author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 15:44:13 +0100
changeset 439 b83c75d051b7
parent 435 524b72520c43
child 458 242e81f4d461
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated for new isabelle


\renewcommand{\isastyletxt}{\isastyletext}% use same formatting for txt and text

% indexing
\newindex{str}{str}{stu}{Structure Index}

% For cross references to the other manuals:
\newcommand{\ichcite}[1]{[Impl.\,Man., Ch.~\impref{#1}]}
\newcommand{\isccite}[1]{[Impl.\,Man., Sec.~\impref{#1}]}
\newcommand{\rchcite}[1]{[Isar Ref.\,Man., Ch.~\isarref{#1}]}
\newcommand{\rsccite}[1]{[Isar Ref.\,Man., Sec.~\isarref{#1}]}

% sane default for proof documents
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 0.6ex
\abovecaptionskip 1mm
\belowcaptionskip 10mm

% to work around a problem with \isanewline

% for exercises, comments and readmores
\newcommand{\solution}[1]{{\bf Solution for Exercise~\ref{#1}.}}


\def\FrameCommand##1{\vrule width 2pt \hspace{8pt}##1\hspace{8pt}\vrule width 2pt}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%

{\begin{leftrightbar}\small\it{\textbf{Read More}}\\}{\end{leftrightbar}}
{\begin{leftrightbar}\small\it{\textbf{Coding Conventions / Rules of Thumb}}}{\end{leftrightbar}}
% some mathematical notation
\newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}

% this is to draw a gray box around code
%(FIXME redefine pagebreak so that it includes a \smallskip)

% this hack is for getting rid of the ML {* ... *} 
% scaffolding around function definitions


% for code that has line numbers


% should only be used in ML code



% for code that should not be printed


% for {*  *} in antiquotations

% since * cannot be used in text {*...*} 

% short hands


       {\huge\bf The Isabelle Cookbook}\\
       \mbox{A Tutorial for Programming on the ML-Level of Isabelle}\\ (draft)}

\author{by Christian Urban with contributions from:\\[2ex] 
        Stefan & Berghofer\\
        Jasmin & Blanchette\\
        Sascha & Böhme\\
        Lukas & Bulwahn\\
        Jeremy & Dawson\\
        Alexander & Krauss\\
        Tobias & Nipkow\\
        Andreas & Schropp\\
        Christian & Sternagel\\ 


% table of contents

% generated text of all theories

% bibliography

% indices
\setindexname{Structure Index}


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: