2015-08-21 chunhan update
2015-08-21 chunhan Ramana paid 359 GBP, enough to cover Isabelle
2015-08-19 Christian Urban updated
2015-08-19 Christian Urban updated
2015-08-19 chunhan update
2015-08-18 chunhan 2 more for Coq
2015-08-18 chunhan update
2015-08-17 Christian Urban updated statistics
2015-08-17 Christian Urban updated
2015-08-16 Christian Urban updated statistics
2015-08-13 chunhan update
2015-08-13 Christian Urban updated
2015-08-13 chunhan update
2015-08-13 chunhan tiny update
2015-08-13 chunhan Michael's dates added
2015-08-13 chunhan add people who run local service
2015-08-13 chunhan update
2015-08-12 chunhan update
2015-08-12 chunhan update
2015-08-11 chunhan 2 more
2015-08-09 chunhan updated for xingyuan's money file
2015-08-07 chunhan 1 more for Coq
2015-08-06 chunhan 1 more for Coq
2015-08-06 chunhan 1 more for Isabelle
2015-08-04 chunhan 1 more
2015-07-30 Christian Urban updated
2015-07-30 Christian Urban updated
2015-07-30 chunhan money transfer merged
2015-07-29 Christian Urban merged
2015-07-27 chunhan one more
2015-07-27 chunhan 1 more for isar+coq
2015-07-26 chunhan 1 more for Isar
2015-07-25 chunhan 2 more people
2015-07-21 Christian Urban updated 21.7.2015
2015-07-17 chunhan update
2015-07-17 chunhan add a statistic file indexed by 30 papers. it turns out only 3 papers have no speaker.
2015-07-17 chunhan update
2015-07-16 chunhan update
2015-07-16 Christian Urban uodated
2015-07-16 Christian Urban added A Fox
2015-07-15 Christian Urban updated for 205.7.15
2015-07-15 Christian Urban small update
2015-07-15 chunhan update
2015-07-14 Christian Urban added Hetzl
2015-07-13 chunhan merge
2015-07-13 chunhan 29
2015-07-12 Christian Urban updated statistics
2015-07-09 chunhan 28 registed
2015-07-08 chunhan 27 registed
2015-07-06 chunhan update
2015-07-04 chunhan update
2015-07-03 Christian Urban updated
2015-07-03 chunhan update
2015-07-02 chunhan update
2015-06-30 chunhan update
2015-06-30 chunhan update
2015-06-26 chunhan update
2015-06-24 chunhan update
2015-06-23 Christian Urban updated statistics file
2015-06-20 chunhan merge from fee
2015-06-16 chunhan update
2015-06-11 chunhan update
2015-06-08 chunhan Zoe and Arthur
2015-06-03 chunhan Pierre Wilke
2015-06-02 chunhan reservation of the hotel
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