1 |
% Chapter Template
2 |
3 |
\chapter{Finiteness Bound} % Main chapter title
4 |
5 |
6 |
% In Chapter 4 \ref{Chapter4} we give the second guarantee
7 |
%of our bitcoded algorithm, that is a finite bound on the size of any
8 |
%regex's derivatives.
9 |
10 |
In this chapter we give a guarantee in terms of time complexity:
11 |
given a regular expression $r$, for any string $s$
12 |
our algorithm's internal data structure is finitely bounded.
13 |
Note that it is not immediately obvious that $\llbracket \bderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket$ (the internal
14 |
data structure used in our $\blexer$)
15 |
is bounded by a constant $N_r$, where $N$ only depends on the regular expression
16 |
$r$, not the string $s$.
17 |
When doing a time complexity analysis of any
18 |
lexer/parser based on Brzozowski derivatives, one needs to take into account that
19 |
not only the "derivative steps".
20 |
21 |
%TODO: get a grpah for internal data structure growing arbitrary large
22 |
23 |
24 |
To obtain such a proof, we need to
25 |
26 |
27 |
Define an new datatype for regular expressions that makes it easy
28 |
to reason about the size of an annotated regular expression.
29 |
30 |
A set of equalities for this new datatype that enables one to
31 |
rewrite $\bderssimp{r_1 \cdot r_2}{s}$ and $\bderssimp{r^*}{s}$ etc.
32 |
by their children regexes $r_1$, $r_2$, and $r$.
33 |
34 |
Using those equalities to actually get those rewriting equations, which we call
35 |
"closed forms".
36 |
37 |
Bound the closed forms, thereby bounding the original
38 |
$\blexersimp$'s internal data structures.
39 |
40 |
41 |
\section{the $\mathbf{r}$-rexp datatype and the size functions}
42 |
43 |
We have a size function for bitcoded regular expressions, written
44 |
$\llbracket r\rrbracket$, which counts the number of nodes if we regard $r$ as a tree
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\ONE \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
49 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\
50 |
$\llbracket _{bs} r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket + 1$\\
51 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\mathbf{c} \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
52 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\sum as \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $\map \; (\llbracket \_ \rrbracket)\; as + 1$\\
53 |
$\llbracket _{bs} a^* \rrbracket $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket + 1$
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
Similarly there is a size function for plain regular expressions:
59 |
60 |
61 |
$\llbracket \ONE \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
62 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\
63 |
$\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\
64 |
$\llbracket \mathbf{c} \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
65 |
$\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p \; + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\
66 |
$\llbracket a^* \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket_p + 1$
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
The idea of obatining a bound for $\llbracket \bderssimp{a}{s} \rrbracket$
72 |
is to get an equivalent form
73 |
of something like $\llbracket \bderssimp{a}{s}\rrbracket = f(a, s)$, where $f(a, s)$
74 |
is easier to estimate than $\llbracket \bderssimp{a}{s}\rrbracket$.
75 |
We notice that while it is not so clear how to obtain
76 |
a metamorphic representation of $\bderssimp{a}{s}$ (as we argued in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2},
77 |
not interleaving the application of the functions $\backslash$ and $\bsimp{\_}$
78 |
in the order as our lexer will result in the bit-codes dispensed differently),
79 |
it is possible to get an slightly different representation of the unlifted versions:
80 |
$ (\bderssimp{a}{s})_\downarrow = (\erase \; \bsimp{a \backslash s})_\downarrow$.
81 |
This suggest setting the bounding function $f(a, s)$ as
82 |
$\llbracket (a \backslash s)_\downarrow \rrbracket_p$, the plain size
83 |
of the erased annotated regular expression.
84 |
This requires the the regular expression accompanied by bitcodes
85 |
to have the same size as its plain counterpart after erasure:
86 |
87 |
$\asize{a} \stackrel{?}{=} \llbracket \erase(a)\rrbracket_p$.
88 |
89 |
90 |
But there is a minor nuisance:
91 |
the erase function unavoidbly messes with the structure of the regular expression,
92 |
due to the discrepancy between annotated regular expression's $\sum$ constructor
93 |
and plain regular expression's $+$ constructor having different arity.
94 |
95 |
96 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum [] $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
97 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum [a]$ & $\dn$ & $a$\\
98 |
$\erase \; _{bs}\sum a :: as$ & $\dn$ & $a + (\erase \; _{[]} \sum as)\quad \text{if $as$ length over 1}$
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
An alternative regular expression with an empty list of children
103 |
is turned into a $\ZERO$ during the
104 |
$\erase$ function, thereby changing the size and structure of the regex.
105 |
Therefore the equality in question does not hold.
106 |
These will likely be fixable if we really want to use plain $\rexp$s for dealing
107 |
with size, but we choose a more straightforward (or stupid) method by
108 |
defining a new datatype that is similar to plain $\rexp$s but can take
109 |
non-binary arguments for its alternative constructor,
110 |
which we call $\rrexp$ to denote
111 |
the difference between it and plain regular expressions.
112 |
\[ \rrexp ::= \RZERO \mid \RONE
113 |
\mid \RCHAR{c}
114 |
\mid \RSEQ{r_1}{r_2}
115 |
\mid \RALTS{rs}
116 |
\mid \RSTAR{r}
117 |
118 |
For $\rrexp$ we throw away the bitcodes on the annotated regular expressions,
119 |
but keep everything else intact.
120 |
It is similar to annotated regular expressions being $\erase$-ed, but with all its structure preserved
121 |
We denote the operation of erasing the bits and turning an annotated regular expression
122 |
into an $\rrexp{}$ as $\rerase{}$.
123 |
124 |
125 |
$\rerase{\ZERO}$ & $\dn$ & $\RZERO$\\
126 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\ONE}$ & $\dn$ & $\RONE$\\
127 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\mathbf{c}}$ & $\dn$ & $\RCHAR{c}$\\
128 |
$\rerase{_{bs}r_1\cdot r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\RSEQ{\rerase{r_1}}{\rerase{r_2}}$\\
129 |
$\rerase{_{bs}\sum as}$ & $\dn$ & $\RALTS{\map \; \rerase{\_} \; as}$\\
130 |
$\rerase{_{bs} a ^*}$ & $\dn$ & $\rerase{a}^*$
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
$\rrexp$ give the exact correspondence between an annotated regular expression
135 |
and its (r-)erased version:
136 |
137 |
$\rsize{\rerase a} = \asize a$
138 |
139 |
140 |
This does not hold for plain $\rexp$s.
141 |
142 |
Similarly we could define the derivative and simplification on
143 |
$\rrexp$, which would be identical to those we defined for plain $\rexp$s in chapter1,
144 |
except that now they can operate on alternatives taking multiple arguments.
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
$(\RALTS{rs})\; \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\RALTS{\map\; (\_ \backslash c) \;rs}$\\
149 |
(other clauses omitted)
150 |
With the new $\rrexp$ datatype in place, one can define its size function,
151 |
which precisely mirrors that of the annotated regular expressions:
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\ONE \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
158 |
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\
159 |
$\llbracket _{bs} r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_r$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_r + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_r + 1$\\
160 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\mathbf{c} \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
161 |
$\llbracket _{bs}\sum as \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $\map \; (\llbracket \_ \rrbracket_r)\; as + 1$\\
162 |
$\llbracket _{bs} a^* \rrbracket_r $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket_r + 1$
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
\subsection{Lexing Related Functions for $\rrexp$}
168 |
Everything else for $\rrexp$ will be precisely the same for annotated expressions,
169 |
except that they do not involve rectifying and augmenting bit-encoded tokenization information.
170 |
As expected, most functions are simpler, such as the derivative:
171 |
172 |
173 |
$(\ZERO)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
174 |
$(\ONE)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ &
175 |
$\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\;
176 |
177 |
$(\sum \;\textit{rs})\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ &
178 |
$\sum\;(\textit{map} \; (\_\backslash_r c) \; rs )$\\
179 |
$(r_1\cdot r_2)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ &
180 |
181 |
& &$\textit{then}\;\sum\,[(r_1\,\backslash_r c)\cdot\,r_2,$\\
182 |
& &$\phantom{\textit{then},\;\sum\,}((r_2\,\backslash_r c))]$\\
183 |
& &$\textit{else}\;\,(r_1\,\backslash_r c)\cdot r_2$\\
184 |
$(r^*)\,\backslash_r c$ & $\dn$ &
185 |
$( r\,\backslash_r c)\cdot
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
The simplification function is simplified without annotation causing superficial differences.
191 |
Duplicate removal without an equivalence relation:
192 |
193 |
194 |
$\rdistinct{[]}{rset} $ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\
195 |
$\rdistinct{r :: rs}{rset}$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}(r \in \textit{rset}) \; \textit{then} \; \rdistinct{rs}{rset}$\\
196 |
& & $\textit{else}\; r::\rdistinct{rs}{(rset \cup \{r\})}$
197 |
198 |
199 |
%TODO: definition of rsimp (maybe only the alternative clause)
200 |
201 |
The prefix $r$ in front of $\rdistinct{}{}$ is used mainly to
202 |
differentiate with $\textit{distinct}$, which is a built-in predicate
203 |
in Isabelle that says all the elements of a list are unique.
204 |
With $\textit{rdistinct}$ one can chain together all the other modules
205 |
of $\bsimp{\_}$ (removing the functionalities related to bit-sequences)
206 |
and get $\textit{rsimp}$ and $\rderssimp{\_}{\_}$.
207 |
We omit these functions, as they are routine. Please refer to the formalisation
208 |
(in file BasicIdentities.thy) for the exact definition.
209 |
With $\rrexp$ the size caclulation of annotated regular expressions'
210 |
simplification and derivatives can be done by the size of their unlifted
211 |
counterpart with the unlifted version of simplification and derivatives applied.
212 |
213 |
The following equalities hold:
214 |
215 |
216 |
$\asize{\bsimp{a}} = \rsize{\rsimp{\rerase{a}}}$
217 |
218 |
$\asize{\bderssimp{r}{s}} = \rsize{\rderssimp{\rerase{r}}{s}}$
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
In the following content, we will focus on $\rrexp$'s size bound.
223 |
We will piece together this bound and show the same bound for annotated regular
224 |
expressions in the end.
225 |
Unless stated otherwise in this chapter all $\textit{rexp}$s without
226 |
bitcodes are seen as $\rrexp$s.
227 |
We also use $r_1 + r_2$ and $\RALTS{[r_1, r_2]}$ interchageably
228 |
as the former suits people's intuitive way of stating a binary alternative
229 |
regular expression.
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
\subsection{Finiteness Proof Using $\rrexp$s}
237 |
Now that we have defined the $\rrexp$ datatype, and proven that its size changes
238 |
w.r.t derivatives and simplifications mirrors precisely those of annotated regular expressions,
239 |
we aim to bound the size of $r \backslash s$ for any $\rrexp$ $r$.
240 |
Once we have a bound like:
241 |
242 |
\llbracket r \backslash_{rsimp} s \rrbracket_r \leq N_r
243 |
244 |
245 |
we could easily extend that to
246 |
247 |
\llbracket a \backslash_{bsimps} s \rrbracket \leq N_r.
248 |
249 |
250 |
\subsection{Roadmap to a Bound for $\textit{Rrexp}$}
251 |
252 |
The way we obtain the bound for $\rrexp$s is by two steps:
253 |
254 |
255 |
First, we rewrite $r\backslash s$ into something else that is easier
256 |
to bound. This step is especially important for the inductive case
257 |
$r_1 \cdot r_2$ and $r^*$, where the derivative can grow and bloat in a wild way,
258 |
but after simplification they will always be equal or smaller to a form consisting of an alternative
259 |
list of regular expressions $f \; (g\; (\sum rs))$ with some functions applied to it, where each element will be distinct after the function application.
260 |
261 |
Then, for such a sum list of regular expressions $f\; (g\; (\sum rs))$, we can control its size
262 |
by estimation, since $\distinctBy$ and $\flts$ are well-behaved and working together would only
263 |
reduce the size of a regular expression, not adding to it.
264 |
265 |
266 |
\section{Step One: Closed Forms}
267 |
We transform the function application $\rderssimp{r}{s}$
268 |
into an equivalent form $f\; (g \; (\sum rs))$.
269 |
The functions $f$ and $g$ can be anything from $\flts$, $\distinctBy$ and other helper functions from $\bsimp{\_}$.
270 |
This way we get a different but equivalent way of expressing : $r\backslash s = f \; (g\; (\sum rs))$, we call the
271 |
right hand side the "closed form" of $r\backslash s$.
272 |
\subsection{Basic Properties needed for Closed Forms}
273 |
274 |
\subsubsection{$\textit{rdistinct}$'s Deduplicates Successfully}
275 |
The $\textit{rdistinct}$ function, as its name suggests, will
276 |
remove duplicates in an \emph{r}$\textit{rexp}$ list,
277 |
according to the accumulator
278 |
and leave only one of each different element in a list:
279 |
280 |
The function $\textit{rdistinct}$ satisfies the following
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
If $a \in acc$ then $a \notin (\rdistinct{rs}{acc})$.
285 |
286 |
If list $rs'$ is the result of $\rdistinct{rs}{acc}$,
287 |
All the elements in $rs'$ are unique.
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
The first part is by an induction on $rs$.
292 |
The second part can be proven by using the
293 |
induction rules of $\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$.
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
$\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$ will cancel out all regular expression terms
299 |
that are in the accumulator, therefore prepending a list $rs_a$ with an arbitrary
300 |
list $rs$ whose elements are all from the accumulator, and then call $\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$
301 |
on the resulting list, the output will be as if we had called $\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$
302 |
without the prepending of $rs$:
303 |
304 |
The elements appearing in the accumulator will always be removed.
305 |
More precisely,
306 |
307 |
308 |
If $rs \subseteq rset$, then
309 |
$\rdistinct{rs@rsa }{acc} = \rdistinct{rsa }{acc}$.
310 |
311 |
Furthermore, if $a \in rset$ and $\rdistinct{rs}{\{a\}} = []$,
312 |
then $\rdistinct{(rs @ rs')}{rset} = \rdistinct{rs'}{rset}$
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
By induction on $rs$.
318 |
319 |
320 |
On the other hand, if an element $r$ does not appear in the input list waiting to be deduplicated,
321 |
then expanding the accumulator to include that element will not cause the output list to change:
322 |
323 |
The accumulator can be augmented to include elements not appearing in the input list,
324 |
and the output will not change.
325 |
326 |
327 |
If $r \notin rs$, then $\rdistinct{rs}{acc} = \rdistinct{rs}{\{r\} \cup acc}$.
328 |
329 |
Particularly, when $acc = \varnothing$ and $rs$ de-duplicated, we have\\
330 |
\[ \rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} = rs \]
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
The first half is by induction on $rs$. The second half is a corollary of the first.
335 |
336 |
337 |
The next property gives the condition for
338 |
when $\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$ becomes an identical mapping
339 |
for any prefix of an input list, in other words, when can
340 |
we ``push out" the arguments of $\rdistinct{\_}{\_}$:
341 |
342 |
If $\textit{isDistinct} \; rs_1$, and $rs_1 \cap acc = \varnothing$,
343 |
then it can be taken out and left untouched in the output:
344 |
\[\textit{rdistinct}\; (rs_1 @ rsa)\;\, acc
345 |
= rs_1@(\textit{rdistinct} rsa \; (acc \cup rs_1))\]
346 |
347 |
348 |
The predicate $\textit{isDistinct}$ is for testing
349 |
whether a list's elements are all unique. It is defined
350 |
recursively on the structure of a regular expression,
351 |
and we omit the precise definition here.
352 |
353 |
By an induction on $rs_1$, where $rsa$ and $acc$ are allowed to be arbitrary.
354 |
355 |
356 |
$\rdistinct{}{}$ removes any element in anywhere of a list, if it
357 |
had appeared previously:
358 |
359 |
The two properties hold if $r \in rs$:
360 |
361 |
362 |
$\rdistinct{rs}{rset} = \rdistinct{(rs @ [r])}{rset}$
363 |
364 |
$\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ [ab])}{rset'} = \rdistinct{(ab :: rs)}{rset'}$
365 |
366 |
$\rdistinct{ (rs @ rs') }{rset} = \rdistinct{rs @ [r] @ rs'}{rset}$
367 |
368 |
$\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ [ab] @ rs'')}{rset'} =
369 |
\rdistinct{(ab :: rs @ rs'')}{rset'}$
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
By induction on $rs$. All other variables are allowed to be arbitrary.
375 |
The second half of the lemma requires the first half.
376 |
Note that for each half's two sub-propositions need to be proven concurrently,
377 |
so that the induction goes through.
378 |
379 |
380 |
\subsubsection{The Properties of $\backslash_r$, $\backslash_{rsimp}$, $\textit{Rflts}$ and $\textit{Rsimp}_{ALTS}$}
381 |
We give in this subsection some properties of how $\backslash_r$, $\backslash_{rsimp}$, $\textit{Rflts}$ and $\textit{Rsimp}_{ALTS} $ interact with each other and with $@$, the concatenation operator.
382 |
These will be helpful in later closed form proofs, when
383 |
we want to transform the ways in which multiple functions involving
384 |
those are composed together
385 |
in interleaving derivative and simplification steps.
386 |
387 |
When the function $\textit{Rflts}$
388 |
is applied to the concatenation of two lists, the output can be calculated by first applying the
389 |
functions on two lists separately, and then concatenating them together.
390 |
391 |
The function $\rflts$ has the below properties:\\
392 |
393 |
394 |
$\rflts \; (rs_1 @ rs_2) = \rflts \; rs_1 @ \rflts \; rs_2$
395 |
396 |
If $r \neq \RZERO$ and $\nexists rs_1. r = \RALTS{rs}_1$, then $\rflts \; (r::rs) = r :: \rflts \; rs$
397 |
398 |
$\rflts \; (rs @ [\RZERO]) = \rflts \; rs$
399 |
400 |
$\rflts \; (rs' @ [\RALTS{rs}]) = \rflts \; rs'@rs$
401 |
402 |
$\rflts \; (rs @ [\RONE]) = \rflts \; rs @ [\RONE]$
403 |
404 |
If $r \neq \RZERO$ and $\nexists rs'. r = \RALTS{rs'}$ then $\rflts \; (rs @ [r])
405 |
= (\rflts \; rs) @ [r]$
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
By induction on $rs_1$ in the first part, and induction on $r$ in the second part,
411 |
and induction on $rs$, $rs'$ in the third and fourth sub-lemma.
412 |
413 |
\subsubsection{The $RL$ Function: Language Interpretation of $\textit{Rrexp}$s}
414 |
Much like the definition of $L$ on plain regular expressions, one could also
415 |
define the language interpretation of $\rrexp$s.
416 |
417 |
418 |
$RL \; (\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\phi$\\
419 |
$RL \; (\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\{[]\}$\\
420 |
$RL \; (c)$ & $\dn$ & $\{[c]\}$\\
421 |
$RL \; \sum rs$ & $\dn$ & $ \bigcup_{r \in rs} (RL \; r)$\\
422 |
$RL \; (r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ RL \; (r_1) @ RL \; (r_2)$\\
423 |
$RL \; (r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $ (RL(r))^*$
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
The main use of $RL$ is to establish some connections between $\rsimp{}$
428 |
and $\rnullable{}$:
429 |
430 |
The following properties hold:
431 |
432 |
433 |
If $\rnullable{r}$, then $\rsimp{r} \neq \RZERO$.
434 |
435 |
$\rnullable{r \backslash s} \quad $ if and only if $\quad \rnullable{\rderssimp{r}{s}}$.
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
The first part is by induction on $r$.
440 |
The second part is true because property
441 |
\[ RL \; r = RL \; (\rsimp{r})\] holds.
442 |
443 |
444 |
\subsubsection{$\rsimp{}$ is Non-Increasing}
445 |
In this subsection, we prove that the function $\rsimp{}$ does not
446 |
make the $\llbracket \rrbracket_r$ size increase.
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
$\llbracket \rsimp{r} \rrbracket_r \leq \llbracket r \rrbracket_r$
451 |
452 |
\subsubsection{Simplified $\textit{Rrexp}$s are Good}
453 |
We formalise the notion of ``good" regular expressions,
454 |
which means regular expressions that
455 |
are not fully simplified. For alternative regular expressions that means they
456 |
do not contain any nested alternatives like
457 |
\[ r_1 + (r_2 + r_3) \], un-removed $\RZERO$s like \[\RZERO + r\]
458 |
or duplicate elements in a children regular expression list like \[ \sum [r, r, \ldots]\]:
459 |
460 |
461 |
$\good\; \RZERO$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{false}$\\
462 |
$\good\; \RONE$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{true}$\\
463 |
$\good\; \RCHAR{c}$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\
464 |
$\good\; \RALTS{[]}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
465 |
$\good\; \RALTS{[r]}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
466 |
$\good\; \RALTS{r_1 :: r_2 :: rs}$ & $\dn$ &
467 |
$\textit{isDistinct} \; (r_1 :: r_2 :: rs) \;$\\
468 |
& & $\textit{and}\; (\forall r' \in (r_1 :: r_2 :: rs).\; \good \; r'\; \, \textit{and}\; \, \textit{nonAlt}\; r')$\\
469 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{\RZERO}{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
470 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{\RONE}{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
471 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{r}{\RZERO}$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
472 |
$\good \; \RSEQ{r_1}{r_2}$ & $\dn$ & $\good \; r_1 \;\, \textit{and} \;\, \good \; r_2$\\
473 |
$\good \; \RSTAR{r}$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
The predicate $\textit{nonAlt}$ evaluates to true when the regular expression is not an
478 |
alternative, and false otherwise.
479 |
The $\good$ property is preserved under $\rsimp_{ALTS}$, provided that
480 |
its non-empty argument list of expressions are all good themsleves, and $\textit{nonAlt}$,
481 |
and unique:
482 |
483 |
If $rs \neq []$ and forall $r \in rs. \textit{nonAlt} \; r$ and $\textit{isDistinct} \; rs$,
484 |
then $\good \; (\rsimpalts \; rs)$ if and only if forall $r \in rs. \; \good \; r$.
485 |
486 |
487 |
We also note that
488 |
if a regular expression $r$ is good, then $\rflts$ on the singleton
489 |
list $[r]$ will not break goodness:
490 |
491 |
If $\good \; r$, then forall $r' \in \rflts \; [r]. \; \good \; r'$ and $\textit{nonAlt} \; r'$.
492 |
493 |
494 |
By an induction on $r$.
495 |
496 |
497 |
The other observation we make about $\rsimp{r}$ is that it never
498 |
comes with nested alternatives, which we describe as the $\nonnested$
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum []$ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$\\
503 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum ((\sum rs_1) :: rs_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\bfalse$\\
504 |
$\nonnested \; \, \sum (r :: rs)$ & $\dn$ & $\nonnested (\sum rs)$\\
505 |
$\nonnested \; \, r $ & $\dn$ & $\btrue$
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 |
The $\rflts$ function
510 |
always opens up nested alternatives,
511 |
which enables $\rsimp$ to be non-nested:
512 |
513 |
514 |
$\nonnested \; (\rsimp{r})$
515 |
516 |
517 |
By an induction on $r$.
518 |
519 |
520 |
With this we could prove that a regular expressions
521 |
after simplification and flattening and de-duplication,
522 |
will not contain any alternative regular expression directly:
523 |
524 |
If $x \in \rdistinct{\rflts\; (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs)}{\varnothing}$
525 |
then $\textit{nonAlt} \; x$.
526 |
527 |
528 |
By \ref{nonnestedRsimp}.
529 |
530 |
531 |
The other thing we know is that once $\rsimp{}$ had finished
532 |
processing an alternative regular expression, it will not
533 |
contain any $\RZERO$s, this is because all the recursive
534 |
calls to the simplification on the children regular expressions
535 |
make the children good, and $\rflts$ will not take out
536 |
any $\RZERO$s out of a good regular expression list,
537 |
and $\rdistinct{}$ will not mess with the result.
538 |
539 |
The following are true:
540 |
541 |
542 |
If for all $r \in rs. \, \good \; r $ or $r = \RZERO$,
543 |
then for all $r \in \rflts\; rs. \, \good \; r$.
544 |
545 |
If $x \in \rdistinct{\rflts\; (\map \; rsimp{}\; rs)}{\varnothing}$
546 |
and for all $y$ such that $\llbracket y \rrbracket_r$ less than
547 |
$\llbracket rs \rrbracket_r + 1$, either
548 |
$\good \; (\rsimp{y})$ or $\rsimp{y} = \RZERO$,
549 |
then $\good \; x$.
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
The first part is by induction on $rs$, where the induction
554 |
rule is the inductive cases for $\rflts$.
555 |
The second part is a corollary from the first part.
556 |
557 |
558 |
And this leads to good structural property of $\rsimp{}$,
559 |
that after simplification, a regular expression is
560 |
either good or $\RZERO$:
561 |
562 |
For any r-regular expression $r$, $\good \; \rsimp{r}$ or $\rsimp{r} = \RZERO$.
563 |
564 |
565 |
By an induction on $r$. The inductive measure is the size $\llbracket \rrbracket_r$.
566 |
Lemma \ref{rsimpSize} says that
567 |
$\llbracket \rsimp{r}\rrbracket_r$ is smaller than or equal to
568 |
$\llbracket r \rrbracket_r$.
569 |
Therefore, in the $r_1 \cdot r_2$ and $\sum rs$ case,
570 |
Inductive hypothesis applies to the children regular expressions
571 |
$r_1$, $r_2$, etc. The lemma \ref{flts3Obv}'s precondition is satisfied
572 |
by that as well.
573 |
The lemmas \ref{nonnestedRsimp} and \ref{nonaltFltsRd} are used
574 |
to ensure that goodness is preserved at the topmost level.
575 |
576 |
We shall prove that any good regular expression is
577 |
a fixed-point for $\rsimp{}$.
578 |
First we prove an auxiliary lemma:
579 |
580 |
If $\good \; \sum rs$, then $\rflts\; rs = rs$.
581 |
582 |
583 |
By an induction on $\sum rs$. The inductive rules are the cases
584 |
for $\good$.
585 |
586 |
587 |
Now we are ready to prove that good regular expressions are invariant
588 |
of $\rsimp{}$ application:
589 |
590 |
If $\good \;r$ then $\rsimp{r} = r$.
591 |
592 |
593 |
By an induction on the inductive cases of $\good$.
594 |
The lemma \ref{goodaltsNonalt} is used in the alternative
595 |
case where 2 or more elements are present in the list.
596 |
597 |
598 |
\subsubsection{$\rsimp$ is Idempotent}
599 |
The idempotency of $\rsimp$ is very useful in
600 |
manipulating regular expression terms into desired
601 |
forms so that key steps allowing further rewriting to closed forms
602 |
are possible.
603 |
604 |
$\rsimp{r} = \rsimp{\rsimp{r}}$
605 |
606 |
607 |
608 |
By \ref{test} and \ref{good1}.
609 |
610 |
611 |
This property means we do not have to repeatedly
612 |
apply simplification in each step, which justifies
613 |
our definition of $\blexersimp$.
614 |
615 |
616 |
On the other hand, we could repeat the same $\rsimp{}$ applications
617 |
on regular expressions as many times as we want, if we have at least
618 |
one simplification applied to it, and apply it wherever we would like to:
619 |
620 |
$\map \; \rsimp{(r :: rs)} = \map \; \rsimp{} \; (\rsimp{r} :: rs)$
621 |
622 |
623 |
This will be useful in later closed form proof's rewriting steps.
624 |
Similarly, we point out the following useful facts below:
625 |
626 |
The following equalities hold if $r = \rsimp{r'}$ for some $r'$:
627 |
628 |
629 |
If $r = \sum rs$ then $\rsimpalts \; rs = \sum rs$.
630 |
631 |
If $r = \sum rs$ then $\rdistinct{rs}{\varnothing} = rs$.
632 |
633 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\rdistinct{\rflts \; [r]}{\varnothing}) = r$.
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
By application of \ref{rsimpIdem} and \ref{good1}.
638 |
639 |
640 |
641 |
With the idempotency of $\rsimp{}$ and its corollaries,
642 |
we can start proving some key equalities leading to the
643 |
closed forms.
644 |
Now presented are a few equivalent terms under $\rsimp{}$.
645 |
We use $r_1 \sequal r_2 $ here to denote $\rsimp{r_1} = \rsimp{r_2}$.
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 |
$\rsimpalts \; (\RZERO :: rs) \sequal \rsimpalts\; rs$
650 |
651 |
$\rsimpalts \; rs \sequal \rsimpalts (\map \; \rsimp{} \; rs)$
652 |
653 |
$\RALTS{\RALTS{rs}} \sequal \RALTS{rs}$
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 |
We need more equalities like the above to enable a closed form,
658 |
but to proceed we need to introduce two rewrite relations,
659 |
to make things smoother.
660 |
\subsubsection{The rewrite relation $\hrewrite$ and $\grewrite$}
661 |
Insired by the success we had in the correctness proof
662 |
in \ref{Bitcoded2}, where we invented
663 |
a term rewriting system to capture the similarity between terms
664 |
and prove equivalence, we follow suit here defining simplification
665 |
steps as rewriting steps.
666 |
The presentation will be more concise than that in \ref{Bitcoded2}.
667 |
To differentiate between the rewriting steps for annotated regular expressions
668 |
and $\rrexp$s, we add characters $h$ and $g$ below the squig arrow symbol
669 |
to mean atomic simplification transitions
670 |
of $\rrexp$s and $\rrexp$ lists, respectively.
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
List of 1-step rewrite rules for regular expressions simplification without bitcodes:
675 |
676 |
\caption{the "h-rewrite" rules}
677 |
678 |
r_1 \cdot \ZERO \rightarrow_h \ZERO \]
679 |
680 |
681 |
\ZERO \cdot r_2 \rightarrow \ZERO
682 |
683 |
684 |
And we define an "grewrite" relation that works on lists:
685 |
686 |
687 |
$ \ZERO :: rs$ & $\rightarrow_g$ & $rs$
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 |
693 |
With these relations we prove
694 |
695 |
$rs \rightarrow rs' \implies \RALTS{rs} \rightarrow \RALTS{rs'}$
696 |
697 |
which enables us to prove "closed forms" equalities such as
698 |
699 |
$\sflat{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s} = \RALTS{ (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map (r_2 \backslash \_) (\suffix \; s \; r_1 ))}$
700 |
701 |
702 |
But the most involved part of the above lemma is proving the following:
703 |
704 |
$\bsimp{\RALTS{rs @ \RALTS{rs_1} @ rs'}} = \bsimp{\RALTS{rs @rs_1 @ rs'}} $
705 |
706 |
which is needed in proving things like
707 |
708 |
$r \rightarrow_f r' \implies \rsimp{r} \rightarrow \rsimp{r'}$
709 |
710 |
711 |
Fortunately this is provable by induction on the list $rs$
712 |
713 |
\subsection{A Closed Form for the Sequence Regular Expression}
714 |
715 |
Claim: For regular expressions $r_1 \cdot r_2$, we claim that
716 |
717 |
$ \rderssimp{r_1 \cdot r_2}{s} =
718 |
\rsimp{(\sum (r_1 \backslash s \cdot r_2 ) \; :: \;(\map \; \rderssimp{r2}{\_} \;(\vsuf{s}{r_1})))}$
719 |
720 |
721 |
722 |
723 |
Before we get to the proof that says the intermediate result of our lexer will
724 |
remain finitely bounded, which is an important efficiency/liveness guarantee,
725 |
we shall first develop a few preparatory properties and definitions to
726 |
make the process of proving that a breeze.
727 |
728 |
We define rewriting relations for $\rrexp$s, which allows us to do the
729 |
same trick as we did for the correctness proof,
730 |
but this time we will have stronger equalities established.
731 |
732 |
733 |
\section{Estimating the Closed Forms' sizes}
734 |
735 |
The closed form $f\; (g\; (\sum rs)) $ is controlled
736 |
by the size of $rs'$, where every element in $rs'$ is distinct, and each element can be described by som e inductive sub-structures (for example when $r = r_1 \cdot r_2$ then $rs'$ will be solely comprised of $r_1 \backslash s'$ and $r_2 \backslash s''$, $s'$ and $s''$ being sub-strings of $s$), which will have a numeric uppder bound according to inductive hypothesis, which controls $r \backslash s$.
737 |
738 |
739 |
740 |
741 |
742 |
For any regex $r$, $\exists N_r. \forall s. \; \llbracket{\bderssimp{r}{s}}\rrbracket \leq N_r$
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
We prove this by induction on $r$. The base cases for $\AZERO$,
748 |
$\AONE \textit{bs}$ and $\ACHAR \textit{bs} c$ are straightforward. The interesting case is
749 |
for sequences of the form $\ASEQ{bs}{r_1}{r_2}$. In this case our induction
750 |
hypotheses state $\exists N_1. \forall s. \; \llbracket \bderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket \leq N_1$ and
751 |
$\exists N_2. \forall s. \; \llbracket \bderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket \leq N_2$. We can reason as follows
752 |
753 |
754 |
755 |
& & $ \llbracket \bderssimp{\ASEQ{bs}{r_1}{r_2} }{s} \rrbracket$\\
756 |
& $ = $ & $\llbracket bsimp\,(\textit{ALTs}\;bs\;(\ASEQ{nil}{\bderssimp{ r_1}{s}}{ r_2} ::
757 |
[\bderssimp{ r_2}{s'} \;|\; s' \in \textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)]))\rrbracket $ & (1) \\
758 |
& $\leq$ &
759 |
$\llbracket\textit{\distinctWith}\,((\ASEQ{nil}{\bderssimp{r_1}{s}}{r_2}$) ::
760 |
[$\bderssimp{ r_2}{s'} \;|\; s' \in \textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)])\,\approx\;{}\rrbracket + 1 $ & (2) \\
761 |
& $\leq$ & $\llbracket\ASEQ{bs}{\bderssimp{ r_1}{s}}{r_2}\rrbracket +
762 |
\llbracket\textit{distinctWith}\,[\bderssimp{r_2}{s'} \;|\; s' \in \textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)]\,\approx\;{}\rrbracket + 1 $ & (3) \\
763 |
& $\leq$ & $N_1 + \llbracket r_2\rrbracket + 2 +
764 |
\llbracket \distinctWith\,[ \bderssimp{r_2}{s'} \;|\; s' \in \textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)] \,\approx\;\rrbracket$ & (4)\\
765 |
& $\leq$ & $N_1 + \llbracket r_2\rrbracket + 2 + l_{N_{2}} * N_{2}$ & (5)
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
771 |
where in (1) the $\textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)$ are the all the suffixes of $s$ where $\bderssimp{ r_1}{s'}$ is nullable ($s'$ being a suffix of $s$).
772 |
The reason why we could write the derivatives of a sequence this way is described in section 2.
773 |
The term (2) is used to control (1).
774 |
That is because one can obtain an overall
775 |
smaller regex list
776 |
by flattening it and removing $\ZERO$s first before applying $\distinctWith$ on it.
777 |
Section 3 is dedicated to its proof.
778 |
In (3) we know that $\llbracket \ASEQ{bs}{(\bderssimp{ r_1}{s}}{r_2}\rrbracket$ is
779 |
bounded by $N_1 + \llbracket{}r_2\rrbracket + 1$. In (5) we know the list comprehension contains only regular expressions of size smaller
780 |
than $N_2$. The list length after $\distinctWith$ is bounded by a number, which we call $l_{N_2}$. It stands
781 |
for the number of distinct regular expressions smaller than $N_2$ (there can only be finitely many of them).
782 |
We reason similarly for $\STAR$.\medskip
783 |
784 |
785 |
What guarantee does this bound give us?
786 |
787 |
Whatever the regex is, it will not grow indefinitely.
788 |
Take our previous example $(a + aa)^*$ as an example:
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
xlabel={number of $a$'s},
794 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
795 |
ylabel={regex size},
796 |
797 |
798 |
799 |
ymax= 40,
800 |
801 |
scaled ticks=false,
802 |
axis lines=left,
803 |
804 |
805 |
legend entries={$(a + aa)^*$},
806 |
legend pos=north west,
807 |
legend cell align=left]
808 |
\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {a_aa_star.data};
809 |
810 |
811 |
812 |
813 |
We are able to limit the size of the regex $(a + aa)^*$'s derivatives
814 |
with our simplification
815 |
rules very effectively.
816 |
817 |
818 |
In our proof for the inductive case $r_1 \cdot r_2$, the dominant term in the bound
819 |
is $l_{N_2} * N_2$, where $N_2$ is the bound we have for $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket$.
820 |
Given that $l_{N_2}$ is roughly the size $4^{N_2}$, the size bound $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_1 \cdot r_2}{s} \rrbracket$
821 |
inflates the size bound of $\llbracket \bderssimp{r_2}{s} \rrbracket$ with the function
822 |
$f(x) = x * 2^x$.
823 |
This means the bound we have will surge up at least
824 |
tower-exponentially with a linear increase of the depth.
825 |
For a regex of depth $n$, the bound
826 |
would be approximately $4^n$.
827 |
828 |
Test data in the graphs from randomly generated regular expressions
829 |
shows that the giant bounds are far from being hit.
830 |
%a few sample regular experessions' derivatives
831 |
%size change
832 |
%TODO: giving regex1_size_change.data showing a few regexes' size changes
833 |
%w;r;t the input characters number, where the size is usually cubic in terms of original size
834 |
%a*, aa*, aaa*, .....
835 |
%randomly generated regexes
836 |
837 |
838 |
839 |
840 |
xlabel={number of $a$'s},
841 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
842 |
ylabel={regex size},
843 |
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
848 |
scaled ticks=false,
849 |
axis lines=left,
850 |
851 |
852 |
legend entries={regex1},
853 |
legend pos=north west,
854 |
legend cell align=left]
855 |
\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {regex1_size_change.data};
856 |
857 |
858 |
859 |
860 |
861 |
862 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
863 |
%ylabel={time in secs},
864 |
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
869 |
scaled ticks=false,
870 |
axis lines=left,
871 |
872 |
873 |
legend entries={regex2},
874 |
legend pos=north west,
875 |
legend cell align=left]
876 |
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {regex2_size_change.data};
877 |
878 |
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}},
884 |
%ylabel={time in secs},
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
890 |
scaled ticks=false,
891 |
axis lines=left,
892 |
893 |
894 |
legend entries={regex3},
895 |
legend pos=north west,
896 |
legend cell align=left]
897 |
\addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {regex3_size_change.data};
898 |
899 |
900 |
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Graphs: size change of 3 randomly generated regexes $w.r.t.$ input string length.}
901 |
902 |
903 |
904 |
905 |
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
Most of the regex's sizes seem to stay within a polynomial bound $w.r.t$ the
910 |
original size.
911 |
This suggests a link towrads "partial derivatives"
912 |
introduced by Antimirov \cite{Antimirov95}.
913 |
914 |
\section{Antimirov's partial derivatives}
915 |
The idea behind Antimirov's partial derivatives
916 |
is to do derivatives in a similar way as suggested by Brzozowski,
917 |
but maintain a set of regular expressions instead of a single one:
918 |
919 |
%TODO: antimirov proposition 3.1, needs completion
920 |
921 |
922 |
$\partial_x(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\partial_x(a) \cup \partial_x(b)$\\
923 |
$\partial_x(\ONE)$ & $=$ & $\phi$
924 |
925 |
926 |
927 |
Rather than joining the calculated derivatives $\partial_x a$ and $\partial_x b$ together
928 |
using the alternatives constructor, Antimirov cleverly chose to put them into
929 |
a set instead. This breaks the terms in a derivative regular expression up,
930 |
allowing us to understand what are the "atomic" components of it.
931 |
For example, To compute what regular expression $x^*(xx + y)^*$'s
932 |
derivative against $x$ is made of, one can do a partial derivative
933 |
of it and get two singleton sets $\{x^* \cdot (xx + y)^*\}$ and $\{x \cdot (xx + y) ^* \}$
934 |
from $\partial_x(x^*) \cdot (xx + y) ^*$ and $\partial_x((xx + y)^*)$.
935 |
To get all the "atomic" components of a regular expression's possible derivatives,
936 |
there is a procedure Antimirov called $\textit{lf}$, short for "linear forms", that takes
937 |
whatever character is available at the head of the string inside the language of a
938 |
regular expression, and gives back the character and the derivative regular expression
939 |
as a pair (which he called "monomial"):
940 |
941 |
942 |
$\lf(\ONE)$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
943 |
$\lf(c)$ & $=$ & $\{(c, \ONE) \}$\\
944 |
$\lf(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\lf(a) \cup \lf(b)$\\
945 |
$\lf(r^*)$ & $=$ & $\lf(r) \bigodot \lf(r^*)$\\
946 |
947 |
948 |
%TODO: completion
949 |
950 |
There is a slight difference in the last three clauses compared
951 |
with $\partial$: instead of a dot operator $ \textit{rset} \cdot r$ that attaches the regular
952 |
expression $r$ with every element inside $\textit{rset}$ to create a set of
953 |
sequence derivatives, it uses the "circle dot" operator $\bigodot$ which operates
954 |
on a set of monomials (which Antimirov called "linear form") and a regular
955 |
expression, and returns a linear form:
956 |
957 |
958 |
$l \bigodot (\ZERO)$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
959 |
$l \bigodot (\ONE)$ & $=$ & $l$\\
960 |
$\phi \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
961 |
$\{ (x, \ZERO) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,\ZERO) \}$\\
962 |
$\{ (x, \ONE) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,t) \}$\\
963 |
$\{ (x, p) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,p\cdot t) \}$\\
964 |
$\lf(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\lf(a) \cup \lf(b)$\\
965 |
$\lf(r^*)$ & $=$ & $\lf(r) \cdot \lf(r^*)$\\
966 |
967 |
968 |
%TODO: completion
969 |
970 |
Some degree of simplification is applied when doing $\bigodot$, for example,
971 |
$l \bigodot (\ZERO) = \phi$ corresponds to $r \cdot \ZERO \rightsquigarrow \ZERO$,
972 |
and $l \bigodot (\ONE) = l$ to $l \cdot \ONE \rightsquigarrow l$, and
973 |
$\{ (x, \ZERO) \} \bigodot t = \{(x,\ZERO) \}$ to $\ZERO \cdot x \rightsquigarrow \ZERO$,
974 |
and so on.
975 |
976 |
With the function $\lf$ one can compute all possible partial derivatives $\partial_{UNIV}(r)$ of a regex $r$ with
977 |
an iterative procedure:
978 |
979 |
980 |
$\textit{while}$ & $(\Delta_i \neq \phi)$ & & \\
981 |
& $\Delta_{i+1}$ & $ =$ & $\lf(\Delta_i) - \PD_i$ \\
982 |
& $\PD_{i+1}$ & $ =$ & $\Delta_{i+1} \cup \PD_i$ \\
983 |
$\partial_{UNIV}(r)$ & $=$ & $\PD$ &
984 |
985 |
986 |
987 |
988 |
$(r_1 + r_2) \cdot r_3 \longrightarrow (r_1 \cdot r_3) + (r_2 \cdot r_3)$,
989 |
990 |
991 |
However, if we introduce them in our
992 |
setting we would lose the POSIX property of our calculated values.
993 |
A simple example for this would be the regex $(a + a\cdot b)\cdot(b\cdot c + c)$.
994 |
If we split this regex up into $a\cdot(b\cdot c + c) + a\cdot b \cdot (b\cdot c + c)$, the lexer
995 |
would give back $\Left(\Seq(\Char(a), \Left(\Char(b \cdot c))))$ instead of
996 |
what we want: $\Seq(\Right(ab), \Right(c))$. Unless we can store the structural information
997 |
in all the places where a transformation of the form $(r_1 + r_2)\cdot r \rightarrow r_1 \cdot r + r_2 \cdot r$
998 |
occurs, and apply them in the right order once we get
999 |
a result of the "aggressively simplified" regex, it would be impossible to still get a $\POSIX$ value.
1000 |
This is unlike the simplification we had before, where the rewriting rules
1001 |
such as $\ONE \cdot r \rightsquigarrow r$, under which our lexer will give the same value.
1002 |
We will discuss better
1003 |
bounds in the last section of this chapter.\\[-6.5mm]
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |
1012 |
\section{"Closed Forms" of regular expressions' derivatives w.r.t strings}
1013 |
To embark on getting the "closed forms" of regexes, we first
1014 |
define a few auxiliary definitions to make expressing them smoothly.
1015 |
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
$\sflataux{\AALTS{ }{r :: rs}}$ & $=$ & $\sflataux{r} @ rs$\\
1019 |
$\sflataux{\AALTS{ }{[]}}$ & $ = $ & $ []$\\
1020 |
$\sflataux r$ & $=$ & $ [r]$
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
The intuition behind $\sflataux{\_}$ is to break up nested regexes
1024 |
of the $(\ldots((r_1 + r_2) + r_3) + \ldots )$(left-associated) shape
1025 |
into a more "balanced" list: $\AALTS{\_}{[r_1,\, r_2 ,\, r_3, \ldots]}$.
1026 |
It will return the singleton list $[r]$ otherwise.
1027 |
1028 |
$\sflat{\_}$ works the same as $\sflataux{\_}$, except that it keeps
1029 |
the output type a regular expression, not a list:
1030 |
1031 |
1032 |
$\sflat{\AALTS{ }{r :: rs}}$ & $=$ & $\sflataux{r} @ rs$\\
1033 |
$\sflat{\AALTS{ }{[]}}$ & $ = $ & $ \AALTS{ }{[]}$\\
1034 |
$\sflat r$ & $=$ & $ [r]$
1035 |
1036 |
1037 |
$\sflataux{\_}$ and $\sflat{\_}$ is only recursive in terms of the
1038 |
first element of the list of children of
1039 |
an alternative regex ($\AALTS{ }{rs}$), and is purposefully built for dealing with the regular expression
1040 |
$r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash s$.
1041 |
1042 |
With $\sflat{\_}$ and $\sflataux{\_}$ we make
1043 |
precise what "closed forms" we have for the sequence derivatives and their simplifications,
1044 |
in other words, how can we construct $(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s$
1045 |
and $\bderssimp{(r_1\cdot r_2)}{s}$,
1046 |
if we are only allowed to use a combination of $r_1 \backslash s'$ ($\bderssimp{r_1}{s'}$)
1047 |
and $r_2 \backslash s'$ ($\bderssimp{r_2}{s'}$), where $s'$ ranges over
1048 |
the substring of $s$?
1049 |
First let's look at a series of derivatives steps on a sequence
1050 |
regular expression, (assuming) that each time the first
1051 |
component of the sequence is always nullable):
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
$r_1 \cdot r_2 \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c} \quad r_1 \backslash c \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c'} \quad (r_1 \backslash cc' \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c') + r_2 \backslash cc' \longrightarrow_{\backslash c''} \quad$\\
1055 |
$((r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c'') + r_2 \backslash c'c'') + r_2 \backslash cc'c'' \longrightarrow_{\backslash c''} \quad
1056 |
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
%TODO: cite indian paper
1060 |
Indianpaper have come up with a slightly more formal way of putting the above process:
1061 |
1062 |
$r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash (c_1 :: c_2 ::\ldots c_n) \myequiv r_1 \backslash (c_1 :: c_2:: \ldots c_n) +
1063 |
\delta(\nullable(r_1 \backslash (c_1 :: c_2 \ldots c_{n-1}) ), r_2 \backslash (c_n)) + \ldots
1064 |
+ \delta (\nullable(r_1), r_2\backslash (c_1 :: c_2 ::\ldots c_n))$
1065 |
1066 |
where $\delta(b, r)$ will produce $r$
1067 |
if $b$ evaluates to true,
1068 |
and $\ZERO$ otherwise.
1069 |
1070 |
But the $\myequiv$ sign in the above equation means language equivalence instead of syntactical
1071 |
equivalence. To make this intuition useful
1072 |
for a formal proof, we need something
1073 |
stronger than language equivalence.
1074 |
With the help of $\sflat{\_}$ we can state the equation in Indianpaper
1075 |
more rigorously:
1076 |
1077 |
$\sflat{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s} = \RALTS{ (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map (r_2 \backslash \_) (\vsuf{s}{r_1}))}$
1078 |
1079 |
1080 |
The function $\vsuf{\_}{\_}$ is defined recursively on the structure of the string:
1081 |
1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
$\vsuf{[]}{\_} $ & $=$ & $[]$\\
1085 |
$\vsuf{c::cs}{r_1}$ & $ =$ & $ \textit{if} (\rnullable{r_1}) \textit{then} \; (\vsuf{cs}{(\rder{c}{r_1})}) @ [c :: cs]$\\
1086 |
&& $\textit{else} \; (\vsuf{cs}{(\rder{c}{r_1}) }) $
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
It takes into account which prefixes $s'$ of $s$ would make $r \backslash s'$ nullable,
1090 |
and keep a list of suffixes $s''$ such that $s' @ s'' = s$. The list is sorted in
1091 |
the order $r_2\backslash s''$ appears in $(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash s$.
1092 |
In essence, $\vsuf{\_}{\_}$ is doing a "virtual derivative" of $r_1 \cdot r_2$, but instead of producing
1093 |
the entire result of $(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s$,
1094 |
it only stores all the $s''$ such that $r_2 \backslash s''$ are occurring terms in $(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash s$.
1095 |
1096 |
With this we can also add simplifications to both sides and get
1097 |
1098 |
$\rsimp{\sflat{(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s} }= \rsimp{\AALTS{[[]}{ (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map (r_2 \backslash \_) (\vsuf{s}{r_1}))}}$
1099 |
1100 |
Together with the idempotency property of $\rsimp{}$\ref{rsimpIdem},
1101 |
%TODO: state the idempotency property of rsimp
1102 |
it is possible to convert the above lemma to obtain a "closed form"
1103 |
for derivatives nested with simplification:
1104 |
1105 |
$\rderssimp{(r_1 \cdot r_2)}{s} = \rsimp{\AALTS{[[]}{ (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map (r_2 \backslash \_) (\vsuf{s}{r_1}))}}$
1106 |
1107 |
And now the reason we have (1) in section 1 is clear:
1108 |
$\rsize{\rsimp{\RALTS{ (r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map \;(r_2 \backslash \_) \; (\vsuf{s}{r_1}))}}}$,
1109 |
is equal to $\rsize{\rsimp{\RALTS{ ((r_1 \backslash s) \cdot r_2 :: (\map \; (r_2 \backslash \_) \; (\textit{Suffix}(r1, s))))}}}$
1110 |
as $\vsuf{s}{r_1}$ is one way of expressing the list $\textit{Suffix}( r_1, s)$.
1111 |
1112 |
1113 |
1114 |
1115 |
1116 |
\section{interaction between $\distinctWith$ and $\flts$}
1117 |
Note that it is not immediately obvious that
1118 |
1119 |
$\llbracket \distinctWith (\flts \textit{rs}) = \phi \rrbracket \leq \llbracket \distinctWith \textit{rs} = \phi \rrbracket $.
1120 |
1121 |
The intuition is that if we remove duplicates from the $\textit{LHS}$, at least the same amount of
1122 |
duplicates will be removed from the list $\textit{rs}$ in the $\textit{RHS}$.
1123 |
1124 |
1125 |
1126 |
% SECTION syntactic equivalence under simp
1127 |
1128 |
\section{Syntactic Equivalence Under $\simp$}
1129 |
We prove that minor differences can be annhilated
1130 |
by $\simp$.
1131 |
For example,
1132 |
1133 |
$\simp \;(\simpALTs\; (\map \;(\_\backslash \; x)\; (\distinct \; \mathit{rs}\; \phi))) =
1134 |
\simp \;(\simpALTs \;(\distinct \;(\map \;(\_ \backslash\; x) \; \mathit{rs}) \; \phi))$
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
1138 |
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
\section{A Closed Form for \textit{ALTS}}
1142 |
Now we prove that $rsimp (rders\_simp (RALTS rs) s) = rsimp (RALTS (map (\lambda r. rders\_simp r s) rs))$.
1143 |
1144 |
1145 |
There are a few key steps, one of these steps is
1146 |
1147 |
rsimp (rsimp\_ALTs (map (rder x) (rdistinct (rflts (map (rsimp \circ (\lambda r. rders\_simp r xs)) rs)) {})))
1148 |
= rsimp (rsimp\_ALTs (rdistinct (map (rder x) (rflts (map (rsimp \circ (\lambda r. rders\_simp r xs)) rs))) {}))
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
1152 |
One might want to prove this by something a simple statement like:
1153 |
$map (rder x) (rdistinct rs rset) = rdistinct (map (rder x) rs) (rder x) ` rset)$.
1154 |
1155 |
For this to hold we want the $\textit{distinct}$ function to pick up
1156 |
the elements before and after derivatives correctly:
1157 |
$r \in rset \equiv (rder x r) \in (rder x rset)$.
1158 |
which essentially requires that the function $\backslash$ is an injective mapping.
1159 |
1160 |
Unfortunately the function $\backslash c$ is not an injective mapping.
1161 |
1162 |
\subsection{function $\backslash c$ is not injective (1-to-1)}
1163 |
1164 |
The derivative $w.r.t$ character $c$ is not one-to-one.
1165 |
1166 |
$\exists r_1 \;r_2. r_1 \neq r_2 \mathit{and} r_1 \backslash c = r_2 \backslash c$
1167 |
1168 |
This property is trivially true for the
1169 |
character regex example:
1170 |
1171 |
$r_1 = e; \; r_2 = d;\; r_1 \backslash c = \ZERO = r_2 \backslash c$
1172 |
1173 |
But apart from the cases where the derivative
1174 |
output is $\ZERO$, are there non-trivial results
1175 |
of derivatives which contain strings?
1176 |
The answer is yes.
1177 |
For example,
1178 |
1179 |
Let $r_1 = a^*b\;\quad r_2 = (a\cdot a^*)\cdot b + b$.\\
1180 |
where $a$ is not nullable.\\
1181 |
$r_1 \backslash c = ((a \backslash c)\cdot a^*)\cdot c + b \backslash c$\\
1182 |
$r_2 \backslash c = ((a \backslash c)\cdot a^*)\cdot c + b \backslash c$
1183 |
1184 |
We start with two syntactically different regexes,
1185 |
and end up with the same derivative result.
1186 |
This is not surprising as we have such
1187 |
equality as below in the style of Arden's lemma:\\
1188 |
1189 |
$L(A^*B) = L(A\cdot A^* \cdot B + B)$
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
1193 |
1194 |
1195 |
\section{A Bound for the Star Regular Expression}
1196 |
We have shown how to control the size of the sequence regular expression $r_1\cdot r_2$ using
1197 |
the "closed form" of $(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s$ and then
1198 |
the property of the $\distinct$ function.
1199 |
Now we try to get a bound on $r^* \backslash s$ as well.
1200 |
Again, we first look at how a star's derivatives evolve, if they grow maximally:
1201 |
1202 |
1203 |
$r^* \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c} \quad (r\backslash c) \cdot r^* \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c'} \quad
1204 |
r \backslash cc' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c' \cdot r^* \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c''} \quad
1205 |
(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'') + (r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*) \quad \longrightarrow_{\backslash c'''}
1206 |
\quad \ldots$
1207 |
1208 |
1209 |
When we have a string $s = c :: c' :: c'' \ldots$ such that $r \backslash c$, $r \backslash cc'$, $r \backslash c'$,
1210 |
$r \backslash cc'c''$, $r \backslash c'c''$, $r\backslash c''$ etc. are all nullable,
1211 |
the number of terms in $r^* \backslash s$ will grow exponentially, causing the size
1212 |
of the derivatives $r^* \backslash s$ to grow exponentially, even if we do not
1213 |
count the possible size explosions of $r \backslash c$ themselves.
1214 |
1215 |
Thanks to $\flts$ and $\distinctWith$, we are able to open up regexes like
1216 |
$(r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'') + (r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^* + r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*) $
1217 |
into $\RALTS{[r_1 \backslash cc'c'' \cdot r^*, r \backslash c'', r \backslash c'c'' \cdot r^*, r \backslash c'' \cdot r^*]}$
1218 |
and then de-duplicate terms of the form $r\backslash s' \cdot r^*$ ($s'$ being a substring of $s$).
1219 |
For this we define $\hflataux{\_}$ and $\hflat{\_}$, similar to $\sflataux{\_}$ and $\sflat{\_}$:
1220 |
%TODO: definitions of and \hflataux \hflat
1221 |
1222 |
1223 |
$\hflataux{r_1 + r_2}$ & $=$ & $\hflataux{r_1} @ \hflataux{r_2}$\\
1224 |
$\hflataux r$ & $=$ & $ [r]$
1225 |
1226 |
1227 |
1228 |
1229 |
1230 |
$\hflat{r_1 + r_2}$ & $=$ & $\RALTS{\hflataux{r_1} @ \hflataux{r_2}}$\\
1231 |
$\hflat r$ & $=$ & $ r$
1232 |
1233 |
1234 |
Again these definitions are tailor-made for dealing with alternatives that have
1235 |
originated from a star's derivatives, so we don't attempt to open up all possible
1236 |
regexes of the form $\RALTS{rs}$, where $\textit{rs}$ might not contain precisely 2
1237 |
1238 |
We give a predicate for such "star-created" regular expressions:
1239 |
1240 |
1241 |
& & $\createdByStar{(\RSEQ{ra}{\RSTAR{rb}}) }$\\
1242 |
$\createdByStar{r_1} \land \createdByStar{r_2} $ & $ \Longrightarrow$ & $\createdByStar{(r_1 + r_2)}$
1243 |
1244 |
1245 |
1246 |
These definitions allows us the flexibility to talk about
1247 |
regular expressions in their most convenient format,
1248 |
for example, flattened out $\RALTS{[r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_n]} $
1249 |
instead of binary-nested: $((r_1 + r_2) + (r_3 + r_4)) + \ldots$.
1250 |
These definitions help express that certain classes of syntatically
1251 |
distinct regular expressions are actually the same under simplification.
1252 |
This is not entirely true for annotated regular expressions:
1253 |
%TODO: bsimp bders \neq bderssimp
1254 |
1255 |
$(1+ (c\cdot \ASEQ{bs}{c^*}{c} ))$
1256 |
1257 |
For bit-codes, the order in which simplification is applied
1258 |
might cause a difference in the location they are placed.
1259 |
If we want something like
1260 |
1261 |
$\bderssimp{r}{s} \myequiv \bsimp{\bders{r}{s}}$
1262 |
1263 |
Some "canonicalization" procedure is required,
1264 |
which either pushes all the common bitcodes to nodes
1265 |
as senior as possible:
1266 |
1267 |
$_{bs}(_{bs_1 @ bs'}r_1 + _{bs_1 @ bs''}r_2) \rightarrow _{bs @ bs_1}(_{bs'}r_1 + _{bs''}r_2) $
1268 |
1269 |
or does the reverse. However bitcodes are not of interest if we are talking about
1270 |
the $\llbracket r \rrbracket$ size of a regex.
1271 |
Therefore for the ease and simplicity of producing a
1272 |
proof for a size bound, we are happy to restrict ourselves to
1273 |
unannotated regular expressions, and obtain such equalities as
1274 |
1275 |
$\rsimp{r_1 + r_2} = \rsimp{\RALTS{\hflataux{r_1} @ \hflataux{r_2}}}$
1276 |
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
By using the rewriting relation $\rightsquigarrow$
1280 |
1281 |
%TODO: rsimp sflat
1282 |
And from this we obtain a proof that a star's derivative will be the same
1283 |
as if it had all its nested alternatives created during deriving being flattened out:
1284 |
For example,
1285 |
1286 |
$\createdByStar{r} \implies \rsimp{r} = \rsimp{\RALTS{\hflataux{r}}}$
1287 |
1288 |
1289 |
By structural induction on $r$, where the induction rules are these of $\createdByStar{_}$.
1290 |
1291 |
% The simplification of a flattened out regular expression, provided it comes
1292 |
%from the derivative of a star, is the same as the one nested.
1293 |
1294 |
1295 |
1296 |
1297 |
1298 |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
1302 |
One might wonder the actual bound rather than the loose bound we gave
1303 |
for the convenience of an easier proof.
1304 |
How much can the regex $r^* \backslash s$ grow?
1305 |
As earlier graphs have shown,
1306 |
%TODO: reference that graph where size grows quickly
1307 |
they can grow at a maximum speed
1308 |
exponential $w.r.t$ the number of characters,
1309 |
but will eventually level off when the string $s$ is long enough.
1310 |
If they grow to a size exponential $w.r.t$ the original regex, our algorithm
1311 |
would still be slow.
1312 |
And unfortunately, we have concrete examples
1313 |
where such regexes grew exponentially large before levelling off:
1314 |
$(a ^ * + (aa) ^ * + (aaa) ^ * + \ldots +
1315 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{n a's}})^*$ will already have a maximum
1316 |
size that is exponential on the number $n$
1317 |
under our current simplification rules:
1318 |
%TODO: graph of a regex whose size increases exponentially.
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
1322 |
1323 |
1324 |
xlabel=number of a's,
1325 |
1326 |
ylabel=maximum size,
1327 |
1328 |
log basis y={2}
1329 |
1330 |
\addplot[mark=*,blue] table {re-chengsong.data};
1331 |
1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
1335 |
For convenience we use $(\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$
1336 |
to express $(a ^ * + (aa) ^ * + (aaa) ^ * + \ldots +
1337 |
(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{n a's}})^*$ in the below discussion.
1338 |
The exponential size is triggered by that the regex
1339 |
$\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*$
1340 |
inside the $(\ldots) ^*$ having exponentially many
1341 |
different derivatives, despite those difference being minor.
1342 |
$(\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*\backslash \underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{m a's}}$
1343 |
will therefore contain the following terms (after flattening out all nested
1344 |
1345 |
1346 |
$(\oplus_{i = 1]{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* })\cdot (\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)$\\
1347 |
$(1 \leq m' \leq m )$
1348 |
1349 |
These terms are distinct for $m' \leq L.C.M.(1, \ldots, n)$ (will be explained in appendix).
1350 |
With each new input character taking the derivative against the intermediate result, more and more such distinct
1351 |
terms will accumulate,
1352 |
until the length reaches $L.C.M.(1, \ldots, n)$.
1353 |
$\textit{distinctBy}$ will not be able to de-duplicate any two of these terms
1354 |
$(\oplus_{i = 1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* )\cdot (\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$\\
1355 |
1356 |
$(\oplus_{i = 1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{((i - (m'' \% i))\%i) a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* )\cdot (\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$\\
1357 |
where $m' \neq m''$ \\
1358 |
as they are slightly different.
1359 |
This means that with our current simplification methods,
1360 |
we will not be able to control the derivative so that
1361 |
$\llbracket \bderssimp{r}{s} \rrbracket$ stays polynomial %\leq O((\llbracket r\rrbacket)^c)$
1362 |
as there are already exponentially many terms.
1363 |
These terms are similar in the sense that the head of those terms
1364 |
are all consisted of sub-terms of the form:
1365 |
$(\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{j a's}})\cdot (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^* $.
1366 |
For $\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*$, there will be at most
1367 |
$n * (n + 1) / 2$ such terms.
1368 |
For example, $(a^* + (aa)^* + (aaa)^*) ^*$'s derivatives
1369 |
can be described by 6 terms:
1370 |
$a^*$, $a\cdot (aa)^*$, $ (aa)^*$,
1371 |
$aa \cdot (aaa)^*$, $a \cdot (aaa)^*$, and $(aaa)^*$.
1372 |
The total number of different "head terms", $n * (n + 1) / 2$,
1373 |
is proportional to the number of characters in the regex
1374 |
$(\oplus_{i=1}^{n} (\underbrace{a \ldots a}_{\text{i a's}})^*)^*$.
1375 |
This suggests a slightly different notion of size, which we call the
1376 |
alphabetic width:
1377 |
1378 |
(TODO: Alphabetic width def.)
1379 |
1380 |
1381 |
Antimirov\parencite{Antimirov95} has proven that
1382 |
$\textit{PDER}_{UNIV}(r) \leq \textit{awidth}(r)$.
1383 |
where $\textit{PDER}_{UNIV}(r)$ is a set of all possible subterms
1384 |
created by doing derivatives of $r$ against all possible strings.
1385 |
If we can make sure that at any moment in our lexing algorithm our
1386 |
intermediate result hold at most one copy of each of the
1387 |
subterms then we can get the same bound as Antimirov's.
1388 |
This leads to the algorithm in the next chapter.
1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
1392 |
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
1396 |
1397 |
1398 |
1399 |
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
\subsection{Syntactic Equivalence Under $\simp$}
1403 |
We prove that minor differences can be annhilated
1404 |
by $\simp$.
1405 |
For example,
1406 |
1407 |
$\simp \;(\simpALTs\; (\map \;(\_\backslash \; x)\; (\distinct \; \mathit{rs}\; \phi))) =
1408 |
\simp \;(\simpALTs \;(\distinct \;(\map \;(\_ \backslash\; x) \; \mathit{rs}) \; \phi))$
1409 |
1410 |