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% Masters/Doctoral Thesis
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% Class File
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% Version 1.6 (27/8/17)
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% This class was downloaded from:
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% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
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% Authors:
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% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
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% Johannes Böttcher
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% Notes:
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% 1) This class file defines the structure and layout of the template file (main.tex).
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% 2) It has been written in such a way that under most circumstances you should not need
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% to edit it; updating it to a newer version will be harder. If you do make changes, please change the name of
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% the file and add comments to make your changes more visible.
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% Class license:
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% LPPL v1.3c (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl)
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\ProvidesClass{\classname}[2017/08/27 v1.6 LaTeXTemplates.com]
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% Simple interface for the user to customize the chapter titles
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% Addchap provides unnumbered chapters with an entry in the table of contents as well as an updated header
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% If the option `nolistspacing' is given, the spacing in the different lists is reduced to single spacing. This option is only useful, if the spacing of the document has been changed to onehalfspacing or doublespacing.
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\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
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\ofoot{}% Outer footer
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incompatible\MessageBreak with this class}{The pagesyles are defined
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using package `scrlayer-scrpage', please consult the\MessageBreak
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KOMA-script documentation for details.}]{fancyhdr}
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\providecaptionname{english,british,american}{\abbrevname}{List of Abbreviations}
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{}%end alt-abstract
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#1%added to be able to have abstract more than one page long
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{\huge\textit{\abstractname} \par}
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{\normalsize \facname \par}% Faculty name
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{\normalsize \deptname \par}% Department name
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{\normalsize \degreename\par}% Degree name
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{\normalsize\bfseries \@title \par}% Thesis title
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#1%added to be able to have abstract more than one page long
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{\huge\textit{\abstractname} \par}
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{\normalsize \facname \par}% Faculty name
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{\normalsize \deptname \par}% Department name
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{\normalsize \degreename\par}% Degree name
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{\normalsize\bfseries \@title \par}% Thesis title
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{\normalsize \byname{} \authorname \par}% Author name
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\providecaptionname{american,australian,british,canadian,english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish} {\acknowledgementname}{Acknowledgements} % Acknowledgement text for English countries
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\providecaptionname{german,ngerman,austrian,naustrian}{\acknowledgementname}{Danksagung} % Acknowledgement text for Germanic countries
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\newcommand{\authorshipname}{Declaration of Authorship}
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\providecaptionname{american,australian,british,canadian,english,newzealand,UKenglish,USenglish}{\authorshipname}{Declaration of Authorship} % Declaration of Authorship text for English countries
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\providecaptionname{german,ngerman,austrian,naustrian}{\authorshipname}{Eidesstattliche Erkl\"arung} % Declaration of Authorship text for Germanic countries
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m O{\vspace*{.7\textheight} } }{
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\newcommand{\constantsname}{Physical Constants}
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\providecaptionname{english,british,american}{\constantsname}{Physical Constants}
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\providecaptionname{ngerman,german,austrian,naustrian}{\constantsname}{Physikalische Konstanten}
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