\documentclass[11pt]{report}\usepackage{eurosym}\usepackage{fontspec}\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo}\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Palatino Linotype}\def\xyzemail{xingyuanzhang at 126 dot com}\def\cwemail{chunhanwu at 126 dot com} \begin{document}\title{\LARGE\bf ITP 2015 Conference Booklet}\author{Xingyuan Zhang, Chunhan Wu and Christian Urban}\date{\today}%%\tableofcontents \maketitle\chapter{Pre-Arrival}\section{Registration and Conference Fee}In short\begin{itemize}\item[(1)] you need to make a bank transfer for the conference fee, and \item[(2)] you need to email Xingyuan with your details\\ (\xyzemail)\end{itemize}\noindent Xingyuan will then confirm that the payment has beenreceived. Note that if you are Chinese and need a \emph{fapiao} to reclaim the conference fee, you need to contact Xingyuan directly before making any money transfer. \medskip\noindent The early conference fee is RMB 3300, which isapproximately \pounds{}350, \$533, or \euro{}488. It must betransferred via bank transfer and must arrive in RMB on ourend; we cannot accept any other form of payment. The conference fee includes lunches during the conference. Italso covers the excursion, the conference banquet and awelcome reception. \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{4mm}}l}Early conference fee until 31.~July: & RMB 3300\\Late conference fee from 1.~August: & RMB 3800\bigskip\\Additional banquet dinner and excursion: & RMB 530\\(one is included in the conference fee)\bigskip\\Isabelle tutorial (21 -- 23 August): & RMB 250\\Coq tutorial (27 -- 29 August): & RMB 200\\\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentThe amount payable needs to be transferred to the account:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{ll}Account holder's name:& Zhang Xingyuan\medskip\\Beneficiary bank:& BANK OF CHINA\medskip\\Swift Code:& BKCHCNBJ940\medskip\\Account number:& 504066588897\medskip\\Beneficiary bank address:& Nanjing Mei Hua Shan Zhuang\\ & Sub-branch, Nanjing, China\medskip\\Account holder's address:& \\ & Suite 2106, Building 20,\\ & 20 Biao Ying,\\ & Qinhuai District,\\ & Nanjing, Jiangsu Province,\\ & People's Republic of China.\\\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindent {\bf Please make doubly-sure that your banktransferral contains your full name as reference (additionalinformation field)!} Otherwise we will have no idea where themoney came from. Please also make sure that your transferralcovers all bank fees.\bigskip\section{Hotel Booking}In short, you need to send your arrival and departure details to Chunhan (\cwemail).\bigskip\noindent While it is possible to book the hotel via officialonline travel web-pages, the price there is higher. Theeasiest is to send Chunhan your name, arrival and departuredates and he will send you back a booking ticket from Hanyuanhotel, which you might need for your visa application. You can pay the hotel when you arrive using Visa orMasterCard.\section{Visa}Please be aware that for travelling to China you will need avisa, for which you have to apply {\bf beforehand}. It often takesone or two weeks before a visa is granted. Though if you are prepared to pay a higher application fee, then you can shorten the delay to a few days. For the visa youwill need an invitation letter, which Chunhan will send you(\cwemail). You need to provide him with your name, title, work address, e-mail and paper title (if you present a paper). He will e-mail you the invitation letter. You might also needyour hotel booking (see above) and flight details for the visaapplication.\chapter{Post-Arrival}TBD %weather, electrical connectors\end{document}