author chunhan
Thu, 13 Aug 2015 09:08:18 +0800 (2015-08-13)
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{\Large\bf Information for TPHOLs 2009 Participants}

{\bf Version 2}

Dear TPHOLs 2009 Participant,

We would like to thank you for registering for TPHOLs 2009 and already
welcome you in Munich. In the following, we will provide you with some
useful information for your arrival and stay in Munich. If you have
any questions that are not answered herein, please do not
hesitate to contact us.

Have a safe journey, and see you soon in Munich!

The TPHOLs 2009 Organizing Team


\section{Conference Venue}

The conference will take place at the Novotel München City. The contact information of the
hotel is: 
Novotel München City\\
Hochstraße 11\\  
81669 München\\ 

GPS: N 48\degree 7' 46.26''  E 11\degree 35' 19.14''\\[3mm]

Tel: +49 89 661070\\
Fax: +49 89 66107999\\
EMail: \verb!!\\
Web: \url{}

The nearest stop of public transportation
(\includegraphics*[scale=0.1]{s-Bahn-Logo.png}-Bahn) is \emph{Rosenheimer
Platz}. For detailed travel information see separate section. Note also that
the conference centre is located in a separate building, reachable by a short walk
from the lobby of the hotel.

\section{Welcome Reception}

There will be a welcome reception on Sunday, August 16th, from  18:00 to 20:00.
It will take place in the restaurant \emph{Le Jardin} in the conference hotel.


A registration desk will be open during the reception on Sunday
and also on all days during the conference.


We will provide a laptop with Microsoft PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader. We
strongly advise presenters to send us their slides by Friday, August 14th, 
to allow us enough time for making a test and uploading them for the
respective session.
Of course you can also bring your own laptop, but we would prefer to use
a single laptop in order to reduce the time needed to set up the 


For the poster session on Tuesday, August 18th, panels that can accommodate
posters up to size A1 (594 $\times$ 841 millimeters) will be available.
The poster will be attached to the panel with pins, which will be provided by us.

\section{Lunch Breaks}

Lunch and coffee will be provided during all conference and workshop days. 
Lunch will be served in the restaurant \emph{Le Jardin} in the hotel.
You can have mineral water for free with your lunch. Other drinks need to 
be ordered for an extra fee.

\section{Internet Access}

Free WLAN access will be provided at the conference centre from August 17th
until 21st. The name of the network is \emph{m3connect} (but \emph{novotel} and
\emph{vodafone} should work as well). The network parameters are
configured via DHCP. 

\underline{\bf Note that the WLAN is shared!!!} 

This means that the available capacity is shared among all users, and each of
the access points in the conference centre can only handle a fixed number of
connections at the same time. We therefore kindly ask you to refrain from
using any bandwidth-hungry applications, such as video streaming, and from
downloading large files. Please also disconnect from the network whenever you do
not need it.

A cable-based Internet access is available in the rooms of Novotel for an
extra fee (\euro{19.90} for 24h). There is also a single computer in the
lobby of the hotel from which you can access the Internet for free. 


Hardcopies of the conference proceedings will be available at the registration desk. 
The LNCS number of the proceedings is 5674. At the moment there
is not yet a link at the website of Springer.

Ten hardcopies of the Emerging Trends proceedings will be also available at
the registration desk. Feel free to take them. But if you are finished with reading them,
then please return them so that other participants can read them as
well. The Emerging Trends proceedings can also be downloaded from


\section{Excursion and Banquet}

On Wednesday, August 19th from 13:00 to about 00:15, there will be an excursion to the
lake \emph{Starnberg} including a boat cruise, followed by the conference banquet.

We will leave at the hotel at about 13:00 and go to the S-Bahn station
\emph{Rosenheimer Platz}, from where we will take the S6 to \emph{Starnberg} at 13:27
(the train ticket for the excursion is included in the conference fee). We
shall arrive in \emph{Starnberg} at 14:04 and walk to the nearby embarkation point of
the boat at lake \emph{Starnberg}, from where the boat will depart at 14:30. The boat
has an on-board cafeteria, where you can buy snacks and drinks. We shall
leave the boat again in \emph{Bernried} at 16:43, where we will visit the Buchheim-Museum
(\url{}), featuring a notable collection of
Expressionist paintings. We will have a guided tour there, which will take
about 1.5 hours. After the guided tour, you are free to explore the museum on
your own, but please make sure that you are at the exit of the museum at 19:00.
The museum is quite large, so it is easy to get lost! Also note that bags must not
be brought into the museum and have to be put into lockers near the entrance.
You might therefore want to leave your bags at the hotel.
We shall leave at the museum
at 19:00 and go to the train station in \emph{Bernried}, from where we will
go back to \emph{Starnberg} at 19:46. We have to change trains in Tutzing at
19:52, and will arrive in
\emph{Starnberg} again at 20:14, where we will have dinner at the
\emph{Undosa Seerestaurant} (\url{}). We shall leave the
restaurant shortly after 23:00 to take the train back to Munich at 23:34,
which will arrive at \emph{Rosenheimer Platz} around a quarter past midnight.

\section{Coq and PLMMS Workshops}

The workshops will take place on Friday, August 21st, at the same
location as the main conference. More information on the workshops can be
found on the web site of the conference.


Weather in Munich in August is usually quite pleasant with average
temperatures around 20\degree C (High: 27\degree C, Low: 14\degree C). 
However, it is also common that it is raining for prolonged periods. 
To bring a waterproof jacket and an umbrella is advised. 

\section{Opening Hours, Public Holidays}

In Germany, nearly all shops are open from Monday to Saturday from
9:00 to 18:00. Many of them also until 20:00. On Sundays shops
are closed, as well as on Saturday, August 15, since it is 
a public holiday. During that time only a few shops are open
at the train station and the airport. Most restaurants and beer gardens, 
however, are open every day.

\subsection{Arriving by Plane}

Munich airport is located about 35km from the city centre. The
airport has two terminals that are adjacent to each other. From the
airport, you can take a taxi to the hotel, but it is a {\bf very} expensive
ride ($>$ \euro{50}).

Our advice is to take the cheaper option of public transportation using the
\emph{S-Bahn}. These are local trains that depart from the central area of
the airport every 20 mins and run from 4 o'clock in the morning until past
midnight. Follow the sign \includegraphics*[scale=0.1]{s-Bahn-Logo.png} to the
trains. You have to take the train labelled S8 (yellow-and-black line in the map


It is not recommended to take the S1 to the city centre: it brings
you also there, but it takes a large detour. A plan of the whole public 
transportation network of Munich can be downloaded in PDF from


We advise you to print out a copy.

If you are staying at the conference hotel, you have to get off
at \emph{Rosenheimer Platz} (10 stops from the airport) and just 
follow  the signs to the Novotel. The trip from the airport to the hotel  
takes about 35 mins. You can query the timetable and journey planner for 
the trip from the airport to the city centre at


\subsection{Purchasing Tickets}

Before taking the train, you have to purchase and validate your ticket. In
front of the entrance to the platform there is a ticket counter, which is
staffed during working hours, and also automatic ticket machines. If you use the
machines you need to have enough coins or sufficiently small bank notes. The machines
give change.  The sales people at the ticket counter also accept credit cards
(the sales people should be able to speak English).

If you plan to travel straight to the conference hotel, you have to purchase a

\item Single Ticket (\emph{Einzelfahrkarte}) 4 Zones, valid for only one trip,
 price \euro{9.20}

If on the arrival day you plan to go somewhere else, you can also buy
a day ticket for the whole network of Munich

\item Single day ticket for the entire network (\emph{Single-Tageskarte
  Gesamtnetz}), price \euro{10.00}

If you happen to travel together with up to four colleagues, you can save money
by buying a Partner Day Ticket for the entire network

\item Partner Day Ticket (\emph{Partner-Tageskarte Gesamtnetz}), price

Do not forget to \emph{validate} the tickets before travelling! You can 
validate your ticket by inserting it into one of the small blue machines
(shown below) close to the entrance of the platform.


\subsection{Arriving by Train}

Most of the intercity trains either arrive at \emph{Hauptbahnhof} or at \emph{Ostbahnhof}. From
\emph{Hauptbahnhof}, you can take any S-Bahn in the direction of \emph{Ostbahnhof}.
If you are staying at the conference hotel, you have to get off
at \emph{Rosenheimer Platz}. If your train arrives at \emph{Ostbahnhof}, get off there
and take any S-Bahn in the direction of the city centre / \emph{Hauptbahnhof}.
Note that \emph{Rosenheimer Platz} is already the next stop after \emph{Ostbahnhof}.
See above for information about ticket purchases.

\section[Restaurants, Beer Gardens, Going Out]{Restaurants, Beer Gardens,
  Going Out\footnote{The distances given in parentheses are taken from Google
    Maps. Click on the links.}}

\subsection*{Beer Gardens}

A beer garden (German \emph{Biergarten}) is an open-air area where beverages
(preferably beer) and prepared food are served. Beer gardens have a long
tradition in Munich stemming from distant times when brewers were desperate to keep
their beer cool during the summer. What they did is to store their barrels in
cellars near the river Isar and to plant chestnut trees above them, since their
wide branches and large leaves keep the place nice and shady. Nowadays,
weather permitting, the inhabitants of Munich flock to these beer gardens, usually
seating a few thousand people, and socialise over a litre or more (sic) of beer.

  Zellstraße 4, 
  Tel: 089 45875080, 
  close to the river Isar, with 300 seats relatively small for a beer garden, 
  good food, open only if weather permits 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Zellstrasse+4,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=48.84042,9.927027&sspn=3.998355,9.832764&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.4 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz}, 
  Innere Wiener Straße 19, 
  Tel: 089 4599250, 
  includes also the Sausalitos cocktail bar 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Innere+Wiener+Strasse+19,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=48.13076,11.589305&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=16}{0.8 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Paulaner am Nockherberg}, 
  Hochstraße 77, 
  Tel: 089 4599130 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Hochstrasse+77,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13184,11.592025&sspn=0.00792,0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=15}{1.1 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Park Café}, 
  Sophienstraße 7, 
  Tel: 089 51617980, 
  also has a restaurant, is located near the old botanic garden 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Sophienstrasse+7,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.12564,11.585425&sspn=0.015841,0.038409&ie=UTF8&ll=48.136022,11.577101&spn=0.015838,0.038409&z=15}{2.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Chinesischer Turm}, 
  Englischer Garten 3, 
  Tel: 089 38387327,
  second largest beer garden in Munich, also has a restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Englischer+Garten+3,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.136022,11.577101&sspn=0.015838,0.038409&ie=UTF8&z=14}{2.8 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Seehaus im Englischen Garten},
  Kleinhesselohe 3, Tel: 089 3816130, also has a restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kleinhesselohe+3,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.66491,52.910156&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=13}{6.8 km from hotel})

  Gyßlingstraße 15, Tel: 089 3221080, also has a restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Gysslingstrasse+15,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.149845,11.595065&sspn=0.053714,0.10334&ie=UTF8&ll=48.149825,11.596069&spn=0.053714,0.10334&t=h&z=13}{6.8 km from hotel})


The origins of Bavarian cuisine are rural. Its main characteristics are the many meat and 
roast dishes, as well as dumplings and other flour based side dishes. Nowadays
in Munich there is a cornucopia of restaurants that serve Bavarian food. 

  \href{}{Wirtshaus in der Au}, 
  Lilienstraße 51, 
  Tel: 089 4481400
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Lilienstrasse+51,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.14037,11.590155&sspn=0.031673,0.076818&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})

  Rosenheimerstraße 10, Tel: 089 48174
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Rosenheimerstrasse+10,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.142135,11.586575&sspn=0.026861,0.05167&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Zum Kloster},
  Preysingstraße 77,
  Tel: 089 4470564,
  located in a picturesque quarter of the city with small houses
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Preysingstrasse+77,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.131024,11.593966&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.131081,11.594653&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{1.1 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Weisses Bräuhaus},
  Tal 7,
  Tel: 089 2901380
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Tal+7,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133616,11.583581&sspn=0.007919,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=48.132943,11.583624&spn=0.007919,0.019205&z=16}{1.2 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Augustiner am Platzl},
  Orlandostraße 5,
  Tel: 089 2111356
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Orlandostrasse+5,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.132943,11.583624&sspn=0.007919,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=48.133659,11.584203&spn=0.007919,0.019205&z=16}{1.3 km from hotel})

  Platzl 9, 
  Tel: 089 2901360, 
  historic beer hall (\emph{Schwemme}) on the ground floor, 
  slightly less touristy \emph{Bräustüberl} on the first floor 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Platzl+9,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13022,11.587625&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=15}{1.4 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus},
  Sparkassenstraße 6,
  Tel: 089 2166540
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Sparkassenstrasse+6,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133473,11.582379&sspn=0.007919,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=48.133616,11.583581&spn=0.007919,0.019205&z=16}{1.4 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Ratskeller München},
  Marienplatz 8,
  Tel: 089 2199890
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Marienplatz+8,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.132985,11.580085&sspn=0.007919,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=48.133473,11.582379&spn=0.007919,0.019205&z=16}{1.5 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Zum Franziskaner}, 
  Residenzstraße 9, 
  Tel: 089 2318120 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Residenzstrasse+9,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133775,11.58424&sspn=0.015839,0.038409&ie=UTF8&ll=48.134561,11.582508&spn=0.015838,0.038409&z=15}{1.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Andechser am Dom},
  Weinstraße 7a,
  Tel: 089 298481,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=,Weinstrasse+7a,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.134561,11.582508&sspn=0.015838,0.038409&ie=UTF8&ll=48.134103,11.581693&spn=0.015839,0.038409&z=15}{1.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Spatenhaus an der Oper},
  Residenzstraße 12,
  Tel: 089 2907060,
  they serve a nice duck
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Residenzstrasse+12,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.134103,11.581693&sspn=0.015839,0.038409&ie=UTF8&ll=48.134705,11.582508&spn=0.015838,0.038409&z=15}{1.8 km from hotel})

  Sendlinger Straße 14,
  Tel: 089 2605026
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Sendlinger+Strasse+14,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.134705,11.582508&sspn=0.015838,0.038409&ie=UTF8&z=16}{1.9 km from hotel})


  Rosenheimer Straße 5,
  Tel: 089 480 98 27 20,
  at the \emph{Gasteig} concert hall
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Rosenheimer+Strasse+5,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.130375,11.587775&sspn=0.003358,0.006459&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=18}{0.2 km from hotel})

  Lilienstraße 2 (entrance Zeppelinstraße),
  Tel: 089 4890290,
  with live music, decoration inspired by Brecht's \emph{Dreigroschenoper}
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Lilienstrasse+2,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=cc&dirflg=w&sll=48.130375,11.587775&sspn=0.003358,0.006459&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17}{0.3 km from hotel})

  Balanstraße 12,
  Tel: 089 23269818
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Balanstrasse+12,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.134235,11.581645&sspn=0.013433,0.025835&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16}{0.8 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Asado Steak},
  Tal 4,
  Tel: 089 294577,
  steak house chain
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Tal+4,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13047,11.589605&sspn=0.001679,0.003229&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16}{1.3 km from hotel})


\begin{itemize} \addtolength{\itemsep}{-0.5\baselineskip}
  \href{}{Kam Yi},
  Rosenheimer Straße 32,
  Tel: 089 4481366,
  standard Chinese / Vietnamese fare
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Rosenheimer+Strasse+32,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133172,11.579912&sspn=0.007547,0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.5 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Sushi Sano},
  Zweibrückenstraße 19, Tel: 089 21568330, recommended by some Japanese
  living in Munich, also has a take away option
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Zweibrueckenstrasse+19,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.145129,11.588516&sspn=0.063341,0.153637&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})
  Steinstraße 9,
  Tel: 089 61468781,
  Indian restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Steinstrasse+9,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13007,11.59113&sspn=0.003358,0.006459&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16}{0.9 km from hotel})

  Tokyo Sushi,
  Tal 1,
  Tel: 089 21667866,
  all you can eat (\euro{11} before 17:00, otherwise \euro{13}), great value for money,
  but few tables
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Tal+1,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133043,11.583216&sspn=0.013433,0.025835&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16}{1.3 km from hotel})

  Kanalstraße 14,
  Tel: 089 21949970,
  Japanese/Pan-Asian food, excellent but pricey
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kanalstrasse+14,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.186258,11.61646&sspn=0.120629,0.307274&ie=UTF8&z=16}{1.0 km from hotel})

  Dultstraße 1,
  Tel: 089 36035443 or 089 8945763,
  Afghan restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Dultstrasse+1,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.149825,11.596069&sspn=0.053714,0.10334&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15}{1.8 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Sushi + Soul},
  Klenzestraße 71,
  Tel: 089 2010992,
  very delicious, but expensive
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=klenzestrasse+71,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.14514,11.586575&sspn=0.053719,0.10334&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15}{1.9 km from hotel})

  Brunnstraße 4,
  Tel: 089 26949454,
  Afghan restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Brunnstrasse+4,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13274,11.5804&sspn=0.013433,0.025835&ie=UTF8&ll=48.132986,11.578946&spn=0.013433,0.025835&t=h&z=15}{2.0 km from hotel})

  Kaulbachstraße 86,
  Tel: 089 333738 or 089 333745,
  Lebanese restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kaulbachstrasse+86,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.132986,11.578946&sspn=0.013433,0.025835&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=14}{3.3 km from hotel})

  Maria-Einsiedel-Straße 2,
  Tel: 089 7232031,
  Asian-Fusion dishes
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Maria-Einsiedel-Str.+2,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.133659,11.584203&sspn=0.007919,0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=14}{5.3 km from hotel})



  \href{}{Le Bousquérey},
  Rablstraße 37,
  Tel: 089 488455
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Rablstrasse+37,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.129907,11.591628&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&ll=48.12841,11.590405&spn=0.00396,0.009602&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Rue Des Halles},
  Steinstraße 18,
  Tel: 089 485675,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Steinstr.+18,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.100895,11.55623&sspn=0.063395,0.153637&ie=UTF8&z=16}{0.9 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Les Vapeurs},
  Regerplatz 3, 
  089 44449940,
  good but not cheap
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kirchenstrasse+5,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.12841,11.590405&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=16}{0.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Saint Laurent},
  Steinstraße 63,
  Tel: 089 47084000,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Steinstrasse+63,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13297,11.58351&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.130036,11.592336&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{1.0 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Le Faubourg},
  Kirchenstraße 5,
  Tel: 089 475533,
  good and pricey,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kirchenstrasse+5,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.12841,11.590405&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=16}{1.0 km from hotel})

\subsection*{Italian / Mediterranean}

  \href{}{Bella Italia},
  Weißenburger Straße 2,
  Tel: 089 486179, cheap
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Weissenburger+Strasse+2,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.129825,11.591395&sspn=0.00628,0.007124&ie=UTF8&ll=48.129907,11.591477&spn=0.00628,0.007124&t=h&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Dal Cavaliere},
  Weißenburger Straße 3,
  Tel: 089 488388, good food, reasonable prices
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Weissenburger+Strasse+3,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=60.028724,58.359375&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=17}{0.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Cafe-Restaurant-Bar RILA},
  Balanstraße 16,
  Tel: 089 48998804,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Balanstrasse+16,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.128165,11.591515&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16}{0.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Teatro -- Bar Tapas},
  Balanstraße 23,
  Tel: 089 48004284
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Balanstrasse+23,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.131081,11.594653&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.128117,11.591563&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{0.7 km from hotel})

  Piazzetta Ristorante / Pizzeria,
  Weißenburger Platz 8,
  Tel: 089 48955644,
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Weissenburger+Platz+8,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13195,11.592535&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.129893,11.592615&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{0.8 km from hotel})

  Steinstraße 42,
  Tel: 089 48950356, 
  gourmet restaurant 
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Steinstrasse+42,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13195,11.592535&sspn=0.00792,0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.9 km from hotel})

  Preysingstraße 69,
  Tel: 089 6886722,
  has a nice terrace
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Preysingstrasse+69,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.129893,11.592615&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.131024,11.593966&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{1.0 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Pasta e Basta},
  Fraunhoferstraße 19,
  Tel: 089 13939446,
  cheap italian pasta dishes, starting from \euro{3.25}
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Fraunhoferstrasse+19,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.128165,11.591515&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15}{1.7 km from hotel})


  \href{}{Prinz Myshkin Restaurant},
  Hackenstraße 2,
  Tel: 089 265596
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Hackenstr.+2,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.131015,11.592415&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=16}{1.9 km from hotel})

\subsection*{Caf\'es, Pubs, Cocktail Bars}

  \href{}{Molly Malones Irish Bar},
  Kellerstraße 21,
  Tel: 089 6887510
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Kellerstrasse+21,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.129905,11.59163&sspn=0.00628,0.007124&ie=UTF8&ll=48.131017,11.591477&spn=0.00628,0.007124&t=h&z=17}{0.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{La Hacienda Latin \& Soul Bar - Lounge},
  Steinstraße 83,
  Tel: 089 48998808
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Steinstrasse+83,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.131017,11.591477&sspn=0.00628,0.007124&ie=UTF8&ll=48.129907,11.591488&spn=0.00628,0.007124&t=h&z=17}{0.7 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Caf\'e Wiener Platz},
  Innere Wiener Straße 48,
  Tel: 089 4489494
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Innere+Wiener+Strasse+48,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13305,11.583225&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&ll=48.131955,11.592572&spn=0.006717,0.012918&t=h&z=16}{0.9 km from hotel})

  Fraunhoferstraße 39,
  Tel: 089 13937710
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=fraunhoferstrasse+39,+Munich&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13009,11.57986&sspn=0.013434,0.025835&ie=UTF8&ll=48.130093,11.582036&spn=0.013434,0.025835&t=h&z=15}{1.5 km from hotel})

  \href{}{Kilians Irish Pub} and
  \href{}{Ned Kelly's Australian Bar},
  Frauenplatz 11,
  Tel: 089 24219899
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Frauenplatz+11,+Munich&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.131955,11.592572&sspn=0.006717,0.012918&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15}{1.7 km from hotel})

  Wittelsbacherstraße 15,
  Tel: 089 2010059,
  also a restaurant
  (\href{,+Munich&daddr=Wittelsbacherstrasse+15,+Isarvorstadt-Ludwigsvorstadt+80469+Munich,+Bavaria,+Germany&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.112933,11.646194&sspn=0.107506,0.20668&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15}{2.2 km from hotel})

\section{Tourist Attractions}

Munich has many tourist attractions. We recommend visits to the following three:

\item \href{}{\bf Deutsches Museum} is, 
  according to Wikipedia, the world's largest museum
  of technology and science showing priceless artifacts and historic originals
  including the first electric dynamo (Siemens, 1866), the first automobile 
  (Benz, 1886), the first diesel engine (Diesel, 1897), and the laboratory
  bench at which the atom was first split (Hahn, Strassmann, 1938). It also
  contains a replica of Zuse's
  \href{}{Z3} machine (from 1941) 
  and the original of 
  the successor \href{}{Z4}. 
  The Z3 is, again according to Wikipedia, the world's
  first working programmable, fully automatic computing machine. (Address: Museumsinsel
  1, opening hours 9am -- 5pm, ticket price \euro{8.50},
  \href{,+Munich&daddr=Museumsinsel+1,Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.130358,11.586549&sspn=0.00792,0.019205&ie=UTF8&z=17}{0.6 km from hotel})

\item \href{}{\bf The Old
    Pinakothek} contains one of the world's most famous collection of paintings
  from European masters from the 14th to 18th century. It includes paintings
  by Dürer, Cranach, Giotto, Botticelli, da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Rubens,
  Van Dyck and Rembrandt.
  (Address: Barer Strasse
  27, opening hours 10am -- 6pm, Tuesdays until 8pm, ticket price
  \euro{7.00} including an audio guide, on Sundays only \euro{1.00} but audio
  guide is extra, 
  \href{,+Munich&daddr=Barer+Strasse+27,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.13077,11.58662&sspn=0.00396,0.009602&ie=UTF8&z=14}{3.1 km from hotel)}
\item \href{}{\bf The Residence} is the former 
  royal palace of the Bavarian
  monarchs, containing today an excellent museum of the treasures collected
  by the monarchs over the centuries. The residence contains ten 
  courtyards and the museum displays 130 rooms. (Address: Residenzstrasse 1, opening hours
  9am -- 6pm, last entry 5pm, ticket prices range from \euro{6.00} to
  \euro{11.00} depending on which combination of the exhibitions you want to 
  visit, \href{,+Munich&daddr=Residenzstr.+1,+Munich&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=48.139055,11.579755&sspn=0.031674,0.076818&ie=UTF8&z=15}{2 km
    from hotel})


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