\documentclass[11pt]{report}\usepackage{eurosym}\begin{document}\title{\bf ITP 2015 Conference Booklet}\author{Xingyuan Zhang and Christian Urban}\date{\today}\tableofcontents \maketitle\chapter{Pre-Arrival}\section{Registration and Conference Fee}The early conference fee is RMB 3500, which is approximately\pounds{}370, \$565, or \euro{}530. It must be transferred viabank transfer (see details below). The conference fee includeslunches and dinners during the conference. It also covers theexcursion, conference banquette and welcome reception. \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{4mm}}l}Early conference fee until 31.~July: & RMB 3500\\Late conference fee from 1.~August: & RMB 4000\bigskip\\Additional banquette dinner: & RMB ??\bigskip\\Isabelle tutorial (21 -- 23 August): & ??\\Coq tutorial (27 - 29 August): & ??\\\end{tabular}\end{center}\end{document}