authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:38:14 +0000 (2009-02-21)
changeset 128 693711a0c702
parent 127 74846cb0fff9
child 129 e0d368a45537
--- a/CookBook/FirstSteps.thy	Fri Feb 20 23:19:41 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/FirstSteps.thy	Sat Feb 21 11:38:14 2009 +0000
@@ -658,11 +658,11 @@
   @{ML_response [display,gray] "@{term \"Nil\"}" "Const (\"List.list.Nil\", \<dots>)"}
-  the name of the constant depends on the theory in which the term constructor
-  @{text "Nil"} is defined (@{text "List"}) and also in which datatype 
-  (@{text "list"}). Even worse, some constants have a name involving 
-  type-classes. Consider for example the constants for @{term "zero"} 
-  and @{text "(op *)"}:
+  the name of the constant @{term "Nil"} depends on the theory in which the
+  term constructor is defined (@{text "List"}) and also in which datatype
+  (@{text "list"}). Even worse, some constants have a name involving
+  type-classes. Consider for example the constants for @{term "zero"} and
+  @{text "(op *)"}:
   @{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"0::nat\"}, @{term \"op *\"})" 
  "(Const (\"HOL.zero_class.zero\", \<dots>), 
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
   "type_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}
   To calculate the type, this function traverses the whole term and will
-  detect any inconsistency. For examle changing the type of the variable 
+  detect any typing inconsistency. For examle changing the type of the variable 
   from @{typ "nat"} to @{typ "int"} will result in the error message: 
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@
   Since the complete traversal might sometimes be too costly and
   not necessary, there is also the function @{ML fastype_of} which 
-  returns a type.
+  returns the type of a term.
   @{ML_response [display,gray] 
   "fastype_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
   Const (\"HOL.one_class.one\", \"nat\") $ Free (\"x\", \"nat\")"}
   Instead of giving explicitly the type for the constant @{text "plus"} and the free 
-  variable @{text "x"}, the type-inference will fill in the missing information.
+  variable @{text "x"}, the type-inference filled in the missing information.
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@
   However, while we obtained a theorem as result, this theorem is not
   yet stored in Isabelle's theorem database. So it cannot be referenced later
-  on. How to store theorems will be explained in the next section.
+  on. How to store theorems will be explained in Section~\ref{sec:storing}.
   For the functions @{text "assume"}, @{text "forall_elim"} etc 
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
-section {* Storing Theorems *}
+section {* Storing Theorems\label{sec:storing} *}
 text {* @{ML PureThy.add_thms_dynamic} *}
--- a/CookBook/Parsing.thy	Fri Feb 20 23:19:41 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Parsing.thy	Sat Feb 21 11:38:14 2009 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@
   @{ML_response [display,gray] "($$ \"w\") (explode \"world\")" "(\"w\", [\"o\", \"r\", \"l\", \"d\"])"}
+  The type of a parser is defined as
   This function will either succeed (as in the two examples above) or raise the exception 
   @{text "FAIL"} if no string can be consumed. For example trying to parse
@@ -93,7 +98,7 @@
   Note how the result of consumed strings builds up on the left as nested pairs.  
   If, as in the previous example, you want to parse a particular string, 
-  then one should use the function @{ML Scan.this_string}:
+  then you should use the function @{ML Scan.this_string}:
   @{ML_response [display,gray] "Scan.this_string \"hell\" (explode \"hello\")"
                           "(\"hell\", [\"o\"])"}
@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@
                 "([\"h\", \"h\", \"h\", \"h\"], [])"}
   @{ML Symbol.stopper} is the ``end-of-input'' indicator for parsing strings;
-  other stoppers need to be used when parsing tokens, for example. However, this kind of 
+  other stoppers need to be used when parsing, for example, tokens. However, this kind of 
   manually wrapping is often already done by the surrounding infrastructure. 
   The function @{ML Scan.repeat} can be used with @{ML Scan.one} to read any 
@@ -348,10 +353,17 @@
 text {*
   Most of the time, however, Isabelle developers have to deal with parsing
-  tokens, not strings.  This is because the parsers for the theory syntax, as
-  well as the parsers for the arguments of proof methods the type @{ML_type OuterLex.token} 
-  (which is identical to the type @{ML_type OuterParse.token}).  There are also handy 
-  parsers for ML-expressions and ML-files.
+  tokens, not strings.  These token parsers will have the type
+ML{*type 'a parser = OuterLex.token list -> 'a * OuterLex.token list*}
+text {*
+  This reason for using token parsers is that theory syntax, as well as the
+  parsers for the arguments of proof methods, use the type @{ML_type
+  OuterLex.token} (which is identical to the type @{ML_type
+  OuterParse.token}).  However, there are also handy parsers for
+  ML-expressions and ML-files.
   The parser functions for the theory syntax are contained in the structure
@@ -367,8 +379,8 @@
 text {*
   The first example shows how to generate a token list out of a string using
-  the function @{ML "OuterSyntax.scan"}. It is given below @{ML "Position.none"}
-  as argument since, at the moment, we are not interested in generating
+  the function @{ML "OuterSyntax.scan"}. It is given the argument @{ML "Position.none"}
+  since, at the moment, we are not interested in generating
   precise error messages. The following code
 @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "OuterSyntax.scan Position.none \"hello world\"" 
@@ -422,7 +434,7 @@
   (Scan.dest_lexicon commands, Scan.dest_lexicon keywords)
+"([\"}\", \"{\", \<dots>],[\"\<rightleftharpoons>\", \"\<leftharpoondown>\", \<dots>])"}
   The parser @{ML "OuterParse.$$$"} parses a single keyword. For example:
@@ -433,7 +445,7 @@
   (OuterParse.$$$ \"where\" input1, OuterParse.$$$ \"|\" input2)
+"((\"where\",\<dots>), (\"|\",\<dots>))"}
   Like before, you can sequentially connect parsers with @{ML "--"}. For example: 
@@ -443,7 +455,7 @@
   (OuterParse.$$$ \"|\" -- OuterParse.$$$ \"in\") input
+"((\"|\", \"in\"),[])"}
   The parser @{ML "OuterParse.enum s p" for s p} parses a possibly empty 
   list of items recognised by the parser @{text p}, where the items being parsed
@@ -455,7 +467,7 @@
   (OuterParse.enum \"|\" (OuterParse.$$$ \"in\")) input
+"([\"in\", \"in\", \"in\"],[\<dots>])"}
   @{ML "OuterParse.enum1"} works similarly, except that the parsed list must
   be non-empty. Note that we had to add a string @{text [quotes] "foo"} at the
@@ -472,7 +484,7 @@
   Scan.finite OuterLex.stopper 
          (OuterParse.enum \"|\" (OuterParse.$$$ \"in\")) input
+"([\"in\", \"in\", \"in\"],[])"}
   The following function will help to run examples.
@@ -510,7 +522,7 @@
   it is a good idea to give as much information about where the error 
   occured. For this Isabelle can attach positional information to tokens
   and then thread this information up the processing chain. To see this,
-  modify the function @{ML filtered_input} described earlier to be
+  modify the function @{ML filtered_input} described earlier to 
 ML{*fun filtered_input' str = 
@@ -584,7 +596,7 @@
   able to give more precise error messages. 
-  The functions to do with input and outout of XML and YXML are defined 
+  The functions to do with input and output of XML and YXML are defined 
   in @{ML_file "Pure/General/xml.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/General/yxml.ML"}.
@@ -629,7 +641,7 @@
 text {*
   Note that the parser does not parse the keyword \simpleinductive, even if it is
   meant to process definitions as shown above. The parser of the keyword 
-  will be given by the infrastructure that will eventually calls @{ML spec_parser}.
+  will be given by the infrastructure that will eventually call @{ML spec_parser}.
   To see what the parser returns, let us parse the string corresponding to the 
@@ -718,10 +730,8 @@
   The function @{ML opt_thm_name in SpecParse} is the ``optional'' variant of
   @{ML thm_name in SpecParse}. As can be seen each theorem name can contain some 
-  attributes. 
-  For the inductive definitions described above only the attibutes @{text "[intro]"} and
-  @{text "[simp]"} make sense.
+  attributes. The name has to end with @{text [quotes] ":"}---see argument of 
+  @{ML SpecParse.opt_thm_name} in Line 9.
   Attributes and arguments are implemented in the files @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"} 
@@ -847,7 +857,8 @@
   @{text [display] "$ ISABELLE_LOGS=\"$(isabelle getenv -b ISABELLE_OUTPUT)\"/log"}
-  on the Unix prompt. The directory should include the files:
+  on the Unix prompt. If you now also type @{text "ls $ISABELLE_LOGS"}, then the 
+  directory should include the files:
   @{text [display] 
@@ -956,8 +967,6 @@
   should be done with the theorem once it is proved (we chose to just forget
   about it). Lines 9 to 11 contain the parser for the proposition.
-  (FIXME: explain @{ML Toplevel.print} etc)
   If you now type \isacommand{foobar}~@{text [quotes] "True \<and> True"}, you obtain the following 
   proof state:
@@ -976,10 +985,12 @@
+  However, once you change the ``kind'' of a command from @{ML thy_decl in OuterKeyword}
+  to @{ML thy_goal in OuterKeyword} then the keyword file needs to be re-created.
   (FIXME What do @{ML "Toplevel.theory"} 
   @{ML "Toplevel.print"} 
-  @{ML Toplevel.local_theory}?)
+  @{ML Toplevel.local_theory} do?)
   (FIXME read a name and show how to store theorems)
--- a/CookBook/Tactical.thy	Fri Feb 20 23:19:41 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Tactical.thy	Sat Feb 21 11:38:14 2009 +0000
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
   Often proofs on the ML-level involve elaborate operations on assumptions and 
   @{text "\<And>"}-quantified variables. To do such operations using the basic tactics 
-  is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and
+  shown so far is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and
   safety is provided by the tactic @{ML SUBPROOF}. This tactic fixes the parameters 
   and binds the various components of a goal state to a record. 
   To see what happens, assume the function defined in Figure~\ref{fig:sptac}, which
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