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     1 % $ biblatex auxiliary file $
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     9 \begingroup
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    19 \datalist[entry]{nyt/global//global/global}
    20   \entry{Brzozowski1964}{article}{}
    21     \name{author}{1}{}{%
    22       {{hash=BJA}{%
    23          family={Brzozowski},
    24          familyi={B\bibinitperiod},
    25          given={J.\bibnamedelima A.},
    26          giveni={J\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim A\bibinitperiod},
    27       }}%
    28     }
    29     \strng{namehash}{BJA1}
    30     \strng{fullhash}{BJA1}
    31     \field{labelnamesource}{author}
    32     \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
    33     \field{labelyear}{1964}
    34     \field{labeldatesource}{year}
    35     \field{sortinit}{B}
    36     \field{sortinithash}{B}
    37     \field{number}{4}
    38     \field{pages}{481\bibrangedash 494}
    39     \field{title}{{D}erivatives of {R}egular {E}xpressions}
    40     \field{volume}{11}
    41     \field{journaltitle}{Journal of the {ACM}}
    42     \field{year}{1964}
    43   \endentry
    45   \entry{Coquand2012}{inproceedings}{}
    46     \name{author}{2}{}{%
    47       {{hash=CT}{%
    48          family={Coquand},
    49          familyi={C\bibinitperiod},
    50          given={T.},
    51          giveni={T\bibinitperiod},
    52       }}%
    53       {{hash=SV}{%
    54          family={Siles},
    55          familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
    56          given={V.},
    57          giveni={V\bibinitperiod},
    58       }}%
    59     }
    60     \strng{namehash}{CTSV1}
    61     \strng{fullhash}{CTSV1}
    62     \field{labelnamesource}{author}
    63     \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
    64     \field{labelyear}{2011}
    65     \field{labeldatesource}{year}
    66     \field{sortinit}{C}
    67     \field{sortinithash}{C}
    68     \field{booktitle}{Proc.~of the 1st International Conference on Certified
    69   Programs and Proofs (CPP)}
    70     \field{pages}{119\bibrangedash 134}
    71     \field{series}{LNCS}
    72     \field{title}{{A} {D}ecision {P}rocedure for {R}egular {E}xpression
    73   {E}quivalence in {T}ype {T}heory}
    74     \field{volume}{7086}
    75     \field{year}{2011}
    76   \endentry
    78   \entry{Krauss2011}{article}{}
    79     \name{author}{2}{}{%
    80       {{hash=KA}{%
    81          family={Krauss},
    82          familyi={K\bibinitperiod},
    83          given={A.},
    84          giveni={A\bibinitperiod},
    85       }}%
    86       {{hash=NT}{%
    87          family={Nipkow},
    88          familyi={N\bibinitperiod},
    89          given={T.},
    90          giveni={T\bibinitperiod},
    91       }}%
    92     }
    93     \strng{namehash}{KANT1}
    94     \strng{fullhash}{KANT1}
    95     \field{labelnamesource}{author}
    96     \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
    97     \field{labelyear}{2012}
    98     \field{labeldatesource}{year}
    99     \field{sortinit}{K}
   100     \field{sortinithash}{K}
   101     \field{pages}{95\bibrangedash 106}
   102     \field{title}{{P}roof {P}earl: {R}egular {E}xpression {E}quivalence and
   103   {R}elation {A}lgebra}
   104     \field{volume}{49}
   105     \field{journaltitle}{Journal of Automated Reasoning}
   106     \field{year}{2012}
   107   \endentry
   109   \entry{Owens2008}{article}{}
   110     \name{author}{2}{}{%
   111       {{hash=OS}{%
   112          family={Owens},
   113          familyi={O\bibinitperiod},
   114          given={S.},
   115          giveni={S\bibinitperiod},
   116       }}%
   117       {{hash=SK}{%
   118          family={Slind},
   119          familyi={S\bibinitperiod},
   120          given={K.},
   121          giveni={K\bibinitperiod},
   122       }}%
   123     }
   124     \strng{namehash}{OSSK1}
   125     \strng{fullhash}{OSSK1}
   126     \field{labelnamesource}{author}
   127     \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
   128     \field{labelyear}{2008}
   129     \field{labeldatesource}{year}
   130     \field{sortinit}{O}
   131     \field{sortinithash}{O}
   132     \field{number}{4}
   133     \field{pages}{377\bibrangedash 409}
   134     \field{title}{{A}dapting {F}unctional {P}rograms to {H}igher {O}rder
   135   {L}ogic}
   136     \field{volume}{21}
   137     \field{journaltitle}{Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation}
   138     \field{year}{2008}
   139   \endentry
   141   \entry{RibeiroAgda2017}{inproceedings}{}
   142     \name{author}{2}{}{%
   143       {{hash=RR}{%
   144          family={Ribeiro},
   145          familyi={R\bibinitperiod},
   146          given={Rodrigo},
   147          giveni={R\bibinitperiod},
   148       }}%
   149       {{hash=BAD}{%
   150          family={Bois},
   151          familyi={B\bibinitperiod},
   152          given={Andr\'{e}\bibnamedelima Du},
   153          giveni={A\bibinitperiod\bibinitdelim D\bibinitperiod},
   154       }}%
   155     }
   156     \list{publisher}{1}{%
   157       {Association for Computing Machinery}%
   158     }
   159     \keyw{Certified algorithms, regular expressions, dependent types,
   160   bit-codes}
   161     \strng{namehash}{RRBAD1}
   162     \strng{fullhash}{RRBAD1}
   163     \field{labelnamesource}{author}
   164     \field{labeltitlesource}{title}
   165     \field{labelyear}{2017}
   166     \field{labeldatesource}{year}
   167     \field{sortinit}{R}
   168     \field{sortinithash}{R}
   169     \field{abstract}{%
   170     We describe the formalization of a regular expression (RE) parsing
   171   algorithm that produces a bit representation of its parse tree in the
   172   dependently typed language Agda. The algorithm computes bit-codes using
   173   Brzozowski derivatives and we prove that produced codes are equivalent to
   174   parse trees ensuring soundness and completeness w.r.t an inductive RE
   175   semantics. We include the certified algorithm in a tool developed by us,
   176   named verigrep, for regular expression based search in the style of the well
   177   known GNU grep. Practical experiments conducted with this tool are reported.%
   178     }
   179     \field{booktitle}{Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Symposium on
   180   Programming Languages}
   181     \verb{doi}
   182     \verb 10.1145/3125374.3125381
   183     \endverb
   184     \field{isbn}{9781450353892}
   185     \field{series}{SBLP 2017}
   186     \field{title}{Certified Bit-Coded Regular Expression Parsing}
   187     \verb{url}
   188     \verb
   189     \endverb
   190     \list{location}{1}{%
   191       {Fortaleza, CE, Brazil}%
   192     }
   193     \field{year}{2017}
   194     \warn{\item Can't use 'location' + 'address'}
   195   \endentry
   196 \enddatalist
   197 \endinput