theory Tacticalimports Base FirstStepsbeginchapter {* Tactical Reasoning\label{chp:tactical} *}text {* The main reason for descending to the ML-level of Isabelle is to be able to implement automatic proof procedures. Such proof procedures usually lessen considerably the burden of manual reasoning, for example, when introducing new definitions. These proof procedures are centred around refining a goal state using tactics. This is similar to the \isacommand{apply}-style reasoning at the user-level, where goals are modified in a sequence of proof steps until all of them are solved. However, there are also more structured operations available on the ML-level that help with the handling of variables and assumptions.*}section {* Basics of Reasoning with Tactics*}text {* To see how tactics work, let us first transcribe a simple \isacommand{apply}-style proof into ML. Suppose the following proof.*}lemma disj_swap: "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"apply(erule disjE)apply(rule disjI2)apply(assumption)apply(rule disjI1)apply(assumption)donetext {* This proof translates to the following ML-code.@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val ctxt = @{context} val goal = @{prop \"P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P\"}in Goal.prove ctxt [\"P\", \"Q\"] [] goal (fn _ => etac @{thm disjE} 1 THEN rtac @{thm disjI2} 1 THEN atac 1 THEN rtac @{thm disjI1} 1 THEN atac 1)end" "?P \<or> ?Q \<Longrightarrow> ?Q \<or> ?P"} To start the proof, the function @{ML "Goal.prove"}~@{text "ctxt xs As C tac"} sets up a goal state for proving the goal @{text C} (that is @{prop "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"} in the proof at hand) under the assumptions @{text As} (happens to be empty) with the variables @{text xs} that will be generalised once the goal is proved (in our case @{text P} and @{text Q}). The @{text "tac"} is the tactic that proves the goal; it can make use of the local assumptions (there are none in this example). The functions @{ML etac}, @{ML rtac} and @{ML atac} in the code above correspond to @{text erule}, @{text rule} and @{text assumption}, respectively. The operator @{ML THEN} strings the tactics together. \begin{readmore} To learn more about the function @{ML Goal.prove} see \isccite{sec:results} and the file @{ML_file "Pure/goal.ML"}. See @{ML_file "Pure/tactic.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/tctical.ML"} for the code of basic tactics and tactic combinators; see also Chapters 3 and 4 in the old Isabelle Reference Manual, and Chapter 3 in the Isabelle/Isar Implementation Manual. \end{readmore} Note that in the code above we use antiquotations for referencing the theorems. Many theorems also have ML-bindings with the same name. Therefore, we could also just have written @{ML "etac disjE 1"}, or in case where there are no ML-binding obtain the theorem dynamically using the function @{ML thm}; for example \mbox{@{ML "etac (thm \"disjE\") 1"}}. Both ways however are considered bad style! The reason is that the binding for @{ML disjE} can be re-assigned by the user and thus one does not have complete control over which theorem is actually applied. This problem is nicely prevented by using antiquotations, because then the theorems are fixed statically at compile-time. During the development of automatic proof procedures, you will often find it necessary to test a tactic on examples. This can be conveniently done with the command \isacommand{apply}@{text "(tactic \<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>)"}. Consider the following sequence of tactics*}ML{*val foo_tac = (etac @{thm disjE} 1 THEN rtac @{thm disjI2} 1 THEN atac 1 THEN rtac @{thm disjI1} 1 THEN atac 1)*}text {* and the Isabelle proof: *}lemma "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"apply(tactic {* foo_tac *})donetext {* By using @{text "tactic \<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"} you can call from the user-level of Isabelle the tactic @{ML foo_tac} or any other function that returns a tactic. The tactic @{ML foo_tac} is just a sequence of simple tactics stringed together by @{ML THEN}. As can be seen, each simple tactic in @{ML foo_tac} has a hard-coded number that stands for the subgoal analysed by the tactic (@{text "1"} stands for the first, or top-most, subgoal). This hard-coding of goals is sometimes wanted, but usually it is not. To avoid the explicit numbering, you can write\label{tac:footacprime}*}ML{*val foo_tac' = (etac @{thm disjE} THEN' rtac @{thm disjI2} THEN' atac THEN' rtac @{thm disjI1} THEN' atac)*}text {* and then give the number for the subgoal explicitly when the tactic is called. So in the next proof you can first discharge the second subgoal, and subsequently the first.*}lemma "P1 \<or> Q1 \<Longrightarrow> Q1 \<or> P1" and "P2 \<or> Q2 \<Longrightarrow> Q2 \<or> P2"apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 2 *})apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})donetext {* This kind of addressing is more difficult to achieve when the goal is hard-coded inside the tactic. For most operators that combine tactics (@{ML THEN} is only one such operator) a ``primed'' version exists. The tactics @{ML foo_tac} and @{ML foo_tac'} are very specific for analysing goals being only of the form @{prop "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"}. If the goal is not of this form, then these tactics return the error message: \begin{isabelle} @{text "*** empty result sequence -- proof command failed"}\\ @{text "*** At command \"apply\"."} \end{isabelle} This means they failed. The reason for this error message is that tactics are functions mapping a goal state to a (lazy) sequence of successor states. Hence the type of a tactic is:*}ML{*type tactic = thm -> thm Seq.seq*}text {* By convention, if a tactic fails, then it should return the empty sequence. Therefore, if you write your own tactics, they should not raise exceptions willy-nilly; only in very grave failure situations should a tactic raise the exception @{text THM}. The simplest tactics are @{ML no_tac} and @{ML all_tac}. The first returns the empty sequence and is defined as*}ML{*fun no_tac thm = Seq.empty*}text {* which means @{ML no_tac} always fails. The second returns the given theorem wrapped in a single member sequence; it is defined as*}ML{*fun all_tac thm = Seq.single thm*}text {* which means @{ML all_tac} always succeeds, but also does not make any progress with the proof. The lazy list of possible successor goal states shows through at the user-level of Isabelle when using the command \isacommand{back}. For instance in the following proof there are two possibilities for how to apply @{ML foo_tac'}: either using the first assumption or the second.*}lemma "\<lbrakk>P \<or> Q; P \<or> Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})backdonetext {* By using \isacommand{back}, we construct the proof that uses the second assumption. While in the proof above, it does not really matter which assumption is used, in more interesting cases provability might depend on exploring different possibilities. \begin{readmore} See @{ML_file "Pure/General/seq.ML"} for the implementation of lazy sequences. In day-to-day Isabelle programming, however, one rarely constructs sequences explicitly, but uses the predefined tactics and tactic combinators instead. \end{readmore} It might be surprising that tactics, which transform one goal state to the next, are functions from theorems to theorem (sequences). The surprise resolves by knowing that every goal state is indeed a theorem. To shed more light on this, let us modify the code of @{ML all_tac} to obtain the following tactic*}ML{*fun my_print_tac ctxt thm =let val _ = warning (str_of_thm_no_vars ctxt thm)in Seq.single thmend*}text_raw {* \begin{figure}[p] \begin{boxedminipage}{\textwidth} \begin{isabelle}*}lemma shows "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B" apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small\colorbox{gray!20}{ \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}} internal goal state:\\ @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"} \end{tabular}} \end{minipage}\medskip*}apply(rule conjI)apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small\colorbox{gray!20}{ \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}} internal goal state:\\ @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"} \end{tabular}} \end{minipage}\medskip*}apply(assumption)apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small\colorbox{gray!20}{ \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}} internal goal state:\\ @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"} \end{tabular}} \end{minipage}\medskip*}apply(assumption)apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small\colorbox{gray!20}{ \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}} internal goal state:\\ @{text "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B"} \end{tabular}} \end{minipage}\medskip *}donetext_raw {* \end{isabelle} \end{boxedminipage} \caption{The figure shows a proof where each intermediate goal state is printed by the Isabelle system and by @{ML my_print_tac}. The latter shows the goal state as represented internally (highlighted boxes). This tactic shows that every goal state in Isabelle is represented by a theorem: when you start the proof of \mbox{@{text "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B"}} the theorem is @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"}; when you finish the proof the theorem is @{text "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B"}.\label{fig:goalstates}} \end{figure}*}text {* which prints out the given theorem (using the string-function defined in Section~\ref{sec:printing}) and then behaves like @{ML all_tac}. With this tactic we are in the position to inspect every goal state in a proof. Consider now the proof in Figure~\ref{fig:goalstates}: as can be seen, internally every goal state is an implication of the form @{text[display] "A\<^isub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<Longrightarrow> A\<^isub>n \<Longrightarrow> (C)"} where @{term C} is the goal to be proved and the @{term "A\<^isub>i"} are the subgoals. So after setting up the lemma, the goal state is always of the form @{text "C \<Longrightarrow> (C)"}; when the proof is finished we are left with @{text "(C)"}. Since the goal @{term C} can potentially be an implication, there is a ``protector'' wrapped around it (in from of an outermost constant @{text "Const (\"prop\", bool \<Rightarrow> bool)"}; however this constant is invisible in the figure). This wrapper prevents that premises of @{text C} are mis-interpreted as open subgoals. While tactics can operate on the subgoals (the @{text "A\<^isub>i"} above), they are expected to leave the conclusion @{term C} intact, with the exception of possibly instantiating schematic variables. If you use the predefined tactics, which we describe in the next section, this will always be the case. \begin{readmore} For more information about the internals of goals see \isccite{sec:tactical-goals}. \end{readmore}*}section {* Simple Tactics\label{sec:simpletacs} *}text {* Let us start with explaining the simple tactic @{ML print_tac}, which is quite useful for low-level debugging of tactics. It just prints out a message and the current goal state. Unlike @{ML my_print_tac} shown earlier, it prints the goal state as the user would see it. For example, processing the proof*}lemma shows "False \<Longrightarrow> True"apply(tactic {* print_tac "foo message" *})txt{*gives:\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\small @{text "foo message"}\\[3mm] @{prop "False \<Longrightarrow> True"}\\ @{text " 1. False \<Longrightarrow> True"}\\ \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* A simple tactic making theorem proving particularly simple is @{ML SkipProof.cheat_tac}. This tactic corresponds to the Isabelle command \isacommand{sorry} and is sometimes useful during the development of tactics.*}lemma shows "False" and "something_else_obviously_false" apply(tactic {* SkipProof.cheat_tac @{theory} *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Another simple tactic is the function @{ML atac}, which, as shown in the previous section, corresponds to the assumption command.*}lemma shows "P \<Longrightarrow> P"apply(tactic {* atac 1 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Similarly, @{ML rtac}, @{ML dtac}, @{ML etac} and @{ML ftac} correspond to @{text rule}, @{text drule}, @{text erule} and @{text frule}, respectively. Each of them takes a theorem as argument and attempts to apply it to a goal. Below are three self-explanatory examples.*}lemma shows "P \<and> Q"apply(tactic {* rtac @{thm conjI} 1 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)lemma shows "P \<and> Q \<Longrightarrow> False"apply(tactic {* etac @{thm conjE} 1 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)lemma shows "False \<and> True \<Longrightarrow> False"apply(tactic {* dtac @{thm conjunct2} 1 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Note the number in each tactic call. Also as mentioned in the previous section, most basic tactics take such a number as argument: this argument addresses the subgoal the tacics are analysing. In the proof below, we first split up the conjunction in the second subgoal by focusing on this subgoal first.*}lemma shows "Foo" and "P \<and> Q"apply(tactic {* rtac @{thm conjI} 2 *})txt {*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* The function @{ML resolve_tac} is similar to @{ML rtac}, except that it expects a list of theorems as arguments. From this list it will apply the first applicable theorem (later theorems that are also applicable can be explored via the lazy sequences mechanism). Given the code*}ML{*val resolve_tac_xmp = resolve_tac [@{thm impI}, @{thm conjI}]*}text {* an example for @{ML resolve_tac} is the following proof where first an outermost implication is analysed and then an outermost conjunction.*}lemma shows "C \<longrightarrow> (A \<and> B)" and "(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<and> C"apply(tactic {* resolve_tac_xmp 1 *})apply(tactic {* resolve_tac_xmp 2 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Similar versions taking a list of theorems exist for the tactics @{ML dtac} (@{ML dresolve_tac}), @{ML etac} (@{ML eresolve_tac}) and so on. Another simple tactic is @{ML cut_facts_tac}. It inserts a list of theorems into the assumptions of the current goal state. For example*}lemma shows "True \<noteq> False"apply(tactic {* cut_facts_tac [@{thm True_def}, @{thm False_def}] 1 *})txt{*produces the goal state\medskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Since rules are applied using higher-order unification, an automatic proof procedure might become too fragile, if it just applies inference rules as shown above. The reason is that a number of rules introduce meta-variables into the goal state. Consider for example the proof*}lemma shows "\<forall>x\<in>A. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"apply(tactic {* dtac @{thm bspec} 1 *})txt{*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* where the application of rule @{text bspec} generates two subgoals involving the meta-variable @{text "?x"}. Now, if you are not careful, tactics applied to the first subgoal might instantiate this meta-variable in such a way that the second subgoal becomes unprovable. If it is clear what the @{text "?x"} should be, then this situation can be avoided by introducing a more constraint version of the @{text bspec}-rule. Such constraints can be given by pre-instantiating theorems with other theorems. One function to do this is @{ML RS} @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thm disjI1} RS @{thm conjI}" "\<lbrakk>?P1; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (?P1 \<or> ?Q1) \<and> ?Q"} which in the example instantiates the first premise of the @{text conjI}-rule with the rule @{text disjI1}. If the instantiation is impossible, as in the case of @{ML_response_fake_both [display,gray] "@{thm conjI} RS @{thm mp}" "*** Exception- THM (\"RSN: no unifiers\", 1, [\"\<lbrakk>?P; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P \<and> ?Q\", \"\<lbrakk>?P \<longrightarrow> ?Q; ?P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?Q\"]) raised"} then the function raises an exception. The function @{ML RSN} is similar to @{ML RS}, but takes an additional number as argument that makes explicit which premise should be instantiated. To improve readability of the theorems we produce below, we shall use the function @{ML no_vars} from Section~\ref{sec:printing}, which transforms schematic variables into free ones. Using this function for the first @{ML RS}-expression above produces the more readable result: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "no_vars @{context} (@{thm disjI1} RS @{thm conjI})" "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Qa) \<and> Q"} If you want to instantiate more than one premise of a theorem, you can use the function @{ML MRS}: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "no_vars @{context} ([@{thm disjI1}, @{thm disjI2}] MRS @{thm conjI})" "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Qa) \<and> (Pa \<or> Q)"} If you need to instantiate lists of theorems, you can use the functions @{ML RL} and @{ML MRL}. For example in the code below, every theorem in the second list is instantiated with every theorem in the first. @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "[@{thm impI}, @{thm disjI2}] RL [@{thm conjI}, @{thm disjI1}]" "[\<lbrakk>P \<Longrightarrow> Q; Qa\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<longrightarrow> Q) \<and> Qa, \<lbrakk>Q; Qa\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Q) \<and> Qa, (P \<Longrightarrow> Q) \<Longrightarrow> (P \<longrightarrow> Q) \<or> Qa, Q \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Q) \<or> Qa]"} \begin{readmore} The combinators for instantiating theorems are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/drule.ML"}. \end{readmore} Often proofs on the ML-level involve elaborate operations on assumptions and @{text "\<And>"}-quantified variables. To do such operations using the basic tactics shown so far is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and safety is provided by the tactic @{ML SUBPROOF}. This tactic fixes the parameters and binds the various components of a goal state to a record. To see what happens, assume the function defined in Figure~\ref{fig:sptac}, which takes a record and just prints out the content of this record (using the string transformation functions from in Section~\ref{sec:printing}). Consider now the proof:*}text_raw{*\begin{figure}[t]\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\begin{isabelle}*}ML{*fun sp_tac {prems, params, asms, concl, context, schematics} = let val str_of_params = str_of_cterms context params val str_of_asms = str_of_cterms context asms val str_of_concl = str_of_cterm context concl val str_of_prems = str_of_thms_no_vars context prems val str_of_schms = str_of_cterms context (snd schematics) val _ = (warning ("params: " ^ str_of_params); warning ("schematics: " ^ str_of_schms); warning ("assumptions: " ^ str_of_asms); warning ("conclusion: " ^ str_of_concl); warning ("premises: " ^ str_of_prems))in no_tac end*}text_raw{*\end{isabelle}\end{minipage}\caption{A function that prints out the various parameters provided by the tactic @{ML SUBPROOF}. It uses the functions defined in Section~\ref{sec:printing} for extracting strings from @{ML_type cterm}s and @{ML_type thm}s.\label{fig:sptac}}\end{figure}*}lemma shows "\<And>x y. A x y \<Longrightarrow> B y x \<longrightarrow> C (?z y) x"apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?txt {* The tactic produces the following printout: \begin{quote}\small \begin{tabular}{ll} params: & @{term x}, @{term y}\\ schematics: & @{term z}\\ assumptions: & @{term "A x y"}\\ conclusion: & @{term "B y x \<longrightarrow> C (z y) x"}\\ premises: & @{term "A x y"} \end{tabular} \end{quote} Notice in the actual output the brown colour of the variables @{term x} and @{term y}. Although they are parameters in the original goal, they are fixed inside the subproof. By convention these fixed variables are printed in brown colour. Similarly the schematic variable @{term z}. The assumption, or premise, @{prop "A x y"} is bound as @{ML_type cterm} to the record-variable @{text asms}, but also as @{ML_type thm} to @{text prems}. Notice also that we had to append @{text [quotes] "?"} to the \isacommand{apply}-command. The reason is that @{ML SUBPROOF} normally expects that the subgoal is solved completely. Since in the function @{ML sp_tac} we returned the tactic @{ML no_tac}, the subproof obviously fails. The question-mark allows us to recover from this failure in a graceful manner so that the warning messages are not overwritten by an ``empty sequence'' error message. If we continue the proof script by applying the @{text impI}-rule*}apply(rule impI)apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?txt {* then the tactic prints out: \begin{quote}\small \begin{tabular}{ll} params: & @{term x}, @{term y}\\ schematics: & @{term z}\\ assumptions: & @{term "A x y"}, @{term "B y x"}\\ conclusion: & @{term "C (z y) x"}\\ premises: & @{term "A x y"}, @{term "B y x"} \end{tabular} \end{quote}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Now also @{term "B y x"} is an assumption bound to @{text asms} and @{text prems}. One convenience of @{ML SUBPROOF} is that we can apply the assumptions using the usual tactics, because the parameter @{text prems} contains them as theorems. With this you can easily implement a tactic that behaves almost like @{ML atac}:*}ML{*val atac' = SUBPROOF (fn {prems, ...} => resolve_tac prems 1)*}text {* If you apply @{ML atac'} to the next lemma*}lemma shows "\<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"apply(tactic {* atac' @{context} 1 *})txt{* it will produce @{subgoals [display]} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* The restriction in this tactic which is not present in @{ML atac} is that it cannot instantiate any schematic variable. This might be seen as a defect, but it is actually an advantage in the situations for which @{ML SUBPROOF} was designed: the reason is that, as mentioned before, instantiation of schematic variables can affect several goals and can render them unprovable. @{ML SUBPROOF} is meant to avoid this. Notice that @{ML atac'} inside @{ML SUBPROOF} calls @{ML resolve_tac} with the subgoal number @{text "1"} and also the outer call to @{ML SUBPROOF} in the \isacommand{apply}-step uses @{text "1"}. This is another advantage of @{ML SUBPROOF}: the addressing inside it is completely local to the tactic inside the subproof. It is therefore possible to also apply @{ML atac'} to the second goal by just writing:*}lemma shows "True" and "\<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"apply(tactic {* atac' @{context} 2 *})apply(rule TrueI)donetext {* \begin{readmore} The function @{ML SUBPROOF} is defined in @{ML_file "Pure/subgoal.ML"} and also described in \isccite{sec:results}. \end{readmore} Similar but less powerful functions than @{ML SUBPROOF} are @{ML SUBGOAL} and @{ML CSUBGOAL}. They allow you to inspect a given subgoal (the former presents the subgoal as a @{ML_type term}, while the latter as a @{ML_type cterm}). With this you can implement a tactic that applies a rule according to the topmost logic connective in the subgoal (to illustrate this we only analyse a few connectives). The code of the tactic is as follows.\label{tac:selecttac}*}ML %linenosgray{*fun select_tac (t, i) = case t of @{term "Trueprop"} $ t' => select_tac (t', i) | @{term "op \<Longrightarrow>"} $ _ $ t' => select_tac (t', i) | @{term "op \<and>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm conjI} i | @{term "op \<longrightarrow>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm impI} i | @{term "Not"} $ _ => rtac @{thm notI} i | Const (@{const_name "All"}, _) $ _ => rtac @{thm allI} i | _ => all_tac*}text {* The input of the function is a term representing the subgoal and a number specifying the subgoal of interest. In Line 3 you need to descend under the outermost @{term "Trueprop"} in order to get to the connective you like to analyse. Otherwise goals like @{prop "A \<and> B"} are not properly analysed. Similarly with meta-implications in the next line. While for the first five patterns we can use the @{text "@term"}-antiquotation to construct the patterns, the pattern in Line 8 cannot be constructed in this way. The reason is that an antiquotation would fix the type of the quantified variable. So you really have to construct the pattern using the basic term-constructors. This is not necessary in other cases, because their type is always fixed to function types involving only the type @{typ bool}. (See Section \ref{sec:terms_types_manually} about constructing terms manually.) For the catch-all pattern, we chose to just return @{ML all_tac}. Consequently, @{ML select_tac} never fails. Let us now see how to apply this tactic. Consider the four goals:*}lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 4 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 3 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 2 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 1 *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* where in all but the last the tactic applied an introduction rule. Note that we applied the tactic to the goals in ``reverse'' order. This is a trick in order to be independent from the subgoals that are produced by the rule. If we had applied it in the other order *}lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 1 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 3 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 4 *})apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 5 *})(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* then we have to be careful to not apply the tactic to the two subgoals produced by the first goal. To do this can result in quite messy code. In contrast, the ``reverse application'' is easy to implement. Of course, this example is contrived: there are much simpler methods available in Isabelle for implementing a proof procedure analysing a goal according to its topmost connective. These simpler methods use tactic combinators, which we will explain in the next section.*}section {* Tactic Combinators *}text {* The purpose of tactic combinators is to build compound tactics out of smaller tactics. In the previous section we already used @{ML THEN}, which just strings together two tactics in a sequence. For example:*}lemma shows "(Foo \<and> Bar) \<and> False"apply(tactic {* rtac @{thm conjI} 1 THEN rtac @{thm conjI} 1 *})txt {* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* If you want to avoid the hard-coded subgoal addressing, then you can use the ``primed'' version of @{ML THEN}. For example:*}lemma shows "(Foo \<and> Bar) \<and> False"apply(tactic {* (rtac @{thm conjI} THEN' rtac @{thm conjI}) 1 *})txt {* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Here you only have to specify the subgoal of interest only once and it is consistently applied to the component tactics. For most tactic combinators such a ``primed'' version exists and in what follows we will usually prefer it over the ``unprimed'' one. If there is a list of tactics that should all be tried out in sequence, you can use the combinator @{ML EVERY'}. For example the function @{ML foo_tac'} from page~\pageref{tac:footacprime} can also be written as:*}ML{*val foo_tac'' = EVERY' [etac @{thm disjE}, rtac @{thm disjI2}, atac, rtac @{thm disjI1}, atac]*}text {* There is even another way of implementing this tactic: in automatic proof procedures (in contrast to tactics that might be called by the user) there are often long lists of tactics that are applied to the first subgoal. Instead of writing the code above and then calling @{ML "foo_tac'' 1"}, you can also just write*}ML{*val foo_tac1 = EVERY1 [etac @{thm disjE}, rtac @{thm disjI2}, atac, rtac @{thm disjI1}, atac]*}text {* and call @{ML foo_tac1}. With the combinators @{ML THEN'}, @{ML EVERY'} and @{ML EVERY1} it must be guaranteed that all component tactics successfully apply; otherwise the whole tactic will fail. If you rather want to try out a number of tactics, then you can use the combinator @{ML ORELSE'} for two tactics, and @{ML FIRST'} (or @{ML FIRST1}) for a list of tactics. For example, the tactic*}ML{*val orelse_xmp = rtac @{thm disjI1} ORELSE' rtac @{thm conjI}*}text {* will first try out whether rule @{text disjI} applies and after that @{text conjI}. To see this consider the proof*}lemma shows "True \<and> False" and "Foo \<or> Bar"apply(tactic {* orelse_xmp 2 *})apply(tactic {* orelse_xmp 1 *})txt {* which results in the goal state \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Using @{ML FIRST'} we can simplify our @{ML select_tac} from Page~\pageref{tac:selecttac} as follows:*}ML{*val select_tac' = FIRST' [rtac @{thm conjI}, rtac @{thm impI}, rtac @{thm notI}, rtac @{thm allI}, K all_tac]*}text {* Since we like to mimic the behaviour of @{ML select_tac} as closely as possible, we must include @{ML all_tac} at the end of the list, otherwise the tactic will fail if no rule applies (we also have to wrap @{ML all_tac} using the @{ML K}-combinator, because it does not take a subgoal number as argument). You can test the tactic on the same goals:*}lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* select_tac' 4 *})apply(tactic {* select_tac' 3 *})apply(tactic {* select_tac' 2 *})apply(tactic {* select_tac' 1 *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Since such repeated applications of a tactic to the reverse order of \emph{all} subgoals is quite common, there is the tactic combinator @{ML ALLGOALS} that simplifies this. Using this combinator you can simply write: *}lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* ALLGOALS select_tac' *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Remember that we chose to implement @{ML select_tac'} so that it always succeeds. This can be potentially very confusing for the user, for example, in cases where the goal is the form*}lemma shows "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* select_tac' 1 *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* In this case no rule applies. The problem for the user is that there is little chance to see whether or not progress in the proof has been made. By convention therefore, tactics visible to the user should either change something or fail. To comply with this convention, we could simply delete the @{ML "K all_tac"} from the end of the theorem list. As a result @{ML select_tac'} would only succeed on goals where it can make progress. But for the sake of argument, let us suppose that this deletion is \emph{not} an option. In such cases, you can use the combinator @{ML CHANGED} to make sure the subgoal has been changed by the tactic. Because now*}lemma shows "E \<Longrightarrow> F"apply(tactic {* CHANGED (select_tac' 1) *})(*<*)?(*>*)txt{* gives the error message: \begin{isabelle} @{text "*** empty result sequence -- proof command failed"}\\ @{text "*** At command \"apply\"."} \end{isabelle} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* We can further extend @{ML select_tac'} so that it not just applies to the topmost connective, but also to the ones immediately ``underneath'', i.e.~analyse the goal completely. For this you can use the tactic combinator @{ML REPEAT}. As an example suppose the following tactic*}ML{*val repeat_xmp = REPEAT (CHANGED (select_tac' 1)) *}text {* which applied to the proof *}lemma shows "((\<not>A) \<and> (\<forall>x. B x)) \<and> (C \<longrightarrow> D)"apply(tactic {* repeat_xmp *})txt{* produces \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Here it is crucial that @{ML select_tac'} is prefixed with @{ML CHANGED}, because otherwise @{ML REPEAT} runs into an infinite loop (it applies the tactic as long as it succeeds). The function @{ML REPEAT1} is similar, but runs the tactic at least once (failing if this is not possible). If you are after the ``primed'' version of @{ML repeat_xmp}, then you need to implement it as*}ML{*val repeat_xmp' = REPEAT o CHANGED o select_tac'*}text {* since there are no ``primed'' versions of @{ML REPEAT} and @{ML CHANGED}. If you look closely at the goal state above, the tactics @{ML repeat_xmp} and @{ML repeat_xmp'} are not yet quite what we are after: the problem is that goals 2 and 3 are not analysed. This is because the tactic is applied repeatedly only to the first subgoal. To analyse also all resulting subgoals, you can use the tactic combinator @{ML REPEAT_ALL_NEW}. Suppose the tactic*}ML{*val repeat_all_new_xmp = REPEAT_ALL_NEW (CHANGED o select_tac')*}text {* you see that the following goal*}lemma shows "((\<not>A) \<and> (\<forall>x. B x)) \<and> (C \<longrightarrow> D)"apply(tactic {* repeat_all_new_xmp 1 *})txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* is completely analysed according to the theorems we chose to include in @{ML select_tac'}. Recall that tactics produce a lazy sequence of successor goal states. These states can be explored using the command \isacommand{back}. For example*}lemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"apply(tactic {* etac @{thm disjE} 1 *})txt{* applies the rule to the first assumption yielding the goal state:\smallskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}\smallskip After typing *}(*<*)oopslemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"apply(tactic {* etac @{thm disjE} 1 *})(*>*)backtxt{* the rule now applies to the second assumption.\smallskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Sometimes this leads to confusing behaviour of tactics and also has the potential to explode the search space for tactics. These problems can be avoided by prefixing the tactic with the tactic combinator @{ML DETERM}.*}lemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"apply(tactic {* DETERM (etac @{thm disjE} 1) *})txt {*\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* This combinator will prune the search space to just the first successful application. Attempting to apply \isacommand{back} in this goal states gives the error message: \begin{isabelle} @{text "*** back: no alternatives"}\\ @{text "*** At command \"back\"."} \end{isabelle} \begin{readmore} Most tactic combinators described in this section are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/tctical.ML"}. \end{readmore}*}section {* Simplifier Tactics *}text {* A lot of convenience in the reasoning with Isabelle derives from its powerful simplifier. The power of simplifier is a strength and a weakness at the same time, because you can easily make the simplifier to run into a loop and its behaviour can be difficult to predict. There is also a multitude of options that you can configurate to control the behaviour of the simplifier. We describe some of them in this and the next section. There are the following five main tactics behind the simplifier (in parentheses is their user-level counterpart): \begin{isabelle} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{2cm}}l} @{ML simp_tac} & @{text "(simp (no_asm))"} \\ @{ML asm_simp_tac} & @{text "(simp (no_asm_simp))"} \\ @{ML full_simp_tac} & @{text "(simp (no_asm_use))"} \\ @{ML asm_lr_simp_tac} & @{text "(simp (asm_lr))"} \\ @{ML asm_full_simp_tac} & @{text "(simp)"} \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{isabelle} All of the tactics take a simpset and an interger as argument (the latter as usual to specify the goal to be analysed). So the proof*}lemma "Suc (1 + 2) < 3 + 2"apply(simp)donetext {* corresponds on the ML-level to the tactic*}lemma "Suc (1 + 2) < 3 + 2"apply(tactic {* asm_full_simp_tac @{simpset} 1 *})donetext {* If the simplifier cannot make any progress, then it leaves the goal unchanged, i.e.~does not raise any error message. That means if you use it to unfold a definition for a constant and this constant is not present in the goal state, you can still safely apply the simplifier. When using the simplifier, the crucial information you have to provide is the simpset. If this information is not handled with care, then the simplifier can easily run into a loop. Therefore a good rule of thumb is to use simpsets that are as minimal as possible. It might be surprising that a simpset is more complex than just a simple collection of theorems used as simplification rules. One reason for the complexity is that the simplifier must be able to rewrite inside terms and should also be able to rewrite according to rules that have precoditions. The rewriting inside terms requires congruence rules, which are meta-equalities typical of the form \begin{isabelle} \begin{center} \mbox{\inferrule{@{text "t\<^isub>1 \<equiv> s\<^isub>1 \<dots> t\<^isub>n \<equiv> s\<^isub>n"}} {@{text "constr t\<^isub>1\<dots>t\<^isub>n \<equiv> constr s\<^isub>1\<dots>s\<^isub>n"}}} \end{center} \end{isabelle} with @{text "constr"} being a term-constructor, like @{const "If"} or @{const "Let"}. Every simpset contains only one concruence rule for each term-constructor, which however can be overwritten. The user can declare lemmas to be congruence rules using the attribute @{text "[cong]"}. In HOL, the user usually states these lemmas as equations, which are then internally transformed into meta-equations. The rewriting with rules involving preconditions requires what is in Isabelle called a subgoaler, a solver and a looper. These can be arbitrary tactics that can be installed in a simpset and which are called during various stages during simplification. However, simpsets also include simprocs, which can produce rewrite rules on demand (see next section). Another component are split-rules, which can simplify for example the ``then'' and ``else'' branches of if-statements under the corresponding precoditions. \begin{readmore} For more information about the simplifier see @{ML_file "Pure/meta_simplifier.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/simplifier.ML"}. The simplifier for HOL is set up in @{ML_file "HOL/Tools/simpdata.ML"}. Generic splitters are implemented in @{ML_file "Provers/splitter.ML"}. \end{readmore} \begin{readmore} FIXME: Find the right place Discrimination nets are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/net.ML"}. \end{readmore} The most common combinators to modify simpsets are \begin{isabelle} \begin{tabular}{ll} @{ML addsimps} & @{ML delsimps}\\ @{ML addcongs} & @{ML delcongs}\\ @{ML addsimprocs} & @{ML delsimprocs}\\ \end{tabular} \end{isabelle} (FIXME: What about splitters? @{ML addsplits}, @{ML delsplits})*}text_raw {*\begin{figure}[t]\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\begin{isabelle}*}ML{*fun print_ss ctxt ss =let val {simps, congs, procs, ...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss ss fun name_thm (nm, thm) = " " ^ nm ^ ": " ^ (str_of_thm_no_vars ctxt thm) fun name_ctrm (nm, ctrm) = " " ^ nm ^ ": " ^ (str_of_cterms ctxt ctrm) val s1 = ["Simplification rules:"] val s2 = map name_thm simps val s3 = ["Congruences rules:"] val s4 = map name_thm congs val s5 = ["Simproc patterns:"] val s6 = map name_ctrm procsin (s1 @ s2 @ s3 @ s4 @ s5 @ s6) |> separate "\n" |> implode |> warningend*}text_raw {* \end{isabelle}\end{minipage}\caption{The function @{ML MetaSimplifier.dest_ss} returns a record containing all printable information stored in a simpset. We are here only interested in the simplifcation rules, congruence rules and simprocs.\label{fig:printss}}\end{figure} *}text {* To see how they work, consider the function in Figure~\ref{fig:printss}, which prints out some parts of a simpset. If you use it to print out the components of the empty simpset, i.e.~ @{ML empty_ss} @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "print_ss @{context} empty_ss""Simplification rules:Congruences rules:Simproc patterns:"} you can see it contains nothing. This simpset is usually not useful, except as a building block to build bigger simpsets. For example you can add to @{ML empty_ss} the simplification rule @{thm [source] Diff_Int} as follows:*}ML{*val ss1 = empty_ss addsimps [@{thm Diff_Int} RS @{thm eq_reflection}] *}text {* Printing then out the components of the simpset gives: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "print_ss @{context} ss1""Simplification rules: ??.unknown: A - B \<inter> C \<equiv> A - B \<union> (A - C)Congruences rules:Simproc patterns:"} (FIXME: Why does it print out ??.unknown) Adding also the congruence rule @{thm [source] UN_cong} *}ML{*val ss2 = ss1 addcongs [@{thm UN_cong} RS @{thm eq_reflection}] *}text {* gives @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "print_ss @{context} ss2""Simplification rules: ??.unknown: A - B \<inter> C \<equiv> A - B \<union> (A - C)Congruences rules: UNION: \<lbrakk>A = B; \<And>x. x \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> C x = D x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Union>x\<in>A. C x \<equiv> \<Union>x\<in>B. D xSimproc patterns:"} Notice that we had to add these lemmas as meta-equations. The @{ML empty_ss} expects this form of the simplification and congruence rules. However, even when adding these lemmas to @{ML empty_ss} we do not end up with anything useful yet. In the context of HOL, the first really useful simpset is @{ML HOL_basic_ss}. While printing out the components of this simpset @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "print_ss @{context} HOL_basic_ss""Simplification rules:Congruences rules:Simproc patterns:"} also produces ``nothing'', the printout is misleading. In fact the @{ML HOL_basic_ss} is setup so that it can solve goals of the form \begin{isabelle} @{thm TrueI}, @{thm refl[no_vars]}, @{term "t \<equiv> t"} and @{thm FalseE[no_vars]}; \end{isabelle} and also resolve with assumptions. For example:*}lemma "True" and "t = t" and "t \<equiv> t" and "False \<Longrightarrow> Foo" and "\<lbrakk>A; B; C\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A"apply(tactic {* ALLGOALS (simp_tac HOL_basic_ss) *})donetext {* This behaviour is not because of simplification rules, but how the subgoaler, solver and looper are set up in @{ML HOL_basic_ss}. The simpset @{ML HOL_ss} is an extention of @{ML HOL_basic_ss} containing already many useful simplification and congruence rules for the logical connectives in HOL. @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "print_ss @{context} HOL_ss""Simplification rules: Pure.triv_forall_equality: (\<And>x. PROP V) \<equiv> PROP V HOL.the_eq_trivial: THE x. x = y \<equiv> y HOL.the_sym_eq_trivial: THE ya. y = ya \<equiv> y \<dots>Congruences rules: HOL.simp_implies: \<dots> \<Longrightarrow> (PROP P =simp=> PROP Q) \<equiv> (PROP P' =simp=> PROP Q') op -->: \<lbrakk>P \<equiv> P'; P' \<Longrightarrow> Q \<equiv> Q'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P \<longrightarrow> Q \<equiv> P' \<longrightarrow> Q'Simproc patterns: \<dots>"} The simplifier is often used to unfold definitions in a proof. For this the simplifier contains the @{ML rewrite_goals_tac}. Suppose for example the definition*}definition "MyTrue \<equiv> True"text {* then in the following proof we can unfold this constant*}lemma shows "MyTrue \<Longrightarrow> True \<and> True"apply(rule conjI)apply(tactic {* rewrite_goals_tac [@{thm MyTrue_def}] *})txt{* producing the goal state \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* As you can see, the tactic unfolds the definitions in all subgoals.*}text_raw {*\begin{figure}[p]\begin{boxedminipage}{\textwidth}\begin{isabelle} *}types prm = "(nat \<times> nat) list"consts perm :: "prm \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("_ \<bullet> _" [80,80] 80)primrec (perm_nat) "[]\<bullet>c = c" "(ab#pi)\<bullet>c = (if (pi\<bullet>c)=fst ab then snd ab else (if (pi\<bullet>c)=snd ab then fst ab else (pi\<bullet>c)))" primrec (perm_prod) "pi\<bullet>(x, y) = (pi\<bullet>x, pi\<bullet>y)"primrec (perm_list) "pi\<bullet>[] = []" "pi\<bullet>(x#xs) = (pi\<bullet>x)#(pi\<bullet>xs)"lemma perm_append[simp]: fixes c::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "((pi\<^isub>1@pi\<^isub>2)\<bullet>c) = (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>c))"by (induct pi\<^isub>1) (auto) lemma perm_eq[simp]: fixes c::"nat" and pi::"prm" shows "(pi\<bullet>c = pi\<bullet>d) = (c = d)" by (induct pi) (auto)lemma perm_rev[simp]: fixes c::"nat" and pi::"prm" shows "pi\<bullet>((rev pi)\<bullet>c) = c"by (induct pi arbitrary: c) (auto)lemma perm_compose: fixes c::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>c) = (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>pi\<^isub>2)\<bullet>(pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>c)" by (induct pi\<^isub>2) (auto)text_raw {*\end{isabelle}\end{boxedminipage}\caption{A simple theory about permutations over @{typ nat}. The point is that the lemma @{thm [source] perm_compose} cannot be directly added to the simplifier, as it would cause the simplifier to loop. It can still be used as a simplification rule if the permutation is sufficiently protected.\label{fig:perms} (FIXME: Uses old primrec.)}\end{figure} *}text {* The simplifier is often used in order to bring terms into a normal form. Unfortunately, often the situation arises that the corresponding simplification rules will cause the simplifier to run into an infinite loop. Consider for example the simple theory about permutations over natural numbers shown in Figure~\ref{fig:perms}. The purpose of the lemmas is to push permutations as far inside as possible, where they might disappear by Lemma @{thm [source] perm_rev}. However, to fully normalise all instances, it would be desirable to add also the lemma @{thm [source] perm_compose} to the simplifier for pushing permutations over other permutations. Unfortunately, the right-hand side of this lemma is again an instance of the left-hand side and so causes an infinite loop. The seems to be no easy way to reformulate this rule and so one ends up with clunky proofs like:*}lemma fixes c d::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(c, pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>((rev pi\<^isub>1)\<bullet>d)) = (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>c, (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>pi\<^isub>2)\<bullet>d)"apply(simp)apply(rule trans)apply(rule perm_compose)apply(simp)done text {* It is however possible to create a single simplifier tactic that solves such proofs. The trick is to introduce an auxiliary constant for permutations and split the simplification into two phases (below actually three). Let assume the auxiliary constant is*}definition perm_aux :: "prm \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("_ \<bullet>aux _" [80,80] 80)where "pi \<bullet>aux c \<equiv> pi \<bullet> c"text {* Now the two lemmas *}lemma perm_aux_expand: fixes c::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>c) = pi\<^isub>1 \<bullet>aux (pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>c)" unfolding perm_aux_def by (rule refl)lemma perm_compose_aux: fixes c::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>aux c) = (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>pi\<^isub>2) \<bullet>aux (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>c)" unfolding perm_aux_def by (rule perm_compose)text {* are simple consequence of the definition and @{thm [source] perm_compose}. More importantly, the lemma @{thm [source] perm_compose_aux} can be safely added to the simplifier, because now the right-hand side is not anymore an instance of the left-hand side. In a sense it freezes all redexes of permutation compositions after one step. In this way, we can split simplification of permutations into three phases without the user not noticing anything about the auxiliary contant. We first freeze any instance of permutation compositions in the term using lemma @{thm [source] "perm_aux_expand"} (Line 9); then simplifiy all other permutations including pusing permutations over other permutations by rule @{thm [source] perm_compose_aux} (Line 10); and finally ``unfreeze'' all instances of permutation compositions by unfolding the definition of the auxiliary constant. *}ML %linenosgray{*val perm_simp_tac =let val thms1 = [@{thm perm_aux_expand}] val thms2 = [@{thm perm_append}, @{thm perm_eq}, @{thm perm_rev}, @{thm perm_compose_aux}] @ @{thms perm_prod.simps} @ @{thms perm_list.simps} @ @{thms perm_nat.simps} val thms3 = [@{thm perm_aux_def}]in simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps thms1) THEN' simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps thms2) THEN' simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps thms3)end*}text {* For all three phases we have to build simpsets addig specific lemmas. As is sufficient for our purposes here, we can add these lemma to @{ML HOL_basic_ss} in order to obtain the desired results. Now we can solve the following lemma*}lemma fixes c d::"nat" and pi\<^isub>1 pi\<^isub>2::"prm" shows "pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>(c, pi\<^isub>2\<bullet>((rev pi\<^isub>1)\<bullet>d)) = (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>c, (pi\<^isub>1\<bullet>pi\<^isub>2)\<bullet>d)"apply(tactic {* perm_simp_tac 1 *})donetext {* in one step. This tactic can deal with most instances of normalising permutations; in order to solve all cases we have to deal with corner-cases such as the lemma being an exact instance of the permutation composition lemma. This can often be done easier by implementing a simproc or a conversion. Both will be explained in the next two chapters. (FIXME: Is it interesting to say something about @{term "op =simp=>"}?) (FIXME: What are the second components of the congruence rules---something to do with weak congruence constants?) (FIXME: Anything interesting to say about @{ML Simplifier.clear_ss}?) (FIXME: @{ML ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac}, @{ML ObjectLogic.rulify_tac})*}section {* Simprocs *}text {* In Isabelle you can also implement custom simplification procedures, called \emph{simprocs}. Simprocs can be triggered by the simplifier on a specified term-pattern and rewrite a term according to a theorem. They are useful in cases where a rewriting rule must be produced on ``demand'' or when rewriting by simplification is too unpredictable and potentially loops. To see how simprocs work, let us first write a simproc that just prints out the pattern which triggers it and otherwise does nothing. For this you can use the function:*}ML %linenosgray{*fun fail_sp_aux simpset redex = let val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context simpset val _ = warning ("The redex: " ^ (str_of_cterm ctxt redex))in NONEend*}text {* This function takes a simpset and a redex (a @{ML_type cterm}) as arguments. In Lines 3 and~4, we first extract the context from the given simpset and then print out a message containing the redex. The function returns @{ML NONE} (standing for an optional @{ML_type thm}) since at the moment we are \emph{not} interested in actually rewriting anything. We want that the simproc is triggered by the pattern @{term "Suc n"}. This can be done by adding the simproc to the current simpset as follows*}simproc_setup %gray fail_sp ("Suc n") = {* K fail_sp_aux *}text {* where the second argument specifies the pattern and the right-hand side contains the code of the simproc (we have to use @{ML K} since we ignoring an argument about morphisms\footnote{FIXME: what does the morphism do?}). After this, the simplifier is aware of the simproc and you can test whether it fires on the lemma:*}lemma shows "Suc 0 = 1"apply(simp)(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* This will print out the message twice: once for the left-hand side and once for the right-hand side. The reason is that during simplification the simplifier will at some point reduce the term @{term "1::nat"} to @{term "Suc 0"}, and then the simproc ``fires'' also on that term. We can add or delete the simproc from the current simpset by the usual \isacommand{declare}-statement. For example the simproc will be deleted with the declaration*}declare [[simproc del: fail_sp]]text {* If you want to see what happens with just \emph{this} simproc, without any interference from other rewrite rules, you can call @{text fail_sp} as follows:*}lemma shows "Suc 0 = 1"apply(tactic {* simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimprocs [@{simproc fail_sp}]) 1*})(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Now the message shows up only once since the term @{term "1::nat"} is left unchanged. Setting up a simproc using the command \isacommand{simproc\_setup} will always add automatically the simproc to the current simpset. If you do not want this, then you have to use a slightly different method for setting up the simproc. First the function @{ML fail_sp_aux} needs to be modified to*}ML{*fun fail_sp_aux' simpset redex = let val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context simpset val _ = warning ("The redex: " ^ (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt redex))in NONEend*}text {* Here the redex is given as a @{ML_type term}, instead of a @{ML_type cterm} (therefore we printing it out using the function @{ML string_of_term in Syntax}). We can turn this function into a proper simproc using the function @{ML Simplifier.simproc_i}:*}ML{*val fail_sp' = let val thy = @{theory} val pat = [@{term "Suc n"}]in Simplifier.simproc_i thy "fail_sp'" pat (K fail_sp_aux')end*}text {* Here the pattern is given as @{ML_type term} (instead of @{ML_type cterm}). The function also takes a list of patterns that can trigger the simproc. Now the simproc is set up and can be explicitly added using @{ML addsimprocs} to a simpset whenerver needed. Simprocs are applied from inside to outside and from left to right. You can see this in the proof*}lemma shows "Suc (Suc 0) = (Suc 1)"apply(tactic {* simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimprocs [fail_sp']) 1*})(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* The simproc @{ML fail_sp'} prints out the sequence @{text [display]"> Suc 0> Suc (Suc 0) > Suc 1"} To see how a simproc applies a theorem, let us implement a simproc that rewrites terms according to the equation:*}lemma plus_one: shows "Suc n \<equiv> n + 1" by simptext {* Simprocs expect that the given equation is a meta-equation, however the equation can contain preconditions (the simproc then will only fire if the preconditions can be solved). To see that one has relatively precise control over the rewriting with simprocs, let us further assume we want that the simproc only rewrites terms ``greater'' than @{term "Suc 0"}. For this we can write *}ML{*fun plus_one_sp_aux ss redex = case redex of @{term "Suc 0"} => NONE | _ => SOME @{thm plus_one}*}text {* and set up the simproc as follows.*}ML{*val plus_one_sp =let val thy = @{theory} val pat = [@{term "Suc n"}] in Simplifier.simproc_i thy "sproc +1" pat (K plus_one_sp_aux)end*}text {* Now the simproc is set up so that it is triggered by terms of the form @{term "Suc n"}, but inside the simproc we only produce a theorem if the term is not @{term "Suc 0"}. The result you can see in the following proof*}lemma shows "P (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc 0)"apply(tactic {* simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimprocs [plus_one_sp]) 1*})txt{* where the simproc produces the goal state \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals[display]} \end{minipage}*} (*<*)oops(*>*)text {* As usual with rewriting you have to worry about looping: you already have a loop with @{ML plus_one_sp}, if you apply it with the default simpset (because the default simpset contains a rule which just does the opposite of @{ML plus_one_sp}, namely rewriting @{text [quotes] "+ 1"} to a successor). So you have to be careful in choosing the right simpset to which you add a simproc. Next let us implement a simproc that replaces terms of the form @{term "Suc n"} with the number @{text n} increase by one. First we implement a function that takes a term and produces the corresponding integer value.*}ML{*fun dest_suc_trm ((Const (@{const_name "Suc"}, _)) $ t) = 1 + dest_suc_trm t | dest_suc_trm t = snd (HOLogic.dest_number t)*}text {* It uses the library function @{ML dest_number in HOLogic} that transforms (Isabelle) terms, like @{term "0::nat"}, @{term "1::nat"}, @{term "2::nat"} and so on, into integer values. This function raises the exception @{ML TERM}, if the term is not a number. The next function expects a pair consisting of a term @{text t} (containing @{term Suc}s) and the corresponding integer value @{text n}. *}ML %linenosgray{*fun get_thm ctxt (t, n) =let val num = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "nat"} n val goal = Logic.mk_equals (t, num)in Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal (K (arith_tac ctxt 1))end*}text {* From the integer value it generates the corresponding number term, called @{text num} (Line 3), and then generates the meta-equation @{text "t \<equiv> num"} (Line 4), which it proves by the arithmetic tactic in Line 6. For our purpose at the moment, proving the meta-equation using @{ML arith_tac} is fine, but there is also an alternative employing the simplifier with a very restricted simpset. For the kind of lemmas we want to prove, the simpset @{text "num_ss"} in the code will suffice.*}ML{*fun get_thm_alt ctxt (t, n) =let val num = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "nat"} n val goal = Logic.mk_equals (t, num) val num_ss = HOL_ss addsimps [@{thm One_nat_def}, @{thm Let_def}] @ @{thms nat_number} @ @{thms neg_simps} @ @{thms plus_nat.simps}in Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal (K (simp_tac num_ss 1))end*}text {* The advantage of @{ML get_thm_alt} is that it leaves very little room for something to go wrong; in contrast it is much more difficult to predict what happens with @{ML arith_tac}, especially in more complicated circumstances. The disatvantage of @{ML get_thm_alt} is to find a simpset that is sufficiently powerful to solve every instance of the lemmas we like to prove. This requires careful tuning, but is often necessary in ``production code''.\footnote{It would be of great help if there is another way than tracing the simplifier to obtain the lemmas that are successfully applied during simplification. Alas, there is none.} Anyway, either version can be used in the function that produces the actual theorem for the simproc.*}ML{*fun nat_number_sp_aux ss t =let val ctxt = Simplifier.the_context ssin SOME (get_thm ctxt (t, dest_suc_trm t)) handle TERM _ => NONEend*}text {* This function uses the fact that @{ML dest_suc_trm} might throw an exception @{ML TERM}. In this case there is nothing that can be rewritten and therefore no theorem is produced (i.e.~the function returns @{ML NONE}). To try out the simproc on an example, you can set it up as follows:*}ML{*val nat_number_sp =let val thy = @{theory} val pat = [@{term "Suc n"}]in Simplifier.simproc_i thy "nat_number" pat (K nat_number_sp_aux) end*}text {* Now in the lemma *}lemma "P (Suc (Suc 2)) (Suc 99) (0::nat) (Suc 4 + Suc 0) (Suc (0 + 0))"apply(tactic {* simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimprocs [nat_number_sp]) 1*})txt {* you obtain the more legible goal state \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage} *}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* where the simproc rewrites all @{term "Suc"}s except in the last argument. There it cannot rewrite anything, because it does not know how to transform the term @{term "Suc (0 + 0)"} into a number. To solve this problem have a look at the next exercise. \begin{exercise}\label{ex:addsimproc} Write a simproc that replaces terms of the form @{term "t\<^isub>1 + t\<^isub>2"} by their result. You can assume the terms are ``proper'' numbers, that is of the form @{term "0::nat"}, @{term "1::nat"}, @{term "2::nat"} and so on. \end{exercise} (FIXME: We did not do anything with morphisms. Anything interesting one can say about them?)*}section {* Conversions\label{sec:conversion} *}text {* Conversions are a thin layer on top of Isabelle's inference kernel, and can be viewed as a controllable, bare-bone version of Isabelle's simplifier. One difference between conversions and the simplifier is that the former act on @{ML_type cterm}s while the latter acts on @{ML_type thm}s. However, we will also show in this section how conversions can be applied to theorems via tactics. The type for conversions is*}ML{*type conv = cterm -> thm*}text {* whereby the produced theorem is always a meta-equality. A simple conversion is the function @{ML "Conv.all_conv"}, which maps a @{ML_type cterm} to an instance of the (meta)reflexivity theorem. For example: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "Conv.all_conv @{cterm \"Foo \<or> Bar\"}" "Foo \<or> Bar \<equiv> Foo \<or> Bar"} Another simple conversion is @{ML Conv.no_conv} which always raises the exception @{ML CTERM}. @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "Conv.no_conv @{cterm True}" "*** Exception- CTERM (\"no conversion\", []) raised"} A more interesting conversion is the function @{ML "Thm.beta_conversion"}: it produces a meta-equation between a term and its beta-normal form. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "let val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"} val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"} val ten = @{cterm \"10::nat\"}in Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten)end" "((\<lambda>x y. x + y) 2) 10 \<equiv> 2 + 10"} Note that the actual response in this example is @{term "2 + 10 \<equiv> 2 + (10::nat)"}, since the pretty-printer for @{ML_type cterm}s eta-normalises terms. But how we constructed the term (using the function @{ML Thm.capply}, which is the application @{ML $} for @{ML_type cterm}s) ensures that the left-hand side must contain beta-redexes. Indeed if we obtain the ``raw'' representation of the produced theorem, we can see the difference: @{ML_response [display,gray]"let val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"} val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"} val ten = @{cterm \"10::nat\"} val thm = Thm.beta_conversion true (Thm.capply (Thm.capply add two) ten)in #prop (rep_thm thm)end""Const (\"==\",\<dots>) $ (Abs (\"x\",\<dots>,Abs (\"y\",\<dots>,\<dots>)) $\<dots>$\<dots>) $ (Const (\"\",\<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>)"} The argument @{ML true} in @{ML Thm.beta_conversion} indicates that the right-hand side will be fully beta-normalised. If instead @{ML false} is given, then only a single beta-reduction is performed on the outer-most level. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "let val add = @{cterm \"\<lambda>x y. x + (y::nat)\"} val two = @{cterm \"2::nat\"}in Thm.beta_conversion false (Thm.capply add two)end" "((\<lambda>x y. x + y) 2) \<equiv> \<lambda>y. 2 + y"} Again, we actually see as output only the fully eta-normalised term. The main point of conversions is that they can be used for rewriting @{ML_type cterm}s. To do this you can use the function @{ML "Conv.rewr_conv"}, which expects a meta-equation as an argument. Suppose we want to rewrite a @{ML_type cterm} according to the meta-equation:*}lemma true_conj1: "True \<and> P \<equiv> P" by simptext {* You can see how this function works in the example rewriting @{term "True \<and> (Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar)"} to @{term "Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar"}. @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val ctrm = @{cterm \"True \<and> (Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar)\"}in Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1} ctrmend" "True \<and> (Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar) \<equiv> Foo \<longrightarrow> Bar"} Note, however, that the function @{ML Conv.rewr_conv} only rewrites the outer-most level of the @{ML_type cterm}. If the given @{ML_type cterm} does not match exactly the left-hand side of the theorem, then @{ML Conv.rewr_conv} raises the exception @{ML CTERM}. This very primitive way of rewriting can be made more powerful by combining several conversions into one. For this you can use conversion combinators. The simplest conversion combinator is @{ML then_conv}, which applies one conversion after another. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val conv1 = Thm.beta_conversion false val conv2 = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1} val ctrm = Thm.capply @{cterm \"\<lambda>x. x \<and> False\"} @{cterm \"True\"}in (conv1 then_conv conv2) ctrmend" "(\<lambda>x. x \<and> False) True \<equiv> False"} where we first beta-reduce the term and then rewrite according to @{thm [source] true_conj1}. (Recall the problem with the pretty-printer normalising all terms.) The conversion combinator @{ML else_conv} tries out the first one, and if it does not apply, tries the second. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val conv = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1} else_conv Conv.all_conv val ctrm1 = @{cterm \"True \<and> Q\"} val ctrm2 = @{cterm \"P \<or> (True \<and> Q)\"}in (conv ctrm1, conv ctrm2)end""(True \<and> Q \<equiv> Q, P \<or> True \<and> Q \<equiv> P \<or> True \<and> Q)"} Here the conversion of @{thm [source] true_conj1} only applies in the first case, but fails in the second. The whole conversion does not fail, however, because the combinator @{ML Conv.else_conv} will then try out @{ML Conv.all_conv}, which always succeeds. The conversion combinator @{ML Conv.try_conv} constructs a conversion which is tried out on a term, but in case of failure just does nothing. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1}) @{cterm \"True \<or> P\"}" "True \<or> P \<equiv> True \<or> P"} Apart from the function @{ML beta_conversion in Thm}, which is able to fully beta-normalise a term, the conversions so far are restricted in that they only apply to the outer-most level of a @{ML_type cterm}. In what follows we will lift this restriction. The combinator @{ML Conv.arg_conv} will apply the conversion to the first argument of an application, that is the term must be of the form @{ML "t1 $ t2" for t1 t2} and the conversion is applied to @{text t2}. For example @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val conv = Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1} val ctrm = @{cterm \"P \<or> (True \<and> Q)\"}in Conv.arg_conv conv ctrmend""P \<or> (True \<and> Q) \<equiv> P \<or> Q"} The reason for this behaviour is that @{text "(op \<or>)"} expects two arguments. Therefore the term must be of the form @{text "(Const \<dots> $ t1) $ t2"}. The conversion is then applied to @{text "t2"} which in the example above stands for @{term "True \<and> Q"}. The function @{ML Conv.fun_conv} applies the conversion to the first argument of an application. The function @{ML Conv.abs_conv} applies a conversion under an abstractions. For example: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val conv = K (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1}) val ctrm = @{cterm \"\<lambda>P. True \<and> P \<and> Foo\"}in Conv.abs_conv conv @{context} ctrmend" "\<lambda>P. True \<and> P \<and> Foo \<equiv> \<lambda>P. P \<and> Foo"} Note that this conversion needs a context as an argument. The conversion that goes under an application is @{ML Conv.combination_conv}. It expects two conversions as arguments, each of which is applied to the corresponding ``branch'' of the application. We can now apply all these functions in a conversion that recursively descends a term and applies a ``@{thm [source] true_conj1}''-conversion in all possible positions.*}ML %linenosgray{*fun all_true1_conv ctxt ctrm = case (Thm.term_of ctrm) of @{term "op \<and>"} $ @{term True} $ _ => (Conv.arg_conv (all_true1_conv ctxt) then_conv Conv.rewr_conv @{thm true_conj1}) ctrm | _ $ _ => Conv.combination_conv (all_true1_conv ctxt) (all_true1_conv ctxt) ctrm | Abs _ => Conv.abs_conv (fn (_, ctxt) => all_true1_conv ctxt) ctxt ctrm | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm*}text {* This function ``fires'' if the terms is of the form @{text "True \<and> \<dots>"}; it descends under applications (Line 6 and 7) and abstractions (Line 8); otherwise it leaves the term unchanged (Line 9). In Line 2 we need to transform the @{ML_type cterm} into a @{ML_type term} in order to be able to pattern-match the term. To see this conversion in action, consider the following example:@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val ctxt = @{context} val ctrm = @{cterm \"distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> True \<and> 1 \<noteq> x\"}in all_true1_conv ctxt ctrmend" "distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> True \<and> 1 \<noteq> x \<equiv> distinct [1, x] \<longrightarrow> 1 \<noteq> x"} To see how much control you have about rewriting by using conversions, let us make the task a bit more complicated by rewriting according to the rule @{text true_conj1}, but only in the first arguments of @{term If}s. Then the conversion should be as follows.*}ML{*fun if_true1_conv ctxt ctrm = case Thm.term_of ctrm of Const (@{const_name If}, _) $ _ => Conv.arg_conv (all_true1_conv ctxt) ctrm | _ $ _ => Conv.combination_conv (if_true1_conv ctxt) (if_true1_conv ctxt) ctrm | Abs _ => Conv.abs_conv (fn (_, ctxt) => if_true1_conv ctxt) ctxt ctrm | _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm *}text {* Here is an example for this conversion: @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]"let val ctxt = @{context} val ctrm = @{cterm \"if P (True \<and> 1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False\"}in if_true1_conv ctxt ctrmend""if P (True \<and> 1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False \<equiv> if P (1 \<noteq> 2) then True \<and> True else True \<and> False"}*}text {* So far we only applied conversions to @{ML_type cterm}s. Conversions can, however, also work on theorems using the function @{ML "Conv.fconv_rule"}. As an example, consider the conversion @{ML all_true1_conv} and the lemma:*}lemma foo_test: "P \<or> (True \<and> \<not>P)" by simptext {* Using the conversion you can transform this theorem into a new theorem as follows @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "Conv.fconv_rule (all_true1_conv @{context}) @{thm foo_test}" "?P \<or> \<not> ?P"} Finally, conversions can also be turned into tactics and then applied to goal states. This can be done with the help of the function @{ML CONVERSION}, and also some predefined conversion combinators that traverse a goal state. The combinators for the goal state are: @{ML Conv.params_conv} for converting under parameters (i.e.~where goals are of the form @{text "\<And>x. P \<Longrightarrow> Q"}); the function @{ML Conv.prems_conv} for applying a conversion to all premises of a goal, and @{ML Conv.concl_conv} for applying a conversion to the conclusion of a goal. Assume we want to apply @{ML all_true1_conv} only in the conclusion of the goal, and @{ML if_true1_conv} should only apply to the premises. Here is a tactic doing exactly that:*}ML{*fun true1_tac ctxt = CSUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => CONVERSION (Conv.params_conv ~1 (fn ctxt => (Conv.prems_conv ~1 (if_true1_conv ctxt) then_conv Conv.concl_conv ~1 (all_true1_conv ctxt))) ctxt) i)*}text {* We call the conversions with the argument @{ML "~1"}. This is to analyse all parameters, premises and conclusions. If we call them with a non-negative number, say @{text n}, then these conversions will only be called on @{text n} premises (similar for parameters and conclusions). To test the tactic, consider the proof*}lemma "if True \<and> P then P else True \<and> False \<Longrightarrow> (if True \<and> Q then True \<and> Q else P) \<longrightarrow> True \<and> (True \<and> Q)"apply(tactic {* true1_tac @{context} 1 *})txt {* where the tactic yields the goal state \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} @{subgoals [display]} \end{minipage}*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* As you can see, the premises are rewritten according to @{ML if_true1_conv}, while the conclusion according to @{ML all_true1_conv}. To sum up this section, conversions are not as powerful as the simplifier and simprocs; the advantage of conversions, however, is that you never have to worry about non-termination. \begin{exercise}\label{ex:addconversion} Write a tactic that does the same as the simproc in exercise \ref{ex:addsimproc}, but is based in conversions. That means replace terms of the form @{term "t\<^isub>1 + t\<^isub>2"} by their result. You can make the same assumptions as in \ref{ex:addsimproc}. \end{exercise} \begin{exercise}\label{ex:compare} Compare your solutions of Exercises~\ref{ex:addsimproc} and \ref{ex:addconversion}, and try to determine which way of rewriting such terms is faster. For this you might have to construct quite large terms. Also see Recipe \ref{rec:timing} for information about timing. \end{exercise} \begin{readmore} See @{ML_file "Pure/conv.ML"} for more information about conversion combinators. Further conversions are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"}, @{ML_file "Pure/drule.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/meta_simplifier.ML"}. \end{readmore}*}text {* (FIXME: check whether @{ML Pattern.match_rew} and @{ML Pattern.rewrite_term} are of any use/efficient)*}section {* Structured Proofs (TBD) *}text {* TBD *}lemma Trueproof { fix A B C assume r: "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C" assume A B then have "A & B" .. then have C by (rule r) } { fix A B C assume r: "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C" assume A B note conjI [OF this] note r [OF this] }oopsML {* fun prop ctxt s = Thm.cterm_of (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (Syntax.read_prop ctxt s) *}ML {* val ctxt0 = @{context}; val ctxt = ctxt0; val (_, ctxt) = Variable.add_fixes ["A", "B", "C"] ctxt; val ([r], ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes [prop ctxt "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C"] ctxt; val (this, ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes [prop ctxt "A", prop ctxt "B"] ctxt; val this = [@{thm conjI} OF this]; val this = r OF this; val this = Assumption.export false ctxt ctxt0 this val this = Variable.export ctxt ctxt0 [this] *}end