author griff
Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:48:43 +0200
changeset 282 bfcb8edbd851
parent 256 1fb8d62c88a0
child 295 24c68350d059
permissions -rw-r--r--

theory Ind_Interface
imports "../Base" Simple_Inductive_Package

section {* Parsing and Typing the Specification\label{sec:interface} *}

text_raw {*
  trcl :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
  base: "trcl R x x"
| step: "trcl R x y \<Longrightarrow> R y z \<Longrightarrow> trcl R x z"

  even and odd
  even0: "even 0"
| evenS: "odd n \<Longrightarrow> even (Suc n)"
| oddS: "even n \<Longrightarrow> odd (Suc n)"

  accpart :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
  accpartI: "(\<And>y. R y x \<Longrightarrow> accpart R y) \<Longrightarrow> accpart R x"

datatype trm =
  Var "string"
| App "trm" "trm"
| Lam "string" "trm"

  fresh :: "string \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> bool" 
  fresh_var: "a\<noteq>b \<Longrightarrow> fresh a (Var b)"
| fresh_app: "\<lbrakk>fresh a t; fresh a s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> fresh a (App t s)"
| fresh_lam1: "fresh a (Lam a t)"
| fresh_lam2: "\<lbrakk>a\<noteq>b; fresh a t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> fresh a (Lam b t)"
text_raw {*
\caption{Specification given by the user for the inductive predicates
@{term "trcl"}, @{term "even"} and @{term "odd"}, @{term "accpart"} and 
@{term "fresh"}.\label{fig:specs}}

text {*
  simpleinductive target?\\ fixes
  (where (thmdecl? prop + '|'))?
  \caption{A railroad diagram describing the syntax of \simpleinductive{}. 
  The \emph{target} indicates an optional locale; the \emph{fixes} are an 
  \isacommand{and}-separated list of names for the inductive predicates (they
  can also contain typing- and syntax annotations); \emph{prop} stands for a 
  introduction rule with an optional theorem declaration (\emph{thmdecl}).

text {* 
  To be able to write down the specifications or inductive predicates, we have 
  to introduce
  a new command (see Section~\ref{sec:newcommand}).  As the keyword for the
  new command we chose \simpleinductive{}. Examples of specifications we expect
  the user gives for the inductive predicates from the previous section are
  shown in Figure~\ref{fig:specs}. The general syntax we will parse is specified
  in the railroad diagram shown in Figure~\ref{fig:railroad}. This diagram more 
  or less translates directly into the parser:

ML{*val spec_parser = 
   OuterParse.fixes -- 
     (OuterParse.$$$ "where" |--
          (OuterParse.enum1 "|" 
             (SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":" -- OuterParse.prop))) []*}

text {*
  which we explained in Section~\ref{sec:parsingspecs}.  However, if you look
  closely, there is no code for parsing the target given optionally after the
  keyword. This is an ``advanced'' feature which we will inherit for ``free''
  from the infrastructure on which we shall build the package. The target
  stands for a locale and allows us to specify

locale rel =
  fixes R :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"

text {*
  and then define the transitive closure and the accessible part of this 
  locale as follows:

simple_inductive (in rel) 
  base: "trcl' x x"
| step: "trcl' x y \<Longrightarrow> R y z \<Longrightarrow> trcl' x z"

simple_inductive (in rel) 
  accpartI: "(\<And>y. R y x \<Longrightarrow> accpart' y) \<Longrightarrow> accpart' x"
(*<*)ML %no{*fun filtered_input str = 
  filter OuterLex.is_proper (OuterSyntax.scan Position.none str) 
fun parse p input = Scan.finite OuterLex.stopper (Scan.error p) input*}(*>*)
text {*
  Note that in these definitions the parameter @{text R}, standing for the
  relation, is left implicit. For the moment we will ignore this kind
  of implicit parameters and rely on the fact that the infrastructure will
  deal with them. Later, however, we will come back to them.

  If we feed into the parser the string that corresponds to our definition 
  of @{term even} and @{term odd}

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  val input = filtered_input
     (\"even and odd \" ^  
      \"where \" ^
      \"  even0[intro]: \\\"even 0\\\" \" ^ 
      \"| evenS[intro]: \\\"odd n \<Longrightarrow> even (Suc n)\\\" \" ^ 
      \"| oddS[intro]:  \\\"even n \<Longrightarrow> odd (Suc n)\\\"\")
  parse spec_parser input
"(([(even, NONE, NoSyn), (odd, NONE, NoSyn)],
     [((even0,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eeven 0\\^E\\^F\\^E\"),
      ((evenS,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eodd n \<Longrightarrow> even (Suc n)\\^E\\^F\\^E\"),
      ((oddS,\<dots>), \"\\^E\\^Ftoken\\^Eeven n \<Longrightarrow> odd (Suc n)\\^E\\^F\\^E\")]), [])"}

  then we get back the specifications of the predicates (with type and syntax annotations), 
  and specifications of the introduction rules. This is all the information we
  need for calling the package and setting up the keyword. The latter is
  done in Lines 5 to 7 in the code below.\footnote{FIXME: Is there a way to state 
  here @{text "simple_inductive"}?}
(*<*)ML %no{*fun add_inductive_cmd pred_specs rule_specs lthy = lthy 
   fun add_inductive pred_specs rule_specs lthy = lthy*}(*>*)
ML_val %linenosgray{*val specification =
  spec_parser >>
    (fn (pred_specs, rule_specs) => add_inductive_cmd pred_specs rule_specs)

val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory "simple_inductive2" 
          "definition of simple inductive predicates"
             OuterKeyword.thy_decl specification*}

text {*
  We call @{ML [index] local_theory in OuterSyntax} with the kind-indicator 
  @{ML [index] thy_decl in OuterKeyword} since the package does not need to open 
  up any proof (see Section~\ref{sec:newcommand}). 
  The auxiliary function @{text specification} in Lines 1 to 3
  gathers the information from the parser to be processed further
  by the function @{text "add_inductive_cmd"}, which we describe below. 

  Note that the predicates when they come out of the parser are just some
  ``naked'' strings: they have no type yet (even if we annotate them with
  types) and they are also not defined constants yet (which the predicates 
  eventually will be).  Also the introduction rules are just strings. What we have
  to do first is to transform the parser's output into some internal
  datastructures that can be processed further. For this we can use the
  function @{ML [index] read_spec in Specification}. This function takes some strings
  (with possible typing annotations) and some rule specifications, and attempts
  to find a typing according to the given type constraints given by the 
  user and the type constraints by the ``ambient'' theory. It returns 
  the type for the predicates and also returns typed terms for the
  introduction rules. So at the heart of the function 
  @{text "add_inductive_cmd"} is a call to @{ML read_spec in Specification}.

ML_val{*fun add_inductive_cmd pred_specs rule_specs lthy =
  val ((pred_specs', rule_specs'), _) = 
         Specification.read_spec pred_specs rule_specs lthy
  add_inductive pred_specs' rule_specs' lthy

text {*
  Once we have the input data as some internal datastructure, we call
  the function @{text add_inductive}. This function does the  heavy duty 
  lifting in the package: it generates definitions for the 
  predicates and derives from them corresponding induction principles and 
  introduction rules. The description of this function will span over
  the next two sections.