author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 09:25:51 +0100 (2009-11-09)
changeset 378 8d160d79b48c
parent 377 272ba2cceeb2
child 385 78c91a629602
permissions -rw-r--r--
section about matching and unification of types
theory FirstSteps
imports Base

  ["theory FirstSteps", "imports Main", "begin"]

chapter {* First Steps *}

text {*
  ``We will most likely never realize the full importance of painting the Tower,\\ 
  that it is the essential element in the conservation of metal works and the\\ 
  more meticulous the paint job, the longer the tower shall endure.''} \\[1ex]
  Gustave Eiffel, In his book {\em The 300-Meter Tower}.\footnote{The Eiffel Tower has been 
  re-painted 18 times since its initial construction, an average of once every 
  seven years. It takes more than one year for a team of 25 painters to paint the tower 
  from top to bottom.}

  Isabelle programming is done in ML. Just like lemmas and proofs, ML-code for
  Isabelle must be part of a theory. If you want to follow the code given in
  this chapter, we assume you are working inside the theory starting with

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\

  We also generally assume you are working with the logic HOL. The examples
  that will be given might need to be adapted if you work in a different logic.

section {* Including ML-Code\label{sec:include} *}

text {*
  The easiest and quickest way to include code in a theory is by using the
  \isacommand{ML}-command. For example:

  \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen>"}\isanewline
  \hspace{5mm}@{ML "3 + 4"}\isanewline
  @{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline
  @{text "> 7"}\smallskip

  Like normal Isabelle scripts, \isacommand{ML}-commands can be evaluated by
  using the advance and undo buttons of your Isabelle environment. The code
  inside the \isacommand{ML}-command can also contain value and function
  bindings, for example

ML %gray {* 
  val r = Unsynchronized.ref 0
  fun f n = n + 1 

text {*
  and even those can be undone when the proof script is retracted.  As
  mentioned in the Introduction, we will drop the \isacommand{ML}~@{text
  "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"} scaffolding whenever we show code. The lines
  prefixed with @{text [quotes] ">"} are not part of the code, rather they
  indicate what the response is when the code is evaluated.  There are also
  the commands \isacommand{ML\_val} and \isacommand{ML\_prf} for including
  ML-code. The first evaluates the given code, but any effect on the theory,
  in which the code is embedded, is suppressed. The second needs to be used if
  ML-code is defined inside a proof. For example

  \isacommand{lemma}~@{text "test:"}\isanewline
  \isacommand{shows}~@{text [quotes] "True"}\isanewline
  \isacommand{ML\_prf}~@{text "\<verbopen>"}~@{ML "writeln \"Trivial!\""}~@{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline

  However, both commands will only play minor roles in this tutorial (we will
  always arrange that the ML-code is defined outside proofs).


  Once a portion of code is relatively stable, you usually want to export it
  to a separate ML-file. Such files can then be included somewhere inside a 
  theory by using the command \isacommand{use}. For example

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
  \isacommand{uses}~@{text "(\"file_to_be_included.ML\")"} @{text "\<dots>"}\\
  \isacommand{use}~@{text "\"file_to_be_included.ML\""}\\

  The \isacommand{uses}-command in the header of the theory is needed in order 
  to indicate the dependency of the theory on the ML-file. Alternatively, the 
  file can be included by just writing in the header

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
  \isacommand{uses} @{text "\"file_to_be_included.ML\""} @{text "\<dots>"}\\

  Note that no parentheses are given this time. Note also that the included
  ML-file should not contain any \isacommand{use} itself. Otherwise Isabelle
  is unable to record all file dependencies, which is a nuisance if you have
  to track down errors.

section {* Printing and Debugging\label{sec:printing} *}

text {*
  During development you might find it necessary to inspect data in your
  code. This can be done in a ``quick-and-dirty'' fashion using the function
  @{ML_ind writeln in Output}. For example

  @{ML_response_eq [display,gray] "writeln \"any string\"" "\"any string\"" with "(op =)"}

  will print out @{text [quotes] "any string"} inside the response buffer of
  Isabelle.  This function expects a string as argument. If you develop under
  PolyML, then there is a convenient, though again ``quick-and-dirty'', method
  for converting values into strings, namely the function 
  @{ML_ind makestring in PolyML}:

  @{ML_response_eq [display,gray] "writeln (PolyML.makestring 1)" "\"1\"" with "(op =)"} 

  However, @{ML makestring in PolyML} only works if the type of what
  is converted is monomorphic and not a function.

  The function @{ML "writeln"} should only be used for testing purposes,
  because any output this function generates will be overwritten as soon as an
  error is raised. For printing anything more serious and elaborate, the
  function @{ML_ind tracing in Output} is more appropriate. This function writes all
  output into a separate tracing buffer. For example:

  @{ML_response_eq [display,gray] "tracing \"foo\"" "\"foo\"" with "(op =)"}

  It is also possible to redirect the ``channel'' where the string @{text
  "foo"} is printed to a separate file, e.g., in order to prevent ProofGeneral from
  choking on massive amounts of trace output. This redirection can be achieved
  with the code:

ML{*val strip_specials =
  fun strip ("\^A" :: _ :: cs) = strip cs
    | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
    | strip [] = [];
  implode o strip o explode 

fun redirect_tracing stream =
 Output.tracing_fn := (fn s =>
    (TextIO.output (stream, (strip_specials s));
     TextIO.output (stream, "\n");
     TextIO.flushOut stream)) *}

text {*
  Calling now

  @{ML [display,gray] "redirect_tracing (TextIO.openOut \"\")"}

  will cause that all tracing information is printed into the file @{text ""}.

  You can print out error messages with the function @{ML_ind error in Library}; for 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  "if 0=1 then true else (error \"foo\")" 
"Exception- ERROR \"foo\" raised
At command \"ML\"."}

  This function raises the exception @{text ERROR}, which will then 
  be displayed by the infrastructure.

  \footnote{\bf FIXME Mention how to work with @{ML_ind debug in Toplevel} and 
  @{ML_ind profiling in Toplevel}.}

(* FIXME*)
ML {* reset Toplevel.debug *}

ML {* fun dodgy_fun () = (raise TYPE ("",[],[]); 1) *}

ML {* fun innocent () = dodgy_fun () *}
ML {* exception_trace (fn () => cterm_of @{theory} (Bound 0)) *}
ML {* exception_trace (fn () => innocent ()) *}

ML {* Toplevel.program (fn () => cterm_of @{theory} (Bound 0)) *}

ML {* Toplevel.program (fn () => innocent ()) *}

text {*
  Most often you want to inspect data of Isabelle's basic data
  structures, namely @{ML_type term}, @{ML_type cterm} and @{ML_type
  thm}. Isabelle contains elaborate pretty-printing functions for printing
  them (see Section \ref{sec:pretty}), but for quick-and-dirty solutions they
  are a bit unwieldy. One way to transform a term into a string is to use the
  function @{ML_ind  string_of_term in Syntax} from the structure @{ML_struct
  Syntax}. For more convenience, we bind this function to the toplevel.

ML{*val string_of_term = Syntax.string_of_term*}

text {*
  It can now be used as follows

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"}"

  We obtain a string corrsponding to the term @{term [show_types] "1::nat"} with some
  additional information encoded in it. The string can be properly printed by
  using either the function @{ML  writeln} or @{ML  tracing}:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "writeln (string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"})"


  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "tracing (string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"})"

  If there are more than one term to be printed, you can use the 
  function @{ML_ind commas in Library} to separate them.

ML{*fun string_of_terms ctxt ts =  
  commas (map (string_of_term ctxt) ts)*}

text {*
  You can also print out terms together with typing information.
  For this you need to set the reference @{ML_ind show_types in Syntax} 
  to @{ML true}.

ML{*show_types := true*}

text {*
  Now @{ML string_of_term} prints out

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "tracing (string_of_term @{context} @{term \"(1::nat, x)\"})"
  "(1::nat, x::'a)"}

  where @{text 1} and @{text x} are displayed with their inferred type.
  Even more type information can be printed by setting 
  the reference @{ML_ind show_all_types in Syntax} to @{ML true}. 
  In this case we obtain
(*<*)ML %linenos {*show_all_types := true*}
text {*
  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "tracing (string_of_term @{context} @{term \"(1::nat, x)\"})"
  "(Pair::nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> 'a) (1::nat) (x::'a)"}

  where @{term Pair} is the term-constructor for products. 
  Other references that influence printing of terms are 
  @{ML_ind show_brackets in Syntax} and @{ML_ind show_sorts in Syntax}. 
(*<*)ML %linenos {*show_types := false; show_all_types := false*}
text {*
  A @{ML_type cterm} can be transformed into a string by the following function.

ML{*fun string_of_cterm ctxt ct =  
  string_of_term ctxt (term_of ct)*}

text {*
  In this example the function @{ML_ind term_of in Thm} extracts the @{ML_type
  term} from a @{ML_type cterm}.  More than one @{ML_type cterm}s can again be
  printed with @{ML commas}.

ML{*fun string_of_cterms ctxt cts =  
  commas (map (string_of_cterm ctxt) cts)*}

text {*
  The easiest way to get the string of a theorem is to transform it
  into a @{ML_type term} using the function @{ML_ind prop_of in Thm}. 

ML{*fun string_of_thm ctxt thm =
  string_of_term ctxt (prop_of thm)*}

text {*
  Theorems include schematic variables, such as @{text "?P"}, 
  @{text "?Q"} and so on. They are needed in Isabelle in order to able to
  instantiate theorems when they are applied. For example the theorem 
  @{thm [source] conjI} shown below can be used for any (typable) 
  instantiation of @{text "?P"} and @{text "?Q"}. 

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "tracing (string_of_thm @{context} @{thm conjI})"
  "\<lbrakk>?P; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P \<and> ?Q"}

  However, in order to improve the readability when printing theorems, we
  convert these schematic variables into free variables using the function
  @{ML_ind  import in Variable}. This is similar to statements like @{text
  "conjI[no_vars]"} on Isabelle's user-level.

ML{*fun no_vars ctxt thm =
  val ((_, [thm']), _) = Variable.import true [thm] ctxt

fun string_of_thm_no_vars ctxt thm =
  string_of_term ctxt (prop_of (no_vars ctxt thm))*}

text {* 
  With this function, theorem @{thm [source] conjI} is now printed as follows:

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "tracing (string_of_thm_no_vars @{context} @{thm conjI})"
  "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P \<and> Q"}
  Again the function @{ML commas} helps with printing more than one theorem. 

ML{*fun string_of_thms ctxt thms =  
  commas (map (string_of_thm ctxt) thms)

fun string_of_thms_no_vars ctxt thms =  
  commas (map (string_of_thm_no_vars ctxt) thms) *}

text {*
  The simple conversion functions from Isabelle's main datatypes to 
  @{ML_type string}s are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML"}. 
  The references that change the printing information are declared in 
  @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/printer.ML"}.

  Note that for printing out several ``parcels'' of information that
  semantically belong together, like a warning message consisting of 
  a term and its type, you should try to keep this information together in a
  single string. Therefore do \emph{not} print out information as

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"tracing \"First half,\"; 
tracing \"and second half.\""
"First half,
and second half."}

  but as a single string with appropriate formatting. For example

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"tracing (\"First half,\" ^ \"\\n\" ^ \"and second half.\")"
"First half,
and second half."}
  To ease this kind of string manipulations, there are a number
  of library functions in Isabelle. For example,  the function 
  @{ML_ind cat_lines in Library} concatenates a list of strings 
  and inserts newlines in between each element. 

  @{ML_response [display, gray]
  "cat_lines [\"foo\", \"bar\"]"

  Section \ref{sec:pretty} will also explain the infrastructure that Isabelle 
  provides for more elaborate pretty printing. 

  Most of the basic string functions of Isabelle are defined in 
  @{ML_file "Pure/library.ML"}.


section {* Combinators\label{sec:combinators} *}

text {*
  For beginners perhaps the most puzzling parts in the existing code of Isabelle are
  the combinators. At first they seem to greatly obstruct the
  comprehension of the code, but after getting familiar with them, they
  actually ease the understanding and also the programming.

  The simplest combinator is @{ML_ind I in Library}, which is just the 
  identity function defined as

ML{*fun I x = x*}

text {* 
  Another simple combinator is @{ML_ind K in Library}, defined as 

ML{*fun K x = fn _ => x*}

text {*
  @{ML K} ``wraps'' a function around @{text "x"} that ignores its argument. As a 
  result, @{ML K} defines a constant function always returning @{text x}.

  The next combinator is reverse application, @{ML_ind  "|>" in Basics}, defined as: 

ML{*fun x |> f = f x*}

text {* While just syntactic sugar for the usual function application,
  the purpose of this combinator is to implement functions in a  
  ``waterfall fashion''. Consider for example the function *}

ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_five x =
  x |> (fn x => x + 1)
    |> (fn x => (x, x))
    |> fst
    |> (fn x => x + 4)*}

text {*
  which increments its argument @{text x} by 5. It does this by first incrementing 
  the argument by 1 (Line 2); then storing the result in a pair (Line 3); taking 
  the first component of the pair (Line 4) and finally incrementing the first 
  component by 4 (Line 5). This kind of cascading manipulations of values is quite
  common when dealing with theories (for example by adding a definition, followed by
  lemmas and so on). The reverse application allows you to read what happens in 
  a top-down manner. This kind of coding should also be familiar, 
  if you have been exposed to Haskell's {\it do}-notation. Writing the function 
  @{ML inc_by_five} using the reverse application is much clearer than writing

ML{*fun inc_by_five x = fst ((fn x => (x, x)) (x + 1)) + 4*}

text {* or *}

ML{*fun inc_by_five x = 
  ((fn x => x + 4) o fst o (fn x => (x, x)) o (fn x => x + 1)) x*}

text {* and typographically more economical than *}

ML{*fun inc_by_five x =
let val y1 = x + 1
    val y2 = (y1, y1)
    val y3 = fst y2
    val y4 = y3 + 4
in y4 end*}

text {* 
  Another reason why the let-bindings in the code above are better to be
  avoided: it is more than easy to get the intermediate values wrong, not to 
  mention the nightmares the maintenance of this code causes!

  In Isabelle a ``real world'' example for a function written in 
  the waterfall fashion might be the following code:

ML %linenosgray{*fun apply_fresh_args f ctxt =
    f |> fastype_of
      |> binder_types 
      |> map (pair "z")
      |> Variable.variant_frees ctxt [f]
      |> map Free  
      |> curry list_comb f *}

text {*
  This function takes a term and a context as argument. If the term is of function
  type, then @{ML "apply_fresh_args"} returns the term with distinct variables 
  applied to it. For example below three variables are applied to the term 
  @{term [show_types] "P::nat \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> bool"}:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val t = @{term \"P::nat \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> bool\"}
  val ctxt = @{context}
  apply_fresh_args t ctxt
   |> string_of_term ctxt
   |> tracing
  "P z za zb"}

  You can read off this behaviour from how @{ML apply_fresh_args} is coded: in
  Line 2, the function @{ML_ind fastype_of in Term} calculates the type of the
  term; @{ML_ind binder_types in Term} in the next line produces the list of
  argument types (in the case above the list @{text "[nat, int, unit]"}); Line
  4 pairs up each type with the string @{text "z"}; the function @{ML_ind
  variant_frees in Variable} generates for each @{text "z"} a unique name
  avoiding the given @{text f}; the list of name-type pairs is turned into a
  list of variable terms in Line 6, which in the last line is applied by the
  function @{ML_ind list_comb in Term} to the term. In this last step we have
  to use the function @{ML_ind curry in Library}, because @{ML list_comb}
  expects the function and the variables list as a pair. 
  Functions like @{ML apply_fresh_args} are often needed when constructing 
  terms with fresh variables. The
  infrastructure helps tremendously to avoid any name clashes. Consider for

   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val t = @{term \"za::'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c\"}
  val ctxt = @{context}
  apply_fresh_args t ctxt 
   |> string_of_term ctxt
   |> tracing
  "za z zb"}
  where the @{text "za"} is correctly avoided.

  The combinator @{ML_ind "#>" in Basics} is the reverse function composition. 
  It can be used to define the following function

ML{*val inc_by_six = 
  (fn x => x + 1) #> 
  (fn x => x + 2) #> 
  (fn x => x + 3)*}

text {* 
  which is the function composed of first the increment-by-one function and then
  increment-by-two, followed by increment-by-three. Again, the reverse function 
  composition allows you to read the code top-down. This combinator is often used
  for setup function inside the \isacommand{setup}-command. These function have to be
  of type @{ML_type "theory -> theory"} in order to install, for example, some new 
  data inside the current theory. More than one such setup function can be composed 
  with @{ML "#>"}. For example

setup %gray {* let
  val (ival1, setup_ival1) = Attrib.config_int "ival1" 1
  val (ival2, setup_ival2) = Attrib.config_int "ival2" 2
  setup_ival1 #>
end *}

text {*
  after this the configuration values @{text ival1} and @{text ival2} are known
  in the current theory and can be manipulated by the user (for more information 
  about configuration values see Section~\ref{sec:storing}, for more about setup 
  functions see Section~\ref{sec:theories}). 
  The remaining combinators we describe in this section add convenience for the
  ``waterfall method'' of writing functions. The combinator @{ML_ind tap in
  Basics} allows you to get hold of an intermediate result (to do some
  side-calculations for instance). The function

ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_three x =
     x |> (fn x => x + 1)
       |> tap (fn x => tracing (PolyML.makestring x))
       |> (fn x => x + 2)*}

text {* 
  increments the argument first by @{text "1"} and then by @{text "2"}. In the
  middle (Line 3), however, it uses @{ML tap} for printing the ``plus-one''
  intermediate result. The function @{ML tap} can only be used for
  side-calculations, because any value that is computed cannot be merged back
  into the ``main waterfall''. To do this, you can use the next combinator.

  The combinator @{ML_ind "`" in Basics} (a backtick) is similar to @{ML tap},
  but applies a function to the value and returns the result together with the
  value (as a pair). It is defined as

ML{*fun `f = fn x => (f x, x)*}

text {*
  An example for this combinator is the function

ML{*fun inc_as_pair x =
     x |> `(fn x => x + 1)
       |> (fn (x, y) => (x, y + 1))*}

text {*
  which takes @{text x} as argument, and then increments @{text x}, but also keeps
  @{text x}. The intermediate result is therefore the pair @{ML "(x + 1, x)"
  for x}. After that, the function increments the right-hand component of the
  pair. So finally the result will be @{ML "(x + 1, x + 1)" for x}.

  The combinators @{ML_ind "|>>" in Basics} and @{ML_ind "||>" in Basics} are
  defined for functions manipulating pairs. The first applies the function to
  the first component of the pair, defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) |>> f = (f x, y)*}

text {*
  and the second combinator to the second component, defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) ||> f = (x, f y)*}

text {*
  These two functions can, for example, be used to avoid explicit @{text "lets"} for
  intermediate values in functions that return pairs. As an example, suppose you
  want to separate a list of integers into two lists according to a
  treshold. If the treshold is @{ML "5"}, the list @{ML "[1,6,2,5,3,4]"}
  should be separated to @{ML "([1,2,3,4], [6,5])"}.  This function can be
  implemented as

ML{*fun separate i [] = ([], [])
  | separate i (x::xs) =
        val (los, grs) = separate i xs
        if i <= x then (los, x::grs) else (x::los, grs)

text {*
  where the return value of the recursive call is bound explicitly to
  the pair @{ML "(los, grs)" for los grs}. You can implement this function
  more concisely as

ML{*fun separate i [] = ([], [])
  | separate i (x::xs) =
      if i <= x 
      then separate i xs ||> cons x
      else separate i xs |>> cons x*}

text {*
  avoiding the explicit @{text "let"}. While in this example the gain in
  conciseness is only small, in more complicated situations the benefit of
  avoiding @{text "lets"} can be substantial.

  With the combinator @{ML_ind "|->" in Basics} you can re-combine the 
  elements from a pair. This combinator is defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) |-> f = f x y*}

text {* 
  and can be used to write the following roundabout version 
  of the @{text double} function: 

ML{*fun double x =
      x |>  (fn x => (x, x))
        |-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}

text {* 
  The combinator @{ML_ind ||>> in Basics} plays a central rôle whenever your
  task is to update a theory and the update also produces a side-result (for
  example a theorem). Functions for such tasks return a pair whose second
  component is the theory and the fist component is the side-result. Using
  @{ML ||>>}, you can do conveniently the update and also
  accumulate the side-results. Consider the following simple function.

ML %linenosgray{*fun acc_incs x =
    x |> (fn x => ("", x)) 
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))*}

text {*
  The purpose of Line 2 is to just pair up the argument with a dummy value (since
  @{ML ||>>} operates on pairs). Each of the next three lines just increment 
  the value by one, but also nest the intermediate results to the left. For example 

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "acc_incs 1"
  "((((\"\", 1), 2), 3), 4)"}

  You can continue this chain with:
  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "acc_incs 1 ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 2))"
  "(((((\"\", 1), 2), 3), 4), 6)"}

  \footnote{\bf FIXME: maybe give a ``real world'' example for this combinator.}

text {*
  Recall that @{ML "|>"} is the reverse function application. Recall also that
  the related reverse function composition is @{ML "#>"}. In fact all the
  combinators @{ML "|->"}, @{ML "|>>"} , @{ML "||>"} and @{ML "||>>"}
  described above have related combinators for function composition, namely
  @{ML_ind "#->" in Basics}, @{ML_ind "#>>" in Basics}, @{ML_ind "##>" in
  Basics} and @{ML_ind "##>>" in Basics}. Using @{ML "#->"}, for example, the
  function @{text double} can also be written as:

ML{*val double =
            (fn x => (x, x))
        #-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}

text {* 
  When using combinators for writing functions in waterfall fashion, it is
  sometimes necessary to do some ``plumbing'' in order to fit functions
  together. We have already seen such plumbing in the function @{ML
  apply_fresh_args}, where @{ML curry} is needed for making the function @{ML
  list_comb}, which works over pairs to fit with the combinator @{ML "|>"}. Such 
  plumbing is also needed in situations where a function operate over lists, 
  but one calculates only with a single element. An example is the function 
  @{ML_ind check_terms in Syntax}, whose purpose is to simultaneously type-check 
  a list of terms. Consider the code:

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  val ctxt = @{context}
  map (Syntax.parse_term ctxt) [\"m + n\", \"m * n\", \"m - (n::nat)\"] 
  |> Syntax.check_terms ctxt
  |> string_of_terms ctxt
  |> tracing
  "m + n, m * n, m - n"}

text {*
  In this example we obtain three terms (using the function 
  @{ML_ind parse_term in Syntax}) whose variables @{text m} and @{text n} 
  are of type @{typ "nat"}. If you have only a single term, then @{ML
  check_terms in Syntax} needs plumbing. This can be done with the function
  @{ML_ind singleton in Library}.\footnote{There is already a function @{ML check_term in
  Syntax} in the file @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML"} that is implemented 
  in terms of @{ML singleton} and @{ML check_terms in Syntax}.} For example

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray, linenos]
  val ctxt = @{context}
  Syntax.parse_term ctxt \"m - (n::nat)\" 
  |> singleton (Syntax.check_terms ctxt)
  |> string_of_term ctxt
  |> tracing
  "m - n"}
  where in Line 5, the function operating over lists fits with the
  single term generated in Line 4.

  The most frequently used combinators are defined in the files @{ML_file
  and @{ML_file "Pure/General/basics.ML"}. Also \isccite{sec:ML-linear-trans} 
  contains further information about combinators.

  \footnote{\bf FIXME: find a good exercise for combinators}
  \footnote{\bf FIXME: say something about calling conventions} 

section {* ML-Antiquotations\label{sec:antiquote} *}

text {*
  Recall from Section \ref{sec:include} that code in Isabelle is always
  embedded in a theory.  The main advantage of this is that the code can
  contain references to entities defined on the logical level of Isabelle. By
  this we mean references to definitions, theorems, terms and so on. These
  reference are realised in Isabelle with ML-antiquotations, often just called
  antiquotations.\footnote{Note that there are two kinds of antiquotations in
  Isabelle, which have very different purposes and infrastructures. The first
  kind, described in this section, are \emph{\index*{ML-antiquotation}}. They
  are used to refer to entities (like terms, types etc) from Isabelle's logic
  layer inside ML-code. The other kind of antiquotations are
  \emph{document}\index{document antiquotation} antiquotations. They are used
  only in the text parts of Isabelle and their purpose is to print logical
  entities inside \LaTeX-documents. Document antiquotations are part of the
  user level and therefore we are not interested in them in this Tutorial,
  except in Appendix \ref{rec:docantiquotations} where we show how to
  implement your own document antiquotations.}  Syntactically antiquotations
  are indicated by the @{ML_text @}-sign followed by text wrapped in @{text
  "{\<dots>}"}.  For example, one can print out the name of the current theory with
  the code
  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Context.theory_name @{theory}" "\"FirstSteps\""}
  where @{text "@{theory}"} is an antiquotation that is substituted with the
  current theory (remember that we assumed we are inside the theory 
  @{text FirstSteps}). The name of this theory can be extracted using
  the function @{ML_ind theory_name in Context}. 

  Note, however, that antiquotations are statically linked, that is their value is
  determined at ``compile-time'', not at ``run-time''. For example the function

ML{*fun not_current_thyname () = Context.theory_name @{theory} *}

text {*

  does \emph{not} return the name of the current theory, if it is run in a 
  different theory. Instead, the code above defines the constant function 
  that always returns the string @{text [quotes] "FirstSteps"}, no matter where the
  function is called. Operationally speaking,  the antiquotation @{text "@{theory}"} is 
  \emph{not} replaced with code that will look up the current theory in 
  some data structure and return it. Instead, it is literally
  replaced with the value representing the theory name.

  In a similar way you can use antiquotations to refer to proved theorems: 
  @{text "@{thm \<dots>}"} for a single theorem

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thm allI}" "(\<And>x. ?P x) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x. ?P x"}

  and @{text "@{thms \<dots>}"} for more than one

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thms conj_ac}" 
"(?P \<and> ?Q) = (?Q \<and> ?P)
(?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R) = (?Q \<and> ?P \<and> ?R)
((?P \<and> ?Q) \<and> ?R) = (?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R)"}  

  The point of these antiquotations is that referring to theorems in this way
  makes your code independent from what theorems the user might have stored
  under this name (this becomes especially important when you deal with
  theorem lists; see Section \ref{sec:storing}).

  It is also possible to prove lemmas with the antiquotation @{text "@{lemma \<dots> by \<dots>}"}
  whose first argument is a statement (possibly many of them separated by @{text "and"},
  and the second is a proof. For example

ML{*val foo_thm = @{lemma "True" and "True" by simp simp} *}

text {*
  The result can be printed out as follows.

  @{ML_response_fake [gray,display]
"foo_thm |> string_of_thms @{context}
        |> tracing"
  "True, True"}

  You can also refer to the current simpset via an antiquotation. To illustrate 
  this we implement the function that extracts the theorem names stored in a 

ML{*fun get_thm_names_from_ss simpset =
  val {simps,...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss simpset
  map #1 simps

text {*
  The function @{ML_ind dest_ss in MetaSimplifier} returns a record containing all
  information stored in the simpset, but we are only interested in the names of the
  simp-rules. Now you can feed in the current simpset into this function. 
  The current simpset can be referred to using the antiquotation @{text "@{simpset}"}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  "get_thm_names_from_ss @{simpset}" 
  "[\"Nat.of_nat_eq_id\", \"Int.of_int_eq_id\", \"Nat.One_nat_def\", \<dots>]"}

  Again, this way of referencing simpsets makes you independent from additions
  of lemmas to the simpset by the user, which can potentially cause loops in your

  On the ML-level of Isabelle, you often have to work with qualified names.
  These are strings with some additional information, such as positional
  information and qualifiers. Such qualified names can be generated with the
  antiquotation @{text "@{binding \<dots>}"}. For example

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "@{binding \"name\"}"

  An example where a qualified name is needed is the function 
  @{ML_ind define in LocalTheory}.  This function is used below to define 
  the constant @{term "TrueConj"} as the conjunction @{term "True \<and> True"}.

local_setup %gray {* 
  LocalTheory.define Thm.internalK 
    ((@{binding "TrueConj"}, NoSyn), 
      (Attrib.empty_binding, @{term "True \<and> True"})) #> snd *}

text {* 
  Now querying the definition you obtain:

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "TrueConj_def"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm TrueConj_def}

  The basic operations on bindings are implemented in 
  @{ML_file "Pure/General/binding.ML"}.

  \footnote{\bf FIXME give a better example why bindings are important}
  \footnote{\bf FIXME give a pointer to \isacommand{local\_setup}; if not, then explain
  why @{ML snd} is needed.}
  \footnote{\bf FIXME: There should probably a separate section on binding, long-names
  and sign.}

  It is also possible to define your own antiquotations. But you should
  exercise care when introducing new ones, as they can also make your code
  also difficult to read. In the next chapter we describe how to construct
  terms with the (build in) antiquotation @{text "@{term \<dots>}"}.  A restriction
  of this antiquotation is that it does not allow you to use schematic
  variables in terms. If you want to have an antiquotation that does not have
  this restriction, you can implement your own using the function @{ML_ind
  inline in ML_Antiquote} from the structure @{ML_struct ML_Antiquote}. The code
  for the antiquotation @{text "term_pat"} is as follows.

ML %linenosgray{*let
  val parser = Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.name_source

  fun term_pat (ctxt, str) =
     str |> ProofContext.read_term_pattern ctxt
         |> ML_Syntax.print_term
         |> ML_Syntax.atomic
  ML_Antiquote.inline "term_pat" (parser >> term_pat)

text {*
  The parser in Line 2 provides us with a context and a string; this string is
  transformed into a term using the function @{ML_ind read_term_pattern in
  ProofContext} (Line 5); the next two lines transform the term into a string
  so that the ML-system can understand it. (All these functions will be explained
  in more detail in later sections.) An example for this antiquotation is:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "@{term_pat \"Suc (?x::nat)\"}"
  "Const (\"Suc\", \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat\") $ Var ((\"x\", 0), \"nat\")"}

  which shows the internal representation of the term @{text "Suc ?x"}. Similarly
  we can write an antiquotation for type patterns.

  val parser = Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.name_source

  fun typ_pat (ctxt, str) =
     str |> Syntax.parse_typ ctxt
         |> ML_Syntax.print_typ
         |> ML_Syntax.atomic
  ML_Antiquote.inline "typ_pat" (parser >> typ_pat)

text {*
  The file @{ML_file "Pure/ML/ml_antiquote.ML"} contains the the definitions
  for most antiquotations. Most of the basic operations on ML-syntax are implemented 
  in @{ML_file "Pure/ML/ml_syntax.ML"}.

section {* Storing Data in Isabelle\label{sec:storing} *}

text {*
  Isabelle provides mechanisms for storing (and retrieving) arbitrary
  data. Before we delve into the details, let us digress a bit. Conventional
  wisdom has it that the type-system of ML ensures that  an
  @{ML_type "'a list"}, say, can only hold elements of the same type, namely
  @{ML_type "'a"}. Despite this wisdom, however, it is possible to implement a
  universal type in ML, although by some arguably accidental features of ML.
  This universal type can be used to store data of different type into a single list.
  In fact, it allows one to inject and to project data of \emph{arbitrary} type. This is
  in contrast to datatypes, which only allow injection and projection of data for
  some \emph{fixed} collection of types. In light of the conventional wisdom cited
  above it is important to keep in mind that the universal type does not
  destroy type-safety of ML: storing and accessing the data can only be done
  in a type-safe manner.

  In Isabelle the universal type is implemented as the type @{ML_type
  Universal.universal} in the file
  @{ML_file "Pure/ML-Systems/universal.ML"}.

  We will show the usage of the universal type by storing an integer and
  a boolean into a single list. Let us first define injection and projection 
  functions for booleans and integers into and from the type @{ML_type Universal.universal}.

  val fn_int  = Universal.tag () : int  Universal.tag
  val fn_bool = Universal.tag () : bool Universal.tag
  val inject_int   = Universal.tagInject fn_int;
  val inject_bool  = Universal.tagInject fn_bool;
  val project_int  = Universal.tagProject fn_int;
  val project_bool = Universal.tagProject fn_bool

text {*
  Using the injection functions, we can inject the integer @{ML_text "13"} 
  and the boolean value @{ML_text "true"} into @{ML_type Universal.universal}, and
  then store them in a @{ML_type "Universal.universal list"} as follows:

ML{*val foo_list = 
  val thirteen  = inject_int 13
  val truth_val = inject_bool true
  [thirteen, truth_val]

text {*
  The data can be retrieved with the projection functions defined above.
  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
"project_int (nth foo_list 0); 
project_bool (nth foo_list 1)" 

  Notice that we access the integer as an integer and the boolean as
  a boolean. If we attempt to access the integer as a boolean, then we get 
  a runtime error. 
  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
"project_bool (nth foo_list 0)"  
"*** Exception- Match raised"}

  This runtime error is the reason why ML is still type-sound despite
  containing a universal type.

  Now, Isabelle heavily uses this mechanism for storing all sorts of
  data: theorem lists, simpsets, facts etc.  Roughly speaking, there are two
  places where data can be stored in Isabelle: in \emph{theories} and in \emph{proof
  contexts}. Data such as simpsets are ``global'' and therefore need to be stored
  in a theory (simpsets need to be maintained across proofs and even across
  theories).  On the other hand, data such as facts change inside a proof and
  are only relevant to the proof at hand. Therefore such data needs to be 
  maintained inside a proof context, which represents ``local'' data.

  For theories and proof contexts there are, respectively, the functors 
  @{ML_funct_ind TheoryDataFun} and @{ML_funct_ind ProofDataFun} that help
  with the data storage. Below we show how to implement a table in which you
  can store theorems and look them up according to a string key. The
  intention in this example is to be able to look up introduction rules for logical
  connectives. Such a table might be useful in an automatic proof procedure
  and therefore it makes sense to store this data inside a theory.  
  Consequently we use the functor @{ML_funct TheoryDataFun}.
  The code for the table is:

ML %linenosgray{*structure Data = TheoryDataFun
  (type T = thm Symtab.table
   val empty = Symtab.empty
   val copy = I
   val extend = I
   fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true))*}

text {*
  In order to store data in a theory, we have to specify the type of the data
  (Line 2). In this case we specify the type @{ML_type "thm Symtab.table"},
  which stands for a table in which @{ML_type string}s can be looked up
  producing an associated @{ML_type thm}. We also have to specify four
  functions to use this functor: namely how to initialise the data storage
  (Line 3), how to copy it (Line 4), how to extend it (Line 5) and how two
  tables should be merged (Line 6). These functions correspond roughly to the
  operations performed on theories and we just give some sensible 
  defaults.\footnote{\bf FIXME: Say more about the
  assumptions of these operations.} The result structure @{ML_text Data}
  contains functions for accessing the table (@{ML Data.get}) and for updating
  it (@{ML}). There are also two more functions (@{ML Data.init} and
  @{ML Data.put}), which however are not relevant here. Below we define two
  auxiliary functions, which help us with accessing the table.

ML{*val lookup = Symtab.lookup o Data.get
fun update k v = (Symtab.update (k, v))*}

text {*
  Since we want to store introduction rules associated with their 
  logical connective, we can fill the table as follows.

setup %gray {*
  update "op &"   @{thm conjI} #>
  update "op -->" @{thm impI}  #>
  update "All"    @{thm allI}

text {*
  The use of the command \isacommand{setup} makes sure the table in the 
  \emph{current} theory is updated (this is explained further in 
  section~\ref{sec:theories}). The lookup can now be performed as follows.

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
"lookup @{theory} \"op &\""
"SOME \"\<lbrakk>?P; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P \<and> ?Q\""}

  An important point to note is that these tables (and data in general)
  need to be treated in a purely functional fashion. Although
  we can update the table as follows

setup %gray {* update "op &" @{thm TrueI} *}

text {*
  and accordingly, @{ML lookup} now produces the introduction rule for @{term "True"}
@{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
"lookup @{theory} \"op &\""
"SOME \"True\""}

  there are no references involved. This is one of the most fundamental
  coding conventions for programming in Isabelle. References  
  interfere with the multithreaded execution model of Isabelle and also
  defeat its undo-mechanism. To see the latter, consider the 
  following data container where we maintain a reference to a list of 

ML{*structure WrongRefData = TheoryDataFun
  (type T = (int list) Unsynchronized.ref
   val empty = Unsynchronized.ref []
   val copy = I
   val extend = I
   fun merge _ = fst)*}

text {*
  We initialise the reference with the empty list. Consequently a first 
  lookup produces @{ML "ref []" in Unsynchronized}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "WrongRefData.get @{theory}"
  "ref []"}

  For updating the reference we use the following function

ML{*fun ref_update n = 
      (fn r => let val _ = r := n::(!r) in r end)*}

text {*
  which takes an integer and adds it to the content of the reference.
  As before, we update the reference with the command 

setup %gray {* ref_update 1 *}

text {*
  A lookup in the current theory gives then the expected list 
  @{ML "ref [1]" in Unsynchronized}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "WrongRefData.get @{theory}"
  "ref [1]"}

  So far everything is as expected. But, the trouble starts if we attempt to
  backtrack to the ``point'' before the \isacommand{setup}-command. There, we
  would expect that the list is empty again. But since it is stored in a
  reference, Isabelle has no control over it. So it is not empty, but still
  @{ML "ref [1]" in Unsynchronized}. Adding to the trouble, if we execute the
  \isacommand{setup}-command again, we do not obtain @{ML "ref [1]" in
  Unsynchronized}, but

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "WrongRefData.get @{theory}"
  "ref [1, 1]"}

  Now imagine how often you go backwards and forwards in your proof scripts. 
  By using references in Isabelle code, you are bound to cause all
  hell to break loose. Therefore observe the coding convention: 
  Do not use references for storing data!

  The functors for data storage are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/context.ML"}.
  Isabelle contains implementations of several container data structures,
  including association lists in @{ML_file "Pure/General/alist.ML"},
  directed graphs in @{ML_file "Pure/General/graph.ML"}, and 
  tables and symtables in @{ML_file "Pure/General/table.ML"}.

  Storing data in a proof context is done in a similar fashion. As mentioned
  before, the corresponding functor is @{ML_funct_ind ProofDataFun}. With the
  following code we can store a list of terms in a proof context.

ML{*structure Data = ProofDataFun
  (type T = term list
   fun init _ = [])*}

text {*
  The function we have to specify has to produce a list once a context 
  is initialised (possibly taking the theory into account from which the 
  context is derived). We choose here to just return the empty list. Next 
  we define two auxiliary functions for updating the list with a given
  term and printing the list. 

ML{*fun update trm = (fn trms => trm::trms)

fun print ctxt =
  case (Data.get ctxt) of
    [] => tracing "Empty!"
  | trms => tracing (string_of_terms ctxt trms)*}

text {*
  Next we start with the context generated by the antiquotation 
  @{text "@{context}"} and update it in various ways. 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ctxt0 = @{context}
  val ctxt1 = ctxt0 |> update @{term \"False\"}
                    |> update @{term \"True \<and> True\"} 
  val ctxt2 = ctxt0 |> update @{term \"1::nat\"}
  val ctxt3 = ctxt2 |> update @{term \"2::nat\"}
  print ctxt0; 
  print ctxt1;
  print ctxt2;
  print ctxt3
True \<and> True, False
2, 1"}

  Many functions in Isabelle manage and update data in a similar
  fashion. Consequently, such calculation with contexts occur frequently in
  Isabelle code, although the ``context flow'' is usually only linear.
  Note also that the calculation above has no effect on the underlying
  theory. Once we throw away the contexts, we have no access to their
  associated data. This is different to theories, where the command 
  \isacommand{setup} registers the data with the current and future 
  theories, and therefore one can access the data potentially 

  For convenience there is an abstract layer, namely the type @{ML_type Context.generic}, 
  for treating theories and proof contexts more uniformly. This type is defined as follows

ML_val{*datatype generic = 
  Theory of theory 
| Proof of proof*}

text {*
  \footnote{\bf FIXME: say more about generic contexts.}

  There are two special instances of the data storage mechanism described 
  above. The first instance implements named theorem lists using the functor
  @{ML_funct_ind Named_Thms}. This is because storing theorems in a list 
  is such a common task.  To obtain a named theorem list, you just declare

ML{*structure FooRules = Named_Thms
  (val name = "foo" 
   val description = "Theorems for foo") *}

text {*
  and set up the @{ML_struct FooRules} with the command

setup %gray {* FooRules.setup *}

text {*
  This code declares a data container where the theorems are stored,
  an attribute @{text foo} (with the @{text add} and @{text del} options
  for adding and deleting theorems) and an internal ML-interface for retrieving and 
  modifying the theorems.
  Furthermore, the theorems are made available on the user-level under the name 
  @{text foo}. For example you can declare three lemmas to be a member of the 
  theorem list @{text foo} by:

lemma rule1[foo]: "A" sorry
lemma rule2[foo]: "B" sorry
lemma rule3[foo]: "C" sorry

text {* and undeclare the first one by: *}

declare rule1[foo del]

text {* You can query the remaining ones with:

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "foo"}\\
  @{text "> ?C"}\\
  @{text "> ?B"}

  On the ML-level, we can add theorems to the list with @{ML FooRules.add_thm}:

setup %gray {* Context.theory_map (FooRules.add_thm @{thm TrueI}) *}

text {*
  The rules in the list can be retrieved using the function 
  @{ML FooRules.get}:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  "FooRules.get @{context}" 
  "[\"True\", \"?C\",\"?B\"]"}

  Note that this function takes a proof context as argument. This might be 
  confusing, since the theorem list is stored as theory data. It becomes clear by knowing
  that the proof context contains the information about the current theory and so the function
  can access the theorem list in the theory via the context. 

  For more information about named theorem lists see 
  @{ML_file "Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML"}.

  The second special instance of the data storage mechanism are configuration
  values. They are used to enable users to configure tools without having to
  resort to the ML-level (and also to avoid references). Assume you want the
  user to control three values, say @{text bval} containing a boolean, @{text
  ival} containing an integer and @{text sval} containing a string. These
  values can be declared by

ML{*val (bval, setup_bval) = Attrib.config_bool "bval" false
val (ival, setup_ival) = Attrib.config_int "ival" 0
val (sval, setup_sval) = Attrib.config_string "sval" "some string" *}

text {* 
  where each value needs to be given a default. To enable these values on the 
  user-level, they need to be set up with

setup %gray {* 
  setup_bval #> 
  setup_ival #>

text {*
  The user can now manipulate the values from the user-level of Isabelle 
  with the command

declare [[bval = true, ival = 3]]

text {*
  On the ML-level these values can be retrieved using the 
  function @{ML_ind get in Config} from a proof context

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  "Config.get @{context} bval" 

  or directly from a theory using the function @{ML_ind get_thy in Config}

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  "Config.get_thy @{theory} bval" 

  It is also possible to manipulate the configuration values
  from the ML-level with the functions @{ML_ind put in Config}
  and @{ML_ind put_thy in Config}. For example

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  val ctxt = @{context}
  val ctxt' = Config.put sval \"foo\" ctxt
  val ctxt'' = Config.put sval \"bar\" ctxt'
  (Config.get ctxt sval, 
   Config.get ctxt' sval, 
   Config.get ctxt'' sval)
  "(\"some string\", \"foo\", \"bar\")"}

  For more information about configuration values see 
  the files @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"} and 
  @{ML_file "Pure/config.ML"}.

section {* Summary *}

text {*
  This chapter describes the combinators that are used in Isabelle, as well
  as a simple printing infrastructure for @{ML_type term}, @{ML_type cterm}
  and @{ML_type thm}. The section on ML-antiquotations shows how to refer 
  statically to entities from the logic level of Isabelle. Isabelle also
  contains mechanisms for storing arbitrary data in theory and proof 

  \item Print messages that belong together in a single string.
  \item Do not use references in Isabelle code.


(* bak                                            *)

section {* Do Not Try This At Home! *}

ML {* val my_thms = ref ([]: thm list) *}

attribute_setup my_thm_bad =
  {* Scan.succeed (Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => fn ctxt =>
      (my_thms := th :: ! my_thms; ctxt))) *} "bad attribute"

declare sym [my_thm_bad]
declare refl [my_thm_bad]

ML "!my_thms"