author Christian Urban <>
Sat, 30 May 2009 17:40:20 +0200 (2009-05-30)
changeset 256 1fb8d62c88a0
parent 255 ef1da1abee46
child 257 ce0f60d0351e
permissions -rw-r--r--
added some first index-information
theory FirstSteps
imports Base

chapter {* First Steps *}

text {*
  Isabelle programming is done in ML. Just like lemmas and proofs, ML-code
  in Isabelle is part of a theory. If you want to follow the code given in
  this chapter, we assume you are working inside the theory starting with

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\

  We also generally assume you are working with HOL. The given examples might
  need to be adapted if you work in a different logic.

section {* Including ML-Code *}

text {*
  The easiest and quickest way to include code in a theory is
  by using the \isacommand{ML}-command. For example:

\isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen>"}\isanewline
\hspace{5mm}@{ML "3 + 4"}\isanewline
@{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline
@{text "> 7"}\smallskip

  Like normal Isabelle scripts, \isacommand{ML}-commands can be
  evaluated by using the advance and undo buttons of your Isabelle
  environment. The code inside the \isacommand{ML}-command can also contain
  value and function bindings, for example

ML %gray {* 
  val r = ref 0
  fun f n = n + 1 

text {*
  and even those can be undone when the proof
  script is retracted.  As mentioned in the Introduction, we will drop the
  \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"} scaffolding whenever we
  show code. The lines prefixed with @{text [quotes] ">"} are not part of the
  code, rather they indicate what the response is when the code is evaluated.
  There are also the commands \isacommand{ML\_val} and \isacommand{ML\_prf} for
  including ML-code. The first evaluates the given code, but any effect on the 
  ambient theory is suppressed. The second needs to be used if ML-code is defined 
  inside a proof. For example

  \isacommand{lemma}~@{text "test:"}\isanewline
  \isacommand{shows}~@{text [quotes] "True"}\isanewline
  \isacommand{ML\_prf}~@{text "\<verbopen>"}~@{ML "writeln \"Trivial!\""}~@{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline

  However, both commands will not play any role in this tutorial (we, for example, 
  always assume the ML-code is defined outside proofs).

  Once a portion of code is relatively stable, you usually want to export it
  to a separate ML-file. Such files can then be included somewhere inside a 
  theory by using the command \isacommand{use}. For example

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
  \isacommand{uses}~@{text "(\"file_to_be_included.ML\")"} @{text "\<dots>"}\\
  \isacommand{use}~@{text "\"file_to_be_included.ML\""}\\

  The \isacommand{uses}-command in the header of the theory is needed in order 
  to indicate the dependency of the theory on the ML-file. Alternatively, the 
  file can be included by just writing in the header

  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
  \isacommand{uses} @{text "\"file_to_be_included.ML\""} @{text "\<dots>"}\\

  Note that no parentheses are given this time. 

section {* Debugging and Printing\label{sec:printing} *}

text {*

  During development you might find it necessary to inspect some data
  in your code. This can be done in a ``quick-and-dirty'' fashion using 
  the function @{ML [index] "writeln"}. For example 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "writeln \"any string\"" "\"any string\""}

  will print out @{text [quotes] "any string"} inside the response buffer
  of Isabelle.  This function expects a string as argument. If you develop under PolyML,
  then there is a convenient, though again ``quick-and-dirty'', method for
  converting values into strings, namely the function @{ML PolyML.makestring}:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "writeln (PolyML.makestring 1)" "\"1\""} 

  However, @{ML [index] makestring} only works if the type of what is converted is monomorphic 
  and not a function.

  The function @{ML "writeln"} should only be used for testing purposes, because any
  output this function generates will be overwritten as soon as an error is
  raised. For printing anything more serious and elaborate, the
  function @{ML [index] tracing} is more appropriate. This function writes all output into
  a separate tracing buffer. For example:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "tracing \"foo\"" "\"foo\""}

  It is also possible to redirect the ``channel'' where the string @{text "foo"} is 
  printed to a separate file, e.g., to prevent ProofGeneral from choking on massive 
  amounts of trace output. This redirection can be achieved with the code:

ML{*val strip_specials =
  fun strip ("\^A" :: _ :: cs) = strip cs
    | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
    | strip [] = [];
in implode o strip o explode end;

fun redirect_tracing stream =
 Output.tracing_fn := (fn s =>
    (TextIO.output (stream, (strip_specials s));
     TextIO.output (stream, "\n");
     TextIO.flushOut stream)) *}

text {*
  Calling @{ML "redirect_tracing"} with @{ML "(TextIO.openOut \"\")"} 
  will cause that all tracing information is printed into the file @{text ""}.

  You can print out error messages with the function @{ML [index] error}; for example:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "if 0=1 then true else (error \"foo\")" 
"Exception- ERROR \"foo\" raised
At command \"ML\"."}

  (FIXME Mention how to work with @{ML [index] debug in Toplevel} and 
  @{ML [index] profiling in Toplevel}.)

ML {* reset Toplevel.debug *}

ML {* fun dodgy_fun () = (raise TYPE ("",[],[]); 1) *}

ML {* fun innocent () = dodgy_fun () *}
ML {* exception_trace (fn () => cterm_of @{theory} (Bound 0)) *}
ML {* exception_trace (fn () => innocent ()) *}

ML {* Toplevel.program (fn () => cterm_of @{theory} (Bound 0)) *}

ML {* Toplevel.program (fn () => innocent ()) *}

text {*
  Most often you want to inspect data of type @{ML_type term}, @{ML_type cterm} 
  or @{ML_type thm}. Isabelle contains elaborate pretty-printing functions for printing 
  them (see Section \ref{sec:pretty}), 
  but  for quick-and-dirty solutions they are far too unwieldy. A simple way to transform 
  a term into a string is to use the function @{ML [index] string_of_term in Syntax}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "Syntax.string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"}"

  This produces a string with some additional information encoded in it. The string
  can be properly printed by using the function @{ML [index] writeln}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"})"

  A @{ML_type cterm} can be transformed into a string by the following function.

ML{*fun string_of_cterm ctxt t =  
   Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (term_of t)*}

text {*
  In this example the function @{ML [index] term_of} extracts the @{ML_type term} from
  a @{ML_type cterm}.  If there are more than one @{ML_type cterm}s to be
  printed, you can use the function @{ML [index] commas} to separate them.

ML{*fun string_of_cterms ctxt ts =  
   commas (map (string_of_cterm ctxt) ts)*}

text {*
  The easiest way to get the string of a theorem is to transform it
  into a @{ML_type cterm} using the function @{ML [index] crep_thm}. 

ML{*fun string_of_thm ctxt thm =
  string_of_cterm ctxt (#prop (crep_thm thm))*}

text {*
  Theorems also include schematic variables, such as @{text "?P"}, 
  @{text "?Q"} and so on. 

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "writeln (string_of_thm @{context} @{thm conjI})"
  "\<lbrakk>?P; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P \<and> ?Q"}

  In order to improve the readability of theorems we convert
  these schematic variables into free variables using the 
  function @{ML [index] import_thms in Variable}.

ML{*fun no_vars ctxt thm =
  val ((_, [thm']), _) = Variable.import_thms true [thm] ctxt

fun string_of_thm_no_vars ctxt thm =
  string_of_cterm ctxt (#prop (crep_thm (no_vars ctxt thm)))*}

text {* 
  Theorem @{thm [source] conjI} is now printed as follows:

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "writeln (string_of_thm_no_vars @{context} @{thm conjI})"
  "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P \<and> Q"}
  Again the function @{ML commas} helps with printing more than one theorem. 

ML{*fun string_of_thms ctxt thms =  
  commas (map (string_of_thm ctxt) thms)

fun string_of_thms_no_vars ctxt thms =  
  commas (map (string_of_thm_no_vars ctxt) thms) *}

section {* Combinators\label{sec:combinators} *}

text {*
  For beginners perhaps the most puzzling parts in the existing code of Isabelle are
  the combinators. At first they seem to greatly obstruct the
  comprehension of the code, but after getting familiar with them, they
  actually ease the understanding and also the programming.

  The simplest combinator is @{ML [index] I}, which is just the identity function defined as

ML{*fun I x = x*}

text {* Another simple combinator is @{ML [index] K}, defined as *}

ML{*fun K x = fn _ => x*}

text {*
  @{ML [index] K} ``wraps'' a function around the argument @{text "x"}. However, this 
  function ignores its argument. As a result, @{ML K} defines a constant function 
  always returning @{text x}.

  The next combinator is reverse application, @{ML [index] "|>"}, defined as: 

ML{*fun x |> f = f x*}

text {* While just syntactic sugar for the usual function application,
  the purpose of this combinator is to implement functions in a  
  ``waterfall fashion''. Consider for example the function *}

ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_five x =
  x |> (fn x => x + 1)
    |> (fn x => (x, x))
    |> fst
    |> (fn x => x + 4)*}

text {*
  which increments its argument @{text x} by 5. It proceeds by first incrementing 
  the argument by 1 (Line 2); then storing the result in a pair (Line 3); taking 
  the first component of the pair (Line 4) and finally incrementing the first 
  component by 4 (Line 5). This kind of cascading manipulations of values is quite
  common when dealing with theories (for example by adding a definition, followed by
  lemmas and so on). The reverse application allows you to read what happens in 
  a top-down manner. This kind of coding should also be familiar, 
  if you have been exposed to Haskell's {\it do}-notation. Writing the function 
  @{ML inc_by_five} using the reverse application is much clearer than writing

ML{*fun inc_by_five x = fst ((fn x => (x, x)) (x + 1)) + 4*}

text {* or *}

ML{*fun inc_by_five x = 
       ((fn x => x + 4) o fst o (fn x => (x, x)) o (fn x => x + 1)) x*}

text {* and typographically more economical than *}

ML{*fun inc_by_five x =
   let val y1 = x + 1
       val y2 = (y1, y1)
       val y3 = fst y2
       val y4 = y3 + 4
   in y4 end*}

text {* 
  Another reason why the let-bindings in the code above are better to be
  avoided: it is more than easy to get the intermediate values wrong, not to 
  mention the nightmares the maintenance of this code causes!

  In Isabelle, a ``real world'' example for a function written in 
  the waterfall fashion might be the following code:

ML %linenosgray{*fun apply_fresh_args f ctxt =
    f |> fastype_of
      |> binder_types 
      |> map (pair "z")
      |> Variable.variant_frees ctxt [f]
      |> map Free  
      |> (curry list_comb) f *}

text {*
  This code extracts the argument types of a given function @{text "f"} and then generates 
  for each argument type a distinct variable; finally it applies the generated 
  variables to the function. For example:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"apply_fresh_args @{term \"P::nat \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> bool\"} @{context} 
 |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
 |> writeln"
  "P z za zb"}

  You can read off this behaviour from how @{ML apply_fresh_args} is
  coded: in Line 2, the function @{ML [index] fastype_of} calculates the type of the
  function; @{ML [index] binder_types} in the next line produces the list of argument
  types (in the case above the list @{text "[nat, int, unit]"}); Line 4 
  pairs up each type with the string  @{text "z"}; the
  function @{ML [index] variant_frees in Variable} generates for each @{text "z"} a
  unique name avoiding the given @{text f}; the list of name-type pairs is turned
  into a list of variable terms in Line 6, which in the last line is applied
  by the function @{ML [index] list_comb} to the function. In this last step we have to 
  use the function @{ML [index] curry}, because @{ML [index] list_comb} expects the 
  function and the variables list as a pair. This kind of functions is often needed when
  constructing terms and the infrastructure helps tremendously to avoid
  any name clashes. Consider for example: 

   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"apply_fresh_args @{term \"za::'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c\"} @{context} 
 |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
 |> writeln"
  "za z zb"}
  The combinator @{ML [index] "#>"} is the reverse function composition. It can be
  used to define the following function

ML{*val inc_by_six = 
      (fn x => x + 1)
   #> (fn x => x + 2)
   #> (fn x => x + 3)*}

text {* 
  which is the function composed of first the increment-by-one function and then
  increment-by-two, followed by increment-by-three. Again, the reverse function 
  composition allows you to read the code top-down.

  The remaining combinators described in this section add convenience for the
  ``waterfall method'' of writing functions. The combinator @{ML [index] tap} allows
  you to get hold of an intermediate result (to do some side-calculations for
  instance). The function


ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_three x =
     x |> (fn x => x + 1)
       |> tap (fn x => tracing (PolyML.makestring x))
       |> (fn x => x + 2)*}

text {* 
  increments the argument first by @{text "1"} and then by @{text "2"}. In the
  middle (Line 3), however, it uses @{ML [index] tap} for printing the ``plus-one''
  intermediate result inside the tracing buffer. The function @{ML [index] tap} can
  only be used for side-calculations, because any value that is computed
  cannot be merged back into the ``main waterfall''. To do this, you can use
  the next combinator.

  The combinator @{ML [index] "`"} (a backtick) is similar to @{ML tap}, but applies a
  function to the value and returns the result together with the value (as a
  pair). For example the function 

ML{*fun inc_as_pair x =
     x |> `(fn x => x + 1)
       |> (fn (x, y) => (x, y + 1))*}

text {*
  takes @{text x} as argument, and then increments @{text x}, but also keeps
  @{text x}. The intermediate result is therefore the pair @{ML "(x + 1, x)"
  for x}. After that, the function increments the right-hand component of the
  pair. So finally the result will be @{ML "(x + 1, x + 1)" for x}.

  The combinators @{ML [index] "|>>"} and @{ML [index] "||>"} are defined for 
  functions manipulating pairs. The first applies the function to
  the first component of the pair, defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) |>> f = (f x, y)*}

text {*
  and the second combinator to the second component, defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) ||> f = (x, f y)*}

text {*
  With the combinator @{ML [index] "|->"} you can re-combine the elements from a pair.
  This combinator is defined as

ML{*fun (x, y) |-> f = f x y*}

text {* 
  and can be used to write the following roundabout version 
  of the @{text double} function: 

ML{*fun double x =
      x |>  (fn x => (x, x))
        |-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}

text {* 
  The combinator @{ML [index] ||>>} plays a central rôle whenever your task is to update a 
  theory and the update also produces a side-result (for example a theorem). Functions 
  for such tasks return a pair whose second component is the theory and the fist 
  component is the side-result. Using @{ML [index] ||>>}, you can do conveniently the update 
  and also accumulate the side-results. Considder the following simple function. 

ML %linenosgray{*fun acc_incs x =
    x |> (fn x => ("", x)) 
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))
      ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 1))*}

text {*
  The purpose of Line 2 is to just pair up the argument with a dummy value (since
  @{ML [index] "||>>"} operates on pairs). Each of the next three lines just increment 
  the value by one, but also nest the intrermediate results to the left. For example 

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "acc_incs 1"
  "((((\"\", 1), 2), 3), 4)"}

  You can continue this chain with:
  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "acc_incs 1 ||>> (fn x => (x, x + 2))"
  "(((((\"\", 1), 2), 3), 4), 6)"}

  (FIXME: maybe give a ``real world'' example)

text {*
  Recall that @{ML [index] "|>"} is the reverse function application. Recall also that
  the related 
  reverse function composition is @{ML [index] "#>"}. In fact all the combinators 
  @{ML [index] "|->"}, @{ML [index] "|>>"} , @{ML [index] "||>"} and @{ML [index] 
  "||>>"} described above have related combinators for 
  function composition, namely @{ML [index] "#->"}, @{ML [index] "#>>"}, 
  @{ML [index] "##>"} and @{ML [index] "##>>"}. 
  Using @{ML [index] "#->"}, for example, the function @{text double} can also be written as:

ML{*val double =
            (fn x => (x, x))
        #-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}

text {*
  (FIXME: find a good exercise for combinators)

  The most frequently used combinators are defined in the files @{ML_file
  and @{ML_file "Pure/General/basics.ML"}. Also \isccite{sec:ML-linear-trans} 
  contains further information about combinators.
  (FIXME: say something about calling conventions)

section {* Antiquotations *}

text {*
  The main advantage of embedding all code in a theory is that the code can
  contain references to entities defined on the logical level of Isabelle. By
  this we mean definitions, theorems, terms and so on. This kind of reference is
  realised with antiquotations.  For example, one can print out the name of the current
  theory by typing

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Context.theory_name @{theory}" "\"FirstSteps\""}
  where @{text "@{theory}"} is an antiquotation that is substituted with the
  current theory (remember that we assumed we are inside the theory 
  @{text FirstSteps}). The name of this theory can be extracted using
  the function @{ML [index] theory_name in Context}. 

  Note, however, that antiquotations are statically linked, that is their value is
  determined at ``compile-time'', not ``run-time''. For example the function

ML{*fun not_current_thyname () = Context.theory_name @{theory} *}

text {*

  does \emph{not} return the name of the current theory, if it is run in a 
  different theory. Instead, the code above defines the constant function 
  that always returns the string @{text [quotes] "FirstSteps"}, no matter where the
  function is called. Operationally speaking,  the antiquotation @{text "@{theory}"} is 
  \emph{not} replaced with code that will look up the current theory in 
  some data structure and return it. Instead, it is literally
  replaced with the value representing the theory name.

  In a similar way you can use antiquotations to refer to proved theorems: 
  @{text "@{thm \<dots>}"} for a single theorem

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thm allI}" "(\<And>x. ?P x) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x. ?P x"}

  and @{text "@{thms \<dots>}"} for more than one

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thms conj_ac}" 
"(?P \<and> ?Q) = (?Q \<and> ?P)
(?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R) = (?Q \<and> ?P \<and> ?R)
((?P \<and> ?Q) \<and> ?R) = (?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R)"}  

  You can also refer to the current simpset. To illustrate this we implement the
  function that extracts the theorem names stored in a simpset.

ML{*fun get_thm_names_from_ss simpset =
  val {simps,...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss simpset
  map #1 simps

text {*
  The function @{ML [index] dest_ss in MetaSimplifier} returns a record containing all
  information stored in the simpset, but we are only interested in the names of the
  simp-rules. Now you can feed in the current simpset into this function. 
  The current simpset can be referred to using the antiquotation @{text "@{simpset}"}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  "get_thm_names_from_ss @{simpset}" 
  "[\"Nat.of_nat_eq_id\", \"Int.of_int_eq_id\", \"Nat.One_nat_def\", \<dots>]"}

  Again, this way of referencing simpsets makes you independent from additions
  of lemmas to the simpset by the user that potentially cause loops.

  On the ML-level of Isabelle, you often have to work with qualified names.
  These are strings with some additional information, such as positional information
  and qualifiers. Such qualified names can be generated with the antiquotation 
  @{text "@{binding \<dots>}"}.

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "@{binding \"name\"}"

  An example where a binding is needed is the function @{ML [index] define in
  LocalTheory}.  This function is below used to define the constant @{term
  "TrueConj"} as the conjunction
  @{term "True \<and> True"}.
local_setup %gray {* 
  snd o LocalTheory.define Thm.internalK 
    ((@{binding "TrueConj"}, NoSyn), 
     (Attrib.empty_binding, @{term "True \<and> True"})) *}

text {* 
  Now querying the definition you obtain:

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "TrueConj_def"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm TrueConj_def}

  (FIXME give a better example why bindings are important; maybe
  give a pointer to \isacommand{local\_setup}; if not, then explain
  why @{ML snd} is needed)

  While antiquotations have many applications, they were originally introduced
  in order to avoid explicit bindings of theorems such as:

ML{*val allI = thm "allI" *}

text {*
  Such bindings are difficult to maintain and can be overwritten by the
  user accidentally. This often broke Isabelle
  packages. Antiquotations solve this problem, since they are ``linked''
  statically at compile-time.  However, this static linkage also limits their
  usefulness in cases where data needs to be built up dynamically. In the
  course of this chapter you will learn more about antiquotations:
  they can simplify Isabelle programming since one can directly access all
  kinds of logical elements from the ML-level.

section {* Terms and Types *}

text {*
  One way to construct Isabelle terms, is by using the antiquotation 
  \mbox{@{text "@{term \<dots>}"}}. For example

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
"@{term \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" 
"Const (\"op =\", \<dots>) $ 
  (Const (\"\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>) $ \<dots>"}

  will show the term @{term "(a::nat) + b = c"}, but printed using the internal
  representation corresponding to the datatype @{ML_type [index] "term"} defined as follows: 

ML_val %linenosgray{*datatype term =
  Const of string * typ 
| Free of string * typ 
| Var of indexname * typ 
| Bound of int 
| Abs of string * typ * term 
| $ of term * term *}

text {*
  As can be seen in Line 5, terms use the usual de Bruijn index mechanism
  for representing bound variables.  For
  example in

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "@{term \"\<lambda>x y. x y\"}"
  "Abs (\"x\", \"'a \<Rightarrow> 'b\", Abs (\"y\", \"'a\", Bound 1 $ Bound 0))"}

  the indices refer to the number of Abstractions (@{ML Abs}) that we need to skip
  until we hit the @{ML Abs} that binds the corresponding variable. Note that
  the names of bound variables are kept at abstractions for printing purposes,
  and so should be treated only as ``comments''.  Application in Isabelle is
  realised with the term-constructor @{ML $}. 

  Isabelle makes a distinction between \emph{free} variables (term-constructor @{ML Free})
  and variables (term-constructor @{ML Var}). The latter correspond to the schematic 
  variables that when printed show up with a question mark in front of them. Consider 
  the following two examples
  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  val v1 = Var ((\"x\", 3), @{typ bool})
  val v2 = Var ((\"x1\", 3), @{typ bool})
  writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} v1);
  writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} v2)

  This is different from a free variable

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} (Free (\"x\", @{typ bool})))"

  When constructing terms, you are usually concerned with free variables (for example
  you cannot construct schematic variables using the antiquotation @{text "@{term \<dots>}"}). 
  If you deal with theorems, you have to, however, observe the distinction. A similar
  distinction holds for types (see below).

  Terms and types are described in detail in \isccite{sec:terms}. Their
  definition and many useful operations are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/term.ML"}.
  For constructing terms involving HOL constants, many helper functions are defined
  in @{ML_file "HOL/Tools/hologic.ML"}.
  Constructing terms via antiquotations has the advantage that only typable
  terms can be constructed. For example

  @{ML_response_fake_both [display,gray]
  "@{term \"x x\"}"
  "Type unification failed: Occurs check!"}

  raises a typing error, while it perfectly ok to construct the term

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  val omega = Free (\"x\", @{typ nat}) $ Free (\"x\", @{typ nat})
  writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} omega)
  "x x"}

  with the raw ML-constructors.
  Sometimes the internal representation of terms can be surprisingly different
  from what you see at the user-level, because the layers of
  parsing/type-checking/pretty printing can be quite elaborate. 

  Look at the internal term representation of the following terms, and
  find out why they are represented like this:

  \item @{term "case x of 0 \<Rightarrow> 0 | Suc y \<Rightarrow> y"}  
  \item @{term "\<lambda>(x,y). P y x"}  
  \item @{term "{ [x::int] | x. x \<le> -2 }"}  

  Hint: The third term is already quite big, and the pretty printer
  may omit parts of it by default. If you want to see all of it, you
  can use the following ML-function to set the printing depth to a higher 

  @{ML [display,gray] "print_depth 50"}

  The antiquotation @{text "@{prop \<dots>}"} constructs terms of propositional type, 
  inserting the invisible @{text "Trueprop"}-coercions whenever necessary. 
  Consider for example the pairs

@{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"P x\"}, @{prop \"P x\"})" 
"(Free (\"P\", \<dots>) $ Free (\"x\", \<dots>),
 Const (\"Trueprop\", \<dots>) $ (Free (\"P\", \<dots>) $ Free (\"x\", \<dots>)))"}
  where a coercion is inserted in the second component and 

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"}, @{prop \"P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"})" 
  "(Const (\"==>\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>, Const (\"==>\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>)"}

  where it is not (since it is already constructed by a meta-implication). 

  As already seen above, types can be constructed using the antiquotation 
  @{text "@{typ \<dots>}"}. For example:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{typ \"bool \<Rightarrow> nat\"}" "bool \<Rightarrow> nat"}

  Their definition is
ML_val{*datatype typ =
  Type  of string * typ list 
| TFree of string * sort 
| TVar  of indexname * sort *}

text {*
  Like with terms, there is the distinction between free type
  variables (term-constructor @{ML "TFree"} and schematic
  type variables (term-constructor @{ML "TVar"}). A type constant,
  like @{typ "int"} or @{typ bool}, are types with an empty list
  of argument types.

  Types are described in detail in \isccite{sec:types}. Their
  definition and many useful operations are implemented 
  in @{ML_file "Pure/type.ML"}.

section {* Constructing Terms Manually\label{sec:terms_types_manually} *} 

text {*
  While antiquotations are very convenient for constructing terms, they can
  only construct fixed terms (remember they are ``linked'' at compile-time).
  However, you often need to construct terms dynamically. For example, a
  function that returns the implication @{text "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} taking
  @{term P} and @{term Q} as arguments can only be written as:


ML{*fun make_imp P Q =
  val x = Free ("x", @{typ nat})
  Logic.all x (Logic.mk_implies (P $ x, Q $ x))
end *}

text {*
  The reason is that you cannot pass the arguments @{term P} and @{term Q} 
  into an antiquotation.\footnote{At least not at the moment.} For example 
  the following does \emph{not} work.

ML{*fun make_wrong_imp P Q = @{prop "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} *}

text {*
  To see this, apply @{text "@{term S}"} and @{text "@{term T}"} 
  to both functions. With @{ML make_imp} you obtain the intended term involving 
  the given arguments

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "make_imp @{term S} @{term T}" 
"Const \<dots> $ 
  Abs (\"x\", Type (\"nat\",[]),
    Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"S\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>) $ (Free (\"T\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>))"}

  whereas with @{ML make_wrong_imp} you obtain a term involving the @{term "P"} 
  and @{text "Q"} from the antiquotation.

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "make_wrong_imp @{term S} @{term T}" 
"Const \<dots> $ 
  Abs (\"x\", \<dots>,
    Const \<dots> $ (Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"P\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>)) $ 
                (Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"Q\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>)))"}

  There are a number of handy functions that are frequently used for 
  constructing terms. One is the function @{ML [index] list_comb}, which takes a term
  and a list of terms as arguments, and produces as output the term
  list applied to the term. For example

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"list_comb (@{term \"P::nat\"}, [@{term \"True\"}, @{term \"False\"}])"
"Free (\"P\", \"nat\") $ Const (\"True\", \"bool\") $ Const (\"False\", \"bool\")"}

  Another handy function is @{ML [index] lambda}, which abstracts a variable 
  in a term. For example
  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "lambda @{term \"x::nat\"} @{term \"(P::nat\<Rightarrow>bool) x\"}"
  "Abs (\"x\", \"nat\", Free (\"P\", \"bool \<Rightarrow> bool\") $ Bound 0)"}

  In this example, @{ML lambda} produces a de Bruijn index (i.e.~@{ML "Bound  0"}), 
  and an abstraction. It also records the type of the abstracted
  variable and for printing purposes also its name.  Note that because of the
  typing annotation on @{text "P"}, the variable @{text "x"} in @{text "P x"}
  is of the same type as the abstracted variable. If it is of different type,
  as in

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "lambda @{term \"x::nat\"} @{term \"(P::bool\<Rightarrow>bool) x\"}"
  "Abs (\"x\", \"nat\", Free (\"P\", \"bool \<Rightarrow> bool\") $ Free (\"x\", \"bool\"))"}

  then the variable @{text "Free (\"x\", \"bool\")"} is \emph{not} abstracted. 
  This is a fundamental principle
  of Church-style typing, where variables with the same name still differ, if they 
  have different type.

  There is also the function @{ML [index] subst_free} with which terms can 
  be replaced by other terms. For example below, we will replace in  
  @{term "(f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat\<Rightarrow>nat) 0 x"} 
  the subterm @{term "(f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat\<Rightarrow>nat) 0"} by @{term y}, and @{term x} by @{term True}.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"subst_free [(@{term \"(f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat\<Rightarrow>nat) 0\"}, @{term \"y::nat\<Rightarrow>nat\"}),
            (@{term \"x::nat\"}, @{term \"True\"})] 
  @{term \"((f::nat\<Rightarrow>nat\<Rightarrow>nat) 0) x\"}"
  "Free (\"y\", \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat\") $ Const (\"True\", \"bool\")"}

  As can be seen, @{ML subst_free} does not take typability into account.
  However it takes alpha-equivalence into account:

  @{ML_response_fake [display, gray]
  "subst_free [(@{term \"(\<lambda>y::nat. y)\"}, @{term \"x::nat\"})] 
  @{term \"(\<lambda>x::nat. x)\"}"
  "Free (\"x\", \"nat\")"}

  There are many convenient functions that construct specific HOL-terms. For
  example @{ML [index] mk_eq in HOLogic} constructs an equality out of two terms.
  The types needed in this equality are calculated from the type of the
  arguments. For example

@{ML_response_fake [gray,display]
  "writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
   (HOLogic.mk_eq (@{term \"True\"}, @{term \"False\"})))"
  "True = False"}

  There are many functions in @{ML_file "Pure/term.ML"}, @{ML_file "Pure/logic.ML"} and
  @{ML_file "HOL/Tools/hologic.ML"} that make such manual constructions of terms 
  and types easier.\end{readmore}

  Have a look at these files and try to solve the following two exercises:

  Write a function @{text "rev_sum : term -> term"} that takes a
  term of the form @{text "t\<^isub>1 + t\<^isub>2 + \<dots> + t\<^isub>n"} (whereby @{text "n"} might be zero)
  and returns the reversed sum @{text "t\<^isub>n + \<dots> + t\<^isub>2 + t\<^isub>1"}. Assume
  the @{text "t\<^isub>i"} can be arbitrary expressions and also note that @{text "+"} 
  associates to the left. Try your function on some examples. 

  Write a function which takes two terms representing natural numbers
  in unary notation (like @{term "Suc (Suc (Suc 0))"}), and produces the
  number representing their sum.

section {* Constants *}

text {*
  There are a few subtle issues with constants. They usually crop up when
  pattern matching terms or types, or when constructing them. While it is perfectly ok
  to write the function @{text is_true} as follows

ML{*fun is_true @{term True} = true
  | is_true _ = false*}

text {*
  this does not work for picking out @{text "\<forall>"}-quantified terms. Because
  the function 

ML{*fun is_all (@{term All} $ _) = true
  | is_all _ = false*}

text {* 
  will not correctly match the formula @{prop "\<forall>x::nat. P x"}: 

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "is_all @{term \"\<forall>x::nat. P x\"}" "false"}

  The problem is that the @{text "@term"}-antiquotation in the pattern 
  fixes the type of the constant @{term "All"} to be @{typ "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"} for 
  an arbitrary, but fixed type @{typ "'a"}. A properly working alternative 
  for this function is

ML{*fun is_all (Const ("All", _) $ _) = true
  | is_all _ = false*}

text {* 
  because now

@{ML_response [display,gray] "is_all @{term \"\<forall>x::nat. P x\"}" "true"}

  matches correctly (the first wildcard in the pattern matches any type and the
  second any term).

  However there is still a problem: consider the similar function that
  attempts to pick out @{text "Nil"}-terms:

ML{*fun is_nil (Const ("Nil", _)) = true
  | is_nil _ = false *}

text {* 
  Unfortunately, also this function does \emph{not} work as expected, since

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "is_nil @{term \"Nil\"}" "false"}

  The problem is that on the ML-level the name of a constant is more
  subtle than you might expect. The function @{ML is_all} worked correctly,
  because @{term "All"} is such a fundamental constant, which can be referenced
  by @{ML "Const (\"All\", some_type)" for some_type}. However, if you look at

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "@{term \"Nil\"}" "Const (\"List.list.Nil\", \<dots>)"}

  the name of the constant @{text "Nil"} depends on the theory in which the
  term constructor is defined (@{text "List"}) and also in which datatype
  (@{text "list"}). Even worse, some constants have a name involving
  type-classes. Consider for example the constants for @{term "zero"} and
  \mbox{@{text "(op *)"}}:

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"0::nat\"}, @{term \"op *\"})" 
 "(Const (\"\", \<dots>), 
 Const (\"HOL.times_class.times\", \<dots>))"}

  While you could use the complete name, for example 
  @{ML "Const (\"List.list.Nil\", some_type)" for some_type}, for referring to or
  matching against @{text "Nil"}, this would make the code rather brittle. 
  The reason is that the theory and the name of the datatype can easily change. 
  To make the code more robust, it is better to use the antiquotation 
  @{text "@{const_name \<dots>}"}. With this antiquotation you can harness the 
  variable parts of the constant's name. Therefore a function for 
  matching against constants that have a polymorphic type should 
  be written as follows.

ML{*fun is_nil_or_all (Const (@{const_name "Nil"}, _)) = true
  | is_nil_or_all (Const (@{const_name "All"}, _) $ _) = true
  | is_nil_or_all _ = false *}

text {*
  The antiquotation for properly referencing type constants is  is @{text "@{type_name \<dots>}"}.
  For example

  @{ML_response [display,gray]
  "@{type_name \"list\"}" "\"List.list\""}

  (FIXME: Explain the following better.)

  Occasionally you have to calculate what the ``base'' name of a given
  constant is. For this you can use the function @{ML [index] extern_const in Sign} or
  @{ML base_name in Long_Name}. For example:

  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Sign.extern_const @{theory} \"List.list.Nil\"" "\"Nil\""}

  The difference between both functions is that @{ML extern_const in Sign} returns
  the smallest name that is still unique, whereas @{ML base_name in Long_Name} always
  strips off all qualifiers.

  Functions about naming are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/General/name_space.ML"};
  functions about signatures in @{ML_file "Pure/sign.ML"}.

section {* Constructing Types Manually *}

text {*
  Although types of terms can often be inferred, there are many
  situations where you need to construct types manually, especially  
  when defining constants. For example the function returning a function 
  type is as follows:


ML{*fun make_fun_type ty1 ty2 = Type ("fun", [ty1, ty2]) *}

text {* This can be equally written with the combinator @{ML [index] "-->"} as: *}

ML{*fun make_fun_type ty1 ty2 = ty1 --> ty2 *}

text {*
  If you want to construct a function type with more than one argument
  type, then you can use @{ML [index] "--->"}.

ML{*fun make_fun_types tys ty = tys ---> ty *}

text {*
  A handy function for manipulating terms is @{ML [index] map_types}: it takes a 
  function and applies it to every type in a term. You can, for example,
  change every @{typ nat} in a term into an @{typ int} using the function:

ML{*fun nat_to_int ty =
  (case ty of
     @{typ nat} => @{typ int}
   | Type (s, tys) => Type (s, map nat_to_int tys)
   | _ => ty)*}

text {*
  Here is an example:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
"map_types nat_to_int @{term \"a = (1::nat)\"}" 
"Const (\"op =\", \"int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool\")
           $ Free (\"a\", \"int\") $ Const (\"\", \"int\")"}

  If you want to obtain the list of free type-variables of a term, you
  can use the function @{ML [index] add_tfrees in Term} 
  (similarly @{ML [index] add_tvars in Term} for the schematic type-variables). 
  One would expect that such functions
  take a term as input and return a list of types. But their type is actually 

  @{text[display] "Term.term -> (string * Term.sort) list -> (string * Term.sort) list"}

  that is they take, besides a term, also a list of type-variables as input. 
  So in order to obtain the list of type-variables of a term you have to 
  call them as follows

  @{ML_response [gray,display]
  "Term.add_tfrees @{term \"(a,b)\"} []"
  "[(\"'b\", [\"HOL.type\"]), (\"'a\", [\"HOL.type\"])]"}

  The reason for this definition is that @{ML add_tfrees in Term} can
  be easily folded over a list of terms. Similarly for all functions
  named @{text "add_"}some\_name in @{ML_file "Pure/term.ML"}.


section {* Type-Checking *}

text {* 
  You can freely construct and manipulate @{ML_type "term"}s and @{ML_type
  typ}es, since they are just arbitrary unchecked trees. However, you
  eventually want to see if a term is well-formed, or type-checks, relative to
  a theory.  Type-checking is done via the function @{ML [index] cterm_of}, which
  converts a @{ML_type [index] term} into a @{ML_type [index] cterm}, a \emph{certified}
  term. Unlike @{ML_type term}s, which are just trees, @{ML_type "cterm"}s are
  abstract objects that are guaranteed to be type-correct, and they can only
  be constructed via ``official interfaces''.

  Type-checking is always relative to a theory context. For now we use
  the @{ML "@{theory}"} antiquotation to get hold of the current theory.
  For example you can write:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "cterm_of @{theory} @{term \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" "a + b = c"}

  This can also be written with an antiquotation:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{cterm \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" "a + b = c"}

  Attempting to obtain the certified term for

  @{ML_response_fake_both [display,gray] "@{cterm \"1 + True\"}" "Type unification failed \<dots>"}

  yields an error (since the term is not typable). A slightly more elaborate
  example that type-checks is:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  val natT = @{typ \"nat\"}
  val zero = @{term \"0::nat\"}
  cterm_of @{theory} 
      (Const (@{const_name plus}, natT --> natT --> natT) $ zero $ zero)
end" "0 + 0"}

  In Isabelle not just terms need to be certified, but also types. For example, 
  you obtain the certified type for the Isabelle type @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"} on 
  the ML-level as follows:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "ctyp_of @{theory} (@{typ nat} --> @{typ bool})"
  "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"}

  or with the antiquotation:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "@{ctyp \"nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"}"
  "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"}

  For functions related to @{ML_type cterm}s and @{ML_type ctyp}s see 
  the file @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"}.

  Check that the function defined in Exercise~\ref{fun:revsum} returns a
  result that type-checks.

  Remember Isabelle follows the Church-style typing for terms, i.e., a term contains 
  enough typing information (constants, free variables and abstractions all have typing 
  information) so that it is always clear what the type of a term is. 
  Given a well-typed term, the function @{ML [index] type_of} returns the 
  type of a term. Consider for example:

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  "type_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}

  To calculate the type, this function traverses the whole term and will
  detect any typing inconsistency. For example changing the type of the variable 
  @{term "x"} from @{typ "nat"} to @{typ "int"} will result in the error message: 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  "type_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::int\"})" 
  "*** Exception- TYPE (\"type_of: type mismatch in application\" \<dots>"}

  Since the complete traversal might sometimes be too costly and
  not necessary, there is the function @{ML [index] fastype_of}, which 
  also returns the type of a term.

  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  "fastype_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}

  However, efficiency is gained on the expense of skipping some tests. You 
  can see this in the following example

   @{ML_response [display,gray] 
  "fastype_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::int\"})" "bool"}

  where no error is detected.

  Sometimes it is a bit inconvenient to construct a term with 
  complete typing annotations, especially in cases where the typing 
  information is redundant. A short-cut is to use the ``place-holder'' 
  type @{ML [index] dummyT} and then let type-inference figure out the 
  complete type. An example is as follows:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
  val c = Const (@{const_name \"plus\"}, dummyT) 
  val o = @{term \"1::nat\"} 
  val v = Free (\"x\", dummyT)
  Syntax.check_term @{context} (c $ o $ v)
"Const (\"\", \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat\") $
  Const (\"\", \"nat\") $ Free (\"x\", \"nat\")"}

  Instead of giving explicitly the type for the constant @{text "plus"} and the free 
  variable @{text "x"}, type-inference fills in the missing information.

  See @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML"} where more functions about reading,
  checking and pretty-printing of terms are defined. Functions related to
  type-inference are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/type.ML"} and 
  @{ML_file "Pure/type_infer.ML"}. 

  (FIXME: say something about sorts)

section {* Theorems *}

text {*
  Just like @{ML_type cterm}s, theorems are abstract objects of type @{ML_type thm} 
  that can only be built by going through interfaces. As a consequence, every proof 
  in Isabelle is correct by construction. This follows the tradition of the LCF approach

  To see theorems in ``action'', let us give a proof on the ML-level for the following 

   assumes assm\<^isub>1: "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x" 
   and     assm\<^isub>2: "P t"
   shows "Q t" (*<*)oops(*>*) 

text {*
  The corresponding ML-code is as follows:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val assm1 = @{cprop \"\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"}
  val assm2 = @{cprop \"(P::nat\<Rightarrow>bool) t\"}

  val Pt_implies_Qt = 
        assume assm1
        |> forall_elim @{cterm \"t::nat\"};
  val Qt = implies_elim Pt_implies_Qt (assume assm2);
  |> implies_intr assm2
  |> implies_intr assm1
end" "\<lbrakk>\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x; P t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}

  This code-snippet constructs the following proof:

  \infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$intro)]{\vdash @{prop "(\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x) \<Longrightarrow> P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
    {\infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$intro)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
       {\infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$elim)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"}, @{prop "P t"} \vdash @{prop "Q t"}}
          {\infer[(@{text "\<And>"}$-$elim)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
                 {\infer[(assume)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"}}{}}
           \infer[(assume)]{@{prop "P t"} \vdash @{prop "P t"}}{}

  However, while we obtained a theorem as result, this theorem is not
  yet stored in Isabelle's theorem database. So it cannot be referenced later
  on. How to store theorems will be explained in Section~\ref{sec:storing}.

  For the functions @{text "assume"}, @{text "forall_elim"} etc 
  see \isccite{sec:thms}. The basic functions for theorems are defined in
  @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"}. 

  (FIXME: handy functions working on theorems, like @{ML [index] rulify in ObjectLogic} and so on) 

  (FIXME: how to add case-names to goal states - maybe in the 
  next section)

section {* Setups (TBD) *}

text {*
  In the previous section we used \isacommand{setup} in order to make
  a theorem attribute known to Isabelle. What happens behind the scenes
  is that \isacommand{setup} expects a function of type 
  @{ML_type "theory -> theory"}: the input theory is the current theory and the 
  output the theory where the theory attribute has been stored.
  This is a fundamental principle in Isabelle. A similar situation occurs 
  for example with declaring constants. The function that declares a 
  constant on the ML-level is @{ML [index] add_consts_i in Sign}. 
  If you write\footnote{Recall that ML-code  needs to be 
  enclosed in \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}.} 

ML{*Sign.add_consts_i [(@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}, NoSyn)] @{theory} *}

text {*
  for declaring the constant @{text "BAR"} with type @{typ nat} and 
  run the code, then you indeed obtain a theory as result. But if you 
  query the constant on the Isabelle level using the command \isacommand{term}

  \isacommand{term}~@{text [quotes] "BAR"}\\
  @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"'a\""}

  you do not obtain a constant of type @{typ nat}, but a free variable (printed in 
  blue) of polymorphic type. The problem is that the ML-expression above did 
  not register the declaration with the current theory. This is what the command
  \isacommand{setup} is for. The constant is properly declared with

setup %gray {* Sign.add_consts_i [(@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}, NoSyn)] *}

text {* 
  \isacommand{term}~@{text [quotes] "BAR"}\\
  @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"nat\""}

  returns a (black) constant with the type @{typ nat}.

  A similar command is \isacommand{local\_setup}, which expects a function
  of type @{ML_type "local_theory -> local_theory"}. Later on we will also
  use the commands \isacommand{method\_setup} for installing methods in the
  current theory and \isacommand{simproc\_setup} for adding new simprocs to
  the current simpset.

section {* Theorem Attributes *}

text {*
  Theorem attributes are @{text "[symmetric]"}, @{text "[THEN \<dots>]"}, @{text
  "[simp]"} and so on. Such attributes are \emph{neither} tags \emph{nor} flags
  annotated to theorems, but functions that do further processing once a
  theorem is proved. In particular, it is not possible to find out
  what are all theorems that have a given attribute in common, unless of course
  the function behind the attribute stores the theorems in a retrievable 
  data structure. 

  If you want to print out all currently known attributes a theorem can have, 
  you can use the Isabelle command

  @{text "> COMP:  direct composition with rules (no lifting)"}\\
  @{text "> HOL.dest:  declaration of Classical destruction rule"}\\
  @{text "> HOL.elim:  declaration of Classical elimination rule"}\\
  @{text "> \<dots>"}
  The theorem attributes fall roughly into two categories: the first category manipulates
  the proved theorem (for example @{text "[symmetric]"} and @{text "[THEN \<dots>]"}), and the second
  stores the proved theorem somewhere as data (for example @{text "[simp]"}, which adds
  the theorem to the current simpset).

  To explain how to write your own attribute, let us start with an extremely simple 
  version of the attribute @{text "[symmetric]"}. The purpose of this attribute is
  to produce the ``symmetric'' version of an equation. The main function behind 
  this attribute is

ML{*val my_symmetric = Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn thm => thm RS @{thm sym})*}

text {* 
  where the function @{ML [index] rule_attribute in Thm} expects a function taking a 
  context (which we ignore in the code above) and a theorem (@{text thm}), and 
  returns another theorem (namely @{text thm} resolved with the theorem 
  @{thm [source] sym}: @{thm sym[no_vars]}).\footnote{The function @{ML [index] RS} 
  is explained in Section~\ref{sec:simpletacs}.} The function 
  @{ML rule_attribute in Thm} then returns  an attribute.

  Before we can use the attribute, we need to set it up. This can be done
  using the Isabelle command \isacommand{attribute\_setup} as follows:

attribute_setup %gray my_sym = {* Scan.succeed my_symmetric *} 
  "applying the sym rule"

text {*
  Inside the @{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}, we have to specify a parser
  for the theorem attribute. Since the attribute does not expect any further 
  arguments (unlike @{text "[THEN \<dots>]"}, for example), we use the parser @{ML
  Scan.succeed}. Later on we will also consider attributes taking further
  arguments. An example for the attribute @{text "[my_sym]"} is the proof

lemma test[my_sym]: "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by simp

text {*
  which stores the theorem @{thm test} under the name @{thm [source] test}. You
  can see this, if you query the lemma: 

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm test}

  We can also use the attribute when referring to this theorem:

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[my_sym]"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm test[my_sym]}

  An alternative for setting up an attribute is the function @{ML [index] setup in Attrib}.
  So instead of using \isacommand{attribute\_setup}, you can also set up the
  attribute as follows:

ML{*Attrib.setup @{binding "my_sym"} (Scan.succeed my_symmetric)
  "applying the sym rule" *}

text {*
  This gives a function from @{ML_type "Context.theory -> Context.theory"}, which
  can be used for example with \isacommand{setup}.

  As an example of a slightly more complicated theorem attribute, we implement 
  our own version of @{text "[THEN \<dots>]"}. This attribute will take a list of theorems
  as argument and resolve the proved theorem with this list (one theorem 
  after another). The code for this attribute is

ML{*fun MY_THEN thms = 
  Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn thm => foldl ((op RS) o swap) thm thms)*}

text {* 
  where @{ML swap} swaps the components of a pair. The setup of this theorem
  attribute uses the parser @{ML thms in Attrib}, which parses a list of

attribute_setup %gray MY_THEN = {* Attrib.thms >> MY_THEN *} 
  "resolving the list of theorems with the proved theorem"

text {* 
  You can, for example, use this theorem attribute to turn an equation into a 

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[MY_THEN eq_reflection]"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm test[MY_THEN eq_reflection]}

  If you need the symmetric version as a meta-equation, you can write

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[MY_THEN sym eq_reflection]"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm test[MY_THEN sym eq_reflection]}

  It is also possible to combine different theorem attributes, as in:
  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[my_sym, MY_THEN eq_reflection]"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{thm test[my_sym, MY_THEN eq_reflection]}
  However, here also a weakness of the concept
  of theorem attributes shows through: since theorem attributes can be
  arbitrary functions, they do not in general commute. If you try

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[MY_THEN eq_reflection, my_sym]"}\\
  @{text "> "}~@{text "exception THM 1 raised: RSN: no unifiers"}

  you get an exception indicating that the theorem @{thm [source] sym}
  does not resolve with meta-equations. 

  The purpose of @{ML [index] rule_attribute in Thm} is to directly manipulate theorems.
  Another usage of theorem attributes is to add and delete theorems from stored data.
  For example the theorem attribute @{text "[simp]"} adds or deletes a theorem from the
  current simpset. For these applications, you can use @{ML [index] declaration_attribute in Thm}. 
  To illustrate this function, let us introduce a reference containing a list
  of theorems.

ML{*val my_thms = ref ([] : thm list)*}

text {* 
  The purpose of this reference is that we are going to add and delete theorems
  to the referenced list. However, a word of warning: such references must not 
  be used in any code that is meant to be more than just for testing purposes! 
  Here it is only used to illustrate matters. We will show later how to store 
  data properly without using references.
  We need to provide two functions that add and delete theorems from this list. 
  For this we use the two functions:

ML{*fun my_thm_add thm ctxt =
  (my_thms := Thm.add_thm thm (!my_thms); ctxt)

fun my_thm_del thm ctxt =
  (my_thms := Thm.del_thm thm (!my_thms); ctxt)*}

text {*
  These functions take a theorem and a context and, for what we are explaining
  here it is sufficient that they just return the context unchanged. They change
  however the reference @{ML my_thms}, whereby the function 
  @{ML [index] add_thm in Thm} adds a theorem if it is not already included in 
  the list, and @{ML [index] del_thm in Thm} deletes one (both functions use the 
  predicate @{ML [index] eq_thm_prop in Thm}, which compares theorems according to 
  their proved propositions modulo alpha-equivalence).

  You can turn functions @{ML my_thm_add} and @{ML my_thm_del} into 
  attributes with the code

ML{*val my_add = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thm_add
val my_del = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thm_del *}

text {* 
  and set up the attributes as follows

attribute_setup %gray my_thms = {* Attrib.add_del my_add my_del *} 
  "maintaining a list of my_thms - rough test only!" 

text {*
  The parser @{ML [index] add_del in Attrib} is a pre-defined parser for 
  adding and deleting lemmas. Now if you prove the next lemma 
  and attach to it the attribute @{text "[my_thms]"}

lemma trueI_2[my_thms]: "True" by simp

text {*
  then you can see it is added to the initially empty list.

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "!my_thms" "[\"True\"]"}

  You can also add theorems using the command \isacommand{declare}.

declare test[my_thms] trueI_2[my_thms add] 

text {*
  With this attribute, the @{text "add"} operation is the default and does 
  not need to be explicitly given. These three declarations will cause the 
  theorem list to be updated as:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "[\"True\", \"Suc (Suc 0) = 2\"]"}

  The theorem @{thm [source] trueI_2} only appears once, since the 
  function @{ML [index] add_thm in Thm} tests for duplicates, before extending
  the list. Deletion from the list works as follows:

declare test[my_thms del]

text {* After this, the theorem list is again: 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]

  We used in this example two functions declared as @{ML [index] declaration_attribute in Thm}, 
  but there can be any number of them. We just have to change the parser for reading
  the arguments accordingly. 

  However, as said at the beginning of this example, using references for storing theorems is
  \emph{not} the received way of doing such things. The received way is to 
  start a ``data slot'', below called @{text MyThmsData}, generated by the functor 
  @{text GenericDataFun}:

ML{*structure MyThmsData = GenericDataFun
 (type T = thm list
  val empty = []
  val extend = I
  fun merge _ = Thm.merge_thms) *}

text {*
  The type @{text "T"} of this data slot is @{ML_type "thm list"}.\footnote{FIXME: give a pointer
  to where data slots are explained properly.}
  To use this data slot, you only have to change @{ML my_thm_add} and
  @{ML my_thm_del} to:

ML{*val my_thm_add = o Thm.add_thm
val my_thm_del = o Thm.del_thm*}

text {*
  where @{ML} updates the data appropriately. The
  corresponding theorem addtributes are

ML{*val my_add = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thm_add
val my_del = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thm_del *}

text {*
  and the setup is as follows

attribute_setup %gray my_thms2 = {* Attrib.add_del my_add my_del *} 
  "properly maintaining a list of my_thms"

text {*
  Initially, the data slot is empty 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "MyThmsData.get (Context.Proof @{context})"

  but if you prove

lemma three[my_thms2]: "3 = Suc (Suc (Suc 0))" by simp

text {*
  then the lemma is recorded. 

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "MyThmsData.get (Context.Proof @{context})"
  "[\"3 = Suc (Suc (Suc 0))\"]"}

  With theorem attribute @{text my_thms2} you can also nicely see why it 
  is important to 
  store data in a ``data slot'' and \emph{not} in a reference. Backtrack
  to the point just before the lemma @{thm [source] three} was proved and 
  check the the content of @{ML_struct MyThmsData}: it should be empty. 
  The addition has been properly retracted. Now consider the proof:

lemma four[my_thms]: "4 = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))" by simp

text {*
  Checking the content of @{ML my_thms} gives

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "[\"4 = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))\", \"True\"]"}

  as expected, but if you backtrack before the lemma @{thm [source] four}, the
  content of @{ML my_thms} is unchanged. The backtracking mechanism
  of Isabelle is completely oblivious about what to do with references, but
  properly treats ``data slots''!

  Since storing theorems in a list is such a common task, there is the special
  functor @{text NamedThmsFun}, which does most of the work for you. To obtain
  a named theorem lists, you just declare

ML{*structure FooRules = NamedThmsFun 
 (val name = "foo" 
  val description = "Rules for foo") *}

text {*
  and set up the @{ML_struct FooRules} with the command

setup %gray {* FooRules.setup *}

text {*
  This code declares a data slot where the theorems are stored,
  an attribute @{text foo} (with the @{text add} and @{text del} options
  for adding and deleting theorems) and an internal ML interface to retrieve and 
  modify the theorems.

  Furthermore, the facts are made available on the user-level under the dynamic 
  fact name @{text foo}. For example you can declare three lemmas to be of the kind
  @{text foo} by:

lemma rule1[foo]: "A" sorry
lemma rule2[foo]: "B" sorry
lemma rule3[foo]: "C" sorry

text {* and undeclare the first one by: *}

declare rule1[foo del]

text {* and query the remaining ones with:

  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "foo"}\\
  @{text "> ?C"}\\
  @{text "> ?B"}

  On the ML-level the rules marked with @{text "foo"} can be retrieved
  using the function @{ML FooRules.get}:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "FooRules.get @{context}" "[\"?C\",\"?B\"]"}

  For more information see @{ML_file "Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML"} and also
  the recipe in Section~\ref{recipe:storingdata} about storing arbitrary

  (FIXME What are: @{text "theory_attributes"}, @{text "proof_attributes"}?)

  FIXME: @{ML_file "Pure/more_thm.ML"}; parsers for attributes is in 
  @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"}...also explained in the chapter about

section {* Theories, Contexts and Local Theories (TBD) *}

text {*
  There are theories, proof contexts and local theories (in this order, if you
  want to order them). 

  In contrast to an ordinary theory, which simply consists of a type
  signature, as well as tables for constants, axioms and theorems, a local
  theory contains additional context information, such as locally fixed
  variables and local assumptions that may be used by the package. The type
  @{ML_type local_theory} is identical to the type of \emph{proof contexts}
  @{ML_type "Proof.context"}, although not every proof context constitutes a
  valid local theory.

ML{*signature UNIVERSAL_TYPE =
  type t

  val embed: unit -> ('a -> t) * (t -> 'a option)

ML{*structure U:> UNIVERSAL_TYPE =
      type t = exn

      fun 'a embed () =
            exception E of 'a
            fun project (e: t): 'a option =
               case e of
                  E a => SOME a
                | _ => NONE
            (E, project)

text {*
  The idea is that type t is the universal type and that each call to embed
  returns a new pair of functions (inject, project), where inject embeds a
  value into the universal type and project extracts the value from the
  universal type. A pair (inject, project) returned by embed works together in
  that project u will return SOME v if and only if u was created by inject
  v. If u was created by a different function inject', then project returns

  in library.ML

ML_val{*structure Object = struct type T = exn end; *}

ML{*functor Test (U: UNIVERSAL_TYPE): sig end =
      val (intIn: int -> U.t, intOut) = U.embed ()
      val r: U.t ref = ref (intIn 13)
      val s1 =
         case intOut (!r) of
            NONE => "NONE"
          | SOME i => Int.toString i
      val (realIn: real -> U.t, realOut) = U.embed ()
      val () = r := realIn 13.0
      val s2 =
         case intOut (!r) of
            NONE => "NONE"
          | SOME i => Int.toString i
      val s3 =
         case realOut (!r) of
            NONE => "NONE"
          | SOME x => Real.toString x
      val () = writeln (concat [s1, " ", s2, " ", s3, "\n"])

ML_val{*structure t = Test(U) *} 

ML_val{*structure Datatab = TableFun(type key = int val ord = int_ord);*}

ML {* LocalTheory.restore *}
ML {* LocalTheory.set_group *}

section {* Storing Theorems\label{sec:storing} (TBD) *}

text {* @{ML [index] add_thms_dynamic in PureThy} *}

local_setup {* 
  LocalTheory.note Thm.theoremK 
    ((@{binding "allI_alt"}, []), [@{thm allI}]) #> snd *}

(* FIXME: some code below *)

setup {*
 Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding"bar", @{typ "nat"},NoSyn)] 
lemma "bar = (1::nat)"

setup {*   
  Sign.add_consts_i [("foo", @{typ "nat"},NoSyn)] 
 #> PureThy.add_defs false [((@{binding "foo_def"}, 
       Logic.mk_equals (Const ("", @{typ "nat"}), @{term "1::nat"})), [])] 
 #> snd
lemma "foo = (1::nat)"
  apply(simp add: foo_def)

thm foo_def

section {* Pretty-Printing\label{sec:pretty} *}

text {*
  So far we printed out only plain strings without any formatting except for
  occasional explicit linebreaks using @{text [quotes] "\\n"}. This is
  sufficient for ``quick-and-dirty'' printouts. For something more
  sophisticated, Isabelle includes an infrastructure for properly formatting text.
  This infrastructure is loosely based on a paper by Oppen~\cite{Oppen80}. Most of
  its functions do not operate on @{ML_type string}s, but on instances of the

  @{ML_type [display, gray, index] "Pretty.T"}

  The function @{ML str in Pretty} transforms a (plain) string into such a pretty 
  type. For example

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "Pretty.str \"test\"" "String (\"test\", 4)"}

  where the result indicates that we transformed a string with length 4. Once
  you have a pretty type, you can, for example, control where linebreaks may
  occur in case the text wraps over a line, or with how much indentation a
  text should be printed.  However, if you want to actually output the
  formatted text, you have to transform the pretty type back into a @{ML_type
  string}. This can be done with the function @{ML [index] string_of in Pretty}. In what
  follows we will use the following wrapper function for printing a pretty

ML{*fun pprint prt = writeln (Pretty.string_of prt)*}

text {*
  The point of the pretty-printing infrastructure is to give hints about how to
  layout text and let Isabelle do the actual layout. Let us first explain
  how you can insert places where a linebreak can occur. For this assume the
  following function that replicates a string n times:

ML{*fun rep n str = implode (replicate n str) *}

text {*
  and suppose we want to print out the string:

ML{*val test_str = rep 8 "fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar "*}

text {*
  We deliberately chosed a large string so that is spans over more than one line. 
  If we print out the string using the usual ``quick-and-dirty'' method, then
  we obtain the ugly output:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"writeln test_str"
"fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar foooooooooo
ooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaa
aaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fo

  We obtain the same if we just use

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
"pprint (Pretty.str test_str)"
"fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar foooooooooo
ooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaa
aaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fo

  However by using pretty types you have the ability to indicate a possible
  linebreak for example at each space. You can achieve this with the function
  @{ML [index] breaks in Pretty}, which expects a list of pretty types and inserts a
  possible linebreak in between every two elements in this list. To print
  this list of pretty types as a single string, we concatenate them 
  with the function @{ML [index] blk in Pretty} as follows:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map Pretty.str (space_explode \" \" test_str)
  pprint (Pretty.blk (0, Pretty.breaks ptrs))
"fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar
fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar"}

  Here the layout of @{ML test_str} is much more pleasing to the 
  eye. The @{ML "0"} in @{ML [index] blk in Pretty} stands for no indentation
  of the printed string. You can increase the indentation and obtain
@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map Pretty.str (space_explode \" \" test_str)
  pprint (Pretty.blk (3, Pretty.breaks ptrs))
"fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
   fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
   fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar
   fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar"}

  where starting from the second line the indent is 3. If you want
  that every line starts with the same indent, you can use the
  function @{ML [index] indent in Pretty} as follows:

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map Pretty.str (space_explode \" \" test_str)
  pprint (Pretty.indent 10 (Pretty.blk (0, Pretty.breaks ptrs)))
"          fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
          fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar 
          fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar
          fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar fooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaar"}

  If you want to print out a list of items separated by commas and 
  have the linebreaks handled properly, you can use the function 
  @{ML [index] commas in Pretty}. For example

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map (Pretty.str o string_of_int) (99998 upto 100020)
  pprint (Pretty.blk (0, Pretty.commas ptrs))
"99998, 99999, 100000, 100001, 100002, 100003, 100004, 100005, 100006, 
100007, 100008, 100009, 100010, 100011, 100012, 100013, 100014, 100015, 
100016, 100017, 100018, 100019, 100020"}

  where @{ML upto} generates a list of integers. You can print this
  list out as an ``set'', that means enclosed inside @{text [quotes] "{"} and
  @{text [quotes] "}"}, and separated by commas using the function
  @{ML [index] enum in Pretty}. For example

text {*
@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map (Pretty.str o string_of_int) (99998 upto 100020)
  pprint (Pretty.enum \",\" \"{\" \"}\" ptrs)
"{99998, 99999, 100000, 100001, 100002, 100003, 100004, 100005, 100006, 
  100007, 100008, 100009, 100010, 100011, 100012, 100013, 100014, 100015, 
  100016, 100017, 100018, 100019, 100020}"}

  As can be seen, this function prints out the ``set'' so that starting 
  from the second each new line as an indentation of 2.
  If you print something out which goes beyond the capabilities of the
  standard function, you can do realatively easily the formating
  yourself. Assume you want to print out a list of items where like in ``English''
  the last two items are separated by @{text [quotes] "and"}. For this you can
  write the function


ML %linenosgray{*fun and_list [] = []
  | and_list [x] = [x]
  | and_list xs = 
        val (front, last) = split_last xs
        (Pretty.commas front) @ 
        [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "and", Pretty.brk 1, last]
      end *}

text {*
  where in Line 7 we print the beginning of the list and in Line
  8 the last item. We have to use @{ML "Pretty.brk 1"} in order
  to insert a space (of length 1) before the 
  @{text [quotes] "and"}. This space is also a pleace where a linebreak 
  can occur. We do the same ater the @{text [quotes] "and"}. This gives you
  for example

@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  val ptrs = map (Pretty.str o string_of_int) (1 upto 22)
  pprint (Pretty.blk (0, and_list ptrs))
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 
and 22"}

  Next we like to pretty-print a term and its type. For this we use the
  function @{text "tell_type"}.

ML %linenosgray{*fun tell_type ctxt t = 
  fun pstr s = Pretty.breaks (map Pretty.str (space_explode " " s))
  val ptrm = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)
  val pty  = Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (fastype_of t))
  pprint (Pretty.blk (0, 
    (pstr "The term " @ [ptrm] @ pstr " has type " 
      @ [pty, Pretty.str "."])))

text {*
  In Line 3 we define a function that inserts according to spaces 
  possible linebreaks into an (English). In Lines 4 and 5 we pretty-print
  the term and its type using the functions @{ML [index] pretty_term in Syntax} and
  @{ML [index] pretty_typ in Syntax}. We also use the function @{ML [index] quote in Pretty}
  in order to enclose the term and type inside quotation marks. In Line 
  9 we add a period right after the type without the possibility of a 
  linebreak, because we do not want that a linebreak occurs there.

  Now you can write

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "tell_type @{context} @{term \"min (Suc 0)\"}"
  "The term \"min (Suc 0)\" has type \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat\"."}
  To see the proper linebreaking, you can try out the function on a bigger term 
  and type. For example:

  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
  "tell_type @{context} @{term \"op = (op = (op = (op = (op = op =))))\"}"
  "The term \"op = (op = (op = (op = (op = op =))))\" has type 
\"((((('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool\"."}


ML {* pprint (Pretty.big_list "header"  (map (Pretty.str o string_of_int) (4 upto 10))) *}

text {*
chunks inserts forced breaks (unlike blk where you have to do this yourself)

ML {* (Pretty.chunks [Pretty.str "a", Pretty.str "b"], 
       Pretty.blk (0, [Pretty.str "a", Pretty.str "b"])) *}

ML {*
fun setmp_show_all_types f =
   setmp show_all_types
         (! show_types orelse ! show_sorts orelse ! show_all_types) f;

val ctxt = @{context};
val t1 = @{term "undefined::nat"};
val t2 = @{term "Suc y"};
val pty =        Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
             [(setmp show_question_marks false o setmp_show_all_types)
                  (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) t1,
              Pretty.str "=", Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t2]);
pty |> Pretty.string_of |> priority

text {* the infrastructure of Syntax-pretty-term makes sure it is printed nicely  *}

ML {* Pretty.mark Markup.hilite (Pretty.str "foo") |> Pretty.string_of  |> writeln *}
ML {* (Pretty.str "bar") |> Pretty.string_of |> writeln *}

ML {* Pretty.mark Markup.subgoal (Pretty.str "foo") |> Pretty.string_of  |> writeln *}
ML {* (Pretty.str "bar") |> Pretty.string_of |> writeln *}

text {*
  Still to be done:

  What happens with big formulae?

  The general infrastructure for pretty-printing is implemented in the file
  @{ML_file "Pure/General/pretty.ML"}. The file @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML"}
  contains pretty-printing functions for terms, types, theorems and so on.
  @{ML_file "Pure/General/markup.ML"}

text {*
  printing into the goal buffer as part of the proof state

ML {* Pretty.mark Markup.hilite (Pretty.str "foo") |> Pretty.string_of  |> writeln *}
ML {* (Pretty.str "bar") |> Pretty.string_of |> writeln *}

text {* writing into the goal buffer *}

ML {* fun my_hook interactive state =
         (interactive ? Proof.goal_message (fn () => Pretty.str  
"foo")) state

setup {* Context.theory_map (Specification.add_theorem_hook my_hook) *}

lemma "False"

section {* Misc (TBD) *}

ML {*DatatypePackage.get_datatype @{theory} "List.list"*}
