2009-10-13 Christian Urban tuned the ML-output mechanism; tuned slightly the text
2009-10-11 Christian Urban fixed glitch with tocibind
2009-10-05 Christian Urban used rewrite_goal_tac (instead of rewrite_goals_tac)
2009-10-03 Christian Urban more work
2009-09-27 Christian Urban some polishing
2009-08-20 Christian Urban further polishing of index generation
2009-08-20 Christian Urban simplified a bit the index generation
2009-08-05 Christian Urban added a comment for printing out information and tuned some examples accordingly
2009-08-03 Christian Urban replaced "writeln" with "tracing"
2009-08-02 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle changes and merged sections in the FirstSteps chapter
2009-07-30 Christian Urban polished the package chapter used FOCUS to explain the subproofs
2009-07-30 Christian Urban made changes for SUBPROOF and sat_tac
2009-05-30 Christian Urban added some first index-information
2009-05-17 Christian Urban some polishing; added together with Jasmin more examples to the pretty printing section
2009-04-15 Christian Urban replaced "warning" with "writeln"
2009-04-11 Christian Urban very slight polishing to the simple inductive chapter
2009-04-01 Christian Urban finished the heavy duty stuff for the inductive package
2009-04-01 Christian Urban more work on the simple inductive chapter
2009-03-31 Christian Urban started to adapt the rest of chapter 5 to the simplified version without parameters (they will be described in the extension section)
2009-03-31 Christian Urban used antiquotations
2009-03-31 Christian Urban more work on the inductive package
2009-03-27 Christian Urban polishing
2009-03-27 Christian Urban more work on simple inductive and marked all sections that are still seriously incomplete with TBD
2009-03-26 Christian Urban more work on the simple inductive section
2009-03-25 Christian Urban soem slight polishing
2009-03-24 Christian Urban a bit more work on the simple-inductive package
2009-03-23 Christian Urban some polishing
2009-03-21 Christian Urban some polishing
2009-03-19 Christian Urban more one the simple-inductive chapter
2009-03-19 Christian Urban made more of the transition from "CookBook" to "ProgTutorial"
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