\documentclass[a4paper,UKenglish]{lipics}\usepackage{graphic}\usepackage{data}\usepackage{tikz-cd}\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{graphs}\usetikzlibrary{graphdrawing}\usegdlibrary{trees}%\usepackage{algorithm}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{xcolor}\usepackage[noend]{algpseudocode}\usepackage{enumitem}\usepackage{nccmath}\usepackage{soul}\definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.6}\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,allcolors=darkblue}\newcommand{\comment}[1]%{{\color{red}$\Rightarrow$}\marginpar{\raggedright\small{\bf\color{red}#1}}}% \documentclass{article}%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}%\usepackage[english]{babel}%\usepackage{listings}% \usepackage{amsthm}%\usepackage{hyperref}% \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry}%\usepackage{pmboxdraw}\title{POSIX Regular Expression Matching and Lexing}\author{Chengsong Tan}\affil{King's College London\\London, UK\\\texttt{chengsong.tan@kcl.ac.uk}}\authorrunning{Chengsong Tan}\Copyright{Chengsong Tan}\newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}%\newcommand{\ZERO}{\mbox{\bf 0}}\newcommand{\ONE}{\mbox{\bf 1}}\def\erase{\textit{erase}}\def\bders{\textit{bders}}\def\lexer{\mathit{lexer}}\def\blexer{\textit{blexer}}\def\fuse{\textit{fuse}}\def\flatten{\textit{flatten}}\def\map{\textit{map}}\def\blexers{\mathit{blexer\_simp}}\def\simp{\mathit{simp}}\def\mkeps{\mathit{mkeps}}\def\bmkeps{\textit{bmkeps}}\def\inj{\mathit{inj}}\def\Empty{\mathit{Empty}}\def\Left{\mathit{Left}}\def\Right{\mathit{Right}}\def\Stars{\mathit{Stars}}\def\Char{\mathit{Char}}\def\Seq{\mathit{Seq}}\def\Der{\mathit{Der}}\def\nullable{\mathit{nullable}}\def\Z{\mathit{Z}}\def\S{\mathit{S}}\def\flex{\textit{flex}}\def\rup{r^\uparrow}\def\retrieve{\textit{retrieve}}\def\AALTS{\textit{AALTS}}\def\AONE{\textit{AONE}}%\theoremstyle{theorem}%\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}%\theoremstyle{lemma}%\newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}%\newcommand{\lemmaautorefname}{Lemma}%\theoremstyle{definition}%\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}\algnewcommand\algorithmicswitch{\textbf{switch}}\algnewcommand\algorithmiccase{\textbf{case}}\algnewcommand\algorithmicassert{\texttt{assert}}\algnewcommand\Assert[1]{\State \algorithmicassert(#1)}%% New "environments"\algdef{SE}[SWITCH]{Switch}{EndSwitch}[1]{\algorithmicswitch\ #1\ \algorithmicdo}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicswitch}%\algdef{SE}[CASE]{Case}{EndCase}[1]{\algorithmiccase\ #1}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmiccase}%\algtext*{EndSwitch}%\algtext*{EndCase}%\begin{document}\maketitle\begin{abstract} Brzozowski introduced in 1964 a beautifully simple algorithm for regular expression matching based on the notion of derivatives of regular expressions. In 2014, Sulzmann and Lu extended this algorithm to not just give a YES/NO answer for whether or not a regular expression matches a string, but in case it does also answers with \emph{how} it matches the string. This is important for applications such as lexing (tokenising a string). The problem is to make the algorithm by Sulzmann and Lu fast on all inputs without breaking its correctness. Being fast depends on a complete set of simplification rules, some of which have been put forward by Sulzmann and Lu. We have extended their rules in order to obtain a tight bound on the size of regular expressions. We have tested these extended rules, but have not formally established their correctness. We have also not yet looked at extended regular expressions, such as bounded repetitions, negation and back-references.\end{abstract}\section{Introduction}testWhile we believe derivatives of regular expressions, written$r\backslash s$, are a beautiful concept (in terms of ease ofimplementing them in functional programming languages and in terms ofreasoning about them formally), they have one major drawback: everyderivative step can make regular expressions grow drastically insize. This in turn has negative effect on the runtime of thecorresponding lexing algorithms. Consider for example the regularexpression $(a+aa)^*$ and the short string $aaaaaaaaaaaa$. Thecorresponding derivative contains already 8668 nodes where we assumethe derivative is given as a tree. The reason for the poor runtime ofthe derivative-based lexing algorithms is that they need to traversesuch trees over and over again. The solution is to find a complete setof simplification rules that keep the sizes of derivatives uniformlysmall.\section{Recapitulation of Concepts From the Last Report}\subsection*{Regular Expressions and Derivatives}Suppose (basic) regular expressions are given by the following grammar:\[ r ::= \ZERO \mid \ONE \mid c \mid r_1 \cdot r_2 \mid r_1 + r_2 \mid r^* \]\noindentThe ingenious contribution of Brzozowski is the notion of \emph{derivatives} ofregular expressions, written~$\_ \backslash \_$. It uses the auxiliary notion of$\nullable$ defined below.\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcl} $\nullable(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{false}$ \\ $\nullable(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{true}$ \\ $\nullable(c)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{false}$ \\ $\nullable(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\nullable(r_1) \vee \nullable(r_2)$ \\ $\nullable(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\nullable(r_1) \wedge \nullable(r_2)$ \\ $\nullable(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{true}$ \\ \end{tabular} \end{center}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\ZERO \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $\ONE \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $d \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{if} \;c = d\;\mathit{then}\;\ONE\;\mathit{else}\;\ZERO$\\$(r_1 + r_2)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $r_1 \backslash c \,+\, r_2 \backslash c$\\$(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{if} \, nullable(r_1)$\\ & & $\mathit{then}\;(r_1\backslash c) \cdot r_2 \,+\, r_2\backslash c$\\ & & $\mathit{else}\;(r_1\backslash c) \cdot r_2$\\ $(r^*)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $(r\backslash c) \cdot r^*$\\\end{tabular}\end{center}%Assuming the classic notion of a%\emph{language} of a regular expression, written $L(\_)$, t\noindentThe main property of the derivative operation is that\begin{center}$c\!::\!s \in L(r)$ holdsif and only if $s \in L(r\backslash c)$.\end{center}\noindentWe can generalise the derivative operation shown above for single charactersto strings as follows:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$r \backslash (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(r \backslash c) \backslash s$ \\$r \backslash [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentand then define Brzozowski's regular-expression matching algorithm as:\[match\;s\;r \;\dn\; nullable(r\backslash s)\]\noindentAssuming the a string is givane as a sequence of characters, say $c_0c_1..c_n$, this algorithm presented graphically is as follows:\begin{equation}\label{graph:*}\begin{tikzcd}r_0 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_0"] & r_1 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_1"] & r_2 \arrow[r, dashed] & r_n \arrow[r,"\textit{nullable}?"] & \;\textrm{YES}/\textrm{NO}\end{tikzcd}\end{equation}\noindentwhere we start with a regular expression $r_0$, build successivederivatives until we exhaust the string and then use \textit{nullable}to test whether the result can match the empty string. It can berelatively easily shown that this matcher is correct (that is givenan $s = c_0...c_{n-1}$ and an $r_0$, it generates YES if and only if $s \in L(r_0)$).\subsection*{Values and the Lexing Algorithm by Sulzmann and Lu}One limitation of Brzozowski's algorithm is that it only produces aYES/NO answer for whether a string is being matched by a regularexpression. Sulzmann and Lu~\cite{Sulzmann2014} extended this algorithmto allow generation of an actual matching, called a \emph{value} orsometimes also \emph{lexical value}. These values and regularexpressions correspond to each other as illustrated in the followingtable:\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c@{\hspace{20mm}}c} \begin{tabular}{@{}rrl@{}} \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Regular Expressions}}\medskip\\ $r$ & $::=$ & $\ZERO$\\ & $\mid$ & $\ONE$ \\ & $\mid$ & $c$ \\ & $\mid$ & $r_1 \cdot r_2$\\ & $\mid$ & $r_1 + r_2$ \\ \\ & $\mid$ & $r^*$ \\ \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{0mm}}rrl@{}} \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Values}}\medskip\\ $v$ & $::=$ & \\ & & $\Empty$ \\ & $\mid$ & $\Char(c)$ \\ & $\mid$ & $\Seq\,v_1\, v_2$\\ & $\mid$ & $\Left(v)$ \\ & $\mid$ & $\Right(v)$ \\ & $\mid$ & $\Stars\,[v_1,\ldots\,v_n]$ \\ \end{tabular} \end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentThe contribution of Sulzmann and Lu is an extension of Brzozowski'salgorithm by a second phase (the first phase being building successivederivatives---see \eqref{graph:*}). In this second phase, a POSIX value is generated in case the regular expression matches the string. Pictorially, the Sulzmann and Lu algorithm is as follows:\begin{ceqn}\begin{equation}\label{graph:2}\begin{tikzcd}r_0 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_0"] \arrow[d] & r_1 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_1"] \arrow[d] & r_2 \arrow[r, dashed] \arrow[d] & r_n \arrow[d, "mkeps" description] \\v_0 & v_1 \arrow[l,"inj_{r_0} c_0"] & v_2 \arrow[l, "inj_{r_1} c_1"] & v_n \arrow[l, dashed] \end{tikzcd}\end{equation}\end{ceqn}\noindentFor convenience, we shall employ the following notations: the regularexpression we start with is $r_0$, and the given string $s$ is composedof characters $c_0 c_1 \ldots c_{n-1}$. In the first phase from theleft to right, we build the derivatives $r_1$, $r_2$, \ldots accordingto the characters $c_0$, $c_1$ until we exhaust the string and obtainthe derivative $r_n$. We test whether this derivative is$\textit{nullable}$ or not. If not, we know the string does not match$r$ and no value needs to be generated. If yes, we start building thevalues incrementally by \emph{injecting} back the characters into theearlier values $v_n, \ldots, v_0$. This is the second phase of thealgorithm from the right to left. For the first value $v_n$, we call thefunction $\textit{mkeps}$, which builds the lexical valuefor how the empty string has been matched by the (nullable) regularexpression $r_n$. This function is defined as \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcl} $\mkeps(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\Empty$ \\ $\mkeps(r_{1}+r_{2})$ & $\dn$ & \textit{if} $\nullable(r_{1})$\\ & & \textit{then} $\Left(\mkeps(r_{1}))$\\ & & \textit{else} $\Right(\mkeps(r_{2}))$\\ $\mkeps(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\Seq\,(\mkeps\,r_1)\,(\mkeps\,r_2)$\\ $mkeps(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\Stars\,[]$ \end{tabular} \end{center}\noindent After the $\mkeps$-call, we inject back the characters one by one in order to buildthe lexical value $v_i$ for how the regex $r_i$ matches the string $s_i$($s_i = c_i \ldots c_{n-1}$ ) from the previous lexical value $v_{i+1}$.After injecting back $n$ characters, we get the lexical value for how $r_0$matches $s$. For this Sulzmann and Lu defined a function that reversesthe ``chopping off'' of characters during the derivative phase. Thecorresponding function is called \emph{injection}, written$\textit{inj}$; it takes three arguments: the first one is a regularexpression ${r_{i-1}}$, before the character is chopped off, the secondis a character ${c_{i-1}}$, the character we want to inject and thethird argument is the value ${v_i}$, into which one wants to inject thecharacter (it corresponds to the regular expression after the characterhas been chopped off). The result of this function is a new value. Thedefinition of $\textit{inj}$ is as follows: \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{1mm}}c@{\hspace{1mm}}l} $\textit{inj}\,(c)\,c\,Empty$ & $\dn$ & $Char\,c$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,\Left(v)$ & $\dn$ & $\Left(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v)$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$ & $Right(\textit{inj}\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Seq(v_1,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,\Left(Seq(v_1,v_2))$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{mkeps}(r_1),\textit{inj}\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\ $\textit{inj}\,(r^*)\,c\,Seq(v,Stars\,vs)$ & $\dn$ & $Stars((\textit{inj}\,r\,c\,v)\,::\,vs)$\\\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindent This definition is by recursion on the ``shape'' of regularexpressions and values. \subsection*{Simplification of Regular Expressions}The main drawback of building successive derivatives accordingto Brzozowski's definition is that they can grow very quickly in size.This is mainly due to the fact that the derivative operation generatesoften ``useless'' $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s in derivatives. As a result, ifimplemented naively both algorithms by Brzozowski and by Sulzmann and Luare excruciatingly slow. For example when starting with the regularexpression $(a + aa)^*$ and building 12 successive derivativesw.r.t.~the character $a$, one obtains a derivative regular expressionwith more than 8000 nodes (when viewed as a tree). Operations like$\textit{der}$ and $\nullable$ need to traverse such trees andconsequently the bigger the size of the derivative the slower thealgorithm. Fortunately, one can simplify regular expressions after each derivativestep. Various simplifications of regular expressions are possible, suchas the simplification of $\ZERO + r$, $r + \ZERO$, $\ONE\cdot r$, $r\cdot \ONE$, and $r + r$ to just $r$. These simplifications do notaffect the answer for whether a regular expression matches a string ornot, but fortunately also do not affect the POSIX strategy of howregular expressions match strings---although the latter is much harderto establish. Some initial results in this regard have beenobtained in \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}. If we want the size of derivatives in Sulzmann and Lu's algorithm tostay below this bound, we would need more aggressive simplifications.Essentially we need to delete useless $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s, as well asdeleting duplicates whenever possible. For example, the parentheses in$(a+b) \cdot c + b\cdot c$ can be opened up to get $a\cdot c + b \cdot c + b\cdot c$, and then simplified to just $a \cdot c + b \cdot c$. Anotherexample is simplifying $(a^*+a) + (a^*+ \ONE) + (a +\ONE)$ to just$a^*+a+\ONE$. Adding these more aggressive simplification rules help usto achieve the same size bound as that of the partial derivatives. In order to implement the idea of ``spilling out alternatives'' and tomake them compatible with the $\textit{inj}$-mechanism, we use\emph{bitcodes}. They were first introduced by Sulzmann and Lu.Here bits and bitcodes (lists of bits) are defined as:\begin{center} $b ::= 1 \mid 0 \qquadbs ::= [] \mid b:bs $\end{center}\noindentThe $1$ and $0$ are not in bold in order to avoid confusion with the regular expressions $\ZERO$ and $\ONE$. Bitcodes (orbit-lists) can be used to encode values (or incomplete values) in acompact form. This can be straightforwardly seen in the followingcoding function from values to bitcodes: \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{code}(\Empty)$ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ $\textit{code}(\Char\,c)$ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ $\textit{code}(\Left\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $0 :: code(v)$\\ $\textit{code}(\Right\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $1 :: code(v)$\\ $\textit{code}(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & $code(v_1) \,@\, code(v_2)$\\ $\textit{code}(\Stars\,[])$ & $\dn$ & $[0]$\\ $\textit{code}(\Stars\,(v\!::\!vs))$ & $\dn$ & $1 :: code(v) \;@\; code(\Stars\,vs)$\end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentHere $\textit{code}$ encodes a value into a bitcodes by converting$\Left$ into $0$, $\Right$ into $1$, and marks the start of a non-emptystar iteration by $1$. The border where a local star terminatesis marked by $0$. This coding is lossy, as it throws away the information aboutcharacters, and also does not encode the ``boundary'' between twosequence values. Moreover, with only the bitcode we cannot even tellwhether the $1$s and $0$s are for $\Left/\Right$ or $\Stars$. Thereason for choosing this compact way of storing information is that therelatively small size of bits can be easily manipulated and ``movedaround'' in a regular expression. In order to recover values, we will need the corresponding regular expression as an extra information. Thismeans the decoding function is defined as:%\begin{definition}[Bitdecoding of Values]\mbox{}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{1mm}}c@{\hspace{1mm}}l@{}} $\textit{decode}'\,bs\,(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Empty, bs)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,bs\,(c)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Char\,c, bs)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,(0\!::\!bs)\;(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_1\;\textit{in}\; (\Left\,v, bs_1)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,(1\!::\!bs)\;(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_2\;\textit{in}\; (\Right\,v, bs_1)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,bs\;(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\,(v_1, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_1\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\textit{let}\,(v_2, bs_2) = \textit{decode}'\,bs_1\,r_2$\\ & & \hspace{35mm}$\textit{in}\;(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2, bs_2)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,(0\!::\!bs)\,(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Stars\,[], bs)$\\ $\textit{decode}'\,(1\!::\!bs)\,(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\textit{let}\,(\Stars\,vs, bs_2) = \textit{decode}'\,bs_1\,r^*$\\ & & \hspace{35mm}$\textit{in}\;(\Stars\,v\!::\!vs, bs_2)$\bigskip\\ $\textit{decode}\,bs\,r$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\,(v, bs') = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\textit{if}\;bs' = []\;\textit{then}\;\textit{Some}\,v\; \textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ \end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}Sulzmann and Lu's integrated the bitcodes into regular expressions tocreate annotated regular expressions \cite{Sulzmann2014}.\emph{Annotated regular expressions} are defined by the followinggrammar:%\comment{ALTS should have an $as$ in the definitions, not just $a_1$ and $a_2$}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{a}$ & $::=$ & $\ZERO$\\ & $\mid$ & $_{bs}\ONE$\\ & $\mid$ & $_{bs}{\bf c}$\\ & $\mid$ & $_{bs}\oplus\,as$\\ & $\mid$ & $_{bs}a_1\cdot a_2$\\ & $\mid$ & $_{bs}a^*$\end{tabular} \end{center} %(in \textit{ALTS})\noindentwhere $bs$ stands for bitcodes, $a$ for $\bold{a}$nnotated regularexpressions and $as$ for a list of annotated regular expressions.The alternative constructor($\oplus$) has been generalized to accept a list of annotated regular expressions rather than just 2.We will show that these bitcodes encode information aboutthe (POSIX) value that should be generated by the Sulzmann and Lualgorithm.To do lexing using annotated regular expressions, we shall firsttransform the usual (un-annotated) regular expressions into annotatedregular expressions. This operation is called \emph{internalisation} anddefined as follows:%\begin{definition}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $(\ZERO)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $(\ONE)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $_{[]}\ONE$\\ $(c)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $_{[]}{\bf c}$\\ $(r_1 + r_2)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $_{[]}\oplus[\textit{fuse}\,[0]\,r_1^\uparrow,\, \textit{fuse}\,[1]\,r_2^\uparrow]$\\ $(r_1\cdot r_2)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $_{[]}r_1^\uparrow \cdot r_2^\uparrow$\\ $(r^*)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $_{[]}(r^\uparrow)^*$\\\end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}\noindentWe use up arrows here to indicate that the basic un-annotated regularexpressions are ``lifted up'' into something slightly more complex. In thefourth clause, $\textit{fuse}$ is an auxiliary function that helps toattach bits to the front of an annotated regular expression. Itsdefinition is as follows:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{fuse}\;bs \; \ZERO$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $\textit{fuse}\;bs\; _{bs'}\ONE$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs @ bs'}\ONE$\\ $\textit{fuse}\;bs\;_{bs'}{\bf c}$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs@bs'}{\bf c}$\\ $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,_{bs'}\oplus\textit{as}$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs@bs'}\oplus\textit{as}$\\ $\textit{fuse}\;bs\; _{bs'}a_1\cdot a_2$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs@bs'}a_1 \cdot a_2$\\ $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,_{bs'}a^*$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs @ bs'}a^*$\end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentAfter internalising the regular expression, we perform successivederivative operations on the annotated regular expressions. Thisderivative operation is the same as what we had previously for thebasic regular expressions, except that we beed to take care ofthe bitcodes:\iffalse %\begin{definition}{bder}\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $(\textit{ZERO})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(\textit{ONE}\;bs)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(\textit{CHAR}\;bs\,d)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\; \textit{ONE}\;bs\;\textit{else}\;\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,(as.map(\backslash c))$\\ $(\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\ & &$\textit{then}\;\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,List((\textit{SEQ}\,[]\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2),$\\ & &$\phantom{\textit{then}\;\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c)))$\\ & &$\textit{else}\;\textit{SEQ}\,bs\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2$\\ $(\textit{STAR}\,bs\,a)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,(\textit{fuse}\, [\Z] (r\,\backslash c))\, (\textit{STAR}\,[]\,r)$\end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $(\textit{ZERO})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(_{bs}\textit{ONE})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(_{bs}\textit{CHAR}\;d)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\; _{bs}\textit{ONE}\;\textit{else}\;\textit{ZERO}$\\ $(_{bs}\textit{ALTS}\;\textit{as})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs}\textit{ALTS}\;(\textit{as}.\textit{map}(\backslash c))$\\ $(_{bs}\textit{SEQ}\;a_1\,a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\ & &$\textit{then}\;_{bs}\textit{ALTS}\,List((_{[]}\textit{SEQ}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2),$\\ & &$\phantom{\textit{then}\;_{bs}\textit{ALTS}\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c)))$\\ & &$\textit{else}\;_{bs}\textit{SEQ}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2$\\ $(_{bs}\textit{STAR}\,a)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs}\textit{SEQ}\;(\textit{fuse}\, [0] \; r\,\backslash c )\, (_{bs}\textit{STAR}\,[]\,r)$\end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}\fi\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $(\ZERO)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $(_{bs}\ONE)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ $(_{bs}{\bf d})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\; _{bs}\ONE\;\textit{else}\;\ZERO$\\ $(_{bs}\oplus \;\textit{as})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs}\oplus\;(\textit{as.map}(\backslash c))$\\ $(_{bs}\;a_1\cdot a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\ & &$\textit{then}\;_{bs}\oplus\,[(_{[]}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot\,a_2),$\\ & &$\phantom{\textit{then},\;_{bs}\oplus\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c))]$\\ & &$\textit{else}\;_{bs}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot a_2$\\ $(_{bs}a^*)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $_{bs}(\textit{fuse}\, [0] \; r\,\backslash c)\cdot (_{[]}r^*))$\end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}\noindentFor instance, when we do derivative of $_{bs}a^*$ with respect to c,we need to unfold it into a sequence,and attach an additional bit $0$ to the front of $r \backslash c$to indicate that there is one more star iteration. Also the sequence clauseis more subtle---when $a_1$ is $\textit{bnullable}$ (here\textit{bnullable} is exactly the same as $\textit{nullable}$, exceptthat it is for annotated regular expressions, therefore we omit thedefinition). Assume that $\textit{bmkeps}$ correctly extracts the bitcode for how$a_1$ matches the string prior to character $c$ (more on this later),then the right branch of alternative, which is $\textit{fuse} \; \bmkeps \; a_1 (a_2\backslash c)$ will collapse the regular expression $a_1$(as it hasalready been fully matched) and store the parsing information at thehead of the regular expression $a_2 \backslash c$ by fusing to it. Thebitsequence $\textit{bs}$, which was initially attached to thefirst element of the sequence $a_1 \cdot a_2$, hasnow been elevated to the top-level of $\oplus$, as this information will beneeded whichever way the sequence is matched---no matter whether $c$ belongsto $a_1$ or $ a_2$. After building these derivatives and maintaining allthe lexing information, we complete the lexing by collecting thebitcodes using a generalised version of the $\textit{mkeps}$ functionfor annotated regular expressions, called $\textit{bmkeps}$:%\begin{definition}[\textit{bmkeps}]\mbox{}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{bmkeps}\,(_{bs}\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ $\textit{bmkeps}\,(_{bs}\oplus a::\textit{as})$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a$\\ & &$\textit{then}\;bs\,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,a$\\ & &$\textit{else}\;bs\,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,(_{bs}\oplus \textit{as})$\\ $\textit{bmkeps}\,(_{bs} a_1 \cdot a_2)$ & $\dn$ & $bs \,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1\,@\, \textit{bmkeps}\,a_2$\\ $\textit{bmkeps}\,(_{bs}a^*)$ & $\dn$ & $bs \,@\, [0]$\end{tabular} \end{center} %\end{definition}\noindentThis function completes the value information by travelling along thepath of the regular expression that corresponds to a POSIX value andcollecting all the bitcodes, and using $S$ to indicate the end of stariterations. If we take the bitcodes produced by $\textit{bmkeps}$ anddecode them, we get the value we expect. The corresponding lexingalgorithm looks as follows:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{blexer}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash s\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentIn this definition $\_\backslash s$ is the generalisation of the derivativeoperation from characters to strings (just like the derivatives for un-annotatedregular expressions).\subsection*{Our Simplification Rules}The main point of the bitcodes and annotated regular expressions is thatwe can apply rather aggressive (in terms of size) simplification rulesin order to keep derivatives small. We have developed such``aggressive'' simplification rules and generated test data that showthat the expected bound can be achieved. Obviously we could onlypartially cover the search space as there are infinitely many regularexpressions and strings. One modification we introduced is to allow a list of annotated regularexpressions in the $\oplus$ constructor. This allows us to not justdelete unnecessary $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s from regular expressions, butalso unnecessary ``copies'' of regular expressions (very similar tosimplifying $r + r$ to just $r$, but in a more general setting). Anothermodification is that we use simplification rules inspired by Antimirov'swork on partial derivatives. They maintain the idea that only the first``copy'' of a regular expression in an alternative contributes to thecalculation of a POSIX value. All subsequent copies can be pruned away fromthe regular expression. A recursive definition of our simplification function that looks somewhat similar to our Scala code is given below:%\comment{Use $\ZERO$, $\ONE$ and so on. %Is it $ALTS$ or $ALTS$?}\\\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $\textit{simp} \; (_{bs}a_1\cdot a_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ (\textit{simp} \; a_1, \textit{simp} \; a_2) \; \textit{match} $ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ZERO, \_) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\_, \ZERO) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ONE, a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_2'$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', \ONE) \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_1'$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', a_2') \Rightarrow _{bs}a_1' \cdot a_2'$ \\ $\textit{simp} \; (_{bs}\oplus \textit{as})$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{distinct}( \textit{flatten} ( \textit{map simp as})) \; \textit{match} $ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; [] \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; a :: [] \Rightarrow \textit{fuse bs a}$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow _{bs}\oplus \textit{as'}$\\ $\textit{simp} \; a$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{a} \qquad \textit{otherwise}$ \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentThe simplification does a pattern matching on the regular expression.When it detected that the regular expression is an alternative orsequence, it will try to simplify its children regular expressionsrecursively and then see if one of the children turn into $\ZERO$ or$\ONE$, which might trigger further simplification at the current level.The most involved part is the $\oplus$ clause, where we use twoauxiliary functions $\textit{flatten}$ and $\textit{distinct}$ to open up nestedalternatives and reduce as many duplicates as possible. Function$\textit{distinct}$ keeps the first occurring copy only and remove all later oneswhen detected duplicates. Function $\textit{flatten}$ opens up nested $\oplus$s.Its recursive definition is given below: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $\textit{flatten} \; (_{bs}\oplus \textit{as}) :: \textit{as'}$ & $\dn$ & $(\textit{map} \; (\textit{fuse}\;bs)\; \textit{as}) \; @ \; \textit{flatten} \; as' $ \\ $\textit{flatten} \; \ZERO :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{flatten} \; \textit{as'} $ \\ $\textit{flatten} \; a :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $a :: \textit{flatten} \; \textit{as'}$ \quad(otherwise) \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentHere $\textit{flatten}$ behaves like the traditional functional programming flattenfunction, except that it also removes $\ZERO$s. Or in terms of regular expressions, itremoves parentheses, for example changing $a+(b+c)$ into $a+b+c$.Suppose we apply simplification after each derivative step, and viewthese two operations as an atomic one: $a \backslash_{simp}\,c \dn\textit{simp}(a \backslash c)$. Then we can use the previous naturalextension from derivative w.r.t.~character to derivativew.r.t.~string:%\comment{simp in the [] case?}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$r \backslash_{simp} (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(r \backslash_{simp}\, c) \backslash_{simp}\, s$ \\$r \backslash_{simp} [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentwe obtain an optimised version of the algorithm: \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{blexer\_simp}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentThis algorithm keeps the regular expression size small, for example,with this simplification our previous $(a + aa)^*$ example's 8000 nodeswill be reduced to just 6 and stays constant, no matter how long theinput string is.\section{Current Work and Progress}For reasons beyond this report, it turns out that a complete set ofsimplification rules depends on values being encoded asbitsequences.\footnote{Values are the results the lexing algorithms generate; they encode how a regular expression matched a string.} Wealready know that the lexing algorithm using bitsequences but\emph{without} simplification is correct, albeilt horriblyslow. Therefore in the past 6 months I was trying to prove that thealgorithm using bitsequences plus our simplification rules isalso correct. Formally this amounts to show that\begin{equation}\label{mainthm}\blexers \; r \; s = \blexer \;r\;s\end{equation}\noindentwhereby $\blexers$ simplifies (makes derivatives smaller) in eachstep, whereas with $\blexer$ the size can grow exponentially. Thiswould be an important milestone for my thesis, because we alreadyhave a very good idea how to establish that our set our simplificationrules keeps the size of derivativs below a relatively tight bound.In order to prove the main theorem in \eqref{mainthm}, we need to prove that thetwo functions produce the same output. The definition of these two functions is shown below.\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\textit{blexer}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash s\;\textit{in}$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$\end{tabular}\end{center}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl} $\blexers \; r \, s$ &$\dn$ & $\textit{let} \; a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s\; \textit{in}$\\ & & $\; \; \textit{if} \; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ & & $\; \; \textit{then} \; \textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ & & $\;\; \textit{else}\;\textit{None}$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentIn these definitions $(r^\uparrow)$ is a kind of coding function thatis the same in each case, similarly the decode and the \textit{bmkeps}are functions that are the same in each case. Our maintheorem~\eqref{mainthm} therefore boils down to proving the followingtwo propositions (depending on which branch the if-else clausetakes). They establish how the derivatives \emph{with} simplificationdo not change the computed result:\begin{itemize}\item{(a)} If a string $s$ is in the language of $L(r)$, then \\$\textit{bmkeps} (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\,s = \textit{bmkeps} (r^\uparrow)\backslash s$,\\\item{(b)} If a string $s$ is in the language $L(r)$, then $\rup \backslash_{simp} \,s$ is not nullable.\end{itemize}\noindentWe have already proved the second part in Isabelle. This is actuallynot too difficult because we can show that simplification does notchange the language of simplified regular expressions.If we can prove the first part, that is the bitsequence algorithm withsimplification produces the same result as the one withoutsimplification, then we are done. Unfortunately that part requiresmore effort, because simplification does not only need to \emph{not}change the language, but also not change the value (that is thecomputed result).%\bigskip\noindent\rule[1.5ex]{\linewidth}{5pt}%Do you want to keep this? You essentially want to say that the old%method used retrieve, which unfortunately cannot be adopted to %the simplification rules. You could just say that and give an example.%However you have to think about how you give the example....nobody knows%about AZERO etc yet. Maybe it might be better to use normal regexes%like $a + aa$, but annotate bitsequences as subscript like $_1(_0a + _1aa)$.%\bigskip\noindent\rule[1.5ex]{\linewidth}{5pt}%REPLY:\\%Yes, I am essentially saying that the old method%cannot be adopted without adjustments.%But this does not mean we should skip%the proof of the bit-coded algorithm%as it is still the main direction we are looking into%to prove things. We are trying to modify%the old proof to suit our needs, but not give %up it totally, that is why i believe the old %proof is fundamental in understanding%what we are doing in the past 6 months.%\bigskip\noindent\rule[1.5ex]{\linewidth}{5pt}\subsubsection*{Existing Proof}For this we have started with looking at the original proof thatestablished that the bitsequence algorrithm produces the same resultas the algorithm not using bitsequences. Formally this proofestablished\begin{equation}\label{lexer}\blexer \; (r^\uparrow) s = \lexer \;r \;s\end{equation}%\noindent%might provide us insight into proving %\begin{center}%$\blexer \; r^\uparrow \;s = \blexers \; r^\uparrow \;s$%\end{center}\noindentThe proof uses two ``tricks''. One is that it uses a \flex-function\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$\textit{flex} \;r\; f\; (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{flex} \; (r\backslash c) \;(\lambda v. f (inj \; r \; c \; v)) \;s$ \\$\textit{flex} \;r\; f\; [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $f$\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentand then proves for the right-hand side in \eqref{lexer}\begin{center}$\lexer \;r\; s = \flex \;\textit{id} \; r\;s \;(\mkeps \; (r\backslash s))$\end{center}.\noindentThe $\flex$-function essentially does lexing bystacking up injection functions while doing derivatives.explicitly showing the order of characters beinginjected back in each step.With $\flex$ we can write $\lexer$ this way: \begin{center}$\lexer \;r\; s = \flex \;id \; r\;s \;(\mkeps r\backslash s)$\end{center}%\noindent%$\flex$ focuses on the injections instead of the derivatives ,%compared to the original definition of $\lexer$, which puts equal%amount of emphasis on injection and derivative with respect to each%character:%\begin{center}%\begin{tabular}{lcl}%$\textit{lexer} \; r\; (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; \lexer \; (r\backslash c) \;s \; %\textit{of}$ \\% & & $\textit{None} \; \Longrightarrow \; \textit{None}$\\% & & $\textbar \; v \; \Longrightarrow \; \inj \; r\;c\;v$\\%$\textit{lexer} \; r\; [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if} \; \nullable (r) \; \textit{then} \; \mkeps% (r) \; \textit{else} \;None$%\end{tabular}%\end{center}\noindentThe crux in the existing proof is how $\flex$ relates to injection, namely\begin{center}$\flex \; r \; id \; (s@[c]) \; v = \flex \; r \; id \; s \; (inj \; (r\backslash s) \; c\; v)$.\end{center}\noindentThis property allows one to rewrite an induction hypothesis like \begin{center} $ \flex \; r\; id\; (s@[c])\; v = \textit{decode} \;( \textit{retrieve}\; (\rup \backslash s) \; (\inj \; (r\backslash s) \;c\;v)\;) r$\end{center}\subsubsection{Retrieve Function}The crucial point is to find the$\textit{POSIX}$ information of a regular expression and how it is modified,augmented and propagated during simplification in parallel with the regular expression thathas not been simplified in the subsequent derivative operations. To aid this,we use the helper function retrieve described by Sulzmann and Lu:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}c@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}\ONE)\,\Empty$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}{\bf c})\,(\Char\,d)$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}\oplus a::as)\,(\Left\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $bs \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a\,v$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}\oplus a::as)\,(\Right\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{bs} \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,(_{[]}\oplus as)\,v$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}a_1\cdot a_2)\,(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & $bs \,@\,\textit{retrieve}\,a_1\,v_1\,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a_2\,v_2$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}a^*)\,(\Stars\,[])$ & $\dn$ & $bs \,@\, [0]$\\ $\textit{retrieve}\,(_{bs}a^*)\,(\Stars\,(v\!::\!vs))$ & $\dn$ &\\ \multicolumn{3}{l}{ \hspace{3cm}$bs \,@\, [1] \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a\,v\,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,(_{[]}a^*)\,(\Stars\,vs)$}\\\end{tabular}\end{center}%\comment{Did not read further}\\This function assembles the bitcode %that corresponds to a lexical value for how%the current derivative matches the suffix of the string(the characters that%have not yet appeared, but will appear as the successive derivatives go on.%How do we get this "future" information? By the value $v$, which is%computed by a pass of the algorithm that uses%$inj$ as described in the previous section). using information from both the derivative regular expression and thevalue. Sulzmann and Lu poroposed this function, but did not proveanything about it. Ausaf and Urban used it to connect the bitcodedalgorithm to the older algorithm by the following equation: \begin{center} $inj \;a\; c \; v = \textit{decode} \; (\textit{retrieve}\; (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp} \,c)\,v)$ \end{center} \noindentwhereby $r^\uparrow$ stands for the internalised version of $r$. Ausafand Urban also used this fact to prove the correctness of bitcodedalgorithm without simplification. Our purpose of using this, however,is to establish \begin{center}$ \textit{retrieve} \;a \; v \;=\; \textit{retrieve} \; (\textit{simp}\,a) \; v'.$\end{center}The idea is that using $v'$, a simplified version of $v$ that had gonethrough the same simplification step as $\textit{simp}(a)$, we are ableto extract the bitcode that gives the same parsing information as theunsimplified one. However, we noticed that constructing such a $v'$from $v$ is not so straightforward. The point of this is that we mightbe able to finally bridge the gap by proving\noindentBy using a property of retrieve we have the $\textit{RHS}$ of the above equality is$decode (retrieve (r^\uparrow \backslash(s @ [c])) v) r$, and this gives the main lemma result:\begin{center}$ \flex \;r\; id \; (s@[c]) \; v =\textit{decode}(\textit{retrieve} (\rup \backslash (s@[c])) \;v) r$\end{center}\noindentTo use this lemma result for our correctness proof, simply replace the $v$ in the$\textit{RHS}$ of the above equality with$\mkeps\;(r\backslash (s@[c]))$, and apply the lemma that\begin{center}$\textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup \; r = \textit{decode} \; (\textit{retrieve} \; \rup \; \mkeps(r)) \;r$\end{center}\noindentWe get the correctness of our bit-coded algorithm:\begin{center}$\flex \;r\; id \; s \; (\mkeps \; r\backslash s) = \textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash s \; r$\end{center}\noindentThe bridge between the above chain of equalitiesis the use of $\retrieve$,if we want to use a similar technique for the simplified version of algorithm,we face the problem that in the above equalities,$\retrieve \; a \; v$ is not always defined.for example,$\retrieve \; _0(_1a+_0a) \; \Left(\Empty)$is defined, but not $\retrieve \; (_{01}a) \;\Left(\Empty)$,though we can extract the same POSIXbits from the two annotated regular expressions.The latter might occur when we try to retrieve from a simplified regular expression using the same valueas the unsimplified one.This is because $\Left(\Empty)$ corresponds tothe regular expression structure $\ONE+r_2$ instead of$\ONE$.That means, if we want to prove that \begin{center}$\textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash s \; r = \textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; r$\end{center}\noindentholds by using $\retrieve$,we probably need to prove an equality like below:\begin{center}%$\retrieve \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; \mkeps(r\backslash_{simp} s)=\textit{retrieve} \; \rup\backslash s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)$$\retrieve \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; \mkeps(f(r\backslash s))=\textit{retrieve} \; \rup\backslash s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)$\end{center}\noindent$f$ rectifies $r\backslash s$ so the value $\mkeps(f(r\backslash s))$ becomes something simplerto make the retrieve function defined.\\\subsubsection{Ways to Rectify Value}One way to do this is to prove the following:\begin{center}$\retrieve \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; \mkeps(\simp(r\backslash s))=\textit{retrieve} \; \rup\backslash s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)$\end{center}\noindentThe reason why we choose $\simp$ as $f$ is because$\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$ and $\simp(\rup\backslash \, s)$have the same shape:\begin{center}$\erase (\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s) = \erase(\simp(\rup\backslash s))$\end{center}\noindent$\erase$ in the above equality means to remove the bit-codesin an annotated regular expression and only keep the originalregular expression(just like "erasing" the bits). Its definition is omitted.$\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$ and $\simp(\rup\backslash s)$are very closely related, but not identical.\subsubsection{Example for $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s \neq \simp(\rup\backslash s)$}For example, let $r$ be the regular expression$(a+b)(a+a*)$ and $s$ be the string $aa$, thenboth $\erase (\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s)$ and $\erase (\simp (\rup\backslash s))$are $\ONE + a^*$. However, without $\erase$ \begin{center}$\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$ is equal to $_0(_0\ONE +_{11}a^*)$\end{center}\noindentwhereas\begin{center}$\simp(\rup\backslash s)$ is equal to $(_{00}\ONE +_{011}a^*)$\end{center}\noindent(For the sake of visual simplicity, we use numbers to denote the bitsin bitcodes as we have previously defined for annotated regular expressions. $\S$ is replaced by subscript $_1$ and $\Z$ by $_0$.)What makes the difference?%Two "rules" might be inferred from the above example.%First, after erasing the bits the two regular expressions%are exactly the same: both become $1+a^*$. Here the %function $\simp$ exhibits the "one in the end equals many times%at the front"%property: one simplification in the end causes the %same regular expression structure as%successive simplifications done alongside derivatives.%$\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$ unfolds to %$\simp((\simp(r\backslash a))\backslash a)$%and $\simp(\rup\backslash s)$ unfolds to %$\simp((r\backslash a)\backslash a)$. The one simplification%in the latter causes the resulting regular expression to %become $1+a^*$, exactly the same as the former with%two simplifications.%Second, the bit-codes are different, but they are essentially%the same: if we push the outmost bits ${\bf_0}(_0\ONE +_{11}a^*)$ of $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$%inside then we get $(_{00}\ONE +_{011}a^*)$, exactly the %same as that of $\rup\backslash \, s$. And this difference %does not matter when we try to apply $\bmkeps$ or $\retrieve$%to it. This seems a good news if we want to use $\retrieve$%to prove things.%If we look into the difference above, we could see that the%difference is not fundamental: the bits are just being moved%around in a way that does not hurt the correctness.During the first derivative operation, $\rup\backslash a=(_0\ONE + \ZERO)(_0a + _1a^*)$ isin the form of a sequence regular expression withtwo components, the firstone $\ONE + \ZERO$ being nullable. Recall the simplification function definition:\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $\textit{simp} \; (\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ (\textit{simp} \; a_1, \textit{simp} \; a_2) \; \textit{match} $ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ZERO, \_) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\_, \ZERO) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ONE, a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_2'$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', \ONE) \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_1'$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{SEQ} \; bs \; a_1' \; a_2'$ \\ $\textit{simp} \; (\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{distinct}( \textit{flatten} ( \textit{map simp as})) \; \textit{match} $ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; [] \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; a :: [] \Rightarrow \textit{fuse bs a}$ \\ &&$\quad\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow \textit{ALTS}\;bs\;as'$\\ $\textit{simp} \; a$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{a} \qquad \textit{otherwise}$ \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentand the difinition of $\flatten$: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c c c} $\flatten \; []$ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ $\flatten \; \ZERO::rs$ & $\dn$ & $rs$\\ $\flatten \;(_{\textit{bs}_1}\oplus \textit{rs}_1 ::rs)$ & $\dn$ & $(\map \, (\fuse \, \textit{bs}_1) \,\textit{rs}_1) ::: \flatten(rs)$\\ $\flatten \; r :: rs$ & $\dn$ & $r::\flatten(rs)$ \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentIf we call $\simp$ on $\rup\backslash a$, just as $\backslash_{simp}$requires, then we would go throught the third clause of the sequence case:$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ONE, a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_2'$.The $\ZERO$ of $(_0\ONE + \ZERO)$ is thrown away by $\flatten$ and $_0\ONE$ merged into $(_0a + _1a^*)$ by simplyputting its bits($_0$) to the front of the second component: ${\bf_0}(_0a + _1a^*)$. After a second derivative operation, namely, $(_0(_0a + _1a^*))\backslash a$, we get $ _0(_0 \ONE + _1(_1\ONE \cdot a^*)) $, and this simplifies to $_0(_0 \ONE + _{11} a^*)$ by the third clause of the alternative case: $\quad\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow \textit{ALTS}\;bs\;as'$.The outmost bit $_0$ stays with the outmost regular expression, rather than being fused toits child regular expressions, as what we will later see happensto $\simp(\rup\backslash \, s)$.If we choose to not simplify in the midst of derivative operations,but only do it at the end after the string has been exhausted, namely, $\simp(\rup\backslash \, s)=\simp((\rup\backslash a)\backslash a)$,then at the {\bf second} derivative of $(\rup\backslash a)\bf{\backslash a}$we will go throught the clause of $\backslash$:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$(\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $(when \; \textit{bnullable}\,a_1)$\\ & &$\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,List(\;\;(\textit{SEQ}\,[]\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2),$\\ & &$(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c))\;\;)$\\\end{tabular}\end{center}because$\rup\backslash a = (_0\ONE + \ZERO)(_0a + _1a^*)$ is a sequencewith the first component being nullable(unsimplified, unlike the first round of running$\backslash_{simp}$).Therefore $((_0\ONE + \ZERO)(_0a + _1a^*))\backslash a$ splits into$([(\ZERO + \ZERO)\cdot(_0a + _1a^*)] + _0( _0\ONE + _1[_1\ONE \cdot a^*]))$.After these two successive derivatives without simplification,we apply $\simp$ to this regular expression, which goes throughthe alternative clause, and each component of $([(\ZERO + \ZERO)\cdot(_0a + _1a^*)] + _0( _0\ONE + _1[_1\ONE \cdot a^*]))$ will be simplified, giving us the list:$[\ZERO, _0(_0\ONE + _{11}a^*)]$This list is then "flattened"--$\ZERO$ will bethrown away by $\textit{flatten}$; $ _0(_0\ONE + _{11}a^*)$is opened up to make the list consisting of two separate elements $_{00}\ONE$ and $_{011}a^*$, note that $flatten$ $\fuse$s the bit(s) $_0$ to the front of $_0\ONE $ and $_{11}a^*$.The order of simplification, which impacts the order that alternativesare opened up, causesthe bits to be moved differently. \subsubsection{A Failed Attempt To Remedy the Problem Above}A simple class of regular expression and stringpairs $(r, s)$ can be deduced from the above example which trigger the difference between $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$and $\simp(\rup\backslash s)$:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$D =\{ (r_1 \cdot r_2,\; [c_1c_2]) \mid $ & $\simp(r_2) = r_2, \simp(r_1 \backslash c_1) = \ONE,$\\ $r_1 \; not \; \nullable, c_2 \in L(r_2),$ & $\exists \textit{rs},\textit{bs}.\; r_2 \backslash c_2 = _{bs}{\oplus rs}$\\$\exists \textit{rs}_1. \; \simp(r_2 \backslash c_2) = _{bs}{\oplus \textit{rs}_1}$ & $and \;\simp(r_1 \backslash [c_1c_2]) = \ZERO\}$\\\end{tabular}\end{center}We take a pair $(r, \;s)$ from the set $D$.Now we compute ${\bf \rup \backslash_{simp} s}$, we get:\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{lcl}$(r_1\cdot r_2)\backslash_{simp} \, [c_1c_2]$ & $= \simp\left[ \big(\simp\left[ \left( r_1\cdot r_2 \right) \backslash c_1\right] \big)\backslash c_2\right]$\\ & $= \simp\left[ \big(\simp \left[ \left(r_1 \backslash c_1\right) \cdot r_2 \right] \big) \backslash c_2 \right]$\\ & $= \simp \left[ (\fuse \; \bmkeps(r_1\backslash c_1) \; \simp(r_2) ) \backslash c_2 \right]$,\\ & $= \simp \left[ (\fuse \; \bmkeps(r_1\backslash c_1) \; r_2 ) \backslash c_2 \right]$,\end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentfrom the definition of $D$ we know $r_1 \backslash c_1$ is nullable, therefore$\bmkeps(r_1\backslash c_1)$ returns a bitcode, we shall call it $\textit{bs}_2$. The above term can be rewritten as\begin{center}$ \simp \left[ \fuse \; \textit{bs}_2\; r_2 \backslash c_2 \right]$,\end{center}which is equal to \begin{center}$\simp \left[ \fuse \; \textit{bs}_2 \; _{bs}{\oplus rs} \right]$\\$=\simp \left[ \; _{bs_2++bs}{\oplus rs} \right]$\\$= \; _{bs_2++bs}{\oplus \textit{rs}_1} $\end{center}\noindentby using the properties from the set $D$ againand again(The reason why we set so many conditions that the pair $(r,s)$ need to satisfy is because we canrewrite them easily to construct the difference.)Now we compute ${\bf \simp(\rup \backslash s)}$:\begin{center}$\simp \big[(r_1\cdot r_2) \backslash [c_1c_2] \big]= \simp \left[ ((r_1 \cdot r_2 )\backslash c_1) \backslash c_2 \right]$\end{center}\noindentAgain, using the properties above, we obtainthe following chain of equalities:\begin{center}$\simp(\rup \backslash s)= \simp \left[ ((r_1 \cdot r_2 )\backslash c_1) \backslash c_2 \right]= \simp\left[ \left(r_1 \backslash c_1\right) \cdot r_2 \big) \backslash c_2 \right]$\\$= \simp \left[ \oplus[\big( \left(r_1 \backslash c_1\right) \backslash c_2 \big) \cdot r_2 \; , \; \fuse \; (\bmkeps \;r_1\backslash c_1) \; r_2 \backslash c_2 ] \right]$,\end{center}\noindentas before, we call the bitcode returned by $\bmkeps(r_1\backslash c_1)$ as$\textit{bs}_2$. Also, $\simp(r_2 \backslash c_2)$ is $_{bs}\oplus \textit{rs}_1$, and $( \left(r_1 \backslash c_1\right) \backslash c_2 \cdot r_2)$simplifies to $\ZERO$,so the above term can be expanded as\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{l}$\textit{distinct}(\flatten[\ZERO\;, \; _{\textit{bs}_2++\textit{bs}}\oplus \textit{rs}_1] ) \; \textit{match} $ \\ $\textit{case} \; [] \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ $\textit{case} \; a :: [] \Rightarrow \textit{\fuse \; \textit{bs} a}$ \\ $\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow _{[]}\oplus as'$\\ \end{tabular}\end{center}\noindentApplying the definition of $\flatten$, we get\begin{center}$_{[]}\oplus (\textit{map} \; \fuse (\textit{bs}_2 ++ bs) rs_1)$\end{center}\noindentcompared to the result \begin{center}$ \; _{bs_2++bs}{\oplus \textit{rs}_1} $\end{center}\noindentNote how these two regular expressions onlydiffer in terms of the position of the bits $\textit{bs}_2++\textit{bs}$. They are the same otherwise.What caused this difference to happen?The culprit is the $\flatten$ function, which spillsout the bitcodes in the inner alternatives when there exists an outer alternative.Note how the absence of simplificationcaused $\simp(\rup \backslash s)$ togenerate the nested alternatives structure:\begin{center}$ \oplus[\ZERO \;, \; _{bs}\oplus \textit{rs} ]$\end{center}and this will always trigger the $\flatten$ to spill out the inner alternative's bitcode $\textit{bs}$,whereas whensimplification is done along the way, the structure of nested alternatives is never created(we canactually prove that simplification function never allows nestedalternatives to happen, more on this later).How about we do not allow the function $\simp$to fuse out the bits when it is unnecessary?Like, for the above regular expression, we mightjust delete the outer layer of alternative\begin{center}\st{$ {\oplus[\ZERO \;,}$} $_{bs}\oplus \textit{rs}$ \st{$]$}\end{center}and get $_{bs}\oplus \textit{rs}$ instead, withoutfusing the bits $\textit{bs}$ inside to every element of $\textit{rs}$.This idea can be realized by making the followingchanges to the $\simp$-function:\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} $\textit{simp}' \; (_{\textit{bs}}(a_1 \cdot a_2))$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{as} \; \simp \; \textit{was} \; \textit{before} $ \\ $\textit{simp}' \; (_{bs}\oplus as)$ & $\dn$ & \st{$\textit{distinct}( \textit{flatten} ( \textit{map simp as})) \; \textit{match} $} \\ &&\st{$\quad\textit{case} \; [] \Rightarrow \ZERO$} \\ &&\st{$\quad\textit{case} \; a :: [] \Rightarrow \textit{fuse bs a}$} \\ &&\st{$\quad\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow \textit{ALTS}\;bs\;as'$}\\ &&$\textit{if}(\textit{hollowAlternatives}( \textit{map \; simp \; as}))$\\ &&$\textit{then} \; \fuse \; \textit{bs}\; \textit{extractAlt}(\textit{map} \; \simp \; \textit{as} )$\\ &&$\textit{else} \; \simp(_{bs} \oplus \textit{as})$\\ $\textit{simp}' \; a$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{a} \qquad \textit{otherwise}$ \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindentgiven the definition of $\textit{hollowAlternatives}$ and $\textit{extractAlt}$ :\begin{center}$\textit{hollowAlternatives}( \textit{rs}) \dn \exists r = (_{\textit{bs}_1}\oplus \textit{rs}_1) \in \textit{rs}. \forall r' \in \textit{rs}, \;\textit{either} \; r' = \ZERO \; \textit{or} \; r' = r $$\textit{extractAlt}( \textit{rs}) \dn \textit{if}\big(\exists r = (_{\textit{bs}_1}\oplus \textit{rs}_1) \in \textit{rs}. \forall r' \in \textit{rs}, \;\textit{either} \; r' = \ZERO \; \textit{or} \; r' = r \big)\; \textit{then} \; \textit{return} \; r$\end{center}\noindentBasically, $\textit{hollowAlternatives}$ captures the feature ofa list of regular expression of the shape \begin{center}$ \oplus[\ZERO \;, \; _{bs}\oplus \textit{rs} ]$\end{center}and this means we can simply elevate the inner regular expression $_{bs}\oplus \textit{rs}$ to the outmostand throw away the useless $\ZERO$s andthe outer $\oplus$ wrapper.Using this new definition of simp, under the example where $r$ is the regular expression$(a+b)(a+a*)$ and $s$ is the string $aa$the problem of $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s \neq \simp(\rup\backslash s)$is resolved.Unfortunately this causes new problems:for the counterexample where \begin{center}$r$ is the regular expression$(ab+(a^*+aa))$ and $s$ is the string $aa$\end{center}\noindent$\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s$ is equal to $ _1(_{011}a^* + _1\ONE) $ whereas$ \simp(\rup\backslash s) = (_{1011}a^* + _{11}\ONE)$.This discrepancy does not appear for the oldversion of $\simp$.Why?During the first derivative operation, \begin{center}$\rup\backslash a=( _0[ \ONE\cdot {\bf b}] + _1( _0[ _1\ONE \cdot {\bf a}^*] + [ \ONE \cdot {\bf a}]) )$,\end{center}\noindent the second derivative gives us \begin{center}$\rup\backslash a=(_0( [\ZERO\cdot {\bf b}] + 0) + _1( _0( [\ZERO\cdot {\bf a}^*] + _1[ _1\ONE \cdot {\bf a}^*]) + _1( [\ZERO \cdot {\bf a}] + \ONE) ))$,\end{center}\noindentand this simplifies to\begin{center}$ _1(_{011}{\bf a}^* + _1\ONE) $ \end{center}If, after the first derivative we apply simplification we get$(_0{\bf b} + _{101}{\bf a}^* + _{11}{\bf a} )$,and we do another derivative, getting$(\ZERO + (_{101}(\ONE \cdot _1{\bf a}^*)+_{11}\ONE)$,which simplifies to \begin{center}$ (_{1011}a^* + _{11}\ONE) $ \end{center}We have changed the algorithm to suppress the oldcounterexample, but this gives rise to new counterexamples.This dilemma causes this amendment not a successful attempt to make $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s = \simp(\rup\backslash s)$under every possible regular expression and string.\subsection{Properties of the Function $\simp$}We have proved in Isabelle quite a few propertiesof the $\simp$-function, which helps the proof to go forwardand we list them here to aid comprehension.To start, we need a bit of auxiliary notations,which is quite basic and is only written herefor clarity.$\textit{sub}(r)$ computes the set of the sub-regular expression of $r$:\begin{center}$\textit{sub}(\ONE) \dn \{\ONE\}$\\$\textit{sub}(r_1 \cdot r_2) \dn \textit{sub}(r_1) \cup \textit{sub}(r_2) \cup \{r_1 \cdot r_2\}$\\$\textit{sub}(r_1 + r_2) \dn \textit{sub}(r_1) \cup \textit{sub}(r_2) \cup \{r_1+r_2\}$\\\end{center}$\textit{good}(r) \dn r \neq \ZERO \land \\\forall r' \in \textit{sub}(r), \textit{if} \; r' = _{bs_1}\oplus(rs_1), \;\textit{then} \nexists r'' \in \textit{rs}_1 \; s.t.\;r'' = _{bs_2}\oplus \textit{rs}_2 $The properties are mainly the ones below:\begin{itemize}\item\begin{center}$\simp(\simp(r)) = \simp(r)$\end{center}\item\begin{center}$\textit{if} r = \simp(r') \textit{then} \; \textit{good}(r) $\end{center}\end{itemize}\subsection{the Contains relation}$\retrieve$ is a too strong relation in thatit only extracts one bitcode instead of a set of them.Therefore we try to define another relation(predicate)to capture the fact the regular expression has bitsbeing moved around but still has all the bits needed.The contains symbol, written$\gg$, is a relation thattakes two arguments in an infix form and returns a truth value. In other words, from the set of regular expression and bitcode pairs $\textit{RV} = \{(r, v) \mid r \text{r is a regular expression, v is a value}\}$,those that satisfy the following requirements are in the set$\textit{RV}_Contains$.Unlike the $\retrieve$function, which takes two arguments $r$ and $v$ and produces an only answer $\textit{bs}$, it takes only one argument $r$ and returns a set of bitcodes that can be generated by $r$.\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{llclll}& & & $_{bs}\ONE$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs}$\\& & & $_{bs}{\bf c}$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs}$\\$\textit{if} \; r_1 \gg \textit{bs}_1$ & $r_2 \; \gg \textit{bs}_2$ & $\textit{then}$ & $_{bs}{r_1 \cdot r_2}$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs} @ \textit{bs}_1 @ \textit{bs}_2$\\ $\textit{if} \; r \gg \textit{bs}_1$ & & $\textit{then}$ & $_{bs}{\oplus(r :: \textit{rs}})$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs} @ \textit{bs}_1 $\\ $\textit{if} \; _{bs}(\oplus \textit{rs}) \gg \textit{bs} @ \textit{bs}_1$ & & $\textit{then}$ & $_{bs}{\oplus(r :: \textit{rs}})$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs} @ \textit{bs}_1 $\\ $\textit{if} \; r \gg \textit{bs}_1\; \textit{and}$ & $_{bs}r^* \gg \textit{bs} @ \textit{bs}_2$ & $\textit{then}$ & $_{bs}r^* $ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs} @ [0] @ \textit{bs}_1@ \textit{bs}_2 $\\ & & & $_{bs}r^*$ & $\gg$ & $\textit{bs} @ [1]$\\\end{tabular}\end{center}It is a predicate in the sense that given a regular expression and a bitcode, it returns true or false, depending on whether or not the regular expression can actually produce thatvalue. If the predicates returns a true, then we say that the regular expression $r$ containsthe bitcode $\textit{bs}$, written $r \gg \textit{bs}$.The $\gg$ operator with theregular expression $r$ may also be seen as a machine that does a derivative of regular expressionson all strings simultaneously, taking the bits by going throught the regular expression tree structure in a depth first manner, regardless of whether the part being traversed is nullable or not. It put all possible bits that can be produced on such a traversal into a set. For example, if we are given the regular expression $((a+b)(c+d))^*$, the tree structure may be written as\begin{center}\begin{tikzpicture}\tikz[tree layout]\graph[nodes={draw, circle}] {* -> {@-> { {+1 -> {a , b} }, {+ -> {c , d } } } }};\end{tikzpicture}\end{center}\subsection{the $\textit{ders}_2$ Function}If we want to prove the result \begin{center} $ \textit{blexer}\_{simp}(r, \; s) = \textit{blexer}(r, \; s)$\end{center}inductively on the structure of the regular expression,then we need to induct on the case $r_1 \cdot r_2$,it can be good if we could express $(r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash s$in terms of $r_1 \backslash s$ and $r_2 \backslash s$,and this naturally induces the $ders2$ function,which does a "convolution" on $r_1$ and $r_2$ using the string$s$.It is based on the observation that the derivative of $r_1 \cdot r_2$with respect to a string $s$ can actually be written in an "explicit form"composed of $r_1$'s derivative of $s$ and $r_2$'s derivative of $s$.This can be illustrated in the following procedure execution \begin{center} $ (r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash [c_1c_2] = (\textit{if} \; \nullable(r_1)\; \textit{then} \; ((r_1 \backslash c_1) \cdot r_2 + r_2 \backslash c_1) \; \textit{else} \; (r_1\backslash c_1) \cdot r_2) \backslash c_2$\end{center}which can also be written in a "convoluted sum"format:\begin{center} $ (r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash [c_1c_2] = \sum{r_1 \backslash s_i \cdot r_2 \backslash s_j}$\end{center}In a more serious manner, we should write\begin{center} $ (r_1 \cdot r_2) \backslash [c_1c_2] = \sum{r_1 \backslash s_i \cdot r_2 \backslash s_j}$\end{center}Note this differentiates from the previous form in the sense thatit calculates the results $r_1\backslash s_i , r_2 \backslash s_j$ first and then glue them togetherthrough nested alternatives whereas the $r_1 \cdot r_2 \backslash s$ procedure,used by algorithm $\lexer$, can only produce each component of the resulting alternatives regular expression altogether rather than generating each of the children nodes one by onen a single recursive call that is only for generating thatvery expression itself.We have this \section{Conclusion}Under the exhaustive tests we believe the mainresult holds, yet a proof still seems elusive.We have tried out different approaches, and found a lot of properties of the function $\simp$.The counterexamples where $\rup\backslash_{simp} \, s \neq \simp(\rup\backslash s)$are also valuable in the sense that we get to know better why they are not equal and what are the subtle differences between a nested simplified regular expression and a regular expression that is simplified at the final moment.We are almost there, but a last step is needed to make the proof work.Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be able to find one.%CONSTRUCTION SITE HEREthat is to say, despite the bits are being moved around on the regular expression(difference in bits), the structure of the (unannotated)regular expressionafter one simplification is exactly the same after the same sequence of derivative operations regardless of whether we did simplificationalong the way. One way would be to give a function that callsfuse is the culprit: it causes the order in which alternativesare opened up to be remembered and finally the differenceappear in $\simp(\rup \backslash s)$ and $\rup \backslash{simp} \,s$.but we have to use them as they are essential in the simplification:flatten needs them.However, without erase the above equality does not hold:for the regular expression $(a+b)(a+a*)$,if we do derivative with respect to string $aa$,we get \subsection{Another Proof Strategy}sdddddr does not equal sdsdsdsr sometimes.\\For example,This equicalence class method might still have the potential of proving this,but not yeti parallelly tried another method of using retrieve\\The vsimp function, defined as followstries to simplify the value in lockstep with regular expression:\\The problem here is that we used retrieve for the key induction:$decode (retrieve (r\backslash (s @ [c])) v) r $$decode (retrieve (r\backslash s) (inj (r\backslash s) c v)) r$Here, decode recovers a value that corresponds to a match(possibly partial)from bits, and the bits are extracted by retrieve,and the key value $v$ that guides retrieve is$mkeps r\backslash s$, $inj r c (mkeps r\backslash s)$, $inj (inj (v))$, ......if we can the problem is that need vsiimp to make a value that is suitable for decoding$Some(flex rid(s@[c])v) = Some(flex rids(inj (r\backslash s)cv))$another way that christian came up with that might circumvent the prblem of finding suitable value is by not stating the visimpfunction but include all possible value in a set that a regex is able to produce,and proving that both r and sr are able to produce the bits that correspond the POSIX valueproduced by feeding the same initial regular expression $r$ and string $s$ to the two functions $ders$ and $ders\_simp$.The reason whyNamely, if $bmkeps( r_1) = bmkeps(r_2)$, then we If we define the equivalence relation $\sim_{m\epsilon}$ between two regular expressions$r_1$ and $r_2$as follows:$r_1 \sim_{m\epsilon} r_2 \iff bmkeps(r_1)= bmkeps(r_2)$(in other words, they $r1$ and $r2$ produce the same output under the function $bmkeps$.)Then the first goal might be restated as $(r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s \sim_{m\epsilon} (r^\uparrow)\backslash s$.I tried to establish an equivalence relation between the regular experssions like dddr dddsr,.....but right now i am only able to establish dsr and dr, using structural induction on r.Those involve multiple derivative operations are harder to prove.Two attempts have been made:(1)induction on the number of der operations(or in other words, the length of the string s),the inductive hypothesis was initially specified as "For an arbitrary regular expression r, For all string s in the language of r whose length do not exceed the number n, ders s r me derssimp s r"and the proof goal may be stated as"For an arbitrary regular expression r, For all string s in the language of r whose length do not exceed the number n+1, ders s r me derssimp s r"the problem here is that although we can easily break downa string s of length n+1 into s1@list(c), it is not that easyto use the i.h. as a stepping stone to prove anything because s1 may well be notin the language L(r). This inhibits us from obtaining the fact thatders s1 r me derssimps s1 r.Further exploration is needed to amend this hypothesis so it includes thesituation when s1 is not nullable.For example, what information(bits? values?) can be extractedfrom the regular expression ders(s1,r) so that we can compute or predict the possible result of bmkeps after another derivative operation. What function f can used to carry out the task? The possible way of exploration can be more directly perceived throught the graph below:find a functionfsuch thatf(bders s1 r)= re1f(bderss s1 r)= re2bmkeps(bders s r) = g(re1,c)bmkeps(bderssimp s r) = g(re2,c)and g(re1,c) = g(re2,c)The inductive hypothesis would be"For all strings s1 of length <= n, f(bders s1 r)= re1f(bderss s1 r)= re2"proving this would be a lemma for the main proof:the main proof would be "bmkeps(bders s r) = g(re1,c)bmkeps(bderssimp s r) = g(re2,c)for s = s1@c"and f need to be a recursive property for the lemma to be proved:it needs to store not only the "after one char nullable info",but also the "after two char nullable info",and so on so that it is able to predict what f will compute after a derivative operation,in other words, it needs to be "infinitely recursive"\\To prove the lemma, in other words, to get"For all strings s1 of length <= n+1, f(bders s1 r)= re3f(bderss s1 r)= re4"\\from\\"For all strings s1 of length <= n, f(bders s1 r)= re1f(bderss s1 r)= re2"\\it might be best to construct an auxiliary function h such that\\h(re1, c) = re3\\h(re2, c) = re4\\and re3 = f(bder c (bders s1 r))\\re4 = f(simp(bder c (bderss s1 r)))The key point here is that we are not satisfied with what bders s r will produce underbmkeps, but also how it will perform after a derivative operation and then bmkeps, and two derivative operations and so on. In essence, we are preserving the regular expression itself under the function f, in a less compact way than the regluar expression: we arenot just recording but also interpreting what the regular expression matches.In other words, we need to prove the properties of bderss s r beyond the bmkeps result,i.e., not just the nullable ones, but also those containing remaining characters.\\(2)we observed the fact that erase sdddddr= erase sdsdsdsrthat is to say, despite the bits are being moved around on the regular expression(difference in bits), the structure of the (unannotated)regular expressionafter one simplification is exactly the same after the same sequence of derivative operations regardless of whether we did simplificationalong the way.However, without erase the above equality does not hold:for the regular expression $(a+b)(a+a*)$,if we do derivative with respect to string $aa$,we get%TODOsdddddr does not equal sdsdsdsr sometimes.\\For example,This equicalence class method might still have the potential of proving this,but not yeti parallelly tried another method of using retrieve\\\noindent\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{1pt}\bibliographystyle{plain}\bibliography{root}\end{document}