1669 |
1676 |
1670 |
1677 |
1671 lemma star_closed_form: |
1678 lemma star_closed_form: |
1672 shows "rders_simp (RSTAR r0) (c#s) = |
1679 shows "rders_simp (RSTAR r0) (c#s) = |
1673 rsimp ( RALTS ( (map (\<lambda>s1. RSEQ (rders_simp r0 s1) (RSTAR r0) ) (star_updates s r0 [[c]]) ) ))" |
1680 rsimp ( RALTS ( (map (\<lambda>s1. RSEQ (rders_simp r0 s1) (RSTAR r0) ) (star_updates s r0 [[c]]) ) ))" |
1674 apply(induct s) |
1681 apply(case_tac s) |
1675 apply simp |
1682 apply simp |
1676 apply (metis idem_after_simp1 rsimp.simps(1) rsimp.simps(6) rsimp_idem) |
1683 apply (metis idem_after_simp1 rsimp.simps(1) rsimp.simps(6) rsimp_idem) |
1677 using star_closed_form4 star_closed_form5 star_closed_form6 star_closed_form8 by presburger |
1684 using star_closed_form4 star_closed_form5 star_closed_form6 star_closed_form8 by presburger |
1678 |
1685 |
1679 |
1686 |
1680 unused_thms |
1687 |
1681 |
1688 |
1689 fun nupdate :: "char \<Rightarrow> rrexp \<Rightarrow> (string * nat) option list \<Rightarrow> (string * nat) option list" where |
1690 "nupdate c r [] = []" |
1691 | "nupdate c r (Some (s, Suc n) # Ss) = (if (rnullable (rders r s)) |
1692 then Some (s@[c], Suc n) # Some ([c], n) # (nupdate c r Ss) |
1693 else Some ((s@[c]), Suc n) # (nupdate c r Ss) |
1694 )" |
1695 | "nupdate c r (Some (s, 0) # Ss) = (if (rnullable (rders r s)) |
1696 then Some (s@[c], 0) # None # (nupdate c r Ss) |
1697 else Some ((s@[c]), 0) # (nupdate c r Ss) |
1698 ) " |
1699 | "nupdate c r (None # Ss) = (None # nupdate c r Ss)" |
1700 |
1701 |
1702 fun nupdates :: "char list \<Rightarrow> rrexp \<Rightarrow> (string * nat) option list \<Rightarrow> (string * nat) option list" |
1703 where |
1704 "nupdates [] r Ss = Ss" |
1705 | "nupdates (c # cs) r Ss = nupdates cs r (nupdate c r Ss)" |
1706 |
1707 fun ntset :: "rrexp \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (string * nat) option list" where |
1708 "ntset r (Suc n) (c # cs) = nupdates cs r [Some ([c], n)]" |
1709 | "ntset r 0 _ = [None]" |
1710 | "ntset r _ [] = []" |
1711 |
1712 inductive created_by_ntimes :: "rrexp \<Rightarrow> bool" where |
1713 "created_by_ntimes RZERO" |
1714 | "created_by_ntimes (RSEQ ra (RNTIMES rb n))" |
1715 | "\<lbrakk>created_by_ntimes r1; created_by_ntimes r2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> created_by_ntimes (RALT r1 r2)" |
1716 | "\<lbrakk>created_by_ntimes r \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> created_by_ntimes (RALT r RZERO)" |
1717 |
1718 fun highest_power_aux :: "(string * nat) option list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where |
1719 "highest_power_aux [] n = n" |
1720 | "highest_power_aux (None # rs) n = highest_power_aux rs n" |
1721 | "highest_power_aux (Some (s, n) # rs) m = highest_power_aux rs (max n m)" |
1722 |
1723 fun hpower :: "(string * nat) option list \<Rightarrow> nat" where |
1724 "hpower rs = highest_power_aux rs 0" |
1725 |
1726 |
1727 lemma nupdate_mono: |
1728 shows " (highest_power_aux (nupdate c r optlist) m) \<le> (highest_power_aux optlist m)" |
1729 apply(induct optlist arbitrary: m) |
1730 apply simp |
1731 apply(case_tac a) |
1732 apply simp |
1733 apply(case_tac aa) |
1734 apply(case_tac b) |
1735 apply simp+ |
1736 done |
1737 |
1738 lemma nupdate_mono1: |
1739 shows "hpower (nupdate c r optlist) \<le> hpower optlist" |
1740 by (simp add: nupdate_mono) |
1741 |
1742 |
1743 |
1744 lemma cbn_ders_cbn: |
1745 shows "created_by_ntimes r \<Longrightarrow> created_by_ntimes (rder c r)" |
1746 apply(induct r rule: created_by_ntimes.induct) |
1747 apply simp |
1748 |
1749 using created_by_ntimes.intros(1) created_by_ntimes.intros(2) created_by_ntimes.intros(3) apply presburger |
1750 |
1751 apply (metis created_by_ntimes.simps rder.simps(5) rder.simps(7)) |
1752 using created_by_star.intros(1) created_by_star.intros(2) apply auto[1] |
1753 using created_by_ntimes.intros(1) created_by_ntimes.intros(3) apply auto[1] |
1754 by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) created_by_ntimes.simps list.simps(8) list.simps(9) rder.simps(1) rder.simps(4)) |
1755 |
1756 lemma ntimes_ders_cbn: |
1757 shows "created_by_ntimes (rders (RSEQ r' (RNTIMES r n)) s)" |
1758 apply(induct s rule: rev_induct) |
1759 apply simp |
1760 apply (simp add: created_by_ntimes.intros(2)) |
1761 apply(subst rders_append) |
1762 using cbn_ders_cbn by auto |
1763 |
1764 lemma always0: |
1765 shows "rders RZERO s = RZERO" |
1766 apply(induct s) |
1767 by simp+ |
1768 |
1769 lemma ntimes_ders_cbn1: |
1770 shows "created_by_ntimes (rders (RNTIMES r n) (c#s))" |
1771 apply(case_tac n) |
1772 apply simp |
1773 using always0 created_by_ntimes.intros(1) apply auto[1] |
1774 by (simp add: ntimes_ders_cbn) |
1775 |
1776 |
1777 lemma ntimes_hfau_pushin: |
1778 shows "created_by_ntimes r \<Longrightarrow> hflat_aux (rder c r) = concat (map hflat_aux (map (rder c) (hflat_aux r)))" |
1779 apply(induct r rule: created_by_ntimes.induct) |
1780 apply simp+ |
1781 done |
1782 |
1783 |
1784 abbreviation |
1785 "opterm r SN \<equiv> case SN of |
1786 Some (s, n) \<Rightarrow> RSEQ (rders r s) (RNTIMES r n) |
1787 | None \<Rightarrow> RZERO |
1788 |
1789 |
1790 " |
1791 |
1792 fun nonempty_string :: "(string * nat) option \<Rightarrow> bool" where |
1793 "nonempty_string None = True" |
1794 | "nonempty_string (Some ([], n)) = False" |
1795 | "nonempty_string (Some (c#s, n)) = True" |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 lemma nupdate_nonempty: |
1799 shows "\<lbrakk>\<forall>opt \<in> set Ss. nonempty_string opt \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>opt \<in> set (nupdate c r Ss). nonempty_string opt" |
1800 apply(induct c r Ss rule: nupdate.induct) |
1801 apply(auto) |
1802 apply (metis Nil_is_append_conv neq_Nil_conv nonempty_string.simps(3)) |
1803 by (metis Nil_is_append_conv neq_Nil_conv nonempty_string.simps(3)) |
1804 |
1805 |
1806 |
1807 lemma nupdates_nonempty: |
1808 shows "\<lbrakk>\<forall>opt \<in> set Ss. nonempty_string opt \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>opt \<in> set (nupdates s r Ss). nonempty_string opt" |
1809 apply(induct s arbitrary: Ss) |
1810 apply simp |
1811 apply simp |
1812 using nupdate_nonempty by presburger |
1813 |
1814 lemma nullability1: shows "rnullable (rders r s) = rnullable (rders_simp r s)" |
1815 by (metis der_simp_nullability rders.simps(1) rders_simp.simps(1) rders_simp_same_simpders) |
1816 |
1817 lemma nupdate_induct1: |
1818 shows |
1819 "concat (map (hflat_aux \<circ> (rder c \<circ> (opterm r))) sl ) = |
1820 map (opterm r) (nupdate c r sl)" |
1821 apply(induct sl) |
1822 apply simp |
1823 apply(simp add: rders_append) |
1824 apply(case_tac "a") |
1825 apply simp+ |
1826 apply(case_tac "aa") |
1827 apply(case_tac "b") |
1828 apply(case_tac "rnullable (rders r ab)") |
1829 apply(subgoal_tac "rnullable (rders_simp r ab)") |
1830 apply simp |
1831 using rders.simps(1) rders.simps(2) rders_append apply presburger |
1832 using nullability1 apply blast |
1833 apply simp |
1834 using rders.simps(1) rders.simps(2) rders_append apply presburger |
1835 apply simp |
1836 using rders.simps(1) rders.simps(2) rders_append by presburger |
1837 |
1838 |
1839 lemma nupdates_join_general: |
1840 shows "concat (map hflat_aux (map (rder x) (map (opterm r) (nupdates xs r Ss)) )) = |
1841 map (opterm r) (nupdates (xs @ [x]) r Ss)" |
1842 apply(induct xs arbitrary: Ss) |
1843 apply (simp) |
1844 prefer 2 |
1845 apply auto[1] |
1846 using nupdate_induct1 by blast |
1847 |
1848 |
1849 lemma nupdates_join_general1: |
1850 shows "concat (map (hflat_aux \<circ> (rder x) \<circ> (opterm r)) (nupdates xs r Ss)) = |
1851 map (opterm r) (nupdates (xs @ [x]) r Ss)" |
1852 by (metis list.map_comp nupdates_join_general) |
1853 |
1854 lemma nupdates_append: shows |
1855 "nupdates (s @ [c]) r Ss = nupdate c r (nupdates s r Ss)" |
1856 apply(induct s arbitrary: Ss) |
1857 apply simp |
1858 apply simp |
1859 done |
1860 |
1861 lemma nupdates_mono: |
1862 shows "highest_power_aux (nupdates s r optlist) m \<le> highest_power_aux optlist m" |
1863 apply(induct s rule: rev_induct) |
1864 apply simp |
1865 apply(subst nupdates_append) |
1866 by (meson le_trans nupdate_mono) |
1867 |
1868 lemma nupdates_mono1: |
1869 shows "hpower (nupdates s r optlist) \<le> hpower optlist" |
1870 by (simp add: nupdates_mono) |
1871 |
1872 |
1873 (*"\<forall>r \<in> set (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]). r = None \<or>( \<exists>s' m. r = Some (s', m) \<and> m \<le> n)"*) |
1874 lemma nupdates_mono2: |
1875 shows "hpower (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]) \<le> n" |
1876 by (metis highest_power_aux.simps(1) highest_power_aux.simps(3) hpower.simps max_nat.right_neutral nupdates_mono1) |
1877 |
1878 lemma hpow_arg_mono: |
1879 shows "m \<ge> n \<Longrightarrow> highest_power_aux rs m \<ge> highest_power_aux rs n" |
1880 apply(induct rs arbitrary: m n) |
1881 apply simp |
1882 apply(case_tac a) |
1883 apply simp |
1884 apply(case_tac aa) |
1885 apply simp |
1886 done |
1887 |
1888 |
1889 lemma hpow_increase: |
1890 shows "highest_power_aux (a # rs') m \<ge> highest_power_aux rs' m" |
1891 apply(case_tac a) |
1892 apply simp |
1893 apply simp |
1894 apply(case_tac aa) |
1895 apply(case_tac b) |
1896 apply simp+ |
1897 apply(case_tac "Suc nat > m") |
1898 using hpow_arg_mono max.cobounded2 apply blast |
1899 using hpow_arg_mono max.cobounded2 by blast |
1900 |
1901 lemma hpow_append: |
1902 shows "highest_power_aux (rsa @ rsb) m = highest_power_aux rsb (highest_power_aux rsa m)" |
1903 apply (induct rsa arbitrary: rsb m) |
1904 apply simp |
1905 apply simp |
1906 apply(case_tac a) |
1907 apply simp |
1908 apply(case_tac aa) |
1909 apply simp |
1910 done |
1911 |
1912 lemma hpow_aux_mono: |
1913 shows "highest_power_aux (rsa @ rsb) m \<ge> highest_power_aux rsb m" |
1914 apply(induct rsa arbitrary: rsb rule: rev_induct) |
1915 apply simp |
1916 apply simp |
1917 using hpow_increase order.trans by blast |
1918 |
1919 |
1920 |
1921 |
1922 lemma hpow_mono: |
1923 shows "hpower (rsa @ rsb) \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> hpower rsb \<le> n" |
1924 apply(induct rsb arbitrary: rsa) |
1925 apply simp |
1926 apply(subgoal_tac "hpower rsb \<le> n") |
1927 apply simp |
1928 apply (metis dual_order.trans hpow_aux_mono) |
1929 by (metis hpow_append hpow_increase hpower.simps nat_le_iff_add trans_le_add1) |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 lemma hpower_rs_elems_aux: |
1933 shows "highest_power_aux rs k \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>r\<in>set rs. r = None \<or> (\<exists>s' m. r = Some (s', m) \<and> m \<le> n)" |
1934 apply(induct rs k arbitrary: n rule: highest_power_aux.induct) |
1935 apply(auto) |
1936 by (metis dual_order.trans highest_power_aux.simps(1) hpow_append hpow_aux_mono linorder_le_cases max.absorb1 max.absorb2) |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 lemma hpower_rs_elems: |
1940 shows "hpower rs \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>r \<in> set rs. r = None \<or>( \<exists>s' m. r = Some (s', m) \<and> m \<le> n)" |
1941 by (simp add: hpower_rs_elems_aux) |
1942 |
1943 lemma nupdates_elems_leqn: |
1944 shows "\<forall>r \<in> set (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]). r = None \<or>( \<exists>s' m. r = Some (s', m) \<and> m \<le> n)" |
1945 by (meson hpower_rs_elems nupdates_mono2) |
1946 |
1947 lemma ntimes_hfau_induct: |
1948 shows "hflat_aux (rders (RSEQ (rder c r) (RNTIMES r n)) s) = |
1949 map (opterm r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])" |
1950 apply(induct s rule: rev_induct) |
1951 apply simp |
1952 apply(subst rders_append)+ |
1953 apply simp |
1954 apply(subst nupdates_append) |
1955 apply(subgoal_tac "created_by_ntimes (rders (RSEQ (rder c r) (RNTIMES r n)) xs)") |
1956 prefer 2 |
1957 apply (simp add: ntimes_ders_cbn) |
1958 apply(subst ntimes_hfau_pushin) |
1959 apply simp |
1960 apply(subgoal_tac "concat (map hflat_aux (map (rder x) (hflat_aux (rders (RSEQ (rder c r) (RNTIMES r n)) xs)))) = |
1961 concat (map hflat_aux (map (rder x) ( map (opterm r) (nupdates xs r [Some ([c], n)])))) ") |
1962 apply(simp only:) |
1963 prefer 2 |
1964 apply presburger |
1965 apply(subst nupdates_append[symmetric]) |
1966 using nupdates_join_general by blast |
1967 |
1968 |
1969 (*nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]*) |
1970 lemma ntimes_ders_hfau_also1: |
1971 shows "hflat_aux (rders (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) (c # xs)) = map (opterm r) (nupdates xs r [Some ([c], n)])" |
1972 using ntimes_hfau_induct by force |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 lemma hfau_rsimpeq2_ntimes: |
1977 shows "created_by_ntimes r \<Longrightarrow> rsimp r = rsimp ( (RALTS (hflat_aux r)))" |
1978 apply(induct r) |
1979 apply simp+ |
1980 |
1981 apply (metis rsimp_seq_equal1) |
1982 prefer 2 |
1983 apply simp |
1984 apply(case_tac x) |
1985 apply simp |
1986 apply(case_tac "list") |
1987 apply simp |
1988 |
1989 apply (metis idem_after_simp1) |
1990 apply(case_tac "lista") |
1991 prefer 2 |
1992 apply (metis hflat_aux.simps(8) idem_after_simp1 list.simps(8) list.simps(9) rsimp.simps(2)) |
1993 apply(subgoal_tac "rsimp (RALT a aa) = rsimp (RALTS (hflat_aux (RALT a aa)))") |
1994 apply simp |
1995 apply(subgoal_tac "rsimp (RALT a aa) = rsimp (RALTS (hflat_aux a @ hflat_aux aa))") |
1996 using hflat_aux.simps(1) apply presburger |
1997 apply simp |
1998 using cbs_hfau_rsimpeq1 apply(fastforce) |
1999 by simp |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 lemma ntimes_closed_form1: |
2003 shows "rsimp (rders (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) (c#s)) = |
2004 rsimp ( ( RALTS ( map (opterm r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]) )))" |
2005 apply(subgoal_tac "created_by_ntimes (rders (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) (c#s))") |
2006 apply(subst hfau_rsimpeq2_ntimes) |
2007 apply linarith |
2008 using ntimes_ders_hfau_also1 apply auto[1] |
2009 using ntimes_ders_cbn1 by blast |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 lemma ntimes_closed_form2: |
2013 shows "rsimp (rders_simp (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) (c#s) ) = |
2014 rsimp ( ( RALTS ( (map (opterm r ) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]) ) )))" |
2015 by (metis list.distinct(1) ntimes_closed_form1 rders_simp_same_simpders rsimp_idem) |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 lemma ntimes_closed_form3: |
2019 shows "rsimp (rders_simp (RNTIMES r n) (c#s)) = (rders_simp (RNTIMES r n) (c#s))" |
2020 by (metis list.distinct(1) rders_simp_same_simpders rsimp_idem) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 lemma ntimes_closed_form4: |
2024 shows " (rders_simp (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) (c#s)) = |
2025 rsimp ( ( RALTS ( (map (opterm r ) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]) ) )))" |
2026 using ntimes_closed_form2 ntimes_closed_form3 |
2027 by metis |
2028 |
2029 |
2030 |
2031 |
2032 lemma ntimes_closed_form5: |
2033 shows " rsimp ( RALTS (map (\<lambda>s1. RSEQ (rders r0 s1) (RNTIMES r n) ) Ss)) = |
2034 rsimp ( RALTS (map (\<lambda>s1. rsimp (RSEQ (rders r0 s1) (RNTIMES r n)) ) Ss))" |
2035 by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) list.map_comp map_eq_conv o_apply simp_flatten_aux0) |
2036 |
2037 |
2038 |
2039 lemma ntimes_closed_form6_hrewrites: |
2040 shows " |
2041 (map (\<lambda>s1. (RSEQ (rsimp (rders r0 s1)) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss ) |
2042 scf\<leadsto>* |
2043 (map (\<lambda>s1. rsimp (RSEQ (rders r0 s1) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss )" |
2044 apply(induct Ss) |
2045 apply simp |
2046 apply (simp add: ss1) |
2047 by (metis (no_types, lifting) list.simps(9) rsimp.simps(1) rsimp_idem simp_hrewrites ss2) |
2048 |
2049 |
2050 |
2051 lemma ntimes_closed_form6: |
2052 shows " rsimp ( ( RALTS ( (map (\<lambda>s1. rsimp (RSEQ (rders r0 s1) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss )))) = |
2053 rsimp ( ( RALTS ( (map (\<lambda>s1. (RSEQ (rsimp (rders r0 s1)) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss ))))" |
2054 apply(subgoal_tac " map (\<lambda>s1. (RSEQ (rsimp (rders r0 s1)) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss scf\<leadsto>* |
2055 map (\<lambda>s1. rsimp (RSEQ (rders r0 s1) (RNTIMES r0 n)) ) Ss ") |
2056 using hrewrites_simpeq srewritescf_alt1 apply fastforce |
2057 using ntimes_closed_form6_hrewrites by blast |
2058 |
2059 abbreviation |
2060 "optermsimp r SN \<equiv> case SN of |
2061 Some (s, n) \<Rightarrow> RSEQ (rders_simp r s) (RNTIMES r n) |
2062 | None \<Rightarrow> RZERO |
2063 |
2064 |
2065 " |
2066 |
2067 abbreviation |
2068 "optermOsimp r SN \<equiv> case SN of |
2069 Some (s, n) \<Rightarrow> rsimp (RSEQ (rders r s) (RNTIMES r n)) |
2070 | None \<Rightarrow> RZERO |
2071 |
2072 |
2073 " |
2074 |
2075 abbreviation |
2076 "optermosimp r SN \<equiv> case SN of |
2077 Some (s, n) \<Rightarrow> RSEQ (rsimp (rders r s)) (RNTIMES r n) |
2078 | None \<Rightarrow> RZERO |
2079 " |
2080 |
2081 lemma ntimes_closed_form51: |
2082 shows "rsimp (RALTS (map (opterm r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]))) = |
2083 rsimp (RALTS (map (rsimp \<circ> (opterm r)) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])))" |
2084 by (metis map_map simp_flatten_aux0) |
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
2088 lemma osimp_Osimp: |
2089 shows " nonempty_string sn \<Longrightarrow> optermosimp r sn = optermsimp r sn" |
2090 apply(induct rule: nonempty_string.induct) |
2091 apply force |
2092 apply auto[1] |
2093 apply simp |
2094 by (metis list.distinct(1) rders.simps(2) rders_simp.simps(2) rders_simp_same_simpders) |
2095 |
2096 |
2097 |
2098 lemma osimp_Osimp_list: |
2099 shows "\<forall>sn \<in> set snlist. nonempty_string sn \<Longrightarrow> map (optermosimp r) snlist = map (optermsimp r) snlist" |
2100 by (simp add: osimp_Osimp) |
2101 |
2102 |
2103 lemma ntimes_closed_form8: |
2104 shows |
2105 "rsimp (RALTS (map (optermosimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]))) = |
2106 rsimp (RALTS (map (optermsimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])))" |
2107 apply(subgoal_tac "\<forall>opt \<in> set (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]). nonempty_string opt") |
2108 using osimp_Osimp_list apply presburger |
2109 by (metis list.distinct(1) list.set_cases nonempty_string.simps(3) nupdates_nonempty set_ConsD) |
2110 |
2111 |
2112 |
2113 lemma ntimes_closed_form9aux: |
2114 shows "\<forall>snopt \<in> set (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]). nonempty_string snopt" |
2115 by (metis list.distinct(1) list.set_cases nonempty_string.simps(3) nupdates_nonempty set_ConsD) |
2116 |
2117 lemma ntimes_closed_form9aux1: |
2118 shows "\<forall>snopt \<in> set snlist. nonempty_string snopt \<Longrightarrow> |
2119 rsimp (RALTS (map (optermosimp r) snlist)) = |
2120 rsimp (RALTS (map (optermOsimp r) snlist))" |
2121 apply(induct snlist) |
2122 apply simp+ |
2123 apply(case_tac "a") |
2124 apply simp+ |
2125 by (smt (z3) case_prod_conv idem_after_simp1 map_eq_conv nonempty_string.elims(2) o_apply option.simps(4) option.simps(5) rsimp.simps(1) rsimp.simps(7) rsimp_idem) |
2126 |
2127 |
2128 |
2129 |
2130 lemma ntimes_closed_form9: |
2131 shows |
2132 "rsimp (RALTS (map (optermosimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]))) = |
2133 rsimp (RALTS (map (optermOsimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])))" |
2134 using ntimes_closed_form9aux ntimes_closed_form9aux1 by presburger |
2135 |
2136 |
2137 lemma ntimes_closed_form10rewrites_aux: |
2138 shows " map (rsimp \<circ> (opterm r)) optlist scf\<leadsto>* |
2139 map (optermOsimp r) optlist" |
2140 apply(induct optlist) |
2141 apply simp |
2142 apply (simp add: ss1) |
2143 apply simp |
2144 apply(case_tac a) |
2145 using ss2 apply fastforce |
2146 using ss2 by force |
2147 |
2148 |
2149 lemma ntimes_closed_form10rewrites: |
2150 shows " map (rsimp \<circ> (opterm r)) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]) scf\<leadsto>* |
2151 map (optermOsimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])" |
2152 using ntimes_closed_form10rewrites_aux by blast |
2153 |
2154 lemma ntimes_closed_form10: |
2155 shows "rsimp (RALTS (map (rsimp \<circ> (opterm r)) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)]))) = |
2156 rsimp (RALTS (map (optermOsimp r) (nupdates s r [Some ([c], n)])))" |
2157 by (smt (verit, best) case_prod_conv hpower_rs_elems map_eq_conv nupdates_mono2 o_apply option.case(2) option.simps(4) rsimp.simps(3)) |
2158 |
2159 |
2160 lemma rders_simp_cons: |
2161 shows "rders_simp r (c # s) = rders_simp (rsimp (rder c r)) s" |
2162 by simp |
2163 |
2164 lemma rder_ntimes: |
2165 shows "rder c (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) = RSEQ (rder c r) (RNTIMES r n)" |
2166 by simp |
2167 |
2168 |
2169 lemma ntimes_closed_form: |
2170 shows "rders_simp (RNTIMES r0 (Suc n)) (c#s) = |
2171 rsimp ( RALTS ( (map (optermsimp r0 ) (nupdates s r0 [Some ([c], n)]) ) ))" |
2172 apply (subst rders_simp_cons) |
2173 apply(subst rder_ntimes) |
2174 using ntimes_closed_form10 ntimes_closed_form4 ntimes_closed_form51 ntimes_closed_form8 ntimes_closed_form9 by force |
2175 |
2176 |
2177 |
2178 |
2179 |
2180 |
2181 (* |
2182 lemma ntimes_closed_form: |
2183 assumes "s \<noteq> []" |
2184 shows "rders_simp (RNTIMES r (Suc n)) s = |
2185 rsimp ( RALTS ( map |
2186 (\<lambda> optSN. case optSN of |
2187 Some (s, n) \<Rightarrow> RSEQ (rders_simp r s) (RNTIMES r n) |
2188 | None \<Rightarrow> RZERO |
2189 ) |
2190 (ntset r n s) |
2191 ) |
2192 )" |
2193 |
2194 *) |
1682 end |
2195 end |