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- author = {Ken Thompson},
- date-added = {2022-02-23 13:44:42 +0000},
- date-modified = {2022-02-23 13:44:42 +0000},
- doi = {10.1145/363347.363387},
- journal = {Communications of the {ACM}},
- month = {jun},
- number = {6},
- pages = {419--422},
- publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery ({ACM})},
- title = {Programming Techniques: Regular expression search algorithm},
- url = {https://doi.org/10.1145%2F363347.363387},
- volume = {11},
- year = 1968,
- bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1145%2F363347.363387},
- bdsk-url-2 = {https://doi.org/10.1145/363347.363387}}
- author = {Asiri Rathnayake and Hayo Thielecke},
- date-added = {2019-08-18 17:57:30 +0000},
- date-modified = {2019-08-18 18:00:13 +0000},
- journal = {arXiv:1405.7058},
- title = {Static Analysis for Regular Expression Exponential Runtime via Substructural Logics},
- year = {2017}}
- author = {Lasse Nielsen, Fritz Henglein},
- date-added = {2019-07-03 21:09:39 +0000},
- date-modified = {2019-07-03 21:17:33 +0000},
- journal = {LATA},
- title = {Bit-coded Regular Expression Parsing},
- year = {2011},
- author = {StackStatus},
- date-added = {2019-06-26 11:28:41 +0000},
- date-modified = {2019-06-26 16:07:31 +0000},
- keywords = {ReDos Attack},
- month = {July},
- rating = {5},
- read = {1},
- title = {Stack Overflow Outage Postmortem},
- url = {https://stackstatus.net/post/147710624694/outage-postmortem-july-20-2016},
- year = {2016},
- bdsk-url-1 = {https://stackstatus.net/post/147710624694/outage-postmortem-july-20-2016}}
- author = {H.~Hosoya and J.~Vouillon and B.~C.~Pierce},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)},
- number = 1,
- pages = {46--90},
- title = {{R}egular {E}xpression {T}ypes for {XML}},
- volume = 27,
- year = {2005}}
- note = {\url{http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html}},
- title = {{T}he {O}pen {G}roup {B}ase {S}pecification {I}ssue 6 {IEEE} {S}td 1003.1 2004 {E}dition},
- year = {2004}}
- author = {F.~Ausaf and R.~Dyckhoff and C.~Urban},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 7th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)},
- pages = {69--86},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{POSIX} {L}exing with {D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions ({P}roof {P}earl)},
- volume = {9807},
- year = {2016}}
- author = {F.~Ausaf and R.~Dyckhoff and C.~Urban},
- issn = {2150-914x},
- journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
- note = {\url{http://www.isa-afp.org/entries/Posix-Lexing.shtml}, Formal proof development},
- title = {{POSIX} {L}exing with {D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions},
- year = 2016}
- annote = {draft report},
- author = {N.~B.~B.~Grathwohl and F.~Henglein and U.~T.~Rasmussen},
- institution = {University of Copenhagen},
- title = {{A} {C}rash-{C}ourse in {R}egular {E}xpression {P}arsing and {R}egular {E}xpressions as {T}ypes},
- year = {2014}}
- author = {M.~Sulzmann and K.~Lu},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 12th International Conference on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS)},
- pages = {203--220},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{POSIX} {R}egular {E}xpression {P}arsing with {D}erivatives},
- volume = {8475},
- year = {2014}}
- author = {M.~Sulzmann and P.~van Steenhoven},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 23rd International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC)},
- pages = {174--191},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{A} {F}lexible and {E}fficient {ML} {L}exer {T}ool {B}ased on {E}xtended {R}egular {E}xpression {S}ubmatching},
- volume = {8409},
- year = {2014}}
- author = {B.~C.~Pierce and C.~Casinghino and M.~Gaboardi and M.~Greenberg and C.~Hri\c{t}cu and V.~Sj\"{o}berg and B.~Yorgey},
- note = {\url{http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/sf}},
- publisher = {Electronic textbook},
- title = {{S}oftware {F}oundations},
- year = {2015}}
- author = {C.~Kuklewicz},
- howpublished = {\url{https://wiki.haskell.org/Regex_Posix}},
- title = {{R}egex {P}osix}}
- author = {S.~Vansummeren},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
- number = {3},
- pages = {389--428},
- title = {{T}ype {I}nference for {U}nique {P}attern {M}atching},
- volume = {28},
- year = {2006}}
- author = {A.~Asperti},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)},
- pages = {283--298},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{A} {C}ompact {P}roof of {D}ecidability for {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence},
- volume = {7406},
- year = {2012}}
- author = {A.~Frisch and L.~Cardelli},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 31st International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP)},
- pages = {618--629},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{G}reedy {R}egular {E}xpression {M}atching},
- volume = {3142},
- year = {2004}}
- author = {V.~Antimirov},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- pages = {291--319},
- title = {{P}artial {D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions and {F}inite {A}utomata {C}onstructions},
- volume = {155},
- year = {1995}}
- author = {T.~Nipkow},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 11th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs)},
- pages = {1--15},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{V}erified {L}exical {A}nalysis},
- volume = 1479,
- year = 1998}
- author = {J.~A.~Brzozowski},
- journal = {Journal of the {ACM}},
- number = {4},
- pages = {481--494},
- title = {{D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions},
- volume = {11},
- year = {1964}}
- author = {X.~Leroy},
- journal = {Communications of the ACM},
- number = 7,
- pages = {107--115},
- title = {{F}ormal {V}erification of a {R}ealistic {C}ompiler},
- volume = 52,
- year = 2009}
- author = {L.~C.~Paulson},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)},
- pages = {231--245},
- series = {LNAI},
- title = {{A} {F}ormalisation of {F}inite {A}utomata {U}sing {H}ereditarily {F}inite {S}ets},
- volume = {9195},
- year = {2015}}
- author = {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban},
- journal = {Journal of Automatic Reasoning},
- number = {4},
- pages = {451--480},
- title = {{A} {F}ormalisation of the {M}yhill-{N}erode {T}heorem based on {R}egular {E}xpressions},
- volume = {52},
- year = {2014}}
- author = {X.~Yang and Y.~Chen and E.~Eide and J.~Regehr},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)},
- pages = {283--294},
- title = {{F}inding and {U}nderstanding {B}ugs in {C} {C}ompilers},
- year = {2011}}
- author = {A.~Barthwal and M.~Norrish},
- journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
- number = {2},
- pages = {346--362},
- title = {{A} {M}echanisation of {S}ome {C}ontext-{F}ree {L}anguage {T}heory in {HOL4}},
- volume = {80},
- year = {2014}}
- author = {K.~Thompson},
- issue_date = {June 1968},
- journal = {Communications of the ACM},
- number = {6},
- pages = {419--422},
- title = {{P}rogramming {T}echniques: {R}egular {E}xpression {S}earch {A}lgorithm},
- volume = {11},
- year = {1968}}
- author = {S.~Owens and J.~H.~Reppy and A.~Turon},
- journal = {Journal of Functinal Programming},
- number = {2},
- pages = {173--190},
- title = {{R}egular-{E}xpression {D}erivatives {R}e-{E}xamined},
- volume = {19},
- year = {2009}}
- author = {M.~Sulzmann and P.~Thiemann},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 9th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA)},
- pages = {275--286},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{D}erivatives for {R}egular {S}huffle {E}xpressions},
- volume = {8977},
- year = {2015}}
- author = {H.~Chen and S.~Yu},
- booktitle = {Proc.~in the International Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science (WTCS)},
- pages = {343--356},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions and an {A}pplication},
- volume = {7160},
- year = {2012}}
- author = {A.~Krauss and T.~Nipkow},
- journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
- pages = {95--106},
- title = {{P}roof {P}earl: {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence and {R}elation {A}lgebra},
- volume = 49,
- year = 2012}
- author = {D.~Traytel},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 24th Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL)},
- pages = {487--503},
- series = {LIPIcs},
- title = {{A} {C}oalgebraic {D}ecision {P}rocedure for {WS1S}},
- volume = {41},
- year = {2015}}
- author = {D.~Traytel and T.~Nipkow},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)},
- pages = {3-12},
- title = {{A} {V}erified {D}ecision {P}rocedure for {MSO} on {W}ords {B}ased on {D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions},
- year = 2013}
- author = {T.~Coquand and V.~Siles},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 1st International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP)},
- pages = {119--134},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{A} {D}ecision {P}rocedure for {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence in {T}ype {T}heory},
- volume = {7086},
- year = {2011}}
- author = {J.~B.~Almeida and N.~Moriera and D.~Pereira and S.~M.~de Sousa},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 15th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA)},
- pages = {59-68},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{P}artial {D}erivative {A}utomata {F}ormalized in {C}oq},
- volume = {6482},
- year = {2010}}
- author = {S.~Owens and K.~Slind},
- journal = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation},
- number = {4},
- pages = {377--409},
- title = {{A}dapting {F}unctional {P}rograms to {H}igher {O}rder {L}ogic},
- volume = {21},
- year = {2008}}
- author = {S.~Owens and K.~Slind},
- bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org},
- biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/lisp/OwensS08},
- doi = {10.1007/s10990-008-9038-0},
- journal = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation},
- number = {4},
- pages = {377--409},
- timestamp = {Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:51:02 +0100},
- title = {Adapting functional programs to higher order logic},
- url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10990-008-9038-0},
- volume = {21},
- year = {2008},
- bdsk-url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10990-008-9038-0}}
- title = {{PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions}},
- url = {http://www.pcre.org},
- bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.pcre.org}}
- author = {S.~Okui and T.~Suzuki},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 15th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA)},
- pages = {231--240},
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{D}isambiguation in {R}egular {E}xpression {M}atching via {P}osition {A}utomata with {A}ugmented {T}ransitions},
- volume = {6482},
- year = {2010}}
- author = {S.~Okui and T.~Suzuki},
- institution = {University of Aizu},
- title = {{D}isambiguation in {R}egular {E}xpression {M}atching via {P}osition {A}utomata with {A}ugmented {T}ransitions},
- year = {2013}}
- author = {J.~C.~Davis and C.~.A.~Coghlan and F.~Servant and D.~Lee},
- booktitle = {Proc.~of the 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)},
- numpages = {11},
- pages = {246--256},
- title = {{T}he {I}mpact of {R}egular {E}xpression {D}enial of {S}ervice ({ReDoS}) in {P}ractice: {A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy at the {E}cosystem {S}cale},
- year = {2018}}