authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 17:17:24 +0000 (2009-02-16)
changeset 121 26e5b41faa74
parent 120 c39f83d8daeb
child 122 79696161ae16
--- a/CookBook/Intro.thy	Sun Feb 15 18:58:21 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Intro.thy	Mon Feb 16 17:17:24 2009 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
   examples included in the tutorial. The code is as far as possible checked
   against recent versions of Isabelle.  If something does not work, then
   please let us know. If you have comments, criticism or like to add to the
-  tutorial, feel free---you are most welcome!
+  tutorial, feel free---you are most welcome! The tutorial is meant to be 
+  gentle and comprehensive.
 section {* Intended Audience and Prior Knowledge *}
@@ -131,8 +132,8 @@
   chapter and also contributed recipe \ref{rec:named}.
-  Please let me know if I forgotten anything. All errors are of course my
-  resposibility.
+  Please let me know of any omissions. Responsibility for any remaining
+  errors lies with me.
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/CookBook/Package/Ind_Intro.thy	Sun Feb 15 18:58:21 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Package/Ind_Intro.thy	Mon Feb 16 17:17:24 2009 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 imports Main 
-chapter {* How to Write a Definitional Package *}
+chapter {* How to Write a Definitional Package\label{chp:package} *}
 text {*
--- a/CookBook/Package/simple_inductive_package.ML	Sun Feb 15 18:58:21 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Package/simple_inductive_package.ML	Mon Feb 16 17:17:24 2009 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   val add_inductive_i:
     ((Binding.binding * typ) * mixfix) list ->  (*{predicates}*)
     (Binding.binding * typ) list ->  (*{parameters}*)
-    ((Binding.binding * Attrib.src list) * term) list ->  (*{rules}*)
+    (Attrib.binding * term) list ->  (*{rules}*)
     local_theory -> local_theory
   val add_inductive:
--- a/CookBook/Parsing.thy	Sun Feb 15 18:58:21 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Parsing.thy	Mon Feb 16 17:17:24 2009 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 theory Parsing
-imports Base 
+imports Base "Package/Simple_Inductive_Package"
@@ -528,78 +528,30 @@
 section {* Parsing Specifications\label{sec:parsingspecs} *}
 text {*
-  There are a number of special purpose parsers that help with parsing specifications
-  of functions, inductive definitions and so on. For example the 
-  @{ML OuterParse.target} reads a target in order to indicate a locale.
+  There are a number of special purpose parsers that help with parsing
+  specifications for functions, inductive definitions and so on. In
+  Capter~\ref{chp:package}, for example, we will need to parse specifications
+  for inductive predicates of the form:
-@{ML_response [display,gray]
-  val input = filtered_input \"(in test)\"
-  parse OuterParse.target input 
-end" "(\"test\",[])"}
-  The function @{ML OuterParse.opt_target} makes this parser ``optional'', that
-  is wrapping the result into an option type and returning @{ML NONE} if no
-  target is present.
+  even and odd
+  even0: "even 0"
+| evenS: "odd n \<Longrightarrow> even (Suc n)"
+| oddS: "even n \<Longrightarrow> odd (Suc n)"
-  The function @{ML OuterParse.fixes} reads an \isacommand{and}-separated 
-  list of constants that can include type annotations and syntax translations. 
-  For example:\footnote{Note that in the code we need to write 
-  @{text "\\\"int \<Rightarrow> bool\\\""} in order to properly escape the double quotes
-  in the compound type.}
+  trcl\<iota> for R :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  base: "trcl\<iota> R x x"
+| step: "trcl\<iota> R x y \<Longrightarrow> R y z \<Longrightarrow> trcl\<iota> R x z"
 text {*
-@{ML_response [display,gray]
-  val input = filtered_input 
-        \"foo::\\\"int \<Rightarrow> bool\\\" (\\\"FOO\\\" [100] 100) and bar::nat and blonk\"
-   parse OuterParse.fixes input
-"([(foo, SOME \<dots>, Mixfix (\"FOO\",[100],100)), 
-  (bar, SOME \<dots>, NoSyn), 
-  (blonk, NONE, NoSyn)],[])"}  
-  Whenever types are given, then they are stored in the @{ML SOME}s.
-  If a syntax translation is present for a constant, then it is
-  stored in the @{ML Mixfix} data structure; no syntax translation is
-  indicated by @{ML NoSyn}.
-  (FIXME: should for-fixes take any syntax annotation?)
-  @{ML OuterParse.for_fixes} is an ``optional'' that prefixes 
-  @{ML OuterParse.fixes} with the command \isacommand{for}.
-  (FIXME give an example and explain more)
-@{ML_response [display,gray]
-  val input = filtered_input 
-        \"for foo::\\\"int \<Rightarrow> bool\\\" (\\\"FOO\\\" [100] 100) and bar::nat and blonk\"
-   parse OuterParse.for_fixes input
-"([(foo, SOME \<dots>, Mixfix (\"FOO\",[100],100)), 
-  (bar, SOME \<dots>, NoSyn), 
-  (blonk, NONE, NoSyn)],[])"}  
+  For this we are going to use the parser:
-  val input = filtered_input "test_lemma[intro,foo,elim,dest!,bar]:"
-  parse (SpecParse.thm_name ":") input 
-     |> fst |> snd |> (Attrib.pretty_attribs @{context}) |> (map Pretty.string_of)
-text {*
-  (FIXME: why is intro, elim and dest treated differently from bar?) 
-ML{*val spec_parser = 
+ML %linenosgray{*val spec_parser = 
     OuterParse.opt_target --
     OuterParse.fixes -- 
     OuterParse.for_fixes --
@@ -610,6 +562,9 @@
                 (SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":" -- OuterParse.prop))) []*}
 text {*
+  To see what it returns, let us parse the string corresponding to the 
+  definition of @{term even} and @{term odd}:
 @{ML_response [display,gray]
   val input = filtered_input
@@ -625,13 +580,85 @@
      [((even0,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eeven 0\\^E\\^F\\^E\"),
       ((evenS,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eodd n \<Longrightarrow> even (Suc n)\\^E\\^F\\^E\"),
       ((oddS,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eeven n \<Longrightarrow> odd (Suc n)\\^E\\^F\\^E\")]), [])"}
+  As can be seen, the result is a ``nested'' four-tuple consisting of an 
+  optional locale; a list of variables with optional type-annotation and optional 
+  syntax-annotation; a list of for-fixes (fixed variables); and a list of rules 
+  where each rule has optionally a name and an attribute.
+  In Line 2 of the parser, the function @{ML OuterParse.opt_target} reads a target 
+  in order to indicate a locale in which the specification is made. For example
+@{ML_response [display,gray]
+"parse OuterParse.opt_target (filtered_input \"(in test)\")" "(SOME \"test\",[])"}
+  The function @{ML OuterParse.opt_target} returns @{ML NONE}, if no target is given.
+  The function @{ML OuterParse.fixes} in Line 3 reads an \isacommand{and}-separated 
+  list of variables that can include type annotations and syntax translations. 
+  For example:\footnote{Note that in the code we need to write 
+  @{text "\\\"int \<Rightarrow> bool\\\""} in order to properly escape the double quotes
+  in the compound type.}
+@{ML_response [display,gray]
+  val input = filtered_input 
+        \"foo::\\\"int \<Rightarrow> bool\\\" and bar::nat (\\\"BAR\\\" 100) and blonk\"
+   parse OuterParse.fixes input
+"([(foo, SOME \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eint \<Rightarrow> bool\\^E\\^F\\^E\", NoSyn), 
+  (bar, SOME \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Enat\\^E\\^F\\^E\", Mixfix (\"BAR\", [], 100)), 
+  (blonk, NONE, NoSyn)],[])"}  
-text {* 
-  The (outer?) parser for the package: returns optionally a locale; 
-  a list of predicate constants with optional type-annotation and 
-  optional syntax-annotation; a list of for-fixes (fixed parameters); 
-  and a list of rules where each rule has optionally a name and an attribute.
+text {*
+  Whenever types are given, they are stored in the @{ML SOME}s. Since types
+  are part of the inner syntax they are strings with some printing directives. 
+  If a syntax translation is present for a variable, then it is
+  stored in the @{ML Mixfix} datastructure; no syntax translation is
+  indicated by @{ML NoSyn}.
+  \begin{readmore}
+  The datastructre for sytax annotations is defined in @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/mixfix.ML"}.
+  \end{readmore}
+  Similarly, the function @{ML OuterParse.for_fixes} in Line 4: it reads the
+  same \isacommand{and}-separated list of variables as @{ML "fixes" in OuterParse}, 
+  but requires that this list is prefixed by the keyword \isacommand{for}.
+@{ML_response [display,gray]
+"parse OuterParse.for_fixes (filtered_input \"for foo and bar\")"
+"([(foo, NONE, NoSyn), (bar, NONE, NoSyn)],[])"}  
+  Lines 5 to 9 include the parser for a list of introduction rules, that is propositions 
+  with theorem annotations. The introduction rules are propositions parsed 
+  by @{ML OuterParse.prop}. However, they can include an optional theorem name plus
+  some attributes. For example
+@{ML_response [display,gray] "let 
+  val input = filtered_input \"foo_lemma[intro,dest!]:\"
+  val ((name, attrib), _) = parse (SpecParse.thm_name \":\") input 
+  (name, map Args.dest_src attrib)
+end" "(foo_lemma, [((\"intro\", []), \<dots>), ((\"dest\", [\<dots>]), \<dots>)])"}
+  The function @{ML opt_thm_name in SpecParse} is the ``optional'' variant of
+  @{ML thm_name in SpecParse}. As can be seen each theorem name can contain some 
+  attributes. If you want to print out all currently known attributes a theorem 
+  can have, you can use the function:
+ML{*Attrib.print_attributes @{theory}*}
+text {*
+  For the inductive definitions described above only the attibutes @{text "[intro]"} and
+  @{text "[simp]"} make sense.
+  \begin{readmore}
+  Attributes and arguments are implemented in the files @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"} 
+  and @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/args.ML"}.
+  \end{readmore}
 section {* New Commands and Keyword Files\label{sec:newcommand} *}
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+++ b/CookBook/document/root.tex	Mon Feb 16 17:17:24 2009 +0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 \belowcaptionskip 10mm
 % to work around a problem with \isanewline
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