1 |
2 theory FBound |
3 imports "BlexerSimp" "ClosedFormsBounds" |
4 begin |
5 |
6 fun distinctBy :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'b set \<Rightarrow> 'a list" |
7 where |
8 "distinctBy [] f acc = []" |
9 | "distinctBy (x#xs) f acc = |
10 (if (f x) \<in> acc then distinctBy xs f acc |
11 else x # (distinctBy xs f ({f x} \<union> acc)))" |
12 |
13 fun rerase :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> rrexp" |
14 where |
15 "rerase AZERO = RZERO" |
16 | "rerase (AONE _) = RONE" |
17 | "rerase (ACHAR _ c) = RCHAR c" |
18 | "rerase (AALTs bs rs) = RALTS (map rerase rs)" |
19 | "rerase (ASEQ _ r1 r2) = RSEQ (rerase r1) (rerase r2)" |
20 | "rerase (ASTAR _ r) = RSTAR (rerase r)" |
21 |
22 lemma eq1_rerase: |
23 shows "x ~1 y \<longleftrightarrow> (rerase x) = (rerase y)" |
24 apply(induct x y rule: eq1.induct) |
25 apply(auto) |
26 done |
27 |
28 |
29 lemma distinctBy_distinctWith: |
30 shows "distinctBy xs f (f ` acc) = distinctWith xs (\<lambda>x y. f x = f y) acc" |
31 apply(induct xs arbitrary: acc) |
32 apply(auto) |
33 by (metis image_insert) |
34 |
35 lemma distinctBy_distinctWith2: |
36 shows "distinctBy xs rerase {} = distinctWith xs eq1 {}" |
37 apply(subst distinctBy_distinctWith[of _ _ "{}", simplified]) |
38 using eq1_rerase by presburger |
39 |
40 lemma asize_rsize: |
41 shows "rsize (rerase r) = asize r" |
42 apply(induct r rule: rerase.induct) |
43 apply(auto) |
44 apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) comp_apply map_eq_conv) |
45 done |
46 |
47 lemma rerase_fuse: |
48 shows "rerase (fuse bs r) = rerase r" |
49 apply(induct r) |
50 apply simp+ |
51 done |
52 |
53 lemma rerase_bsimp_ASEQ: |
54 shows "rerase (bsimp_ASEQ x1 a1 a2) = rsimp_SEQ (rerase a1) (rerase a2)" |
55 apply(induct x1 a1 a2 rule: bsimp_ASEQ.induct) |
56 apply(auto) |
57 done |
58 |
59 lemma rerase_bsimp_AALTs: |
60 shows "rerase (bsimp_AALTs bs rs) = rsimp_ALTs (map rerase rs)" |
61 apply(induct bs rs rule: bsimp_AALTs.induct) |
62 apply(auto simp add: rerase_fuse) |
63 done |
64 |
65 fun anonalt :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> bool" |
66 where |
67 "anonalt (AALTs bs2 rs) = False" |
68 | "anonalt r = True" |
69 |
70 |
71 fun agood :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> bool" where |
72 "agood AZERO = False" |
73 | "agood (AONE cs) = True" |
74 | "agood (ACHAR cs c) = True" |
75 | "agood (AALTs cs []) = False" |
76 | "agood (AALTs cs [r]) = False" |
77 | "agood (AALTs cs (r1#r2#rs)) = (distinct (map rerase (r1 # r2 # rs)) \<and>(\<forall>r' \<in> set (r1#r2#rs). agood r' \<and> anonalt r'))" |
78 | "agood (ASEQ _ AZERO _) = False" |
79 | "agood (ASEQ _ (AONE _) _) = False" |
80 | "agood (ASEQ _ _ AZERO) = False" |
81 | "agood (ASEQ cs r1 r2) = (agood r1 \<and> agood r2)" |
82 | "agood (ASTAR cs r) = True" |
83 |
84 |
85 fun anonnested :: "arexp \<Rightarrow> bool" |
86 where |
87 "anonnested (AALTs bs2 []) = True" |
88 | "anonnested (AALTs bs2 ((AALTs bs1 rs1) # rs2)) = False" |
89 | "anonnested (AALTs bs2 (r # rs2)) = anonnested (AALTs bs2 rs2)" |
90 | "anonnested r = True" |
91 |
92 |
93 lemma asize0: |
94 shows "0 < asize r" |
95 apply(induct r) |
96 apply(auto) |
97 done |
98 |
99 lemma rnullable: |
100 shows "rnullable (rerase r) = bnullable r" |
101 apply(induct r rule: rerase.induct) |
102 apply(auto) |
103 done |
104 |
105 lemma rder_bder_rerase: |
106 shows "rder c (rerase r ) = rerase (bder c r)" |
107 apply (induct r) |
108 apply (auto) |
109 using rerase_fuse apply presburger |
110 using rnullable apply blast |
111 using rnullable by blast |
112 |
113 lemma rerase_map_bsimp: |
114 assumes "\<And> r. r \<in> set rs \<Longrightarrow> rerase (bsimp r) = (rsimp \<circ> rerase) r" |
115 shows "map rerase (map bsimp rs) = map (rsimp \<circ> rerase) rs" |
116 using assms |
117 apply(induct rs) |
118 by simp_all |
119 |
120 |
121 lemma rerase_flts: |
122 shows "map rerase (flts rs) = rflts (map rerase rs)" |
123 apply(induct rs rule: flts.induct) |
124 apply(auto simp add: rerase_fuse) |
125 done |
126 |
127 lemma rerase_dB: |
128 shows "map rerase (distinctBy rs rerase acc) = rdistinct (map rerase rs) acc" |
129 apply(induct rs arbitrary: acc) |
130 apply simp+ |
131 done |
132 |
133 lemma rerase_earlier_later_same: |
134 assumes " \<And>r. r \<in> set rs \<Longrightarrow> rerase (bsimp r) = rsimp (rerase r)" |
135 shows " (map rerase (distinctBy (flts (map bsimp rs)) rerase {})) = |
136 (rdistinct (rflts (map (rsimp \<circ> rerase) rs)) {})" |
137 apply(subst rerase_dB) |
138 apply(subst rerase_flts) |
139 apply(subst rerase_map_bsimp) |
140 apply auto |
141 using assms |
142 apply simp |
143 done |
144 |
145 lemma bsimp_rerase: |
146 shows "rerase (bsimp a) = rsimp (rerase a)" |
147 apply(induct a rule: bsimp.induct) |
148 apply(auto) |
149 using rerase_bsimp_ASEQ apply presburger |
150 using distinctBy_distinctWith2 rerase_bsimp_AALTs rerase_earlier_later_same by fastforce |
151 |
152 lemma rders_simp_size: |
153 shows "rders_simp (rerase r) s = rerase (bders_simp r s)" |
154 apply(induct s rule: rev_induct) |
155 apply simp |
156 by (simp add: bders_simp_append rder_bder_rerase rders_simp_append bsimp_rerase) |
157 |
158 |
159 corollary aders_simp_finiteness: |
160 assumes "\<exists>N. \<forall>s. rsize (rders_simp (rerase r) s) \<le> N" |
161 shows " \<exists>N. \<forall>s. asize (bders_simp r s) \<le> N" |
162 proof - |
163 from assms obtain N where "\<forall>s. rsize (rders_simp (rerase r) s) \<le> N" |
164 by blast |
165 then have "\<forall>s. rsize (rerase (bders_simp r s)) \<le> N" |
166 by (simp add: rders_simp_size) |
167 then have "\<forall>s. asize (bders_simp r s) \<le> N" |
168 by (simp add: asize_rsize) |
169 then show "\<exists>N. \<forall>s. asize (bders_simp r s) \<le> N" by blast |
170 qed |
171 |
172 theorem annotated_size_bound: |
173 shows "\<exists>N. \<forall>s. asize (bders_simp r s) \<le> N" |
174 apply(insert aders_simp_finiteness) |
175 by (simp add: rders_simp_bounded) |
176 |
177 |
178 unused_thms |
179 |
180 end |