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theory Ind_Intro
imports Main
chapter {* How to Write a Definitional Package\label{chp:package} *}
text {*
``My thesis is that programming is not at the bottom of the intellectual \\
pyramid, but at the top. It's creative design of the highest order. It \\
isn't monkey or donkey work; rather, as Edsger Dijkstra famously \\
claimed, it's amongst the hardest intellectual tasks ever attempted.''} \\[1ex]
Richard Bornat, In Defence of Programming \cite{Bornat-lecture}
HOL is based on just a few primitive constants, like equality and
implication, whose properties are described by axioms. All other concepts,
such as inductive predicates, datatypes, or recursive functions have to be defined
in terms of those constants, and the desired properties, for example
induction theorems, or recursion equations have to be derived from the definitions
by a formal proof. Since it would be very tedious for a user to define
complex inductive predicates or datatypes ``by hand'' just using the
primitive operators of higher order logic, \emph{definitional packages} have
been implemented automating such work. Thanks to those packages, the user
can give a high-level specification, for example a list of introduction
rules or constructors, and the package then does all the low-level
definitions and proofs behind the scenes. In this chapter we explain how
such a package can be implemented.
As a running example, we have chosen a rather simple package for defining
inductive predicates. To keep things really simple, we will not use the
general Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem on complete lattices, which forms
the basis of Isabelle's standard inductive definition package. Instead, we
will use a simpler \emph{impredicative} (i.e.\ involving quantification on
predicate variables) encoding of inductive predicates. Due to its
simplicity, this package will necessarily have a reduced functionality. It
does neither support introduction rules involving arbitrary monotone
operators, nor does it prove case analysis (or inversion) rules. Moreover,
it only proves a weaker form of the induction principle for inductive