1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
\usetikzlibrary{calc, decorations.pathmorphing}
7 |
\tikzstyle{tape}=[thick, draw, minimum height=5mm, minimum width=7mm, fill=green!35,outer sep=0pt]
8 |
\tikzstyle{head}=[very thick, draw, minimum height=6mm, minimum width=7mm, fill=none,outer sep=0pt]
9 |
10 |
11 |
\begin{scope}[start chain=1 going right,node distance=-0.15mm]
12 |
% start tape
13 |
\node [on chain=1,tape,draw=none, tape, fill=none, draw=none] at (0,-\i*1) (node\i0){\ldots\ };
14 |
\draw [thick,fill=green!35] (node\i0.north east) -- ++(-.07,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.10cm, amplitude=.015cm}]
15 |
{-- ($(node\i0.south east)+(-.15,0)$)} -- (node\i0.south east) -- cycle;
16 |
% draw tape
17 |
\foreach [count=\j] \element in \adlist {
18 |
\ifthenelse{\j = \head}{ % read-write heads current position
19 |
\node [on chain=1,tape, fill=red!35] (node\i\j){\element};
20 |
21 |
22 |
\node [on chain=1,tape] (node\i\j) {\element};
23 |
24 |
25 |
% close tape
26 |
\draw [thick,fill=green!35] (node\i\j.north east) -- ++(.15,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.10cm, amplitude=.015cm}]
27 |
{-- ($(node\i\j.south east)+(.07,0)$)} -- (node\i\j.south east) -- cycle;
28 |
\node [on chain=1,tape, fill=none, draw=none] (end\i) {\ \ldots};
29 |
\node [right = of end\i]{\tiny tape~\i};
30 |
31 |
% draw read-write head
32 |
33 |
\advance\prevnode by -1
34 |
\node [head,right = of node\i\the\prevnode] (head\i){};
35 |
\node [above = of head\i]{\tiny head \i};
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
% Define the turing machine as a list of pairs, where each pair consists of the read-writes head position the delimiter "/" and the list of symbols on the tape.
41 |
\newcommand{\tapes}{ 3/{, , ,1,1, }, 1/{, 1, 0, 1 , 0,}, 2/{ , 1 , 1, 0, 1,}}
42 |
43 |
% Draw program node
44 |
\draw (-1.5,-2) node [draw, thick, rectangle, minimum height= 2.5cm, minimum width=2cm, fill=white, rounded corners] (program){program};
45 |
46 |
% Draw tapes and heads
47 |
\foreach [count=\i] \head/\adlist in \tapes {
48 |
% Draw tape and head
49 |
50 |
% Draw link to program
51 |
\draw[thick, rounded corners=3pt] (program) {-- ($(node\i0.south west) + (0,-0.15)$)}
52 |
{-- ($(head\i.south) + (0,-0.1)$)}-- (head\i.south);
53 |
54 |
55 |
\end{document} |