some blabla about type classes, sorts, overloading, high level view on type classes
theory CallML
imports "~~/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Primes" Efficient_Nat
section {* Calling ML Functions from within HOL \label{rec:callml} *}
{\bf Problem:}
How to call ML functions from within HOL?\smallskip
{\bf Solution:} This can be achieved with \isacommand{code\_const}
and \isacommand{code\_reflect}.\smallskip
To make it clear we mean here calling unverified ML functions from within
HOL! The motivation is the paradigm of \emph{result checking}: rather than
verify some complicated algorithm, have the algorithm produce an easily
checkable certificate. For example, rather than verify a primality test,
have the test produce a factor of the input as a witness to
non-primality. This is only an example, and we ignore the converse
certificate, that for primality, although it, too, can be treated in the
same manner.
The example we are looking at here is an ML function for finding a factor
of a number. We first declare its type:
consts factor :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
Its definition will be given in ML below. But the whole point is that
we can prove non-primality via @{const factor}, no matter what its
actual definition is:
lemma factor_non_prime:
"let k = factor n in k \<noteq> 1 \<and> k \<noteq> n \<and> k dvd n \<Longrightarrow> \<not> prime n"
by (auto simp: prime_nat_def Let_def)
Note that the premise is executable once we have defined
@{const factor}. Here is a trivial definition in ML:
ML{*fun factor n = if n = 4 then 2 else 1*}
Of course this trivial definition of @{const factor} could have been given
directly in HOL rather than ML. But by going to the ML level, all of ML is
at our disposal, including arrays and references, features that are less
easily emulated in HOL. In fact, we could even call some external software
from ML, e.g.\ a computer algebra system.
It should be noted, however, that in this example you need to import the
theory @{theory Efficient_Nat} in order to force the HOL-type @{typ nat} to
be implemented by the ML-type @{text "int"}. Thus the ML implementation of
@{const factor} must be and is of type @{text "int -> int"}. Now it is time
to connect the two levels:
code_const factor (SML "factor")
The result of this declaration is that the HOL-function @{const factor}
is executable and command
value "factor 4"
yields the expected result @{text 2}. Similarly we can prove that
@{text 4} is not prime:
lemma "\<not> prime(4::nat)"
apply(rule factor_non_prime)
apply eval
Note, however, the command \isacommand{code\_const} cannot check that the ML function
has the required type. Therefore in the worst case a type mismatch will be detected by
the ML-compiler when we try to evaluate an expression involving @{const
factor}. It could also happen that @{const factor} is (accidentally)
redefined on the ML level later on. But remember that we do not assume
anything about @{const factor} on the HOL-level. Hence no definition of
@{const factor} can ever lead to an incorrect proof. Of course ``wrong''
definitions can lead to compile time or run time exceptions, or to failed
The above example was easy because we forced Isabelle (via the inclusion of the
theory @{theory
Efficient_Nat}) to implement @{typ nat} by @{text int}, a predefined
ML-type. By default, Isabelle implements, for example, the HOL-type
@{text list} by the corresponding ML-type. Thus the following variation
on @{const factor} also works:
consts factor2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat list" (*<*)(*>*)
ML{*fun factor2 n = if n = 4 then [2] else []*}(*<*)(*>*)
code_const factor2 (SML "factor2")
value "factor2 4"
The first line declares the type of @{const factor2}; the second
gives its implementation in ML; the third makes it executable
in HOL, and the last is just a test. In this way, you can easily
interface with ML-functions whose types involve
@{text bool}, @{text int}, @{text list}, @{text option} and pairs,
only. If you have arbitrary tuples, for example, then you have to code
them as nested pairs.
Let us now look at how to refer to user-defined HOL-datatypes from the
ML-level. We modify our @{const factor} example a little by introducing a new
datatype for the result:
datatype result = Factor nat | Prime
consts factor' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> result"
In order to write ML-code that uses this datatype, we need to define
this datatype at the ML-level first. The following command does just that.
code_reflect Result
datatypes result = Factor | Prime
This creates an ML-structure called @{text Result} (the name can be
arbitrarily chosen) that contains the datatype @{typ result}. The list
of constructors (but not their types) needs to be given. Now we can
write ML-code that uses this datatype:
ML{*fun factor' n = if n = 4 then Result.Factor 2 else Result.Prime*}
Finally we can link the HOL and ML version of @{const factor'} as
code_const factor' (SML "factor'")
Now any evaluation of the HOL function @{const factor'} will use the
corresponding ML-function, like in the examples for @{const factor} above.
In general, \isacommand{code\_reflect} can export multiple datatypes
(separated by \isacommand{and}) and also HOL-functions: simply add a line
\isacommand{functions} $f_1$ $f_2$ and so on.
value "factor' 4"