--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cert.tex Tue Aug 18 15:24:17 2015 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+\documentclass[12pt, pagenumber=false, parskip=half,%
+ fromalign=right, fromphone=false,%
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+% fromalign = right (right, center) - Absenderfeld formatiert.
+% fromrule = afteraddress, false, aftername - ein Linie wird nach der Adresse gesetzt.
+% backaddress = true (false) - Setzen einer Rücksendeadresse für Fensterumschläge
+% fromphone = true - Setzen der Telefonnummer des Absenders
+% fromemail = true - Setzen der eMail-Adresse des Absenders
+% fromurl = true - Setzen einer Homepageadresse des Absenders
+% fromlogo = true - Absenderlogo (Firmenlogo) wird in den Brief eingefügt
+\setkomavar{fromname}{Dr~Christian Urban}
+\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Department of Informatics\\
+ King's College London\\
+ Strand, London WC2R 2LS\\
+ United Kingdom}
+\setkomavar{signature}{Dr Christian Urban\\ co-chair of the ITP 2015 conference}
+\opening{\bigskip\textbf{Certificate for the Registration Fee for the ITP 2015 Conference in Nanjing}}
+This is to certify that
+\noindent paid
+Total: & \uuline{#2}\\
+\if #30{for the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, which took place
+from 24th until 27th of August in Nanjing, China.} \fi
+\if #31{for the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving and the Isabelle Tutorial,
+which both took place from 21st until 27th of August in Nanjing, China.} \fi
+\if #32{for the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving and the Coq Tutorial,
+which both took place from 24th until 29th of August in Nanjing, China.} \fi
+\if #33{for the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, as well as the
+Isabelle and Coq Tutorials, which all took place from 21th until 29th of August in Nanjing, China.} \fi
+\closing{\noindent{}Yours sincerely,\bigskip\mbox{}}