theory Intro+ −
imports Base+ −
begin+ −
+ −
chapter \<open>Introduction\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
\begin{flushright}+ −
{\em+ −
``My thesis is that programming is not at the bottom of the intellectual \\+ −
pyramid, but at the top. It's creative design of the highest order. It \\+ −
isn't monkey or donkey work; rather, as Edsger Dijkstra famously \\+ −
claimed, it's amongst the hardest intellectual tasks ever attempted.''} \\[1ex]+ −
Richard Bornat, In {\em Defence of Programming}. \cite{Bornat-lecture}+ −
\end{flushright}+ −
+ −
\medskip+ −
If your next project requires you to program Isabelle with ML,+ −
then this tutorial is for you. It will guide you through the first steps of+ −
Isabelle programming, and also explain ``tricks of the trade''. We also hope+ −
the tutorial will encourage students and researchers to play with Isabelle+ −
and implement new ideas. The source code of Isabelle can look intimidating,+ −
but beginners can get by with knowledge of only a handful of concepts, + −
a small number of functions and a few basic coding conventions.+ −
There is also a considerable amount of code written in Scala that allows+ −
Isabelle interface with the Jedit GUI. Explanation of this part is beyond+ −
this tutorial.+ −
+ −
The best way to get to know the Isabelle/ML is by experimenting+ −
with the many code examples included in the tutorial. The code is as far as+ −
possible checked against the Isabelle+ −
distribution.%%\footnote{\input{version.tex}}+ −
If something does not work, then+ −
please let us know. It is impossible for us to know every environment,+ −
operating system or editor in which Isabelle is used. If you have comments,+ −
criticism or like to add to the tutorial, please feel free---you are most+ −
welcome!! The tutorial is meant to be gentle and comprehensive. To achieve+ −
this we need your help and feedback.+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>Intended Audience and Prior Knowledge\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
This tutorial targets readers who already know how to use Isabelle for+ −
writing theories and proofs. We also assume that readers are familiar with+ −
the functional programming language ML, the language in which most of+ −
Isabelle is implemented. If you are unfamiliar with either of these two+ −
subjects, then you should first work through the Isabelle/HOL tutorial+ −
@{cite "isa-tutorial"} or Paulson's book on ML @{cite "paulson-ml2"}. Recently,+ −
Isabelle has adopted a sizable amount of Scala code for a slick GUI+ −
based on jEdit. This part of the code is beyond the interest of this+ −
tutorial, since it mostly does not concern the regular Isabelle + −
developer.+ −
+ −
The rich Isabelle infrastructure can be categorized by various aspects @{cite "wenzel-technology"}:+ −
+ −
@{emph \<open>@{bold \<open>Logic\<close>}\<close>} + −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[Isabelle/Pure] is the logical Framework and bootstrap environment. The Pure logic+ −
is used to represent rules for Higher-Order Natural Deduction declaratively. This allows+ −
the implementation and definition of object logics like HOL using the Pure logic and+ −
framework.+ −
\item[Isabelle/HOL] is the main library of theories and tools for applications that is used + −
throughout this tutorial.+ −
\end{description}+ −
+ −
@{emph \<open>@{bold\<open>Programming\<close>}\<close>} + −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[Isabelle/ML] is the Isabelle tool implementation and extension language. It is based+ −
on Poly/ML\footnote{@{url \<open>\<close>}}. Both Isabelle/Pure and Isabelle/ML emerge + −
from the same bootstrap process: the result is a meta-language for programming the logic+ −
that is intertwined with it from a technological viewpoint, but logic and programming+ −
remain formally separated.+ −
\item[Isabelle/Scala] is the Isabelle system programming language. It connects the logical+ −
environment with the outside world. Most notably resulting in the Prover IDE Isabelle/jEdit + −
and the command line tools.+ −
\end{description}+ −
+ −
@{emph \<open>@{bold\<open>Proof\<close>}\<close>} + −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[Isabelle/Isar] is the structured proof language of the Isabelle framework. Isar + −
means, Intelligible semi-automated reasoning. + −
\item[Document language] for HTML output and \LaTeX type-setting of proof text. A proof+ −
document combines formal and informal text to describe what has been proven to a general+ −
audience.+ −
\end{description}+ −
+ −
@{emph \<open>@{bold\<open>IDE\<close>}\<close>} + −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[Isabelle/jEdit] is the IDE for proof and tool development. It provides a rich interactive+ −
frontend to the Isabelle framework in which logic and proof development, document creation as+ −
well as ML programming are seamlessly integrated. + −
\end{description}+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>Existing Documentation\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
The following documentation about Isabelle programming already exists (and is+ −
part of the distribution of Isabelle):+ −
+ −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual] provides a top level view on the Isabelle system,+ −
explaining general concepts and specification material (like grammars,+ −
examples and so on) about Isabelle, Isar, Pure, HOL and the document language.+ −
+ −
\item[The Isabelle/Isar Implementation Manual] describes Isabelle+ −
implementation from a high-level perspective, documenting the major + −
underlying concepts and interfaces. + −
+ −
\item[Isabelle/jEdit] describes the IDE.+ −
+ −
\item[The Old Introduction to Isabelle] is an older document that used+ −
to be the main reference of Isabelle at a time when all proof scripts + −
were written with ML. Many parts of this manual are outdated + −
now, but some parts, particularly the chapters on tactics, are still + −
useful.+ −
+ −
+ −
\end{description}+ −
+ −
Then of course there are:+ −
+ −
\begin{description}+ −
\item[The Isabelle sources.] They are the ultimate reference for how+ −
things really work. Therefore you should not hesitate to look at the+ −
way things are actually implemented. While much of the Isabelle+ −
code is uncommented, some parts have very helpful comments---particularly+ −
the code about theorems and terms. Despite the lack of comments in most+ −
parts, it is often good to look at code that does similar things as you + −
want to do and learn from it. + −
This tutorial contains frequently pointers to the+ −
Isabelle sources. The best way is to interactively explore the sources+ −
within the IDE provided by Isabelle/jEdit. By loading @{ML_file "Pure/ROOT.ML"}+ −
into Isabelle/jEdit the sources of Pure are annotated with markup and you can+ −
interactively follow the structure.+ −
Moreover, the UNIX command \mbox{\<open>grep -R\<close>} or hypersearch within Isabelle/jEdit is+ −
often your best friend while programming with Isabelle. To understand the sources,+ −
it is often also necessary to track the change history of a file or+ −
files. The Mercurial repository\footnote{\url{}} + −
for Isabelle provides convenient interfaces to query the history of+ −
files and ``change sets''.+ −
\end{description}+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>Typographic Conventions\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
All ML-code in this tutorial is typeset in shaded boxes, like the following + −
simple ML-expression:+ −
+ −
\begin{isabelle}+ −
\begin{graybox}+ −
\isacommand{ML}~\<open>\<verbopen>\<close>\isanewline+ −
\hspace{5mm}@{ML \<open>3 + 4\<close>}\isanewline+ −
\<open>\<verbclose>\<close>+ −
\end{graybox}+ −
\end{isabelle}+ −
+ −
These boxes correspond to how code can be processed inside the interactive+ −
environment of Isabelle. It is therefore easy to experiment with the code+ −
that is shown in this tutorial. However, for better readability we will drop+ −
the enclosing \isacommand{ML}~\<open>\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>\<close> and just+ −
write:+ −
+ −
@{ML [display,gray] \<open>3 + 4\<close>}+ −
+ −
Whenever appropriate we also show the response the code + −
generates when evaluated. This response is prefixed with a + −
@{text [quotes] ">"}, like:+ −
+ −
@{ML_matchresult [display,gray] \<open>3 + 4\<close> \<open>7\<close>}+ −
+ −
The user-level commands of Isabelle (i.e., the non-ML code) are written+ −
in \isacommand{bold face} (e.g., \isacommand{lemma}, \isacommand{apply},+ −
\isacommand{foobar} and so on). We use \<open>$ \<dots>\<close> to indicate that a+ −
command needs to be run in a UNIX-shell, for example:+ −
+ −
@{text [display] "$ grep -R Thy_Output *"}+ −
+ −
Pointers to further information and Isabelle files are typeset in + −
\textit{italic} and highlighted as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{readmore}+ −
Further information or pointers to files.+ −
\end{readmore}+ −
+ −
Note that pointers to Isabelle files are hyperlinked to the tip of the Mercurial+ −
repository at \href{}+ −
{}, not the latest stable release+ −
of Isabelle.+ −
+ −
A few exercises are scattered around the text. Their solutions are given + −
in Appendix~\ref{ch:solutions}. Of course, you learn most, if you first try+ −
to solve the exercises on your own, and then look at the solutions.+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>How To Understand Isabelle Code\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
One of the more difficult aspects of any kind of programming is to+ −
understand code written by somebody else. This is aggravated in Isabelle by+ −
the fact that many parts of the code contain none or only few+ −
comments. There is one strategy that might be helpful to navigate your way:+ −
ML and Isabelle/jEdit is an interactive programming environment, which means you can evaluate+ −
code on the fly (for example inside an \isacommand{ML}~\<open>\<verbopen>\<dots>\<verbclose>\<close> section). So you can copy (self-contained)+ −
chunks of existing code into a separate theory file and then study it+ −
alongside with examples. You can also install ``probes'' inside the copied+ −
code without having to recompile the whole Isabelle distribution. Such+ −
probes might be messages or printouts of variables (see chapter+ −
\ref{chp:firststeps}). Moreover, PolyML contains a debugger that is also supported from Isabelle/jEdit+ −
with breakpoints and stack inspection.+ −
Still it seems that+ −
probing the code with explicit print statements is an effective method+ −
for understanding what some piece of code is doing. However do not expect+ −
quick results with this! It is painful. Depending on the size of the code+ −
you are looking at, you will spend the better part of a quiet afternoon with+ −
it. And there seems to be no better way for understanding code in Isabelle.+ −
Summarizing: + −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item Get familiar with the concepts and the applications by studying the Isabelle/Isar + −
reference manual and the rich set of theories and libraries in the standard distribution and the AFP.+ −
\item Get familiar with the implementation and the best practices (like coding style, + −
canonical argument ordering, \<open>\<dots>\<close>) by reading the Isabelle/Isar implementation manual and by + −
browsing, reading and digesting both the code implementing a function as well and the + −
applications of that function.+ −
\item Interactively experiment with the code.+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
+ −
section \<open>Aaaaargh! My Code Does not Work Anymore\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
One unpleasant aspect of any code development inside a larger system is that+ −
one has to aim at a ``moving target''. Isabelle is no exception of this. Every + −
update lets potentially all hell break loose, because other developers have+ −
changed code you are relying on. Cursing is somewhat helpful in such situations, + −
but taking the view that incompatible code changes are a fact of life + −
might be more gratifying. Isabelle is a research project. In most circumstances + −
it is just impossible to make research backward compatible (imagine Darwin + −
attempting to make the Theory of Evolution backward compatible).+ −
+ −
However, there are a few steps you can take to mitigate unwanted+ −
interferences with code changes from other developers. First, you can base+ −
your code on the latest stable release of Isabelle (it is aimed to have one+ −
such release at least once every year). This might cut you off from the+ −
latest feature implemented in Isabelle, but at least you do not have to+ −
track side-steps or dead-ends in the Isabelle development. Of course this+ −
means also you have to synchronise your code at the next stable release. If+ −
you do not synchronise, be warned that code seems to ``rot'' very+ −
quickly. Another possibility is to get your code into the Isabelle+ −
distribution. For this you have to convince other developers that your code+ −
or project is of general interest. If you managed to do this, then the+ −
problem of the moving target goes away, because when checking in new code,+ −
developers are strongly urged to test it against Isabelle's code base. If+ −
your project is part of that code base, then maintenance is done by+ −
others. Unfortunately, this might not be a helpful advice for all types of+ −
projects. A lower threshold for inclusion has the Archive of Formal+ −
Proofs, short AFP.\footnote{\url{}} This archive+ −
has been created mainly for formalisations that are interesting but not+ −
necessarily of general interest. If you have ML-code as part of a+ −
formalisation, then this might be the right place for you. There is no+ −
problem with updating your code after submission. At the moment developers+ −
are not as diligent with checking their code against the AFP than with+ −
checking agains the distribution, but generally problems will be caught and+ −
the developer, who caused them, is expected to fix them. So also in this+ −
case code maintenance is done for you.+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>Serious Isabelle ML-Programming\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
As already pointed out in the previous section, Isabelle is a joint effort + −
of many developers. Therefore, disruptions that break the work of others+ −
are generally frowned upon. ``Accidents'' however do happen and everybody knows+ −
this. Still to keep them to a minimum, you can submit your changes first to a rather + −
sophisticated \emph{testboard}, which will perform checks of your changes against the+ −
Isabelle repository and against the AFP. The advantage of the testboard is+ −
that the testing is performed by rather powerful machines saving you lengthy+ −
tests on, for example, your own laptop. You can see the results of the testboard + −
at + −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
which is organised like a Mercurial repository. A green point next to a change+ −
indicates that the change passes the corresponding tests (for this of course you+ −
have to allow some time). You can summit any changes to the testboard using the + −
command+ −
+ −
@{text [display] "$ hg push -f ssh://\\+ −
//home/isabelle-repository/repos/testboard"}+ −
+ −
where the dots need to be replaced by your login name. Note that for+ −
pushing changes to the testboard you need to add the option \<open>-f\<close>,+ −
which should \emph{never} be used with the main Isabelle+ −
repository. While the testboard is a great system for supporting Isabelle+ −
developers, its disadvantage is that it needs login permissions for the+ −
computers in Munich. So in order to use it, you might have to ask other+ −
developers to obtain one.+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
+ −
section \<open>Some Naming Conventions in the Isabelle Sources\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
There are a few naming conventions in the Isabelle code that might aid reading + −
and writing code. (Remember that code is written once, but read many + −
times.) The most important conventions are:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item \<open>t\<close>, \<open>u\<close>, \<open>trm\<close> for (raw) terms; ML-type: @{ML_type term}+ −
\item \<open>ct\<close>, \<open>cu\<close> for certified terms; ML-type: @{ML_type cterm}+ −
\item \<open>ty\<close>, \<open>T\<close>, \<open>U\<close> for (raw) types; ML-type: @{ML_type typ}+ −
\item \<open>S\<close> for sorts; ML-type: @{ML_type sort}+ −
\item \<open>th\<close>, \<open>thm\<close> for theorems; ML-type: @{ML_type thm}+ −
\item \<open>foo_tac\<close> for tactics; ML-type: @{ML_type tactic}+ −
\item \<open>thy\<close> for theories; ML-type: @{ML_type theory}+ −
\item \<open>ctxt\<close> for proof contexts; ML-type: @{ML_type Proof.context}+ −
\item \<open>lthy\<close> for local theories; ML-type: @{ML_type local_theory}+ −
\item \<open>context\<close> for generic contexts; ML-type @{ML_type Context.generic}+ −
\item \<open>mx\<close> for mixfix syntax annotations; ML-type @{ML_type mixfix}+ −
\item \<open>prt\<close> for pretty printing; ML-type @{ML_type Pretty.T}+ −
\item \<open>phi\<close> for morphisms; ML-type @{ML_type morphism}+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
\<close>+ −
+ −
section \<open>Acknowledgements\<close>+ −
+ −
text \<open>+ −
Financial support for this tutorial was provided by the German + −
Research Council (DFG) under grant number URB 165/5-1. The following+ −
people contributed to the text:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item {\bf Stefan Berghofer} wrote nearly all of the ML-code of the+ −
\simpleinductive-package and the code for the \<open>chunk\<close>-antiquotation. He also wrote the first version of chapter+ −
\ref{chp:package} describing this package and has been helpful \emph{beyond+ −
measure} with answering questions about Isabelle.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Jasmin Blanchette} helped greatly with section \ref{sec:pretty}+ −
and exercise \ref{fun:killqnt}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Sascha B\"ohme} contributed the recipes in \ref{rec:timeout}, + −
\ref{rec:external} and \ref{rec:oracle}. He also wrote section \ref{sec:conversion} + −
and helped with recipe \ref{rec:timing}. Parts of section \ref{sec:storing}+ −
are by him.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Lukas Bulwahn} made me aware of a problem with recursive+ −
parsers, contributed exercise \ref{ex:contextfree} and contributed + −
to the ``introspection'' of theorems in section \ref{sec:theorems}.+ −
+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Jeremy Dawson} wrote the first version of chapter \ref{chp:parsing}+ −
about parsing.+ −
+ −
%%\item {\bf Florian Haftmann} helped with maintaining recipe \ref{rec:callml}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Armin Heller} helped with recipe \ref{rec:sat}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Rafal Kolanski} contributed to the ``introspection'' of theorems + −
in section \ref{sec:theorems}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Alexander Krauss} wrote a very early version of the ``first-steps'' + −
chapter and also contributed the material on @{ML_functor Named_Thms}.+ −
+ −
%%\item {\bf Tobias Nipkow} contributed recipe \ref{rec:callml}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Michael Norrish} proofread parts of the text.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Norbert Schirmer} updated the document to work with Isabelle 2018 and + −
later.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Andreas Schropp} improved and corrected section \ref{sec:univ} and+ −
contributed towards section \ref{sec:sorts}.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf Christian Sternagel} proofread the tutorial and made + −
many improvemets to the text. + −
+ −
\item {\bf Dmitriy Traytel} suggested to use the ML-antiquotation + −
\<open>command_spec\<close> in section~\ref{sec:newcommand}, which simplified the code. + −
+ −
\item {\bf Piotr Trojanek} proofread the text.+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
Please let me know of any omissions. Responsibility for any remaining+ −
errors lies with me.\bigskip+ −
+ −
\newpage+ −
\mbox{}\\[5cm]+ −
+ −
+ −
{\Large\bf+ −
This tutorial is still in the process of being written! All of the+ −
text is still under construction. Sections and + −
chapters that are under \underline{heavy} construction are marked + −
with TBD.}+ −
+ −
\vfill+ −
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end+ −