updated booklet
authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 01:26:31 +0800 (2015-08-13)
changeset 265 9d6713f010b4
parent 264 7eeaa39d25e8
child 266 7a052c75818b
updated booklet
Binary file booklet.pdf has changed
--- a/booklet.tex	Fri Aug 14 00:59:13 2015 +0800
+++ b/booklet.tex	Fri Aug 14 01:26:31 2015 +0800
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 and all
 signs round you are written in characters that do not give you the 
 slightest idea what they are about. This means you always
-have to prepare your travelling beforehand and ask for help
+have to prepare your travelling beforehand and ask us for help
 if you are unsure! 
 One part of \emph{every} trip preparation, including your
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@
 Given that the ability of reading Chinese characters takes
 years of arduous studying, it is glaringly obvious that it is
 not their fault.} Take the map always with you: it might be
-your life-line to avoid unpleasant situations. For 
+your life-line for avoiding unpleasant situations. For 
 travelling inside Nanjing, taxis can be hailed at the
+street curb.
 \item \textbf{Cash / Credit Cards}\hspace{3mm}While foreign
 credit cards are accepted in a number of places, including
@@ -267,15 +267,15 @@
 \item A bit less expensive is going first by Metro Line S1
       from the airport to Nanjing Nan Railway Station (Nanjing
       South Railway Station). The metro will operate between
-      6:40 and 22:00. As you can see in the map in
+      6:40 and 22:00. As you can see in the map shown in
       Fig.~\ref{metronanjing}, Nanjing Nan will be the last
       stop on Line~S1. At Nanjing Nan Railway Station you go
       to the taxi stand, which means following the yellow path
-      in the map below, and take a taxi from there. To reach
-      the taxi stand you need to leave the metro via exit 2B
-      and follow the signs for ``Taxi (Underground)''. This
-      option takes approximately 55 minutes and costs 7 RMB
-      for the metro ticket and around 36 RMB for the taxi.
+      in the map below. To reach the taxi stand, you need to
+      leave the metro via exit 2B and follow the signs for
+      ``Taxi (Underground)''. This option takes approximately
+      55 minutes and costs 7 RMB for the metro ticket and
+      around 36 RMB for the taxi.
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
       option. The disadvantage is that you need to change
       at Nanjing Nan Railway Station to Line 3 and at 
       Daxinggong to Line 2 for Xiamafang or Muxuyuan, which
-      are the closest station to the Hanyuan Hotel 
-      (Fig.~\ref{metronanjing}). Both
+      are the closest stations to the Hanyuan Hotel 
+      (see Fig.~\ref{metronanjing}). Both
       stations then need a 15 minutes walk to the hotel.
       This is another disadvantage of this option if you have 
       a heavy suitcase.
@@ -304,9 +304,10 @@
 \subsubsection*{Getting a Ticket for the Metro in Nanjing}
-Entering the metro station at the airport means you have to go 
-through a brief security check where your luggage will be 
-X-rayed. After the check you will see ticket machines
+Like in all metro stations, entering the metro station at the
+airport means you have to go through a brief security check
+where your luggage will be X-rayed. After the check you will
+see ticket machines
@@ -314,13 +315,15 @@
-\noindent which can change the language to English. You need
-to select the destination station (shown on the right). Next
-you need to pay for the ticket in 10 RMB or 5 RMB bank notes,
-or 1 RMB coins. (INFO WHERE TO GET CHANGE?) You will obtain a
-blue plastic coin which is your ticket. This coin needs to be
-swiped when going through the gates of the metro (shown on the
+\noindent which can change the language to English (in this
+way you can avoid having to talk to a sales person on the
+desk). You need to select the destination station (shown on
+the right). Next you need to pay for the ticket in 10 RMB or 5
+RMB bank notes, or 1 RMB coins. If you do not have them yet,
+you will need to go to the counter near the ticket machines.
+After paying the machine will issue a blue plastic coin which
+is your ticket. This coin needs to be swiped when going
+through the gates of the metro (shown on the right). 
@@ -336,9 +339,10 @@
 Many of the participants will arrive at Shanghai Pudong
 Airport. From there, in short, you have to get to (1) the Hong
 Qiao railway station and then from there to (2) Nanjing Nan
-railway station. From Nanjing Nan, you can follow the
-suggestions in Section \ref{nanjingtaxi}. Overall this will
-take approximately 3h of travelling to the hotel. 
+railway station. From Nanjing Nan it is best to take a taxi,
+but you can also take the metro as explained in the previous
+section. Overall this will take approximately 3h of travelling
+to the hotel. 
 \subsection*{From Shanghai Pudong Airport to Hong Qiao Train Station}
@@ -346,7 +350,7 @@
 essentially two travel options: one recommended by locals
 and being the more sensible option is to take the airport bus;
 the other is by the World's only commercial Maglev train 
-and a change to the metro. 
+including a change to the metro. 
 \item \textbf{Option 1 by Airport bus}: 
@@ -356,9 +360,7 @@
 and 23:00. The bus stop where you have to wait is 
 The waiting time is around 15 minutes during peak hours, or 30
@@ -383,20 +385,24 @@
 Of course travelling on the Maglev is pretty cool\ldots{}
 reaching speeds of 415 km/h at certain(!) times of the day,
 namely 9:02--10:47 and 15:02--16:47. At other times it will 
-travel only at mere speeds of 300 km/h.  Anyway, a
-ticket will set you back around 50 RMB (\euro{}7, \$8). The
-ticket can be paid in cash or credit card. 
+travel only at mere speeds of 300 km/h, which you get in China
+also with conventional high-speed trains.  Anyway, a
+ticket for the Maglev will set you back around 50 RMB (\euro{}7, \$8). The
+ticket can be paid in cash or with credit card. 
 The service of the Maglev
 starts at 7:02 and finished the day at 21:42.
 To take this option 
-at the airport, you will need to follow the Maglev signs. The problem with
+at the airport, you will need to follow the Maglev signs. The 
+main problem with
 this option, however, is that you can only go until  Longyang 
 Road Station and then have to
-change into the overcrowded metro Line 2. The change to the
+change into the overcrowded and much, much slower metro Line 2. 
+The change to the
 metro is a short walk from the Maglev. You have to first buy a
 ticket at the metro station and then take Line 2. The good thing
 about this option is that metro travelling in Shanghai is
-pretty easy for foreigners as all stations are signed out in letters. Overall
+pretty easy for foreigners as all stations are signed out in 
+letters. Overall
 the journey time of this option is around 2h. So unless
 you really want to sample the feeling of travelling for 7
 minutes at 415 km/h, we recommend Option 1 by bus. 
@@ -408,7 +414,7 @@
 The airport bus will stop directly in front of the southern
 part of the Hong Qiao train station. As background, train
 stations above the village level in China are organised more
-like an airport, than the sleepy train station you might be
+like an airport, than the more sleepy train station you might be
 familiar with. Therefore you first have to go through a
 security gate where luggage is checked and you padded by a
 security guard. The security guard might be of either sex and
@@ -453,6 +459,9 @@
 %weather, electrical connectors
+\chapter{Conference Programme}
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