changeset 189 069d525f8f1d
parent 188 8939b8fd8603
child 190 ca0ac2e75f6d
--- a/CookBook/FirstSteps.thy	Wed Mar 18 23:52:51 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1302 +0,0 @@
-theory FirstSteps
-imports Base
-chapter {* First Steps *}
-text {*
-  Isabelle programming is done in ML.  Just like lemmas and proofs, ML-code
-  in Isabelle is part of a theory. If you want to follow the code given in
-  this chapter, we assume you are working inside the theory starting with
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
-  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
-  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
-  \isacommand{begin}\\
-  \ldots
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  We also generally assume you are working with HOL. The given examples might
-  need to be adapted slightly if you work in a different logic.
-section {* Including ML-Code *}
-text {*
-  The easiest and quickest way to include code in a theory is
-  by using the \isacommand{ML}-command. For example:
-\isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen>"}\isanewline
-\hspace{5mm}@{ML "3 + 4"}\isanewline
-@{text "\<verbclose>"}\isanewline
-@{text "> 7"}\smallskip
-  Like normal Isabelle proof scripts, \isacommand{ML}-commands can be
-  evaluated by using the advance and undo buttons of your Isabelle
-  environment. The code inside the \isacommand{ML}-command can also contain
-  value and function bindings, and even those can be undone when the proof
-  script is retracted. As mentioned in the Introduction, we will drop the
-  \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"} scaffolding whenever we
-  show code. The lines prefixed with @{text [quotes] ">"} are not part of the
-  code, rather they indicate what the response is when the code is evaluated.
-  Once a portion of code is relatively stable, you usually want to export it
-  to a separate ML-file. Such files can then be included in a theory by using
-  the \isacommand{uses}-command in the header of the theory, like:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
-  \isacommand{theory} FirstSteps\\
-  \isacommand{imports} Main\\
-  \isacommand{uses} @{text "\"file_to_be_included.ML\""} @{text "\<dots>"}\\
-  \isacommand{begin}\\
-  \ldots
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-section {* Debugging and Printing\label{sec:printing} *}
-text {*
-  During development you might find it necessary to inspect some data
-  in your code. This can be done in a ``quick-and-dirty'' fashion using 
-  the function @{ML "warning"}. For example 
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "warning \"any string\"" "\"any string\""}
-  will print out @{text [quotes] "any string"} inside the response buffer
-  of Isabelle.  This function expects a string as argument. If you develop under PolyML,
-  then there is a convenient, though again ``quick-and-dirty'', method for
-  converting values into strings, namely the function @{ML makestring}:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "warning (makestring 1)" "\"1\""} 
-  However @{ML makestring} only works if the type of what is converted is monomorphic 
-  and not a function.
-  The function @{ML "warning"} should only be used for testing purposes, because any
-  output this function generates will be overwritten as soon as an error is
-  raised. For printing anything more serious and elaborate, the
-  function @{ML tracing} is more appropriate. This function writes all output into
-  a separate tracing buffer. For example:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "tracing \"foo\"" "\"foo\""}
-  It is also possible to redirect the ``channel'' where the string @{text "foo"} is 
-  printed to a separate file, e.g.~to prevent ProofGeneral from choking on massive 
-  amounts of trace output. This redirection can be achieved with the code:
-ML{*val strip_specials =
-  fun strip ("\^A" :: _ :: cs) = strip cs
-    | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-    | strip [] = [];
-in implode o strip o explode end;
-fun redirect_tracing stream =
- Output.tracing_fn := (fn s =>
-    (TextIO.output (stream, (strip_specials s));
-     TextIO.output (stream, "\n");
-     TextIO.flushOut stream)) *}
-text {*
-  Calling @{ML "redirect_tracing"} with @{ML "(TextIO.openOut \"\")"} 
-  will cause that all tracing information is printed into the file @{text ""}.
-  You can print out error messages with the function @{ML error}; for example:
-@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "if 0=1 then true else (error \"foo\")" 
-"Exception- ERROR \"foo\" raised
-At command \"ML\"."}
-  Most often you want to inspect data of type @{ML_type term}, @{ML_type cterm} 
-  or @{ML_type thm}. Isabelle contains elaborate pretty-printing functions for printing them, 
-  but  for quick-and-dirty solutions they are far too unwieldy. A simple way to transform 
-  a term into a string is to use the function @{ML Syntax.string_of_term}.
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "Syntax.string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"}"
-  "\"\\^E\\^Fterm\\^E\\^E\\^Fconst\\^\\^E1\\^E\\^F\\^E\\^E\\^F\\^E\""}
-  This produces a string with some additional information encoded in it. The string
-  can be properly printed by using the function @{ML warning}.
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "warning (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} @{term \"1::nat\"})"
-  "\"1\""}
-  A @{ML_type cterm} can be transformed into a string by the following function.
-ML{*fun str_of_cterm ctxt t =  
-   Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (term_of t)*}
-text {*
-  In this example the function @{ML term_of} extracts the @{ML_type term} from
-  a @{ML_type cterm}.  If there are more than one @{ML_type cterm}s to be
-  printed, you can use the function @{ML commas} to separate them.
-ML{*fun str_of_cterms ctxt ts =  
-   commas (map (str_of_cterm ctxt) ts)*}
-text {*
-  The easiest way to get the string of a theorem is to transform it
-  into a @{ML_type cterm} using the function @{ML crep_thm}. Theorems
-  also include schematic variables, such as @{text "?P"}, @{text "?Q"}
-  and so on. In order to improve the readability of theorems we convert
-  these schematic variables into free variables using the 
-  function @{ML Variable.import_thms}.
-ML{*fun no_vars ctxt thm =
-  val ((_, [thm']), _) = Variable.import_thms true [thm] ctxt
-  thm'
-fun str_of_thm ctxt thm =
-  str_of_cterm ctxt (#prop (crep_thm (no_vars ctxt thm)))*}
-text {* 
-  Again the function @{ML commas} helps with printing more than one theorem. 
-ML{*fun str_of_thms ctxt thms =  
-  commas (map (str_of_thm ctxt) thms)*}
-text {*
-(FIXME @{ML Toplevel.debug} @{ML Toplevel.profiling} @{ML Toplevel.debug})
-section {* Combinators\label{sec:combinators} *}
-text {*
-  For beginners perhaps the most puzzling parts in the existing code of Isabelle are
-  the combinators. At first they seem to greatly obstruct the
-  comprehension of the code, but after getting familiar with them, they
-  actually ease the understanding and also the programming.
-  The simplest combinator is @{ML I}, which is just the identity function defined as
-ML{*fun I x = x*}
-text {* Another simple combinator is @{ML K}, defined as *}
-ML{*fun K x = fn _ => x*}
-text {*
-  @{ML K} ``wraps'' a function around the argument @{text "x"}. However, this 
-  function ignores its argument. As a result, @{ML K} defines a constant function 
-  always returning @{text x}.
-  The next combinator is reverse application, @{ML "|>"}, defined as: 
-ML{*fun x |> f = f x*}
-text {* While just syntactic sugar for the usual function application,
-  the purpose of this combinator is to implement functions in a  
-  ``waterfall fashion''. Consider for example the function *}
-ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_five x =
-  x |> (fn x => x + 1)
-    |> (fn x => (x, x))
-    |> fst
-    |> (fn x => x + 4)*}
-text {*
-  which increments its argument @{text x} by 5. It does this by first incrementing 
-  the argument by 1 (Line 2); then storing the result in a pair (Line 3); taking 
-  the first component of the pair (Line 4) and finally incrementing the first 
-  component by 4 (Line 5). This kind of cascading manipulations of values is quite
-  common when dealing with theories (for example by adding a definition, followed by
-  lemmas and so on). The reverse application allows you to read what happens in 
-  a top-down manner. This kind of coding should also be familiar, 
-  if you have been exposed to Haskell's do-notation. Writing the function @{ML inc_by_five} using 
-  the reverse application is much clearer than writing
-ML{*fun inc_by_five x = fst ((fn x => (x, x)) (x + 1)) + 4*}
-text {* or *}
-ML{*fun inc_by_five x = 
-       ((fn x => x + 4) o fst o (fn x => (x, x)) o (fn x => x + 1)) x*}
-text {* and typographically more economical than *}
-ML{*fun inc_by_five x =
-   let val y1 = x + 1
-       val y2 = (y1, y1)
-       val y3 = fst y2
-       val y4 = y3 + 4
-   in y4 end*}
-text {* 
-  Another reason why the let-bindings in the code above are better to be
-  avoided: it is more than easy to get the intermediate values wrong, not to 
-  mention the nightmares the maintenance of this code causes!
-  In the context of Isabelle, a ``real world'' example for a function written in 
-  the waterfall fashion might be the following code:
-ML %linenosgray{*fun apply_fresh_args pred ctxt =
-  pred |> fastype_of
-       |> binder_types 
-       |> map (pair "z")
-       |> Variable.variant_frees ctxt [pred]
-       |> map Free  
-       |> (curry list_comb) pred *}
-text {*
-  This code extracts the argument types of a given
-  predicate and then generates for each argument type a distinct variable; finally it
-  applies the generated variables to the predicate. For example
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-"apply_fresh_args @{term \"P::nat \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unit \<Rightarrow> bool\"} @{context} 
- |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
- |> warning"
-  "P z za zb"}
-  You can read off this behaviour from how @{ML apply_fresh_args} is
-  coded: in Line 2, the function @{ML fastype_of} calculates the type of the
-  predicate; @{ML binder_types} in the next line produces the list of argument
-  types (in the case above the list @{text "[nat, int, unit]"}); Line 4 
-  pairs up each type with the string  @{text "z"}; the
-  function @{ML variant_frees in Variable} generates for each @{text "z"} a
-  unique name avoiding the given @{text pred}; the list of name-type pairs is turned
-  into a list of variable terms in Line 6, which in the last line is applied
-  by the function @{ML list_comb} to the predicate. We have to use the
-  function @{ML curry}, because @{ML list_comb} expects the predicate and the
-  variables list as a pair.
-  The combinator @{ML "#>"} is the reverse function composition. It can be
-  used to define the following function
-ML{*val inc_by_six = 
-      (fn x => x + 1)
-   #> (fn x => x + 2)
-   #> (fn x => x + 3)*}
-text {* 
-  which is the function composed of first the increment-by-one function and then
-  increment-by-two, followed by increment-by-three. Again, the reverse function 
-  composition allows you to read the code top-down.
-  The remaining combinators described in this section add convenience for the
-  ``waterfall method'' of writing functions. The combinator @{ML tap} allows
-  you to get hold of an intermediate result (to do some side-calculations for
-  instance). The function
- *}
-ML %linenosgray{*fun inc_by_three x =
-     x |> (fn x => x + 1)
-       |> tap (fn x => tracing (makestring x))
-       |> (fn x => x + 2)*}
-text {* 
-  increments the argument first by @{text "1"} and then by @{text "2"}. In the
-  middle (Line 3), however, it uses @{ML tap} for printing the ``plus-one''
-  intermediate result inside the tracing buffer. The function @{ML tap} can
-  only be used for side-calculations, because any value that is computed
-  cannot be merged back into the ``main waterfall''. To do this, you can use
-  the next combinator.
-  The combinator @{ML "`"} is similar to @{ML tap}, but applies a function to the value
-  and returns the result together with the value (as a pair). For example
-  the function 
-ML{*fun inc_as_pair x =
-     x |> `(fn x => x + 1)
-       |> (fn (x, y) => (x, y + 1))*}
-text {*
-  takes @{text x} as argument, and then increments @{text x}, but also keeps
-  @{text x}. The intermediate result is therefore the pair @{ML "(x + 1, x)"
-  for x}. After that, the function increments the right-hand component of the
-  pair. So finally the result will be @{ML "(x + 1, x + 1)" for x}.
-  The combinators @{ML "|>>"} and @{ML "||>"} are defined for 
-  functions manipulating pairs. The first applies the function to
-  the first component of the pair, defined as
-ML{*fun (x, y) |>> f = (f x, y)*}
-text {*
-  and the second combinator to the second component, defined as
-ML{*fun (x, y) ||> f = (x, f y)*}
-text {*
-  With the combinator @{ML "|->"} you can re-combine the elements from a pair.
-  This combinator is defined as
-ML{*fun (x, y) |-> f = f x y*}
-text {* and can be used to write the following roundabout version 
-  of the @{text double} function: 
-ML{*fun double x =
-      x |>  (fn x => (x, x))
-        |-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}
-text {*
-  Recall that @{ML "|>"} is the reverse function applications. Recall also that the related 
-  reverse function composition is @{ML "#>"}. In fact all the combinators @{ML "|->"},
-  @{ML "|>>"} and @{ML "||>"} described above have related combinators for function
-  composition, namely @{ML "#->"}, @{ML "#>>"} and @{ML "##>"}. Using @{ML "#->"}, 
-  for example, the function @{text double} can also be written as:
-ML{*val double =
-            (fn x => (x, x))
-        #-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}
-text {*
-  (FIXME: find a good exercise for combinators)
-  \begin{readmore}
-  The most frequently used combinator are defined in the files @{ML_file "Pure/library.ML"}
-  and @{ML_file "Pure/General/basics.ML"}. Also \isccite{sec:ML-linear-trans} 
-  contains further information about combinators.
-  \end{readmore}
-section {* Antiquotations *}
-text {*
-  The main advantage of embedding all code in a theory is that the code can
-  contain references to entities defined on the logical level of Isabelle. By
-  this we mean definitions, theorems, terms and so on. This kind of reference is
-  realised with antiquotations.  For example, one can print out the name of the current
-  theory by typing
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Context.theory_name @{theory}" "\"FirstSteps\""}
-  where @{text "@{theory}"} is an antiquotation that is substituted with the
-  current theory (remember that we assumed we are inside the theory 
-  @{text FirstSteps}). The name of this theory can be extracted using
-  the function @{ML "Context.theory_name"}. 
-  Note, however, that antiquotations are statically linked, that is their value is
-  determined at ``compile-time'', not ``run-time''. For example the function
-ML{*fun not_current_thyname () = Context.theory_name @{theory} *}
-text {*
-  does \emph{not} return the name of the current theory, if it is run in a 
-  different theory. Instead, the code above defines the constant function 
-  that always returns the string @{text [quotes] "FirstSteps"}, no matter where the
-  function is called. Operationally speaking,  the antiquotation @{text "@{theory}"} is 
-  \emph{not} replaced with code that will look up the current theory in 
-  some data structure and return it. Instead, it is literally
-  replaced with the value representing the theory name.
-  In a similar way you can use antiquotations to refer to proved theorems: 
-  @{text "@{thm \<dots>}"} for a single theorem
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thm allI}" "(\<And>x. ?P x) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x. ?P x"}
-  and @{text "@{thms \<dots>}"} for more than one
-@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{thms conj_ac}" 
-"(?P \<and> ?Q) = (?Q \<and> ?P)
-(?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R) = (?Q \<and> ?P \<and> ?R)
-((?P \<and> ?Q) \<and> ?R) = (?P \<and> ?Q \<and> ?R)"}  
-  You can also refer to the current simpset. To illustrate this we implement the
-  function that extracts the theorem names stored in a simpset.
-ML{*fun get_thm_names_from_ss simpset =
-  val {simps,...} = MetaSimplifier.dest_ss simpset
-  map #1 simps
-text {*
-  The function @{ML dest_ss in MetaSimplifier} returns a record containing all
-  information stored in the simpset. We are only interested in the names of the
-  simp-rules. So now you can feed in the current simpset into this function. 
-  The simpset can be referred to using the antiquotation @{text "@{simpset}"}.
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
-  "get_thm_names_from_ss @{simpset}" 
-  "[\"Nat.of_nat_eq_id\", \"Int.of_int_eq_id\", \"Nat.One_nat_def\", \<dots>]"}
-  Again, this way or referencing simpsets makes you independent from additions
-  of lemmas to the simpset by the user that potentially cause loops.
-  While antiquotations have many applications, they were originally introduced in order 
-  to avoid explicit bindings for theorems such as:
-ML{*val allI = thm "allI" *}
-text {*
-  These bindings are difficult to maintain and also can be accidentally
-  overwritten by the user. This often broke Isabelle
-  packages. Antiquotations solve this problem, since they are ``linked''
-  statically at compile-time.  However, this static linkage also limits their
-  usefulness in cases where data needs to be build up dynamically. In the
-  course of this chapter you will learn more about these antiquotations:
-  they can simplify Isabelle programming since one can directly access all
-  kinds of logical elements from th ML-level.
-text {*
-  (FIXME: say something about @{text "@{binding \<dots>}"}
-section {* Terms and Types *}
-text {*
-  One way to construct terms of Isabelle is by using the antiquotation 
-  \mbox{@{text "@{term \<dots>}"}}. For example:
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
-"@{term \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" 
-"Const (\"op =\", \<dots>) $ 
-  (Const (\"\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>) $ \<dots>"}
-  This will show the term @{term "(a::nat) + b = c"}, but printed using the internal
-  representation of this term. This internal representation corresponds to the 
-  datatype @{ML_type "term"}.
-  The internal representation of terms uses the usual de Bruijn index mechanism where bound 
-  variables are represented by the constructor @{ML Bound}. The index in @{ML Bound} refers to
-  the number of Abstractions (@{ML Abs}) we have to skip until we hit the @{ML Abs} that
-  binds the corresponding variable. However, in Isabelle the names of bound variables are 
-  kept at abstractions for printing purposes, and so should be treated only as ``comments''. 
-  Application in Isabelle is realised with the term-constructor @{ML $}.
-  \begin{readmore}
-  Terms are described in detail in \isccite{sec:terms}. Their
-  definition and many useful operations are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/term.ML"}.
-  \end{readmore}
-  Sometimes the internal representation of terms can be surprisingly different
-  from what you see at the user-level, because the layers of
-  parsing/type-checking/pretty printing can be quite elaborate. 
-  \begin{exercise}
-  Look at the internal term representation of the following terms, and
-  find out why they are represented like this:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item @{term "case x of 0 \<Rightarrow> 0 | Suc y \<Rightarrow> y"}  
-  \item @{term "\<lambda>(x,y). P y x"}  
-  \item @{term "{ [x::int] | x. x \<le> -2 }"}  
-  \end{itemize}
-  Hint: The third term is already quite big, and the pretty printer
-  may omit parts of it by default. If you want to see all of it, you
-  can use the following ML-function to set the printing depth to a higher 
-  value:
-  @{ML [display,gray] "print_depth 50"}
-  \end{exercise}
-  The antiquotation @{text "@{prop \<dots>}"} constructs terms of propositional type, 
-  inserting the invisible @{text "Trueprop"}-coercions whenever necessary. 
-  Consider for example the pairs
-@{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"P x\"}, @{prop \"P x\"})" 
-"(Free (\"P\", \<dots>) $ Free (\"x\", \<dots>),
- Const (\"Trueprop\", \<dots>) $ (Free (\"P\", \<dots>) $ Free (\"x\", \<dots>)))"}
-  where a coercion is inserted in the second component and 
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"}, @{prop \"P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"})" 
-  "(Const (\"==>\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>, Const (\"==>\", \<dots>) $ \<dots> $ \<dots>)"}
-  where it is not (since it is already constructed by a meta-implication). 
-  Types can be constructed using the antiquotation @{text "@{typ \<dots>}"}. For example:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{typ \"bool \<Rightarrow> nat\"}" "bool \<Rightarrow> nat"}
-  \begin{readmore}
-  Types are described in detail in \isccite{sec:types}. Their
-  definition and many useful operations are implemented 
-  in @{ML_file "Pure/type.ML"}.
-  \end{readmore}
-section {* Constructing Terms and Types Manually\label{sec:terms_types_manually} *} 
-text {*
-  While antiquotations are very convenient for constructing terms, they can
-  only construct fixed terms (remember they are ``linked'' at compile-time).
-  However, you often need to construct terms dynamically. For example, a
-  function that returns the implication @{text "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} taking
-  @{term P} and @{term Q} as arguments can only be written as:
-ML{*fun make_imp P Q =
-  val x = Free ("x", @{typ nat})
-  Logic.all x (Logic.mk_implies (P $ x, Q $ x))
-end *}
-text {*
-  The reason is that you cannot pass the arguments @{term P} and @{term Q} 
-  into an antiquotation. For example the following does \emph{not} work.
-ML{*fun make_wrong_imp P Q = @{prop "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} *}
-text {*
-  To see this apply @{text "@{term S}"} and @{text "@{term T}"} 
-  to both functions. With @{ML make_imp} we obtain the intended term involving 
-  the given arguments
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "make_imp @{term S} @{term T}" 
-"Const \<dots> $ 
-  Abs (\"x\", Type (\"nat\",[]),
-    Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"S\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>) $ (Free (\"T\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>))"}
-  whereas with @{ML make_wrong_imp} we obtain a term involving the @{term "P"} 
-  and @{text "Q"} from the antiquotation.
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "make_wrong_imp @{term S} @{term T}" 
-"Const \<dots> $ 
-  Abs (\"x\", \<dots>,
-    Const \<dots> $ (Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"P\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>)) $ 
-               (Const \<dots> $ (Free (\"Q\",\<dots>) $ \<dots>)))"}
-  (FIXME: handy functions for constructing terms: @{ML list_comb}, @{ML lambda})
-text {*
-  \begin{readmore}
-  There are many functions in @{ML_file "Pure/term.ML"}, @{ML_file "Pure/logic.ML"} and
-  @{ML_file "HOL/Tools/hologic.ML"} that make such manual constructions of terms 
-  and types easier.\end{readmore}
-  Have a look at these files and try to solve the following two exercises:
-text {*
-  \begin{exercise}\label{fun:revsum}
-  Write a function @{text "rev_sum : term -> term"} that takes a
-  term of the form @{text "t\<^isub>1 + t\<^isub>2 + \<dots> + t\<^isub>n"} (whereby @{text "n"} might be zero)
-  and returns the reversed sum @{text "t\<^isub>n + \<dots> + t\<^isub>2 + t\<^isub>1"}. Assume
-  the @{text "t\<^isub>i"} can be arbitrary expressions and also note that @{text "+"} 
-  associates to the left. Try your function on some examples. 
-  \end{exercise}
-  \begin{exercise}\label{fun:makesum}
-  Write a function which takes two terms representing natural numbers
-  in unary notation (like @{term "Suc (Suc (Suc 0))"}), and produce the
-  number representing their sum.
-  \end{exercise}
-  There are a few subtle issues with constants. They usually crop up when
-  pattern matching terms or types, or when constructing them. While it is perfectly ok
-  to write the function @{text is_true} as follows
-ML{*fun is_true @{term True} = true
-  | is_true _ = false*}
-text {*
-  this does not work for picking out @{text "\<forall>"}-quantified terms. Because
-  the function 
-ML{*fun is_all (@{term All} $ _) = true
-  | is_all _ = false*}
-text {* 
-  will not correctly match the formula @{prop "\<forall>x::nat. P x"}: 
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "is_all @{term \"\<forall>x::nat. P x\"}" "false"}
-  The problem is that the @{text "@term"}-antiquotation in the pattern 
-  fixes the type of the constant @{term "All"} to be @{typ "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"} for 
-  an arbitrary, but fixed type @{typ "'a"}. A properly working alternative 
-  for this function is
-ML{*fun is_all (Const ("All", _) $ _) = true
-  | is_all _ = false*}
-text {* 
-  because now
-@{ML_response [display,gray] "is_all @{term \"\<forall>x::nat. P x\"}" "true"}
-  matches correctly (the first wildcard in the pattern matches any type and the
-  second any term).
-  However there is still a problem: consider the similar function that
-  attempts to pick out @{text "Nil"}-terms:
-ML{*fun is_nil (Const ("Nil", _)) = true
-  | is_nil _ = false *}
-text {* 
-  Unfortunately, also this function does \emph{not} work as expected, since
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "is_nil @{term \"Nil\"}" "false"}
-  The problem is that on the ML-level the name of a constant is more
-  subtle than you might expect. The function @{ML is_all} worked correctly,
-  because @{term "All"} is such a fundamental constant, which can be referenced
-  by @{ML "Const (\"All\", some_type)" for some_type}. However, if you look at
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "@{term \"Nil\"}" "Const (\"List.list.Nil\", \<dots>)"}
-  the name of the constant @{text "Nil"} depends on the theory in which the
-  term constructor is defined (@{text "List"}) and also in which datatype
-  (@{text "list"}). Even worse, some constants have a name involving
-  type-classes. Consider for example the constants for @{term "zero"} and
-  \mbox{@{text "(op *)"}}:
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "(@{term \"0::nat\"}, @{term \"op *\"})" 
- "(Const (\"\", \<dots>), 
- Const (\"HOL.times_class.times\", \<dots>))"}
-  While you could use the complete name, for example 
-  @{ML "Const (\"List.list.Nil\", some_type)" for some_type}, for referring to or
-  matching against @{text "Nil"}, this would make the code rather brittle. 
-  The reason is that the theory and the name of the datatype can easily change. 
-  To make the code more robust, it is better to use the antiquotation 
-  @{text "@{const_name \<dots>}"}. With this antiquotation you can harness the 
-  variable parts of the constant's name. Therefore a functions for 
-  matching against constants that have a polymorphic type should 
-  be written as follows.
-ML{*fun is_nil_or_all (Const (@{const_name "Nil"}, _)) = true
-  | is_nil_or_all (Const (@{const_name "All"}, _) $ _) = true
-  | is_nil_or_all _ = false *}
-text {*
-  Occasional you have to calculate what the ``base'' name of a given
-  constant is. For this you can use the function @{ML Sign.extern_const} or
-  @{ML Long_Name.base_name}. For example:
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] "Sign.extern_const @{theory} \"List.list.Nil\"" "\"Nil\""}
-  The difference between both functions is that @{ML extern_const in Sign} returns
-  the smallest name that is still unique, whereas @{ML base_name in Long_Name} always
-  strips off all qualifiers.
-  \begin{readmore}
-  Functions about naming are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/General/name_space.ML"};
-  functions about signatures in @{ML_file "Pure/sign.ML"}.
-  \end{readmore}
-  Although types of terms can often be inferred, there are many
-  situations where you need to construct types manually, especially  
-  when defining constants. For example the function returning a function 
-  type is as follows:
-ML{*fun make_fun_type tau1 tau2 = Type ("fun", [tau1, tau2]) *}
-text {* This can be equally written with the combinator @{ML "-->"} as: *}
-ML{*fun make_fun_type tau1 tau2 = tau1 --> tau2 *}
-text {*
-  A handy function for manipulating terms is @{ML map_types}: it takes a 
-  function and applies it to every type in a term. You can, for example,
-  change every @{typ nat} in a term into an @{typ int} using the function:
-ML{*fun nat_to_int t =
-  (case t of
-     @{typ nat} => @{typ int}
-   | Type (s, ts) => Type (s, map nat_to_int ts)
-   | _ => t)*}
-text {*
-  An example as follows:
-@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
-"map_types nat_to_int @{term \"a = (1::nat)\"}" 
-"Const (\"op =\", \"int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool\")
-           $ Free (\"a\", \"int\") $ Const (\"\", \"int\")"}
-  (FIXME: readmore about types)
-section {* Type-Checking *}
-text {* 
-  You can freely construct and manipulate @{ML_type "term"}s and @{ML_type
-  typ}es, since they are just arbitrary unchecked trees. However, you
-  eventually want to see if a term is well-formed, or type-checks, relative to
-  a theory.  Type-checking is done via the function @{ML cterm_of}, which
-  converts a @{ML_type term} into a @{ML_type cterm}, a \emph{certified}
-  term. Unlike @{ML_type term}s, which are just trees, @{ML_type "cterm"}s are
-  abstract objects that are guaranteed to be type-correct, and they can only
-  be constructed via ``official interfaces''.
-  Type-checking is always relative to a theory context. For now we use
-  the @{ML "@{theory}"} antiquotation to get hold of the current theory.
-  For example you can write:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "cterm_of @{theory} @{term \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" "a + b = c"}
-  This can also be written with an antiquotation:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "@{cterm \"(a::nat) + b = c\"}" "a + b = c"}
-  Attempting to obtain the certified term for
-  @{ML_response_fake_both [display,gray] "@{cterm \"1 + True\"}" "Type unification failed \<dots>"}
-  yields an error (since the term is not typable). A slightly more elaborate
-  example that type-checks is:
-@{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
-  val natT = @{typ \"nat\"}
-  val zero = @{term \"0::nat\"}
-  cterm_of @{theory} 
-      (Const (@{const_name plus}, natT --> natT --> natT) $ zero $ zero)
-end" "0 + 0"}
-  In Isabelle not just terms need to be certified, but also types. For example, 
-  you obtain the certified type for the Isablle type @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"} on 
-  the ML-level as follows:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "ctyp_of @{theory} (@{typ nat} --> @{typ bool})"
-  "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"}
-  \begin{readmore}
-  For functions related to @{ML_type cterm}s and @{ML_type ctyp}s see 
-  the file @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"}.
-  \end{readmore}
-  \begin{exercise}
-  Check that the function defined in Exercise~\ref{fun:revsum} returns a
-  result that type-checks.
-  \end{exercise}
-  Remember Isabelle foolows the Church-style typing for terms, i.e.~a term contains 
-  enough typing information (constants, free variables and abstractions all have typing 
-  information) so that it is always clear what the type of a term is. 
-  Given a well-typed term, the function @{ML type_of} returns the 
-  type of a term. Consider for example:
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
-  "type_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}
-  To calculate the type, this function traverses the whole term and will
-  detect any typing inconsistency. For examle changing the type of the variable 
-  @{term "x"} from @{typ "nat"} to @{typ "int"} will result in the error message: 
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
-  "type_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::int\"})" 
-  "*** Exception- TYPE (\"type_of: type mismatch in application\" \<dots>"}
-  Since the complete traversal might sometimes be too costly and
-  not necessary, there is the function @{ML fastype_of}, which 
-  also returns the type of a term.
-  @{ML_response [display,gray] 
-  "fastype_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::nat\"})" "bool"}
-  However, efficiency is gained on the expense of skipping some tests. You 
-  can see this in the following example
-   @{ML_response [display,gray] 
-  "fastype_of (@{term \"f::nat \<Rightarrow> bool\"} $ @{term \"x::int\"})" "bool"}
-  where no error is detected.
-  Sometimes it is a bit inconvenient to construct a term with 
-  complete typing annotations, especially in cases where the typing 
-  information is redundant. A short-cut is to use the ``place-holder'' 
-  type @{ML "dummyT"} and then let type-inference figure out the 
-  complete type. An example is as follows:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] 
-  val c = Const (@{const_name \"plus\"}, dummyT) 
-  val o = @{term \"1::nat\"} 
-  val v = Free (\"x\", dummyT)
-  Syntax.check_term @{context} (c $ o $ v)
-"Const (\"\", \"nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat\") $
-  Const (\"\", \"nat\") $ Free (\"x\", \"nat\")"}
-  Instead of giving explicitly the type for the constant @{text "plus"} and the free 
-  variable @{text "x"}, the type-inference filles in the missing information.
-  \begin{readmore}
-  See @{ML_file "Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML"} where more functions about reading,
-  checking and pretty-printing of terms are defined. Fuctions related to the
-  type inference are implemented in @{ML_file "Pure/type.ML"} and 
-  @{ML_file "Pure/type_infer.ML"}. 
-  \end{readmore}
-  (FIXME: say something about sorts)
-section {* Theorems *}
-text {*
-  Just like @{ML_type cterm}s, theorems are abstract objects of type @{ML_type thm} 
-  that can only be build by going through interfaces. As a consequence, every proof 
-  in Isabelle is correct by construction. This follows the tradition of the LCF approach
-  \cite{GordonMilnerWadsworth79}.
-  To see theorems in ``action'', let us give a proof on the ML-level for the following 
-  statement:
-  lemma 
-   assumes assm\<^isub>1: "\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x" 
-   and     assm\<^isub>2: "P t"
-   shows "Q t" (*<*)oops(*>*) 
-text {*
-  The corresponding ML-code is as follows:
-@{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  val assm1 = @{cprop \"\<And>(x::nat). P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x\"}
-  val assm2 = @{cprop \"(P::nat\<Rightarrow>bool) t\"}
-  val Pt_implies_Qt = 
-        assume assm1
-        |> forall_elim @{cterm \"t::nat\"};
-  val Qt = implies_elim Pt_implies_Qt (assume assm2);
-  Qt 
-  |> implies_intr assm2
-  |> implies_intr assm1
-end" "\<lbrakk>\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x; P t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}
-  This code-snippet constructs the following proof:
-  \[
-  \infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$intro)]{\vdash @{prop "(\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x) \<Longrightarrow> P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
-    {\infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$intro)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
-       {\infer[(@{text "\<Longrightarrow>"}$-$elim)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"}, @{prop "P t"} \vdash @{prop "Q t"}}
-          {\infer[(@{text "\<And>"}$-$elim)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "P t \<Longrightarrow> Q t"}}
-                 {\infer[(assume)]{@{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"} \vdash @{prop "\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> Q x"}}{}}
-                 &
-           \infer[(assume)]{@{prop "P t"} \vdash @{prop "P t"}}{}
-          }
-       }
-    }
-  \]
-  However, while we obtained a theorem as result, this theorem is not
-  yet stored in Isabelle's theorem database. So it cannot be referenced later
-  on. How to store theorems will be explained in Section~\ref{sec:storing}.
-  \begin{readmore}
-  For the functions @{text "assume"}, @{text "forall_elim"} etc 
-  see \isccite{sec:thms}. The basic functions for theorems are defined in
-  @{ML_file "Pure/thm.ML"}. 
-  \end{readmore}
-  (FIXME: how to add case-names to goal states - maybe in the next section)
-section {* Theorem Attributes *}
-text {*
-  Theorem attributes are @{text "[simp]"}, @{text "[OF \<dots>]"}, @{text
-  "[symmetric]"} and so on. Such attributes are \emph{neither} tags \emph{nor} flags
-  annotated to theorems, but functions that do further processing once a
-  theorem is proven. In particular, it is not possible to find out
-  what are all theorems that have a given attribute in common, unless of course
-  the function behind the attribute stores the theorems in a retrivable 
-  datastructure. 
-  If you want to print out all currently known attributes a theorem 
-  can have, you can use the function:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "Attrib.print_attributes @{theory}" 
-"COMP:  direct composition with rules (no lifting)
-HOL.dest:  declaration of Classical destruction rule
-HOL.elim:  declaration of Classical elimination rule 
-  To explain how to write your own attribute, let us start with an extremely simple 
-  version of the attribute @{text "[symmetric]"}. The purpose of this attribute is
-  to produce the ``symmetric'' version of an equation. The main function behind 
-  this attribute is
-ML{*val my_symmetric = Thm.rule_attribute (fn _ => fn thm => thm RS @{thm sym})*}
-text {* 
-  where the function @{ML "Thm.rule_attribute"} expects a function taking a 
-  context (which we ignore in the code above) and a theorem (@{text thm}), and 
-  returns another theorem (namely @{text thm} resolved with the lemma 
-  @{thm [source] sym}: @{thm sym[no_vars]}). The function @{ML "Thm.rule_attribute"} then returns 
-  an attribute.
-  Before we can use the attribute, we need to set it up. This can be done
-  using the function @{ML Attrib.setup} as follows.
-setup %gray {* Attrib.setup @{binding "my_sym"} 
-  (Scan.succeed my_symmetric) "applying the sym rule"*}
-text {*
-  The attribute does not expect any further arguments (unlike @{text "[OF
-  \<dots>]"}, for example, which can take a list of theorems as argument). Therefore
-  we use the parser @{ML Scan.succeed}. Later on we will also consider
-  attributes taking further arguments. An example for the attribute @{text
-  "[my_sym]"} is the proof
-lemma test[my_sym]: "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by simp
-text {*
-  which stores the theorem @{thm test} under the name @{thm [source] test}. We 
-  can also use the attribute when referring to this theorem.
-  \begin{isabelle}
-  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "test[my_sym]"}\\
-  @{text "> "}~@{thm test[my_sym]}
-  \end{isabelle}
-  The purpose of @{ML Thm.rule_attribute} is to directly manipulate theorems.
-  Another usage of attributes is to add and delete theorems from stored data.
-  For example the attribute @{text "[simp]"} adds or deletes a theorem from the
-  current simpset. For these applications, you can use @{ML Thm.declaration_attribute}. 
-  To illustrate this function, let us introduce a reference containing a list
-  of theorems.
-ML{*val my_thms = ref ([]:thm list)*}
-text {* 
-  A word of warning: such references must not be used in any code that
-  is meant to be more than just for testing purposes! Here it is only used 
-  to illustrate matters. We will show later how to store data properly without 
-  using references. The function @{ML Thm.declaration_attribute} expects us to 
-  provide two functions that add and delete theorems from this list. 
-  For this we use the two functions:
-ML{*fun my_thms_add thm ctxt =
-  (my_thms := Thm.add_thm thm (!my_thms); ctxt)
-fun my_thms_del thm ctxt =
-  (my_thms := Thm.del_thm thm (!my_thms); ctxt)*}
-text {*
-  These functions take a theorem and a context and, for what we are explaining
-  here it is sufficient that they just return the context unchanged. They change
-  however the reference @{ML my_thms}, whereby the function @{ML Thm.add_thm}
-  adds a theorem if it is not already included in the list, and @{ML
-  Thm.del_thm} deletes one. Both functions use the predicate @{ML
-  Thm.eq_thm_prop} which compares theorems according to their proved
-  propositions (modulo alpha-equivalence).
-  You can turn both functions into attributes using
-ML{*val my_add = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thms_add
-val my_del = Thm.declaration_attribute my_thms_del *}
-text {* 
-  and set up the attributes as follows
-setup %gray {* Attrib.setup @{binding "my_thms"}
-  (Attrib.add_del my_add my_del) "maintaining a list of my_thms" *}
-text {*
-  Now if you prove the lemma attaching the attribute @{text "[my_thms]"}
-lemma trueI_2[my_thms]: "True" by simp
-text {*
-  then you can see the lemma is added to the initially empty list.
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "!my_thms" "[\"True\"]"}
-  You can also add theorems using the command \isacommand{declare}.
-declare test[my_thms] trueI_2[my_thms add]
-text {*
-  The @{text "add"} is the default operation and does not need
-  to be given. This declaration will cause the theorem list to be 
-  updated as follows.
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "!my_thms"
-  "[\"True\", \"Suc (Suc 0) = 2\"]"}
-  The theorem @{thm [source] trueI_2} only appears once, since the 
-  function @{ML Thm.add_thm} tests for duplicates, before extending
-  the list. Deletion from the list works as follows:
-declare test[my_thms del]
-text {* After this, the theorem list is again: 
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
-  "!my_thms"
-  "[\"True\"]"}
-  We used in this example two functions declared as @{ML Thm.declaration_attribute}, 
-  but there can be any number of them. We just have to change the parser for reading
-  the arguments accordingly. 
-  However, as said at the beginning of this example, using references for storing theorems is
-  \emph{not} the received way of doing such things. The received way is to 
-  start a ``data slot'' in a context by using the functor @{text GenericDataFun}:
-ML {*structure Data = GenericDataFun
- (type T = thm list
-  val empty = []
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge _ = Thm.merge_thms) *}
-text {*
-  To use this data slot, you only have to change @{ML my_thms_add} and
-  @{ML my_thms_del} to:
-ML{*val thm_add = o Thm.add_thm
-val thm_del = o Thm.del_thm*}
-text {*
-  where @{ML} updates the data appropriately in the context. Since storing
-  theorems in a special list is such a common task, there is the functor @{text NamedThmsFun},
-  which does most of the work for you. To obtain such a named theorem lists, you just
-  declare 
-ML{*structure FooRules = NamedThmsFun 
- (val name = "foo" 
-  val description = "Rules for foo"); *}
-text {*
-  and set up the @{ML_struct FooRules} with the command
-setup %gray {* FooRules.setup *}
-text {*
-  This code declares a data slot where the theorems are stored,
-  an attribute @{text foo} (with the @{text add} and @{text del} options
-  for adding and deleting theorems) and an internal ML interface to retrieve and 
-  modify the theorems.
-  Furthermore, the facts are made available on the user-level under the dynamic 
-  fact name @{text foo}. For example you can declare three lemmas to be of the kind
-  @{text foo} by:
-lemma rule1[foo]: "A" sorry
-lemma rule2[foo]: "B" sorry
-lemma rule3[foo]: "C" sorry
-text {* and undeclare the first one by: *}
-declare rule1[foo del]
-text {* and query the remaining ones with:
-  \begin{isabelle}
-  \isacommand{thm}~@{text "foo"}\\
-  @{text "> ?C"}\\
-  @{text "> ?B"}
-  \end{isabelle}
-  On the ML-level the rules marked with @{text "foo"} can be retrieved
-  using the function @{ML FooRules.get}:
-  @{ML_response_fake [display,gray] "FooRules.get @{context}" "[\"?C\",\"?B\"]"}
-  \begin{readmore}
-  For more information see @{ML_file "Pure/Tools/named_thms.ML"} and also
-  the recipe in Section~\ref{recipe:storingdata} about storing arbitrary
-  data.
-  \end{readmore}
-  (FIXME What are: @{text "theory_attributes"}, @{text "proof_attributes"}?)
-  \begin{readmore}
-  FIXME: @{ML_file "Pure/more_thm.ML"} @{ML_file "Pure/Isar/attrib.ML"}
-  \end{readmore}
-section {* Setups (TBD) *}
-text {*
-  In the previous section we used \isacommand{setup} in order to make
-  a theorem attribute known to Isabelle. What happens behind the scenes
-  is that \isacommand{setup} expects a functions of type 
-  @{ML_type "theory -> theory"}: the input theory is the current theory and the 
-  output the theory where the theory attribute has been stored.
-  This is a fundamental principle in Isabelle. A similar situation occurs 
-  for example with declaring constants. The function that declares a 
-  constant on the ML-level is @{ML Sign.add_consts_i}. 
-  If you write\footnote{Recall that ML-code  needs to be 
-  enclosed in \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}.} 
-ML{*Sign.add_consts_i [(@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}, NoSyn)] @{theory} *}
-text {*
-  for declaring the constant @{text "BAR"} with type @{typ nat} and 
-  run the code, then you indeed obtain a theory as result. But if you 
-  query the constant on the Isabelle level using the command \isacommand{term}
-  \begin{isabelle}
-  \isacommand{term}~@{text [quotes] "BAR"}\\
-  @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"'a\""}
-  \end{isabelle}
-  you do not obtain a constant of type @{typ nat}, but a free variable (printed in 
-  blue) of polymorphic type. The problem is that the ML-expression above did 
-  not register the declaration with the current theory. This is what the command
-  \isacommand{setup} is for. The constant is properly declared with
-setup %gray {* Sign.add_consts_i [(@{binding "BAR"}, @{typ "nat"}, NoSyn)] *}
-text {* 
-  Now 
-  \begin{isabelle}
-  \isacommand{term}~@{text [quotes] "BAR"}\\
-  @{text "> \"BAR\" :: \"nat\""}
-  \end{isabelle}
-  returns a (black) constant with the type @{typ nat}.
-  A similar command is \isacommand{local\_setup}, which expects a function
-  of type @{ML_type "local_theory -> local_theory"}. Later on we will also
-  use the commands \isacommand{method\_setup} for installing methods in the
-  current theory and \isacommand{simproc\_setup} for adding new simprocs to
-  the current simpset.
-section {* Theories, Contexts and Local Theories (TBD) *}
-text {*
-  There are theories, proof contexts and local theories (in this order, if you
-  want to order them). 
-  In contrast to an ordinary theory, which simply consists of a type
-  signature, as well as tables for constants, axioms and theorems, a local
-  theory also contains additional context information, such as locally fixed
-  variables and local assumptions that may be used by the package. The type
-  @{ML_type local_theory} is identical to the type of \emph{proof contexts}
-  @{ML_type "Proof.context"}, although not every proof context constitutes a
-  valid local theory.
-section {* Storing Theorems\label{sec:storing} (TBD) *}
-text {* @{ML PureThy.add_thms_dynamic} *}
-(* FIXME: some code below *)
-setup {*
- Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding"bar", @{typ "nat"},NoSyn)] 
-lemma "bar = (1::nat)"
-  oops
-setup {*   
-  Sign.add_consts_i [("foo", @{typ "nat"},NoSyn)] 
- #> PureThy.add_defs false [((@{binding "foo_def"}, 
-       Logic.mk_equals (Const ("", @{typ "nat"}), @{term "1::nat"})), [])] 
- #> snd
-lemma "foo = (1::nat)"
-  apply(simp add: foo_def)
-  done
-thm foo_def
-section {* Pretty-Printing (TBD) *}
-text {*
-  @{ML Pretty.big_list},
-  @{ML Pretty.brk},
-  @{ML Pretty.block},
-  @{ML Pretty.chunks}
-section {* Misc (TBD) *}
-ML {*DatatypePackage.get_datatype @{theory} "List.list"*}
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