2012-03-20 Christian Urban updated to outer syntax / parser changes
2011-10-26 Christian Urban updated to post-2011-1 Isabelle
2010-05-27 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-03-07 Christian Urban updated to new isabelle
2009-11-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle and clarified Skip_Proof
2009-11-19 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2009-11-07 Christian Urban added type work and updated to Isabelle and poly 5.3
2009-10-05 Christian Urban used rewrite_goal_tac (instead of rewrite_goals_tac)
2009-07-30 Christian Urban made changes for SUBPROOF and sat_tac
2009-03-19 Christian Urban made more of the transition from "CookBook" to "ProgTutorial"
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