6 \label{Bitcoded2} % Change X to a consecutive number; for referencing this chapter elsewhere, use \ref{ChapterX} |
6 \label{Bitcoded2} % Change X to a consecutive number; for referencing this chapter elsewhere, use \ref{ChapterX} |
7 %Then we illustrate how the algorithm without bitcodes falls short for such aggressive |
7 %Then we illustrate how the algorithm without bitcodes falls short for such aggressive |
8 %simplifications and therefore introduce our version of the bitcoded algorithm and |
8 %simplifications and therefore introduce our version of the bitcoded algorithm and |
9 %its correctness proof in |
9 %its correctness proof in |
10 %Chapter 3\ref{Chapter3}. |
10 %Chapter 3\ref{Chapter3}. |
11 \section{Overview} |
11 %\section{Overview} |
12 \marginpar{\em Added a completely new \\overview section, \\highlighting contributions.} |
12 \marginpar{\em Added a completely new \\overview section, \\highlighting\\ contributions.} |
13 |
13 |
14 This chapter |
14 This chapter |
15 is the point from which novel contributions of this PhD project are introduced |
15 is the point from which novel contributions of this PhD project are introduced |
16 in detail. |
16 in detail. |
17 The material in the |
17 The material in the |
18 previous |
18 previous |
19 chapters is necessary for this thesis, |
19 chapters is necessary for this thesis, |
20 because it provides the context for why we need a new framework for |
20 because it provides the context for why we need a new framework for |
21 the proof of $\blexersimp$. |
21 the proof of $\blexersimp$. |
22 |
23 We will first introduce why aggressive simplifications are needed, after which we |
24 provide our algorithm, contrasting with Sulzmann and Lu's simplifications. |
25 We then explain how our simplifications make |
26 reusing $\blexer$'s correctness proof impossible. |
27 %with some minor modifications |
28 We discuss possible fixes such as rectification functions and then introduce our proof, |
29 which involves a weaker inductive |
30 invariant than that used in the correctness proof of $\blexer$. |
31 |
32 \marginpar{Shortened overview.} |
22 %material for setting the scene of the formal proof we |
33 %material for setting the scene of the formal proof we |
23 %are about to describe. |
34 %are about to describe. |
24 The fundamental reason is we cannot extend the correctness proof of theorem 4 |
25 because lemma 13 does not hold anymore when simplifications are involved. |
26 \marginpar{\em rephrased things \\so why new \\proof makes sense.} |
27 %The proof details are necessary materials for this thesis |
28 %because it provides necessary context to explain why we need a |
29 %new framework for the proof of $\blexersimp$, which involves |
30 %simplifications that cause structural changes to the regular expression. |
31 %A new formal proof of the correctness of $\blexersimp$, where the |
32 %proof of $\blexer$ |
33 %is not applicatble in the sense that we cannot straightforwardly extend the |
34 %proof of theorem \ref{blexerCorrect} because lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} does |
35 %not hold anymore. |
36 %This is because the structural induction on the stepwise correctness |
37 %of $\inj$ breaks due to each pair of $r_i$ and $v_i$ described |
38 %in chapter \ref{Inj} and \ref{Bitcoded1} no longer correspond to |
39 %each other. |
40 %In this chapter we introduce simplifications |
41 %for annotated regular expressions that can be applied to |
42 %each intermediate derivative result. This allows |
43 %us to make $\blexer$ much more efficient. |
44 %Sulzmann and Lu already introduced some simplifications for bitcoded regular expressions, |
45 %but their simplification functions could have been more efficient and in some cases needed fixing. |
46 |
47 |
48 In particular, the correctness theorem |
49 of the un-optimised bit-coded lexer $\blexer$ in |
50 chapter \ref{Bitcoded1} formalised by Ausaf et al. |
51 relies crucially on lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} that says |
52 any value can be retrieved in a stepwise manner, namely: |
53 \begin{equation}\label{eq:stepwise}%eqref: this proposition needs to be referred |
54 \vdash v : (r\backslash c) \implies \retrieve \; (r \backslash c) \; v= \retrieve \; r \; (\inj \; r\; c\; v) |
55 \end{equation} |
56 %This no longer holds once we introduce simplifications. |
57 Simplifications are necessary to control the size of derivatives, |
58 but they also destroy the structures of the regular expressions |
59 such that \ref{eq:stepwise} does not hold. |
60 |
61 |
62 We want to prove the correctness of $\blexersimp$ which integrates |
63 $\textit{bsimp}$ by applying it after each call to the derivative: |
64 \begin{center} |
65 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
66 $r \backslash_{bsimps} (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(\textit{bsimp} \; (r \backslash\, c)) \backslash_{bsimps}\, s$ \\ |
67 $r \backslash_{bsimps} [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
68 \end{tabular} |
69 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
70 $\textit{blexer\_simp}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
71 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{bsimp}\, s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
72 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
73 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
74 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
75 \end{tabular} |
76 \end{center} |
77 \noindent |
78 Previously without $\textit{bsimp}$ the exact structure of each intermediate |
79 regular expression is preserved, allowing pairs of inhabitation relations in the form $\vdash v : r_{c} $ and |
80 $\vdash v^{c} : r $ to hold in lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}(if |
81 we use the convenient notation $r_{c} \dn r\backslash c$ |
82 and $v_{r}^{c} \dn \inj \;r \; c \; v$), |
83 but $\blexersimp$ introduces simplification after the derivative, |
84 making it difficult to align the pairs: |
85 \begin{center} |
86 $\vdash v: \textit{bsimp} \; r_{c} \implies \retrieve \; (\textit{bsimp} \; r_c) \; v =\retrieve \; r \;(\mathord{?} v_{r}^{c}) $ |
87 \end{center} |
88 \noindent |
89 It is clear that once we made |
90 $v$ to align with $\textit{bsimp} \; r_{c}$ |
91 in the inhabitation relation, something different than $v_{r}^{c}$ needs to be plugged |
92 in for the above statement to hold. |
93 Ausaf et al. \cite{AusafUrbanDyckhoff2016} |
94 made some initial attempts with this idea, see \cite{FahadThesis} |
95 for details. |
96 |
97 They added |
98 and then rectify it to |
99 |
100 |
101 this works fine, however that limits the kind of simplifications you can introduce. |
102 We cannot use their idea for our very strong simplification rules. |
103 Therefore we take our route |
104 a wea |
105 |
106 The other route is to dispose of lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}, |
107 and prove a weakened inductive invariant instead. |
108 We adopt this approach in this thesis. |
109 |
110 Let us first explain why the requirement in $\blexer$'s proof |
111 is too strong, and suggest a few possible fixes, which leads to |
112 our proof which we believe was the most natural and effective method. |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 \section{Why Lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}'s Requirement is too Strong} |
117 |
118 %From this chapter we start with the main contribution of this thesis, which |
119 |
120 The $\blexer$ proof relies on a lockstep POSIX |
121 correspondence between the lexical value and the |
122 regular expression in each derivative and injection. |
123 If we zoom into the diagram \ref{graph:inj} and look specifically at |
124 the pairs $v_i, r_i$ and $v_{i+1},\, r_{i+1}$, we get the diagram demonstrating |
125 the invariant that the same bitcodes can be extracted from the pairs: |
126 \tikzset{three sided/.style={ |
127 draw=none, |
128 append after command={ |
129 [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth] |
130 ([shift={(-1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
131 edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
132 ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
133 edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
134 ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
135 edge([shift={(-1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
136 } |
137 } |
138 } |
139 |
140 \tikzset{three sided1/.style={ |
141 draw=none, |
142 append after command={ |
143 [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth] |
144 ([shift={(1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
145 edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
146 ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
147 edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
148 ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
149 edge([shift={(1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
150 } |
151 } |
152 } |
153 |
154 \begin{center} |
155 \begin{tikzpicture}[->, >=stealth', shorten >= 1pt, auto, thick] |
156 \node [rectangle ] (1) at (-7, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
157 \node [rectangle, draw] (2) at (-4, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$}; |
158 \node [rectangle, draw] (3) at (4, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_0a+_1aa)^*$}; |
159 \node [rectangle] (4) at (9, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
160 \node [rectangle] (5) at (-7, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
161 \node [rectangle, draw] (6) at (-4, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$}; |
162 \node [rectangle, draw] (7) at ( 4, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$}; |
163 \node [rectangle] (8) at ( 9, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
164 \node [rectangle] (9) at (-7, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
165 \node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = \retrieve \; r_i\;v_i$}; |
166 \node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = \retrieve \; r_{i+1}\;v_{i+1}$}; |
167 \node [rectangle] (12) at (9, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
168 |
169 |
170 \path (1) edge [] node {} (2); |
171 \path (5) edge [] node {} (6); |
172 \path (9) edge [] node {} (10); |
173 |
174 \path (11) edge [] node {} (12); |
175 \path (7) edge [] node {} (8); |
176 \path (3) edge [] node {} (4); |
177 |
178 |
179 \path (2) edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (3); |
180 \path (2) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (6); |
181 \path (3) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_{i+1} : r_{i+1}$} (7); |
182 %\path (6) edge [] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (10); |
183 %\path (7) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (11); |
184 |
185 \path (10) edge [dashed, <->] node {$=$} (11); |
186 |
187 \path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; a \; v_i$} (6); |
188 |
189 % \node [rectangle, draw] (r) at (-6, -1) {$(aa)^*(b+c)$}; |
190 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a) at (-6, 4) {$(aa)^*(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$}; |
191 % \path (r) |
192 % edge [] node {$\internalise$} (a); |
193 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a1) at (-3, 1) {$(_{Z}(\ONE \cdot a) \cdot (aa)^*) (_{Z}b + _Sc)$}; |
194 % \path (a) |
195 % edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a1); |
196 % |
197 % \node [rectangle, draw, three sided] (a21) at (-2.5, 4) {$(_{Z}\ONE \cdot (aa)^*)$}; |
198 % \node [rectangle, draw, three sided1] (a22) at (-0.8, 4) {$(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$}; |
199 % \path (a1) |
200 % edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a21); |
201 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a3) at (0.5, 2) {$_{ZS}(_{Z}\ONE + \ZERO)$}; |
202 % \path (a22) |
203 % edge [] node {$\backslash b$} (a3); |
204 % \path (a21) |
205 % edge [dashed, bend right] node {} (a3); |
206 % \node [rectangle, draw] (bs) at (2, 4) {$ZSZ$}; |
207 % \path (a3) |
208 % edge [below] node {$\bmkeps$} (bs); |
209 % \node [rectangle, draw] (v) at (3, 0) {$\Seq \; (\Stars\; [\Seq \; a \; a]) \; (\Left \; b)$}; |
210 % \path (bs) |
211 % edge [] node {$\decode$} (v); |
212 |
213 |
214 \end{tikzpicture} |
215 %\caption{$\blexer$ with the regular expression $(aa)^*(b+c)$ and $aab$} |
216 \end{center} |
217 |
218 When simplifications are added, the inhabitation relation no longer holds, |
219 causing the above diagram to break. |
220 |
221 Ausaf addressed this with an augmented lexer he called $\textit{slexer}$. |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 we note that the invariant |
226 $\vdash v_{i+1}: r_{i+1} \implies \retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1} $ is too strong |
227 to maintain because the precondition $\vdash v_i : r_i$ is too weak. |
228 It does not require $v_i$ to be a POSIX value |
229 |
230 |
231 {\color{red} \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} |
232 New content ends |
233 {\color{red} \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 % |
238 % |
239 %which is essential for getting an understanding this thesis |
240 %in chapter \ref{Bitcoded1}, which is necessary for understanding why |
241 %the proof |
242 % |
243 %In this chapter, |
244 |
245 %We contrast our simplification function |
246 %with Sulzmann and Lu's, indicating the simplicity of our algorithm. |
247 %This is another case for the usefulness |
248 %and reliability of formal proofs on algorithms. |
249 %These ``aggressive'' simplifications would not be possible in the injection-based |
250 %lexing we introduced in chapter \ref{Inj}. |
251 %We then prove the correctness with the improved version of |
252 %$\blexer$, called $\blexersimp$, by establishing |
253 %$\blexer \; r \; s= \blexersimp \; r \; s$ using a term rewriting system. |
254 % |
255 \section{Simplifications by Sulzmann and Lu} |
35 \section{Simplifications by Sulzmann and Lu} |
36 \marginpar{moved \\simplification \\section to front \\to make coherent\\ sense.} |
256 The algorithms $\lexer$ and $\blexer$ work beautifully as functional |
37 The algorithms $\lexer$ and $\blexer$ work beautifully as functional |
257 programs, but not as practical code. One main reason for the slowness is due |
38 programs, but not as practical code. One main reason for the slowness is due |
258 to the size of intermediate representations--the derivative regular expressions |
39 to the size of intermediate representations--the derivative regular expressions |
259 tend to grow unbounded if the matching involved a large number of possible matches. |
40 tend to grow unbounded if the matching involved a large number of possible matches. |
260 Consider the derivatives of the following example $(a^*a^*)^*$: |
41 Consider the derivatives of the following example $(a^*a^*)^*$: |
746 Given the size difference, it is not |
532 Given the size difference, it is not |
747 surprising that our $\blexersimp$ significantly outperforms |
533 surprising that our $\blexersimp$ significantly outperforms |
748 $\textit{blexer\_SLSimp}$ by Sulzmann and Lu. |
534 $\textit{blexer\_SLSimp}$ by Sulzmann and Lu. |
749 In the next section we are going to establish that our |
535 In the next section we are going to establish that our |
750 simplification preserves the correctness of the algorithm. |
536 simplification preserves the correctness of the algorithm. |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 \section{Why $\textit{Blexer}$'s Proof Does Not Work} |
542 The fundamental reason is we cannot extend the correctness proof of theorem 4 |
543 because lemma 13 does not hold anymore when simplifications are involved. |
544 \marginpar{\em rephrased things \\so why new \\proof makes sense.} |
545 %The proof details are necessary materials for this thesis |
546 %because it provides necessary context to explain why we need a |
547 %new framework for the proof of $\blexersimp$, which involves |
548 %simplifications that cause structural changes to the regular expression. |
549 %A new formal proof of the correctness of $\blexersimp$, where the |
550 %proof of $\blexer$ |
551 %is not applicatble in the sense that we cannot straightforwardly extend the |
552 %proof of theorem \ref{blexerCorrect} because lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} does |
553 %not hold anymore. |
554 %This is because the structural induction on the stepwise correctness |
555 %of $\inj$ breaks due to each pair of $r_i$ and $v_i$ described |
556 %in chapter \ref{Inj} and \ref{Bitcoded1} no longer correspond to |
557 %each other. |
558 %In this chapter we introduce simplifications |
559 %for annotated regular expressions that can be applied to |
560 %each intermediate derivative result. This allows |
561 %us to make $\blexer$ much more efficient. |
562 %Sulzmann and Lu already introduced some simplifications for bitcoded regular expressions, |
563 %but their simplification functions could have been more efficient and in some cases needed fixing. |
564 |
565 |
566 In particular, the correctness theorem |
567 of the un-optimised bit-coded lexer $\blexer$ in |
568 chapter \ref{Bitcoded1} formalised by Ausaf et al. |
569 relies crucially on lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} that says |
570 any value can be retrieved in a stepwise manner, namely: |
571 \begin{equation}\label{eq:stepwise}%eqref: this proposition needs to be referred |
572 \vdash v : (r\backslash c) \implies \retrieve \; (r \backslash c) \; v= \retrieve \; r \; (\inj \; r\; c\; v) |
573 \end{equation} |
574 %This no longer holds once we introduce simplifications. |
575 Simplifications are necessary to control the size of derivatives, |
576 but they also destroy the structures of the regular expressions |
577 such that \ref{eq:stepwise} does not hold. |
578 |
579 |
580 We want to prove the correctness of $\blexersimp$ which integrates |
581 $\textit{bsimp}$ by applying it after each call to the derivative: |
582 \begin{center} |
583 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
584 $r \backslash_{bsimps} (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(\textit{bsimp} \; (r \backslash\, c)) \backslash_{bsimps}\, s$ \\ |
585 $r \backslash_{bsimps} [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
586 \end{tabular} |
587 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
588 $\textit{blexer\_simp}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
589 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{bsimp}\, s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
590 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
591 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
592 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
593 \end{tabular} |
594 \end{center} |
595 \noindent |
596 Previously without $\textit{bsimp}$ the exact structure of each intermediate |
597 regular expression is preserved, allowing pairs of inhabitation relations |
598 in the form $\vdash v : r \backslash c $ and |
599 $\vdash \inj \; r\; c \; v : r $ to hold in \ref{eq:stepwise}. |
600 But $\blexersimp$ introduces simplification after the derivative, |
601 making it difficult to align the structures of values and regular expressions. |
602 If we change the form of property \ref{eq:stepwise} to |
603 adapt to the needs of $\blexersimp$ the precondition of becomes |
604 \[ |
605 \vdash v : (\textit{bsimp} \; (r\backslash c)) |
606 \] |
607 The inhabitation relation of the other pair no longer holds, |
608 because $\inj$ does not work on the simplified value $v$ |
609 and the unsimplified regular expression $r$. |
610 The retrieve function will not work either. |
611 \[ |
612 \vdash \inj \; r \; c \; v : r |
613 \] |
614 It seems unclear what procedures needs to be |
615 used to create a new value $v_?$ such that |
616 \[ |
617 \vdash v_? : r \; \text{and} \; \retrieve \; r \; v_? = \retrieve \; (\textit{bsimp} \; (r\backslash c)) \; v |
618 \] |
619 hold. |
620 %It is clear that once we made |
621 %$v$ to align with $\textit{bsimp} \; r_{c}$ |
622 %in the inhabitation relation, something different than $v_{r}^{c}$ needs to be plugged |
623 %in for the above statement to hold. |
624 Ausaf et al. \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016} |
625 used something they call rectification functions to restore the original value from the simplified value. |
626 The idea is that simplification functions not only returns a regular expression, |
627 but also a rectification function |
628 \[ |
629 \textit{simp}^{rect} : Regex \Rightarrow (Value \Rightarrow Value, Regex) |
630 %\textit{frect} : Value \Rightarrow Value |
631 \] |
632 that is recorded recursively, |
633 and then applied to the previous value |
634 to obtain the correct value for $\inj$ to work on. |
635 The recursive case of the lexer is defined as something like |
636 \[ |
637 \textit{slexer} \; r \; (c\!::\!s) \dn let \;(\textit{frect}, r_c) = \textit{simp}^{rect} \;(r \backslash c) \;\; \textit{in}\;\; |
638 \inj \; r \; c \; (\textit{frect} \; (\textit{slexer} \; r_c\; s)) |
639 %\textit{match} \; s \; \textit{case} [ |
640 \] |
641 However this approach (including $\textit{slexer}$'s correctness proof) only |
642 works without bitcodes, and it limits the kind of simplifications one can introduce. |
643 %and they have not yet extended their relatively simple simplifications |
644 %to more aggressive ones. |
645 See the thesis by Ausaf \cite{Ausaf} |
646 for details. |
647 |
648 %\begin{center} |
649 % $\vdash v: (r\backslash c) \implies \retrieve \; (\mathord{?}(\textit{bsimp} \; r_c)) \; v =\retrieve \; r \;(\mathord{?} v_{r}^{c}) $ |
650 %\end{center} |
651 %\noindent |
652 |
653 We were not able to use their idea for our very strong simplification rules. |
654 Therefore we are taking another route that completely |
655 disposes of lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}, |
656 and prove a weakened inductive invariant instead. |
657 |
658 Let us first explain why lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}'s requirement |
659 is too strong, and suggest a few possible fixes, which leads to |
660 our proof which we believe was the most natural and effective method. |
661 |
662 |
663 |
664 \section{Why Lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise}'s Requirement is too Strong} |
665 |
666 %From this chapter we start with the main contribution of this thesis, which |
667 |
668 The $\blexer$ proof relies on a lockstep POSIX |
669 correspondence between the lexical value and the |
670 regular expression in each derivative and injection. |
671 If we zoom into the diagram \ref{graph:inj} and look specifically at |
672 the pairs $v_i, r_i$ and $v_{i+1},\, r_{i+1}$, we get the diagram demonstrating |
673 the invariant that the same bitcodes can be extracted from the pairs: |
674 \tikzset{three sided/.style={ |
675 draw=none, |
676 append after command={ |
677 [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth] |
678 ([shift={(-1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
679 edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
680 ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
681 edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
682 ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
683 edge([shift={(-1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
684 } |
685 } |
686 } |
687 |
688 \tikzset{three sided1/.style={ |
689 draw=none, |
690 append after command={ |
691 [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth] |
692 ([shift={(1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) |
693 edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
694 ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) |
695 edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
696 ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east) |
697 edge([shift={(1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west) |
698 } |
699 } |
700 } |
701 |
702 \begin{center} |
703 \begin{tikzpicture}[->, >=stealth', shorten >= 1pt, auto, thick] |
704 %\node [rectangle ] (1) at (-7, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
705 %\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at (-4, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$}; |
706 %\node [rectangle, draw] (3) at (4, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$}; |
707 %\node [rectangle] (4) at (9, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
708 %\node [rectangle] (5) at (-7, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
709 %\node [rectangle, draw] (6) at (-4, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$}; |
710 %\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at ( 4, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$}; |
711 %\node [rectangle] (8) at ( 9, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
712 %\node [rectangle] (9) at (-7, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
713 %\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$}; |
714 %\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$}; |
715 %\node [rectangle] (12) at (9, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
716 |
717 \node [rectangle ] (1) at (-8, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
718 \node [rectangle, draw] (2) at (-5, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$}; |
719 \node [rectangle, draw] (3) at (3, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$}; |
720 \node [rectangle] (4) at (8, 2) {$\ldots$}; |
721 \node [rectangle] (5) at (-8, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
722 \node [rectangle, draw] (6) at (-5, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$}; |
723 \node [rectangle, draw] (7) at ( 3, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$}; |
724 \node [rectangle] (8) at ( 8, -2) {$\ldots$}; |
725 \node [rectangle] (9) at (-8, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
726 \node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-5, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$}; |
727 \node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (3, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$}; |
728 \node [rectangle] (12) at (8, -6) {$\ldots$}; |
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 \path (1) edge [] node {} (2); |
733 \path (5) edge [] node {} (6); |
734 \path (9) edge [] node {} (10); |
735 |
736 \path (11) edge [] node {} (12); |
737 \path (7) edge [] node {} (8); |
738 \path (3) edge [] node {} (4); |
739 |
740 |
741 \path (6) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_i \; v_i$} (10); |
742 \path (2) edge [dashed,bend left = 48] node {} (10); |
743 |
744 \path (7) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1}$} (11); |
745 \path (3) edge [dashed,bend left = 45] node {} (11); |
746 |
747 \path (2) edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (3); |
748 \path (2) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (6); |
749 \path (3) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_{i+1} : r_{i+1}$} (7); |
750 %\path (6) edge [] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (10); |
751 %\path (7) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (11); |
752 |
753 \path (10) edge [dashed, <->] node {$=$} (11); |
754 |
755 \path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; a \; v_i$} (6); |
756 |
757 % \node [rectangle, draw] (r) at (-6, -1) {$(aa)^*(b+c)$}; |
758 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a) at (-6, 4) {$(aa)^*(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$}; |
759 % \path (r) |
760 % edge [] node {$\internalise$} (a); |
761 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a1) at (-3, 1) {$(_{Z}(\ONE \cdot a) \cdot (aa)^*) (_{Z}b + _Sc)$}; |
762 % \path (a) |
763 % edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a1); |
764 % |
765 % \node [rectangle, draw, three sided] (a21) at (-2.5, 4) {$(_{Z}\ONE \cdot (aa)^*)$}; |
766 % \node [rectangle, draw, three sided1] (a22) at (-0.8, 4) {$(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$}; |
767 % \path (a1) |
768 % edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a21); |
769 % \node [rectangle, draw] (a3) at (0.5, 2) {$_{ZS}(_{Z}\ONE + \ZERO)$}; |
770 % \path (a22) |
771 % edge [] node {$\backslash b$} (a3); |
772 % \path (a21) |
773 % edge [dashed, bend right] node {} (a3); |
774 % \node [rectangle, draw] (bs) at (2, 4) {$ZSZ$}; |
775 % \path (a3) |
776 % edge [below] node {$\bmkeps$} (bs); |
777 % \node [rectangle, draw] (v) at (3, 0) {$\Seq \; (\Stars\; [\Seq \; a \; a]) \; (\Left \; b)$}; |
778 % \path (bs) |
779 % edge [] node {$\decode$} (v); |
780 |
781 |
782 \end{tikzpicture} |
783 %\caption{$\blexer$ with the regular expression $(aa)^*(b+c)$ and $aab$} |
784 \end{center} |
785 |
786 When simplifications are added, the inhabitation relation no longer holds, |
787 causing the above diagram to break. |
788 |
789 Ausaf addressed this with an augmented lexer he called $\textit{slexer}$. |
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 we note that the invariant |
794 $\vdash v_{i+1}: r_{i+1} \implies \retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1} $ is too strong |
795 to maintain because the precondition $\vdash v_i : r_i$ is too weak. |
796 It does not require $v_i$ to be a POSIX value |
797 |
798 |
799 {\color{red} \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} |
800 New content ends |
801 {\color{red} \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} |
802 |
803 |
804 |
805 % |
806 % |
807 %which is essential for getting an understanding this thesis |
808 %in chapter \ref{Bitcoded1}, which is necessary for understanding why |
809 %the proof |
810 % |
811 %In this chapter, |
812 |
813 %We contrast our simplification function |
814 %with Sulzmann and Lu's, indicating the simplicity of our algorithm. |
815 %This is another case for the usefulness |
816 %and reliability of formal proofs on algorithms. |
817 %These ``aggressive'' simplifications would not be possible in the injection-based |
818 %lexing we introduced in chapter \ref{Inj}. |
819 %We then prove the correctness with the improved version of |
820 %$\blexer$, called $\blexersimp$, by establishing |
821 %$\blexer \; r \; s= \blexersimp \; r \; s$ using a term rewriting system. |
822 % |
823 |
824 |
751 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
825 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
752 % SECTION rewrite relation |
826 % SECTION rewrite relation |
753 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
827 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
754 \section{Correctness of $\blexersimp$} |
828 \section{Correctness of $\blexersimp$} |
755 We first introduce the rewriting relation \emph{rrewrite} |
829 We first introduce the rewriting relation \emph{rrewrite} |