--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Inj.tex Sat Jul 16 18:34:46 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Inj.tex Thu Jul 21 20:21:52 2022 +0100
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
The central property of the $\lexer$ is that it gives the correct result by
$\POSIX$ standards:
The $\lexer$ based on derivatives and injections is correct:
@@ -1008,32 +1008,148 @@
This is a highly ambiguous regular expression, with
many ways to split up the string into multiple segments for
different star iteratioins,
-and each segment will have multiple ways of splitting between
+and for each segment
+multiple ways of splitting between
the two $a^*$ sub-expressions.
-It is not surprising there are exponentially many
-distinct lexical values
-for such a pair of regular expression and string.
+When $n$ is equal to $1$, there are two lexical values for
+the match:
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [])] \quad (value 1)
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])] \quad (value 2)
+The derivative of $\derssimp \;s \; r$ is
+ (a^*a^* + a^*)\cdot(a^*a^*)^*.
+The $a^*a^*$ and $a^*$ in the first child of the above sequence
+correspond to value 1 and value 2, respectively.
+When $n=2$, the number goes up to 7:
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a, \Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [])]
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])]
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a, \Char \; a])]
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; []), \Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char\;a])\; (\Stars\; []) ]
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; []),
+ \Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])
+ ]
+ \Stars \; [
+ \Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a]),
+ \Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])
+ ]
+ \Stars \; [
+ \Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a]),
+ \Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [])
+ ]
+And $\derssimp \; aa \; (a^*a^*)^*$ would be
+ ((a^*a^* + a^*)+a^*)\cdot(a^*a^*)^* +
+ (a^*a^* + a^*)\cdot(a^*a^*)^*.
+which removes two out of the seven terms corresponding to the
+seven distinct lexical values.
+It is not surprising that there are exponentially many
+distinct lexical values that cannot be eliminated by
+the simple-minded simplification of $\derssimp$.
A lexer without a good enough strategy to
deduplicate will naturally
have an exponential runtime on ambiguous regular expressions.
-Somehow one has to make sure which
- lexical values are $\POSIX$ and must be kept in a lexing algorithm.
- For example, the above $r= (a^*\cdot a^*)^*$ and
-$s=\underbrace{aa\ldots a}_\text{n \textit{a}s}$ example has the POSIX value
-$ \Stars\,[\Seq(Stars\,[\underbrace{\Char(a),\ldots,\Char(a)}_\text{n iterations}], Stars\,[])]$.
-We want to keep this value only, and remove all the regular expression subparts
-not corresponding to this value during lexing.
-To do this, a two-phase algorithm with rectification is a bit too fragile.
-Can we not create those intermediate values $v_1,\ldots v_n$,
-and get the lexing information that should be already there while
-doing derivatives in one pass, without a second injection phase?
-In the meantime, can we ensure that simplifications
-are easily handled without breaking the correctness of the algorithm?
+On the other hand, the
+ $\POSIX$ value for $r= (a^*\cdot a^*)^*$ and
+$s=\underbrace{aa\ldots a}_\text{n \textit{a}s}$ is
+ \Stars\,
+ [\Seq \; (\Stars\,[\underbrace{\Char(a),\ldots,\Char(a)}_\text{n iterations}]), \Stars\,[]]
+and at any moment the subterms in a regular expression
+that will result in a POSIX value is only
+a minority among the many other terms,
+and one can remove ones that are absolutely not possible to
+be POSIX.
+In the above example,
+ ((a^*a^* + \underbrace{a^*}_\text{A})+\underbrace{a^*}_\text{duplicate of A})\cdot(a^*a^*)^* +
+ \underbrace{(a^*a^* + a^*)\cdot(a^*a^*)^*}_\text{further simp removes this}.
+can be further simplified by
+removing the underlined term first,
+which would open up possibilities
+of further simplification that removes the
+underbraced part.
+The result would be
+ (\underbrace{a^*a^*}_\text{term 1} + \underbrace{a^*}_\text{term 2})\cdot(a^*a^*)^*.
+with corresponding values
+ \begin{tabular}{lr}
+ $\Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a, \Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [])]$ & $(\text{term 1})$\\
+ $\Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a])] $ & $(\text{term 2})$
+ \end{tabular}
+Other terms with an underlying value such as
+ \Stars \; [\Seq \; (\Stars \; [])\; (\Stars \; [\Char \; a, \Char \; a])]
+is simply too hopeless to contribute a POSIX lexical value,
+and is therefore thrown away.
-Sulzmann and Lu solved this problem by
-introducing additional information to the
-regular expressions called \emph{bitcodes}.
+Ausaf and Dyckhoff and Urban \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}
+have come up with some simplification steps, however those steps
+are not yet sufficiently strong so that they achieve the above effects.
+And even with these relatively mild simplifications the proof
+is already quite a bit complicated than the theorem \ref{lexerCorrectness}.
+One would prove something like:
+ \textit{If}\; (\textit{snd} \; (\textit{simp} \; r\backslash c), s) \rightarrow v \;\;
+ \textit{then}\;\; (r, c::s) \rightarrow
+ \inj\;\, r\, \;c \;\, ((\textit{fst} \; (\textit{simp} \; r \backslash c))\; v)
+instead of the simple lemma \ref{injPosix}, where now $\textit{simp}$
+not only has to return a simplified regular expression,
+but also what specific simplifications
+has been done as a function on values
+showing how one can transform the value
+underlying the simplified regular expression
+to the unsimplified one.
+We therefore choose a slightly different approach to
+get better simplifications, which uses
+some augmented data structures compared to
+plain regular expressions.
+We call them \emph{annotated}
+regular expressions.
+With annotated regular expressions,
+we can avoid creating the intermediate values $v_1,\ldots v_n$ and a
+second phase altogether.
+In the meantime, we can also ensure that simplifications
+are easily handled without breaking the correctness of the algorithm.
+We introduce this new datatype and the
+corresponding algorithm in the next chapter.