theory Advancedimports Base First_Stepsbegin(*<*)setup{*open_file_with_prelude "Advanced_Code.thy" ["theory Advanced", "imports Base First_Steps", "begin"]*}(*>*)chapter {* Advanced Isabelle\label{chp:advanced} *}text {* \begin{flushright} {\em All things are difficult before they are easy.} \\[1ex] proverb \end{flushright} \medskip While terms, types and theorems are the most basic data structures in Isabelle, there are a number of layers built on top of them. Most of these layers are concerned with storing and manipulating data. Handling them properly is an essential skill for programming on the ML-level of Isabelle. The most basic layer are theories. They contain global data and can be seen as the ``long-term memory'' of Isabelle. There is usually only one theory active at each moment. Proof contexts and local theories, on the other hand, store local data for a task at hand. They act like the ``short-term memory'' and there can be many of them that are active in parallel.*}section {* Theories and Setups\label{sec:theories} *}text {* Theories, as said above, are the most basic layer of abstraction in Isabelle. They record information about definitions, syntax declarations, axioms, theorems and much more. For example, if a definition is made, it must be stored in a theory in order to be usable later on. Similar with proofs: once a proof is finished, the proved theorem needs to be stored in the theorem database of the theory in order to be usable. All relevant data of a theory can be queried with the Isabelle command \isacommand{print\_theory}. \begin{isabelle} \isacommand{print\_theory}\\ @{text "> names: Pure Code_Generator HOL \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> classes: Inf < type \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> default sort: type"}\\ @{text "> syntactic types: #prop \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> logical types: 'a \<times> 'b \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> type arities: * :: (random, random) random \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> logical constants: == :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> prop \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> abbreviations: \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> axioms: \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> oracles: \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> definitions: \<dots>"}\\ @{text "> theorems: \<dots>"} \end{isabelle} Functions acting on theories often end with the suffix @{text "_global"}, for example the function @{ML read_term_global in Syntax} in the structure @{ML_struct Syntax}. The reason is to set them syntactically apart from functions acting on contexts or local theories, which will be discussed in the next sections. There is a tendency amongst Isabelle developers to prefer ``non-global'' operations, because they have some advantages, as we will also discuss later. However, some basic understanding of theories is still necessary for effective Isabelle programming. An important Isabelle command with theories is \isacommand{setup}. In the previous chapters we used it already to make a theorem attribute known to Isabelle and to register a theorem under a name. What happens behind the scenes is that \isacommand{setup} expects a function of type @{ML_type "theory -> theory"}: the input theory is the current theory and the output the theory where the attribute has been registered or the theorem has been stored. This is a fundamental principle in Isabelle. A similar situation arises with declaring a constant, which can be done on the ML-level with function @{ML_ind declare_const in Sign} from the structure @{ML_struct Sign}. To see how \isacommand{setup} works, consider the following code:*} ML{*let val thy = @{theory} val bar_const = ((@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}), NoSyn)in Sign.declare_const @{context} bar_const thy end*}text {* If you simply run this code\footnote{Recall that ML-code needs to be enclosed in \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}.} with the intention of declaring a constant @{text "BAR"} having type @{typ nat}, then indeed you obtain a theory as result. But if you query the constant on the Isabelle level using the command \isacommand{term} \begin{isabelle} \isacommand{term}~@{text BAR}\\ @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"'a\""} \end{isabelle} you can see that you do \emph{not} obtain the expected constant of type @{typ nat}, but a free variable (printed in blue) of polymorphic type. The problem is that the ML-expression above did not ``register'' the declaration with the current theory. This is what the command \isacommand{setup} is for. The constant is properly declared with*}setup %gray {* fn thy => let val bar_const = ((@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}), NoSyn) val (_, thy') = Sign.declare_const @{context} bar_const thyin thy'end *}text {* where the declaration is actually applied to the current theory and \begin{isabelle} \isacommand{term}~@{text [quotes] "BAR"}\\ @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"nat\""} \end{isabelle} now returns a (black) constant with the type @{typ nat}, as expected. In a sense, \isacommand{setup} can be seen as a transaction that takes the current theory @{text thy}, applies an operation, and produces a new current theory @{text thy'}. This means that we have to be careful to apply operations always to the most current theory, not to a \emph{stale} one. Consider again the function inside the \isacommand{setup}-command: \begin{isabelle} \begin{graybox} \isacommand{setup}~@{text "\<verbopen>"} @{ML"fn thy => let val bar_const = ((@{binding \"BAR\"}, @{typ \"nat\"}), NoSyn) val (_, thy') = Sign.declare_const @{context} bar_const thyin thyend"}~@{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline @{text "> ERROR: \"Stale theory encountered\""} \end{graybox} \end{isabelle} This time we erroneously return the original theory @{text thy}, instead of the modified one @{text thy'}. Such buggy code will always result into a runtime error message about stale theories. However, sometimes it does make sense to work with two theories at the same time, especially in the context of parsing and typing. In the code below we use in Line 3 the function @{ML_ind copy in Theory} from the structure @{ML_struct Theory} for obtaining a new theory that contains the same data, but is unrelated to the existing theory.*}setup %graylinenos {* fn thy => let val tmp_thy = Theory.copy thy val foo_const = ((@{binding "FOO"}, @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"}), NoSyn) val (_, tmp_thy') = Sign.declare_const @{context} foo_const tmp_thy val trm1 = Syntax.read_term_global tmp_thy' "FOO baz" val trm2 = Syntax.read_term_global thy "FOO baz" val _ = writeln (@{make_string} trm1 ^ "\n" ^ @{make_string} trm2)in thyend *}text {* That means we can make changes to the theory @{text tmp_thy} without affecting the current theory @{text thy}. In this case we declare in @{text "tmp_thy"} the constant @{text FOO} (Lines 4 and 5). The point of this code is that we next, in Lines 6 and 7, parse a string to become a term (both times the string is @{text [quotes] "FOO baz"}). But since we parse the string once in the context of the theory @{text tmp_thy'} in which @{text FOO} is declared to be a constant of type @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow>nat"} and once in the context of @{text thy} where it is not, we obtain two different terms, namely \begin{isabelle} \begin{graybox} @{text "> Const (\"Advanced.FOO\", \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat\") $ Free (\"baz\", \"nat\")"}\isanewline @{text "> Free (\"FOO\", \"'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\") $ Free (\"baz\", \"'a\")"} \end{graybox} \end{isabelle} There are two reasons for parsing a term in a temporary theory. One is to obtain fully qualified names for constants and the other is appropriate type inference. This is relevant in situations where definitions are made later, but parsing and type inference has to take already proceed as if the definitions were already made.*}section {* Contexts *}text {* Contexts are arguably more important than theories, even though they only contain ``short-term memory data''. The reason is that a vast number of functions in Isabelle depend in one way or another on contexts. Even such mundane operations like printing out a term make essential use of contexts. For this consider the following contrived proof-snippet whose purpose is to fix two variables:*}lemma "True"proof - txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]*} ML_prf {* Variable.dest_fixes @{context} *} txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]\mbox{}*} fix x y txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]*} ML_prf {* Variable.dest_fixes @{context} *} txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm] \ldots*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* The interesting point is that we injected ML-code before and after the variables are fixed. For this remember that ML-code inside a proof needs to be enclosed inside \isacommand{ML\_prf}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}, not \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}. The function @{ML_ind dest_fixes in Variable} from the structure @{ML_struct Variable} takes a context and returns all its currently fixed variable (names). That means a context has a dataslot containing information about fixed variables. The ML-antiquotation @{text "@{context}"} points to the context that is active at that point of the theory. Consequently, in the first call to @{ML dest_fixes in Variable} this dataslot is empty; in the second it is filled with @{text x} and @{text y}. What is interesting is that contexts can be stacked. For this consider the following proof fragment:*}lemma "True"proof - fix x y { fix z w txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]*} ML_prf {* Variable.dest_fixes @{context} *} txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]\mbox{}*} } txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm]*} ML_prf {* Variable.dest_fixes @{context} *} txt_raw {*\mbox{}\\[-7mm] \ldots*}(*<*)oops(*>*)text {* Here the first time we call @{ML dest_fixes in Variable} we have four fixes variables; the second time we get only the fixes variables @{text x} and @{text y} as answer, since @{text z} and @{text w} are not anymore in the scope of the context. This means the curly-braces act on the Isabelle level as opening and closing statements for a context. The above proof fragment corresponds roughly to the following ML-code*}ML{*val ctxt0 = @{context};val ([x, y], ctxt1) = Variable.add_fixes ["x", "y"] ctxt0;val ([z, w], ctxt2) = Variable.add_fixes ["z", "w"] ctxt1*}text {* where the function @{ML_ind add_fixes in Variable} fixes a list of variables specified by strings. Let us come back to the point about printing terms. Consider printing out the term \mbox{@{text "(x, y, z, w)"}} using our function @{ML_ind pretty_term}. This function takes a term and a context as argument. Notice how the printing of the term changes according to which context is used. \begin{isabelle} \begin{graybox} @{ML "let val trm = @{term \"(x, y, z, w)\"}in pwriteln (Pretty.chunks [ pretty_term ctxt0 trm, pretty_term ctxt1 trm, pretty_term ctxt2 trm ])end"}\\ \setlength{\fboxsep}{0mm} @{text ">"}~@{text "("}\colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text x}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text y}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text z}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text w}}}@{text ")"}\\ @{text ">"}~@{text "("}\colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text x}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text y}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text z}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text w}}}@{text ")"}\\ @{text ">"}~@{text "("}\colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text x}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text y}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text z}}}@{text ","}~% \colorbox{gray!20}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text w}}}@{text ")"} \end{graybox} \end{isabelle} The term we are printing is in all three cases the same---a tuple containing four free variables. As you can see, however, in case of @{ML "ctxt0"} all variables are highlighted indicating a problem, while in case of @{ML "ctxt1"} @{text x} and @{text y} are printed as normal (blue) free variables, but not @{text z} and @{text w}. In the last case all variables are printed as expected. The point of this example is that the context contains the information which variables are fixed, and designates all other free variables as being alien or faulty. Therefore the highlighting. While this seems like a minor detail, the concept of making the context aware of fixed variables is actually quite useful. For example it prevents us from fixing a variable twice. @{ML_response_fake [gray, display] "@{context}|> Variable.add_fixes [\"x\", \"x\"]" "ERROR: Duplicate fixed variable(s): \"x\""} More importantly it also allows us to easily create fresh free variables avoiding any clashes with fixed variables. In Line~3 below we fix the variable @{text x} in the context @{text ctxt1}. Next we want to create two fresh variables of type @{typ nat} as variants of the string @{text [quotes] "x"} (Lines 6 and 7). @{ML_response_fake [display, gray, linenos] "let val ctxt0 = @{context} val (_, ctxt1) = Variable.add_fixes [\"x\"] ctxt0 val frees = replicate 2 (\"x\", @{typ nat})in (Variable.variant_frees ctxt0 [] frees, Variable.variant_frees ctxt1 [] frees)end" "([(\"x\", \"nat\"), (\"xa\", \"nat\")], [(\"xa\", \"nat\"), (\"xb\", \"nat\")])"} As you can see, if we create the fresh variables with the context @{text ctxt0}, then we obtain @{text "x"} and @{text "xa"}; but in @{text ctxt1} we obtain @{text "xa"} and @{text "xb"} avoiding @{text x}, which was fixed in this context. Often one has the problem that given some terms, create fresh variables avoiding any variable occurring in those terms. For this you can use the function @{ML_ind declare_term in Variable} from the structure @{ML_struct Variable}. @{ML_response_fake [gray, display] "let val ctxt1 = Variable.declare_term @{term \"(x, xa)\"} @{context} val frees = replicate 2 (\"x\", @{typ nat})in Variable.variant_frees ctxt1 [] freesend" "[(\"xb\", \"nat\"), (\"xc\", \"nat\")]"} The result is @{text xb} and @{text xc} for the names of the fresh variables, since @{text x} and @{text xa} occur in the term we declared. Note that @{ML_ind declare_term in Variable} does not fix the variables; it just makes them ``known'' to the context. You can see that if you print out a declared term. \begin{isabelle} \begin{graybox} @{ML "let val trm = @{term \"P x y z\"} val ctxt1 = Variable.declare_term trm @{context}in pwriteln (pretty_term ctxt1 trm)end"}\\ \setlength{\fboxsep}{0mm} @{text ">"}~\colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text P}}}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text x}}}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text y}}}~% \colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text z}}} \end{graybox} \end{isabelle} All variables are highligted, indicating that they are not fixed. However, declaring a term is helpful when parsing terms using the function @{ML_ind read_term in Syntax} from the structure @{ML_struct Syntax}. Consider the following code: @{ML_response_fake [gray, display] "let val ctxt0 = @{context} val ctxt1 = Variable.declare_term @{term \"x::nat\"} ctxt0in (Syntax.read_term ctxt0 \"x\", Syntax.read_term ctxt1 \"x\") end" "(Free (\"x\", \"'a\"), Free (\"x\", \"nat\"))"} Parsing the string in the context @{text "ctxt0"} results in a free variable with a default polymorphic type, but in case of @{text "ctxt1"} we obtain a free variable of type @{typ nat} as previously declared. Which type the parsed term receives depends upon the last declaration that is made, as the next example illustrates. @{ML_response_fake [gray, display] "let val ctxt1 = Variable.declare_term @{term \"x::nat\"} @{context} val ctxt2 = Variable.declare_term @{term \"x::int\"} ctxt1in (Syntax.read_term ctxt1 \"x\", Syntax.read_term ctxt2 \"x\") end" "(Free (\"x\", \"nat\"), Free (\"x\", \"int\"))"} The most useful feature of contexts is that one can export, or transfer, terms and theorems between them. We show this first for terms. \begin{isabelle} \begin{graybox} \begin{linenos} @{ML "let val ctxt0 = @{context} val (_, ctxt1) = Variable.add_fixes [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"] ctxt0 val foo_trm = @{term \"P x y z\"}in singleton (Variable.export_terms ctxt1 ctxt0) foo_trm |> pretty_term ctxt0 |> pwritelnend"} \end{linenos} \setlength{\fboxsep}{0mm} @{text ">"}~\colorbox{gray!5}{\raisebox{0mm}[3mm][1mm]{@{text P}}}~% @{text "?x ?y ?z"} \end{graybox} \end{isabelle} In Line 3 we fix the variables @{term x}, @{term y} and @{term z} in context @{text ctxt1}. The function @{ML_ind export_terms in Variable} from the @{ML_struct Variable} can be used to transfer terms between contexts. Transferring means to turn all (free) variables that are fixed in one context, but not in the other, into schematic variables. In our example, we are transferring the term @{text "P x y z"} from context @{text "ctxt1"} to @{text "ctxt0"}, which means @{term x}, @{term y} and @{term z} become schematic variables (as can be seen by the leading question marks). Note that the variable @{text P} stays a free variable, since it not fixed in @{text ctxt1}; it is even highlighed, because @{text "ctxt0"} does not know about it. Note also that in Line 6 we had to use the function @{ML_ind singleton}, because the function @{ML_ind export_terms in Variable} normally works over lists of terms. The case of transferring theorems is even more useful. The reason is that the generalisation of fixed variables to schematic variables is not trivial if done manually. For illustration purposes we use in the following code the function @{ML_ind make_thm in Skip_Proof} from the structure @{ML_struct Skip_Proof} in order to turn an arbitray term, in our case @{term "P x y z x y z"}, into a theorem. @{ML_response_fake [display, gray] "let val thy = @{theory} val ctxt0 = @{context} val (_, ctxt1) = Variable.add_fixes [\"P\", \"x\", \"y\", \"z\"] ctxt0 val foo_thm = Skip_Proof.make_thm thy @{prop \"P x y z x y z\"}in singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt1 ctxt0) foo_thmend" "?P ?x ?y ?z ?x ?y ?z"} The result is that all variables are schematic. The great point about contexts is that exporting is not just concerned with variables, but also assumptions. *}text {**}(*ML{*Proof_Context.debug := true*}ML{*Proof_Context.verbose := true*}*)(*lemma "True"proof - { -- "\<And>x. _" fix x have "B x" sorry thm this } thm this { -- "A \<Longrightarrow> _" assume A have B sorry thm this } thm this { -- "\<And>x. x = _ \<Longrightarrow> _" def x \<equiv> a have "B x" sorry } thm thisoops*)section {* Local Theories (TBD) *}text {* In contrast to an ordinary theory, which simply consists of a type signature, as well as tables for constants, axioms and theorems, a local theory contains additional context information, such as locally fixed variables and local assumptions that may be used by the package. The type @{ML_type local_theory} is identical to the type of \emph{proof contexts} @{ML_type "Proof.context"}, although not every proof context constitutes a valid local theory. @{ML "Context.>> o Context.map_theory"} @{ML_ind "Local_Theory.declaration"} A similar command is \isacommand{local\_setup}, which expects a function of type @{ML_type "local_theory -> local_theory"}. Later on we will also use the commands \isacommand{method\_setup} for installing methods in the current theory and \isacommand{simproc\_setup} for adding new simprocs to the current simpset.*}section {* Morphisms (TBD) *}text {* Morphisms are arbitrary transformations over terms, types, theorems and bindings. They can be constructed using the function @{ML_ind morphism in Morphism}, which expects a record with functions of type \begin{isabelle} \begin{tabular}{rl} @{text "binding:"} & @{text "binding -> binding"}\\ @{text "typ:"} & @{text "typ -> typ"}\\ @{text "term:"} & @{text "term -> term"}\\ @{text "fact:"} & @{text "thm list -> thm list"} \end{tabular} \end{isabelle} The simplest morphism is the @{ML_ind identity in Morphism}-morphism defined as*}ML{*val identity = Morphism.morphism {binding = [], typ = [], term = [], fact = []}*}text {* Morphisms can be composed with the function @{ML_ind "$>" in Morphism}*}ML{*fun trm_phi (Free (x, T)) = Var ((x, 0), T) | trm_phi (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, trm_phi t) | trm_phi (t $ s) = (trm_phi t) $ (trm_phi s) | trm_phi t = t*}ML{*val phi = Morphism.term_morphism trm_phi*}ML{*Morphism.term phi @{term "P x y"}*}text {* @{ML_ind term_morphism in Morphism} @{ML_ind term in Morphism}, @{ML_ind thm in Morphism} \begin{readmore} Morphisms are implemented in the file @{ML_file "Pure/morphism.ML"}. \end{readmore}*}section {* Misc (TBD) *}ML {*Datatype.get_info @{theory} "List.list"*}text {* FIXME: association lists:@{ML_file "Pure/General/alist.ML"}FIXME: calling the ML-compiler*}section {* What Is In an Isabelle Name? (TBD) *}text {* On the ML-level of Isabelle, you often have to work with qualified names. These are strings with some additional information, such as positional information and qualifiers. Such qualified names can be generated with the antiquotation @{text "@{binding \<dots>}"}. For example @{ML_response [display,gray] "@{binding \"name\"}" "name"} An example where a qualified name is needed is the function @{ML_ind define in Local_Theory}. This function is used below to define the constant @{term "TrueConj"} as the conjunction @{term "True \<and> True"}.*}local_setup %gray {* Local_Theory.define ((@{binding "TrueConj"}, NoSyn), (Attrib.empty_binding, @{term "True \<and> True"})) #> snd *}text {* Now querying the definition you obtain: \begin{isabelle} \isacommand{thm}~@{text "TrueConj_def"}\\ @{text "> "}~@{thm TrueConj_def} \end{isabelle} \begin{readmore} The basic operations on bindings are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/General/binding.ML"}. \end{readmore} \footnote{\bf FIXME give a better example why bindings are important} \footnote{\bf FIXME give a pointer to \isacommand{local\_setup}; if not, then explain why @{ML snd} is needed.} \footnote{\bf FIXME: There should probably a separate section on binding, long-names and sign.}*}ML {* Sign.intern_type @{theory} "list" *}ML {* Sign.intern_const @{theory} "prod_fun" *}text {* \footnote{\bf FIXME: Explain the following better; maybe put in a separate section and link with the comment in the antiquotation section.} Occasionally you have to calculate what the ``base'' name of a given constant is. For this you can use the function @{ML_ind Long_Name.base_name}. For example: @{ML_response [display,gray] "Long_Name.base_name \"List.list.Nil\"" "\"Nil\""} \begin{readmore} Functions about naming are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/General/name_space.ML"}; functions about signatures in @{ML_file "Pure/sign.ML"}. \end{readmore}*}text {* @{ML_ind "Binding.name_of"} returns the string without markup @{ML_ind "Binding.conceal"} *}section {* Concurrency (TBD) *}text {* @{ML_ind prove_future in Goal} @{ML_ind future_result in Goal} @{ML_ind fork_pri in Future}*}section {* Parse and Print Translations (TBD) *}section {* Summary *}text {* TBD*}end