changeset 4 2a69b119cdee
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     1 theory Parsing
     2 imports Main
     4 begin
     6 chapter {* Parsing *}
     8 text {*
    10   Lots of Standard ML code is given in this document, for various reasons,
    11   including:
    12   \begin{itemize}
    13   \item direct quotation of code found in the Isabelle source files,
    14   or simplified versions of such code
    15   \item identifiers found in the Isabelle source code, with their types 
    16   (or specialisations of their types)
    17   \item code examples, which can be run by the reader, to help illustrate the
    18   behaviour of functions found in the Isabelle source code
    19   \item ancillary functions, not from the Isabelle source code, 
    20   which enable the reader to run relevant code examples
    21   \item type abbreviations, which help explain the uses of certain functions
    22   \end{itemize}
    24 *}
    26 section {* Parsing Isar input *}
    28 text {*
    30   The typical parsing function has the type
    31   \texttt{'src -> 'res * 'src}, with input  
    32   of type \texttt{'src}, returning a result 
    33   of type \texttt{'res}, which is (or is derived from) the first part of the
    34   input, and also returning the remainder of the input.
    35   (In the common case, when it is clear what the ``remainder of the input''
    36   means, we will just say that the functions ``returns'' the
    37   value of type \texttt{'res}). 
    38   An exception is raised if an appropriate value 
    39   cannot be produced from the input.
    40   A range of exceptions can be used to identify different reasons 
    41   for the failure of a parse.
    43   This contrasts the standard parsing function in Standard ML,
    44   which is of type 
    45   \texttt{type ('res, 'src) reader = 'src -> ('res * 'src) option};
    46   (for example, \texttt{List.getItem} and \texttt{Substring.getc}).
    47   However, much of the discussion at 
    48   FIX file:/home/jeremy/html/ml/SMLBasis/string-cvt.html
    49   is relevant.
    51   Naturally one may convert between the two different sorts of parsing functions
    52   as follows:
    53   \begin{verbatim}
    54   open StringCvt ;
    55   type ('res, 'src) ex_reader = 'src -> 'res * 'src
    56   (* ex_reader : ('res, 'src) reader -> ('res, 'src) ex_reader *)
    57   fun ex_reader rdr src = Option.valOf (rdr src) ;
    58   (* reader : ('res, 'src) ex_reader -> ('res, 'src) reader *)
    59   fun reader exrdr src = SOME (exrdr src) handle _ => NONE ;
    60   \end{verbatim}
    62 *}
    64 section{* The \texttt{Scan} structure *}
    66 text {* 
    67   The source file is \texttt{src/General/scan.ML}.
    68   This structure provides functions for using and combining parsing functions
    69   of the type \texttt{'src -> 'res * 'src}.
    70   Three exceptions are used:
    71   \begin{verbatim}
    72   exception MORE of string option;  (*need more input (prompt)*)
    73   exception FAIL of string option;  (*try alternatives (reason of failure)*)
    74   exception ABORT of string;        (*dead end*)
    75   \end{verbatim}
    76   Many functions in this structure (generally those with names composed of
    77   symbols) are declared as infix.
    79   Some functions from that structure are
    80   \begin{verbatim}
    81   |-- : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('src' -> 'res2 * 'src'') ->
    82   'src -> 'res2 * 'src''
    83   --| : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('src' -> 'res2 * 'src'') ->
    84   'src -> 'res1 * 'src''
    85   -- : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('src' -> 'res2 * 'src'') ->
    86   'src -> ('res1 * 'res2) * 'src''
    87   ^^ : ('src -> string * 'src') * ('src' -> string * 'src'') ->
    88   'src -> string * 'src''
    89   \end{verbatim}
    90   These functions parse a result off the input source twice.
    92   \texttt{|--} and \texttt{--|} 
    93   return the first result and the second result, respectively.
    95   \texttt{--} returns both.
    97   \verb|^^| returns the result of concatenating the two results
    98   (which must be strings).
   100   Note how, although the types 
   101   \texttt{'src}, \texttt{'src'} and \texttt{'src''} will normally be the same,
   102   the types as shown help suggest the behaviour of the functions.
   103   \begin{verbatim}
   104   :-- : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('res1 -> 'src' -> 'res2 * 'src'') ->
   105   'src -> ('res1 * 'res2) * 'src''
   106   :|-- : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('res1 -> 'src' -> 'res2 * 'src'') ->
   107   'src -> 'res2 * 'src''
   108   \end{verbatim}
   109   These are similar to \texttt{|--} and \texttt{--|},
   110   except that the second parsing function can depend on the result of the first.
   111   \begin{verbatim}
   112   >> : ('src -> 'res1 * 'src') * ('res1 -> 'res2) -> 'src -> 'res2 * 'src'
   113   || : ('src -> 'res_src) * ('src -> 'res_src) -> 'src -> 'res_src
   114   \end{verbatim}
   115   \texttt{p >> f} applies a function \texttt{f} to the result of a parse.
   117   \texttt{||} tries a second parsing function if the first one
   118   fails by raising an exception of the form \texttt{FAIL \_}.
   120   \begin{verbatim}
   121   succeed : 'res -> ('src -> 'res * 'src) ;
   122   fail : ('src -> 'res_src) ;
   123   !! : ('src * string option -> string) -> 
   124   ('src -> 'res_src) -> ('src -> 'res_src) ;
   125   \end{verbatim}
   126   \texttt{succeed r} returns \texttt{r}, with the input unchanged.
   127   \texttt{fail} always fails, raising exception \texttt{FAIL NONE}.
   128   \texttt{!! f} only affects the failure mode, turning a failure that
   129   raises \texttt{FAIL \_} into a failure that raises \texttt{ABORT ...}.
   130   This is used to prevent recovery from the failure ---
   131   thus, in \texttt{!! parse1 || parse2}, if \texttt{parse1} fails, 
   132   it won't recover by trying \texttt{parse2}.
   134   \begin{verbatim}
   135   one : ('si -> bool) -> ('si list -> 'si * 'si list) ;
   136   some : ('si -> 'res option) -> ('si list -> 'res * 'si list) ;
   137   \end{verbatim}
   138   These require the input to be a list of items:
   139   they fail, raising \texttt{MORE NONE} if the list is empty.
   140   On other failures they raise \texttt{FAIL NONE} 
   142   \texttt{one p} takes the first
   143   item from the list if it satisfies \texttt{p}, otherwise fails.
   145   \texttt{some f} takes the first
   146   item from the list and applies \texttt{f} to it, failing if this returns
   147   \texttt{NONE}.  
   149   \begin{verbatim}
   150   many : ('si -> bool) -> 'si list -> 'si list * 'si list ; 
   151   \end{verbatim}
   152   \texttt{many p} takes items from the input until it encounters one 
   153   which does not satisfy \texttt{p}.  If it reaches the end of the input
   154   it fails, raising \texttt{MORE NONE}.
   156   \texttt{many1} (with the same type) fails if the first item 
   157   does not satisfy \texttt{p}.  
   159   \begin{verbatim}
   160   option : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> ('src -> 'res option * 'src)
   161   optional : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> 'res -> ('src -> 'res * 'src)
   162   \end{verbatim}
   163   \texttt{option}: 
   164   where the parser \texttt{f} succeeds with result \texttt{r} 
   165   or raises \texttt{FAIL \_},
   166   \texttt{option f} gives the result \texttt{SOME r} or \texttt{NONE}.
   168   \texttt{optional}: if parser \texttt{f} fails by raising \texttt{FAIL \_},
   169   \texttt{optional f default} provides the result \texttt{default}.
   171   \begin{verbatim}
   172   repeat : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> 'src -> 'res list * 'src
   173   repeat1 : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> 'src -> 'res list * 'src
   174   bulk : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> 'src -> 'res list * 'src 
   175   \end{verbatim}
   176   \texttt{repeat f} repeatedly parses an item off the remaining input until 
   177   \texttt{f} fails with \texttt{FAIL \_}
   179   \texttt{repeat1} is as for \texttt{repeat}, but requires at least one
   180   successful parse.
   182   \begin{verbatim}
   183   lift : ('src -> 'res * 'src) -> ('ex * 'src -> 'res * ('ex * 'src))
   184   \end{verbatim}
   185   \texttt{lift} changes the source type of a parser by putting in an extra
   186   component \texttt{'ex}, which is ignored in the parsing.
   188   The \texttt{Scan} structure also provides the type \texttt{lexicon}, 
   190   \begin{verbatim}
   191   dest_lexicon: lexicon -> string list ;
   192   make_lexicon: string list list -> lexicon ;
   193   empty_lexicon: lexicon ;
   194   extend_lexicon: string list list -> lexicon -> lexicon ;
   195   merge_lexicons: lexicon -> lexicon -> lexicon ;
   196   is_literal: lexicon -> string list -> bool ;
   197   literal: lexicon -> string list -> string list * string list ;
   198   \end{verbatim}
   199   Two lexicons, for the commands and keywords, are stored and can be retrieved
   200   by:
   201   \begin{verbatim}
   202   val (command_lexicon, keyword_lexicon) = OuterSyntax.get_lexicons () ;
   203   val commands = Scan.dest_lexicon command_lexicon ;
   204   val keywords = Scan.dest_lexicon keyword_lexicon ;
   205   \end{verbatim}
   206 *}
   208 section{* The \texttt{OuterLex} structure *}
   210 text {*
   211   The source file is @{text "src/Pure/Isar/outer_lex.ML"}.
   212   In some other source files its name is abbreviated:
   213   \begin{verbatim}
   214   structure T = OuterLex;
   215   \end{verbatim}
   216   This structure defines the type \texttt{token}.
   217   (The types
   218   \texttt{OuterLex.token},
   219   \texttt{OuterParse.token} and
   220   \texttt{SpecParse.token} are all the same).
   222   Input text is split up into tokens, and the input source type for many parsing
   223   functions is \texttt{token list}.
   225   The datatype definition (which is not published in the signature) is
   226   \begin{verbatim}
   227   datatype token = Token of Position.T * (token_kind * string);
   228   \end{verbatim}
   229   but here are some runnable examples for viewing tokens: 
   231 *}
   233 text {*
   234   FIXME
   236   @{text "
   237   begin{verbatim}
   238   type token = T.token ;
   239   val toks : token list = OuterSyntax.scan ``theory,imports;begin x.y.z apply ?v1 ?'a 'a -- || 44 simp (* xx *) { * fff * }'' ;
   240   print_depth 20 ;
   241 T.text_of toks ;
   242   val proper_toks = List.filter T.is_proper toks ;
   243 T.kind_of proper_toks ;
   244 T.unparse proper_toks ;
   245 T.val_of proper_toks ;
   246   end{verbatim}"}
   248 *}
   250 text {*
   252   The function \texttt{is\_proper : token -> bool} identifies tokens which are
   253   not white space or comments: many parsing functions assume require spaces or
   254   comments to have been filtered out.
   256   There is a special end-of-file token:
   257   \begin{verbatim}
   258   val (tok_eof : token, is_eof : token -> bool) = T.stopper ; 
   259   (* end of file token *)
   260   \end{verbatim}
   262 *}
   264 section {* The \texttt{OuterParse} structure *}
   266 text {*
   267   The source file is \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/outer\_parse.ML}.
   268   In some other source files its name is abbreviated:
   269   \begin{verbatim}
   270   structure P = OuterParse;
   271   \end{verbatim}
   272   Here the parsers use \texttt{token list} as the input source type. 
   274   Some of the parsers simply select the first token, provided that it is of the
   275   right kind (as returned by \texttt{T.kind\_of}): these are 
   276   \texttt{ command, keyword, short\_ident, long\_ident, sym\_ident, term\_var,
   277   type\_ident, type\_var, number, string, alt\_string, verbatim, sync, eof}
   278   Others select the first token, provided that it is one of several kinds,
   279   (eg, \texttt{name, xname, text, typ}).
   281   \begin{verbatim}
   282   type 'a tlp = token list -> 'a * token list ; (* token list parser *)
   283   $$$ : string -> string tlp
   284   nat : int tlp ;
   285   maybe : 'a tlp -> 'a option tlp ;
   286   \end{verbatim}
   288   \texttt{\$\$\$ s} returns the first token,
   289   if it equals \texttt{s} \emph{and} \texttt{s} is a keyword.
   291   \texttt{nat} returns the first token, if it is a number, and evaluates it.
   293   \texttt{maybe}: if \texttt{p} returns \texttt{r}, 
   294   then \texttt{maybe p} returns \texttt{SOME r} ;
   295   if the first token is an underscore, it returns \texttt{NONE}.
   297   A few examples:
   298   \begin{verbatim}
   299   P.list : 'a tlp -> 'a list tlp ; (* likewise P.list1 *)
   300   P.and_list : 'a tlp -> 'a list tlp ; (* likewise P.and_list1 *)
   301   val toks : token list = OuterSyntax.scan "44 ,_, 66,77" ;
   302   val proper_toks = List.filter T.is_proper toks ;
   303   P.list P.nat toks ; (* OK, doesn't recognize white space *)
   304   P.list P.nat proper_toks ; (* fails, doesn't recognize what follows ',' *)
   305   P.list (P.maybe P.nat) proper_toks ; (* fails, end of input *)
   306   P.list (P.maybe P.nat) (proper_toks @ [tok_eof]) ; (* OK *)
   307   val toks : token list = OuterSyntax.scan "44 and 55 and 66 and 77" ;
   308   P.and_list P.nat (List.filter T.is_proper toks @ [tok_eof]) ; (* ??? *)
   309   \end{verbatim}
   311   The following code helps run examples:
   312   \begin{verbatim}
   313   fun parse_str tlp str = 
   314   let val toks : token list = OuterSyntax.scan str ;
   315   val proper_toks = List.filter T.is_proper toks @ [tok_eof] ;
   316   val (res, rem_toks) = tlp proper_toks ;
   317   val rem_str = String.concat
   318   (Library.separate " " ( T.unparse rem_toks)) ;
   319   in (res, rem_str) end ;
   320   \end{verbatim}
   322   Some examples from \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/outer\_parse.ML}
   323   \begin{verbatim}
   324   val type_args =
   325   type_ident >> Library.single ||
   326   $$$ "(" |-- !!! (list1 type_ident --| $$$ ")") ||
   327   Scan.succeed [];
   328   \end{verbatim}
   329   There are three ways parsing a list of type arguments can succeed.
   330   The first line reads a single type argument, and turns it into a singleton
   331   list.
   332   The second line reads "(", and then the remainder, ignoring the "(" ;
   333   the remainder consists of a list of type identifiers (at least one),
   334   and then a ")" which is also ignored.
   335   The \texttt{!!!} ensures that if the parsing proceeds this far and then fails,
   336   it won't try the third line (see the description of \texttt{Scan.!!}).
   337   The third line consumes no input and returns the empty list.
   339   \begin{verbatim}
   340   fun triple2 (x, (y, z)) = (x, y, z);
   341   val arity = xname -- ($$$ "::" |-- !!! (
   342   Scan.optional ($$$ "(" |-- !!! (list1 sort --| $$$ ")")) []
   343   -- sort)) >> triple2;
   344   \end{verbatim}
   345   The parser \texttt{arity} reads a typename $t$, then ``\texttt{::}'' (which is
   346   ignored), then optionally a list $ss$ of sorts and then another sort $s$.
   347   The result $(t, (ss, s))$ is transformed by \texttt{triple2} to $(t, ss, s)$.
   348   The second line reads the optional list of sorts:
   349   it reads first ``\texttt{(}'' and last ``\texttt{)}'', which are both ignored,
   350   and between them a comma-separated list of sorts.
   351   If this list is absent, the default \texttt{[]} provides the list of sorts.
   353   \begin{verbatim}
   354   parse_str P.type_args "('a, 'b) ntyp" ;
   355   parse_str P.type_args "'a ntyp" ;
   356   parse_str P.type_args "ntyp" ;
   357   parse_str P.arity "ty :: tycl" ;
   358   parse_str P.arity "ty :: (tycl1, tycl2) tycl" ;
   359   \end{verbatim}
   361 *}
   363 section {* The \texttt{SpecParse} structure *}
   365 text {*
   366   The source file is \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/spec\_parse.ML}.
   367   This structure contains token list parsers for more complicated values.
   368   For example, 
   369   \begin{verbatim}
   370   open SpecParse ;
   371   attrib : Attrib.src tok_rdr ; 
   372   attribs : Attrib.src list tok_rdr ;
   373   opt_attribs : Attrib.src list tok_rdr ;
   374   xthm : (thmref * Attrib.src list) tok_rdr ;
   375   xthms1 : (thmref * Attrib.src list) list tok_rdr ;
   377   parse_str attrib "simp" ;
   378   parse_str opt_attribs "hello" ;
   379   val (ass, "") = parse_str attribs "[standard, xxxx, simp, intro, OF sym]" ;
   380   map Args.dest_src ass ;
   381   val (asrc, "") = parse_str attrib "THEN trans [THEN sym]" ;
   383   parse_str xthm "mythm [attr]" ;
   384   parse_str xthms1 "thm1 [attr] thms2" ;
   385   \end{verbatim}
   387   As you can see, attributes are described using types of the \texttt{Args}
   388   structure, described below.
   389 *}
   391 section{* The \texttt{Args} structure *}
   393 text {*
   394   The source file is \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/args.ML}.
   395   The primary type of this structure is the \texttt{src} datatype;
   396   the single constructors not published in the signature, but 
   397   \texttt{Args.src} and \texttt{Args.dest\_src}
   398   are in fact the constructor and destructor functions.
   399   Note that the types \texttt{Attrib.src} and \texttt{Method.src}
   400   are in fact \texttt{Args.src}.
   402   \begin{verbatim}
   403   src : (string * Args.T list) * Position.T -> Args.src ;
   404   dest_src : Args.src -> (string * Args.T list) * Position.T ;
   405   Args.pretty_src : Proof.context -> Args.src -> Pretty.T ;
   406   fun pr_src ctxt src = Pretty.string_of (Args.pretty_src ctxt src) ;
   408   val thy = ML_Context.the_context () ;
   409   val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy ;
   410   map (pr_src ctxt) ass ;
   411   \end{verbatim}
   413   So an \texttt{Args.src} consists of the first word, then a list of further 
   414   ``arguments'', of type \texttt{Args.T}, with information about position in the
   415   input.
   416   \begin{verbatim}
   417   (* how an Args.src is parsed *)
   418   P.position : 'a tlp -> ('a * Position.T) tlp ;
   419   P.arguments : Args.T list tlp ;
   421   val parse_src : Args.src tlp =
   422   P.position (P.xname -- P.arguments) >> Args.src ;
   423   \end{verbatim}
   425   \begin{verbatim}
   426   val ((first_word, args), pos) = Args.dest_src asrc ;
   427   map Args.string_of args ;
   428   \end{verbatim}
   430   The \texttt{Args} structure contains more parsers and parser transformers 
   431   for which the input source type is \texttt{Args.T list}.  For example,
   432   \begin{verbatim}
   433   type 'a atlp = Args.T list -> 'a * Args.T list ;
   434   open Args ;
   435   nat : int atlp ; (* also *)
   436   thm_sel : PureThy.interval list atlp ;
   437   list : 'a atlp -> 'a list atlp ;
   438   attribs : (string -> string) -> Args.src list atlp ;
   439   opt_attribs : (string -> string) -> Args.src list atlp ;
   441   (* parse_atl_str : 'a atlp -> (string -> 'a * string) ;
   442   given an Args.T list parser, to get a string parser *)
   443   fun parse_atl_str atlp str = 
   444   let val (ats, rem_str) = parse_str P.arguments str ;
   445   val (res, rem_ats) = atlp ats ;
   446   in (res, String.concat (Library.separate " "
   447   ( Args.string_of rem_ats @ [rem_str]))) end ;
   449   parse_atl_str "-1-," ;
   450   parse_atl_str (Scan.option "x1-," ;
   451   parse_atl_str Args.thm_sel "(1-,4,13-22)" ;
   453   val (ats as atsrc :: _, "") = parse_atl_str (Args.attribs I)
   454   "[THEN trans [THEN sym], simp, OF sym]" ;
   455   \end{verbatim}
   457   From here, an attribute is interpreted using \texttt{Attrib.attribute}.
   459   \texttt{Args} has a large number of functions which parse an \texttt{Args.src}
   460   and also refer to a generic context.  
   461   Note the use of \texttt{Scan.lift} for this.
   462   (as does \texttt{Attrib} - RETHINK THIS)
   464   (\texttt{Args.syntax} shown below has type specialised)
   466   \begin{verbatim}
   467   type ('res, 'src) parse_fn = 'src -> 'res * 'src ;
   468   type 'a cgatlp = ('a, Context.generic * Args.T list) parse_fn ;
   469   Scan.lift : 'a atlp -> 'a cgatlp ;
   470   term : term cgatlp ;
   471   typ : typ cgatlp ;
   473   Args.syntax : string -> 'res cgatlp -> src -> ('res, Context.generic) parse_fn ;
   474   Attrib.thm : thm cgatlp ;
   475   Attrib.thms : thm list cgatlp ;
   476   Attrib.multi_thm : thm list cgatlp ;
   478   (* parse_cgatl_str : 'a cgatlp -> (string -> 'a * string) ;
   479   given a (Context.generic * Args.T list) parser, to get a string parser *)
   480   fun parse_cgatl_str cgatlp str = 
   481   let 
   482     (* use the current generic context *)
   483     val generic = Context.Theory thy ;
   484     val (ats, rem_str) = parse_str P.arguments str ;
   485     (* ignore any change to the generic context *)
   486     val (res, (_, rem_ats)) = cgatlp (generic, ats) ;
   487   in (res, String.concat (Library.separate " "
   488       ( Args.string_of rem_ats @ [rem_str]))) end ;
   489   \end{verbatim}
   490 *}
   492 section{* Attributes, and the \texttt{Attrib} structure *}
   494 text {*
   495   The type \texttt{attribute} is declared in \texttt{src/Pure/thm.ML}.
   496   The source file for the \texttt{Attrib} structure is
   497   \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML}.
   498   Most attributes use a theorem to change a generic context (for example, 
   499   by declaring that the theorem should be used, by default, in simplification),
   500   or change a theorem (which most often involves referring to the current
   501   theory). 
   502   The functions \texttt{Thm.rule\_attribute} and
   503   \texttt{Thm.declaration\_attribute} create attributes of these kinds.
   505   \begin{verbatim}
   506   type attribute = Context.generic * thm -> Context.generic * thm;
   507   type 'a trf = 'a -> 'a ; (* transformer of a given type *)
   508   Thm.rule_attribute  : (Context.generic -> thm -> thm) -> attribute ;
   509   Thm.declaration_attribute : (thm -> Context.generic trf) -> attribute ;
   511   Attrib.print_attributes : theory -> unit ;
   512   Attrib.pretty_attribs : Proof.context -> src list -> Pretty.T list ;
   514 Pretty.writeln (Attrib.pretty_attribs ctxt ass) ;
   515   \end{verbatim}
   517   An attribute is stored in a theory as indicated by:
   518   \begin{verbatim}
   519   Attrib.add_attributes : 
   520   (bstring * (src -> attribute) * string) list -> theory trf ; 
   521   (*
   522   Attrib.add_attributes [("THEN", THEN_att, "resolution with rule")] ;
   523   *)
   524   \end{verbatim}
   525   where the first and third arguments are name and description of the attribute,
   526   and the second is a function which parses the attribute input text 
   527   (including the attribute name, which has necessarily already been parsed).
   528   Here, \texttt{THEN\_att} is a function declared in the code for the
   529   structure \texttt{Attrib}, but not published in its signature.
   530   The source file \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML} shows the use of 
   531   \texttt{Attrib.add\_attributes} to add a number of attributes.
   533   \begin{verbatim}
   534   FullAttrib.THEN_att : src -> attribute ;
   535   FullAttrib.THEN_att atsrc (generic, ML_Context.thm "sym") ;
   536   FullAttrib.THEN_att atsrc (generic, ML_Context.thm "all_comm") ;
   537   \end{verbatim}
   539   \begin{verbatim}
   540   Attrib.syntax : attribute cgatlp -> src -> attribute ;
   541   Attrib.no_args : attribute -> src -> attribute ;
   542   \end{verbatim}
   543   When this is called as \texttt{syntax scan src (gc, th)}
   544   the generic context \texttt{gc} is used 
   545   (and potentially changed to \texttt{gc'})
   546   by \texttt{scan} in parsing to obtain an attribute \texttt{attr} which would
   547   then be applied to \texttt{(gc', th)}.
   548   The source for parsing the attribute is the arguments part of \texttt{src},
   549   which must all be consumed by the parse.
   551   For example, for \texttt{\_args attr src}, the attribute parser 
   552   simply returns \texttt{attr}, requiring that the arguments part of
   553   \texttt{src} must be empty.
   555   Some examples from \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML}, modified:
   556   \begin{verbatim}
   557   fun rot_att_n n (gc, th) = (gc, rotate_prems n th) ;
   558   rot_att_n : int -> attribute ;
   559   val rot_arg = Scan.lift (Scan.optional 1 : int atlp) : int cgatlp ;
   560   val rotated_att : src -> attribute =
   561   Attrib.syntax (rot_arg >> rot_att_n : attribute cgatlp) ;
   563   val THEN_arg : int cgatlp = Scan.lift 
   564   (Scan.optional (Args.bracks Args.nat : int atlp) 1 : int atlp) ;
   566   Attrib.thm : thm cgatlp ;
   568   THEN_arg -- Attrib.thm : (int * thm) cgatlp ;
   570   fun THEN_att_n (n, tht) (gc, th) = (gc, th RSN (n, tht)) ;
   571   THEN_att_n : int * thm -> attribute ;
   573   val THEN_att : src -> attribute = Attrib.syntax
   574   (THEN_arg -- Attrib.thm >> THEN_att_n : attribute cgatlp);
   575   \end{verbatim}
   576   The functions I've called \texttt{rot\_arg} and \texttt{THEN\_arg}
   577   read an optional argument, which for \texttt{rotated} is an integer, 
   578   and for \texttt{THEN} is a natural enclosed in square brackets;
   579   the default, if the argument is absent, is 1 in each case.
   580   Functions \texttt{rot\_att\_n} and \texttt{THEN\_att\_n} turn these into
   581   attributes, where \texttt{THEN\_att\_n} also requires a theorem, which is
   582   parsed by \texttt{Attrib.thm}.  
   583   Infix operators \texttt{--} and \texttt{>>} are in the structure \texttt{Scan}.
   585 *}
   587 section{* Methods, and the \texttt{Method} structure *}
   589 text {*
   590   The source file is \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/method.ML}.
   591   The type \texttt{method} is defined by the datatype declaration
   592   \begin{verbatim}
   593   (* datatype method = Meth of thm list -> cases_tactic; *)
   594   RuleCases.NO_CASES : tactic -> cases_tactic ;
   595   \end{verbatim}
   596   In fact \texttt{RAW\_METHOD\_CASES} (below) is exactly the constructor
   597   \texttt{Meth}.
   598   A \texttt{cases\_tactic} is an elaborated version of a tactic.
   599   \texttt{NO\_CASES tac} is a \texttt{cases\_tactic} which consists of a
   600   \texttt{cases\_tactic} without any further case information.
   601   For further details see the description of structure \texttt{RuleCases} below.
   602   The list of theorems to be passed to a method consists of the current
   603   \emph{facts} in the proof.
   605   \begin{verbatim}
   606   RAW_METHOD : (thm list -> tactic) -> method ;
   607   METHOD : (thm list -> tactic) -> method ;
   609   SIMPLE_METHOD : tactic -> method ;
   610   SIMPLE_METHOD' : (int -> tactic) -> method ;
   611   SIMPLE_METHOD'' : ((int -> tactic) -> tactic) -> (int -> tactic) -> method ;
   613   RAW_METHOD_CASES : (thm list -> cases_tactic) -> method ;
   614   METHOD_CASES : (thm list -> cases_tactic) -> method ;
   615   \end{verbatim}
   616   A method is, in its simplest form, a tactic; applying the method is to apply
   617   the tactic to the current goal state.
   619   Applying \texttt{RAW\_METHOD tacf} creates a tactic by applying 
   620   \texttt{tacf} to the current {facts}, and applying that tactic to the
   621   goal state.
   623   \texttt{METHOD} is similar but also first applies
   624   \texttt{Goal.conjunction\_tac} to all subgoals.
   626   \texttt{SIMPLE\_METHOD tac} inserts the facts into all subgoals and then
   627   applies \texttt{tacf}.
   629   \texttt{SIMPLE\_METHOD' tacf} inserts the facts and then
   630   applies \texttt{tacf} to subgoal 1.
   632   \texttt{SIMPLE\_METHOD'' quant tacf} does this for subgoal(s) selected by
   633   \texttt{quant}, which may be, for example,
   634   \texttt{ALLGOALS} (all subgoals),
   635   \texttt{TRYALL} (try all subgoals, failure is OK),
   636   \texttt{FIRSTGOAL} (try subgoals until it succeeds once), 
   637   \texttt{(fn tacf => tacf 4)} (subgoal 4), etc
   638   (see the \texttt{Tactical} structure, \cite[Chapter 4]{ref}).
   640   A method is stored in a theory as indicated by:
   641   \begin{verbatim}
   642   Method.add_method : 
   643   (bstring * (src -> Proof.context -> method) * string) -> theory trf ; 
   644   ( *
   645   * )
   646   \end{verbatim}
   647   where the first and third arguments are name and description of the method,
   648   and the second is a function which parses the method input text 
   649   (including the method name, which has necessarily already been parsed).
   651   Here, \texttt{xxx} is a function declared in the code for the
   652   structure \texttt{Method}, but not published in its signature.
   653   The source file \texttt{src/Pure/Isar/method.ML} shows the use of 
   654   \texttt{Method.add\_method} to add a number of methods.
   657 *}
   660 end