theory Tactical
imports Base FirstSteps
chapter {* Tactical Reasoning\label{chp:tactical} *}
text {*
The main reason for descending to the ML-level of Isabelle is to be able to
implement automatic proof procedures. Such proof procedures usually lessen
considerably the burden of manual reasoning, for example, when introducing
new definitions. These proof procedures are centred around refining a goal
state using tactics. This is similar to the @{text apply}-style reasoning at
the user level, where goals are modified in a sequence of proof steps until
all of them are solved. However, there are also more structured operations
that help with handling of variables and assumptions.
section {* Tactical Reasoning *}
text {*
To see how tactics work, let us first transcribe a simple @{text apply}-style proof
into ML. Consider the following proof.
lemma disj_swap: "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"
apply(erule disjE)
apply(rule disjI2)
apply(rule disjI1)
text {*
This proof translates to the following ML-code.
@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
val ctxt = @{context}
val goal = @{prop \"P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P\"}
Goal.prove ctxt [\"P\", \"Q\"] [] goal
(fn _ =>
etac @{thm disjE} 1
THEN rtac @{thm disjI2} 1
THEN atac 1
THEN rtac @{thm disjI1} 1
THEN atac 1)
end" "?P \<or> ?Q \<Longrightarrow> ?Q \<or> ?P"}
To start the proof, the function @{ML "Goal.prove"}~@{text "ctxt xs As C
tac"} sets up a goal state for proving the goal @{text C}
(that is @{prop "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"} in the proof at hand) under the
assumptions @{text As} (happens to be empty) with the variables
@{text xs} that will be generalised once the goal is proved (in our case
@{text P} and @{text Q}). The @{text "tac"} is the tactic that proves the goal;
it can make use of the local assumptions (there are none in this example).
The functions @{ML etac}, @{ML rtac} and @{ML atac} correspond to
@{text erule}, @{text rule} and @{text assumption}, respectively.
The operator @{ML THEN} strings the tactics together.
To learn more about the function @{ML Goal.prove} see \isccite{sec:results}
and the file @{ML_file "Pure/goal.ML"}. For more information about the
internals of goals see \isccite{sec:tactical-goals}. See @{ML_file
"Pure/tactic.ML"} and @{ML_file "Pure/tctical.ML"} for the code of basic
tactics and tactic combinators; see also Chapters 3 and 4 in the old
Isabelle Reference Manual.
Note that we used antiquotations for referencing the theorems. We could also
just have written @{ML "etac disjE 1"} and so on, but this is considered bad
style. The reason is that the binding for @{ML disjE} can be re-assigned by
the user and thus one does not have complete control over which theorem is
actually applied. This problem is nicely prevented by using antiquotations,
because then the theorems are fixed statically at compile-time.
During the development of automatic proof procedures, it will often be necessary
to test a tactic on examples. This can be conveniently
done with the command \isacommand{apply}@{text "(tactic \<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>)"}.
Consider the following sequence of tactics
ML{*val foo_tac =
(etac @{thm disjE} 1
THEN rtac @{thm disjI2} 1
THEN atac 1
THEN rtac @{thm disjI1} 1
THEN atac 1)*}
text {* and the Isabelle proof: *}
lemma "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"
apply(tactic {* foo_tac *})
text {*
By using @{text "tactic \<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"} in the apply-step,
you can call @{ML foo_tac} or any function that returns a tactic from the
user level of Isabelle.
As can be seen, each tactic in @{ML foo_tac} has a hard-coded number that
stands for the subgoal analysed by the tactic. In our case, we only focus on the first
subgoal. This is sometimes wanted, but usually not. To avoid the explicit numbering in the
tactic, you can write
ML{*val foo_tac' =
(etac @{thm disjE}
THEN' rtac @{thm disjI2}
THEN' atac
THEN' rtac @{thm disjI1}
THEN' atac)*}
text {*
and then give the number for the subgoal explicitly when the tactic is
called. For every operator that combines tactics, such a primed version
exists. So in the next proof we can first discharge the second subgoal,
and after that the first.
lemma "P1 \<or> Q1 \<Longrightarrow> Q1 \<or> P1"
and "P2 \<or> Q2 \<Longrightarrow> Q2 \<or> P2"
apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 2 *})
apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
text {*
(FIXME: maybe add something about how each goal state is interpreted
as a theorem)
The tactic @{ML foo_tac} (and @{ML foo_tac'}) are very specific for
analysing goals only of the form @{prop "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"}. If the goal is not
of this form, then @{ML foo_tac} throws the error message:
@{text "*** empty result sequence -- proof command failed"}\\
@{text "*** At command \"apply\"."}
Meaning the tactic failed. The reason for this error message is that tactics
are functions that map a goal state to a (lazy) sequence of successor states,
hence the type of a tactic is
@{text [display, gray] "type tactic = thm -> thm Seq.seq"}
It is custom that if a tactic fails, it should return the empty sequence:
tactics should not raise exceptions willy-nilly.
The lazy list of possible successor states shows through to the user-level
of Isabelle when using the command \isacommand{back}. For instance in the
following proof, there are two possibilities for how to apply
@{ML foo_tac'}.
lemma "\<lbrakk>P \<or> Q; P \<or> Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"
apply(tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
text {*
By using \isacommand{back}, we construct the proof that uses the
second assumption to complete the proof. In more interesting
situations, different possibilities can lead to different proofs.
See @{ML_file "Pure/General/seq.ML"} for the implementation of lazy
sequences. However in day-to-day Isabelle programming, one rarely
constructs sequences explicitly, but uses the predefined functions
section {* Basic Tactics *}
text {*
As seen above, the function @{ML atac} corresponds to the assumption tactic.
lemma shows "P \<Longrightarrow> P"
apply(tactic {* atac 1 *})
text {*
Similarly, @{ML rtac}, @{ML dtac}, @{ML etac} and @{ML ftac} correspond
to @{ML_text rule}, @{ML_text drule}, @{ML_text erule} and @{ML_text frule},
respectively. Below are three examples with the resulting goal state. How
they work should therefore be self-explanatory.
lemma shows "P \<and> Q"
apply(tactic {* rtac @{thm conjI} 1 *})
txt{*@{subgoals [display]}*}
lemma shows "P \<and> Q \<Longrightarrow> False"
apply(tactic {* etac @{thm conjE} 1 *})
txt{*@{subgoals [display]}*}
lemma shows "False \<and> True \<Longrightarrow> False"
apply(tactic {* dtac @{thm conjunct2} 1 *})
txt{*@{subgoals [display]}*}
text {*
As mentioned above, most basic tactics take a number as argument, which
addresses to subgoal they are analysing.
lemma shows "Foo" and "P \<and> Q"
apply(tactic {* rtac @{thm conjI} 2 *})
txt {*@{subgoals [display]}*}
text {*
Corresponding to @{ML rtac}, there is also the tactic @{ML resolve_tac}, which
however expects a list of theorems as arguments. From this list it will apply with
the first applicable theorem (later theorems that are also applicable can be
explored via the lazy sequences mechanism). Given the abbreviation
ML{*val resolve_tac_xmp = resolve_tac [@{thm impI}, @{thm conjI}]*}
text {*
an example for @{ML resolve_tac} is the following proof where first an outermost
implication is analysed and then an outermost conjunction.
lemma shows "C \<longrightarrow> (A \<and> B)" and "(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<and> C"
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac_xmp 1 *})
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac_xmp 2 *})
txt{* @{subgoals [display]} *}
text {*
Similarly versions exists for @{ML atac} (@{ML assume_tac}), @{ML etac}
(@{ML eresolve_tac}) and so on.
The tactic @{ML print_tac} is useful for low-level debugging of tactics: it
prints out a message and the current goal state.
lemma shows "False \<Longrightarrow> True"
apply(tactic {* print_tac "foo message" *})
text {*
Also for useful for debugging, but not exclusively, are the tactics @{ML all_tac} and
@{ML no_tac}. The former always succeeds (but does not change the goal state), and
the latter always fails.
(FIXME explain RS MRS)
Often proofs involve elaborate operations on assumptions and variables
@{text "\<And>"}-quantified in the goal state. To do such operations on the ML-level
using the basic tactics, is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and
safety is provided by the tactic @{ML SUBPROOF}. This tactic fixes the parameters
and binds the various components of a proof state into a record.
ML{*fun sp_tac {prems, params, asms, concl, context, schematics} =
val str_of_params = str_of_cterms context params
val str_of_asms = str_of_cterms context asms
val str_of_concl = str_of_cterm context concl
val str_of_prems = str_of_thms context prems
val str_of_schms = str_of_cterms context (snd schematics)
val _ = (warning ("params: " ^ str_of_params);
warning ("schematics: " ^ str_of_schms);
warning ("asms: " ^ str_of_asms);
warning ("concl: " ^ str_of_concl);
warning ("prems: " ^ str_of_prems))
\caption{A function that prints out the various parameters provided by the tactic
@{ML SUBPROOF}. It uses the functions extracting strings from @{ML_type cterm}s
and @{ML_type thm}s, which are defined in Section~\ref{sec:printing}.\label{fig:sptac}}
text {*
To see what happens, assume the function defined in Figure~\ref{fig:sptac}, which
takes a record as argument and just prints out the content of this record (using the
string transformation functions defined in Section~\ref{sec:printing}). Consider
now the proof
lemma shows "\<And>x y. A x y \<Longrightarrow> B y x \<longrightarrow> C (?z y) x"
apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?
txt {*
which yields the printout:
params: & @{term x}, @{term y}\\
schematics: & @{term z}\\
asms: & @{term "A x y"}\\
concl: & @{term "B y x \<longrightarrow> C (z y) x"}\\
prems: & @{term "A x y"}
Note in the actual output the brown colour of the variables @{term x} and
@{term y}. Although parameters in the original goal, they are fixed inside
the subproof. Similarly the schematic variable @{term z}. The assumption
is bound once as @{ML_type cterm} to the record-variable @{text asms} and
another time as @{ML_type thm} to @{text prems}.
Notice also that we had to append @{text "?"} to \isacommand{apply}. The
reason is that @{ML SUBPROOF} normally expects that the subgoal is solved completely.
Since in the function @{ML sp_tac} we returned the tactic @{ML no_tac}, the subproof
obviously fails. The question-mark allows us to recover from this failure
in a graceful manner so that the warning messages are not overwritten
by the error message.
If we continue the proof script by applying the @{text impI}-rule
apply(rule impI)
apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?
txt {*
then @{ML SUBPROOF} prints out
params: & @{term x}, @{term y}\\
schematics: & @{term z}\\
asms: & @{term "A x y"}, @{term "B y x"}\\
concl: & @{term "C (z y) x"}\\
prems: & @{term "A x y"}, @{term "B y x"}
text {*
where we now also have @{term "B y x"} as assumption.
One convenience of @{ML SUBPROOF} is that we can apply assumption
using the usual tactics, because the parameter @{text prems}
contains the assumptions as theorems. With this we can easily
implement a tactic that almost behaves like @{ML atac}:
lemma shows "\<And>x y. \<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"
{* SUBPROOF (fn {prems, ...} => resolve_tac prems 1) @{context} 1 *})
txt{* yields
@{subgoals [display]} *}
text {*
The restriction in this tactic is that it cannot instantiate any
schematic variables. This might be seen as a defect, but is actually
an advantage in the situations for which @{ML SUBPROOF} was designed:
the reason is that instantiation of schematic variables can potentially
has affect several goals and can render them unprovable.
A similar but less powerful function is @{ML SUBGOAL}. It allows you to
inspect a subgoal specified by a number.
ML %linenumbers{*fun select_tac (t,i) =
case t of
@{term "Trueprop"} $ t' => select_tac (t',i)
| @{term "op \<and>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm conjI} i
| @{term "op \<longrightarrow>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm impI} i
| @{term "Not"} $ _ => rtac @{thm notI} i
| Const (@{const_name "All"}, _) $ _ => rtac @{thm allI} i
| _ => no_tac*}
lemma shows "A \<and> B" "A \<longrightarrow> B" "\<forall>x. C x"
apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 1 *})
apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 3 *})
apply(tactic {* SUBGOAL select_tac 4 *})
txt{* @{subgoals [display]} *}
text {*
However, this example is contrived, as there are much simpler ways
to implement a proof procedure like the one above. They will be explained
in the next section.
A variant of @{ML SUBGOAL} is @{ML CSUBGOAL} which allows access to the goal
as @{ML_type cterm} instead of a @{ML_type term}.
section {* Operations on Tactics *}
text {* @{ML THEN} *}
lemma shows "(Foo \<and> Bar) \<and> False"
apply(tactic {* (rtac @{thm conjI} 1)
THEN (rtac @{thm conjI} 1) *})
txt {* @{subgoals [display]} *}
ML{*val orelse_xmp = (rtac @{thm disjI1} ORELSE' rtac @{thm conjI})*}
lemma shows "True \<and> False" and "Foo \<or> Bar"
apply(tactic {* orelse_xmp 1 *})
apply(tactic {* orelse_xmp 3 *})
txt {* @{subgoals [display]} *}
text {*
@{ML rewrite_goals_tac}
@{ML cut_facts_tac}
@{ML ObjectLogic.full_atomize_tac}
@{ML ObjectLogic.rulify_tac}
@{ML resolve_tac}
text {*
A goal (or goal state) is a special @{ML_type thm}, which by
convention is an implication of the form:
@{text[display] "A\<^isub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<Longrightarrow> A\<^isub>n \<Longrightarrow> #(C)"}
where @{term C} is the goal to be proved and the @{term "A\<^isub>i"} are the open
Since the goal @{term C} can potentially be an implication, there is a
@{text "#"} wrapped around it, which prevents that premises are
misinterpreted as open subgoals. The wrapper @{text "# :: prop \<Rightarrow>
prop"} is just the identity function and used as a syntactic marker.
While tactics can operate on the subgoals (the @{text "A\<^isub>i"} above), they
are expected to leave the conclusion @{term C} intact, with the
exception of possibly instantiating schematic variables.
section {* Structured Proofs *}
lemma True
fix A B C
assume r: "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C"
assume A B
then have "A & B" ..
then have C by (rule r)
fix A B C
assume r: "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C"
assume A B
note conjI [OF this]
note r [OF this]
ML {* fun prop ctxt s =
Thm.cterm_of (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (Syntax.read_prop ctxt s) *}
ML {*
val ctxt0 = @{context};
val ctxt = ctxt0;
val (_, ctxt) = Variable.add_fixes ["A", "B", "C"] ctxt;
val ([r], ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes [prop ctxt "A & B \<Longrightarrow> C"] ctxt;
val (this, ctxt) = Assumption.add_assumes [prop ctxt "A", prop ctxt "B"] ctxt;
val this = [@{thm conjI} OF this];
val this = r OF this;
val this = Assumption.export false ctxt ctxt0 this
val this = Variable.export ctxt ctxt0 [this]