used a better implementation of \index in Latex; added more to the theorem section
theory Base
imports Main LaTeXsugar
(* rebinding of writeln and tracing so that it can *)
(* be compared in intiquotations *)
ML {*
fun writeln s = (Output.writeln s; s)
fun tracing s = (Output.tracing s; s)
(* re-definition of various ML antiquotations *)
(* to have a special tag for text enclosed in ML *)
ML {*
(* FIXME ref *)
val file_name = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : string option)
fun write_file txt =
case !file_name of
NONE => () (* error "No open file" *)
| SOME name =>
val stream = TextIO.openAppend name
TextIO.output (stream, txt);
TextIO.flushOut stream; (* needed ?*)
TextIO.closeOut stream
ML {*
fun write_file_blk txt =
val pre = implode ["\n", "ML ", "{", "*", "\n"]
val post = implode ["\n", "*", "}", "\n"]
write_file (enclose pre post txt)
ML {*
fun open_file name =
(tracing ("Opened File: " ^ name);
file_name := SOME name;
TextIO.openOut name; ())
fun open_file_prelude name txt =
(open_file name; write_file (txt ^ "\n"))
ML {*
fun propagate_env (context as Context.Proof lthy) =
Context.Proof (LocalTheory.map_contexts (ML_Env.inherit context) lthy)
| propagate_env context = context
fun propagate_env_prf prf = Proof.map_contexts
(Context.proof_map (ML_Env.inherit (Context.Proof (Proof.context_of prf)))) prf
val _ =
OuterSyntax.command "ML" "eval ML text within theory"
(OuterKeyword.tag "TutorialML" OuterKeyword.thy_decl)
(OuterParse.position OuterParse.text >> (fn (txt, pos) =>
(ML_Context.exec (fn () => (write_file_blk txt; ML_Context.eval true pos txt)) #> propagate_env)))
val _ =
OuterSyntax.command "ML_prf" "ML text within proof"
(OuterKeyword.tag "TutorialML" OuterKeyword.prf_decl)
(OuterParse.ML_source >> (fn (txt, pos) =>
Toplevel.proof (Proof.map_context (Context.proof_map
(ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval true pos txt))) #> propagate_env_prf)))
val _ =
OuterSyntax.command "ML_val" "diagnostic ML text"
(OuterKeyword.tag "TutorialML" OuterKeyword.diag)
(OuterParse.ML_source >> IsarCmd.ml_diag true)