updated to post-2011 Isabelle
authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Wed, 23 Feb 2011 23:55:37 +0000 (2011-02-23)
changeset 458 242e81f4d461
parent 457 aedfdcae39a9
child 459 4532577b61e0
updated to post-2011 Isabelle
--- a/ProgTutorial/Essential.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Essential.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
   val thm = @{thm foo_test1}
   val meta_eq = Object_Logic.atomize (cprop_of thm)
-  MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule [meta_eq] thm
+  Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_rule [meta_eq] thm
   "?A \<longrightarrow> ?B \<longrightarrow> ?C"}
@@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@
   val thm' = forall_intr_vars thm
   val thm'' = Object_Logic.atomize (cprop_of thm')
-  MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule [thm''] thm'
+  Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_rule [thm''] thm'
 text {*
--- a/ProgTutorial/First_Steps.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/First_Steps.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -158,34 +158,6 @@
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "tracing \"foo\"" "\"foo\""}
-  It is also possible to redirect the ``channel'' where the string @{text
-  "foo"} is printed to a separate file, e.g., in order to prevent ProofGeneral from
-  choking on massive amounts of trace output. This redirection can be achieved
-  with the code:
-ML{*val strip_specials =
-  fun strip ("\^A" :: _ :: cs) = strip cs
-    | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-    | strip [] = [];
-  implode o strip o explode 
-fun redirect_tracing stream =
- Output.Private_Hooks.tracing_fn := (fn s =>
-    (TextIO.output (stream, (strip_specials s));
-     TextIO.output (stream, "\n");
-     TextIO.flushOut stream)) *}
-text {*
-  Calling now
-  @{ML [display,gray] "redirect_tracing (TextIO.openOut \"foo.bar\")"}
-  will cause that all tracing information is printed into the file @{text "foo.bar"}.
   You can print out error messages with the function @{ML_ind error in Library}; for 
@@ -900,13 +872,13 @@
 ML{*fun get_thm_names_from_ss simpset =
-  val {simps,...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss simpset
+  val {simps,...} = Raw_Simplifier.dest_ss simpset
   map #1 simps
 text {*
-  The function @{ML_ind dest_ss in MetaSimplifier} returns a record containing all
+  The function @{ML_ind dest_ss in Raw_Simplifier} returns a record containing all
   information stored in the simpset, but here we are only interested in the names of the
   simp-rules. Now you can feed in the current simpset into this function. 
   The current simpset can be referred to using the antiquotation @{text "@{simpset}"}.
--- a/ProgTutorial/Parsing.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Parsing.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   In the examples above we use the function @{ML_ind explode in Symbol} from the
   structure @{ML_struct Symbol}, instead of the more standard library function
   @{ML_ind explode in String}, for obtaining an input list for the parser. The reason is
-  that @{ML explode} in @{ML_struct Symbol} is aware of character
+  that @{ML explode in Symbol} is aware of character
   sequences, for example @{text "\<foo>"}, that have a special meaning in
   Isabelle. To see the difference consider
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   val input = \"\<foo> bar\"
-  (explode input, Symbol.explode input)
+  (String.explode input, Symbol.explode input)
 "([\"\\\", \"<\", \"f\", \"o\", \"o\", \">\", \" \", \"b\", \"a\", \"r\"],
  [\"\<foo>\", \" \", \"b\", \"a\", \"r\"])"}
--- a/ProgTutorial/Recipes/Sat.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Recipes/Sat.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
   The SAT solvers expect a propositional formula as input and produce
   a result indicating that the formula is either satisfiable, unsatisfiable or
   unknown. The type of the propositional formula is  
-  @{ML_type "PropLogic.prop_formula"} with the usual constructors such 
-  as @{ML And in PropLogic}, @{ML Or in PropLogic} and so on.
+  @{ML_type "Prop_Logic.prop_formula"} with the usual constructors such 
+  as @{ML And in Prop_Logic}, @{ML Or in Prop_Logic} and so on.
-  The function  @{ML  PropLogic.prop_formula_of_term} translates an Isabelle 
+  The function  @{ML  Prop_Logic.prop_formula_of_term} translates an Isabelle 
   term into a propositional formula. Let
   us illustrate this function by translating @{term "A \<and> \<not>A \<or> B"}. 
   The function will return a propositional formula and a table. Suppose 
 ML{*val (pform, table) = 
-       PropLogic.prop_formula_of_term @{term "A \<and> \<not>A \<or> B"}  Termtab.empty*}
+       Prop_Logic.prop_formula_of_term @{term "A \<and> \<not>A \<or> B"}  Termtab.empty*}
 text {*
   then the resulting propositional formula @{ML pform} is 
-  @{ML [display] "Or (And (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1)), BoolVar 2)" in PropLogic} 
+  @{ML [display] "Or (And (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1)), BoolVar 2)" in Prop_Logic} 
   where indices are assigned for the variables 
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@
 ML{*val (pform', table') = 
-       PropLogic.prop_formula_of_term @{term "\<forall>x::nat. P x"}  Termtab.empty*}
+       Prop_Logic.prop_formula_of_term @{term "\<forall>x::nat. P x"}  Termtab.empty*}
 text {*
-  returns @{ML "BoolVar 1" in PropLogic} for  @{ML pform'} and the table 
+  returns @{ML "BoolVar 1" in Prop_Logic} for  @{ML pform'} and the table 
   @{ML table'} is:
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
--- a/ProgTutorial/Solutions.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Solutions.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
   @{ML_response [display,gray]
-  val input1 = (explode \"foo bar\")
-  val input2 = (explode \"foo (*test*) bar (*test*)\")
+  val input1 = (Symbol.explode \"foo bar\")
+  val input2 = (Symbol.explode \"foo (*test*) bar (*test*)\")
   (scan_all input1, scan_all input2)
--- a/ProgTutorial/Tactical.thy	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Tactical.thy	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@
   corresponding preconditions.
-  For more information about the simplifier see @{ML_file "Pure/meta_simplifier.ML"}
+  For more information about the simplifier see @{ML_file "Pure/raw_simplifier.ML"}
   and @{ML_file "Pure/simplifier.ML"}. The generic splitter is implemented in 
   @{ML_file "Provers/splitter.ML"}.
@@ -1413,9 +1413,9 @@
   \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{10mm}}l}
-  @{ML_ind addsimps in MetaSimplifier}    & @{ML_ind delsimps in MetaSimplifier}\\
-  @{ML_ind addcongs in MetaSimplifier}    & @{ML_ind delcongs in MetaSimplifier}\\
-  @{ML_ind addsimprocs in MetaSimplifier} & @{ML_ind delsimprocs in MetaSimplifier}\\
+  @{ML_ind addsimps in Raw_Simplifier}    & @{ML_ind delsimps in Raw_Simplifier}\\
+  @{ML_ind addcongs in Raw_Simplifier}    & @{ML_ind delcongs in Raw_Simplifier}\\
+  @{ML_ind addsimprocs in Raw_Simplifier} & @{ML_ind delsimprocs in Raw_Simplifier}\\
@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@
 ML{*fun print_ss ctxt ss =
-  val {simps, congs, procs, ...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss ss
+  val {simps, congs, procs, ...} = Raw_Simplifier.dest_ss ss
   fun name_thm (nm, thm) =
     Pretty.enclose (nm ^ ": ") "" [pretty_thm_no_vars ctxt thm]
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@
 text_raw {* 
-\caption{The function @{ML_ind dest_ss in MetaSimplifier} returns a record containing
+\caption{The function @{ML_ind dest_ss in Raw_Simplifier} returns a record containing
   all printable information stored in a simpset. We are here only interested in the 
   simplification rules, congruence rules and simprocs.\label{fig:printss}}
 \end{figure} *}
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@
 text {* 
   To see how they work, consider the function in Figure~\ref{fig:printss}, which
   prints out some parts of a simpset. If you use it to print out the components of the
-  empty simpset, i.e., @{ML_ind empty_ss in MetaSimplifier}
+  empty simpset, i.e., @{ML_ind empty_ss in Raw_Simplifier}
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
   "print_ss @{context} empty_ss"
@@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@
   The simplifier is often used to unfold definitions in a proof. For this the
-  simplifier implements the tactic @{ML_ind rewrite_goal_tac in MetaSimplifier}.\footnote{\bf FIXME: 
+  simplifier implements the tactic @{ML_ind rewrite_goal_tac in Raw_Simplifier}.\footnote{\bf FIXME: 
   see LocalDefs infrastructure.} Suppose for example the
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@
 text {*
   If you want to unfold definitions in \emph{all} subgoals, not just one, 
-  then use the the tactic @{ML_ind rewrite_goals_tac in MetaSimplifier}.
+  then use the the tactic @{ML_ind rewrite_goals_tac in Raw_Simplifier}.
@@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@
   Here the pattern is given as @{ML_type term} (instead of @{ML_type cterm}).
   The function also takes a list of patterns that can trigger the simproc.
   Now the simproc is set up and can be explicitly added using
-  @{ML_ind addsimprocs in MetaSimplifier} to a simpset whenever
+  @{ML_ind addsimprocs in Raw_Simplifier} to a simpset whenever
   Simprocs are applied from inside to outside and from left to right. You can
@@ -2539,7 +2539,7 @@
   See @{ML_file "Pure/conv.ML"}
   for more information about conversion combinators. 
   Some basic conversions are defined in  @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"},
-  @{ML_file "Pure/drule.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/meta_simplifier.ML"}.
+  @{ML_file "Pure/drule.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/raw_simplifier.ML"}.
--- a/ProgTutorial/document/root.tex	Fri Oct 29 13:46:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/document/root.tex	Wed Feb 23 23:55:37 2011 +0000
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
        {\huge\bf The Isabelle Cookbook}\\
-       \mbox{A Tutorial for Programming on the ML-Level of Isabelle}\\ (draft)}
+       \mbox{A Gentle Tutorial for Programming on the ML-Level of Isabelle}\\ (draft)}
 \author{by Christian Urban with contributions from:\\[2ex] 
Binary file progtutorial.pdf has changed