1 theory ExternalSolver |
2 imports "../Base" |
3 begin |
4 |
5 section {* Using an External Solver *} |
6 |
7 text {* |
8 {\bf Problem:} |
9 You want to use an external solver, say, because it is more efficient in |
10 deciding particular formulas than any Isabelle tactic. |
11 \smallskip |
12 |
13 {\bf Solution:} The easiest way to do this is writing an oracle. |
14 To yield results checked by Isabelle's kernel, one can reconstruct the |
15 proofs. |
16 \smallskip |
17 |
18 \begin{readmore} |
19 A short introduction to oracles can be found in [isar-ref: no suitable label |
20 for section 3.11]. A simple example is given in |
21 @{ML_file "FOL/ex/IffOracle"}. |
22 (TODO: add more references to the code) |
23 \end{readmore} |
24 |
25 The general layout will be as follows. Given a goal G, we transform it into |
26 the syntactical respresentation of the external solver, and invoke the |
27 solver. The solver's result is then used inside the oracle to either return |
28 the proved goal or raise an exception meaning that the solver was unable to |
29 prove the goal. |
30 |
31 For communication with external programs, there are the primitives |
32 @{ML_text system} and @{ML_text system_out}, the latter of which captures |
33 the invoked program's output. For simplicity, here, we will use metis, an |
34 external solver included in the Isabelle destribution. Since it is written |
35 in ML, we can call it directly without the detour of invoking an external |
36 program. |
37 |
38 We will restrict ourselves to proving formulas of propositional logic, a |
39 task metis is very good at. |
40 *} |
41 |
42 |
43 ML {* |
44 fun trans t = |
45 (case t of |
46 @{term Trueprop} $ t => trans t |
47 | @{term True} => Metis.Formula.True |
48 | @{term False} => Metis.Formula.False |
49 | @{term Not} $ t => Metis.Formula.Not (trans t) |
50 | @{term "op &"} $ t1 $ t2 => Metis.Formula.And (trans t1, trans t2) |
51 | @{term "op |"} $ t1 $ t2 => Metis.Formula.Or (trans t1, trans t2) |
52 | @{term "op -->"} $ t1 $ t2 => Metis.Formula.Imp (trans t1, trans t2) |
53 | @{term "op = :: bool => bool => bool"} $ t1 $ t2 => |
54 Metis.Formula.Iff (trans t1, trans t2) |
55 | Free (n, @{typ bool}) => Metis.Formula.Atom (n, []) |
56 | _ => error "inacceptable term") |
57 *} |
58 |
59 |
60 ML {* |
61 fun solve f = |
62 let |
63 open Metis |
64 fun fromLiterals fms = LiteralSet.fromList (map Literal.fromFormula fms) |
65 fun fromClause fm = fromLiterals (Formula.stripDisj fm) |
66 fun fromCnf fm = map fromClause (Formula.stripConj fm) |
67 |
68 val mk_cnfs = map fromCnf o Normalize.cnf o Formula.Not |
69 fun refute cls = |
70 let val res = Resolution.new Resolution.default (map Thm.axiom cls) |
71 in |
72 (case Resolution.loop res of |
73 Resolution.Contradiction _ => true |
74 | Resolution.Satisfiable _ => false) |
75 end |
76 in List.all refute (mk_cnfs f) end |
77 *} |
78 |
79 |
80 ML {* |
81 fun prop_dp (thy, t) = if solve (trans t) then Thm.cterm_of thy t |
82 else error "Proof failed." |
83 *} |
84 |
85 oracle prop_oracle = prop_dp |
86 |
87 ML {* |
88 fun prop_oracle_tac ctxt = |
89 SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) => |
90 (case try prop_oracle (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt, goal) of |
91 SOME thm => rtac thm i |
92 | NONE => no_tac)) |
93 *} |
94 |
95 method_setup prop_oracle = {* |
96 Method.ctxt_args (fn ctxt => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (prop_oracle_tac ctxt)) |
97 *} "Oracle-based decision procedure for propositional logic" |
98 |
99 lemma "p \<or> \<not>p" |
100 by prop_oracle |
101 |
102 lemma "((p \<longrightarrow> q) \<longrightarrow> p) \<longrightarrow> p" |
103 by prop_oracle |
104 |
105 lemma "\<forall>x::nat. x \<ge> 0" |
106 sorry |
107 |
108 |
109 (* TODO: proof reconstruction *) |
110 |
111 |
112 end |