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     1 \documentclass{article}
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    14 \begin{document}
    16 \begin{center}
    17 \textbf{CALL FOR PAPERS}\\[1.2ex]
    18 {\normalsize 6th International Conference on }\\[0.8ex]
    19 {\large\bfseries Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2015)}\\[0.8ex]
    20 {\normalsize\itshape 24 -- 27 August 2015, Nanjing, China}\\[1.2ex]
    21 \texttt{}
    22 \end{center}
    24 \vspace{0mm}
    26 \begin{minipage}[t]{6.9cm}% first column
    27 \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.99}\parskip 4pt\small
    29 \textbf{Programme Committee:} \\
    30 Andrea Asperti, \emph{University of Bologna}\\
    31 Jesper Bengtson, \emph{IT University of Copenhagen}\\
    32 Steffen Berghofer, \emph{Secunet Security Networks AG}\\
    33 Yves Bertot, \emph{INRIA}\\
    34 Lars Birkedal, \emph{Aarhus University}\\
    35 Sandrine Blazy, \emph{IRISA}\\
    36 Thierry Coquand, \emph{University of Gothenburg}\\
    37 Xinyu Feng, \emph{Univ.~of Science and Technology of China}\\
    38 Ruben Gamboa, \emph{University of Wyoming}\\
    39 Herman Geuvers, \emph{Radboud University Nijmegen}\\
    40 Mike Gordon, \emph{Cambridge University}\\
    41 Elsa Gunter, \emph{University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign}\\
    42 John Harrison, \emph{Intel Corporation}\\
    43 Hugo Herbelin, \emph{INRIA}\\
    44 Matt Kaufmann, \emph{University of Texas at Austin}\\
    45 Gerwin Klein, \emph{NICTA}\\
    46 Cesar Munoz, \emph{NASA Langley Research Center}\\
    47 Tobias Nipkow, \emph{TU M\"unchen}\\
    48 Michael Norrish, \emph{NICTA}\\
    49 Scott Owens, \emph{University of Kent}\\
    50 Randy Pollack, \emph{Edinburgh University}\\
    51 Carsten Sch\"urmann, \emph{IT University of Copenhagen}\\
    52 Konrad Slind, \emph{Rockwell Collins}\\
    53 Alwen Tiu, \emph{Nanyang Technological University}\\
    54 Christian Urban (co-chair), \emph{King's College London}\\
    55 Dimitrios Vytiniotis, \emph{Microsoft Research Cambridge}\\
    56 Xingyuan Zhang (co-chair), \emph{PLA University of Science and Technology Nanjing}    
    57 \\[1em]
    58 %
    59 \textbf{Important Dates:} \\
    60 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{~~}r@{}}
    61 Title \& abstract submission:        & 9 March 2015\\
    62 Full paper submission:        & 13 March 2015\\
    63 Author notification:     & 15 May 2015\\
    64 Camera-ready papers due: & 5 June 2015\\
    65 Conference:              & 24 -- 27 August 2015\\
    66 \end{tabular}
    67 \\[1em]
    68 \textbf{Organizers:} \\[1ex]
    69 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
    70 Xingyuan Zhang\\
    71 Chunhan Wu\\
    72 Christian Urban\\
    73 \end{tabular}
    75 \end{minipage}
    76 \hspace{3mm}
    77 \begin{minipage}[t]{11cm}% second column
    78 \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.95}
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    81 %%%\small
    83 ITP is the premier international conference for researchers
    84 from all areas of interactive theorem proving and its
    85 applications. The sixth conference will be held on 24 through
    86 27 August 2015 in Nanijing.
    88 {\bf Topics}\medskip
    90 The programme committee welcomes submissions on all aspects of
    91 interactive theorem proving and its applications. The topics
    92 include, but are not limited to, the following:
    95 \begin{itemize} 
    96 \item Specification and verification of hardware:
    97       microprocessors, memory systems, pipelines, etc; formal
    98       semantics of hardware design languages; synthesis;
    99       formal design flows. 
   100 \item Specification and verification of software: program
   101       verification, refinement, and synthesis for functional,
   102       declarative and imperative languages; formal semantics
   103       of programming languages; proof carrying code.
   104 \item Industrial application of theorem provers. 
   105 \item Formalization of mathematical theories. 
   106 \item Advances in theorem prover technology: proof automation
   107       and decision procedures, induction, combination of
   108       deductive and algorithmic approaches, incorporation of
   109       theorem provers into larger systems, combination of
   110       theorem provers with other provers and tools. 
   111 \item Other topics, including: security algorithms,
   112       properties, and policies; specification and requirements
   113       analysis of systems; user interfaces for theorem
   114       provers; development and extension of higher order
   115       logics. 
   116 \item Proof Pearls: concise and elegant presentations of
   117       interesting examples. 
   118 \end{itemize}
   120 Submission is electronic. Papers should be no more than 16
   121 pages in length and are to be submitted in PDF format. They
   122 must conform to the LNCS style preferably using LaTeX2e. The
   123 proceedings are to be published as a volume in the Lecture
   124 Notes in Computer Science series. 
   126 In addition to regular papers, described above, there will be
   127 a ``rough diamond'' section. Rough diamond submissions are
   128 limited to 6 pages and may consist of an extended abstract.
   129 They will be refereed: they will be expected to present
   130 innovative and promising ideas, possibly in an early form and
   131 without supporting evidence. Accepted diamonds will be
   132 published in the main proceedings, and will be presented as
   133 short talks. 
   135 Authors of all accepted papers are expected to present their
   136 paper at the conference.
   139 \end{minipage}
   140 \end{document}