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theory Ind_General_Scheme
imports Main
section{* The General Construction Principle \label{sec:ind-general-method} *}
text {*
The point of these examples is to get a feeling what the automatic proofs
should do in order to solve all inductive definitions we throw at them. For this
it is instructive to look at the general construction principle
of inductive definitions, which we shall do in the next section.
Before we start with the implementation, it is useful to describe the general
form of inductive definitions that our package should accept.
Suppose $R_1,\ldots,R_n$ be mutually inductive predicates and $\vec{p}$ be
some fixed parameters. Then the introduction rules for $R_1,\ldots,R_n$ may have
the form
\bigwedge\vec{x}_i.~\vec{A}_i \Longrightarrow \left(\bigwedge\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \Longrightarrow
R_{k_{ij}}~\vec{p}~\vec{s}_{ij}\right)_{j=1,\ldots,m_i} \Longrightarrow R_{l_i}~\vec{p}~\vec{t}_i
\qquad \mbox{for\ } i=1,\ldots,r
where $\vec{A}_i$ and $\vec{B}_{ij}$ are formulae not containing $R_1,\ldots,R_n$.
Note that by disallowing the inductive predicates to occur in $\vec{B}_{ij}$ we make sure
that all occurrences of the predicates in the premises of the introduction rules are
\emph{strictly positive}. This condition guarantees the existence of predicates
that are closed under the introduction rules shown above. Then the definitions of the
inductive predicates $R_1,\ldots,R_n$ is:
\begin{array}{l@ {\qquad}l}
R_i \equiv \lambda\vec{p}~\vec{z}_i.~\forall P_1 \ldots P_n.~K_1 \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow K_r \longrightarrow P_i~\vec{z}_i &
\mbox{for\ } i=1,\ldots,n \\[1.5ex]
\mbox{where} \\
K_i \equiv \forall\vec{x}_i.~\vec{A}_i \longrightarrow \left(\forall\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \longrightarrow
P_{k_{ij}}~\vec{s}_{ij}\right)_{j=1,\ldots,m_i} \longrightarrow P_{l_i}~\vec{t}_i &
\mbox{for\ } i=1,\ldots,r
The induction principles for the inductive predicates $R_1,\ldots,R_n$ are
\begin{array}{l@ {\qquad}l}
R_i~\vec{p}~\vec{z}_i \Longrightarrow I_1 \Longrightarrow \cdots \Longrightarrow I_r \Longrightarrow P_i~\vec{z}_i &
\mbox{for\ } i=1,\ldots,n \\[1.5ex]
\mbox{where} \\
I_i \equiv \bigwedge\vec{x}_i.~\vec{A}_i \Longrightarrow \left(\bigwedge\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \Longrightarrow
P_{k_{ij}}~\vec{s}_{ij}\right)_{j=1,\ldots,m_i} \Longrightarrow P_{l_i}~\vec{t}_i &
\mbox{for\ } i=1,\ldots,r
Since $K_i$ and $I_i$ are equivalent modulo conversion between meta-level and object-level
connectives, it is clear that the proof of the induction theorem is straightforward. We will
therefore focus on the proof of the introduction rules. When proving the introduction rule
shown above, we start by unfolding the definition of $R_1,\ldots,R_n$, which yields
\bigwedge\vec{x}_i.~\vec{A}_i \Longrightarrow \left(\bigwedge\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \Longrightarrow
\forall P_1 \ldots P_n.~\vec{K} \longrightarrow P_{k_{ij}}~\vec{s}_{ij}\right)_{j=1,\ldots,m_i} \Longrightarrow \forall P_1 \ldots P_n.~\vec{K} \longrightarrow P_{l_i}~\vec{t}_i
where $\vec{K}$ abbreviates $K_1,\ldots,K_r$. Applying the introduction rules for
$\forall$ and $\longrightarrow$ yields a goal state in which we have to prove $P_{l_i}~\vec{t}_i$
from the additional assumptions $\vec{K}$. When using $K_{l_i}$ (converted to the meta-logic format)
to prove $P_{l_i}~\vec{t}_i$, we get subgoals $\vec{A}_i$ that are trivially solvable by assumption,
as well as subgoals of the form
\bigwedge\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \Longrightarrow P_{k_{ij}}~\vec{s}_{ij} \qquad \mbox{for\ } j=1,\ldots,m_i
that can be solved using the assumptions
\bigwedge\vec{y}_{ij}.~\vec{B}_{ij} \Longrightarrow
\forall P_1 \ldots P_n.~\vec{K} \longrightarrow P_{k_{ij}}~\vec{s}_{ij} \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad \vec{K}
What remains is to implement these proofs generically.