numer * numer, denom * denom)
- }
- //Inheritance and Overriding
- var i = 1 //> i : Int = 1
- var x = new Rational(0, 1) //> x : greeter.Chapter6.Rational = 0/1
- while (i <= 10) {
- x += new Rational(1, i)
- i += 1
- }
- println("" + x.numer + "/" + x.denom) //> 7381/2520
- //Parameterless Methods
- val r = new Rational(3, 4) //> r : greeter.Chapter6.Rational = 3/4
- println(r.square) //> 9/16
- //Abstract Classes
- abstract class IntSet {
- def incl(x: Int): IntSet
- def contains(x: Int): Boolean
- }
- //Triats
- trait IntSett {
- def incl(x: Int): IntSet
- def contains(x: Int): Boolean
- }
- //Implementing abstract class
- class EmptySet extends IntSet {
- def contains(x: Int): Boolean = false
- def incl(x: Int): IntSet = new NonEmptySet(x, new EmptySet, new EmptySet)
- }
- class NonEmptySet(elem: Int, left: IntSet, right: IntSet) extends IntSet {
- def contains(x: Int): Boolean =
- if (x < elem) left contains x
- else if (x > elem) right contains x
- else true
- def incl(x: Int): IntSet =
- if (x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left incl x, right)
- else if (x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right incl x)
- else this
- }