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\item \textbf{Tips in Restaurants, Taxi}\hspace{3mm}One easy
-part of travelling in China are matters to do with tipping:
+aspect of travelling in China are matters to do with tipping:
no tips are expected when paying at a restaurant, for a taxi
journey etc. The good thing about this is you are treated as a
nice customer, if you are a nice customer (meaning you treat
@@ -247,16 +247,16 @@
are of no use (China has its own credit card system which is
accepted more widely, but also not everywhere). Pretty much the
only places where cash can be obtained with a foreign credit
-card are ATMs in Chinese banks. There are several in the
-nearer vicinity of the hotel.
+card are ATMs in Chinese banks. There are several not far
+from the hotel.
Address of Hanyuan Hotel:\medskip\\
-%å¸æœºå¸ˆå‚…,请将我é€å¾€``{\bf ç«¥å«è·¯20å·ç¿°è‹‘宾馆}'',其ä½ç½®å¦‚地图ä¸çº¢è‰²A点所示。\\
+å¸æœºå¸ˆå‚…,请将我é€å¾€``{\bf ç«¥å«è·¯20å·ç¿°è‹‘宾馆}'',其ä½ç½®å¦‚地图ä¸çº¢è‰²A点所示。\\
@@ -299,8 +299,9 @@
-\item If you already paid the fixed price for the metro, why
- not going the whole way by metro? This is the third
+\item If you already prepared to pay 7 RMB for the metro, why
+ not adding 2 more RMBs and going the whole way by metro?
+ This is the third
option. The disadvantage is that you need to change
at Nanjing Nan Railway Station to Line 3 and at
Daxinggong to Line 2 for Xiamafang or Muxuyuan, which
@@ -340,9 +341,11 @@
the right). Next you need to pay for the ticket with 10 RMB or 5
RMB bank notes, or 1 RMB coins. If you do not have them yet,
you will need to get your ticket from the counter.
-After paying, the machine will issue a blue plastic coin which
+After paying, the machine will issue a blue plastic chip which
is your ticket. This coin needs to be swiped when going
through the gates of the metro (shown on the right below).
+At the end of your journey you will have to return the blue
+chip at the exit gate.
@@ -350,8 +353,6 @@
-\noindent At the end of your journey you will
-have to return the blue coin at the exit gate. (??)
\section{Travel from Shanghai Pudong Airport}
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@
who insist on driving you to Hong Qiao train station. You can
ignore them: it will cost you more, around 100 RMB; the bus is
comfortable and air-conditioned, unlike the taxi; and, like
-the taxi driver, the bus driver already aims for maximum
+the taxi driver, the bus driver appears to aim for maximum
possible speed given good road conditions.
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
travel at mere speeds of 300 km/h, which you get in China
also with conventional high-speed trains. Anyway, a
ticket for the Maglev will set you back around 50 RMB (\euro{}7, \$8). The
-ticket can be paid in cash or with credit card.
+ticket can be paid in cash or by credit card.
The service of the Maglev
starts at 7:02 and finished the day at 21:42.
To take this option
@@ -423,7 +424,9 @@
pretty easy for foreigners as all stations are signed out in
letters. For buying a ticket for the metro, check the section
about buying a metro ticket in Nanjing (the procedure is
-pretty universal in China).
+pretty universal in China; the only exception is that
+in Shanghai the metro ticket is a paper ticket, while in
+Nanjing it is a blue plastic chip).
Overall the journey time of this option is around 2h. So
unless you really want to sample the feeling of travelling for
@@ -467,8 +470,8 @@
at the hall. Below that number is the date and departure time,
in this case 2015-08-12 and departure time 10:28. To the right
is the coach number (14) and seat number (09C). Just below
-from that is the sign that the ticket is for second class (-\
--). For the short duration of the trip there is no real need
+from that is the sign that the ticket is for second class (二).
+For the short duration of the trip there is no real need
to buy a ticket for first class. On the top right-hand corner
is the platform signed out (10A). If not, you have to look
at the large display in the hall to get this information.
@@ -501,6 +504,18 @@
\chapter{At the Conference}
+The reception on Sunday (24th), breakfast and lunches are on the
+1st floor next to hotel registration desk. The breakfast buffet
+is open from 7:00 until 9:00. When you check into the hotel,
+you will receive a green paper ticket for each day which you
+have to show before going to breakfast. From Thursday (20th)
+until Sunday (24th) we will have an ITP-registration desk on
+the first floor.
+The conference room is on the 6th floor of the Hanyuan hotel.
+The tutorials take place in a conference room on the 4th
+floor. If you want to speak to the organisers, there will be
+a desk in front of the conference room on the 6th floor.
\section{Schedule of the Excursion}
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