author Christian Urban <>
Sun, 08 Mar 2009 20:53:00 +0000
changeset 163 2319cff107f0
parent 119 4536782969fa
child 168 009ca4807baa
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed rep_ss, and used dest_ss instead; some very slight changes to simple_inductive

theory Config
imports "../Base"

section {* Configuration Options\label{rec:config} *} 

text {*
  {\bf Problem:} 
  You would like to enhance your tool with options that can be changed 
  by the user without having to resort to the ML-level.\smallskip

  {\bf Solution:} This can be achieved using configuration values.\smallskip

  Assume you want to control three values, namely @{text bval} containing a
  boolean,  @{text ival} containing an integer and @{text sval} 
  containing a string. These values can be declared on the ML-level with

ML{*val (bval, setup_bval) = Attrib.config_bool "bval" false
val (ival, setup_ival) = Attrib.config_int "ival" 0
val (sval, setup_sval) = Attrib.config_string "sval" "some string" *}

text {* 
  where each value needs to be given a default. To enable these values, they need to 
  be set up by  

setup {* setup_bval *} 
setup {* setup_ival *}

text {* or on the ML-level *}

ML{*setup_sval @{theory} *}

text {*
  The user can now manipulate the values from within Isabelle with the command

declare [[bval = true, ival = 3]]

text {*
  On the ML-level these values can be retrieved using the 
  function @{ML Config.get}:

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Config.get @{context} bval" "true"}

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Config.get @{context} ival" "3"}

  The function @{ML Config.put} manipulates the values. For example

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Config.put sval \"foo\" @{context}; Config.get @{context} sval" "foo"}

  The same can be achived using the command \isacommand{setup}.

setup {* Config.put_thy sval "bar" *}

text {* 
  The retrival of this value yields now

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Config.get @{context} sval" "\"bar\""}

  We can apply a function to a value using @{ML}. For example incrementing
  @{ML ival} can be done by

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  val ctxt = ival (fn i => i + 1) @{context}
  Config.get ctxt ival
end" "4"}

  For more information see @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/config.ML"}.

  There are many good reasons to control parameters in this way. One is
  that it avoid global references, which cause many headaches with the
  multithreaded execution of Isabelle.
