polished the section on conversions
authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:37:28 +0200 (2009-07-27)
changeset 291 077c764c8d8b
parent 290 6af069ab43d4
child 292 41a802bbb7df
polished the section on conversions
--- a/ProgTutorial/Tactical.thy	Sun Jul 26 18:13:50 2009 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Tactical.thy	Mon Jul 27 10:37:28 2009 +0200
@@ -1844,59 +1844,50 @@
   val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"}
   val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"}
   val ten = @{cterm \"10::nat\"}
+  val ctrm = Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten
-  Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten)
+  Thm.beta_conversion true ctrm
   "((\<lambda>x y. x + y) 2) 10 \<equiv> 2 + 10"}
-  Note that the actual response in this example is @{term "2 + 10 \<equiv> 2 + (10::nat)"}, 
-  since the pretty-printer for @{ML_type cterm}s eta-normalises terms.
-  But how we constructed the term (using the function 
-  @{ML [index] capply in Thm}, which is the application @{ML $} for @{ML_type cterm}s)
-  ensures that the left-hand side must contain beta-redexes. Indeed
-  if we obtain the ``raw'' representation of the produced theorem, we
-  can see the difference:
+  If you run this example, you will notice that the actual response is the 
+  seemingly nonsensical @{term
+  "2 + 10 \<equiv> 2 + (10::nat)"}. The reason is that the pretty-printer for
+  @{ML_type cterm}s eta-normalises terms and therefore produces this output.
+  If we get hold of the ``raw'' representation of the produced theorem, 
+  we obtain the expected result.
   @{ML_response [display,gray]
   val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"}
   val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"}
   val ten = @{cterm \"10::nat\"}
-  val thm = Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten)
+  val ctrm = Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten
-  Thm.prop_of thm
+  Thm.prop_of (Thm.beta_conversion true ctrm)
 "Const (\"==\",\<dots>) $ 
   (Abs (\"x\",\<dots>,Abs (\"y\",\<dots>,\<dots>)) $\<dots>$\<dots>) $ 
     (Const (\"HOL.plus_class.plus\",\<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>)"} 
-  The argument @{ML true} in @{ML Thm.beta_conversion} indicates that 
+  The argument @{ML true} in @{ML beta_conversion in Thm} indicates that 
   the right-hand side should be fully beta-normalised. If instead 
   @{ML false} is given, then only a single beta-reduction is performed 
-  on the outer-most level. For example
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "let
-  val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"}
-  val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"}
-  Thm.beta_conversion false (Thm.capply add two)
-  "((\<lambda>x y. x + y) 2) \<equiv> \<lambda>y. 2 + y"} 
-  Again, we actually see as output only the fully eta-normalised term.
+  on the outer-most level. 
   The main point of conversions is that they can be used for rewriting
-  @{ML_type cterm}s. To do this you can use the function @{ML
-  "Conv.rewr_conv"}, which expects a meta-equation as an argument. Suppose we
-  want to rewrite a @{ML_type cterm} according to the meta-equation:
+  @{ML_type cterm}s. One example is the function 
+  @{ML [index] rewr_conv in Conv}, which expects a meta-equation as an 
+  argument. Suppose the following meta-equation.
 lemma true_conj1: "True \<and> P \<equiv> P" by simp
 text {* 
-  You can see how this function works in the example rewriting 
-  @{term "True \<and> (Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar)"} to @{term "Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar"}.
+  It can be used for example to rewrite @{term "True \<and> (Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar)"} 
+  to @{term "Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar"}. The code is as follows.
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
@@ -1909,7 +1900,7 @@
   Note, however, that the function @{ML [index] rewr_conv in Conv} only rewrites the 
   outer-most level of the @{ML_type cterm}. If the given @{ML_type cterm} does not match 
   exactly the 
-  left-hand side of the theorem, then  @{ML [index] rewr_conv in Conv} fails by raising 
+  left-hand side of the theorem, then  @{ML [index] rewr_conv in Conv} fails, raising 
   the exception @{ML CTERM}.
   This very primitive way of rewriting can be made more powerful by
@@ -1928,8 +1919,8 @@
   "(\<lambda>x. x \<and> False) True \<equiv> False"}
   where we first beta-reduce the term and then rewrite according to
-  @{thm [source] true_conj1}. (Recall the problem with the pretty-printer
-  normalising all terms.)
+  @{thm [source] true_conj1}. (When running this example recall the 
+  problem with the pretty-printer normalising all terms.)
   The conversion combinator @{ML [index] else_conv} tries out the 
   first one, and if it does not apply, tries the second. For example 
@@ -1954,48 +1945,56 @@
   For example
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1}) @{cterm \"True \<or> P\"}"
+  val conv = Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1})
+  val ctrm = @{cterm \"True \<or> P\"}
+  conv ctrm
   "True \<or> P \<equiv> True \<or> P"}
   Apart from the function @{ML beta_conversion in Thm}, which is able to fully
   beta-normalise a term, the conversions so far are restricted in that they
   only apply to the outer-most level of a @{ML_type cterm}. In what follows we
-  will lift this restriction. The combinator @{ML [index] arg_conv in Conv} will apply
-  the conversion to the first argument of an application, that is the term
-  must be of the form @{ML "t1 $ t2" for t1 t2} and the conversion is applied
-  to @{text t2}.  For example
+  will lift this restriction. The combinators @{ML [index] fun_conv in Conv} 
+  and @{ML [index] arg_conv in Conv} will apply
+  a conversion to the first, respectively second, argument of an application.  
+  For example
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  val conv = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1}
+  val conv = Conv.arg_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1})
   val ctrm = @{cterm \"P \<or> (True \<and> Q)\"}
-  Conv.arg_conv conv ctrm
+  conv ctrm
 "P \<or> (True \<and> Q) \<equiv> P \<or> Q"}
   The reason for this behaviour is that @{text "(op \<or>)"} expects two
   arguments.  Therefore the term must be of the form @{text "(Const \<dots> $ t1) $ t2"}. The
-  conversion is then applied to @{text "t2"} which in the example above
-  stands for @{term "True \<and> Q"}. The function @{ML [index] fun_conv in Conv} applies
-  the conversion to the first argument of an application.
+  conversion is then applied to @{text "t2"}, which in the example above
+  stands for @{term "True \<and> Q"}. The function @{ML fun_conv in Conv} would apply
+  the conversion to the term @{text "(Const \<dots> $ t1)"}.
-  The function @{ML [index] abs_conv in Conv} applies a conversion under an abstraction.
-  For example:
+  The function @{ML [index] abs_conv in Conv} applies a conversion under an 
+  abstraction. For example:
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
   val conv = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1} 
-  val ctrm = @{cterm \"\<lambda>P. True \<and> P \<and> Foo\"}
+  val ctrm = @{cterm \"\<lambda>P. True \<and> (P \<and> Foo)\"}
   Conv.abs_conv (K conv) @{context} ctrm
-  "\<lambda>P. True \<and> P \<and> Foo \<equiv> \<lambda>P. P \<and> Foo"}
+  "\<lambda>P. True \<and> (P \<and> Foo) \<equiv> \<lambda>P. P \<and> Foo"}
-  Note that this conversion needs a context as an argument. The conversion that 
-  goes under an application is @{ML [index] combination_conv in Conv}. It expects two conversions 
-  as arguments, each of which is applied to the corresponding ``branch'' of the
-  application. 
+  Note that this conversion needs a context as an argument. We also give the
+  conversion as @{text "(K conv)"}, which is a function that ignores its
+  argument (the argument being a sufficiently freshened version of the
+  variable that is abstracted and a context). The conversion that goes under
+  an application is @{ML [index] combination_conv in Conv}. It expects two
+  conversions as arguments, each of which is applied to the corresponding
+  ``branch'' of the application.
   We can now apply all these functions in a conversion that recursively
   descends a term and applies a ``@{thm [source] true_conj1}''-conversion 
@@ -2013,8 +2012,8 @@
   | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm*}
 text {*
-  This function ``fires'' if the terms is of the form @{text "True \<and> \<dots>"}; 
-  it descends under applications (Line 6 and 7) and abstractions 
+  This function ``fires'' if the terms is of the form @{text "(True \<and> \<dots>)"}. 
+  It descends under applications (Line 6 and 7) and abstractions 
   (Line 8); otherwise it leaves the term unchanged (Line 9). In Line 2
   we need to transform the @{ML_type cterm} into a @{ML_type term} in order
   to be able to pattern-match the term. To see this 
@@ -2022,10 +2021,10 @@
 @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  val ctxt = @{context}
+  val conv = all_true1_conv @{context}
   val ctrm = @{cterm \"distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> True \<and> 1 \<noteq> x\"}
-  all_true1_conv ctxt ctrm
+  conv ctrm
   "distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> True \<and> 1 \<noteq> x \<equiv> distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> 1 \<noteq> x"}
@@ -2049,11 +2048,11 @@
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  val ctxt = @{context}
+  val conv = if_true1_conv @{context}
   val ctrm = 
        @{cterm \"if P (True \<and> 1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False\"}
-  if_true1_conv ctxt ctrm
+  conv ctrm
 "if P (True \<and> 1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False 
 \<equiv> if P (1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False"}
@@ -2068,21 +2067,33 @@
 lemma foo_test: "P \<or> (True \<and> \<not>P)" by simp
 text {*
-  Using the conversion you can transform this theorem into a new theorem
-  as follows
+  Using the conversion @{ML all_true1_conv} you can transform this theorem into a 
+  new theorem as follows
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "Conv.fconv_rule (all_true1_conv @{context}) @{thm foo_test}" 
+  val conv = Conv.fconv_rule (all_true1_conv @{context}) 
+  val thm = @{thm foo_test}
+  conv thm
   "?P \<or> \<not> ?P"}
   Finally, conversions can also be turned into tactics and then applied to
   goal states. This can be done with the help of the function @{ML [index] CONVERSION},
   and also some predefined conversion combinators that traverse a goal
-  state. The combinators for the goal state are: @{ML [index] params_conv in Conv} for
-  converting under parameters (i.e.~where goals are of the form @{text "\<And>x. P \<Longrightarrow>
-  Q"}); the function @{ML [index] prems_conv in Conv} for applying a conversion to all
-  premises of a goal, and @{ML [index] concl_conv in Conv} for applying a conversion to
-  the conclusion of a goal.
+  state. The combinators for the goal state are: 
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item @{ML [index] params_conv in Conv} for converting under parameters
+  (i.e.~where goals are of the form @{text "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"})
+  \item @{ML [index] prems_conv in Conv} for applying a conversion to all
+  premises of a goal, and
+  \item @{ML [index] concl_conv in Conv} for applying a conversion to the
+  conclusion of a goal.
+  \end{itemize}
   Assume we want to apply @{ML all_true1_conv} only in the conclusion
   of the goal, and @{ML if_true1_conv} should only apply to the premises.
@@ -2125,8 +2136,7 @@
   Write a tactic that does the same as the simproc in exercise
-  \ref{ex:addsimproc}, but is based in conversions. That means replace terms
-  of the form @{term "t\<^isub>1 + t\<^isub>2"} by their result. You can make
+  \ref{ex:addsimproc}, but is based on conversions. You can make
   the same assumptions as in \ref{ex:addsimproc}. 
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