changeset 1 99f4459d9bb6
parent 0 902326e1615a
child 2 cf169411b771
--- a/Brexp.scala	Wed Mar 13 13:14:38 2019 +0000
+++ b/Brexp.scala	Wed Mar 13 13:33:54 2019 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,18 @@
     case BSEQ(r1, r2) => brnullable(r1) && brnullable(r2)
     case BSTAR(_) => true
+  //this function tells bspill when converting a brexp into a list of rexps
+  //the conversion : (a+b)*c -> {a*c, b*c} can only happen when a+b is generated from scratch (e.g. when deriving a seq)
+  //or is from the original regex but have been "touched" (i.e. have been derived)
+  //Why make this distinction? Look at the following example:
+  //r = (c+cb)+c(a+b)
+  // r\c = (1+b)+(a+b)
+  //after simplification
+  // (r\c)simp= 1+b+a
+  //we lost the structure that tells us 1+b should be grouped together and a grouped as itself
+  //however in our brexp simplification, 
+  //(r\c)br_simp = 1+b+(a+b)
+  //we do not allow the bracket to be opened as it is from the original expression and have not been touched
   def brder(c: Char, r: BRexp) : BRexp = r match {
     case BZERO => BZERO
     case BONE => BZERO
@@ -127,12 +139,23 @@
-  def bspill(r: BRexp): List[Rexp] = {//need to take SEQ(SEQ...) and many other structs into consideration
-      r match {//TODO: break chain rs according to bs
+  //this function converts a brexp into a list of rexps
+  //the conversion mainly about this: (a+b)*c -> {a*c, b*c} if a+b is generated from scratch (e.g. when deriving a seq)
+  //or is from the original regex but have been "touched" (i.e. have been derived)
+  //Why make this distinction? Look at the following example:
+  //r = (c+cb)+c(a+b)
+  // r\c = (1+b)+(a+b)
+  //after simplification
+  // (r\c)simp= 1+b+a
+  //we lost the structure that tells us 1+b should be grouped together and a grouped as itself
+  //however in our brexp simplification, 
+  //(r\c)br_simp = 1+b+(a+b)
+  //we do not allow the bracket to be opened as it is from the original expression and have not been touched
+  def bspill(r: BRexp): List[Rexp] = {
+      r match {
           case BALTS(bs, rs) => {
             break_chain(bs, rs)
-            //rs.flatMap(r1 =>  bspill(r1)  ).toSet    how to write if r's bit says no, do not split it with the adjacent regex?
           case BSEQ(r2, r3) => bspill(r2).map( a => if(a == ONE) berase(r3) else SEQ(a, berase(r3)) )
           case BZERO => List()
           case r => List(berase(r))