author | Chengsong |
Fri, 26 May 2023 08:10:17 +0100 | |
changeset 647 | 70c10dc41606 |
parent 640 | bd1354127574 |
child 659 | 2e05f04ed6b3 |
permissions | -rwxr-xr-x |
532 | 1 |
% Chapter Template |
2 |
3 |
\chapter{Finiteness Bound} % Main chapter title |
4 |
5 |
\label{Finite} |
6 |
% In Chapter 4 \ref{Chapter4} we give the second guarantee |
7 |
%of our bitcoded algorithm, that is a finite bound on the size of any |
8 |
%regex's derivatives. |
9 |
618 | 10 |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
11 |
In this chapter we give a bound in terms of the size of |
624 | 12 |
the calculated derivatives: |
590 | 13 |
given an annotated regular expression $a$, for any string $s$ |
624 | 14 |
our algorithm $\blexersimp$'s derivatives |
15 |
are finitely bounded |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
16 |
by a constant that only depends on $a$. |
618 | 17 |
Formally we show that there exists an $N_a$ such that |
576 | 18 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 19 |
$\llbracket \bderssimp{a}{s} \rrbracket \leq N_a$ |
576 | 20 |
\end{center} |
21 |
\noindent |
618 | 22 |
where the size ($\llbracket \_ \rrbracket$) of |
23 |
an annotated regular expression is defined |
24 |
in terms of the number of nodes in its |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
25 |
tree structure (its recursive definition is given in the next page). |
613 | 26 |
We believe this size bound |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
27 |
is important in the context of POSIX lexing because |
590 | 28 |
\begin{itemize} |
29 |
\item |
618 | 30 |
It is a stepping stone towards the goal |
31 |
of eliminating ``catastrophic backtracking''. |
32 |
If the internal data structures used by our algorithm |
33 |
grows beyond a finite bound, then clearly |
34 |
the algorithm (which traverses these structures) will |
35 |
be slow. |
624 | 36 |
The next step is to refine the bound $N_a$ so that it |
37 |
is not just finite but polynomial in $\llbracket a\rrbracket$. |
590 | 38 |
\item |
618 | 39 |
Having the finite bound formalised |
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40 |
gives us higher confidence that |
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41 |
our simplification algorithm $\simp$ does not ``misbehave'' |
639 | 42 |
like $\textit{simpSL}$ does. |
618 | 43 |
The bound is universal for a given regular expression, |
44 |
which is an advantage over work which |
624 | 45 |
only gives empirical evidence on |
639 | 46 |
some test cases (see for example Verbatim work \cite{Verbatimpp}). |
590 | 47 |
\end{itemize} |
625 | 48 |
\noindent |
49 |
We then extend our $\blexersimp$ |
50 |
to support bounded repetitions ($r^{\{n\}}$). |
51 |
We update our formalisation of |
52 |
the correctness and finiteness properties to |
53 |
include this new construct. |
639 | 54 |
We show that we can out-compete other verified lexers such as |
625 | 55 |
Verbatim++ on bounded regular expressions. |
56 |
618 | 57 |
In the next section we describe in more detail |
58 |
what the finite bound means in our algorithm |
59 |
and why the size of the internal data structures of |
60 |
a typical derivative-based lexer such as |
639 | 61 |
Sulzmann and Lu's needs formal treatment. |
618 | 62 |
625 | 63 |
64 |
65 |
639 | 66 |
\section{Formalising Size Bound of Derivatives} |
577 | 67 |
\noindent |
613 | 68 |
In our lexer ($\blexersimp$), |
69 |
we take an annotated regular expression as input, |
618 | 70 |
and repeately take derivative of and simplify it. |
71 |
\begin{figure} |
72 |
\begin{center} |
73 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
74 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\ONE \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
75 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\ |
76 |
$\llbracket _{bs} r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket + 1$\\ |
77 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\mathbf{c} \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
78 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\sum as \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $\map \; (\llbracket \_ \rrbracket)\; as + 1$\\ |
79 |
$\llbracket _{bs} a^* \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket + 1$. |
80 |
\end{tabular} |
81 |
\end{center} |
82 |
\caption{The size function of bitcoded regular expressions}\label{brexpSize} |
83 |
\end{figure} |
84 |
85 |
\begin{figure} |
593 | 86 |
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, |
87 |
every node/.style={minimum size=11mm}, |
88 |
->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,thick |
89 |
] |
90 |
\node (r0) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, minimum size = 5mm, draw=blue] {$a$}; |
91 |
\node (r1) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, right=of r0, minimum size = 7mm]{$a_1$}; |
92 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r0)--(r1) node[above,midway] {$\backslash c_1$}; |
590 | 93 |
593 | 94 |
\node (r1s) [rectangle, draw=blue, thick, right=of r1, minimum size=6mm]{$a_{1s}$}; |
95 |
\draw[->, line width=0.2mm](r1)--(r1s) node[above, midway] {$\simp$}; |
590 | 96 |
593 | 97 |
\node (r2) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, right=of r1s, minimum size = 12mm]{$a_2$}; |
98 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r1s)--(r2) node[above,midway] {$\backslash c_2$}; |
590 | 99 |
593 | 100 |
\node (r2s) [rectangle, draw = blue, thick, right=of r2,minimum size=6mm]{$a_{2s}$}; |
101 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r2)--(r2s) node[above,midway] {$\simp$}; |
590 | 102 |
593 | 103 |
\node (rns) [rectangle, draw = blue, thick, right=of r2s,minimum size=6mm]{$a_{ns}$}; |
104 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm, dashed](r2s)--(rns) node[above,midway] {$\backslash \ldots$}; |
590 | 105 |
593 | 106 |
\node (v) [circle, thick, draw, right=of rns, minimum size=6mm, right=1.7cm]{$v$}; |
107 |
\draw[->, line width=0.2mm](rns)--(v) node[above, midway] {\bmkeps} node [below, midway] {\decode}; |
108 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
109 |
\caption{Regular expression size change during our $\blexersimp$ algorithm}\label{simpShrinks} |
590 | 110 |
\end{figure} |
618 | 111 |
576 | 112 |
\noindent |
590 | 113 |
Each time |
613 | 114 |
a derivative is taken, the regular expression might grow. |
639 | 115 |
However, the simplification that is immediately afterwards will often shrink it so that |
116 |
the overall size of the derivatives stays relatively small. |
577 | 117 |
This intuition is depicted by the relative size |
590 | 118 |
change between the black and blue nodes: |
639 | 119 |
After $\simp$ the node shrinks. |
618 | 120 |
Our proof states that all the blue nodes |
613 | 121 |
stay below a size bound $N_a$ determined by the input $a$. |
576 | 122 |
590 | 123 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
124 |
Sulzmann and Lu's assumed a similar picture of their algorithm, |
590 | 125 |
though in fact their algorithm's size might be better depicted by the following graph: |
126 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
593 | 127 |
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, |
128 |
every node/.style={minimum size=11mm}, |
129 |
->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,thick |
130 |
] |
131 |
\node (r0) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, minimum size = 5mm, draw=blue] {$a$}; |
132 |
\node (r1) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, right=of r0, minimum size = 7mm]{$a_1$}; |
133 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r0)--(r1) node[above,midway] {$\backslash c_1$}; |
590 | 134 |
593 | 135 |
\node (r1s) [rectangle, draw=blue, thick, right=of r1, minimum size=7mm]{$a_{1s}$}; |
136 |
\draw[->, line width=0.2mm](r1)--(r1s) node[above, midway] {$\simp'$}; |
590 | 137 |
593 | 138 |
\node (r2) [rectangle, draw=black, thick, right=of r1s, minimum size = 17mm]{$a_2$}; |
139 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r1s)--(r2) node[above,midway] {$\backslash c_2$}; |
590 | 140 |
593 | 141 |
\node (r2s) [rectangle, draw = blue, thick, right=of r2,minimum size=14mm]{$a_{2s}$}; |
142 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r2)--(r2s) node[above,midway] {$\simp'$}; |
590 | 143 |
593 | 144 |
\node (r3) [rectangle, draw = black, thick, right= of r2s, minimum size = 22mm]{$a_3$}; |
145 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm](r2s)--(r3) node[above,midway] {$\backslash c_3$}; |
590 | 146 |
593 | 147 |
\node (rns) [right = of r3, draw=blue, minimum size = 20mm]{$a_{3s}$}; |
148 |
\draw[->,line width=0.2mm] (r3)--(rns) node [above, midway] {$\simp'$}; |
590 | 149 |
593 | 150 |
\node (rnn) [right = of rns, minimum size = 1mm]{}; |
151 |
\draw[->, dashed] (rns)--(rnn) node [above, midway] {$\ldots$}; |
590 | 152 |
593 | 153 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
154 |
\caption{Regular expression size change during our $\blexersimp$ algorithm}\label{sulzShrinks} |
590 | 155 |
\end{figure} |
156 |
\noindent |
639 | 157 |
The picture means that in some cases their lexer (where they use $\simpsulz$ |
613 | 158 |
as the simplification function) |
618 | 159 |
will have a size explosion, causing the running time |
613 | 160 |
of each derivative step to grow continuously (for example |
590 | 161 |
in \ref{SulzmannLuLexerTime}). |
613 | 162 |
They tested out the run time of their |
590 | 163 |
lexer on particular examples such as $(a+b+ab)^*$ |
613 | 164 |
and claimed that their algorithm is linear w.r.t to the input. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
165 |
With our mechanised proof, we avoid this type of unintentional |
639 | 166 |
generalisation. |
613 | 167 |
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168 |
Before delving into the details of the formalisation, |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
169 |
we are going to provide an overview of it in the following subsection. |
613 | 170 |
590 | 171 |
577 | 172 |
\subsection{Overview of the Proof} |
618 | 173 |
A high-level overview of the main components of the finiteness proof |
174 |
is as follows: |
593 | 175 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
176 |
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,font=\bf, |
177 |
node/.style={ |
178 |
rectangle,rounded corners=3mm, |
179 |
ultra thick,draw=black!50,minimum height=18mm, |
180 |
minimum width=20mm, |
181 |
top color=white,bottom color=black!20}] |
543 | 182 |
183 |
593 | 184 |
\node (0) at (-5,0) |
185 |
[node, text width=1.8cm, text centered] |
186 |
{$\llbracket \bderssimp{a}{s} \rrbracket$}; |
187 |
\node (A) at (0,0) |
188 |
[node,text width=1.6cm, text centered] |
189 |
{$\llbracket \rderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket_r$}; |
190 |
\node (B) at (3,0) |
191 |
[node,text width=3.0cm, anchor=west, minimum width = 40mm] |
192 |
{$\llbracket \textit{ClosedForm}(r, s)\rrbracket_r$}; |
193 |
\node (C) at (9.5,0) [node, minimum width=10mm] {$N_r$}; |
194 |
195 |
\draw [->,line width=0.5mm] (0) -- |
196 |
node [above,pos=0.45] {=} (A) node [below, pos = 0.45] {$(r = a \downarrow_r)$} (A); |
197 |
\draw [->,line width=0.5mm] (A) -- |
198 |
node [above,pos=0.35] {$\quad =\ldots=$} (B); |
199 |
\draw [->,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- |
200 |
node [above,pos=0.35] {$\quad \leq \ldots \leq$} (C); |
201 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
202 |
%\caption{ |
203 |
\end{figure} |
576 | 204 |
\noindent |
577 | 205 |
We explain the steps one by one: |
532 | 206 |
\begin{itemize} |
590 | 207 |
\item |
208 |
We first introduce the operations such as |
209 |
derivatives, simplification, size calculation, etc. |
618 | 210 |
associated with $\rrexp$s, which we have introduced |
211 |
in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}. |
593 | 212 |
The operations on $\rrexp$s are identical to those on |
618 | 213 |
annotated regular expressions except that they dispense with |
214 |
bitcodes. This means that all proofs about size of $\rrexp$s will apply to |
215 |
annotated regular expressions, because the size of a regular |
216 |
expression is independent of the bitcodes. |
590 | 217 |
\item |
593 | 218 |
We prove that $\rderssimp{r}{s} = \textit{ClosedForm}(r, s)$, |
219 |
where $\textit{ClosedForm}(r, s)$ is entirely |
618 | 220 |
given as the derivatives of their children regular |
593 | 221 |
expressions. |
222 |
We call the right-hand-side the \emph{Closed Form} |
223 |
of the derivative $\rderssimp{r}{s}$. |
590 | 224 |
\item |
618 | 225 |
Formally we give an estimate of |
226 |
$\llbracket \textit{ClosedForm}(r, s) \rrbracket_r$. |
593 | 227 |
The key observation is that $\distinctBy$'s output is |
228 |
a list with a constant length bound. |
532 | 229 |
\end{itemize} |
594 | 230 |
We will expand on these steps in the next sections.\\ |
532 | 231 |
613 | 232 |
\section{The $\textit{Rrexp}$ Datatype} |
594 | 233 |
The first step is to define |
234 |
$\textit{rrexp}$s. |
618 | 235 |
They are annotated regular expressions without bitcodes, |
639 | 236 |
allowing a more convenient size bound proof. |
618 | 237 |
%Of course, the bits which encode the lexing information |
238 |
%would grow linearly with respect |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
239 |
%to the input, which should be taken into accounte when we wish to tackle the runtime complexity. |
618 | 240 |
%But for the sake of the structural size |
241 |
%we can safely ignore them.\\ |
242 |
The datatype |
594 | 243 |
definition of the $\rrexp$, called |
593 | 244 |
\emph{r-regular expressions}, |
594 | 245 |
was initially defined in \ref{rrexpDef}. |
246 |
The reason for the prefix $r$ is |
593 | 247 |
to make a distinction |
594 | 248 |
with basic regular expressions. |
639 | 249 |
We give here again the definition of $\rrexp$. |
576 | 250 |
\[ \rrexp ::= \RZERO \mid \RONE |
593 | 251 |
\mid \RCHAR{c} |
252 |
\mid \RSEQ{r_1}{r_2} |
253 |
\mid \RALTS{rs} |
254 |
\mid \RSTAR{r} |
576 | 255 |
\] |
593 | 256 |
The size of an r-regular expression is |
257 |
written $\llbracket r\rrbracket_r$, |
258 |
whose definition mirrors that of an annotated regular expression. |
576 | 259 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 260 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
593 | 261 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\ONE \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
262 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\ |
263 |
$\llbracket _{bs} r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_r + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_r + 1$\\ |
264 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\mathbf{c} \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
265 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\sum as \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $\map \; (\llbracket \_ \rrbracket_r)\; as + 1$\\ |
266 |
$\llbracket _{bs} a^* \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket_r + 1$. |
267 |
\end{tabular} |
576 | 268 |
\end{center} |
269 |
\noindent |
593 | 270 |
The $r$ in the subscript of $\llbracket \rrbracket_r$ is to |
271 |
differentiate with the same operation for annotated regular expressions. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
272 |
Similar subscripts will be added for operations like $\rerase{}$: |
593 | 273 |
\begin{center} |
274 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
275 |
$\rerase{\ZERO}$ & $\dn$ & $\RZERO$\\ |
276 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\ONE}$ & $\dn$ & $\RONE$\\ |
277 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\mathbf{c}}$ & $\dn$ & $\RCHAR{c}$\\ |
278 |
$\rerase{_{bs}r_1\cdot r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\RSEQ{\rerase{r_1}}{\rerase{r_2}}$\\ |
279 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\sum as}$ & $\dn$ & $\RALTS{\map \; \rerase{\_} \; as}$\\ |
280 |
$\rerase{_{bs} a ^*}$ & $\dn$ & $\rerase{a} ^*$ |
281 |
\end{tabular} |
282 |
\end{center} |
594 | 283 |
613 | 284 |
\subsection{Why a New Datatype?} |
618 | 285 |
The reason we |
286 |
define a new datatype is that |
287 |
the $\erase$ function |
288 |
does not preserve the structure of annotated |
289 |
regular expressions. |
576 | 290 |
We initially started by using |
291 |
plain regular expressions and tried to prove |
618 | 292 |
lemma \ref{rsizeAsize}, |
293 |
however the $\erase$ function messes with the structure of the |
594 | 294 |
annotated regular expression. |
295 |
The $+$ constructor |
618 | 296 |
of basic regular expressions is only binary, whereas $\sum$ |
297 |
takes a list. Therefore we need to convert between |
298 |
annotated and normal regular expressions as follows: |
576 | 299 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 300 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
594 | 301 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum [] $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ |
302 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum [a]$ & $\dn$ & $a$\\ |
303 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum a :: as$ & $\dn$ & $a + (\erase \; _{[]} \sum as)\quad \text{if $as$ length over 1}$ |
304 |
\end{tabular} |
576 | 305 |
\end{center} |
594 | 306 |
\noindent |
639 | 307 |
As can be seen, alternative regular expressions with an empty argument list |
594 | 308 |
will be turned into a $\ZERO$. |
618 | 309 |
The singleton alternative $\sum [r]$ becomes $r$ during the |
594 | 310 |
$\erase$ function. |
311 |
The annotated regular expression $\sum[a, b, c]$ would turn into |
312 |
$(a+(b+c))$. |
313 |
All these operations change the size and structure of |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
314 |
an annotated regular expression, adding unnecessary |
639 | 315 |
complexities to the size bound proof. |
316 |
613 | 317 |
For example, if we define the size of a basic plain regular expression |
594 | 318 |
in the usual way, |
543 | 319 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 320 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
593 | 321 |
$\llbracket \ONE \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
322 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\ |
323 |
$\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\ |
324 |
$\llbracket \mathbf{c} \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
325 |
$\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p \; + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\ |
326 |
$\llbracket a^* \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket_p + 1$ |
327 |
\end{tabular} |
532 | 328 |
\end{center} |
543 | 329 |
\noindent |
594 | 330 |
Then the property |
532 | 331 |
\begin{center} |
613 | 332 |
$\llbracket a \rrbracket \stackrel{?}{=} \llbracket a_\downarrow \rrbracket_p$ |
532 | 333 |
\end{center} |
594 | 334 |
does not hold. |
613 | 335 |
With $\textit{rerase}$, however, |
336 |
only the bitcodes are thrown away. |
337 |
Everything about the structure remains intact. |
338 |
Therefore it does not change the size |
618 | 339 |
of an annotated regular expression and we have: |
613 | 340 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rsizeAsize} |
341 |
$\rsize{\rerase a} = \asize a$ |
342 |
\end{lemma} |
343 |
\begin{proof} |
344 |
By routine structural induction on $a$. |
345 |
\end{proof} |
346 |
\noindent |
594 | 347 |
One might be able to prove an inequality such as |
348 |
$\llbracket a \rrbracket \leq \llbracket a_\downarrow \rrbracket_p $ |
349 |
and then estimate $\llbracket a_\downarrow \rrbracket_p$, |
350 |
but we found our approach more straightforward.\\ |
532 | 351 |
613 | 352 |
\subsection{Functions for R-regular Expressions} |
639 | 353 |
The downside of our approach is that we need to redefine |
354 |
several functions for $\rrexp$. |
618 | 355 |
In this section we shall define the r-regular expression version |
639 | 356 |
of $\bder$, and $\textit{bsimp}$ related functions. |
613 | 357 |
We use $r$ as the prefix or subscript to differentiate |
358 |
with the bitcoded version. |
618 | 359 |
%For example,$\backslash_r$, $\rdistincts$, and $\rsimp$ |
360 |
%as opposed to $\backslash$, $\distinctBy$, and $\bsimp$. |
361 |
%As promised, they are much simpler than their bitcoded counterparts. |
613 | 362 |
%The operations on r-regular expressions are |
363 |
%almost identical to those of the annotated regular expressions, |
364 |
%except that no bitcodes are used. For example, |
618 | 365 |
The derivative operation for an r-regular expression is\\ |
543 | 366 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 367 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
368 |
$(\ZERO)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ |
369 |
$(\ONE)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & |
370 |
$\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\; |
371 |
\ONE\;\textit{else}\;\ZERO$\\ |
372 |
$(\sum \;\textit{rs})\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & |
373 |
$\sum\;(\textit{map} \; (\_\backslash_r c) \; rs )$\\ |
374 |
$(r_1\cdot r_2)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & |
594 | 375 |
$\textit{if}\;(\textit{rnullable}\,r_1)$\\ |
593 | 376 |
& &$\textit{then}\;\sum\,[(r_1\,\backslash_r c)\cdot\,r_2,$\\ |
377 |
& &$\phantom{\textit{then},\;\sum\,}((r_2\,\backslash_r c))]$\\ |
378 |
& &$\textit{else}\;\,(r_1\,\backslash_r c)\cdot r_2$\\ |
379 |
$(r^*)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & |
380 |
$( r\,\backslash_r c)\cdot |
381 |
(_{[]}r^*))$ |
382 |
\end{tabular} |
543 | 383 |
\end{center} |
384 |
\noindent |
618 | 385 |
where we omit the definition of $\textit{rnullable}$. |
639 | 386 |
The generalisation from the derivatives w.r.t a character to |
387 |
derivatives w.r.t strings is given as |
620 | 388 |
\begin{center} |
389 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
390 |
$r \backslash_{rs} []$ & $\dn$ & $r$\\ |
391 |
$r \backslash_{rs} c::s$ & $\dn$ & $(r\backslash_r c) \backslash_{rs} s$ |
392 |
\end{tabular} |
393 |
\end{center} |
618 | 394 |
395 |
The function $\distinctBy$ for r-regular expressions does not need |
594 | 396 |
a function checking equivalence because |
618 | 397 |
there are no bit annotations. |
398 |
Therefore we have |
532 | 399 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 400 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
401 |
$\rdistinct{[]}{rset} $ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ |
594 | 402 |
$\rdistinct{r :: rs}{rset}$ & $\dn$ & |
403 |
$\textit{if}(r \in \textit{rset}) \; \textit{then} \; \rdistinct{rs}{rset}$\\ |
404 |
& & $\textit{else}\; \; |
405 |
r::\rdistinct{rs}{(rset \cup \{r\})}$ |
593 | 406 |
\end{tabular} |
532 | 407 |
\end{center} |
408 |
%TODO: definition of rsimp (maybe only the alternative clause) |
543 | 409 |
\noindent |
618 | 410 |
%We would like to make clear |
411 |
%a difference between our $\rdistincts$ and |
412 |
%the Isabelle $\textit {distinct}$ predicate. |
413 |
%In Isabelle $\textit{distinct}$ is a function that returns a boolean |
414 |
%rather than a list. |
415 |
%It tests if all the elements of a list are unique.\\ |
416 |
With $\textit{rdistinct}$ in place, |
417 |
the flatten function for $\rrexp$ is as follows: |
595 | 418 |
\begin{center} |
419 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
596 | 420 |
$\textit{rflts} \; (\sum \textit{as}) :: \textit{as'}$ & $\dn$ & $as \; @ \; \textit{rflts} \; as' $ \\ |
595 | 421 |
$\textit{rflts} \; \ZERO :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{rflts} \; \textit{as'} $ \\ |
422 |
$\textit{rflts} \; a :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $a :: \textit{rflts} \; \textit{as'}$ \quad(otherwise) |
423 |
\end{tabular} |
424 |
\end{center} |
425 |
\noindent |
618 | 426 |
The function |
427 |
$\rsimpalts$ corresponds to $\textit{bsimp}_{ALTS}$: |
596 | 428 |
\begin{center} |
429 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
430 |
$\rsimpalts \;\; nil$ & $\dn$ & $\RZERO$\\ |
431 |
$\rsimpalts \;\; r::nil$ & $\dn$ & $r$\\ |
432 |
$\rsimpalts \;\; rs$ & $\dn$ & $\sum rs$\\ |
433 |
\end{tabular} |
434 |
\end{center} |
435 |
\noindent |
618 | 436 |
Similarly, we have $\rsimpseq$ which corresponds to $\textit{bsimp}_{SEQ}$: |
596 | 437 |
\begin{center} |
438 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
439 |
$\rsimpseq \;\; \RZERO \; \_ $ & $=$ & $\RZERO$\\ |
440 |
$\rsimpseq \;\; \_ \; \RZERO $ & $=$ & $\RZERO$\\ |
441 |
$\rsimpseq \;\; \RONE \cdot r_2$ & $\dn$ & $r_2$\\ |
442 |
$\rsimpseq \;\; r_1 r_2$ & $\dn$ & $r_1 \cdot r_2$\\ |
443 |
\end{tabular} |
444 |
\end{center} |
445 |
and get $\textit{rsimp}$ and $\rderssimp{\_}{\_}$: |
595 | 446 |
\begin{center} |
447 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
448 |
596 | 449 |
$\textit{rsimp} \; (r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{rsimp}_{SEQ} \; bs \;(\textit{rsimp} \; r_1) \; (\textit{rsimp} \; r_2) $ \\ |
450 |
$\textit{rsimp} \; (_{bs}\sum \textit{rs})$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{rsimp}_{ALTS} \; \textit{bs} \; (\textit{rdistinct} \; ( \textit{rflts} ( \textit{map} \; rsimp \; rs)) \; \rerases \; \varnothing) $ \\ |
451 |
$\textit{rsimp} \; r$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{r} \qquad \textit{otherwise}$ |
595 | 452 |
\end{tabular} |
453 |
\end{center} |
596 | 454 |
\begin{center} |
455 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
456 |
$r\backslash_{rsimp} \, c$ & $\dn$ & $\rsimp \; (r\backslash_r \, c)$ |
457 |
\end{tabular} |
458 |
\end{center} |
459 |
460 |
\begin{center} |
461 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
601 | 462 |
$r \backslash_{rsimps} \; \; c\!::\!s $ & $\dn$ & $(r \backslash_{rsimp}\, c) \backslash_{rsimps}\, s$ \\ |
596 | 463 |
$r \backslash_{rsimps} [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
464 |
\end{tabular} |
465 |
\end{center} |
466 |
\noindent |
601 | 467 |
We do not define an r-regular expression version of $\blexersimp$, |
618 | 468 |
as our proof does not depend on it. |
613 | 469 |
Now we are ready to introduce how r-regular expressions allow |
470 |
us to prove the size bound on bitcoded regular expressions. |
471 |
472 |
\subsection{Using R-regular Expressions to Bound Bit-coded Regular Expressions} |
473 |
Everything about the size of annotated regular expressions after the application |
474 |
of function $\bsimp$ and $\backslash_{simps}$ |
475 |
can be calculated via the size of r-regular expressions after the application |
476 |
of $\rsimp$ and $\backslash_{rsimps}$: |
564 | 477 |
\begin{lemma}\label{sizeRelations} |
618 | 478 |
The following two equalities hold: |
543 | 479 |
\begin{itemize} |
480 |
\item |
601 | 481 |
$\asize{\bsimps \; a} = \rsize{\rsimp{ \rerase{a}}}$ |
554 | 482 |
\item |
596 | 483 |
$\asize{\bderssimp{a}{s}} = \rsize{\rderssimp{\rerase{a}}{s}}$ |
554 | 484 |
\end{itemize} |
532 | 485 |
\end{lemma} |
601 | 486 |
\begin{proof} |
487 |
The first part is by induction on the inductive cases |
488 |
of $\textit{bsimp}$. |
489 |
The second part is by induction on the string $s$, |
490 |
where the inductive step follows from part one. |
491 |
\end{proof} |
543 | 492 |
\noindent |
596 | 493 |
With lemma \ref{sizeRelations}, |
601 | 494 |
we will be able to focus on |
495 |
estimating only |
496 |
$\rsize{\rderssimp{\rerase{a}}{s}}$ |
497 |
in later parts because |
498 |
\begin{center} |
499 |
$\rsize{\rderssimp{\rerase{a}}{s}} \leq N_r \quad$ |
500 |
implies |
501 |
$\quad \llbracket a \backslash_{bsimps} s \rrbracket \leq N_r$. |
502 |
\end{center} |
618 | 503 |
%From now on we |
504 |
%Unless stated otherwise in the rest of this |
505 |
%chapter all regular expressions without |
506 |
%bitcodes are seen as r-regular expressions ($\rrexp$s). |
507 |
%For the binary alternative r-regular expression $\RALTS{[r_1, r_2]}$, |
508 |
%we use the notation $r_1 + r_2$ |
509 |
%for brevity. |
532 | 510 |
511 |
512 |
%----------------------------------- |
596 | 513 |
532 | 514 |
%----------------------------------- |
553 | 515 |
596 | 516 |
%\subsection{Roadmap to a Bound for $\textit{Rrexp}$} |
553 | 517 |
596 | 518 |
%The way we obtain the bound for $\rrexp$s is by two steps: |
519 |
%\begin{itemize} |
520 |
% \item |
521 |
% First, we rewrite $r\backslash s$ into something else that is easier |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
522 |
% to bound. This step is crucial for the inductive case |
596 | 523 |
% $r_1 \cdot r_2$ and $r^*$, where the derivative can grow and bloat in a wild way, |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
524 |
% but after simplification, they will always be equal or smaller to a form consisting of an alternative |
596 | 525 |
% list of regular expressions $f \; (g\; (\sum rs))$ with some functions applied to it, where each element will be distinct after the function application. |
526 |
% \item |
527 |
% Then, for such a sum list of regular expressions $f\; (g\; (\sum rs))$, we can control its size |
528 |
% by estimation, since $\distinctBy$ and $\flts$ are well-behaved and working together would only |
529 |
% reduce the size of a regular expression, not adding to it. |
530 |
%\end{itemize} |
531 |
% |
532 |
%\section{Step One: Closed Forms} |
533 |
%We transform the function application $\rderssimp{r}{s}$ |
534 |
%into an equivalent |
535 |
%form $f\; (g \; (\sum rs))$. |
536 |
%The functions $f$ and $g$ can be anything from $\flts$, $\distinctBy$ and other helper functions from $\bsimp{\_}$. |
537 |
%This way we get a different but equivalent way of expressing : $r\backslash s = f \; (g\; (\sum rs))$, we call the |
538 |
%right hand side the "closed form" of $r\backslash s$. |
539 |
% |
540 |
%\begin{quote}\it |
541 |
% Claim: For regular expressions $r_1 \cdot r_2$, we claim that |
542 |
%\end{quote} |
543 |
%\noindent |
544 |
%We explain in detail how we reached those claims. |
601 | 545 |
If we attempt to prove |
546 |
\begin{center} |
609 | 547 |
$\forall r. \; \exists N_r.\;\; s.t. \llbracket r\backslash_{rsimps} s \rrbracket_r \leq N_r$ |
601 | 548 |
\end{center} |
549 |
using a naive induction on the structure of $r$, |
550 |
then we are stuck at the inductive cases such as |
551 |
$r_1\cdot r_2$. |
552 |
The inductive hypotheses are: |
553 |
\begin{center} |
554 |
1: $\text{for } r_1, \text{there exists } N_{r_1}.\;\; s.t. |
609 | 555 |
\;\;\forall s. \llbracket r_1 \backslash_{rsimps} s \rrbracket_r \leq N_{r_1}. $\\ |
601 | 556 |
2: $\text{for } r_2, \text{there exists } N_{r_2}.\;\; s.t. |
609 | 557 |
\;\; \forall s. \llbracket r_2 \backslash_{rsimps} s \rrbracket_r \leq N_{r_2}. $ |
601 | 558 |
\end{center} |
559 |
The inductive step to prove would be |
560 |
\begin{center} |
561 |
$\text{there exists } N_{r_1\cdot r_2}. \;\; s.t. \forall s. |
609 | 562 |
\llbracket (r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash_{rsimps} s \rrbracket_r \leq N_{r_1\cdot r_2}.$ |
601 | 563 |
\end{center} |
564 |
The problem is that it is not clear what |
609 | 565 |
$(r_1\cdot r_2) \backslash_{rsimps} s$ looks like, |
601 | 566 |
and therefore $N_{r_1}$ and $N_{r_2}$ in the |
567 |
inductive hypotheses cannot be directly used. |
618 | 568 |
%We have already seen that $(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash s$ |
569 |
%and $(r^*)\backslash s$ can grow in a wild way. |
613 | 570 |
618 | 571 |
The point however, is that they will be equivalent to a list of |
609 | 572 |
terms $\sum rs$, where each term in $rs$ will |
573 |
be made of $r_1 \backslash s' $, $r_2\backslash s'$, |
618 | 574 |
and $r \backslash s'$ with $s' \in \textit{SubString} \; s$ (which stands |
575 |
for the set of substrings of $s$). |
609 | 576 |
The list $\sum rs$ will then be de-duplicated by $\textit{rdistinct}$ |
618 | 577 |
in the simplification, which prevents the $rs$ from growing indefinitely. |
609 | 578 |
613 | 579 |
Based on this idea, we develop a proof in two steps. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
580 |
First, we show the below equality (where |
609 | 581 |
$f$ and $g$ are functions that do not increase the size of the input) |
582 |
\begin{center} |
613 | 583 |
$r\backslash_{rsimps} s = f\; (\textit{rdistinct} \; (g\; \sum rs))$, |
609 | 584 |
\end{center} |
613 | 585 |
where $r = r_1 \cdot r_2$ or $r = r_0^*$ and so on. |
586 |
For example, for $r_1 \cdot r_2$ we have the equality as |
587 |
\begin{center} |
588 |
$ \rderssimp{r_1 \cdot r_2}{s} = |
639 | 589 |
\rsimp{(\sum (r_1 \backslash s \cdot r_2 ) \; :: \;(\map \; \rderssimp{r_2}{\_} \;(\vsuf{s}{r_1})))}$ |
613 | 590 |
\end{center} |
609 | 591 |
We call the right-hand-side the |
592 |
\emph{Closed Form} of $(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash_{rsimps} s$. |
613 | 593 |
Second, we will bound the closed form of r-regular expressions |
594 |
using some estimation techniques |
618 | 595 |
and then apply |
596 |
lemma \ref{sizeRelations} to show that the bitcoded regular expressions |
613 | 597 |
in our $\blexersimp$ are finitely bounded. |
609 | 598 |
618 | 599 |
We will describe in detail the first step of the proof |
600 |
in the next section. |
613 | 601 |
602 |
\section{Closed Forms} |
609 | 603 |
In this section we introduce in detail |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
604 |
how to express the string derivatives |
618 | 605 |
of regular expressions (i.e. $r \backslash_r s$ where $s$ is a string |
606 |
rather than a single character) in a different way than |
607 |
our previous definition. |
608 |
In previous chapters, the derivative of a |
609 |
regular expression $r$ w.r.t a string $s$ |
610 |
was recursively defined on the string: |
611 |
\begin{center} |
612 |
$r \backslash_s (c::s) \dn (r \backslash c) \backslash_s s$ |
613 |
\end{center} |
614 |
The problem is that |
615 |
this definition does not provide much information |
616 |
on what $r \backslash_s s$ looks like. |
617 |
If we are interested in the size of a derivative like |
618 |
$(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash s$, |
619 |
we have to somehow get a more concrete form to begin. |
620 |
We call such more concrete representations the ``closed forms'' of |
621 |
string derivatives as opposed to their original definitions. |
622 |
The terminology ``closed form'' is borrowed from mathematics, |
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623 |
which usually describe expressions that are solely comprised of finitely many |
618 | 624 |
well-known and easy-to-compute operations such as |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
625 |
additions, multiplications, and exponential functions. |
618 | 626 |
613 | 627 |
We start by proving some basic identities |
609 | 628 |
involving the simplification functions for r-regular expressions. |
613 | 629 |
After that we introduce the rewrite relations |
630 |
$\rightsquigarrow_h$, $\rightsquigarrow^*_{scf}$ |
631 |
$\rightsquigarrow_f$ and $\rightsquigarrow_g$. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
632 |
These relations involve similar techniques as in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2} |
618 | 633 |
for annotated regular expressions. |
613 | 634 |
Finally, we use these identities to establish the |
635 |
closed forms of the alternative regular expression, |
636 |
the sequence regular expression, and the star regular expression. |
609 | 637 |
%$r_1\cdot r_2$, $r^*$ and $\sum rs$. |
601 | 638 |
639 |
609 | 640 |
613 | 641 |
\subsection{Some Basic Identities} |
609 | 642 |
618 | 643 |
In what follows we will often convert between lists |
644 |
and sets. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
645 |
We use Isabelle's $set$ to refer to the |
611 | 646 |
function that converts a list $rs$ to the set |
647 |
containing all the elements in $rs$. |
648 |
\subsubsection{$\textit{rdistinct}$'s Does the Job of De-duplication} |
543 | 649 |
The $\textit{rdistinct}$ function, as its name suggests, will |
613 | 650 |
de-duplicate an r-regular expression list. |
651 |
It will also remove any elements that |
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652 |
are already in the accumulator set. |
555 | 653 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rdistinctDoesTheJob} |
609 | 654 |
%The function $\textit{rdistinct}$ satisfies the following |
655 |
%properties: |
656 |
Assume we have the predicate $\textit{isDistinct}$\footnote{We omit its |
618 | 657 |
recursive definition here. Its Isabelle counterpart would be $\textit{distinct}$.} |
609 | 658 |
for testing |
613 | 659 |
whether a list's elements are unique. Then the following |
609 | 660 |
properties about $\textit{rdistinct}$ hold: |
543 | 661 |
\begin{itemize} |
662 |
\item |
663 |
If $a \in acc$ then $a \notin (\rdistinct{rs}{acc})$. |
664 |
\item |
609 | 665 |
%If list $rs'$ is the result of $\rdistinct{rs}{acc}$, |
666 |
$\textit{isDistinct} \;\;\; (\rdistinct{rs}{acc})$. |
555 | 667 |
\item |
609 | 668 |
$\textit{set} \; (\rdistinct{rs}{acc}) |
639 | 669 |
= (\textit{set} \; rs) - acc$ |
543 | 670 |
\end{itemize} |
671 |
\end{lemma} |
555 | 672 |
\noindent |
543 | 673 |
\begin{proof} |
674 |
The first part is by an induction on $rs$. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
675 |
The second and third parts can be proven by using the |
609 | 676 |
inductive cases of $\textit{rdistinct}$. |
593 | 677 |
543 | 678 |
\end{proof} |
679 |
680 |
\noindent |
613 | 681 |
%$\textit{rdistinct}$ will out all regular expression terms |
682 |
%that are in the accumulator, therefore |
683 |
Concatenating a list $rs_a$ at the front of another |
684 |
list $rs$ whose elements are all from the accumulator, and then calling $\textit{rdistinct}$ |
685 |
on the merged list, the output will be as if we had called $\textit{rdistinct}$ |
543 | 686 |
without the prepending of $rs$: |
609 | 687 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rdistinctConcat} |
554 | 688 |
The elements appearing in the accumulator will always be removed. |
689 |
More precisely, |
690 |
\begin{itemize} |
691 |
\item |
692 |
If $rs \subseteq rset$, then |
693 |
$\rdistinct{rs@rsa }{acc} = \rdistinct{rsa }{acc}$. |
694 |
\item |
609 | 695 |
More generally, if $a \in rset$ and $\rdistinct{rs}{\{a\}} = []$, |
554 | 696 |
then $\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{rset} = \rdistinct{rs'}{rset}$ |
697 |
\end{itemize} |
543 | 698 |
\end{lemma} |
554 | 699 |
543 | 700 |
\begin{proof} |
609 | 701 |
By induction on $rs$ and using \ref{rdistinctDoesTheJob}. |
543 | 702 |
\end{proof} |
703 |
\noindent |
704 |
On the other hand, if an element $r$ does not appear in the input list waiting to be deduplicated, |
705 |
then expanding the accumulator to include that element will not cause the output list to change: |
611 | 706 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rdistinctOnDistinct} |
543 | 707 |
The accumulator can be augmented to include elements not appearing in the input list, |
708 |
and the output will not change. |
709 |
\begin{itemize} |
710 |
\item |
611 | 711 |
If $r \notin rs$, then $\rdistinct{rs}{acc} = \rdistinct{rs}{(\{r\} \cup acc)}$. |
543 | 712 |
\item |
611 | 713 |
Particularly, if $\;\;\textit{isDistinct} \; rs$, then we have\\ |
543 | 714 |
\[ \rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} = rs \] |
715 |
\end{itemize} |
716 |
\end{lemma} |
717 |
\begin{proof} |
718 |
The first half is by induction on $rs$. The second half is a corollary of the first. |
719 |
\end{proof} |
720 |
\noindent |
611 | 721 |
The function $\textit{rdistinct}$ removes duplicates from anywhere in a list. |
722 |
Despite being seemingly obvious, |
723 |
the induction technique is not as straightforward. |
554 | 724 |
\begin{lemma}\label{distinctRemovesMiddle} |
725 |
The two properties hold if $r \in rs$: |
726 |
\begin{itemize} |
727 |
\item |
555 | 728 |
$\rdistinct{rs}{rset} = \rdistinct{(rs @ [r])}{rset}$\\ |
729 |
and\\ |
554 | 730 |
$\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ [ab])}{rset'} = \rdistinct{(ab :: rs)}{rset'}$ |
731 |
\item |
555 | 732 |
$\rdistinct{ (rs @ rs') }{rset} = \rdistinct{rs @ [r] @ rs'}{rset}$\\ |
733 |
and\\ |
554 | 734 |
$\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ [ab] @ rs'')}{rset'} = |
593 | 735 |
\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ rs'')}{rset'}$ |
554 | 736 |
\end{itemize} |
737 |
\end{lemma} |
738 |
\noindent |
739 |
\begin{proof} |
593 | 740 |
By induction on $rs$. All other variables are allowed to be arbitrary. |
611 | 741 |
The second part of the lemma requires the first. |
618 | 742 |
Note that for each part, the two sub-propositions need to be proven |
743 |
at the same time, |
593 | 744 |
so that the induction goes through. |
554 | 745 |
\end{proof} |
555 | 746 |
\noindent |
611 | 747 |
This allows us to prove a few more equivalence relations involving |
618 | 748 |
$\textit{rdistinct}$ (they will be useful later): |
555 | 749 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rdistinctConcatGeneral} |
611 | 750 |
\mbox{} |
555 | 751 |
\begin{itemize} |
752 |
\item |
753 |
$\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{\varnothing} = \rdistinct{((\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing})@ rs')}{\varnothing}$ |
754 |
\item |
755 |
$\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{\varnothing} = \rdistinct{(\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} @ rs')}{\varnothing}$ |
756 |
\item |
757 |
If $rset' \subseteq rset$, then $\rdistinct{rs}{rset} = |
758 |
\rdistinct{(\rdistinct{rs}{rset'})}{rset}$. As a corollary |
759 |
of this, |
760 |
\item |
761 |
$\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{rset} = \rdistinct{ |
762 |
(\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing}) @ rs')}{rset}$. This |
763 |
gives another corollary use later: |
764 |
\item |
765 |
If $a \in rset$, then $\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{rset} = \rdistinct{ |
766 |
(\rdistinct{(a :: rs)}{\varnothing} @ rs')}{rset} $, |
767 |
768 |
\end{itemize} |
769 |
\end{lemma} |
770 |
\begin{proof} |
771 |
By \ref{rdistinctDoesTheJob} and \ref{distinctRemovesMiddle}. |
772 |
\end{proof} |
611 | 773 |
\noindent |
639 | 774 |
The next lemma is a more general form of \ref{rdistinctConcat}; |
775 |
It says that |
611 | 776 |
$\textit{rdistinct}$ is composable w.r.t list concatenation: |
777 |
\begin{lemma}\label{distinctRdistinctAppend} |
778 |
If $\;\; \textit{isDistinct} \; rs_1$, |
779 |
and $(set \; rs_1) \cap acc = \varnothing$, |
780 |
then applying $\textit{rdistinct}$ on $rs_1 @ rs_a$ does not |
781 |
have an effect on $rs_1$: |
782 |
\[\textit{rdistinct}\; (rs_1 @ rsa)\;\, acc |
783 |
= rs_1@(\textit{rdistinct} rsa \; (acc \cup rs_1))\] |
784 |
\end{lemma} |
785 |
\begin{proof} |
786 |
By an induction on |
787 |
$rs_1$, where $rsa$ and $acc$ are allowed to be arbitrary. |
788 |
\end{proof} |
789 |
\noindent |
790 |
$\textit{rdistinct}$ needs to be applied only once, and |
618 | 791 |
applying it multiple times does not make any difference: |
611 | 792 |
\begin{corollary}\label{distinctOnceEnough} |
639 | 793 |
$\textit{rdistinct} \; (rs @ rsa) {} = \textit{rdistinct} \; ( (rdistinct \; |
794 |
rs \; \{ \}) @ (\textit{rdistinct} \; rs_a \; (set \; rs)))$ |
611 | 795 |
\end{corollary} |
796 |
\begin{proof} |
797 |
By lemma \ref{distinctRdistinctAppend}. |
798 |
\end{proof} |
555 | 799 |
611 | 800 |
\subsubsection{The Properties of $\textit{Rflts}$} |
801 |
We give in this subsection some properties |
620 | 802 |
involving $\backslash_r$, $\backslash_{rsimps}$, $\textit{rflts}$ and |
611 | 803 |
$\textit{rsimp}_{ALTS} $, together with any non-trivial lemmas that lead to them. |
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804 |
These will be helpful in later closed-form proofs, when |
611 | 805 |
we want to transform derivative terms which have |
806 |
%the ways in which multiple functions involving |
807 |
%those are composed together |
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808 |
interleaving derivatives and simplifications applied to them. |
543 | 809 |
611 | 810 |
\noindent |
811 |
%When the function $\textit{Rflts}$ |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
812 |
%is applied to the concatenation of two lists; the output can be calculated by first applying the |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
813 |
%functions on two lists separately and then concatenating them together. |
611 | 814 |
$\textit{Rflts}$ is composable in terms of concatenation: |
554 | 815 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rfltsProps} |
618 | 816 |
The function $\rflts$ has the properties below:\\ |
543 | 817 |
\begin{itemize} |
818 |
\item |
554 | 819 |
$\rflts \; (rs_1 @ rs_2) = \rflts \; rs_1 @ \rflts \; rs_2$ |
820 |
\item |
821 |
If $r \neq \RZERO$ and $\nexists rs_1. r = \RALTS{rs}_1$, then $\rflts \; (r::rs) = r :: \rflts \; rs$ |
822 |
\item |
823 |
$\rflts \; (rs @ [\RZERO]) = \rflts \; rs$ |
824 |
\item |
825 |
$\rflts \; (rs' @ [\RALTS{rs}]) = \rflts \; rs'@rs$ |
826 |
\item |
827 |
$\rflts \; (rs @ [\RONE]) = \rflts \; rs @ [\RONE]$ |
828 |
\item |
829 |
If $r \neq \RZERO$ and $\nexists rs'. r = \RALTS{rs'}$ then $\rflts \; (rs @ [r]) |
830 |
= (\rflts \; rs) @ [r]$ |
555 | 831 |
\item |
832 |
If $r = \RALTS{rs}$ and $r \in rs'$ then for all $r_1 \in rs. |
833 |
r_1 \in \rflts \; rs'$. |
834 |
\item |
835 |
$\rflts \; (rs_a @ \RZERO :: rs_b) = \rflts \; (rs_a @ rs_b)$ |
543 | 836 |
\end{itemize} |
837 |
\end{lemma} |
838 |
\noindent |
839 |
\begin{proof} |
555 | 840 |
By induction on $rs_1$ in the first sub-lemma, and induction on $r$ in the second part, |
841 |
and induction on $rs$, $rs'$, $rs$, $rs'$, $rs_a$ in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and |
842 |
last sub-lemma. |
543 | 843 |
\end{proof} |
611 | 844 |
\noindent |
845 |
Now we introduce the property that the operations |
846 |
derivative and $\rsimpalts$ |
639 | 847 |
commute, this will be used later on when deriving the closed form for |
611 | 848 |
the alternative regular expression: |
849 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rderRsimpAltsCommute} |
850 |
$\rder{x}{(\rsimpalts \; rs)} = \rsimpalts \; (\map \; (\rder{x}{\_}) \; rs)$ |
851 |
\end{lemma} |
618 | 852 |
\begin{proof} |
853 |
By induction on $rs$. |
854 |
\end{proof} |
611 | 855 |
\noindent |
614 | 856 |
639 | 857 |
\subsubsection{The $RL$ Function: Language Interpretation for $\textit{Rrexp}$s} |
618 | 858 |
Much like the definition of $L$ on plain regular expressions, one can also |
639 | 859 |
define the language interpretation for $\rrexp$s. |
614 | 860 |
\begin{center} |
861 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
639 | 862 |
$RL \; (\ZERO_r)$ & $\dn$ & $\phi$\\ |
863 |
$RL \; (\ONE_r)$ & $\dn$ & $\{[]\}$\\ |
614 | 864 |
$RL \; (c)$ & $\dn$ & $\{[c]\}$\\ |
865 |
$RL \; \sum rs$ & $\dn$ & $ \bigcup_{r \in rs} (RL \; r)$\\ |
866 |
$RL \; (r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ RL \; (r_1) @ RL \; (r_2)$\\ |
867 |
$RL \; (r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $ (RL(r))^*$ |
868 |
\end{tabular} |
869 |
\end{center} |
870 |
\noindent |
871 |
The main use of $RL$ is to establish some connections between $\rsimp{}$ |
872 |
and $\rnullable{}$: |
873 |
\begin{lemma} |
874 |
The following properties hold: |
875 |
\begin{itemize} |
876 |
\item |
877 |
If $\rnullable{r}$, then $\rsimp{r} \neq \RZERO$. |
878 |
\item |
879 |
$\rnullable{r \backslash s} \quad $ if and only if $\quad \rnullable{\rderssimp{r}{s}}$. |
880 |
\end{itemize} |
881 |
\end{lemma} |
882 |
\begin{proof} |
883 |
The first part is by induction on $r$. |
884 |
The second part is true because property |
885 |
\[ RL \; r = RL \; (\rsimp{r})\] holds. |
886 |
\end{proof} |
887 |
888 |
\subsubsection{Simplified $\textit{Rrexp}$s are Good} |
889 |
We formalise the notion of ``good" regular expressions, |
890 |
which means regular expressions that |
618 | 891 |
are fully simplified in terms of our $\textit{rsimp}$ function. |
892 |
For alternative regular expressions that means they |
893 |
do not contain any nested alternatives, un-eliminated $\RZERO$s |
894 |
or duplicate elements (for example, |
895 |
$r_1 + (r_2 + r_3)$, $\RZERO + r$ and $ \sum [r, r, \ldots]$). |
896 |
The clauses for $\good$ are: |
614 | 897 |
\begin{center} |
898 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
899 |
$\good\; \RZERO$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{false}$\\ |
900 |
$\good\; \RONE$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{true}$\\ |
901 |
$\good\; \RCHAR{c}$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\ |
902 |
$\good\; \RALTS{[]}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
903 |
$\good\; \RALTS{[r]}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
904 |
$\good\; \RALTS{r_1 :: r_2 :: rs}$ & $\dn$ & |
905 |
$\textit{isDistinct} \; (r_1 :: r_2 :: rs) \;$\\ |
618 | 906 |
& & $\land \; (\forall r' \in (r_1 :: r_2 :: rs).\; \good \; r'\; \, \land \; \, \textit{nonAlt}\; r')$\\ |
614 | 907 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{\RZERO}{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
908 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{\RONE}{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
909 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{r}{\RZERO}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
910 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{r_1}{r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\good \; r_1 \;\, \textit{and} \;\, \good \; r_2$\\ |
911 |
$\good \; \RSTAR{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\ |
912 |
\end{tabular} |
913 |
\end{center} |
914 |
\noindent |
618 | 915 |
We omit the recursive definition of the predicate $\textit{nonAlt}$, |
916 |
which evaluates to true when the regular expression is not an |
614 | 917 |
alternative, and false otherwise. |
918 |
The $\good$ property is preserved under $\rsimp_{ALTS}$, provided that |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
919 |
its non-empty argument list of expressions are all good themselves, and $\textit{nonAlt}$, |
614 | 920 |
and unique: |
921 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rsimpaltsGood} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
922 |
If $rs \neq []$ and for all $r \in rs. \textit{nonAlt} \; r$ and $\textit{isDistinct} \; rs$, |
614 | 923 |
then $\good \; (\rsimpalts \; rs)$ if and only if forall $r \in rs. \; \good \; r$. |
924 |
\end{lemma} |
925 |
\noindent |
926 |
We also note that |
927 |
if a regular expression $r$ is good, then $\rflts$ on the singleton |
928 |
list $[r]$ will not break goodness: |
929 |
\begin{lemma}\label{flts2} |
930 |
If $\good \; r$, then forall $r' \in \rflts \; [r]. \; \good \; r'$ and $\textit{nonAlt} \; r'$. |
931 |
\end{lemma} |
932 |
\begin{proof} |
933 |
By an induction on $r$. |
934 |
\end{proof} |
935 |
\noindent |
936 |
The other observation we make about $\rsimp{r}$ is that it never |
937 |
comes with nested alternatives, which we describe as the $\nonnested$ |
938 |
property: |
939 |
\begin{center} |
940 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
941 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum []$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\ |
942 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum ((\sum rs_1) :: rs_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\ |
943 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum (r :: rs)$ & $\dn$ & $\nonnested (\sum rs)$\\ |
944 |
$\nonnested \; \, r $ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$ |
945 |
\end{tabular} |
946 |
\end{center} |
947 |
\noindent |
948 |
The $\rflts$ function |
949 |
always opens up nested alternatives, |
950 |
which enables $\rsimp$ to be non-nested: |
951 |
952 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nonnestedRsimp} |
618 | 953 |
It is always the case that |
954 |
\begin{center} |
955 |
$\nonnested \; (\rsimp{r})$ |
956 |
\end{center} |
614 | 957 |
\end{lemma} |
958 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 959 |
By induction on $r$. |
614 | 960 |
\end{proof} |
961 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
962 |
With this we can prove that a regular expression |
614 | 963 |
after simplification and flattening and de-duplication, |
964 |
will not contain any alternative regular expression directly: |
965 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nonaltFltsRd} |
966 |
If $x \in \rdistinct{\rflts\; (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs)}{\varnothing}$ |
967 |
then $\textit{nonAlt} \; x$. |
968 |
\end{lemma} |
969 |
\begin{proof} |
970 |
By \ref{nonnestedRsimp}. |
971 |
\end{proof} |
972 |
\noindent |
618 | 973 |
The other fact we know is that once $\rsimp{}$ has finished |
614 | 974 |
processing an alternative regular expression, it will not |
618 | 975 |
contain any $\RZERO$s. This is because all the recursive |
614 | 976 |
calls to the simplification on the children regular expressions |
618 | 977 |
make the children good, and $\rflts$ will not delete |
614 | 978 |
any $\RZERO$s out of a good regular expression list, |
618 | 979 |
and $\rdistinct{}$ will not ``mess'' with the result. |
614 | 980 |
\begin{lemma}\label{flts3Obv} |
981 |
The following are true: |
982 |
\begin{itemize} |
983 |
\item |
984 |
If for all $r \in rs. \, \good \; r $ or $r = \RZERO$, |
985 |
then for all $r \in \rflts\; rs. \, \good \; r$. |
986 |
\item |
987 |
If $x \in \rdistinct{\rflts\; (\map \; rsimp{}\; rs)}{\varnothing}$ |
988 |
and for all $y$ such that $\llbracket y \rrbracket_r$ less than |
989 |
$\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r + 1$, either |
990 |
$\good \; (\rsimp{y})$ or $\rsimp{y} = \RZERO$, |
991 |
then $\good \; x$. |
992 |
\end{itemize} |
993 |
\end{lemma} |
994 |
\begin{proof} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
995 |
The first part is by induction, where the inductive cases |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
996 |
are the inductive cases of $\rflts$. |
614 | 997 |
The second part is a corollary from the first part. |
998 |
\end{proof} |
999 |
639 | 1000 |
This leads to good structural property of $\rsimp{}$, |
614 | 1001 |
that after simplification, a regular expression is |
1002 |
either good or $\RZERO$: |
1003 |
\begin{lemma}\label{good1} |
1004 |
For any r-regular expression $r$, $\good \; \rsimp{r}$ or $\rsimp{r} = \RZERO$. |
1005 |
\end{lemma} |
1006 |
\begin{proof} |
1007 |
By an induction on $r$. The inductive measure is the size $\llbracket \rrbracket_r$. |
618 | 1008 |
Lemma \ref{rsimpMono} says that |
614 | 1009 |
$\llbracket \rsimp{r}\rrbracket_r$ is smaller than or equal to |
1010 |
$\llbracket r \rrbracket_r$. |
1011 |
Therefore, in the $r_1 \cdot r_2$ and $\sum rs$ case, |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1012 |
The inductive hypothesis applies to the children regular expressions |
614 | 1013 |
$r_1$, $r_2$, etc. The lemma \ref{flts3Obv}'s precondition is satisfied |
1014 |
by that as well. |
1015 |
The lemmas \ref{nonnestedRsimp} and \ref{nonaltFltsRd} are used |
1016 |
to ensure that goodness is preserved at the topmost level. |
1017 |
\end{proof} |
1018 |
We shall prove that any good regular expression is |
639 | 1019 |
a fixed-point for $\textit{rsimp}$. |
614 | 1020 |
First we prove an auxiliary lemma: |
1021 |
\begin{lemma}\label{goodaltsNonalt} |
1022 |
If $\good \; \sum rs$, then $\rflts\; rs = rs$. |
1023 |
\end{lemma} |
1024 |
\begin{proof} |
1025 |
By an induction on $\sum rs$. The inductive rules are the cases |
1026 |
for $\good$. |
1027 |
\end{proof} |
1028 |
\noindent |
1029 |
Now we are ready to prove that good regular expressions are invariant |
618 | 1030 |
with respect to $\rsimp{}$: |
614 | 1031 |
\begin{lemma}\label{test} |
1032 |
If $\good \;r$ then $\rsimp{r} = r$. |
1033 |
\end{lemma} |
1034 |
\begin{proof} |
1035 |
By an induction on the inductive cases of $\good$, using lemmas |
1036 |
\ref{goodaltsNonalt} and \ref{rdistinctOnDistinct}. |
1037 |
The lemma \ref{goodaltsNonalt} is used in the alternative |
1038 |
case where 2 or more elements are present in the list. |
1039 |
\end{proof} |
1040 |
\noindent |
639 | 1041 |
Below we show a property involving $\rflts$, $\textit{rdistinct}$, |
618 | 1042 |
$\rsimp{}$ and $\rsimp_{ALTS}$, |
1043 |
which requires $\ref{good1}$ to go through smoothly: |
614 | 1044 |
\begin{lemma}\label{flattenRsimpalts} |
618 | 1045 |
An application of $\rsimp_{ALTS}$ can be ``absorbed'', |
1046 |
if its output is concatenated with a list and then applied to $\rflts$. |
1047 |
\begin{center} |
614 | 1048 |
$\rflts \; ( (\rsimp_{ALTS} \; |
1049 |
(\rdistinct{(\rflts \; (\map \; \rsimp{}\; rs))}{\varnothing})) :: |
1050 |
\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs' ) = |
1051 |
\rflts \; ( (\rdistinct{(\rflts \; (\map \; \rsimp{}\; rs))}{\varnothing}) @ ( |
1052 |
\map \; \rsimp{rs'}))$ |
618 | 1053 |
\end{center} |
614 | 1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
\end{lemma} |
1057 |
\begin{proof} |
1058 |
By \ref{good1}. |
1059 |
\end{proof} |
1060 |
\noindent |
1061 |
1062 |
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
We are also ready to prove that $\textit{rsimp}$ is idempotent. |
1067 |
\subsubsection{$\rsimp$ is Idempotent} |
1068 |
The idempotency of $\rsimp$ is very useful in |
1069 |
manipulating regular expression terms into desired |
1070 |
forms so that key steps allowing further rewriting to closed forms |
1071 |
are possible. |
1072 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rsimpIdem} |
618 | 1073 |
$\rsimp{r} = \rsimp{(\rsimp{r})}$ |
614 | 1074 |
\end{lemma} |
1075 |
1076 |
\begin{proof} |
1077 |
By \ref{test} and \ref{good1}. |
1078 |
\end{proof} |
1079 |
\noindent |
1080 |
This property means we do not have to repeatedly |
1081 |
apply simplification in each step, which justifies |
1082 |
our definition of $\blexersimp$. |
639 | 1083 |
This is in contrast to the work of Sulzmann and Lu where |
1084 |
the simplification is applied in a fixpoint manner. |
614 | 1085 |
1086 |
618 | 1087 |
On the other hand, we can repeat the same $\rsimp{}$ applications |
614 | 1088 |
on regular expressions as many times as we want, if we have at least |
639 | 1089 |
one simplification applied to it, and apply it wherever we need to: |
614 | 1090 |
\begin{corollary}\label{headOneMoreSimp} |
1091 |
The following properties hold, directly from \ref{rsimpIdem}: |
1092 |
1093 |
\begin{itemize} |
1094 |
\item |
1095 |
$\map \; \rsimp{(r :: rs)} = \map \; \rsimp{} \; (\rsimp{r} :: rs)$ |
1096 |
\item |
1097 |
$\rsimp{(\RALTS{rs})} = \rsimp{(\RALTS{\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs})}$ |
1098 |
\end{itemize} |
1099 |
\end{corollary} |
1100 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1101 |
This will be useful in the later closed-form proof's rewriting steps. |
618 | 1102 |
Similarly, we state the following useful facts below: |
614 | 1103 |
\begin{lemma} |
1104 |
The following equalities hold if $r = \rsimp{r'}$ for some $r'$: |
1105 |
\begin{itemize} |
1106 |
\item |
1107 |
If $r = \sum rs$ then $\rsimpalts \; rs = \sum rs$. |
1108 |
\item |
1109 |
If $r = \sum rs$ then $\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} = rs$. |
1110 |
\item |
1111 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{\rflts \; [r]}{\varnothing}) = r$. |
1112 |
\end{itemize} |
1113 |
\end{lemma} |
1114 |
\begin{proof} |
1115 |
By application of lemmas \ref{rsimpIdem} and \ref{good1}. |
1116 |
\end{proof} |
1117 |
1118 |
\noindent |
639 | 1119 |
With the idempotency of $\textit{rsimp}$ and its corollaries, |
614 | 1120 |
we can start proving some key equalities leading to the |
1121 |
closed forms. |
639 | 1122 |
Next we present a few equivalent terms under $\textit{rsimp}$. |
618 | 1123 |
To make the notation more concise |
639 | 1124 |
We use $r_1 \sequal r_2 $ to denote that $\rsimp{r_1} = \rsimp{r_2}$. |
1125 |
%\begin{center} |
1126 |
%\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1127 |
% $a \sequal b$ & $ \dn$ & $ \textit{rsimp} \; a = \textit{rsimp} \; b$ |
1128 |
%\end{tabular} |
1129 |
%\end{center} |
1130 |
%\noindent |
618 | 1131 |
%\vspace{0em} |
614 | 1132 |
\begin{lemma} |
618 | 1133 |
The following equivalence hold: |
614 | 1134 |
\begin{itemize} |
1135 |
\item |
1136 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\RZERO :: rs) \sequal \rsimpalts\; rs$ |
1137 |
\item |
1138 |
$\rsimpalts \; rs \sequal \rsimpalts (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs)$ |
1139 |
\item |
1140 |
$\RALTS{\RALTS{rs}} \sequal \RALTS{rs}$ |
1141 |
\item |
1142 |
$\sum ((\sum rs_a) :: rs_b) \sequal \sum rs_a @ rs_b$ |
1143 |
\item |
639 | 1144 |
$\RALTS{rs} \sequal \RALTS{\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs}$ |
614 | 1145 |
\end{itemize} |
1146 |
\end{lemma} |
1147 |
\begin{proof} |
1148 |
By induction on the lists involved. |
1149 |
\end{proof} |
1150 |
\noindent |
1151 |
The above allows us to prove |
1152 |
two similar equalities (which are a bit more involved). |
618 | 1153 |
It says that we could flatten the elements |
614 | 1154 |
before simplification and still get the same result. |
1155 |
\begin{lemma}\label{simpFlatten3} |
1156 |
One can flatten the inside $\sum$ of a $\sum$ if it is being |
1157 |
simplified. Concretely, |
1158 |
\begin{itemize} |
1159 |
\item |
1160 |
If for all $r \in rs, rs', rs''$, we have $\good \; r $ |
1161 |
or $r = \RZERO$, then $\sum (rs' @ rs @ rs'') \sequal |
1162 |
\sum (rs' @ [\sum rs] @ rs'')$ holds. As a corollary, |
1163 |
\item |
1164 |
$\sum (rs' @ [\sum rs] @ rs'') \sequal \sum (rs' @ rs @ rs'')$ |
1165 |
\end{itemize} |
1166 |
\end{lemma} |
1167 |
\begin{proof} |
1168 |
By rewriting steps involving the use of \ref{test} and \ref{rdistinctConcatGeneral}. |
1169 |
The second sub-lemma is a corollary of the previous. |
1170 |
\end{proof} |
1171 |
%Rewriting steps not put in--too long and complicated------------------------------- |
1172 |
\begin{comment} |
1173 |
\begin{center} |
1174 |
$\rsimp{\sum (rs' @ rs @ rs'')} \stackrel{def of bsimp}{=}$ \\ |
1175 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{\rflts \; ((\map \; \rsimp{}\; rs') @ (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs ) @ (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs''))}{\varnothing})$ \\ |
1176 |
$\stackrel{by \ref{test}}{=} |
1177 |
\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{(\rflts \; rs' @ \rflts \; rs @ \rflts \; rs'')}{ |
1178 |
\varnothing})$\\ |
1179 |
$\stackrel{by \ref{rdistinctConcatGeneral}}{=} |
1180 |
\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{\rflts \; rs'}{\varnothing} @ \rdistinct{( |
1181 |
\rflts\; rs @ \rflts \; rs'')}{\rflts \; rs'})$\\ |
1182 |
1183 |
\end{center} |
1184 |
\end{comment} |
1185 |
%Rewriting steps not put in--too long and complicated------------------------------- |
1186 |
\noindent |
1187 |
1188 |
618 | 1189 |
We need more equalities like the above to enable a closed form lemma, |
613 | 1190 |
for which we need to introduce a few rewrite relations |
1191 |
to help |
1192 |
us obtain them. |
554 | 1193 |
610 | 1194 |
\subsection{The rewrite relation $\hrewrite$ , $\scfrewrites$ , $\frewrite$ and $\grewrite$} |
613 | 1195 |
Inspired by the success we had in the correctness proof |
1196 |
in \ref{Bitcoded2}, |
1197 |
we follow suit here, defining atomic simplification |
1198 |
steps as ``small-step'' rewriting steps. This allows capturing |
555 | 1199 |
similarities between terms that would be otherwise |
1200 |
hard to express. |
1201 |
557 | 1202 |
We use $\hrewrite$ for one-step atomic rewrite of |
1203 |
regular expression simplification, |
555 | 1204 |
$\frewrite$ for rewrite of list of regular expressions that |
1205 |
include all operations carried out in $\rflts$, and $\grewrite$ for |
613 | 1206 |
rewriting a list of regular expressions possible in both $\rflts$ and $\textit{rdistinct}$. |
555 | 1207 |
Their reflexive transitive closures are used to denote zero or many steps, |
1208 |
as was the case in the previous chapter. |
613 | 1209 |
As we have already |
1210 |
done something similar, the presentation about |
1211 |
these rewriting rules will be more concise than that in \ref{Bitcoded2}. |
554 | 1212 |
To differentiate between the rewriting steps for annotated regular expressions |
1213 |
and $\rrexp$s, we add characters $h$ and $g$ below the squig arrow symbol |
1214 |
to mean atomic simplification transitions |
1215 |
of $\rrexp$s and $\rrexp$ lists, respectively. |
1216 |
555 | 1217 |
1218 |
1219 |
613 | 1220 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
554 | 1221 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1222 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1223 |
\inferrule[RSEQ0L]{}{\RZERO \cdot r_2 \hrewrite \RZERO\\} |
555 | 1224 |
593 | 1225 |
\inferrule[RSEQ0R]{}{r_1 \cdot \RZERO \hrewrite \RZERO\\} |
555 | 1226 |
593 | 1227 |
\inferrule[RSEQ1]{}{(\RONE \cdot r) \hrewrite r\\}\\ |
555 | 1228 |
593 | 1229 |
\inferrule[RSEQL]{ r_1 \hrewrite r_2}{r_1 \cdot r_3 \hrewrite r_2 \cdot r_3\\} |
1230 |
1231 |
\inferrule[RSEQR]{ r_3 \hrewrite r_4}{r_1 \cdot r_3 \hrewrite r_1 \cdot r_4\\}\\ |
555 | 1232 |
593 | 1233 |
\inferrule[RALTSChild]{r \hrewrite r'}{\sum (rs_1 @ [r] @ rs_2) \hrewrite \sum (rs_1 @ [r'] @ rs_2)\\} |
555 | 1234 |
593 | 1235 |
\inferrule[RALTS0]{}{\sum (rs_a @ [\RZERO] @ rs_b) \hrewrite \sum (rs_a @ rs_b)} |
555 | 1236 |
593 | 1237 |
\inferrule[RALTSNested]{}{\sum (rs_a @ [\sum rs_1] @ rs_b) \hrewrite \sum (rs_a @ rs_1 @ rs_b)} |
555 | 1238 |
593 | 1239 |
\inferrule[RALTSNil]{}{ \sum [] \hrewrite \RZERO\\} |
555 | 1240 |
593 | 1241 |
\inferrule[RALTSSingle]{}{ \sum [r] \hrewrite r\\} |
555 | 1242 |
593 | 1243 |
\inferrule[RALTSDelete]{\\ r_1 = r_2}{\sum rs_a @ [r_1] @ rs_b @ [r_2] @ rsc \hrewrite \sum rs_a @ [r_1] @ rs_b @ rs_c} |
555 | 1244 |
593 | 1245 |
\end{mathpar} |
555 | 1246 |
\end{center} |
613 | 1247 |
\caption{List of one-step rewrite rules for r-regular expressions ($\hrewrite$)}\label{hRewrite} |
1248 |
\end{figure} |
554 | 1249 |
557 | 1250 |
613 | 1251 |
Like $\rightsquigarrow_s$, it is |
1252 |
convenient to define rewrite rules for a list of regular expressions, |
593 | 1253 |
where each element can rewrite in many steps to the other (scf stands for |
1254 |
li\emph{s}t \emph{c}losed \emph{f}orm). This relation is similar to the |
1255 |
$\stackrel{s*}{\rightsquigarrow}$ for annotated regular expressions. |
557 | 1256 |
613 | 1257 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
557 | 1258 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1259 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1260 |
\inferrule{}{[] \scfrewrites [] } |
613 | 1261 |
593 | 1262 |
\inferrule{r \hrewrites r' \\ rs \scfrewrites rs'}{r :: rs \scfrewrites r' :: rs'} |
1263 |
\end{mathpar} |
557 | 1264 |
\end{center} |
613 | 1265 |
\caption{List of one-step rewrite rules for a list of r-regular expressions}\label{scfRewrite} |
1266 |
\end{figure} |
555 | 1267 |
%frewrite |
593 | 1268 |
List of one-step rewrite rules for flattening |
1269 |
a list of regular expressions($\frewrite$): |
613 | 1270 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
555 | 1271 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1272 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1273 |
\inferrule{}{\RZERO :: rs \frewrite rs \\} |
555 | 1274 |
593 | 1275 |
\inferrule{}{(\sum rs) :: rs_a \frewrite rs @ rs_a \\} |
555 | 1276 |
593 | 1277 |
\inferrule{rs_1 \frewrite rs_2}{r :: rs_1 \frewrite r :: rs_2} |
1278 |
\end{mathpar} |
555 | 1279 |
\end{center} |
613 | 1280 |
\caption{List of one-step rewrite rules characterising the $\rflts$ operation on a list}\label{fRewrites} |
1281 |
\end{figure} |
555 | 1282 |
593 | 1283 |
Lists of one-step rewrite rules for flattening and de-duplicating |
1284 |
a list of regular expressions ($\grewrite$): |
613 | 1285 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
555 | 1286 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1287 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1288 |
\inferrule{}{\RZERO :: rs \grewrite rs \\} |
532 | 1289 |
593 | 1290 |
\inferrule{}{(\sum rs) :: rs_a \grewrite rs @ rs_a \\} |
555 | 1291 |
593 | 1292 |
\inferrule{rs_1 \grewrite rs_2}{r :: rs_1 \grewrite r :: rs_2} |
555 | 1293 |
593 | 1294 |
\inferrule[dB]{}{rs_a @ [a] @ rs_b @[a] @ rs_c \grewrite rs_a @ [a] @ rsb @ rsc} |
1295 |
\end{mathpar} |
555 | 1296 |
\end{center} |
613 | 1297 |
\caption{List of one-step rewrite rules characterising the $\rflts$ and $\textit{rdistinct}$ |
1298 |
operations}\label{gRewrite} |
1299 |
\end{figure} |
555 | 1300 |
\noindent |
618 | 1301 |
We define |
613 | 1302 |
two separate list rewriting relations $\frewrite$ and $\grewrite$. |
611 | 1303 |
The rewriting steps that take place during |
639 | 1304 |
flattening are characterised by $\frewrite$. |
618 | 1305 |
The rewrite relation $\grewrite$ characterises both flattening and de-duplicating. |
557 | 1306 |
Sometimes $\grewrites$ is slightly too powerful |
613 | 1307 |
so we would rather use $\frewrites$ to prove |
1308 |
%because we only |
1309 |
equalities related to $\rflts$. |
1310 |
%certain equivalence under the rewriting steps of $\frewrites$. |
556 | 1311 |
For example, when proving the closed-form for the alternative regular expression, |
613 | 1312 |
one of the equalities needed is: |
1313 |
\begin{center} |
557 | 1314 |
$\sum (\rDistinct \;\; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rflts \; rs)) \;\; \varnothing) \sequal |
593 | 1315 |
\sum (\rDistinct \;\; (\rflts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; rs)) \;\; \varnothing) |
1316 |
$ |
613 | 1317 |
\end{center} |
556 | 1318 |
\noindent |
1319 |
Proving this is by first showing |
557 | 1320 |
\begin{lemma}\label{earlyLaterDerFrewrites} |
556 | 1321 |
$\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rflts \; rs) \frewrites |
557 | 1322 |
\rflts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; rs)$ |
556 | 1323 |
\end{lemma} |
1324 |
\noindent |
613 | 1325 |
and then the equivalence between two terms |
618 | 1326 |
that can reduce in many steps to each other: |
556 | 1327 |
\begin{lemma}\label{frewritesSimpeq} |
1328 |
If $rs_1 \frewrites rs_2 $, then $\sum (\rDistinct \; rs_1 \; \varnothing) \sequal |
557 | 1329 |
\sum (\rDistinct \; rs_2 \; \varnothing)$. |
556 | 1330 |
\end{lemma} |
557 | 1331 |
\noindent |
618 | 1332 |
These two lemmas can both be proven using a straightforward induction (and |
1333 |
the proofs for them are therefore omitted). |
613 | 1334 |
639 | 1335 |
Now the above equalities can be derived with ease: |
613 | 1336 |
\begin{corollary} |
1337 |
$\sum (\rDistinct \;\; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rflts \; rs)) \;\; \varnothing) \sequal |
1338 |
\sum (\rDistinct \;\; (\rflts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; rs)) \;\; \varnothing) |
1339 |
$ |
1340 |
\end{corollary} |
618 | 1341 |
\begin{proof} |
1342 |
By lemmas \ref{earlyLaterDerFrewrites} and \ref{frewritesSimpeq}. |
1343 |
\end{proof} |
557 | 1344 |
But this trick will not work for $\grewrites$. |
1345 |
For example, a rewriting step in proving |
1346 |
closed forms is: |
1347 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1348 |
$\rsimp{(\rsimpalts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rdistinct{(\rflts \; (\map \; (\rsimp{} \; \circ \; (\lambda r. \rderssimp{r}{xs}))))}{\varnothing})))}$\\ |
1349 |
$=$ \\ |
1350 |
$\rsimp{(\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{(\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rflts \; (\map \; (\rsimp{} \; \circ \; (\lambda r. \rderssimp{r}{xs})))) ) }{\varnothing}))} $ |
1351 |
\noindent |
557 | 1352 |
\end{center} |
618 | 1353 |
For this, one would hope to have a rewriting relation between the two lists involved, |
557 | 1354 |
similar to \ref{earlyLaterDerFrewrites}. However, it turns out that |
556 | 1355 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1356 |
$\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; (\rDistinct \; rs \; rset) \grewrites \rDistinct \; (\map \; |
1357 |
(\_ \backslash x) \; rs) \; ( rset \backslash x)$ |
556 | 1358 |
\end{center} |
1359 |
\noindent |
557 | 1360 |
does $\mathbf{not}$ hold in general. |
1361 |
For this rewriting step we will introduce some slightly more cumbersome |
618 | 1362 |
proof technique later. |
557 | 1363 |
The point is that $\frewrite$ |
613 | 1364 |
allows us to prove equivalence in a straightforward way that is |
1365 |
not possible for $\grewrite$. |
555 | 1366 |
556 | 1367 |
557 | 1368 |
\subsubsection{Terms That Can Be Rewritten Using $\hrewrites$, $\grewrites$, and $\frewrites$} |
613 | 1369 |
In this part, we present lemmas stating |
618 | 1370 |
pairs of r-regular expressions and r-regular expression lists |
639 | 1371 |
where one can rewrite from one in many steps to the other. |
613 | 1372 |
Most of the proofs to these lemmas are straightforward, using |
618 | 1373 |
an induction on the corresponding rewriting relations. |
613 | 1374 |
These proofs will therefore be omitted when this is the case. |
618 | 1375 |
We present in the following lemma a few pairs of terms that are rewritable via |
557 | 1376 |
$\grewrites$: |
1377 |
\begin{lemma}\label{gstarRdistinctGeneral} |
613 | 1378 |
\mbox{} |
557 | 1379 |
\begin{itemize} |
1380 |
\item |
1381 |
$rs_1 @ rs \grewrites rs_1 @ (\rDistinct \; rs \; rs_1)$ |
1382 |
\item |
1383 |
$rs \grewrites \rDistinct \; rs \; \varnothing$ |
1384 |
\item |
1385 |
$rs_a @ (\rDistinct \; rs \; rs_a) \grewrites rs_a @ (\rDistinct \; |
1386 |
rs \; (\{\RZERO\} \cup rs_a))$ |
1387 |
\item |
1388 |
$rs \;\; @ \;\; \rDistinct \; rs_a \; rset \grewrites rs @ \rDistinct \; rs_a \; |
1389 |
(rest \cup rs)$ |
1390 |
1391 |
\end{itemize} |
1392 |
\end{lemma} |
1393 |
\noindent |
1394 |
If a pair of terms $rs_1, rs_2$ are rewritable via $\grewrites$ to each other, |
1395 |
then they are equivalent under $\rsimp{}$: |
1396 |
\begin{lemma}\label{grewritesSimpalts} |
618 | 1397 |
\mbox{} |
557 | 1398 |
If $rs_1 \grewrites rs_2$, then |
613 | 1399 |
we have the following equivalence: |
557 | 1400 |
\begin{itemize} |
1401 |
\item |
1402 |
$\sum rs_1 \sequal \sum rs_2$ |
1403 |
\item |
1404 |
$\rsimpalts \; rs_1 \sequal \rsimpalts \; rs_2$ |
1405 |
\end{itemize} |
1406 |
\end{lemma} |
1407 |
\noindent |
1408 |
Here are a few connecting lemmas showing that |
1409 |
if a list of regular expressions can be rewritten using $\grewrites$ or $\frewrites $ or |
1410 |
$\scfrewrites$, |
1411 |
then an alternative constructor taking the list can also be rewritten using $\hrewrites$: |
1412 |
\begin{lemma} |
1413 |
\begin{itemize} |
1414 |
\item |
1415 |
If $rs \grewrites rs'$ then $\sum rs \hrewrites \sum rs'$. |
1416 |
\item |
1417 |
If $rs \grewrites rs'$ then $\sum rs \hrewrites \rsimpalts \; rs'$ |
1418 |
\item |
1419 |
If $rs_1 \scfrewrites rs_2$ then $\sum (rs @ rs_1) \hrewrites \sum (rs @ rs_2)$ |
1420 |
\item |
1421 |
If $rs_1 \scfrewrites rs_2$ then $\sum rs_1 \hrewrites \sum rs_2$ |
1422 |
1423 |
\end{itemize} |
1424 |
\end{lemma} |
1425 |
\noindent |
618 | 1426 |
Now comes the core of the proof, |
557 | 1427 |
which says that once two lists are rewritable to each other, |
639 | 1428 |
then they are equivalent under $\textit{rsimp}$: |
557 | 1429 |
\begin{lemma} |
1430 |
If $r_1 \hrewrites r_2$ then $r_1 \sequal r_2$. |
1431 |
\end{lemma} |
1432 |
1433 |
\noindent |
639 | 1434 |
Similar to what we did in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}, |
618 | 1435 |
we prove that if one can rewrite from one r-regular expression ($r$) |
639 | 1436 |
to the other ($r'$), after taking derivatives one can still rewrite |
618 | 1437 |
the first ($r\backslash c$) to the other ($r'\backslash c$). |
557 | 1438 |
\begin{lemma}\label{interleave} |
1439 |
If $r \hrewrites r' $ then $\rder{c}{r} \hrewrites \rder{c}{r'}$ |
1440 |
\end{lemma} |
1441 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1442 |
This allows us to prove more $\mathbf{rsimp}$-equivalent terms, involving $\backslash_r$. |
557 | 1443 |
\begin{lemma}\label{insideSimpRemoval} |
618 | 1444 |
$\rsimp{(\rder{c}{(\rsimp{r})})} = \rsimp{(\rder{c}{r})} $ |
557 | 1445 |
\end{lemma} |
1446 |
\noindent |
1447 |
\begin{proof} |
1448 |
By \ref{interleave} and \ref{rsimpIdem}. |
1449 |
\end{proof} |
1450 |
\noindent |
1451 |
And this unlocks more equivalent terms: |
1452 |
\begin{lemma}\label{Simpders} |
1453 |
As corollaries of \ref{insideSimpRemoval}, we have |
1454 |
\begin{itemize} |
1455 |
\item |
620 | 1456 |
If $s \neq []$ then $\rderssimp{r}{s} = \rsimp{( r \backslash_{rs} s)}$. |
557 | 1457 |
\item |
1458 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash_r x) \; |
593 | 1459 |
(\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing})) \sequal |
1460 |
\rsimpalts \; (\rDistinct \; |
1461 |
(\map \; (\_ \backslash_r x) rs) \;\varnothing )$ |
1462 |
\end{itemize} |
1463 |
\end{lemma} |
611 | 1464 |
\begin{proof} |
1465 |
Part 1 is by lemma \ref{insideSimpRemoval}, |
613 | 1466 |
part 2 is by lemma \ref{insideSimpRemoval} .%and \ref{distinctDer}. |
611 | 1467 |
\end{proof} |
557 | 1468 |
\noindent |
613 | 1469 |
1470 |
\subsection{Closed Forms for $\sum rs$, $r_1\cdot r_2$ and $r^*$} |
618 | 1471 |
Lemma \ref{Simpders} leads to our first closed form, |
1472 |
which is for the alternative regular expression: |
1473 |
\begin{theorem}\label{altsClosedForm} |
1474 |
\mbox{} |
593 | 1475 |
\begin{center} |
1476 |
$\rderssimp{(\sum rs)}{s} \sequal |
1477 |
\sum \; (\map \; (\rderssimp{\_}{s}) \; rs)$ |
1478 |
\end{center} |
618 | 1479 |
\end{theorem} |
556 | 1480 |
\noindent |
557 | 1481 |
\begin{proof} |
1482 |
By a reverse induction on the string $s$. |
1483 |
One rewriting step, as we mentioned earlier, |
1484 |
involves |
1485 |
\begin{center} |
1486 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; |
1487 |
(\rdistinct{(\rflts \; (\map \; (\rsimp{} \; \circ \; |
1488 |
(\lambda r. \rderssimp{r}{xs}))))}{\varnothing})) |
1489 |
\sequal |
1490 |
\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{(\map \; (\_ \backslash x) \; |
593 | 1491 |
(\rflts \; (\map \; (\rsimp{} \; \circ \; |
557 | 1492 |
(\lambda r. \rderssimp{r}{xs})))) ) }{\varnothing}) $. |
1493 |
\end{center} |
1494 |
This can be proven by a combination of |
1495 |
\ref{grewritesSimpalts}, \ref{gstarRdistinctGeneral}, \ref{rderRsimpAltsCommute}, and |
1496 |
\ref{insideSimpRemoval}. |
1497 |
\end{proof} |
1498 |
\noindent |
1499 |
This closed form has a variant which can be more convenient in later proofs: |
618 | 1500 |
\begin{corollary}\label{altsClosedForm1} |
557 | 1501 |
If $s \neq []$ then |
1502 |
$\rderssimp \; (\sum \; rs) \; s = |
1503 |
\rsimp{(\sum \; (\map \; \rderssimp{\_}{s} \; rs))}$. |
1504 |
\end{corollary} |
1505 |
\noindent |
1506 |
The harder closed forms are the sequence and star ones. |
613 | 1507 |
Before we obtain them, some preliminary definitions |
557 | 1508 |
are needed to make proof statements concise. |
556 | 1509 |
609 | 1510 |
1511 |
\subsubsection{Closed Form for Sequence Regular Expressions} |
618 | 1512 |
For the sequence regular expression, |
1513 |
let's first look at a series of derivative steps on it |
1514 |
(assuming that each time when a derivative is taken, |
1515 |
the head of the sequence is always nullable): |
557 | 1516 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1517 |
\begin{tabular}{llll} |
1518 |
$r_1 \cdot r_2$ & |
1519 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c}$ & |
1520 |
$r_1\backslash c \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c$ & |
1521 |
$ \longrightarrow_{\backslash c'} $ \\ |
1522 |
\\ |
1523 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc' \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c') + r_2 \backslash cc'$ & |
1524 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c''} $ & |
1525 |
$((r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c'') + r_2 \backslash c'c'') |
1526 |
+ r_2 \backslash cc'c''$ & |
1527 |
$ \longrightarrow_{\backslash c''} \quad \ldots$\\ |
1528 |
\end{tabular} |
557 | 1529 |
\end{center} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1530 |
Roughly speaking $r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash s$ can be expressed as |
558 | 1531 |
a giant alternative taking a list of terms |
1532 |
$[r_1 \backslash_r s \cdot r_2, r_2 \backslash_r s'', r_2 \backslash_r s_1'', \ldots]$, |
1533 |
where the head of the list is always the term |
1534 |
representing a match involving only $r_1$, and the tail of the list consisting of |
1535 |
terms of the shape $r_2 \backslash_r s''$, $s''$ being a suffix of $s$. |
618 | 1536 |
This intuition is also echoed by Murugesan and Sundaram \cite{Murugesan2014}, |
1537 |
where they gave |
557 | 1538 |
a pencil-and-paper derivation of $(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash s$: |
532 | 1539 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1540 |
\begin{tabular}{lc} |
1541 |
$L \; [ (r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash_r (c_1 :: c_2 :: \ldots c_n) ]$ & $ =$\\ |
1542 |
\\ |
1543 |
\rule{0pt}{3ex} $L \; [ ((r_1 \backslash_r c_1) \cdot r_2 + |
1544 |
(\delta\; (\nullable \; r_1) \; (r_2 \backslash_r c_1) )) \backslash_r |
1545 |
(c_2 :: \ldots c_n) ]$ & |
1546 |
$=$\\ |
1547 |
\\ |
1548 |
\rule{0pt}{3ex} $L \; [ ((r_1 \backslash_r c_1c_2 \cdot r_2 + |
1549 |
(\delta \; (\nullable \; r_1) \; (r_2 \backslash_r c_1c_2))) |
1550 |
$ & \\ |
1551 |
\\ |
1552 |
$\quad + (\delta \ (\nullable \; r_1 \backslash_r c)\; (r_2 \backslash_r c_2) )) |
1553 |
\backslash_r (c_3 \ldots c_n) ]$ & $\ldots$ \\ |
558 | 1554 |
\end{tabular} |
557 | 1555 |
\end{center} |
1556 |
\noindent |
618 | 1557 |
The $\delta$ function |
1558 |
returns $r$ when the boolean condition |
1559 |
$b$ evaluates to true and |
639 | 1560 |
$\ZERO_r$ otherwise: |
618 | 1561 |
\begin{center} |
1562 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1563 |
$\delta \; b\; r$ & $\dn$ & $r \quad \textit{if} \; b \; is \;\textit{true}$\\ |
639 | 1564 |
& $\dn$ & $\ZERO_r \quad otherwise$ |
618 | 1565 |
\end{tabular} |
1566 |
\end{center} |
1567 |
\noindent |
1568 |
Note that the term |
1569 |
\begin{center} |
1570 |
\begin{tabular}{lc} |
1571 |
\rule{0pt}{3ex} $((r_1 \backslash_r c_1c_2 \cdot r_2 + |
1572 |
(\delta \; (\nullable \; r_1) \; (r_2 \backslash_r c_1c_2))) |
1573 |
$ & \\ |
1574 |
\\ |
1575 |
$\quad + (\delta \ (\nullable \; r_1 \backslash_r c)\; (r_2 \backslash_r c_2) )) |
1576 |
\backslash_r (c_3 \ldots c_n)$ &\\ |
1577 |
\end{tabular} |
1578 |
\end{center} |
1579 |
\noindent |
558 | 1580 |
does not faithfully |
1581 |
represent what the intermediate derivatives would actually look like |
1582 |
when one or more intermediate results $r_1 \backslash s' \cdot r_2$ are not |
1583 |
nullable in the head of the sequence. |
1584 |
For example, when $r_1$ and $r_1 \backslash_r c_1$ are not nullable, |
1585 |
the regular expression would not look like |
1586 |
\[ |
618 | 1587 |
r_1 \backslash_r c_1c_2 |
558 | 1588 |
\] |
618 | 1589 |
instead of |
1590 |
\[ |
639 | 1591 |
(r_1 \backslash_r c_1c_2 + \ZERO_r ) + \ZERO_r. |
618 | 1592 |
\] |
639 | 1593 |
The redundant $\ZERO_r$s will not be created in the |
558 | 1594 |
first place. |
618 | 1595 |
In a closed-form one needs to take into account this (because |
1596 |
closed forms require exact equality rather than language equivalence) |
1597 |
and only generate the |
1598 |
$r_2 \backslash_r s''$ terms satisfying the property |
1599 |
\begin{center} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1600 |
$\exists s'. such \; that \; s'@s'' = s \;\; \land \;\; |
618 | 1601 |
r_1 \backslash s' \; is \; nullable$. |
1602 |
\end{center} |
1603 |
Given the arguments $s$ and $r_1$, we denote the list of strings |
1604 |
$s''$ satisfying the above property as $\vsuf{s}{r_1}$. |
1605 |
The function $\vsuf{\_}{\_}$ is defined recursively on the structure of the string\footnote{ |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1606 |
Perhaps a better name for it would be ``NullablePrefixSuffix'' |
618 | 1607 |
to differentiate with the list of \emph{all} prefixes of $s$, but |
1608 |
that is a bit too long for a function name and we are yet to find |
1609 |
a more concise and easy-to-understand name.} |
558 | 1610 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 1611 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1612 |
$\vsuf{[]}{\_} $ & $=$ & $[]$\\ |
618 | 1613 |
$\vsuf{c::cs}{r_1}$ & $ =$ & $ \textit{if} \; (\rnullable{r_1}) \; \textit{then} \; (\vsuf{cs}{(\rder{c}{r_1})}) @ [c :: cs]$\\ |
593 | 1614 |
&& $\textit{else} \; (\vsuf{cs}{(\rder{c}{r_1}) }) $ |
1615 |
\end{tabular} |
558 | 1616 |
\end{center} |
1617 |
\noindent |
618 | 1618 |
The list starts with shorter suffixes |
1619 |
and ends with longer ones (in other words, the string elements $s''$ |
1620 |
in the list $\vsuf{s}{r_1}$ are sorted |
1621 |
in the same order as that of the terms $r_2\backslash s''$ |
1622 |
appearing in $(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash s$). |
558 | 1623 |
In essence, $\vsuf{\_}{\_}$ is doing a |
1624 |
"virtual derivative" of $r_1 \cdot r_2$, but instead of producing |
1625 |
the entire result $(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s$, |
618 | 1626 |
it only stores strings, |
1627 |
with each string $s''$ representing a term such that $r_2 \backslash s''$ |
1628 |
is occurring in $(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash s$. |
558 | 1629 |
618 | 1630 |
With $\textit{Suffix}$ we are ready to express the |
1631 |
sequence regular expression's closed form, |
1632 |
but before doing so |
639 | 1633 |
more definitions are needed. |
618 | 1634 |
The first thing is the flattening function $\sflat{\_}$, |
1635 |
which takes an alternative regular expression and produces a flattened version |
1636 |
of that alternative regular expression. |
1637 |
It is needed to convert |
557 | 1638 |
a left-associative nested sequence of alternatives into |
1639 |
a flattened list: |
558 | 1640 |
\[ |
618 | 1641 |
\sum(\ldots ((r_1 + r_2) + r_3) + \ldots) |
1642 |
\stackrel{\sflat{\_}}{\rightarrow} |
1643 |
\sum[r_1, r_2, r_3, \ldots] |
558 | 1644 |
\] |
1645 |
\noindent |
618 | 1646 |
The definitions of $\sflat{\_}$ and helper functions |
1647 |
$\sflataux{\_}$ and $\llparenthesis \_ \rrparenthesis''$ are given below. |
593 | 1648 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1649 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1650 |
$\sflataux{\sum r :: rs}$ & $\dn$ & $\sflataux{r} @ rs$\\ |
1651 |
$\sflataux{\sum []}$ & $ \dn $ & $ []$\\ |
1652 |
$\sflataux r$ & $\dn$ & $ [r]$ |
593 | 1653 |
\end{tabular} |
532 | 1654 |
\end{center} |
1655 |
593 | 1656 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1657 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1658 |
$\sflat{(\sum r :: rs)}$ & $\dn$ & $\sum (\sflataux{r} @ rs)$\\ |
1659 |
$\sflat{\sum []}$ & $ \dn $ & $ \sum []$\\ |
1660 |
$\sflat r$ & $\dn$ & $ r$ |
1661 |
\end{tabular} |
1662 |
\end{center} |
1663 |
1664 |
\begin{center} |
1665 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1666 |
$\sflataux{[]}'$ & $ \dn $ & $ []$\\ |
1667 |
$\sflataux{ (r_1 + r_2) :: rs }'$ & $\dn$ & $r_1 :: r_2 :: rs$\\ |
639 | 1668 |
$\sflataux{r :: rs}'$ & $\dn$ & $ r::rs$ |
593 | 1669 |
\end{tabular} |
557 | 1670 |
\end{center} |
558 | 1671 |
\noindent |
576 | 1672 |
$\sflataux{\_}$ breaks up nested alternative regular expressions |
557 | 1673 |
of the $(\ldots((r_1 + r_2) + r_3) + \ldots )$(left-associated) shape |
558 | 1674 |
into a "balanced" list: $\AALTS{\_}{[r_1,\, r_2 ,\, r_3, \ldots]}$. |
557 | 1675 |
It will return the singleton list $[r]$ otherwise. |
1676 |
$\sflat{\_}$ works the same as $\sflataux{\_}$, except that it keeps |
1677 |
the output type a regular expression, not a list. |
558 | 1678 |
$\sflataux{\_}$ and $\sflat{\_}$ are only recursive on the |
1679 |
first element of the list. |
618 | 1680 |
$\sflataux{\_}'$ takes a list of regular expressions as input, and outputs |
1681 |
a list of regular expressions. |
1682 |
The use of $\sflataux{\_}$ and $\sflataux{\_}'$ is clear once we have |
1683 |
$\textit{createdBySequence}$ defined: |
1684 |
\begin{center} |
1685 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1686 |
\inferrule{\mbox{}}{\textit{createdBySequence}\; (r_1 \cdot r_2)} |
558 | 1687 |
618 | 1688 |
\inferrule{\textit{createdBySequence} \; r_1}{\textit{createdBySequence} \; |
1689 |
(r_1 + r_2)} |
1690 |
\end{mathpar} |
1691 |
\end{center} |
1692 |
\noindent |
1693 |
The predicate $\textit{createdBySequence}$ is used to describe the shape of |
1694 |
the derivative regular expressions $(r_1\cdot r_2) \backslash s$: |
1695 |
\begin{lemma}\label{recursivelyDerseq} |
1696 |
It is always the case that |
1697 |
\begin{center} |
1698 |
$\textit{createdBySequence} \; ( (r_1\cdot r_2) \backslash_r s) $ |
1699 |
\end{center} |
1700 |
holds. |
1701 |
\end{lemma} |
1702 |
\begin{proof} |
1703 |
By a reverse induction on the string $s$, where the inductive cases are $[]$ |
1704 |
and $xs @ [x]$. |
1705 |
\end{proof} |
1706 |
\noindent |
639 | 1707 |
If we have a regular expression $r$ whose shape |
618 | 1708 |
fits into those described by $\textit{createdBySequence}$, |
639 | 1709 |
then we can convert between |
618 | 1710 |
$r \backslash_r c$ and $(\sflataux{r}) \backslash_r c$ with |
1711 |
$\sflataux{\_}'$: |
1712 |
\begin{lemma}\label{sfauIdemDer} |
1713 |
If $\textit{createdBySequence} \; r$, then |
1714 |
\begin{center} |
1715 |
$\sflataux{ r \backslash_r c} = |
1716 |
\llparenthesis (\map \; (\_ \backslash_r c) \; (\sflataux{r}) ) \rrparenthesis''$ |
1717 |
\end{center} |
1718 |
holds. |
1719 |
\end{lemma} |
1720 |
\begin{proof} |
1721 |
By a simple induction on the inductive cases of $\textit{createdBySequence}. |
1722 |
$ |
1723 |
\end{proof} |
1724 |
1725 |
Now we are ready to express |
1726 |
the shape of $r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash s$ |
558 | 1727 |
\begin{lemma}\label{seqSfau0} |
618 | 1728 |
$\sflataux{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash_r s} = (r_1 \backslash_r s) \cdot r_2 |
639 | 1729 |
:: (\map \; (r_2 \backslash_r \_) \; (\textit{Suffix} \; s \; r_1))$ |
558 | 1730 |
\end{lemma} |
1731 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 1732 |
By a reverse induction on the string $s$, where the inductive cases |
1733 |
are $[]$ and $xs @ [x]$. |
1734 |
For the inductive case, we know that $\textit{createdBySequence} \; ((r_1 \cdot r_2) |
1735 |
\backslash_r xs)$ holds from lemma \ref{recursivelyDerseq}, |
1736 |
which can be used to prove |
558 | 1737 |
\[ |
1738 |
\map \; (r_2 \backslash_r \_) \; (\vsuf{[x]}{(r_1 \backslash_r xs)}) \;\; @ \;\; |
1739 |
\map \; (\_ \backslash_r x) \; (\map \; (r_2 \backslash \_) \; (\vsuf{xs}{r_1})) |
1740 |
\] |
593 | 1741 |
= |
558 | 1742 |
\[ |
1743 |
\map \; (r_2 \backslash_r \_) \; (\vsuf{xs @ [x]}{r_1}) |
1744 |
\] |
618 | 1745 |
using lemma \ref{sfauIdemDer}. |
1746 |
This equality enables the inductive case to go through. |
558 | 1747 |
\end{proof} |
1748 |
\noindent |
618 | 1749 |
This lemma says that $(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash s$ |
1750 |
can be flattened into a list whose head and tail meet the description |
1751 |
we gave earlier. |
1752 |
%Note that this lemma does $\mathbf{not}$ depend on any |
1753 |
%specific definitions we used, |
1754 |
%allowing people investigating derivatives to get an alternative |
1755 |
%view of what $r_1 \cdot r_2$ is. |
532 | 1756 |
618 | 1757 |
We now use $\textit{createdBySequence}$ and |
1758 |
$\sflataux{\_}$ to describe an intuition |
639 | 1759 |
behind the sequence closed form. |
618 | 1760 |
If two regular expressions only differ in the way their |
1761 |
alternatives are nested, then we should be able to get the same result |
1762 |
once we apply simplification to both of them: |
1763 |
\begin{lemma}\label{sflatRsimpeq} |
1764 |
If $r$ is created from a sequence through |
1765 |
a series of derivatives |
1766 |
(i.e. if $\textit{createdBySequence} \; r$ holds), |
1767 |
and that $\sflataux{r} = rs$, |
1768 |
then we have |
1769 |
that |
1770 |
\begin{center} |
1771 |
$\textit{rsimp} \; r = \textit{rsimp} \; (\sum \; rs)$ |
1772 |
\end{center} |
1773 |
holds. |
1774 |
\end{lemma} |
1775 |
\begin{proof} |
1776 |
By an induction on the inductive cases of $\textit{createdBySequence}$. |
1777 |
\end{proof} |
1778 |
1779 |
Now we are ready for the closed form |
1780 |
for the sequence regular expressions (without the inner applications |
1781 |
of simplifications): |
1782 |
\begin{lemma}\label{seqClosedFormGeneral} |
558 | 1783 |
$\rsimp{\sflat{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s} } |
1784 |
=\rsimp{(\sum ( (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: |
593 | 1785 |
\map\; (r_2 \backslash \_) \; (\vsuf{s}{r_1})))}$ |
558 | 1786 |
\end{lemma} |
1787 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 1788 |
We know that |
1789 |
$\sflataux{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash_r s} = (r_1 \backslash_r s) \cdot r_2 |
639 | 1790 |
:: (\map \; (r_2 \backslash_r \_) \; (\textit{Suffix} \; s \; r_1))$ |
618 | 1791 |
holds |
1792 |
by lemma \ref{seqSfau0}. |
1793 |
This allows the theorem to go through because of lemma \ref{sflatRsimpeq}. |
558 | 1794 |
\end{proof} |
618 | 1795 |
Together with the idempotency property of $\rsimp{}$ (lemma \ref{rsimpIdem}), |
1796 |
it is possible to convert the above lemma to obtain the |
1797 |
proper closed form for $\backslash_{rsimps}$ rather than $\backslash_r$: |
1798 |
for derivatives nested with simplification: |
1799 |
\begin{theorem}\label{seqClosedForm} |
1800 |
$\rderssimp{(r_1 \cdot r_2)}{s} = \rsimp{(\sum ((r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 ) |
1801 |
:: (\map \; (r_2 \backslash \_) (\vsuf{s}{r_1})))}$ |
1802 |
\end{theorem} |
1803 |
\begin{proof} |
1804 |
By a case analysis of the string $s$. |
1805 |
When $s$ is an empty list, the rewrite is straightforward. |
1806 |
When $s$ is a non-empty list, the |
1807 |
lemmas \ref{seqClosedFormGeneral} and \ref{Simpders} apply, |
1808 |
making the proof go through. |
1809 |
\end{proof} |
609 | 1810 |
\subsubsection{Closed Forms for Star Regular Expressions} |
618 | 1811 |
The closed form for the star regular expression involves similar tricks |
1812 |
for the sequence regular expression. |
1813 |
The $\textit{Suffix}$ function is now replaced by something |
1814 |
slightly more complex, because the growth pattern of star |
1815 |
regular expressions' derivatives is a bit different: |
564 | 1816 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1817 |
\begin{tabular}{lclc} |
1818 |
$r^* $ & $\longrightarrow_{\backslash c}$ & |
1819 |
$(r\backslash c) \cdot r^*$ & $\longrightarrow_{\backslash c'}$\\ |
1820 |
\\ |
1821 |
$r \backslash cc' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c' \cdot r^*$ & |
1822 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c''}$ & |
1823 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'') + |
1824 |
(r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*)$ & |
1825 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c'''}$ \\ |
1826 |
\\ |
1827 |
$\ldots$\\ |
1828 |
\end{tabular} |
564 | 1829 |
\end{center} |
1830 |
When we have a string $s = c :: c' :: c'' \ldots$ such that $r \backslash c$, $r \backslash cc'$, $r \backslash c'$, |
1831 |
$r \backslash cc'c''$, $r \backslash c'c''$, $r\backslash c''$ etc. are all nullable, |
618 | 1832 |
the number of terms in $r^* \backslash s$ will grow exponentially rather than linearly |
1833 |
in the sequence case. |
1834 |
The good news is that the function $\textit{rsimp}$ will again |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
1835 |
ignore the difference between different nesting patterns of alternatives, |
618 | 1836 |
and the exponentially growing star derivative like |
1837 |
\begin{center} |
1838 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'') + |
1839 |
(r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*) $ |
1840 |
\end{center} |
1841 |
can be treated as |
1842 |
\begin{center} |
1843 |
$\RALTS{[r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^*, r \backslash c'', |
1844 |
r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^*, r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*]}$ |
1845 |
\end{center} |
1846 |
which can be de-duplicated by $\rDistinct$ |
1847 |
and therefore bounded finitely. |
564 | 1848 |
639 | 1849 |
%and then de-duplicate terms of the form ($s'$ being a substring of $s$). |
1850 |
%This allows us to use a similar technique as $r_1 \cdot r_2$ case, |
618 | 1851 |
1852 |
Now the crux of this section is finding a suitable description |
1853 |
for $rs$ where |
1854 |
\begin{center} |
1855 |
$\rderssimp{r^*}{s} = \rsimp{\sum rs}$. |
1856 |
\end{center} |
1857 |
holds. |
1858 |
In addition, the list $rs$ |
1859 |
shall be in the form of |
1860 |
$\map \; (\lambda s'. r\backslash s' \cdot r^*) \; Ss$. |
1861 |
The $Ss$ is a list of strings, and for example in the sequence |
1862 |
closed form it is specified as $\textit{Suffix} \; s \; r_1$. |
1863 |
To get $Ss$ for the star regular expression, |
1864 |
we need to introduce $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$: |
558 | 1865 |
\begin{center} |
1866 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1867 |
$\starupdate \; c \; r \; [] $ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ |
1868 |
$\starupdate \; c \; r \; (s :: Ss)$ & $\dn$ & \\ |
1869 |
& & $\textit{if} \; |
620 | 1870 |
(\rnullable \; (r \backslash_{rs} s))$ \\ |
558 | 1871 |
& & $\textit{then} \;\; (s @ [c]) :: [c] :: ( |
1872 |
\starupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$ \\ |
1873 |
& & $\textit{else} \;\; (s @ [c]) :: ( |
1874 |
\starupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$ |
1875 |
\end{tabular} |
1876 |
\end{center} |
1877 |
\begin{center} |
1878 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1879 |
$\starupdates \; [] \; r \; Ss$ & $=$ & $Ss$\\ |
1880 |
$\starupdates \; (c :: cs) \; r \; Ss$ & $=$ & $\starupdates \; cs \; r \; ( |
1881 |
\starupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$ |
1882 |
\end{tabular} |
1883 |
\end{center} |
1884 |
\noindent |
618 | 1885 |
Assuming we have that |
1886 |
\begin{center} |
1887 |
$\rderssimp{r^*}{s} = \rsimp{(\sum \map \; (\lambda s'. r\backslash s' \cdot r^*) \; Ss)}$. |
1888 |
\end{center} |
1889 |
holds. |
1890 |
The idea of $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$ |
1891 |
is to update $Ss$ when another |
1892 |
derivative is taken on $\rderssimp{r^*}{s}$ |
1893 |
w.r.t a character $c$ and a string $s'$ |
1894 |
respectively. |
1895 |
Both $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$ take three arguments as input: |
1896 |
the new character $c$ or string $s$ to take derivative with, |
1897 |
the regular expression |
1898 |
$r$ under the star $r^*$, and the |
1899 |
list of strings $Ss$ for the derivative $r^* \backslash s$ |
1900 |
up until this point |
1901 |
such that |
1902 |
\begin{center} |
1903 |
$(r^*) \backslash s = \sum_{s' \in sSet} (r\backslash s') \cdot r^*$ |
1904 |
\end{center} |
1905 |
is satisfied. |
1906 |
1907 |
Functions $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$ characterise what the |
1908 |
star derivatives will look like once ``straightened out'' into lists. |
1909 |
The helper functions for such operations will be similar to |
1910 |
$\sflat{\_}$, $\sflataux{\_}$ and $\sflataux{\_}$, which we defined for sequence. |
1911 |
We use similar symbols to denote them, with a $*$ subscript to mark the difference. |
558 | 1912 |
\begin{center} |
1913 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1914 |
$\hflataux{r_1 + r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\hflataux{r_1} @ \hflataux{r_2}$\\ |
1915 |
$\hflataux{r}$ & $\dn$ & $[r]$ |
1916 |
\end{tabular} |
1917 |
\end{center} |
557 | 1918 |
1919 |
\begin{center} |
558 | 1920 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1921 |
$\hflat{r_1 + r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\sum (\hflataux {r_1} @ \hflataux {r_2}) $\\ |
1922 |
$\hflat{r}$ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
1923 |
\end{tabular} |
1924 |
\end{center} |
1925 |
\noindent |
618 | 1926 |
These definitions are tailor-made for dealing with alternatives that have |
1927 |
originated from a star's derivatives. |
1928 |
A typical star derivative always has the structure of a balanced binary tree: |
564 | 1929 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1930 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'') + |
1931 |
(r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*) $ |
593 | 1932 |
\end{center} |
618 | 1933 |
All of the nested structures of alternatives |
1934 |
generated from derivatives are binary, and therefore |
1935 |
$\hflat{\_}$ and $\hflataux{\_}$ only deal with binary alternatives. |
1936 |
$\hflat{\_}$ ``untangles'' like the following: |
1937 |
\[ |
1938 |
\sum ((r_1 + r_2) + (r_3 + r_4)) + \ldots \; |
1939 |
\stackrel{\hflat{\_}}{\longrightarrow} \; |
1940 |
\RALTS{[r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_n]} |
1941 |
\] |
1942 |
Here is a lemma stating the recursive property of $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$, |
1943 |
with the helpers $\hflat{\_}$ and $\hflataux{\_}$\footnote{The function $\textit{concat}$ takes a list of lists |
1944 |
and merges each of the element lists to form a flattened list.}: |
1945 |
\begin{lemma}\label{stupdateInduct1} |
1946 |
\mbox |
1947 |
For a list of strings $Ss$, the following hold. |
1948 |
\begin{itemize} |
1949 |
\item |
1950 |
If we do a derivative on the terms |
1951 |
$r\backslash_r s \cdot r^*$ (where $s$ is taken from the list $Ss$), |
1952 |
the result will be the same as if we apply $\starupdate$ to $Ss$. |
1953 |
\begin{center} |
1954 |
\begin{tabular}{c} |
1955 |
$\textit{concat} \; (\map \; (\hflataux{\_} \circ ( (\_\backslash_r x) |
1956 |
\circ (\lambda s.\;\; (r \backslash_r s) \cdot r^*)))\; Ss )\; |
1957 |
$\\ |
1958 |
\\ |
1959 |
$=$ \\ |
1960 |
\\ |
1961 |
$\map \; (\lambda s. (r \backslash_r s) \cdot (r^*)) \; |
1962 |
(\starupdate \; x \; r \; Ss)$ |
1963 |
\end{tabular} |
1964 |
\end{center} |
1965 |
\item |
1966 |
$\starupdates$ is ``composable'' w.r.t a derivative. |
1967 |
It piggybacks the character $x$ to the tail of the string |
1968 |
$xs$. |
1969 |
\begin{center} |
1970 |
\begin{tabular}{c} |
1971 |
$\textit{concat} \; (\map \; \hflataux{\_} \; |
1972 |
(\map \; (\_\backslash_r x) \; |
1973 |
(\map \; (\lambda s.\;\; (r \backslash_r s) \cdot |
1974 |
(r^*) ) \; (\starupdates \; xs \; r \; Ss))))$\\ |
1975 |
\\ |
1976 |
$=$\\ |
1977 |
\\ |
1978 |
$\map \; (\lambda s.\;\; (r\backslash_r s) \cdot (r^*)) \; |
1979 |
(\starupdates \; (xs @ [x]) \; r \; Ss)$ |
1980 |
\end{tabular} |
1981 |
\end{center} |
1982 |
\end{itemize} |
1983 |
\end{lemma} |
1984 |
1985 |
\begin{proof} |
1986 |
Part 1 is by induction on $Ss$. |
1987 |
Part 2 is by induction on $xs$, where $Ss$ is left to take arbitrary values. |
1988 |
\end{proof} |
1989 |
593 | 1990 |
618 | 1991 |
Like $\textit{createdBySequence}$, we need |
1992 |
a predicate for ``star-created'' regular expressions: |
593 | 1993 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 1994 |
\begin{mathpar} |
1995 |
\inferrule{\mbox{}}{ \textit{createdByStar}\; \RSEQ{ra}{\RSTAR{rb}} } |
1996 |
1997 |
\inferrule{ \textit{createdByStar} \; r_1\; \land \; \textit{createdByStar} \; r_2 }{\textit{createdByStar} \; (r_1 + r_2) } |
1998 |
\end{mathpar} |
593 | 1999 |
\end{center} |
618 | 2000 |
\noindent |
2001 |
All regular expressions created by taking derivatives of |
2002 |
$r_1 \cdot (r_2)^*$ satisfy the $\textit{createdByStar}$ predicate: |
2003 |
\begin{lemma}\label{starDersCbs} |
2004 |
$\textit{createdByStar} \; ((r_1 \cdot r_2^*) \backslash_r s) $ holds. |
2005 |
\end{lemma} |
2006 |
\begin{proof} |
2007 |
By a reverse induction on $s$. |
2008 |
\end{proof} |
2009 |
If a regular expression conforms to the shape of a star's derivative, |
2010 |
then we can push an application of $\hflataux{\_}$ inside a derivative of it: |
2011 |
\begin{lemma}\label{hfauPushin} |
2012 |
If $\textit{createdByStar} \; r$ holds, then |
2013 |
\begin{center} |
2014 |
$\hflataux{r \backslash_r c} = \textit{concat} \; ( |
2015 |
\map \; \hflataux{\_} (\map \; (\_\backslash_r c) \;(\hflataux{r})))$ |
2016 |
\end{center} |
2017 |
holds. |
2018 |
\end{lemma} |
2019 |
\begin{proof} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2020 |
By an induction on the inductive cases of $\textit{createdByStar}$. |
618 | 2021 |
\end{proof} |
2022 |
%This is not entirely true for annotated regular expressions: |
2023 |
%%TODO: bsimp bders \neq bderssimp |
2024 |
%\begin{center} |
2025 |
% $(1+ (c\cdot \ASEQ{bs}{c^*}{c} ))$ |
2026 |
%\end{center} |
2027 |
%For bit-codes, the order in which simplification is applied |
2028 |
%might cause a difference in the location they are placed. |
2029 |
%If we want something like |
2030 |
%\begin{center} |
2031 |
% $\bderssimp{r}{s} \myequiv \bsimp{\bders{r}{s}}$ |
2032 |
%\end{center} |
2033 |
%Some "canonicalization" procedure is required, |
2034 |
%which either pushes all the common bitcodes to nodes |
2035 |
%as senior as possible: |
2036 |
%\begin{center} |
2037 |
% $_{bs}(_{bs_1 @ bs'}r_1 + _{bs_1 @ bs''}r_2) \rightarrow _{bs @ bs_1}(_{bs'}r_1 + _{bs''}r_2) $ |
2038 |
%\end{center} |
2039 |
%or does the reverse. However bitcodes are not of interest if we are talking about |
2040 |
%the $\llbracket r \rrbracket$ size of a regex. |
2041 |
%Therefore for the ease and simplicity of producing a |
2042 |
%proof for a size bound, we are happy to restrict ourselves to |
2043 |
%unannotated regular expressions, and obtain such equalities as |
2044 |
%TODO: rsimp sflat |
2045 |
% The simplification of a flattened out regular expression, provided it comes |
2046 |
%from the derivative of a star, is the same as the one nested. |
2047 |
2048 |
2049 |
2050 |
Now we introduce an inductive property |
2051 |
for $\starupdate$ and $\hflataux{\_}$. |
2052 |
\begin{lemma}\label{starHfauInduct} |
2053 |
If we do derivatives of $r^*$ |
2054 |
with a string that starts with $c$, |
2055 |
then flatten it out, |
2056 |
we obtain a list |
2057 |
of the shape $\sum_{s' \in sS} (r\backslash_r s') \cdot r^*$, |
2058 |
where $sS = \starupdates \; s \; r \; [[c]]$. Namely, |
2059 |
\begin{center} |
620 | 2060 |
$\hflataux{(( (\rder{c}{r_0})\cdot(r_0^*))\backslash_{rs} s)} = |
618 | 2061 |
\map \; (\lambda s_1. (r_0 \backslash_r s_1) \cdot (r_0^*)) \; |
2062 |
(\starupdates \; s \; r_0 \; [[c]])$ |
2063 |
\end{center} |
2064 |
holds. |
2065 |
\end{lemma} |
2066 |
\begin{proof} |
2067 |
By an induction on $s$, the inductive cases |
2068 |
being $[]$ and $s@[c]$. The lemmas \ref{hfauPushin} and \ref{starDersCbs} are used. |
2069 |
\end{proof} |
2070 |
\noindent |
2071 |
639 | 2072 |
The function $\hflataux{\_}$ has a similar effect as $\textit{flatten}$: |
618 | 2073 |
\begin{lemma}\label{hflatauxGrewrites} |
2074 |
$a :: rs \grewrites \hflataux{a} @ rs$ |
2075 |
\end{lemma} |
2076 |
\begin{proof} |
2077 |
By induction on $a$. $rs$ is set to take arbitrary values. |
2078 |
\end{proof} |
638 | 2079 |
It is also not surprising that |
2080 |
two regular expressions differing only in terms |
2081 |
of the |
2082 |
nesting of parentheses are equivalent w.r.t. $\textit{rsimp}$: |
618 | 2083 |
\begin{lemma}\label{cbsHfauRsimpeq1} |
2084 |
$\rsimp{(r_1 + r_2)} = \rsimp{(\RALTS{\hflataux{r_1} @ \hflataux{r_2}})}$ |
593 | 2085 |
\end{lemma} |
2086 |
2087 |
\begin{proof} |
2088 |
By using the rewriting relation $\rightsquigarrow$ |
2089 |
\end{proof} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2090 |
And from this we obtain the following fact: a |
639 | 2091 |
regular expression created by star |
2092 |
is the same as its flattened version, up to equivalence under $\textit{bsimp}$. |
593 | 2093 |
For example, |
618 | 2094 |
\begin{lemma}\label{hfauRsimpeq2} |
639 | 2095 |
$\textit{createdByStar} \; r \implies \rsimp{r} = \rsimp{\RALTS{\hflataux{r}}}$ |
593 | 2096 |
\end{lemma} |
2097 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 2098 |
By structural induction on $r$, where the induction rules |
2099 |
are these of $\createdByStar{\_}$. |
2100 |
Lemma \ref{cbsHfauRsimpeq1} is used in the inductive case. |
593 | 2101 |
\end{proof} |
564 | 2102 |
2103 |
618 | 2104 |
%Here is a corollary that states the lemma in |
2105 |
%a more intuitive way: |
2106 |
%\begin{corollary} |
2107 |
% $\hflataux{r^* \backslash_r (c::xs)} = \map \; (\lambda s. (r \backslash_r s) \cdot |
2108 |
% (r^*))\; (\starupdates \; c\; r\; [[c]])$ |
2109 |
%\end{corollary} |
2110 |
%\noindent |
2111 |
%Note that this is also agnostic of the simplification |
2112 |
%function we defined, and is therefore of more general interest. |
2113 |
2114 |
Together with the rewriting relation |
2115 |
\begin{lemma}\label{starClosedForm6Hrewrites} |
2116 |
We have the following set of rewriting relations or equalities: |
2117 |
\begin{itemize} |
2118 |
\item |
2119 |
$\textit{rsimp} \; (r^* \backslash_r (c::s)) |
2120 |
\sequal |
2121 |
\sum \; ( ( \sum (\lambda s. (r\backslash_r s) \cdot r^*) \; ( |
2122 |
\starupdates \; s \; r \; [ c::[]] ) ) )$ |
2123 |
\item |
620 | 2124 |
$r \backslash_{rsimps} (c::s) = \textit{rsimp} \; ( ( |
618 | 2125 |
\sum ( (\map \; (\lambda s_1. (r\backslash s_1) \; r^*) \; |
2126 |
(\starupdates \;s \; r \; [ c::[] ])))))$ |
2127 |
\item |
2128 |
$\sum ( (\map \; (\lambda s. (r\backslash s) \; r^*) \; Ss)) |
2129 |
\sequal |
2130 |
\sum ( (\map \; (\lambda s. \textit{rsimp} \; (r\backslash s) \; |
2131 |
r^*) \; Ss) )$ |
2132 |
\item |
2133 |
$\map \; (\lambda s. (\rsimp{r \backslash_r s}) \cdot (r^*)) \; Ss |
2134 |
\scfrewrites |
2135 |
\map \; (\lambda s. (\rsimp{r \backslash_r s}) \cdot (r^*)) \; Ss$ |
2136 |
\item |
2137 |
$( ( \sum ( ( \map \ (\lambda s. \;\; |
2138 |
(\textit{rsimp} \; (r \backslash_r s)) \cdot r^*) \; (\starupdates \; |
2139 |
s \; r \; [ c::[] ])))))$\\ |
2140 |
$\sequal$\\ |
2141 |
$( ( \sum ( ( \map \ (\lambda s. \;\; |
620 | 2142 |
( r \backslash_{rsimps} s)) \cdot r^*) \; (\starupdates \; |
618 | 2143 |
s \; r \; [ c::[] ]))))$\\ |
2144 |
\end{itemize} |
558 | 2145 |
\end{lemma} |
2146 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 2147 |
Part 1 leads to part 2. |
2148 |
The rest of them are routine. |
558 | 2149 |
\end{proof} |
2150 |
\noindent |
618 | 2151 |
Next the closed form for star regular expressions can be derived: |
2152 |
\begin{theorem}\label{starClosedForm} |
558 | 2153 |
$\rderssimp{r^*}{c::s} = |
2154 |
\rsimp{ |
2155 |
(\sum (\map \; (\lambda s. (\rderssimp{r}{s})\cdot r^*) \; |
593 | 2156 |
(\starupdates \; s\; r \; [[c]]) |
558 | 2157 |
) |
593 | 2158 |
) |
2159 |
} |
558 | 2160 |
$ |
618 | 2161 |
\end{theorem} |
558 | 2162 |
\begin{proof} |
2163 |
By an induction on $s$. |
618 | 2164 |
The lemmas \ref{rsimpIdem}, \ref{starHfauInduct}, \ref{starClosedForm6Hrewrites} |
2165 |
and \ref{hfauRsimpeq2} |
558 | 2166 |
are used. |
618 | 2167 |
In \ref{starClosedForm6Hrewrites}, the equalities are |
2168 |
used to link the LHS and RHS. |
558 | 2169 |
\end{proof} |
609 | 2170 |
2171 |
2172 |
2173 |
2174 |
2175 |
613 | 2176 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2177 |
% SECTION ?? |
2178 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2179 |
2180 |
%----------------------------------- |
2181 |
% SECTION syntactic equivalence under simp |
2182 |
%----------------------------------- |
2183 |
2184 |
2185 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2186 |
2187 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2188 |
%\section{A Closed Form for \textit{ALTS}} |
2189 |
%Now we prove that $rsimp (rders\_simp (RALTS rs) s) = rsimp (RALTS (map (\lambda r. rders\_simp r s) rs))$. |
2190 |
% |
2191 |
% |
2192 |
%There are a few key steps, one of these steps is |
2193 |
% |
2194 |
% |
2195 |
% |
2196 |
%One might want to prove this by something a simple statement like: |
2197 |
% |
2198 |
%For this to hold we want the $\textit{distinct}$ function to pick up |
2199 |
%the elements before and after derivatives correctly: |
2200 |
%$r \in rset \equiv (rder x r) \in (rder x rset)$. |
2201 |
%which essentially requires that the function $\backslash$ is an injective mapping. |
2202 |
% |
2203 |
%Unfortunately the function $\backslash c$ is not an injective mapping. |
2204 |
% |
2205 |
%\subsection{function $\backslash c$ is not injective (1-to-1)} |
2206 |
%\begin{center} |
2207 |
% The derivative $w.r.t$ character $c$ is not one-to-one. |
2208 |
% Formally, |
2209 |
% $\exists r_1 \;r_2. r_1 \neq r_2 \mathit{and} r_1 \backslash c = r_2 \backslash c$ |
2210 |
%\end{center} |
2211 |
%This property is trivially true for the |
2212 |
%character regex example: |
2213 |
%\begin{center} |
2214 |
% $r_1 = e; \; r_2 = d;\; r_1 \backslash c = \ZERO = r_2 \backslash c$ |
2215 |
%\end{center} |
2216 |
%But apart from the cases where the derivative |
2217 |
%output is $\ZERO$, are there non-trivial results |
2218 |
%of derivatives which contain strings? |
2219 |
%The answer is yes. |
2220 |
%For example, |
2221 |
%\begin{center} |
2222 |
% Let $r_1 = a^*b\;\quad r_2 = (a\cdot a^*)\cdot b + b$.\\ |
2223 |
% where $a$ is not nullable.\\ |
2224 |
% $r_1 \backslash c = ((a \backslash c)\cdot a^*)\cdot c + b \backslash c$\\ |
2225 |
% $r_2 \backslash c = ((a \backslash c)\cdot a^*)\cdot c + b \backslash c$ |
2226 |
%\end{center} |
2227 |
%We start with two syntactically different regular expressions, |
2228 |
%and end up with the same derivative result. |
2229 |
%This is not surprising as we have such |
2230 |
%equality as below in the style of Arden's lemma:\\ |
2231 |
%\begin{center} |
2232 |
% $L(A^*B) = L(A\cdot A^* \cdot B + B)$ |
2233 |
%\end{center} |
2234 |
\section{Bounding Closed Forms} |
2235 |
2236 |
In this section, we introduce how we formalised the bound |
2237 |
on closed forms. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2238 |
We first show that in general the number of regular expressions up to a certain |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2239 |
size is finite. |
618 | 2240 |
Then we prove that functions such as $\rflts$ |
613 | 2241 |
will not cause the size of r-regular expressions to grow. |
2242 |
Putting this together with a general bound |
2243 |
on the finiteness of distinct regular expressions |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2244 |
up to a specific size, we obtain a bound on |
613 | 2245 |
the closed forms. |
2246 |
618 | 2247 |
\subsection{Finiteness of Distinct Regular Expressions} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2248 |
We define the set of regular expressions whose size is no more than |
618 | 2249 |
a certain size $N$ as $\textit{sizeNregex} \; N$: |
2250 |
\[ |
2251 |
\textit{sizeNregex} \; N \dn \{r\; \mid \; \llbracket r \rrbracket_r \leq N \} |
2252 |
\] |
2253 |
We have that $\textit{sizeNregex} \; N$ is always a finite set: |
2254 |
\begin{lemma}\label{finiteSizeN} |
2255 |
$\textit{finite} \; (\textit{sizeNregex} \; N)$ holds. |
2256 |
\end{lemma} |
2257 |
\begin{proof} |
2258 |
By splitting the set $\textit{sizeNregex} \; (N + 1)$ into |
2259 |
subsets by their categories: |
639 | 2260 |
$\{\ZERO_r, \ONE_r, c\}$, $\{r^* \mid r \in \textit{sizeNregex} \; N\}$, |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2261 |
and so on. Each of these subsets is finitely bounded. |
618 | 2262 |
\end{proof} |
2263 |
\noindent |
2264 |
From this we get a corollary that |
2265 |
if forall $r \in rs$, $\rsize{r} \leq N$, then the output of |
2266 |
$\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing}$ is a list of regular |
2267 |
expressions of finite size depending on $N$ only. |
2268 |
\begin{corollary}\label{finiteSizeNCorollary} |
2269 |
$\rsize{\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing}} \leq c_N * N$ holds, |
2270 |
where the constant $c_N$ is equal to $\textit{card} \; (\textit{sizeNregex} \; |
2271 |
N)$. |
2272 |
\end{corollary} |
2273 |
\begin{proof} |
2274 |
For all $r$ in |
2275 |
$\textit{set} \; (\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing})$, |
2276 |
it is always the case that $\rsize{r} \leq N$. |
2277 |
In addition, the list length is bounded by |
2278 |
$c_N$, yielding the desired bound. |
2279 |
\end{proof} |
2280 |
\noindent |
2281 |
This fact will be handy in estimating the closed form sizes. |
2282 |
%We have proven that the size of the |
2283 |
%output of $\textit{rdistinct} \; rs' \; \varnothing$ |
2284 |
%is bounded by a constant $N * c_N$ depending only on $N$, |
2285 |
%provided that each of $rs'$'s element |
2286 |
%is bounded by $N$. |
2287 |
639 | 2288 |
\subsection{$\textit{rsimp}$ Does Not Increase the Size} |
613 | 2289 |
Although it seems evident, we need a series |
2290 |
of non-trivial lemmas to establish that functions such as $\rflts$ |
2291 |
do not cause the regular expressions to grow. |
2292 |
\begin{lemma}\label{rsimpMonoLemmas} |
2293 |
\mbox{} |
2294 |
\begin{itemize} |
2295 |
\item |
2296 |
\[ |
2297 |
\llbracket \rsimpalts \; rs \rrbracket_r \leq |
2298 |
\llbracket \sum \; rs \rrbracket_r |
2299 |
\] |
2300 |
\item |
2301 |
\[ |
2302 |
\llbracket \rsimpseq \; r_1 \; r_2 \rrbracket_r \leq |
2303 |
\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_r |
2304 |
\] |
2305 |
\item |
2306 |
\[ |
2307 |
\llbracket \rflts \; rs \rrbracket_r \leq |
2308 |
\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r |
2309 |
\] |
2310 |
\item |
2311 |
\[ |
2312 |
\llbracket \rDistinct \; rs \; ss \rrbracket_r \leq |
2313 |
\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r |
2314 |
\] |
2315 |
\item |
2316 |
If all elements $a$ in the set $as$ satisfy the property |
2317 |
that $\llbracket \textit{rsimp} \; a \rrbracket_r \leq |
2318 |
\llbracket a \rrbracket_r$, then we have |
2319 |
\[ |
2320 |
\llbracket \; \rsimpalts \; (\textit{rdistinct} \; |
2321 |
(\textit{rflts} \; (\textit{map}\;\textit{rsimp} as)) \{\}) |
2322 |
\rrbracket \leq |
2323 |
\llbracket \; \sum \; (\rDistinct \; (\rflts \;(\map \; |
2324 |
\textit{rsimp} \; x))\; \{ \} ) \rrbracket_r |
2325 |
\] |
2326 |
\end{itemize} |
2327 |
\end{lemma} |
2328 |
\begin{proof} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2329 |
Points 1, 3, and 4 can be proven by an induction on $rs$. |
613 | 2330 |
Point 2 is by case analysis on $r_1$ and $r_2$. |
2331 |
The last part is a corollary of the previous ones. |
2332 |
\end{proof} |
2333 |
\noindent |
2334 |
With the lemmas for each inductive case in place, we are ready to get |
2335 |
the non-increasing property as a corollary: |
2336 |
\begin{corollary}\label{rsimpMono} |
2337 |
$\llbracket \textit{rsimp} \; r \rrbracket_r \leq \llbracket r \rrbracket_r$ |
2338 |
\end{corollary} |
2339 |
\begin{proof} |
2340 |
By \ref{rsimpMonoLemmas}. |
2341 |
\end{proof} |
2342 |
609 | 2343 |
\subsection{Estimating the Closed Forms' sizes} |
618 | 2344 |
We recap the closed forms we obtained |
639 | 2345 |
earlier: |
558 | 2346 |
\begin{itemize} |
2347 |
\item |
593 | 2348 |
$\rderssimp{(\sum rs)}{s} \sequal |
2349 |
\sum \; (\map \; (\rderssimp{\_}{s}) \; rs)$ |
558 | 2350 |
\item |
593 | 2351 |
$\rderssimp{(r_1 \cdot r_2)}{s} \sequal \sum ((r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 ) |
2352 |
:: (\map \; (r_2 \backslash \_) (\vsuf{s}{r_1}))$ |
558 | 2353 |
\item |
2354 |
593 | 2355 |
$\rderssimp{r^*}{c::s} = |
2356 |
\rsimp{ |
2357 |
(\sum (\map \; (\lambda s. (\rderssimp{r}{s})\cdot r^*) \; |
558 | 2358 |
(\starupdates \; s\; r \; [[c]]) |
593 | 2359 |
) |
2360 |
) |
2361 |
} |
2362 |
$ |
558 | 2363 |
\end{itemize} |
2364 |
\noindent |
2365 |
The closed forms on the left-hand-side |
2366 |
are all of the same shape: $\rsimp{ (\sum rs)} $. |
2367 |
Such regular expression will be bounded by the size of $\sum rs'$, |
2368 |
where every element in $rs'$ is distinct, and each element |
2369 |
can be described by some inductive sub-structures |
2370 |
(for example when $r = r_1 \cdot r_2$ then $rs'$ |
2371 |
will be solely comprised of $r_1 \backslash s'$ |
2372 |
and $r_2 \backslash s''$, $s'$ and $s''$ being |
2373 |
sub-strings of $s$). |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2374 |
which will each have a size upper bound |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2375 |
according to the inductive hypothesis, which controls $r \backslash s$. |
557 | 2376 |
558 | 2377 |
We elaborate the above reasoning by a series of lemmas |
2378 |
below, where straightforward proofs are omitted. |
639 | 2379 |
%We want to apply it to our setting $\rsize{\rsimp{\sum rs}}$. |
2380 |
We show that $\textit{rdistinct}$ and $\rflts$ |
609 | 2381 |
working together is at least as |
639 | 2382 |
good as $\textit{rdistinct}$ alone, which can be written as |
609 | 2383 |
\begin{center} |
2384 |
$\llbracket \rdistinct{(\rflts \; \textit{rs})}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r |
2385 |
\leq |
2386 |
\llbracket \rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r $. |
2387 |
\end{center} |
2388 |
We need this so that we know the outcome of our real |
2389 |
simplification is better than or equal to a rough estimate, |
2390 |
and therefore can be bounded by that estimate. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2391 |
This is a bit harder to establish compared to proving |
609 | 2392 |
$\textit{flts}$ does not make a list larger (which can |
2393 |
be proven using routine induction): |
2394 |
\begin{center} |
2395 |
$\llbracket \textit{rflts}\; rs \rrbracket_r \leq |
2396 |
\llbracket \textit{rs} \rrbracket_r$ |
2397 |
\end{center} |
2398 |
We cannot simply prove how each helper function |
2399 |
reduces the size and then put them together: |
2400 |
From |
2401 |
\begin{center} |
2402 |
$\llbracket \textit{rflts}\; rs \rrbracket_r \leq |
618 | 2403 |
\llbracket \textit{rs} \rrbracket_r$ |
609 | 2404 |
\end{center} |
2405 |
and |
2406 |
\begin{center} |
2407 |
$\llbracket \textit{rdistinct} \; rs \; \varnothing \leq |
2408 |
\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r$ |
2409 |
\end{center} |
618 | 2410 |
one cannot infer |
609 | 2411 |
\begin{center} |
558 | 2412 |
$\llbracket \rdistinct{(\rflts \; \textit{rs})}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r |
2413 |
\leq |
2414 |
\llbracket \rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r $. |
609 | 2415 |
\end{center} |
618 | 2416 |
What we can infer is that |
609 | 2417 |
\begin{center} |
2418 |
$\llbracket \rdistinct{(\rflts \; \textit{rs})}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r |
2419 |
\leq |
2420 |
\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r$ |
2421 |
\end{center} |
2422 |
but this estimate is too rough and $\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r$ is unbounded. |
2423 |
The way we |
618 | 2424 |
get around this is by first proving a more general lemma |
609 | 2425 |
(so that the inductive case goes through): |
2426 |
\begin{lemma}\label{fltsSizeReductionAlts} |
2427 |
If we have three accumulator sets: |
2428 |
$noalts\_set$, $alts\_set$ and $corr\_set$, |
2429 |
satisfying: |
2430 |
\begin{itemize} |
2431 |
\item |
2432 |
$\forall r \in noalts\_set. \; \nexists xs.\; r = \sum xs$ |
2433 |
\item |
2434 |
$\forall r \in alts\_set. \; \exists xs. \; r = \sum xs |
2435 |
\; \textit{and} \; set \; xs \subseteq corr\_set$ |
2436 |
\end{itemize} |
2437 |
then we have that |
2438 |
\begin{center} |
2439 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2440 |
$\llbracket (\textit{rdistinct} \; (\textit{rflts} \; as) \; |
2441 |
(noalts\_set \cup corr\_set)) \rrbracket_r$ & $\leq$ &\\ |
2442 |
$\llbracket (\textit{rdistinct} \; as \; (noalts\_set \cup alts\_set \cup |
639 | 2443 |
\{ \ZERO_r \} )) \rrbracket_r$ & & \\ |
609 | 2444 |
\end{tabular} |
2445 |
\end{center} |
2446 |
holds. |
532 | 2447 |
\end{lemma} |
558 | 2448 |
\noindent |
618 | 2449 |
We split the accumulator into two parts: the part |
609 | 2450 |
which contains alternative regular expressions ($alts\_set$), and |
2451 |
the part without any of them($noalts\_set$). |
618 | 2452 |
This is because $\rflts$ opens up the alternatives in $as$, |
2453 |
causing the accumulators on both sides of the inequality |
2454 |
to diverge slightly. |
2455 |
If we want to compare the accumulators that are not |
2456 |
perfectly in sync, we need to consider the alternatives and non-alternatives |
2457 |
separately. |
609 | 2458 |
The set $corr\_set$ is the corresponding set |
618 | 2459 |
of $alts\_set$ with all elements under the alternative constructor |
609 | 2460 |
spilled out. |
2461 |
\begin{proof} |
2462 |
By induction on the list $as$. We make use of lemma \ref{rdistinctConcat}. |
2463 |
\end{proof} |
2464 |
By setting all three sets to the empty set, one gets the desired size estimate: |
2465 |
\begin{corollary}\label{interactionFltsDB} |
2466 |
$\llbracket \rdistinct{(\rflts \; \textit{rs})}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r |
2467 |
\leq |
2468 |
\llbracket \rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r $. |
2469 |
\end{corollary} |
2470 |
\begin{proof} |
2471 |
By using the lemma \ref{fltsSizeReductionAlts}. |
2472 |
\end{proof} |
2473 |
\noindent |
618 | 2474 |
The intuition for why this is true |
2475 |
is that if we remove duplicates from the $\textit{LHS}$, at least the same amount of |
558 | 2476 |
duplicates will be removed from the list $\textit{rs}$ in the $\textit{RHS}$. |
2477 |
2478 |
Now this $\rsimp{\sum rs}$ can be estimated using $\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing}$: |
2479 |
\begin{lemma}\label{altsSimpControl} |
2480 |
$\rsize{\rsimp{\sum rs}} \leq \rsize{\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing}}+ 1$ |
532 | 2481 |
\end{lemma} |
558 | 2482 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 2483 |
By using corollary \ref{interactionFltsDB}. |
558 | 2484 |
\end{proof} |
2485 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2486 |
This is a key lemma in establishing the bounds of all the |
609 | 2487 |
closed forms. |
2488 |
With this we are now ready to control the sizes of |
618 | 2489 |
$(r_1 \cdot r_2 )\backslash s$ and $r^* \backslash s$. |
2490 |
\begin{theorem}\label{rBound} |
593 | 2491 |
For any regex $r$, $\exists N_r. \forall s. \; \rsize{\rderssimp{r}{s}} \leq N_r$ |
558 | 2492 |
\end{theorem} |
2493 |
\noindent |
2494 |
\begin{proof} |
593 | 2495 |
We prove this by induction on $r$. The base cases for $\RZERO$, |
2496 |
$\RONE $ and $\RCHAR{c}$ are straightforward. |
2497 |
In the sequence $r_1 \cdot r_2$ case, |
2498 |
the inductive hypotheses state |
2499 |
$\exists N_1. \forall s. \; \llbracket \rderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket \leq N_1$ and |
2500 |
$\exists N_2. \forall s. \; \llbracket \rderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket \leq N_2$. |
562 | 2501 |
593 | 2502 |
When the string $s$ is not empty, we can reason as follows |
2503 |
% |
2504 |
\begin{center} |
2505 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
558 | 2506 |
& & $ \llbracket \rderssimp{r_1\cdot r_2 }{s} \rrbracket_r $\\ |
620 | 2507 |
& $ = $ & $\llbracket \rsimp{(\sum(r_1 \backslash_{rsimps} s \cdot r_2 \; \; :: \; \; |
2508 |
\map \; (r_2\backslash_{rsimps} \_)\; (\vsuf{s}{r})))} \rrbracket_r $ & (1) \\ |
2509 |
& $\leq$ & $\llbracket \rdistinct{(r_1 \backslash_{rsimps} s \cdot r_2 \; \; :: \; \; |
2510 |
\map \; (r_2\backslash_{rsimps} \_)\; (\vsuf{s}{r}))}{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r + 1$ & (2) \\ |
593 | 2511 |
& $\leq$ & $2 + N_1 + \rsize{r_2} + (N_2 * (card\;(\sizeNregex \; N_2)))$ & (3)\\ |
558 | 2512 |
\end{tabular} |
2513 |
\end{center} |
561 | 2514 |
\noindent |
618 | 2515 |
(1) is by theorem \ref{seqClosedForm}. |
561 | 2516 |
(2) is by \ref{altsSimpControl}. |
2517 |
(3) is by \ref{finiteSizeNCorollary}. |
562 | 2518 |
2519 |
2520 |
Combining the cases when $s = []$ and $s \neq []$, we get (4): |
2521 |
\begin{center} |
2522 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
2523 |
$\rsize{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash_r s}$ & $\leq$ & |
2524 |
$max \; (2 + N_1 + |
2525 |
\llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_r + |
2526 |
N_2 * (card\; (\sizeNregex \; N_2))) \; \rsize{r_1\cdot r_2}$ & (4) |
2527 |
\end{tabular} |
2528 |
\end{center} |
558 | 2529 |
562 | 2530 |
We reason similarly for $\STAR$. |
2531 |
The inductive hypothesis is |
2532 |
$\exists N. \forall s. \; \llbracket \rderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket \leq N$. |
564 | 2533 |
Let $n_r = \llbracket r^* \rrbracket_r$. |
562 | 2534 |
When $s = c :: cs$ is not empty, |
2535 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 2536 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
562 | 2537 |
& & $ \llbracket \rderssimp{r^* }{c::cs} \rrbracket_r $\\ |
620 | 2538 |
& $ = $ & $\llbracket \rsimp{(\sum (\map \; (\lambda s. (r \backslash_{rsimps} s) \cdot r^*) \; (\starupdates\; |
593 | 2539 |
cs \; r \; [[c]] )) )} \rrbracket_r $ & (5) \\ |
2540 |
& $\leq$ & $\llbracket |
2541 |
\rdistinct{ |
2542 |
(\map \; |
620 | 2543 |
(\lambda s. (r \backslash_{rsimps} s) \cdot r^*) \; |
593 | 2544 |
(\starupdates\; cs \; r \; [[c]] ) |
2545 |
)} |
562 | 2546 |
{\varnothing} \rrbracket_r + 1$ & (6) \\ |
2547 |
& $\leq$ & $1 + (\textit{card} (\sizeNregex \; (N + n_r))) |
2548 |
* (1 + (N + n_r)) $ & (7)\\ |
2549 |
\end{tabular} |
2550 |
\end{center} |
2551 |
\noindent |
618 | 2552 |
(5) is by theorem \ref{starClosedForm}. |
562 | 2553 |
(6) is by \ref{altsSimpControl}. |
618 | 2554 |
(7) is by corollary \ref{finiteSizeNCorollary}. |
639 | 2555 |
Combining with the case when $s = []$, one obtains |
562 | 2556 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 2557 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
2558 |
$\rsize{r^* \backslash_r s}$ & $\leq$ & $max \; n_r \; 1 + (\textit{card} (\sizeNregex \; (N + n_r))) |
2559 |
* (1 + (N + n_r)) $ & (8)\\ |
2560 |
\end{tabular} |
562 | 2561 |
\end{center} |
2562 |
\noindent |
2563 |
2564 |
The alternative case is slightly less involved. |
2565 |
The inductive hypothesis |
2566 |
is equivalent to $\exists N. \forall r \in (\map \; (\_ \backslash_r s) \; rs). \rsize{r} \leq N$. |
2567 |
In the case when $s = c::cs$, we have |
2568 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 2569 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
562 | 2570 |
& & $ \llbracket \rderssimp{\sum rs }{c::cs} \rrbracket_r $\\ |
620 | 2571 |
& $ = $ & $\llbracket \rsimp{(\sum (\map \; (\_ \backslash_{rsimps} s) \; rs) )} \rrbracket_r $ & (9) \\ |
2572 |
& $\leq$ & $\llbracket (\sum (\map \; (\_ \backslash_{rsimps} s) \; rs) ) \rrbracket_r $ & (10) \\ |
562 | 2573 |
& $\leq$ & $1 + N * (length \; rs) $ & (11)\\ |
593 | 2574 |
\end{tabular} |
562 | 2575 |
\end{center} |
2576 |
\noindent |
618 | 2577 |
(9) is by theorem \ref{altsClosedForm}, (10) by lemma \ref{rsimpMono} and (11) by inductive hypothesis. |
562 | 2578 |
639 | 2579 |
Combining with the case when $s = []$, we obtain |
562 | 2580 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 2581 |
\begin{tabular}{lcll} |
2582 |
$\rsize{\sum rs \backslash_r s}$ & $\leq$ & $max \; \rsize{\sum rs} \; 1+N*(length \; rs)$ |
2583 |
& (12)\\ |
2584 |
\end{tabular} |
562 | 2585 |
\end{center} |
618 | 2586 |
We have all the inductive cases proven. |
558 | 2587 |
\end{proof} |
2588 |
618 | 2589 |
This leads to our main result on the size bound: |
564 | 2590 |
\begin{corollary} |
618 | 2591 |
For any annotated regular expression $a$, $\exists N_r. \forall s. \; \rsize{\bderssimp{a}{s}} \leq N_r$ |
564 | 2592 |
\end{corollary} |
2593 |
\begin{proof} |
618 | 2594 |
By lemma \ref{sizeRelations} and theorem \ref{rBound}. |
564 | 2595 |
\end{proof} |
558 | 2596 |
\noindent |
2597 |
609 | 2598 |
2599 |
2600 |
2601 |
558 | 2602 |
%----------------------------------- |
2603 |
2604 |
%----------------------------------- |
2605 |
625 | 2606 |
\section{Bounded Repetitions} |
2607 |
We have promised in chapter \ref{Introduction} |
2608 |
that our lexing algorithm can potentially be extended |
2609 |
to handle bounded repetitions |
2610 |
in natural and elegant ways. |
2611 |
Now we fulfill our promise by adding support for |
2612 |
the ``exactly-$n$-times'' bounded regular expression $r^{\{n\}}$. |
2613 |
We add clauses in our derivatives-based lexing algorithms (with simplifications) |
2614 |
introduced in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}. |
2615 |
2616 |
\subsection{Augmented Definitions} |
2617 |
There are a number of definitions that need to be augmented. |
2618 |
The most notable one would be the POSIX rules for $r^{\{n\}}$: |
2619 |
\begin{center} |
2620 |
\begin{mathpar} |
2621 |
\inferrule{\forall v \in vs_1. \vdash v:r \land |
2622 |
|v| \neq []\\ \forall v \in vs_2. \vdash v:r \land |v| = []\\ |
2623 |
\textit{length} \; (vs_1 @ vs_2) = n}{\textit{Stars} \; |
2624 |
(vs_1 @ vs_2) : r^{\{n\}} } |
2625 |
\end{mathpar} |
2626 |
\end{center} |
2627 |
As Ausaf had pointed out \cite{Ausaf}, |
2628 |
sometimes empty iterations have to be taken to get |
2629 |
a match with exactly $n$ repetitions, |
2630 |
and hence the $vs_2$ part. |
2631 |
2632 |
Another important definition would be the size: |
2633 |
\begin{center} |
2634 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2635 |
$\llbracket r^{\{n\}} \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & |
2636 |
$\llbracket r \rrbracket_r + n$\\ |
2637 |
\end{tabular} |
2638 |
\end{center} |
2639 |
\noindent |
2640 |
Arguably we should use $\log \; n$ for the size because |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2641 |
the number of digits increases logarithmically w.r.t $n$. |
625 | 2642 |
For simplicity we choose to add the counter directly to the size. |
2643 |
2644 |
The derivative w.r.t a bounded regular expression |
2645 |
is given as |
2646 |
\begin{center} |
2647 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2648 |
$r^{\{n\}} \backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & |
2649 |
$r\backslash_r c \cdot r^{\{n-1\}} \;\; \textit{if} \; n \geq 1$\\ |
2650 |
& & $\RZERO \;\quad \quad\quad \quad |
2651 |
\textit{otherwise}$\\ |
2652 |
\end{tabular} |
2653 |
\end{center} |
2654 |
\noindent |
2655 |
For brevity, we sometimes use NTIMES to refer to bounded |
2656 |
regular expressions. |
2657 |
The $\mkeps$ function clause for NTIMES would be |
2658 |
\begin{center} |
2659 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2660 |
$\mkeps \; r^{\{n\}} $ & $\dn$ & $\Stars \; |
2661 |
(\textit{replicate} \; n\; (\mkeps \; r))$ |
2662 |
\end{tabular} |
2663 |
\end{center} |
2664 |
\noindent |
2665 |
The injection looks like |
2666 |
\begin{center} |
2667 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2668 |
$\inj \; r^{\{n\}} \; c\; (\Seq \;v \; (\Stars \; vs)) $ & |
2669 |
$\dn$ & $\Stars \; |
2670 |
((\inj \; r \;c \;v ) :: vs)$ |
2671 |
\end{tabular} |
2672 |
\end{center} |
2673 |
\noindent |
2674 |
2675 |
2676 |
\subsection{Proofs for the Augmented Lexing Algorithm} |
2677 |
We need to maintain two proofs with the additional $r^{\{n\}}$ |
2678 |
construct: the |
2679 |
correctness proof in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}, |
2680 |
and the finiteness proof in chapter \ref{Finite}. |
2681 |
2682 |
\subsubsection{Correctness Proof Augmentation} |
2683 |
The correctness of $\textit{lexer}$ and $\textit{blexer}$ with bounded repetitions |
2684 |
have been proven by Ausaf and Urban\cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}. |
2685 |
As they have commented, once the definitions are in place, |
2686 |
the proofs given for the basic regular expressions will extend to |
2687 |
bounded regular expressions, and there are no ``surprises''. |
2688 |
We confirm this point because the correctness theorem would also |
2689 |
extend without surprise to $\blexersimp$. |
2690 |
The rewrite rules such as $\rightsquigarrow$, $\stackrel{s}{\rightsquigarrow}$ and so on |
2691 |
do not need to be changed, |
2692 |
and only a few lemmas such as lemma \ref{fltsPreserves} need to be adjusted to |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2693 |
add one more line which can be solved by the Sledgehammer tool |
625 | 2694 |
to solve the $r^{\{n\}}$ inductive case. |
2695 |
2696 |
2697 |
\subsubsection{Finiteness Proof Augmentation} |
2698 |
The bounded repetitions are |
2699 |
very similar to stars, and therefore the treatment |
2700 |
is similar, with minor changes to handle some slight complications |
2701 |
when the counter reaches 0. |
2702 |
The exponential growth is similar: |
2703 |
\begin{center} |
2704 |
\begin{tabular}{ll} |
2705 |
$r^{\{n\}} $ & $\longrightarrow_{\backslash c}$\\ |
2706 |
$(r\backslash c) \cdot |
2707 |
r^{\{n - 1\}}*$ & $\longrightarrow_{\backslash c'}$\\ |
2708 |
\\ |
2709 |
$r \backslash cc' \cdot r^{\{n - 2\}}* + |
2710 |
r \backslash c' \cdot r^{\{n - 1\}}*$ & |
2711 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c''}$\\ |
2712 |
\\ |
2713 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-3\}}* + |
2714 |
r \backslash c''\cdot r^{\{n-1\}}) + |
2715 |
(r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-2\}}* + |
2716 |
r \backslash c'' \cdot r^{\{n-1\}}*)$ & |
2717 |
$\longrightarrow_{\backslash c'''}$ \\ |
2718 |
\\ |
2719 |
$\ldots$\\ |
2720 |
\end{tabular} |
2721 |
\end{center} |
2722 |
Again, we assume that $r\backslash c$, $r \backslash cc'$ and so on |
2723 |
are all nullable. |
2724 |
The flattened list of terms for $r^{\{n\}} \backslash_{rs} s$ |
2725 |
\begin{center} |
2726 |
$[r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-3\}}*,\; |
2727 |
r \backslash c''\cdot r^{\{n-1\}}, \; |
2728 |
r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-2\}}*, \; |
2729 |
r \backslash c'' \cdot r^{\{n-1\}}*,\; \ldots ]$ |
2730 |
\end{center} |
2731 |
that comes from |
2732 |
\begin{center} |
2733 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-3\}}* + |
2734 |
r \backslash c''\cdot r^{\{n-1\}}) + |
2735 |
(r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^{\{n-2\}}* + |
2736 |
r \backslash c'' \cdot r^{\{n-1\}}*)+ \ldots$ |
2737 |
\end{center} |
2738 |
are made of sequences with different tails, where the counters |
2739 |
might differ. |
2740 |
The observation for maintaining the bound is that |
2741 |
these counters never exceed $n$, the original |
2742 |
counter. With the number of counters staying finite, |
2743 |
$\rDistinct$ will deduplicate and keep the list finite. |
2744 |
We introduce this idea as a lemma once we describe all |
2745 |
the necessary helper functions. |
2746 |
2747 |
Similar to the star case, we want |
2748 |
\begin{center} |
2749 |
$\rderssimp{r^{\{n\}}}{s} = \rsimp{\sum rs}$. |
2750 |
\end{center} |
2751 |
where $rs$ |
2752 |
shall be in the form of |
2753 |
$\map \; f \; Ss$, where $f$ is a function and |
2754 |
$Ss$ a list of objects to act on. |
2755 |
For star, the object's datatype is string. |
2756 |
The list of strings $Ss$ |
2757 |
is generated using functions |
2758 |
$\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$. |
2759 |
The function that takes a string and returns a regular expression |
2760 |
is the anonymous function $ |
2761 |
(\lambda s'. \; r\backslash s' \cdot r^{\{m\}})$. |
2762 |
In the NTIMES setting, |
2763 |
the $\starupdate$ and $\starupdates$ functions are replaced by |
2764 |
$\textit{nupdate}$ and $\textit{nupdates}$: |
2765 |
\begin{center} |
2766 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2767 |
$\nupdate \; c \; r \; [] $ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ |
2768 |
$\nupdate \; c \; r \; |
2769 |
(\Some \; (s, \; n + 1) \; :: \; Ss)$ & $\dn$ & %\\ |
2770 |
$\textit{if} \; |
2771 |
(\rnullable \; (r \backslash_{rs} s))$ \\ |
2772 |
& & $\;\;\textit{then} |
2773 |
\;\; \Some \; (s @ [c], n + 1) :: \Some \; ([c], n) :: ( |
2774 |
\nupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$ \\ |
2775 |
& & $\textit{else} \;\; \Some \; (s @ [c], n+1) :: ( |
2776 |
\nupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$\\ |
2777 |
$\nupdate \; c \; r \; (\textit{None} :: Ss)$ & $\dn$ & |
2778 |
$(\None :: \nupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$\\ |
2779 |
& & \\ |
2780 |
%\end{tabular} |
2781 |
%\end{center} |
2782 |
%\begin{center} |
2783 |
%\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2784 |
$\nupdates \; [] \; r \; Ss$ & $\dn$ & $Ss$\\ |
2785 |
$\nupdates \; (c :: cs) \; r \; Ss$ & $\dn$ & $\nupdates \; cs \; r \; ( |
2786 |
\nupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)$ |
2787 |
\end{tabular} |
2788 |
\end{center} |
2789 |
\noindent |
2790 |
which take into account when a subterm |
2791 |
\begin{center} |
2792 |
$r \backslash_s s \cdot r^{\{n\}}$ |
2793 |
\end{center} |
2794 |
counter $n$ |
2795 |
is 0, and therefore expands to |
2796 |
\begin{center} |
2797 |
$r \backslash_s (s@[c]) \cdot r^{\{n\}} \;+ |
2798 |
\; \ZERO$ |
2799 |
\end{center} |
2800 |
after taking a derivative. |
2801 |
The object now has type |
2802 |
\begin{center} |
2803 |
$\textit{option} \;(\textit{string}, \textit{nat})$ |
2804 |
\end{center} |
2805 |
and therefore the function for converting such an option into |
2806 |
a regular expression term is called $\opterm$: |
2807 |
2808 |
\begin{center} |
2809 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2810 |
$\opterm \; r \; SN$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; SN\; of$\\ |
2811 |
& & $\;\;\Some \; (s, n) \Rightarrow |
2812 |
(r\backslash_{rs} s)\cdot r^{\{n\}}$\\ |
2813 |
& & $\;\;\None \Rightarrow |
2814 |
\ZERO$\\ |
2815 |
\end{tabular} |
2816 |
\end{center} |
2817 |
\noindent |
2818 |
Put together, the list $\map \; f \; Ss$ is instantiated as |
2819 |
\begin{center} |
2820 |
$\map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; |
2821 |
[\Some \; ([c], n)])$. |
2822 |
\end{center} |
2823 |
For the closed form to be bounded, we would like |
2824 |
simplification to be applied to each term in the list. |
2825 |
Therefore we introduce some variants of $\opterm$, |
2826 |
which help conveniently express the rewriting steps |
2827 |
needed in the closed form proof. |
639 | 2828 |
We have $\optermOsimp$, $\optermosimp$ and $\optermsimp$ |
2829 |
with slightly different spellings because they help the proof to go through: |
625 | 2830 |
\begin{center} |
2831 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2832 |
$\optermOsimp \; r \; SN$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; SN\; of$\\ |
2833 |
& & $\;\;\Some \; (s, n) \Rightarrow |
2834 |
\textit{rsimp} \; ((r\backslash_{rs} s)\cdot r^{\{n\}})$\\ |
2835 |
& & $\;\;\None \Rightarrow |
2836 |
\ZERO$\\ |
2837 |
\\ |
2838 |
$\optermosimp \; r \; SN$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; SN\; of$\\ |
2839 |
& & $\;\;\Some \; (s, n) \Rightarrow |
2840 |
(\textit{rsimp} \; (r\backslash_{rs} s)) |
2841 |
\cdot r^{\{n\}}$\\ |
2842 |
& & $\;\;\None \Rightarrow |
2843 |
\ZERO$\\ |
2844 |
\\ |
2845 |
$\optermsimp \; r \; SN$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; SN\; of$\\ |
2846 |
& & $\;\;\Some \; (s, n) \Rightarrow |
2847 |
(r\backslash_{rsimps} s)\cdot r^{\{n\}}$\\ |
2848 |
& & $\;\;\None \Rightarrow |
2849 |
\ZERO$\\ |
2850 |
\end{tabular} |
2851 |
\end{center} |
2852 |
2853 |
2854 |
For a list of |
2855 |
$\textit{option} \;(\textit{string}, \textit{nat})$ elements, |
2856 |
we define the highest power for it recursively: |
2857 |
\begin{center} |
2858 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2859 |
$\hpa \; [] \; n $ & $\dn$ & $n$\\ |
2860 |
$\hpa \; (\None :: os) \; n $ & $\dn$ & $\hpa \; os \; n$\\ |
2861 |
$\hpa \; (\Some \; (s, n) :: os) \; m$ & $\dn$ & |
2862 |
$\hpa \;os \; (\textit{max} \; n\; m)$\\ |
2863 |
\\ |
2864 |
$\hpower \; rs $ & $\dn$ & $\hpa \; rs \; 0$\\ |
2865 |
\end{tabular} |
2866 |
\end{center} |
2867 |
2868 |
Now the intuition that an NTIMES regular expression's power |
2869 |
does not increase can be easily expressed as |
2870 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nupdatesMono2} |
2871 |
$\hpower \; (\nupdates \;s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]) \leq n$ |
2872 |
\end{lemma} |
2873 |
\begin{proof} |
2874 |
Note that the power is non-increasing after a $\nupdate$ application: |
2875 |
\begin{center} |
2876 |
$\hpa \;\; (\nupdate \; c \; r \; Ss)\;\; m \leq |
2877 |
\hpa\; \; Ss \; m$. |
2878 |
\end{center} |
2879 |
This is also the case for $\nupdates$: |
2880 |
\begin{center} |
2881 |
$\hpa \;\; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; Ss)\;\; m \leq |
2882 |
\hpa\; \; Ss \; m$. |
2883 |
\end{center} |
2884 |
Therefore we have that |
2885 |
\begin{center} |
2886 |
$\hpower \;\; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; Ss) \leq |
2887 |
\hpower \;\; Ss$ |
2888 |
\end{center} |
2889 |
which leads to the lemma being proven. |
2890 |
2891 |
\end{proof} |
2892 |
2893 |
2894 |
We also define the inductive rules for |
2895 |
the shape of derivatives of the NTIMES regular expressions:\\[-3em] |
2896 |
\begin{center} |
2897 |
\begin{mathpar} |
2898 |
\inferrule{\mbox{}}{\cbn \;\ZERO} |
2899 |
2900 |
\inferrule{\mbox{}}{\cbn \; \; r_a \cdot (r^{\{n\}})} |
2901 |
2902 |
\inferrule{\cbn \; r_1 \;\; \; \cbn \; r_2}{\cbn \; r_1 + r_2} |
2903 |
2904 |
\inferrule{\cbn \; r}{\cbn \; r + \ZERO} |
2905 |
\end{mathpar} |
2906 |
\end{center} |
2907 |
\noindent |
2908 |
A derivative of NTIMES fits into the shape described by $\cbn$: |
2909 |
\begin{lemma}\label{ntimesDersCbn} |
2910 |
$\cbn \; ((r' \cdot r^{\{n\}}) \backslash_{rs} s)$ holds. |
2911 |
\end{lemma} |
2912 |
\begin{proof} |
2913 |
By a reverse induction on $s$. |
2914 |
For the inductive case, note that if $\cbn \; r$ holds, |
2915 |
then $\cbn \; (r\backslash_r c)$ holds. |
2916 |
\end{proof} |
2917 |
\noindent |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2918 |
In addition, for $\cbn$-shaped regular expressions, one can flatten |
625 | 2919 |
them: |
2920 |
\begin{lemma}\label{ntimesHfauPushin} |
2921 |
If $\cbn \; r$ holds, then $\hflataux{r \backslash_r c} = |
2922 |
\textit{concat} \; (\map \; \hflataux{\map \; (\_\backslash_r c) \; |
2923 |
(\hflataux{r})})$ |
2924 |
\end{lemma} |
2925 |
\begin{proof} |
2926 |
By an induction on the inductive cases of $\cbn$. |
2927 |
\end{proof} |
2928 |
\noindent |
2929 |
This time we do not need to define the flattening functions for NTIMES only, |
2930 |
because $\hflat{\_}$ and $\hflataux{\_}$ work on NTIMES already. |
2931 |
\begin{lemma}\label{ntimesHfauInduct} |
2932 |
$\hflataux{( (r\backslash_r c) \cdot r^{\{n\}}) \backslash_{rsimps} s} = |
2933 |
\map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)])$ |
2934 |
\end{lemma} |
2935 |
\begin{proof} |
2936 |
By a reverse induction on $s$. |
2937 |
The lemmas \ref{ntimesHfauPushin} and \ref{ntimesDersCbn} are used. |
2938 |
\end{proof} |
2939 |
\noindent |
2940 |
We have a recursive property for NTIMES with $\nupdate$ |
2941 |
similar to that for STAR, |
2942 |
and one for $\nupdates $ as well: |
2943 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nupdateInduct1} |
2944 |
\mbox{} |
2945 |
\begin{itemize} |
2946 |
\item |
2947 |
\begin{center} |
2948 |
$\textit{concat} \; (\map \; (\hflataux{\_} \circ ( |
2949 |
\opterm \; r)) \; Ss) = \map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdate \; |
2950 |
c \; r \; Ss)$\\ |
2951 |
\end{center} |
2952 |
holds. |
2953 |
\item |
2954 |
\begin{center} |
2955 |
$\textit{concat} \; (\map \; \hflataux{\_}\; |
2956 |
\map \; (\_\backslash_r x) \; |
2957 |
(\map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdates \; xs \; r \; Ss)))$\\ |
2958 |
$=$\\ |
2959 |
$\map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdates \;(xs@[x]) \; r\;Ss)$ |
2960 |
\end{center} |
2961 |
holds. |
2962 |
\end{itemize} |
2963 |
\end{lemma} |
2964 |
\begin{proof} |
2965 |
(i) is by an induction on $Ss$. |
2966 |
(ii) is by an induction on $xs$. |
2967 |
\end{proof} |
2968 |
\noindent |
2969 |
The $\nString$ predicate is defined for conveniently |
2970 |
expressing that there are no empty strings in the |
2971 |
$\Some \;(s, n)$ elements generated by $\nupdate$: |
2972 |
\begin{center} |
2973 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
2974 |
$\nString \; \None$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{true}$\\ |
2975 |
$\nString \; (\Some \; ([], n))$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{false}$\\ |
2976 |
$\nString \; (\Some \; (c::s, n))$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{true}$\\ |
2977 |
\end{tabular} |
2978 |
\end{center} |
2979 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nupdatesNonempty} |
2980 |
If for all elements $o \in \textit{set} \; Ss$, |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
2981 |
$\nString \; o$ holds, then we have that |
625 | 2982 |
for all elements $o' \in \textit{set} \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; Ss)$, |
2983 |
$\nString \; o'$ holds. |
2984 |
\end{lemma} |
2985 |
\begin{proof} |
2986 |
By an induction on $s$, where $Ss$ is set to vary over all possible values. |
2987 |
\end{proof} |
2988 |
2989 |
\noindent |
2990 |
2991 |
\begin{lemma}\label{ntimesClosedFormsSteps} |
2992 |
The following list of equalities or rewriting relations hold:\\ |
2993 |
(i) $r^{\{n+1\}} \backslash_{rsimps} (c::s) = |
2994 |
\textit{rsimp} \; (\sum (\map \; (\opterm \;r \;\_) \; (\nupdates \; |
2995 |
s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)])))$\\ |
2996 |
(ii) |
2997 |
\begin{center} |
2998 |
$\sum (\map \; (\opterm \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; [ |
2999 |
\Some \; ([c], n)]))$ \\ $ \sequal$\\ |
3000 |
$\sum (\map \; (\textit{rsimp} \circ (\opterm \; r))\; (\nupdates \; |
3001 |
s\;r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]))$\\ |
3002 |
\end{center} |
3003 |
(iii) |
3004 |
\begin{center} |
3005 |
$\sum \;(\map \; (\optermosimp \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r\; [\Some \; |
3006 |
([c], n)]))$\\ |
3007 |
$\sequal$\\ |
3008 |
$\sum \;(\map \; (\optermsimp r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; |
3009 |
([c], n)])) $\\ |
3010 |
\end{center} |
3011 |
(iv) |
3012 |
\begin{center} |
3013 |
$\sum \;(\map \; (\optermosimp \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r\; [\Some \; |
3014 |
([c], n)])) $ \\ $\sequal$\\ |
3015 |
$\sum \;(\map \; (\optermOsimp r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; |
3016 |
([c], n)])) $\\ |
3017 |
\end{center} |
3018 |
(v) |
3019 |
\begin{center} |
3020 |
$\sum \;(\map \; (\optermOsimp r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; |
3021 |
([c], n)])) $ \\ $\sequal$\\ |
3022 |
$\sum \; (\map \; (\textit{rsimp} \circ (\opterm \; r)) \; |
3023 |
(\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]))$ |
3024 |
\end{center} |
3025 |
\end{lemma} |
3026 |
\begin{proof} |
3027 |
Routine. |
3028 |
(iii) and (iv) make use of the fact that all the strings $s$ |
3029 |
inside $\Some \; (s, m)$ which are elements of the list |
3030 |
$\nupdates \; s\;r\;[\Some\; ([c], n)]$ are non-empty, |
3031 |
which is from lemma \ref{nupdatesNonempty}. |
3032 |
Once the string in $o = \Some \; (s, n)$ is |
3033 |
nonempty, $\optermsimp \; r \;o$, |
3034 |
$\optermosimp \; r \; o$ and $\optermosimp \; \; o$ are guaranteed |
3035 |
to be equal. |
3036 |
(v) uses \ref{nupdateInduct1}. |
3037 |
\end{proof} |
3038 |
\noindent |
3039 |
Now we are ready to present the closed form for NTIMES: |
3040 |
\begin{theorem}\label{ntimesClosedForm} |
3041 |
The derivative of $r^{\{n+1\}}$ can be described as an alternative |
3042 |
containing a list |
3043 |
of terms:\\ |
3044 |
$r^{\{n+1\}} \backslash_{rsimps} (c::s) = \textit{rsimp} \; ( |
3045 |
\sum (\map \; (\optermsimp \; r) \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; |
3046 |
[\Some \; ([c], n)])))$ |
3047 |
\end{theorem} |
3048 |
\begin{proof} |
3049 |
By the rewriting steps described in lemma \ref{ntimesClosedFormsSteps}. |
3050 |
\end{proof} |
3051 |
\noindent |
3052 |
The key observation for bounding this closed form |
3053 |
is that the counter on $r^{\{n\}}$ will |
3054 |
only decrement during derivatives: |
3055 |
\begin{lemma}\label{nupdatesNLeqN} |
3056 |
For an element $o$ in $\textit{set} \; (\nupdates \; s \; r \; |
3057 |
[\Some \; ([c], n)])$, either $o = \None$, or $o = \Some |
3058 |
\; (s', m)$ for some string $s'$ and number $m \leq n$. |
3059 |
\end{lemma} |
3060 |
\noindent |
3061 |
The proof is routine and therefore omitted. |
3062 |
This allows us to say what kind of terms |
3063 |
are in the list $\textit{set} \; (\map \; (\optermsimp \; r) \; ( |
3064 |
\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]))$: |
3065 |
only $\ZERO_r$s or a sequence with the tail an $r^{\{m\}}$ |
3066 |
with a small $m$: |
3067 |
\begin{lemma}\label{ntimesClosedFormListElemShape} |
3068 |
For any element $r'$ in $\textit{set} \; (\map \; (\optermsimp \; r) \; ( |
3069 |
\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]))$, |
3070 |
we have that $r'$ is either $\ZERO$ or $r \backslash_{rsimps} s' \cdot |
3071 |
r^{\{m\}}$ for some string $s'$ and number $m \leq n$. |
3072 |
\end{lemma} |
3073 |
\begin{proof} |
3074 |
Using lemma \ref{nupdatesNLeqN}. |
3075 |
\end{proof} |
3076 |
3077 |
\begin{theorem}\label{ntimesClosedFormBounded} |
3078 |
Assuming that for any string $s$, $\llbracket r \backslash_{rsimps} s |
3079 |
\rrbracket_r \leq N$ holds, then we have that\\ |
3080 |
$\llbracket r^{\{n+1\}} \backslash_{rsimps} s \rrbracket_r \leq |
3081 |
\textit{max} \; (c_N+1)* (N + \llbracket r^{\{n\}} \rrbracket+1)$, |
3082 |
where $c_N = \textit{card} \; (\textit{sizeNregex} \; ( |
3083 |
N + \llbracket r^{\{n\}} \rrbracket_r+1))$. |
3084 |
\end{theorem} |
3085 |
\begin{proof} |
639 | 3086 |
We have that for all regular expressions $r'$ in |
3087 |
\begin{center} |
3088 |
$\textit{set} \; (\map \; (\optermsimp \; r) \; ( |
625 | 3089 |
\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)]))$, |
639 | 3090 |
\end{center} |
625 | 3091 |
$r'$'s size is less than or equal to $N + \llbracket r^{\{n\}} |
3092 |
\rrbracket_r + 1$ |
3093 |
because $r'$ can only be either a $\ZERO$ or $r \backslash_{rsimps} s' \cdot |
3094 |
r^{\{m\}}$ for some string $s'$ and number |
3095 |
$m \leq n$ (lemma \ref{ntimesClosedFormListElemShape}). |
3096 |
In addition, we know that the list |
3097 |
$\map \; (\optermsimp \; r) \; ( |
3098 |
\nupdates \; s \; r \; [\Some \; ([c], n)])$'s size is at most |
3099 |
$c_N = \textit{card} \; |
3100 |
(\sizeNregex \; ((N + \llbracket r^{\{n\}} \rrbracket) + 1))$. |
3101 |
This gives us $\llbracket r \backslash_{rsimps} \;s \rrbracket_r |
3102 |
\leq N * c_N$. |
3103 |
\end{proof} |
3104 |
3105 |
We aim to formalise the correctness and size bound |
3106 |
for constructs like $r^{\{\ldots n\}}$, $r^{\{n \ldots\}}$ |
3107 |
and so on, which is still work in progress. |
3108 |
They should more or less follow the same recipe described in this section. |
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3109 |
Once we know how to deal with them recursively using suitable auxiliary |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3110 |
definitions, we can routinely establish the proofs. |
625 | 3111 |
532 | 3112 |
557 | 3113 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3114 |
3115 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3116 |
532 | 3117 |
618 | 3118 |
\section{Comments and Future Improvements} |
3119 |
\subsection{Some Experimental Results} |
532 | 3120 |
What guarantee does this bound give us? |
639 | 3121 |
It states that whatever the regex is, it will not grow indefinitely. |
532 | 3122 |
Take our previous example $(a + aa)^*$ as an example: |
3123 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 3124 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{}} |
3125 |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
3126 |
\begin{axis}[ |
3127 |
xlabel={number of $a$'s}, |
3128 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
3129 |
ylabel={regex size}, |
3130 |
enlargelimits=false, |
3131 |
xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
3132 |
xmax=33, |
3133 |
ymax= 40, |
3134 |
ytick={0,10,...,40}, |
3135 |
scaled ticks=false, |
3136 |
axis lines=left, |
3137 |
width=5cm, |
3138 |
height=4cm, |
3139 |
legend entries={$(a + aa)^*$}, |
618 | 3140 |
legend pos=south east, |
593 | 3141 |
legend cell align=left] |
3142 |
\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {}; |
3143 |
\end{axis} |
3144 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
3145 |
\end{tabular} |
532 | 3146 |
\end{center} |
3147 |
We are able to limit the size of the regex $(a + aa)^*$'s derivatives |
593 | 3148 |
with our simplification |
532 | 3149 |
rules very effectively. |
3150 |
3151 |
3152 |
In our proof for the inductive case $r_1 \cdot r_2$, the dominant term in the bound |
3153 |
is $l_{N_2} * N_2$, where $N_2$ is the bound we have for $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket$. |
3154 |
Given that $l_{N_2}$ is roughly the size $4^{N_2}$, the size bound $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_1 \cdot r_2}{s} \rrbracket$ |
3155 |
inflates the size bound of $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket$ with the function |
3156 |
$f(x) = x * 2^x$. |
3157 |
This means the bound we have will surge up at least |
3158 |
tower-exponentially with a linear increase of the depth. |
3159 |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3160 |
One might be pretty skepticafl about what this non-elementary |
618 | 3161 |
bound can bring us. |
3162 |
It turns out that the giant bounds are far from being hit. |
3163 |
Here we have some test data from randomly generated regular expressions: |
3164 |
\begin{figure}[H] |
3165 |
\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{\hspace{2mm}}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{}} |
593 | 3166 |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
3167 |
\begin{axis}[ |
618 | 3168 |
xlabel={$n$}, |
593 | 3169 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
3170 |
ylabel={regex size}, |
3171 |
enlargelimits=false, |
3172 |
xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
3173 |
xmax=33, |
611 | 3174 |
%ymax=1000, |
3175 |
%ytick={0,100,...,1000}, |
593 | 3176 |
scaled ticks=false, |
3177 |
axis lines=left, |
618 | 3178 |
width=4.75cm, |
3179 |
height=3.8cm, |
593 | 3180 |
legend entries={regex1}, |
618 | 3181 |
legend pos=north east, |
593 | 3182 |
legend cell align=left] |
3183 |
\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {}; |
3184 |
\end{axis} |
3185 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
618 | 3186 |
& |
593 | 3187 |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
3188 |
\begin{axis}[ |
3189 |
xlabel={$n$}, |
3190 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
3191 |
%ylabel={time in secs}, |
3192 |
enlargelimits=false, |
3193 |
xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
3194 |
xmax=33, |
611 | 3195 |
%ymax=1000, |
3196 |
%ytick={0,100,...,1000}, |
593 | 3197 |
scaled ticks=false, |
3198 |
axis lines=left, |
618 | 3199 |
width=4.75cm, |
3200 |
height=3.8cm, |
593 | 3201 |
legend entries={regex2}, |
618 | 3202 |
legend pos=south east, |
593 | 3203 |
legend cell align=left] |
3204 |
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {}; |
3205 |
\end{axis} |
3206 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
618 | 3207 |
& |
593 | 3208 |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
3209 |
\begin{axis}[ |
3210 |
xlabel={$n$}, |
3211 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
3212 |
%ylabel={time in secs}, |
3213 |
enlargelimits=false, |
3214 |
xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
3215 |
xmax=33, |
611 | 3216 |
%ymax=1000, |
3217 |
%ytick={0,100,...,1000}, |
593 | 3218 |
scaled ticks=false, |
3219 |
axis lines=left, |
618 | 3220 |
width=4.75cm, |
3221 |
height=3.8cm, |
593 | 3222 |
legend entries={regex3}, |
618 | 3223 |
legend pos=south east, |
593 | 3224 |
legend cell align=left] |
3225 |
\addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {}; |
3226 |
\end{axis} |
3227 |
\end{tikzpicture}\\ |
618 | 3228 |
\multicolumn{3}{c}{} |
593 | 3229 |
\end{tabular} |
618 | 3230 |
\caption{Graphs: size change of 3 randomly generated |
3231 |
regular expressions $w.r.t.$ input string length. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3232 |
The x-axis represents the length of the input.} |
611 | 3233 |
\end{figure} |
532 | 3234 |
\noindent |
3235 |
Most of the regex's sizes seem to stay within a polynomial bound $w.r.t$ the |
3236 |
original size. |
591 | 3237 |
We will discuss improvements to this bound in the next chapter. |
532 | 3238 |
3239 |
3240 |
618 | 3241 |
\subsection{Possible Further Improvements} |
639 | 3242 |
There are two problems with this finiteness result, though:\\ |
618 | 3243 |
(i) |
3244 |
First, it is not yet a direct formalisation of our lexer's complexity, |
593 | 3245 |
as a complexity proof would require looking into |
3246 |
the time it takes to execute {\bf all} the operations |
618 | 3247 |
involved in the lexer (simp, collect, decode), not just the derivative.\\ |
3248 |
(ii) |
593 | 3249 |
Second, the bound is not yet tight, and we seek to improve $N_a$ so that |
618 | 3250 |
it is polynomial on $\llbracket a \rrbracket$.\\ |
3251 |
Still, we believe this contribution is useful, |
590 | 3252 |
because |
3253 |
\begin{itemize} |
3254 |
\item |
3255 |
618 | 3256 |
The size proof can serve as a starting point for a complexity |
590 | 3257 |
formalisation. |
3258 |
Derivatives are the most important phases of our lexer algorithm. |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3259 |
Size properties about derivatives cover the majority of the algorithm |
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3260 |
and is therefore a good indication of the complexity of the entire program. |
590 | 3261 |
\item |
3262 |
The bound is already a strong indication that catastrophic |
3263 |
backtracking is much less likely to occur in our $\blexersimp$ |
3264 |
algorithm. |
3265 |
We refine $\blexersimp$ with $\blexerStrong$ in the next chapter |
639 | 3266 |
so that we conjecture the bound becomes polynomial. |
590 | 3267 |
\end{itemize} |
593 | 3268 |
532 | 3269 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3270 |
3271 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
593 | 3272 |
3273 |
3274 |
3275 |
3276 |
3277 |
3278 |
3279 |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3280 |
One might wonder about the actual bound rather than the loose bound we gave |
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3281 |
for the convenience of a more straightforward proof. |
532 | 3282 |
How much can the regex $r^* \backslash s$ grow? |
3283 |
As earlier graphs have shown, |
3284 |
%TODO: reference that graph where size grows quickly |
593 | 3285 |
they can grow at a maximum speed |
3286 |
exponential $w.r.t$ the number of characters, |
532 | 3287 |
but will eventually level off when the string $s$ is long enough. |
3288 |
If they grow to a size exponential $w.r.t$ the original regex, our algorithm |
3289 |
would still be slow. |
3290 |
And unfortunately, we have concrete examples |
576 | 3291 |
where such regular expressions grew exponentially large before levelling off: |
618 | 3292 |
\begin{center} |
532 | 3293 |
$(a ^ * + (aa) ^ * + (aaa) ^ * + \ldots + |
618 | 3294 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{n a's}})^*)^*$ |
3295 |
\end{center} |
3296 |
will already have a maximum |
593 | 3297 |
size that is exponential on the number $n$ |
532 | 3298 |
under our current simplification rules: |
3299 |
%TODO: graph of a regex whose size increases exponentially. |
3300 |
\begin{center} |
593 | 3301 |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
3302 |
\begin{axis}[ |
3303 |
height=0.5\textwidth, |
3304 |
width=\textwidth, |
3305 |
xlabel=number of a's, |
3306 |
xtick={0,...,9}, |
3307 |
ylabel=maximum size, |
3308 |
ymode=log, |
3309 |
log basis y={2} |
3310 |
] |
3311 |
\addplot[mark=*,blue] table {}; |
3312 |
\end{axis} |
3313 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
532 | 3314 |
\end{center} |
3315 |
618 | 3316 |
For convenience we use $(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$ |
532 | 3317 |
to express $(a ^ * + (aa) ^ * + (aaa) ^ * + \ldots + |
3318 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{n a's}})^*$ in the below discussion. |
3319 |
The exponential size is triggered by that the regex |
618 | 3320 |
$\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*$ |
532 | 3321 |
inside the $(\ldots) ^*$ having exponentially many |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3322 |
different derivatives, despite those differences being minor. |
618 | 3323 |
$(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*\backslash \underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{m a's}}$ |
532 | 3324 |
will therefore contain the following terms (after flattening out all nested |
3325 |
alternatives): |
3326 |
\begin{center} |
618 | 3327 |
$(\sum_{i = 1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* )\cdot (\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)$\\ |
3328 |
[1mm] |
593 | 3329 |
$(1 \leq m' \leq m )$ |
532 | 3330 |
\end{center} |
639 | 3331 |
There are at least exponentially |
618 | 3332 |
many such terms.\footnote{To be exact, these terms are |
3333 |
distinct for $m' \leq L.C.M.(1, \ldots, n)$, the details are omitted, |
3334 |
but the point is that the number is exponential. |
3335 |
} |
593 | 3336 |
With each new input character taking the derivative against the intermediate result, more and more such distinct |
618 | 3337 |
terms will accumulate. |
3338 |
The function $\textit{distinctBy}$ will not be able to de-duplicate any two of these terms |
3339 |
\begin{center} |
3340 |
$(\sum_{i = 1}^{n} |
3341 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot |
3342 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* )\cdot |
3343 |
(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$\\ |
3344 |
$(\sum_{i = 1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m'' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot |
3345 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* )\cdot |
3346 |
(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$ |
3347 |
\end{center} |
3348 |
\noindent |
3349 |
where $m' \neq m''$ |
593 | 3350 |
as they are slightly different. |
3351 |
This means that with our current simplification methods, |
3352 |
we will not be able to control the derivative so that |
618 | 3353 |
$\llbracket \bderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket$ stays polynomial. %\leq O((\llbracket r\rrbacket)^c)$ |
593 | 3354 |
These terms are similar in the sense that the head of those terms |
3355 |
are all consisted of sub-terms of the form: |
3356 |
$(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{j a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* $. |
618 | 3357 |
For $\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*$, there will be at most |
593 | 3358 |
$n * (n + 1) / 2$ such terms. |
3359 |
For example, $(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*) ^*$'s derivatives |
3360 |
can be described by 6 terms: |
3361 |
$a^*$, $a\cdot (aa)^*$, $ (aa)^*$, |
3362 |
$aa \cdot (aaa)^*$, $a \cdot (aaa)^*$, and $(aaa)^*$. |
532 | 3363 |
The total number of different "head terms", $n * (n + 1) / 2$, |
593 | 3364 |
is proportional to the number of characters in the regex |
618 | 3365 |
$(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$. |
3366 |
If we can improve our deduplication process so that it becomes smarter |
3367 |
and only keep track of these $n * (n+1) /2$ terms, then we can keep |
3368 |
the size growth polynomial again. |
3369 |
This example also suggests a slightly different notion of size, which we call the |
532 | 3370 |
alphabetic width: |
618 | 3371 |
\begin{center} |
3372 |
\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
3373 |
$\textit{awidth} \; \ZERO$ & $\dn$ & $0$\\ |
3374 |
$\textit{awidth} \; \ONE$ & $\dn$ & $0$\\ |
3375 |
$\textit{awidth} \; c$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ |
3376 |
$\textit{awidth} \; r_1 + r_2$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{awidth} \; |
3377 |
r_1 + \textit{awidth} \; r_2$\\ |
3378 |
$\textit{awidth} \; r_1 \cdot r_2$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{awidth} \; |
3379 |
r_1 + \textit{awidth} \; r_2$\\ |
3380 |
$\textit{awidth} \; r^*$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{awidth} \; r$\\ |
3381 |
\end{tabular} |
3382 |
\end{center} |
3383 |
532 | 3384 |
593 | 3385 |
532 | 3386 |
Antimirov\parencite{Antimirov95} has proven that |
618 | 3387 |
$\textit{PDER}_{UNIV}(r) \leq \textit{awidth}(r)$, |
532 | 3388 |
where $\textit{PDER}_{UNIV}(r)$ is a set of all possible subterms |
3389 |
created by doing derivatives of $r$ against all possible strings. |
3390 |
If we can make sure that at any moment in our lexing algorithm our |
3391 |
intermediate result hold at most one copy of each of the |
3392 |
subterms then we can get the same bound as Antimirov's. |
3393 |
This leads to the algorithm in the next chapter. |
3394 |
3395 |
3396 |
3397 |
3398 |
3399 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3400 |
3401 |
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3402 |
3403 |
3404 |
%----------------------------------- |
3405 |
3406 |
%----------------------------------- |
618 | 3407 |
%\subsection{Syntactic Equivalence Under $\simp$} |
more proofreading done, last version before submission
3408 |
%We prove that minor differences can be annihilated |
618 | 3409 |
%by $\simp$. |
3410 |
%For example, |
3411 |
%\begin{center} |
3412 |
% $\simp \;(\simpALTs\; (\map \;(\_\backslash \; x)\; (\distinct \; \mathit{rs}\; \phi))) = |
3413 |
% \simp \;(\simpALTs \;(\distinct \;(\map \;(\_ \backslash\; x) \; \mathit{rs}) \; \phi))$ |
3414 |
%\end{center} |
532 | 3415 |